Ready-made banner code for the school portal. Where to get the HTML code of the banner

Ready-made banner code for the school portal. Where to get the HTML code of the banner


Of course, this article is not addressed to those who have been engaged in web programming for several days on the Internet. But having plowed through the Internet, I realized that this topic is relevant for beginners, so I decided to write an article.

Most of the partner networks offer a ready-made solution, where it is enough to copy the received code and paste it into your website in the required place. But it happens that partners offer to upload an image to your site, in the reason for possible changes in the work of advertising platforms. The second reason for creating an advertising code may be the decision to create your own banner, with a link to the partner's website. For example, I do this a lot. Firstly, it makes the banner unique, and secondly, not all partners offer beautiful and moving pictures.

Create the banner code.

And so let's get started. First of all, you need to upload the image to a specific folder, for example "images", or create any other, where our images will be stored for advertising. Then we load pictures of popular formats (jpg, gif, png) there. Now let's write the path for our image:

This code says the following. Tag tells the browser that the given element is a picture, or images. Further, the "src" attribute indicates the path to this image. Then comes the path itself, this is the site address, the "uploads" folder and the file itself, which I called "banner_sitestroy" with the "gif" extension. After all this, close the attribute action like this "/>". Now you need to specify the following: banner width (width), banner height (height), alternative text (alt =), text on hover, on the image (title =) and put a zero value for the border (border = "0"), so that it didn't appear in some browsers by accident.

Gif "width =" 468 "height =" 60 "alt =" (! LANG: banner_sitestroy.gif" title="Some kind of tex on hover !!!" border="0" /> !}

It turned out like this, the code and can now open it in the browser and see if everything works?

Figure # 1.

Yes, everything works, everything is fine, only he is still an ordinary picture. Now you need to add a link to the partner's website.

Here we see the tag , which tells the browser that this is a link, then the "href" attribute means the beginning of the link path, the link itself and ends the whole ceremony, the "target" tag with the "_blank" attribute, which will open the partner's address in a new tab without closing our site. All this code must be inserted before the code, pictures, and after it insert the closing link tag. In general, what would have happened like this:

In general, this is a ready-made code for a 468x60 banner, which you can copy, paste in real data and it is ready. For banners of other sizes, just change the "width" and height (height) values.

Why do you really need to do this? Why bother with some kind of code or link. After all, you can upload a picture by selecting from your hard drive.

Unfortunately, not all social media. networks provide a similar opportunity. In some, in order to upload a picture to your post, you need to provide a link to it.

And in order to install a banner on a site, you need the HTML code of this banner. And not just a code, it should already contain a link to the site or affiliate program you need. By clicking on such a banner, you will be taken to a salesperson, for example.

More advanced users will of course know where to get the link to the picture or how doHtmlbanner code, but newbies, please provide a link to the picture, is confusing.

If you have already bought your domain and hosting, then it will not be difficult for you to place a picture on the hosting and then simply write the path to this picture. And here's how to make the HTML code of the banner after that, you can see in the video. (if you don't understand what I mean, then watch the video).

But what if you do not have hosting, do you really buy only because of the pictures?

There is an easier solution. Yes, and you won't have to buy anything.

There are special services where you can place a picture and take a link to it.

Banner on the site we add to advertise a product, service, brand promotion, image promotion, and so on.

By placing the banner code on the site, in fact, we are trying to promote and promote something.

How can banners be used in practice?

There can be any number of possibilities for using banner advertising. Let's take a real life example. For example, you have registered in an affiliate program. As part of this program, you get affiliate links with which you can promote your product.

As a rule, along with product promotion, in order to increase your income, you receive a referral link to attract other partners.

As materials in the affiliate program, you can be provided with ready-made banners. Thus, by placing the banner code on the network, for example, on your website, you advertise the product and recruit your own partners.

Htmlbanner code.

Let's take a look at the simplest HTML banner code. By definition, the banner code must contain a picture and the address of the link to which the banner leads:

How to insertHtmlbanner code on the site page.

If your site consists of HTML pages, then everything is very simple. You open the site page with an HTML editor, and add the banner code to the right place, and upload it to the site, that's all.

Perhaps your site is running CMS WordPress, then you can use the “Widgets” tab to add a banner. Select the "Text" widget, drag it to the desired location and paste the banner code.

On the pages of the site, I have a lot of information on how to create a site on “Narod”. In the case of this service, then to add the banner code, you must follow the steps described.

Many sites on their pages lay out the code of their own banners.

This is done so that visitors with their own sites can copy this code and add it to their site, thereby promoting it on the Internet. Naturally, this is done in cases where the site is liked or with a simple exchange of banners.

Naturally, as soon as the Internet appeared, banner advertising immediately became widespread on the network.

Banners are used despite different opinions.

If you walk through the streets of any city in the world, you will surely come across a bunch of banner stands, banners, signboards, advertising goods, firms, services.

Why are banners so popular?

A person is more likely to react to a changing object than to an object that is in a static state. It doesn't matter what changes, color, size or position, we will react to such changes faster. It is these human abilities that are used by advertising developers.

In most cases, when we know where and what to look for, banner ads will annoy us. But when we are looking for something specific and information about this thing is “spinning” in the banner, then, most likely, we will react to the banner and see “what is offered there”.

And, quite possibly, by clicking on the banner, we will find the product that we are looking for. At the same time, the subconscious mind tells us that since it is advertised everywhere, then the product will be of good quality.

It turns out that banners, under a certain set of circumstances, fulfill the role assigned to them.

Newbies often have a question about how to install a banner on a website. This is done quite simply. But recent updates to WordPress force you to do it differently than it was done some time ago. This article will show you how to install a banner on a WordPress site via a new HTML field. In addition, we will look at where to get the banner code to embed it on the site.

How to install a banner on a website in three minutes

Hello! How to install a banner on the site, or rather in the sidebar, was written in articles on the blog. This is a fairly simple operation. To do this, you had to go to the control panel, select "Appearance", "Widgets", drag the free "Text" field to the desired location. Next, it was necessary to write the title and insert the html code of the banner into the window. After the update, the ad banner was displayed in our sidebar.

Thus, banners (pictures) were installed, both on their own products and on other people's, for example, partner ones. Everything flows, everything changes, the WordPress version has changed. For example, in version 4.8. banners are installed a little differently.

Let's consider how to install a banner on a site in three, five minutes in new versions of WordPress. To do this, we still go to the control panel, select "Appearance", "Widgets". Please note that we have a new "HTML code" field. Hover the mouse over this field and drag it to the place where we want to place the banner.

And then we write the title in the fields and write the banner code. Don't forget to update. We go to the main page of the site, update and see that everything works. All details are shown in the video below.

Where to find the code for the banner to embed on the site

So, in the previous part of the article, we looked at how to install a banner on the site. Now let's briefly figure out where to get the banner code to insert into the site. Everything is simple here, nothing has changed. But for beginners who have never done this before, I will say a few words - you need to create it yourself.

To do this, you need to use the formula that you can take in the article. You just copy the code from the article (formula), and then paste your two links into it. One link will lead to a picture uploaded earlier to the blog, the second - to the landing page (this is a subscription or selling page). You can also see all the details in the video attached below:

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Today we will talk with you about another interesting way to make money on a blog. It can be done by pressing just a couple of buttons. The amount of money that you receive as a result will depend solely on how competently you decide on a partner. There are more of them, I assure you, than you can imagine.

Today I will show you how to embed a banner on your WordPress site. I will show you how to quickly and independently draw and write code without much knowledge, put it on the page and start making a profit. With this information, you can start quickly getting money from affiliate programs and make good money on your website.

I already told you about the system. Today we will go beyond one search engine. I will teach you how to work with any services.

A few words about the method of earning

Unfortunately, I have not yet written in my blog articles about affiliate programs, on which you can make very good money. I plan to fix it soon, so subscribe to the mailing list and be the first to know about this article. But now, I will still try to give you at least a superficial information.

Many companies and bloggers create some kind of products and create affiliate programs that the owner of any site can join. He simply registers and places a link or banner on his page, and then receives a part of the profit from the sale of this product. The fact that a person followed a link from a specific site and bought a product is very easy to establish. Each affiliate link is unique.

If you do not believe that you can sell something in this way, then I do not understand at all what you are doing on the Internet. Of course, a lot will depend on the site itself, how you draw the banner, which partner you choose and what product you are advertising. However, in any case, there are sales, otherwise there would be no sites on the Internet.

This is one of the most popular and profitable methods of making money on the Internet.

Simple method for creating a banner

Let me show you one of the simplest methods of how you can make a banner using the service ... It's free and outrageously elementary. Follow the link to this service and set the Russian language.

There are preset sizes, standard ones, and there is an arbitrary one, which you define and fit yourself.

Until you learn how to figure it out, I can recommend the MeasureIt browser extension. It's also free. Install it from the Google Chrome extension store, click in the upper right corner, select an area and its dimensions appear in the upper right corner.

We return to the site. Here you can choose to use one color for the fill, or your own image. In my opinion, the third option is the best. I highly recommend you learn Photoshop. Beautiful banners can sell significantly more often, better, and faster.

Ready. The banner appeared on the side of the main page.

If I put a box under "Recent comments", then the banner on the site will appear under this heading.

You can put banners in different places and in any quantity, but do not forget that advertising can kill the conversion of the site.

If I move the button to an adjacent window, below the content, then the button from the main page will disappear.

It will only appear under the posts.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to show you an interesting video on how to create beautiful banners in photoshop in just 6 minutes.

By the way, perhaps this video will inspire you and you will want to learn more about Photoshop and learn how to work in it. To keep motivation, I can recommend the course “ How to make a banner ". He will teach us how to earn from 30,000 rubles for creating pictures. Now this niche is just beginning to develop, so you have a chance to fill the vacant position.

Free course « How to make money by creating banners »Will help you understand the most effective methods of finding customers.

By the way, I completely forgot to tell you, please note that if you create a website on free hosting, you will not always be able to install your own advertising banners. If following this instruction, something did not work for you, you may need to contact your hosting provider for more information.

OK it's all over Now. I told you everything and now you know how to create, install and even make a little money on banners. Until next time and don't forget to subscribe. Good luck to all.

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