Normal wi-fi. Which router to choose for your home? Choosing the best WiFi router

Normal wi-fi. Which router to choose for your home? Choosing the best WiFi router


As we promised, before you is our new article, in which we will tell you what is the most powerful router for the home in 2015. You probably already know that the price of such devices is from 3.000 rubles. and higher depending on the brand and characteristics. All information is current as of June 2015.

Before you decide to go to the store for a purchase, think again: do you really need a powerful wifi router? According to our observations, people do not use 90% of the functions built into these devices. It turns out to be a simple waste of money on what you don't need.

We hope you've already read our other article that looked at the best and low-cost home routers in 2015. Perhaps one of them will suit you and you will want to buy it.

And since we have already promised, then:

Review of the most powerful routers for the home in 2015

ZYXEL KEENETIC GIGA II. Price ~ 3.700 rub.

Probably, it would be more correct not to include this wifi router in this rating, because it cannot be classified as the most powerful router. But on the other hand, it cannot be attributed to the budget either - after all, its price is not small.

Notable features include Gigabit Ethernet ports and two multifunctional USB ports. Also note that this model is very stable in operation.

Of the obvious shortcomings, it is necessary to mention the support of a wireless network of only the 802.11n 300 Mbps standard and one 2.4 GHz frequency band.

I think that even a reader far from technology has ever heard of wireless routers or, as they are called in another way, routers. This device allows you to organize a local wireless network in your home or office, which unites several devices in a network and provides access to the Internet. Such devices in the home network can be desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, NAS, smart TVs and other equipment with wireless connectivity, up to a multicooker. It should be borne in mind that, implying a wireless connection, I do not exclude the possibility of using wires when operating a router.

It is rather difficult to choose the required model of a wireless router, because there are many models of routers, and their cost may differ by several orders of magnitude. In this article I will talk about what characteristics you should pay attention to in this type of equipment so that the model has the lowest cost and meets your requirements.

It's no secret that the equipment is a combination of a hardware platform and a software shell, and their most effective interaction can make a particular router an ideal purchase. To the greatest extent, the article will focus on devices with an Ethernet connection to the Internet, that is, using a standard network cable (twisted pair), but most of the information will be useful for DSL and optical connection users.


Choosing a router: wired connection

Almost every router carries LAN ports on board for connecting both wired devices and the operator's Internet cable, with the exception of mobile routers with support for cellular networks (3G or 4G) and Wi-Fi. For example, if you see the designation 1 × WAN + 4 × LAN, then this inscription indicates the presence of one LAN port for connecting to a provider (WAN) and four ports for connecting devices that will be used in your home network.

If you are faced with a shortage of LAN ports when using a wired connection of devices to the router, then you can use network switches. They will expand the capabilities of your router: one router port will be able to receive two, four or more devices. The only thing to consider: each wired client in the network needs its own port, as well as the limitation of the cable length from the router to the network client - 100 m.

With regard to such an important parameter as the data transfer rate when connecting devices to the router by wired, everything is quite transparent here: 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps (1 Gbps). When using a NAS server and powerful PCs in the home network, a wired connection with a speed of 1 Gb / s will be priority.

A wired connection has an important advantage over a wireless one - it is a constant and maximum data transfer rate that does not depend on the activity of the wireless equipment of neighboring networks and does not react so harshly over long distances, as well as other nuances of work. The obvious disadvantage is the cable routing.

Choosing a router: wireless connection

The most important characteristics of a wireless router are the parameters of the access point installed in it:

  • number of bands: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz;
  • supported standards (today 802.11n and 802.11ac are relevant);
  • maximum connection speed.

Router ranges

There are currently two Wi-Fi bands in use: 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. In a city in the 2.4 GHz band, you will encounter dozens of neighboring networks, which affects both the speed and stability of your connection, so I recommend dual-band devices (with support for two bands at once - 2.4 + 5 GHz), since the 5 GHz band is still relatively free. It should be noted that buying a dual-band router only makes sense if your customers have 5 GHz support on their home network. To put it on the fingers, a dual-band router carries two independent radio modules on board, creating two independent access points. Clients, in turn, are able to connect to any of them, but only to one at a time.

Wi-Fi standards

Today we have two Wi-Fi standards:

  • 802.11n, popular and capable of dual-band 2.4 and 5 GHz;
  • 802.11ac, which is gaining popularity, which is supported by flagship devices, but only uses the 5 GHz band.

802.11ac boasts faster connection speeds. Please note that as with the range, clients on the home network must support these standards.

If you pay attention to the connection speed of the router in the technical specifications, you will see numbers that in practice are about two times lower. Also, keep in mind that a wireless router shares all of its speed among all connected clients on the home network. Thus, the more clients exchange data at the same time, the more the speed drops for each. Plus, there is a direct dependence of the connection speed on the distance and the presence of obstacles.

It is possible to estimate the connection speed when using the 802.11n standard by the number of antennas:

  • 1 antenna - maximum speed 150 Mbit / s (both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz);
  • 2 antennas - 300 Mbps;
  • 3 antennas - 450 Mbps.

And as always, one should not forget about consistency with the characteristics of the client - the receiving device. Considering the fact that most smartphones have only one antenna, a 450 Mbit / s router can be useful for them only in terms of improved coverage, and not in terms of formal connection speed.

There is one more small nuance - some models of clients and routers have restrictions in the 2.4 GHz range. As a result, 150 Mbit / s is provided only when operating on a "wide channel" (it is designated "40 MHz" or "HT40", the equipment uses two channels at once, and not one with an increased bandwidth), but some devices in the presence of neighboring networks are capable of provide only 20 MHz channel, resulting in a connection speed of 65-72 Mbps per antenna.

Using the 802.11ac standard in a home network gives the advantage of being able to work simultaneously with four channels ("80 MHz", "HT80"), thereby providing 433 Mbps per antenna (867 Mbps for two antennas, 1300 Mbps / s for three antennas). As a result, on smartphones, you can easily get 200 Mbit / s real speed for data exchange.

To fully disclose the topic of ranges and wireless standards for wi-fi, it is worth mentioning the consistency of the characteristics of the router with wired ports. If there is 100 Mbit / s on the WAN and LAN ports, the use of 802.11ac is not advisable, since it will not be able to fully "open up" on a mobile device when accessing the Internet or computers on the local network. It is no less curious that among the top routers there are devices with a not very correct name -. In fact, the router has one access point with a 2.4 GHz range and a 5 GHz pair, in turn, the latter two operate on different sets of channels and do not interfere with each other, which theoretically can provide an increase in overall performance with the correct distribution of clients across different access points.

Choosing a router: antennas

An important characteristic that affects the quality of a wireless connection is the design of the antennas. Most models of routers have external antennas, and only some devices differ in the use of internal ones in the design. In a city apartment or a private house, you will not notice any clear advantage in routers with external antennas, so you can freely choose a router by the case design. A construct using external antennas can be useful if you need to replace antennas with better ones or to move away from the router's body, but no one will give guarantees that the situation will improve.

If we talk about restrictions on the maximum number of simultaneously served clients, then home router models usually do not have them. In practice, it is realistic to use up to 20 devices, but a lot will depend on the clients used and on their requirements for speed and traffic volumes. Experience the difference between connecting five smartphones to browse websites, and five IP cameras with high resolution and bit rate.

USB ports

As you probably already know, mid-range router models and most of the upper segment have USB ports with versions 2.0 and / or 3.0.

USB ports in routers are required for:

  • connecting USB drives (for organizing file sharing);
  • printers or MFPs (for network printing from PCs and mobile devices);
  • cellular modems with 3G or 4G (for a backup or main channel for connecting to the Internet).

You can also use USB hubs (preferably active, with additional external power supply) to increase the number of simultaneously connected devices.
Possible expansion of the range of connected USB devices is determined by the firmware of the router. The presence of USB 3.0 is only necessary to work with large files on the corresponding version of USB-drives - for the rest of the devices, USB 2.0 is sufficient.

Hardware platform

The hardware specifications include the processor model and the amount of RAM and flash memory, and for their assessment it is better to focus on the performance test results shown by the device. So it is usually worth paying attention to them only from the point of view of installing alternative firmware versions on the router. And in this case, you need to focus precisely on the availability of these firmware for a specific router model, and not on the installed microcircuits. The most famous hardware brands are Broadcom, Mediatek, Qualcomm and Realtek.

Other parameters

In some cases, it will be useful to pay attention to the overall dimensions, the presence of a wall mount, the presence of power and Wi-Fi buttons, the location of the ventilation holes, the design and power of the power supply.

Choosing a router: firmware

The firmware built into the router, no less than the processor or radio module, affects the operation of the device. As a rule, each manufacturer has a certain basic set for all models and expands it depending on their hardware features and the seniority of the router in the line (for example, the presence of USB ports). In practice, a situation rarely arises when a new firmware from the manufacturer at some point significantly expanded the functionality of the router, so only an alternative firmware can come to your aid.

What new firmware can bring to your router? For example, support for new ways to connect to the Internet. Especially considering the number of providers in Russia, the correct operation of the router with the operator's equipment is a frequent stumbling block. Standard connection types such as IPoE, PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP are supported by most models, and you can check with your ISP for details.

IPoE is the easiest and fastest way to connect to the Internet, when the WAN port of your router simply receives an IP address from the provider's equipment. PPPoE is a little more complicated and requires specifying the username and password in the router, which is issued by the Internet provider. These two connection types are the least resource intensive for the router and provide the fastest speed.

PPTP and L2TP are nowadays less and less common. For them, in addition to the name and password, you must also specify the address of the provider's access server. These modes place a heavy load on the router processors and can also have some compatibility issues. Some manufacturers implement special helpers in routers to simplify setting up an Internet connection for specific providers.


The provision of television viewing services through Internet operators is in wide demand in the Russian market. Occurring configurations imply connecting an IPTV set-top box to a dedicated router port (including using VLAN technology to separate traffic), broadcasting TV channels using technology, installing a set-top box behind a router without a dedicated port, using a computer program (without a set-top box), and others.

If you want to use the IPTV service of your Internet provider, then you must first clarify the details of the provision of this service and the recommended connection scheme. If you work on a dedicated port for a set-top box, you will need a direct network cable from the router to the TV, which will work exclusively for the set-top box. Also note that wireless communications are not very well suited for this type of traffic, but in some situations they can still be used. Some providers provide wireless bridges for a fee for connecting IPTV set-top boxes without wiring a cable around the apartment, or you can use it.

The easiest and most guaranteed way to connect IPTV is to use the operator's equipment, but you can use other equipment to work with this service.

USB ports for expanding functionality

The presence of USB ports allows you to implement many additional functions in the router, but this also requires the corresponding firmware.
The most common use is to connect a hard drive or flash drive to share files using SMB (Windows networking) and FTP. The second protocol also allows you to provide files to remote users over the Internet. Depending on the USB version, the speed of the wired ports and the performance of the platform, this service can be used to store working files, create backups, organize a media library and solve other problems.

In most models of routers with USB ports, and is implemented, which allows you to stream multimedia to SmartTVs and other devices on a wireless home network. True, there may be subtleties of compatibility with devices and formats. On some fast devices, it is possible to implement a system of offline downloading of files from the Internet using various protocols, which does not require a constantly turned on computer.

Another great option for using the USB port is connecting a 3G / 4G modem to provide Internet access. This can be either the main channel, for example, for a summer residence, or a backup one, which is used in the event of a failure of the main wired connection. Here it is worth paying attention to the support of specific models of cellular modems. A compatibility list is usually provided on the router manufacturer's website. The USB port on the router can also be used to connect your printer to your home network. In this case, the firmware at least implements the print function, but working with a scanner in an MFP is not always possible.

Additional router features

  • built-in DDNS client;
  • IPv6 support;
  • bandwidth control (QoS);
  • the ability to create multiple connections to the Internet;
  • IGMP protocol support and / or udpxy service for IPTV operation
  • the ability to organize guest networks without access to local resources of the wireless network;
  • restricting access and organizing the work of Wi-Fi on a schedule;
  • firewall, installation of additional filters, creation of port translation rules to allow external access to services (for example, for a home server);
  • parental control;
  • filters of access to sites by category (SkyDNS and Yandex.DNS);
  • VPN server for organizing secure remote access to a local network via the Internet;
  • network diagnostic functions and advanced event logs.

Router web interface

The web interface is used to configure the router by ( or in the browser. Often, this page is automatically redirected when you try to access the Internet through a router or when setting up the device after purchase, as well as after resetting the settings. Read the recommendations for setting up your router. While using the device, you will not need access to the web interface, unless you want to use additional services that I wrote about above.

Asus router mobile app interface

Mobile applications

Today, several companies, in addition to the web interface (controlling the router from the browser), offer branded mobile applications as an alternative to launch the router and control its operation. This can be useful for initial setup from a tablet or smartphone, which are not always convenient for a "full" web interface. In addition, through these programs, you can quickly change some settings - for example, enable a guest network or allow certain clients to access the Internet. Usually, these utilities work only "from the inside" - when the smartphone is connected to the wireless network of the router. But sometimes there are cloud options that do not require this. This option is interesting if you need to remotely (for example, from work or while on the road) control the operation of the router.

Alternative firmware

After purchasing a router, most users use it with the factory firmware, but I recommend installing alternative firmware versions on the router if it is necessary to obtain new functionality or malfunctions, because in the custom firmware of the router some shortcomings of the original version can be corrected or the set of its capabilities expanded.
Depending on the router model, installing an alternative firmware can be either elementary (for example, downloading a file downloaded from the Internet using standard tools), or complex, including disassembling the device and connecting a console cable. Any of the options violates the conditions of the router's warranty service established by the manufacturer, but if the router is physically functional, you can always return the original firmware version to it.

Other parameters

By the way, special attention should be paid to the availability of lists of recommended router models from Internet providers, since focusing on them will minimize connection problems, especially additional services, but it is worth considering that the models from this list are not very functional.


As you can see, a wireless router solves a rather meager set of basic tasks, but when choosing a router, you need to take into account many factors, because you can buy a router for both 1,000 and 20,000 rubles.
When choosing a router, clearly define the requirements for the device and the range of tasks it solves, and then you can make an approximate list of applicants for the purchase and study them in more detail on the manufacturers' websites and on the website.

Top 10 best routers of 2016

For dessert, I've compiled a selection of the best value for money wireless routers. In addition to high performance, easy configuration and operation in a router, equipment and functionality are equally important. You may well find the ability to connect external storage devices or "smart" distribution of the data transfer rate between all clients to be useful.

The title of the best router can rightfully be ASUS RT-AC88U(You can read a review of the previous ASUS RT-AC87U model). This model demonstrates excellent bandwidth - up to 700 Mbps and equipment: 6 Gigabit LAN ports and 2 USB (versions 3.0 and 2.0). The only drawback is the lack of a DSL modem.

Best WLAN DSL Modem Router - ASUS DSL-AC68U... This wireless router offers excellent performance and has four Gigabit LAN ports with USB 3.0 for connecting a printer or external hard drive.

D-Link DIR-850L - the best router in terms of price and quality ratio

The best value for money router model - D-Link DIR-850L, which is able to offer everything you need from a modern wireless router, has support for the 802.11ac standard and carries 4 Gigabit LAN ports on board.

TOP 10 WLAN routers

  1. Asus RT-AC88U
  2. Asus RT-AC5300
  3. Asus RT-AC87U
  4. Netgear R7800
  5. Synology RT1900AC
  6. Netgear R6400
  7. Asus DSL-AC68U
  8. Zyxel NBG6816
  9. Asus RT-AC3200
  10. D-Link DIR-890L

A Wi-Fi router provides an opportunity for several devices that support data exchange using Wi-Fi technology to access the Internet at once. In other words, a router is a network device that connects to the Internet and distributes this capability to other devices using either Wi-Fi or LAN.

Which Wi-Fi router is better: choosing a router

The main role in choosing a router is certainly played by its characteristics. However, the manufacturer is an equally important indicator of its quality and reliability. Based on this, you should purchase a device manufactured by such companies as: TP-LINK, ASUS, D-link, HP. These firms make some of the finest router models.

Today there are several types of networking standards.

  1. 802.11 a - speed up to 54 Mb / s
  2. 802.11 b - speed up to 11 Mb / s
  3. 802.11 g - speed up to 54 Mb / s
  4. 802.11 n - speed up to 600 Mb / s
  5. 802.11 ac - speed over 1Gb / s

When choosing a Wi-Fi router, you should focus on models of the 802.11 n and higher standard.

Our Top Wi-Fi routers:

1. Wi-Fi router Zyxel Keenetic 4G III

It is used in conjunction with more than 70 variants of USB modems, which are among the most popular for working with mobile Internet formats 3 and 4G. The router is capable of operating in 4G LTE using CDC-Ethernet and NDIS modes.

In this case, you do not need to install special firmware and additionally adapt the device. You just need to connect the device to the USB port by choosing a mobile network. This will provide Internet access for all computers and devices that are connected to the router: via Ethernet and Wi-Fi.

If a failure occurs or the modem freezes, the device automatically restarts the connection: for this we can reboot in terms of power supply.

Thanks to the Mediatek MT7620N 580 MHz processor, which has a hardware network accelerator and the new NDMS 2 operating system, the router can operate in mobile networks at speeds below 100 Megabits per second.

2. Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR841N

The device was released for work in small office premises and at home. 2T2R MIMO technology makes it possible to form a network with an ultra-high data transfer rate. This allows you to continuously broadcast video online: the quality remains high. You can run network games. In addition, IP telephony works at a high level.

The device supports the IEEE 802.11n standard, which allows you to establish wireless connections, the signal speed and range of which are fifteen and five times faster than conventional 11g devices.

With the help of a router, the data transfer rate reaches 300 Megabits per second. Thanks to the SSA technology, the likelihood of conflicts in the process of transferring information is leveled. This gives an increase in the performance of the connection. The use of encryption technologies WPA / WPA2 allows you to ensure increased security of information.

The device is capable of supporting Wi-Fi Protected Setup. The device has a button with which you can quickly set up protection - QSS. Protection on the wireless network is set with just one click. Then WPA2 protection is automatically set. This is an added convenience: you don't need to remember your password.

Thanks to the IP QoS function, the network has the best bandwidth, traffic is rationalized depending on the user's tasks. This limits applications that are of lesser importance at the moment - so that they do not overload the network.
Installing the device and configuring the network is available even in the absence of appropriate experience: the bundle of the router includes a disk that contains detailed clear instructions on how to do these manipulations.

3. Wi-Fi router Asus RT-N12 VP

The purpose of the multifunctional wireless router Asus RT-N11P is to work in home networks and in small office premises.

With its help, it is possible to ensure a high speed of information transfer through a wireless connection. This speed allows you to comfortably play online games, broadcast streaming video, and use Internet telephony.

The device is easy to configure, even if the user does not have the appropriate experience.

4. Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR941ND

The tasks of the Zyxel Keenetic III router are to provide a reliable and convenient connection of home devices to the Internet, IP-television, the services of which are provided by providers through leased lines with any type of connection: IPoE, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q , IPv4 / IPv6.

The device provides full high-speed mode within tariffs below 100 Megabits per second, the type of connection and the nature of the loads do not matter.

Thanks to the use of proprietary Link Duo and TV Port technologies, it is possible to simultaneously access the Internet and local services.

The device is able to connect to the network via dozens of types of 3G / 4G USB modems. A DSL modem, a provider's PON terminal with an Ethernet port, a provider's Wi-Fi hotspot, or a personal one can be used.

5. Wi-Fi router Apple AirPort Express (MC414RU / A)

This device is able to eliminate the issues associated with the formation of wireless networks for home or small office space.

The router works best with Wi-Fi. This opportunity is provided by the support of modern Wi-Fi standards: 802.11 n in two frequencies at once - 2.4 and 5 GHz. Both ranges can be used at the same time. The device allows you to create a separate guest network: the main network password will only be known to the owner.

Sharing and network printer is possible. You just need to connect the required device to the built-in connector.

Shared access is possible, combining computers on desks, network drives and digital media.

What to look for when choosing a Wi-Fi router

2. Router and DHCP server. The router provides access to the Internet for all connected devices. At the same time, for each of them, the DHCP server determines its own internal ip-address. This allows several connected devices to access the Internet using one external IP address.

3. Radius of action. When choosing a router, special attention should be paid to its range. It depends on this at what distance devices will be able to access the Internet from it. However, it should be borne in mind that the data regarding the range of the device, indicated by the manufacturer, are far from accurate and may differ from its real capabilities by several times. This is due to the fact that manufacturers indicate the capabilities of the router, focusing on ideal external conditions, which in reality are almost impossible to achieve. There are many factors affecting the range of a router, from partitions and walls in an apartment to home furniture. It is necessary to consider all of them for the most successful location of the device.

4. Antennas. The efficiency of a router directly depends on the number of antennas installed on it. The more antennas, the higher the Internet speed. So, a router with only one antenna, with the help of it, both receives and transmits data. At the same time, when connecting third-party devices, the transmission speed will inevitably drop in order to ensure the normal operation of the router. The presence of two antennas allows the device to use one of them for receiving, and the other for transmitting data. At the same time, the speed of the Internet connection remains consistently high. If the device has three antennas, then two of them are aimed at transmitting data, and one at receiving. The maximum number of antennas in the device can be up to 6. It is desirable that the selected router has the ability to replace antennas with more powerful ones. Thus, you can make the Internet connection better and better by purchasing more powerful types of antennas.

5. Data encryption. Data encryption is an essential part of securing your internet connection. Unauthorized connection to the network can significantly reduce the speed of the Internet. Almost all modern routers use 2 methods of data encryption: WPA and WEP. The more reliable of these is WPA.

6. Slot for USB. This feature is optional. It can be used to connect various devices to the router, such as a printer, USB flash drive, hard drive. This makes it possible to share the files on these devices with other users connected to Wi-Fi.

7. Connecting a 3G modem to a Wi-Fi router. The USB interface does not yet guarantee the connectivity to the router and the G-modem connectivity to the router. Not all routers have such an opportunity. The need for its availability lies in the impossibility of some users to connect a landline provider. In addition, 3G is a safety option in case of problems with the standard connection.

8. ADSL connection. If you have an ADSL Internet connection, you should choose a router that supports this type of connection. In this case, there is no need to use an ADSL modem to get additional functionality.

9. The number of ports in the router. Most access points include 4 Ethernet ports. This makes it possible to connect multiple devices to the Internet via a wired network. Such devices can be a receiver, stationary computer, TV. At the same time, it remains possible to use a wireless connection. However, it must be remembered that a cable connection is safer and faster. Therefore, for stationary devices it is better to use just this kind of it.

10. Port speed. Providers generally provide Internet speeds up to 100 Mb / s. However, the time is not far off when this figure will be several hundred Mb / s. That is why it is better to purchase a device that will support gigabit networks. So, you should choose a router with a port speed of 1000 Mb / s. This will allow it to remain in demand and relevant for a long time. This recommendation applies only to those users who use the Internet to the maximum. The rest can be content with quite good 100 Mb / s. Web-interface With its help, it will be possible to configure the device using the browser. This means that the settings menu will look like a website.

11. Router firmware. The firmware is available in almost all router models. This feature allows you to eliminate existing errors in operation, as well as improve the efficiency and usability of the device. Therefore, when asked which router to choose, you should pay attention to how easy it can be to reflash and how often new firmware is released for it. When choosing any router, you must strictly adhere to the selection criteria listed above. Even the models of routers included in the top may simply not be suitable for the specific environment in which they will work. It must also be remembered that it is better to buy an inexpensive router, no matter what speed it has (as a rule, it is enough for normal work on the Internet), but on the other hand, providing stable and reliable operation. The best router must have quality and safety criteria against unauthorized network connections.

Video on how to choose the right Wi-Fi router:

Now it has become a normal phenomenon when there are several computers and devices in the house at once, as well as smartphones and TVs that need to be connected to the World Wide Web. To provide all devices with a high-quality Internet connection, it is advisable to use a powerful WiFi router. But not all routers advertised by numerous manufacturers are capable of fully satisfying the needs of the user. This article sets out all the criteria for the correct choice of a powerful and high-quality WiFi router for a large house or apartment.

How to make the best choice?

Most people who buy WiFi routers concentrate all their attention only on the number of antennas of the supposedly best and most powerful WiFi router and on its cost.

And in some ways they are right, since a powerful router usually has several antennas that serve to ensure a stable connection, but not only the number of antennas affects the power of the device. First, you need to understand the differences between routers of different price segments. In addition to providing a good wireless signal at home, it is also advisable not to overpay for the extra functionality of the device.

Wi-Fi Long Range Routers

Obviously, living in a large cottage or house, you have to pay attention to powerful devices with the maximum possible range of action. At the same time, you should think about purchasing a more powerful adapter for a PC or laptop. It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of such people to one unpleasant fact that already on the box of the router it is usually indicated that the device is functioning in full compliance with the international requirements "ISO IEEE 802.11". This means that the vast majority of routers have a maximum range of 0.15 km, and this is in the absence of any obstacles in the path of the wireless signal, and in a house or apartment, this figure drops to fifty meters.

The main criteria for purchasing a router

We list the following main criteria that you need to focus on when buying a device:

  1. Antennas and broadcast area. The first ones are produced in 2 types of execution: 1) built into the device and 2) external. Of course, outdoor ones have the best signal;
  2. Wireless signal standards and data rates. It is recommended to purchase a device of the 802.11n standard, and in order to work comfortably on the Internet, you must opt ​​for a router with a speed not less than the one supplied to the user by the Internet provider;
  3. \ * Equipment brand. Despite the banality of the sound of the criterion, the brand plays an important role in the quality of the purchased router, since during subsequent operation, as a rule, problems occur with them less often and, most importantly, devices of famous manufacturers' brands are easier to update with software. * \ The current firmware ensures stable functionality of the device and avoids many failures.

List of the best equipment

Many people are not able to make the purchase of the most expensive router with a huge number of different chips, however, even in not the most expensive lines of routers, there are high-quality models with an optimal set of functions and the power of the transmitted wireless signal.

Inexpensive devices of optimal quality

Below is the main list of devices that are optimal at the moment in terms of the ratio of their price, functionality, speed of data transfer and quality of filling.

Despite its simplicity, the device has good power and wide capabilities. Provides speeds up to 150 Mbit / s, which is sufficient for active use at home or in an apartment.

The device operates in the most common data transfer protocols, supports dynamic and static "ip". Has a firewall that protects the user's devices from malware. The device is equipped with an external antenna with a long range.

It is also a representative of the Link brand, but is equipped with 2 antennas, which provides a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with line of sight.

Speed ​​- up to 300 Mbit / s. With four LAN ports, you can network multiple PCs at home.

This router has the ability to use 3G mobile Internet, and is also equipped with 1 additional USB connector.

Supplied with two antennas. Supports interactive TV IPTV.

Powerful mid-range devices

You will have to pay at least 4000 rubles for this router, but it is already equipped with 1 Gbit Internet ports and a powerful processor. Speed ​​up to 300 Mbit / s.

It has two antennas and a Wi-Fi coverage area with a radius of at least 150 meters with line of sight.

Despite the built-in antennas, the device has a good signal. It operates in two bands (2.4 and 5 Gh) and works in all popular protocols. But the cost is already somewhat higher and amounts to at least 4500 rubles.

If the user is interested not only in functionality, but also in the appearance of the device, then the manufacturer offers this device in different colors. Like the previous one, the router successfully works in 2 bands. The speed can reach 1167 Mbit / s. The cost is about 3300 r.

The most powerful

When buying a router from this category, you will have to pay at least 6,000 rubles.

Price from 7000 r. It has 3 antennas, which is guaranteed to cover a large home of the owner with a high-quality signal. It can function in 2 frequency ranges. Speed ​​up to 0.9 Gbit / s. Equipped with a huge number of different chips, for example, it can organize a separate guest network, it is possible to control consumed traffic, parental control, etc.

Among the home models of routers of this brand, it is rightfully called "top-end", but its price starts at 15,000 rubles. Of all those present in our description, it is the most powerful home router. Equipped with 4 antennas.

The manufacturer claims a Wi-Fi coverage area of ​​465 square meters. Speed ​​- up to 2.3 Gbit / s. Has a dual core processor. And absolutely all the chips indicated for the routers described above.

A little trick for the router user

You can increase the signal strength, even on a device of a low price category, through the control panel, where you need to specify the country “USA” in the router settings in the “Location” section. In this country, there are several different laws and requirements for the power of Wi-Fi, which already corresponds to a range of 0.25 km in the absence of any obstacles in the path of the wireless signal, and in a house or apartment, this indicator decreases only to seventy-five meters. By adjusting the parameters in the control panel and restarting the device, the user immediately notices a significant increase in the coverage and power of the Wi-Fi.

Note: An overly powerful router with an extended range beyond legal requirements may interfere with other networks. Therefore, the authorities of the country have the right to confiscate such a device.

We need the Internet as much as air, and from year to year the need for it increases manifold. Has the old one stopped responding to your tasks? So it's time to change it to a new one.

I present to your judgment another magnificent five horned guides through the vastness of the World Wide Web. The selection of the best routers for the home at the beginning of 2018 includes models with support for 802.11ac Wi-Fi and gigabit LAN ports.

Linksys WRT32X - Fastest Gaming Router

The rugged and tough Linksys WRT32X is designed specifically for multiplayer gaming. It is one of the fastest routers in the 802.11 ac home segment: its Wi-Fi connection is capable of reaching as much as 3200 Mbit / s! The access point operates simultaneously in two bands - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. 4 powerful MU-MIMO antennas, Killer Prioritization Engine and TRI-STREAM 160, a 5 GHz channel bandwidth doubler, will provide you with uninterrupted communication in the very moments of the game when speed is everything. As practice shows, in networks with Linksys WRT32X ping is 77% less than in networks based on conventional routers.

Linksys WRT32X is able to drive "kilotons" of game traffic day and night without the slightest delay on the way. And not only by air, but also by wires, because it is equipped with four Gigabit LAN ports. Two USB sockets, one of which is combined with an eSATA port, make it possible to connect hard drives, flash drives, printers, 3G / 4G modems and other devices to the device. The router firmware includes tools for monitoring network parameters that are most important for games.

Linksys WRT32X Hardware Specs

  • Dual-core processor with a frequency of 1.8 GHz.
  • ROM (permanent memory) - 256 Mb.
  • RAM (random access memory) - 512 Mb DDR3.
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 ac. The maximum speed is up to 3200 Mbit / s.
  • 2 frequency ranges with the possibility of simultaneous operation: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 600 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz (speed up to 2600 Mbit / s).
  • 4 detachable external MIMO antennas, MU-MIMO technology - 2 × 2.
  • Dimensions: 24.6 x 19.4 x 5.2 cm, weight 799 g.
  • Wall mount - yes.

Technology support

  • Killer Prioritization Engine - intelligent traffic redistribution in favor of gaming.
  • TRI-STREAM 160 is a technology for doubling the bandwidth of channels at a frequency of 5 GHz.
  • DHCP server.
  • Firewall.
  • SPI firewall.
  • DMZ is a demilitarized zone for strengthening protection against threats from the external network.
  • VPN tunnels, endpoints, PPTP, IPSec.
  • IPv6 protocol.
  • Encryption WEP, WPA, WPA2 personal, WPA2 enterprise.
  • Parental control.
  • Support for 3G and 4G modems.
  • Control and configuration is carried out via a web browser and mobile applications "Linskys Smart Wi-Fi" for Android and iOS.

The strengths of the Linksys WRT32X, according to owners, are ease of management and configuration, as well as unrivaled communication speed. Among the shortcomings, users noted freezes and incorrect operation of some functions, which should be solved with the release of a new firmware. And also a rather high price: the cost of a router in Russian stores starts at 21,000 rubles.

Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G is the best budget employee

Our fellow citizens liked the Chinese brand Xiaomi both to their hearts and to their pocket. Many even say that the products of this brand knock down the degree of greed of other manufacturers, whose products, with the same characteristics, are many times more expensive. By the way, the Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G only confirms this opinion. Judge for yourself: a powerful dual-core processor, 256 Mb of RAM, 802.11 ac Wi-Fi in dual bands, 2 Gigabit LAN ports, a USB 3.0 connector, MU-MIMO support for only 2590 rubles! Yes, it is at this price that this device is sold in Russian retail chains. And in Chinese with free shipping to the Russian Federation - and even cheaper.

Although the Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G is not designed for avid gamers 24 hours a day, with an average load of about 8 hours a day, which is enough for most home users, it copes with a bang.

Hardware Features Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G

  • Dual-core processor MediaTek MT7621AT with a frequency of 800 MHz.
  • ROM - 128 Mb.
  • RAM - 256 Mb DDR3.
  • LAN - 2 ports. The maximum speed is 1 Gbit / s.
  • USB - 1 x USB 3.0 Type A port.
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac. The maximum speed is up to 1167 Mbit / s.
  • 2 frequency ranges with the possibility of simultaneous operation: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 300 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz (speed up to 867 Mbit / s).
  • 4 non-detachable external MIMO antennas, MU-MIMO technology - 2 × 2.
  • Dimensions: 19.5 x 13.1 x 2.4 cm, weight 260 g.
  • Wall mount - yes.

Technology support

  • An abbreviated version of the OpenWrt firmware in Chinese. It is possible to install more functional firmware: Asus Padavan, PandoraBox or LEDE.
  • DHCP server.
  • FTP server.
  • File server.
  • UPnP AV Server.
  • Firewall.
  • Encryption WEP, WPA, WPA2.
  • Support for 3G and 4G modems.

The advantages of Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router 3G, which were noted by its owners, are low price, high performance, reliability, large coverage area, stylish appearance and support for alternative firmware. Disadvantages - the web interface is in Chinese and the need to register on the Xiaomi website to install an alternative firmware.

ASUS RT-AC86U - functionality and simplicity

Powerful hardware platform, gigabit speeds, large coverage area, uninterrupted operation under high loads, rich functionality - that's what ASUS RT-AC86U router is all about. The model is not cheap, but its capabilities are enough to provide fast and stable Internet to all client devices on the home network at once. For any intensity of use.

Another important advantage of ASUS RT-AC86U is simplicity of control and configuration. The software of the router is aimed at the most inexperienced user who has never dealt with setting up networks before. In addition, the first time you log into the web interface or mobile application "Asus router", a wizard for setting up and connecting to the Internet is launched, which will not allow a beginner to get confused or make a mistake. And for experienced users, the device's firmware allows complete freedom of action, since it contains a huge number of customizable parameters.

The AiProtection system, developed in collaboration with antivirus vendor Trend Micro, protects traffic passing through the router from malware.

Hardware specifications ASUS RT-AC86U

  • Dual-core processor Broadcom BCM4906 with a frequency of 1.8 GHz.
  • ROM - 256 Mb.
  • RAM - 512 Mb DDR3.
  • LAN - 4 ports. The maximum speed is 1 Gbit / s.
  • USB - 1 x USB 2.0 Type A port, 1 x USB 3.0 Type A.
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac. The maximum speed is up to 2917 Mbit / s.
  • 2 frequency ranges with the possibility of simultaneous operation: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 750 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz (speed up to 2167 Mbit / s).
  • 4 MIMO antennas: 3 external detachable for 2.4 GHz, 1 internal (3 dBi) for 5 GHz.
  • Dimensions: 22.0 x 8.3 x 16.0 cm, weight 872 g.
  • Wall mount - no.

Technology support

  • AiProtection technology from Trend Micro for virus protection.
  • Cloud AiCloud 2.0.
  • DHCP server.
  • Firewall.
  • SPI firewall.
  • DDNS (Dynamic DNS).
  • VPN Tunnels, Endpoints, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, OpenVPN.
  • SSH and Telnet.
  • IPv6 protocol.
  • Guest network.
  • Downloading files.
  • File server.
  • UPnP AV Server.
  • Print server.
  • Bittorrent client.
  • Encryption WEP, WPA, WPA2.
  • Support for 3G and 4G modems.
  • Parental control.
  • GamersPrivateNetwork is a system for prioritizing game traffic.
  • Management and configuration is carried out via a web browser and mobile applications "Asus Router" for Android and iOS.

The advantages of ASUS RT-AC86, noted by the owners, are high speed of all types of connections, trouble-free operation, a huge set of built-in functions and ease of management. Disadvantages - the inability to fix the router on a vertical surface and a solid cost. At the beginning of 2018, the price of the device in Russian stores starts from 15,990 rubles, but since the model was released only at the end of last autumn, one should expect that it will become cheaper by summer.

TP-LINK Archer C2300 - optimal performance / price ratio

The T P-LINK Archer C2300 is another novelty of the end of the past year and the main competitor to the previous model from Asus, but it costs almost half the price - about 8500 rubles. The router is designed to work in high-load home networks. Able to provide simultaneous uninterrupted Internet access to multiple computers, mobile devices, game consoles during online games and large screen TVs while playing streaming 4K video.

Thanks to the technology of expanding the coverage area Range Boost, the device easily connects to itself devices that are at a considerable distance, and provides them with a stable, high-quality connection. In addition, TP-LINK Archer C2300 is able to increase the bandwidth for frequently used devices and prioritize game traffic.

Hardware Features TP-LINK Archer C2300

  • Dual-core Broadcom 1.8 GHz processor.
  • ROM - 128 Mb.
  • RAM - 512 Mb DDR3.
  • LAN - 4 ports. The maximum speed is 1 Gbit / s.
  • USB - 1 x USB 2.0 Type A / eSATA (combo), 1 x USB 3.0 Type A.
  • Supports Wi-Fi 802.11 ac. The maximum speed is up to 2225 Mbit / s.
  • 2 frequency ranges with the possibility of simultaneous operation: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 600 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz (speed up to 1625 Mbit / s).
  • 3 detachable external MIMO antennas.
  • Dimensions: 21.6 x 16.4 x 3.7 cm.
  • Wall mount - yes.

Technology support

  • Range Boost is a technology for improving the quality of communication with devices located in an area of ​​low Wi-Fi signal strength.
  • DHCP server.
  • Firewall.
  • DDNS (DynDns and NO-IP services).
  • VPN tunnels (10 tunnels), endpoints, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, OpenVPN.
  • Protocol
  • Encryption WEP, WPA, WPA2 Enterprise.
  • File server.
  • UPnP AV Server.
  • Print server.
  • Parental control.
  • Guest networks.
  • Support for 3G and 4G modems.
  • Management and configuration are performed via a web browser and TP-Link Tether mobile applications for Android and iOS.

The best that this device has, according to users, is a stable connection, good connection speed, work at high loads without overheating (a well-thought-out cooling system). The worst is fewer customizations than it could have (like Asus has) and not the most web-friendly interface. However, the last statement is too subjective.

Keenetik Giga - at the limit of possibilities

And the Keenetik internet centers from the second half of 2017 are no longer representatives of the Zuxel brand: recently it is an independent and independent brand. However, the first products, which include Keenetik Giga, were developed on the basis of an old, proven platform, but with certain improvements.

Keenetik Giga is a representative of the line of the upper price category, one of the most versatile models of routers today. It has almost everything that can only be in a device of this class, a reception at the highest level. Manufacturers have even equipped it with a fiber optic port. So investing in this device is a good foundation for the future, if this method of connecting to the Internet suddenly becomes widespread. All other needs of home users - lovers of comfortably playing and watching 4K movies on the big screen, are also laid down in Keenetik Giga.

Setting up and operating the machine is likely to remain as simple as its predecessors. Most likely, the function of automatic connection to providers' networks and distribution of Wi-Fi without user intervention - right out of the box, will also remain.

Hardware Features Keenetik Giga

  • Dual-core processor MT7621A with a frequency of 880 GHz.
  • ROM - 128 Mb.
  • RAM - 256 Mb DDR3.
  • LAN - 4 ports. The maximum speed is 1 Gbit / s.
  • USB - 1 x USB 2.0 Type A / eSATA (combo), 1 x USB 3.0 Type A.
  • SFP - 1 combo port for connecting fiber optic cable.
  • Wi-Fi 802.11ac. The maximum speed is up to 1267 Mbit / s.
  • 2 frequency ranges with the possibility of simultaneous operation: 2.4 GHz (speed up to 400 Mbit / s) and 5 GHz (speed up to 867 Mbit / s).
  • 4 external MIMO antennas 5 dBi.
  • Dimensions: 21.4 x 15.4 x 3.3 cm, weight 488 g.

Technology support

  • DHCP server.
  • Firewall.
  • DDNS (services DynDns, NO-IP, DNS-master and others).
  • 2 programmable buttons FN.
  • VPN tunnels (10 tunnels), endpoints, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec.
  • IPv6 protocol.
  • Encryption WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK.
  • Wi-Fi Multimedia.
  • File server.
  • DLNA server.
  • UPnP AV Server.
  • IPTV with IEEE 802.1q support.
  • Yandex.DNS and SkyDNS Internet filter.
  • Print server.
  • Torrent client.
  • Telnet.
  • Support for 3G, 4G and WiMax modems.
  • Telephony support with Keenetic Plus DECT
  • Parental control.
  • Guest networks.
  • Control and configuration is performed via a web browser and My.Keenetic mobile applications for Android and iOS.

As of January 2018, the Keenetik Giga Internet center has not yet entered Russian stores, so its exact cost is still unknown. But according to the assurances of the manufacturers, it will remain at the level of the models of previous generations.

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