A bot for collecting cryptocurrencies. Best bitcoin faucets

A bot for collecting cryptocurrencies. Best bitcoin faucets


Hello dear friends. Today I will give valuable information on how to automate the collection of money, a bot for collecting Bitcoins is not a joke. Bitcoin isn't cheap today. The reason for this is the difficulty of getting it.

It is difficult to become a happy owner of Bitcoin without investing, almost impossible. In this case, the priority is to use a bot to earn Bitcoins in an automated mode. A properly configured program will collect Bitcoin derivatives, satoshi.

The Satoshi mining script will greatly simplify getting Bitcoin. Specially developed applications will collect crypto cents for the user. In the future, the participation of the user in the process is not required. The main thing is to correctly and carefully configure the equipment. If there are errors in the program code, the developers of the crane will block the software.

How does a bot mine Satoshi?

There are many methods of mining digital currency. Newbies prefer Bitcoin giveaways. They have a number of distinctive features over other mining methods:

  1. The user receives satoshi for free.
  2. There is no registration in the service, you just need to enter the Bitcoin address.
  3. There is the possibility of mining crypto cents, day and night.
    A bot for collecting Bitcoins will only be needed for those users who are going to earn at the same time, on several distributions. Cranes capable of bringing satoshi every 10,20,60 minutes. There are also five-minute services. Subject to one condition, captcha solutions.

Will a person be able to solve captchas simultaneously on ten faucets? These are btc taps.

Of course not. Solving the captcha is not difficult. With a large number of them, guessing is tiring. You can try to make money purely on one tap.

This is a bad idea, the profit from 1 faucet per month hardly reaches $ 3.

Also, the user will get tired of the permanent solution of the captcha. This is where the help of a specialized Bitcoin bot is needed. The advantages of bots over humans are obvious.

There are many cryptocurrency collection robots out there. Many of them are capable of mining Satoshi with 40 Bitcoin faucets at a time.
Bots are able to work around the clock, you just need to provide the necessary conditions.

  • The purchase of a generator is recommended for an uninterrupted supply of electricity.
  • Internet connection with good speed, as well as providing a well-ventilated area to keep the equipment from overheating.

Using bots to earn Bitcoin on the machine allows you to receive not $ 3 per month, but as much as $ 200-300. Considering the fact that a person is not obliged to do anything. He can go about his business and watch how the money itself drips into his Bitcoin wallet.
In order for the script to be able to mine cryptocurrency without stopping, you need to configure it in advance. Digital currency collection robots are illegal today. You can download them, as well as find instructions for setting up, in specialized forums and sites.

What needs to be done before launching the bot?

Before you start a Bitcoin bot and start earning satoshi. It is necessary to register in advance, at each of the faucets. In order for the script to be able to log in on your behalf.
Today, programs behave like humans. For crane developers, it is extremely difficult to track the actions of the script and understand that the driver is a car, not a person. Earlier, before the advent of software code, people used autoclickers. They were extremely vulnerable. They can be easily detected by the characteristic “inhuman” algorithm of actions.

What to do when a bot is doing your job?

While the bot earns Bitcoins automatically, you can spend your leisure time profitably.
There are many amulets and potions on Bitcoin faucets. With their help, you can increase the percentage of obtaining additional Satoshi.
To get additional bonuses, you can do:

  1. Search referrals... Each Bitcoin Fauset has a whole referral system. Which allows you to receive additional crypto cents from your referrals. In most giveaways, there is a five-level referral system.
  2. Gambling. There are many gambling games out there. Including games: "Dice", "Lottery", "Guess the number". A man himself is passionate. Do not abuse this feature. There is a risk of losing everything that the Bitcoin bot has collected for you. Fortune is always on the side of the system, do not forget about it.
  3. Mini-games. On rare occasions, there are mini-games in Bitcoin faucets. Upon successful completion, you can receive a reward. In the form of additional satoshi.

There are many known methods for obtaining additional cryptocoins. Some Bitcoin faucets offer the option to receive tickets. As a reward for the solved captcha. When collecting a certain number of tickets (each fauset has its own meaning), they can be exchanged for satoshi. There are many big win lotteries. With a lucky coincidence, you can win a prize of $ 1000.

How not to get caught using a bot. How to protect yourself and your bot

Bots generate great income in the form of Bitcoins. For owners of cryptocurrency faucets, it is important that the captcha be solved by “real people”.
Sometimes there are malfunctions in the work of the program script. The program begins to behave incorrectly, to make numerous mistakes. It will not be difficult for the distribution administrators to “catch” the dishonest user of the resource.

After calculating the account, the developers of the crane often "ban" the profile. No possibility of recovery. All accumulated satoshi are burned out, referrals are disbanded.

When choosing a “quality” bot for collecting Bitcoins, there are many factors to consider.

  • It is unnecessary to use the first one that comes along. It is advised to search the forums, ask around from friends. The main thing is to find quality software with a properly written script.
  • When using program code, it is better to keep the data confidential. Changing IP, disabling animation plugin is welcome. Better to use a browser with a configured proxy server. Also in this case, all kinds of "anonymizers" and VPN will help.
  • It is extremely difficult to mine cryptocurrency. To collect it, you will need a specially developed bot program. The main thing is to be able to fine-tune the script. The result of the work done will be the first bitcoin mined, and it is now expensive.

Let's summarize:

  • You can earn Satoshi, but you need a bot to collect Bitcoins.
  • For good earnings, you need a referral network; without this, the income will not be very large.

Bitcoin bot Bitcoin bot

Bitcoin bot

New Bitcoin bot v 2.0.

This is a new bitcoin bot, dear guests of my site !! We present you a new version of their bot for collecting bitcoins on the machine. You may have seen this bot earlier on my channel Youtube. But now I will present a new version to which I have added a few more sites or bitcoin faucets that pay instantly on FausetBox. To use the bot, you will not need to do any complicated actions, with proof that you are my referral and other crap. And just do the following:

Before starting the work of a Bitcoin bot, you need to

Install the Add-on in Mozzila Firefox -> IMacros(the bot will not work without it) after installation, restart the browser and the icon of the installed add-on will appear in the upper right corner

Our next step will be to unpack the bot and so see the file bbitcoin.js need to be moved to folder My Documents-> iMacros-> Macros

Unpack the rest of the contents of the archive to disk C to the bbitcoin folder THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT OTHERWISE WILL NOT WORK! (here captchas will be saved and sent to the recognition service, and information about taps, time, etc. will also be read.)

After you have done everything, go to Mozzila and click on the iMacros icon and you should see a small menu on your left where the file will be visible bbitcoin.js:

Hover over this file and right-click to select edit file. The bot editor will pop up in front of you there, in principle, everything is described, what to insert where and what data. Insert your wallet addresses and passwords for sites where registration is required. (a list of bitcoin faucets is provided below).

The only place where you may have difficulty with inserting information is the rucaptcha key is located on the ruCaptcha website

  • Go to the section "API for webmaster", copy the captcha KEY, paste it into the bot
  • The maximum bid must be greater than the Current bid for 1000 captchas
  • Click save and then
  • You need to replenish the rucapcha balance or earn it yourself in the "Start Earning" section

After that, click Save and Close in the bbitcoin.js file, or click on the save icon and then click play in the macro in the right menu. And the bitcoin bot works perfectly if you did everything correctly, errors should not arise if something did not work out, watch the video.

You can also, if suddenly the taps in the bitcoin bot do not pay, turn them off by editing the bot file, put the value on against the tap 0

Example: faucetOn [‘bitcoinerz’] = 25; change to faucetOn [‘bitcoinerz’] = 0; and this site the bot will ignore.

Greetings to all new and regular blog readers, in this article I will share information about one very cool script that will allow you to make money completely automatically. And before starting, I want to note that this information will be of interest only to those who are interested in additional earnings in the amount of 1500-3000 rubles per month.

You've probably already read my article on, if not, then be sure to read it to understand some of the main points in this topic. This is needed in order to understand the essence of the further narration.

I think many of you will also be interested to know about it, from 15,000 rubles per month.

Automatic collection of bitcoins

We all know that there are many faucets (50-150) that are constantly giving away cash prizes. Some sites do it every thirty minutes, some every hour, and some even more. Walking through them once will not be difficult, but it will take 5-15 minutes, depending on their number.

So you can do everything manually once, in the best case the second, but on the third, I am sure, the thought will already flash: they say, what for I will spend so much time to get some pennies. It seems that I want to receive free money and cannot, you must agree.

Now imagine that there is such a miracle program for collecting bitcoins that does all the work for you:

  • Goes to sites;
  • Plays;
  • Introduces captcha;
  • Shows general statistics, etc.

In general, the whole process is automated. It remains only to spend an hour, or maybe two, on settings and registrations. In general, compared to collecting yourself, this task will seem like a trifle.

How much can you earn on this program?

I think the next question that you should have is: "How much can this bot for collecting bitcoins?" But unfortunately, only 4 days have passed since the application of this method personally, and therefore now it is difficult for me to answer this question.

Judging by the statistics of users using this feature, it became clear to me: there is something in this, I would understand what.

Now it is difficult to say, since there are few normal reviews. But on the site, where the entire setup process takes place, there is a chat, and judging by the correspondence, everyone is waiting for “someone” to take up the project again, they say this will happen in the near future. And then the income will be even greater, I quote:

In general, there will soon be a design change, an update of the script functionality, etc. The system of guessing will remain the same as it was (alas) ... tobish with recaptcha (rucapcha too: D) to fight for you ... ... We will not tell the exact dates since planned for last weekend, but my week stood out very well. busy at work, the next one will most likely be the same, and so it is possible until mid-December (I don’t know for sure). In general, something like this ...

In short, roughly speaking, now it remains for us to test ourselves and follow the news. [News 10.04.2016: the script was updated successfully, now it works almost perfectly.]

How does this script for collecting bitcoins work?

Bitcoins are automatically collected according to the following scheme:

  • Registration on the site;
  • Registration of all possible;
  • Setting up the script and additional tools.

You can watch this video how it works:

All setup and launch steps are described in detail in the instructions below. I confess that the whole process is quite time consuming, sometimes incomprehensible and complicated. Therefore, I also wrote down a detailed video instruction for you, where I spoke in detail about all the incomprehensible points. Moreover, you can ask your question to the support team at any time.

I present to your attention the video instructions:

  • Also, you can find text instructions;
  • And to go to the site itself, click.

After all the installations, you will need to start the bot to collect satoshi from the cranes and you can go about your business, or you can run the whole process in a virtual machine and not turn on the computer at all.

I want to note that I am not the developer of the program and I am not going to receive any referral interest from you, since it is these funds that the creators receive in the form of gratitude for their difficult work. Therefore, please: carefully follow the instructions and register using their referrals, even if you already have wallets and accounts on faucets. Be kind: create new ones. After all, if we do not support the developers, then they will not improve their masterpiece.

How did I find this script and why am I sharing info?

Let's start with the fact that I share this info because it is already on other sites. My information will help you save a lot of time looking for working screens that cost a lot of money.

I remember how a year ago I searched the entire Internet in the hope of at least downloading a script for freebitco.in for free, in the end I just grabbed virus viruses and gave money for some rubbish, now you can download a program for collecting bitcoins from 65 taps, and even free it :)

In general, okay, it's too early to rejoice, you need at least a month in order to properly test everything and understand if there is any reason at all from this. Therefore, for now, I say goodbye, but in 30 days I will definitely add this article. Maybe someone will tell us now about the possible income from this case?

The tremendous growth in the popularity of cryptocurrencies has made various services for earning virtual money extremely popular. And now many people are actively looking for affordable ways to earn bitcoins on the machine without entering captcha.

Demand creates supply, so such resources and sites have already appeared. Now the main thing is to choose the most reliable among the available options. After all, a mistake made, although it will not lead to large losses, will make you regret the mediocre lost time. Therefore, so that later there are no reasons for worries, you should approach the choice of the source of cyber money as seriously as possible. And for this, you need to carefully consider and study all the ways to generate income that exist in 2019.

Today, there are 4 main ways to generate passive, automatic income in cryptocurrency. Those interested can use:

  1. special bitcoin faucets;
  2. cloud mining;
  3. online games for profit;
  4. partner and referral programs.

Each of these approaches has its own pros and cons that need to be considered. But, if you approach the issue wisely, a stable income will not be long in coming.

Those who are ready to work not only on the Internet should do regular mining. This process requires good equipment and investment, but it can generate a solid income. True, over time, the output will decrease and, in order to maintain it at the initial level or increase, it will be necessary to increase the capacity of the farm. And the options listed above do not require such efforts and huge financial investments.

Bots for collecting bitcoins on the machine 2019

The easiest and most affordable way to mine cryptocurrency is using special cranes. They may require captcha solving, small investments, regular site visits, and other simple steps. But all of the above is not necessary, since the system has a built-in bitcoin collector on the machine. It works even when the user leaves the site or turns off the computer altogether.

To use the described method, you will need:

  • register on the selected portal;
  • choose a suitable bot and a convenient tariff plan;
  • pay for the tariff;
  • wait for the first satoshi to arrive;
  • visit the portal regularly to keep your profits high.

It is important to note that, despite the need to pay for the robot, you can do without investments. To do this, you will have to spend the bonus that is issued upon registration. True, it will be enough for the cheapest bot. But to make sure that the program works, that's enough.

Separately, it should be noted that some sites do not require investments and registration at all. To get crypto money, you just need to visit them and specify the wallet. These include:

  1. Moonbit.co.in;
  2. 5minbitcoin;
  3. iMacroc browser extension.

Cloud mining

An excellent way to top up your btc wallet is cloud mining. It differs from traditional farms in that the miner does not have to use his own equipment. Instead, he rents someone else's. In this case, the equipment will remain with its current owner, and the tenant will receive the money earned on it.

It should be noted that this approach is only good when money is pouring into a large farm.

If the used capacity turns out to be insignificant, earnings will be minimal, so you should choose the most popular pools that are trusted by others.

Of the advantages of the described method, it is necessary to highlight the fact that the work will be carried out around the clock, although the first profit will not be received immediately.

But it will turn out to be stable and constant, and the person who has invested will not need to perform additional actions.

Free bitcoins every minute on the machine

The most fascinating source of cryptocurrency is online games. In essence, they are incredibly close to bots, but they stand out for their extraordinary approach to the extraction of virtual money.

This option for obtaining crypto money is not the fastest, but also not the slowest. Registrants are usually offered a registration bonus of up to 10,000 Satoshi and various versions of the game that require payment to activate. After the purchase, the player only has to regularly visit the site and perform the actions required by the game in order to make a profit.

Separately, it should be noted the existence of special portals, where you will have to fight for every bitcoin earned.

The games offered here contain a competitive element, and the one who will be able to surpass those around them receives the greatest income.

By and large, in each of the listed options, users receive cyber money for every minute after registration. At the same time, usually no additional injections are required from those registered, since the amount issued at the very beginning is enough for them.

Those wishing to try their hand at online games should take a closer look at:

  • Bitkong.com;
  • GoldenTea;
  • Sunbtc.Space;
  • Coinbrawl;
  • BTC-Rock;
  • MinerFarm.

Collecting without captcha input

The last option for collecting bitcoins directly to the wallet on the machine in 2019 is affiliate programs. They are available both on the sites described above and on special resources.

This option does not require surfing the Internet, since the user's activity and communication skills are much more important for making money. He is obliged to look for people who are ready to follow the link offered by them and register on the site. As a result, the described actions will immediately bring double profits:

  1. bonus for the brought person;
  2. percentage of the referral's income.

Programs for earning bitcoins on the machine - free

Profitable autosurfing programs, bots for collecting cryptocurrencies and websites are capable of generating stable profits. But many of them are short-lived and work for just over six months.

Therefore, in order to constantly send bitcoins to the wallet, you should regularly look for new services and programs.

But, in order not to face problems and not be fooled in choosing free resources, it is worth reading the rules for their use and customer reviews. This is the only way to avoid offensive mistakes.

Almost everyone who has encountered cryptocurrency bitcoin, knows that it can be obtained for free on special sites called the bitcoin faucet. Every day a new crane appears, but another dies. There are also giants that have been working for a long time and steadily.

Everything is fine, come in and collect satoshi for free. Yes, they do not pay so much from 10 satoshi to 50 satoshi, and even more is rare. I wish we could automate this process and you can really get income ...

It was for this task that was created BTC Free Bot - automated.

Easy and simple to install. Works in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Doesn't stop for a minute, collecting all the satoshi that is possible.

More emphasis is placed on faucets with instant bitcoin payments to the Xapo wallet. Therefore, be sure to register on xapo.com, I generally use it to collect satoshi from all taps, since there you can get a standard address for receiving payments.

Bot setup:

The text below is no longer relevant (it has been here since 2016), we switched to own solution service and developed cooler bots

1. Install the Mozilla Firefox browser (with other versions, errors are possible with long work

2. Install the iMacros extension in Mozilla (with the help of it our bot will be able to collect satoshiki), the most recent version for Mozilla is not suitable, choose an earlier version of the plugin.

3. Open the archive, copy the contents of the Macros folder to the Macros folder in Mozilla Firefox (location - My Documents)

4. The contents of the folder on the C drive - copy to the C drive =)

5. Open the address folder and edit the address.csv c file using notepad or notepad ++, and in this address file specify your data instead of mine

All data must be separated by commas and without spaces. This completes all the settings.

6. Install plugin for Firefox, restart Firefox

This plugin allows you to reduce the screen area in Firefox, which is necessary when processing captcha.

7. Run the BTC Free Bot script to collect bitcoins

* Note to new taps - several taps need to be edited manually in the bot, substituting your own data instead of my data (mail, wallet and somewhere password). This is done through the iMacros extension by clicking the edit button. Everything is very simple.

I'm ready to set up my referrals myself, write in the comments.

List of taps from which the bot collects satoshi

In some taps, you first need to register to collect satoshi by the bot and log in at least once under your username in the Mozilla browser where the bot will work (if there is a registration, then a new one is not necessary, you can make the main login), for convenience, you can copy this article into the mozilla and already there to register and log in

I constantly monitor the solvency of the cranes and add new ones. Improving the algorithms of the bot. I can’t access your data through the bot in any way.

For any questions, write in the comments and stay tuned!

Great income and great mood!

P.S. screenshot of how you can turn off bitcoin faucets

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