Earnings on processing. Exchange of computing resources Processing: what is it and where did it come from

Earnings on processing. Exchange of computing resources Processing: what is it and where did it come from


We are all trying to find an income that would not take a lot of our time, or even better, once launched a certain project and forgot, you just withdraw money as needed, and he plows for himself without you and plows. :) Dreams, but they are quite achievable.

From history, it is known how many computers exist, as many their super-relatives exist. Today (05/01/2015 by Google) the most powerful computer in the world is Tianhe - 2 (China) .

The Tianhe-2 supercomputer, designed by Inspur in conjunction with the People's Republic of China Defense Science and Technology University, was launched in 2013. The construction of this giant cost $ 200-300 million. More than 1,300 scientists and engineers worked on the creation of Tianhe-2, which means "Milky Way-2".

Its characteristics:

From wiki - Teraflops (TFLOPS) - a value used to measure the performance of computers, showing how many floating point operations per second a given computing system. 1 teraflops = 1 trillion operations per second = 1000 billion operations per second. Usually, we mean operations on 64-bit real numbers in the IEEE 754 format.

TFLOPS = 10 12 FLOPS (= 10 3 GFLOPS)

Now, the dramatic aspect, this is a supercomputer, it is consuming innumerable amounts of electricity. 1 hour of work on such a computer will cost you ~ $ 1000. It’s not chilo, accordingly, it is used in exceptional cases, probably only by scientists. There is an opinion that when using this technology, the peak of profitability has long been on the doorstep.

However, there is technology "Distributed computing" which allows you not only to compare with the above, but possibly surpass !? It seems to me. Recently, all sorts of communes, clouds have appeared on the network, today I will tell you about one of them.

So MQL5 Cloud Network uses distributed computing in which you (your computer) participate, I will explain:

A program is installed on your computer (you can download it from the link above), a connection to the above specified cloud (login, password) is configured. And now (when your computer is not loaded with something, that is, the kernels are resting) - the cloud throws them a task, percent solves and gives the solution to the cloud, Who set the task to the cloud !? maybe someone from Forex is trying to calculate the profit in certain trades, maybe some kind of engineer from the institute. Now if there are 1000 people like you, then a scientist or trader has 1000 * 4 (intel i5 4 cores) four thousand cores at his disposal, so that Only a million participants need to overtake a super computer. The owner of the cores is paid bucks. Considering that for the most part your computer is not loaded, why not get money for it.

How to register and what for how much, I’ll show you how the interface looks after registration. Your processor is registered by the number of cores, the kernel is called an agent, I use 2 computers in total, this is 6 cores and it looks like this:

Here the G630 processor works for me around the clock, the second one starts from time to time, it is not difficult to calculate how much you can earn if you look at the following figure

So, swing it, put it on, go for it. Everything will work out, the most important thing is that the water does not flow under the lying stone.

14:47 31.10.2017

When entering the website of the Minsk watch factory "Luch", the user began to see an unusual message. "Luch. byrequests permission to use your computing power, ”it says.

And then it stands for: you can support the site by allowing you to use your processor for calculations. Calculations are performed in a secure, sandboxed browser environment. “You don’t need to install anything,” the text assures.

Also, the authors of the message warn: if the user entered the site from a mobile device, this can lead to a rapid discharge of the battery. Under the text, the visitor is invited to click on one of two buttons: "Allow" and "Cancel".

When you click on the first option, the site begins to load the user's computer processor by 100 percent. When you click on the second, the message disappears, but then it still persists when you visit other pages.

As they said at the plant itself, the message that appeared on the site was not an initiative of its employees, but most likely the work of a virus. Now programmers are already dealing with the problem.

As a reminder, your computer's processor can indeed

and Facebook Messenger, the VKontakte mobile application received this function. The beauty of HTML5 games is that they are easy to create and distribute, and their cross-platform nature makes the HTML5 platform ideal for creating multiplayer games. We will look at the main tools and engines for developing HTML5 games, as well as the possibilities for distributing them.

Frameworks and engines

You can develop an HTML5 game from scratch, but it will be more convenient and easier to do it using numerous engines and frameworks. Here are just a few of them:

A framework for developing 2D games, it is intended not only for professional developers, but also for people who do not know how to program: designers, artists or students. More than 20 plugins and 70 visual effects are available to create a game that can then be published immediately across multiple platforms. You can try Construct 2 for free, and the full version of the tool costs 6,299.9 rubles.

The free open source engine lets you create games using Canvas and the WebGL library. There are many examples and tutorials available on the Phaser website to help you create your own game.

A set of open source libraries for game development: EaselJS is designed to work with HTML5 Canvas, SoundJS is for working with audio, TweenJS is for creating animations, and PreloadJS is for managing the loading of all the necessary elements.

An engine for creating 3D games using WebGL. The source code of the project is open and constantly updated.

An engine that allows you to create 2D and 3D games and place ads in those games for profit. PlayCanvas is free for public projects, and you can purchase one of two paid versions with advanced features.

According to the creators, the main advantage of PixiJS is rendering speed. The engine is completely free, it is intended for creating 2D applications: many examples are available on the project website.

There are other useful tools out there, and an extensive list of HTML5 game development frameworks is available on GitHub. There is even a separate site dedicated to game engines for HTMl5: HTML5gameengine.com.


Using wrappers, you can turn your HTML5 game into a native game for placement in app stores.

Distribution platforms

It is convenient and easy to distribute cross-platform HTML5 games through mobile social networking applications and instant messengers.

Recent update of the VKontakte application includes the platform Direct Games, for which the moderators will select the best projects. To offer your game, you need to integrate into the code Mobile SDK VKontakte and apply for moderation.

You can add your game to Facebook using the plugin for the Cocos2d-X engine. So far, this is the only widely available way to upload your game to Facebook, since the Instant Games platform for Messenger is still available for developers in a private mode. beta testing.

There are a number of more traditional platforms for publishing and distributing HTML5 games: Kongregate, CoolGames, Softgames, itch.io, Gamemix, and others. All of them allow you to host your game for free and monetize it using ads, in-app purchases or a freemium model. Rakuten Games also recently launched R Games, an HTML5 social gaming platform in Japan.


There are many courses to learn how to create HTML5 games: Google's course on

The site browser figured out how to use the resources of the "sleeping" computer - hardware and network - so that they do not stand idle.

A significant part of the computer's resources is often idle - the owner leaves to make tea or participates in planning meetings; I bought a "gaming laptop", and for the third month now I have only enough time for work; deployed a small farm of video cards, but gave up mining or rendering - but you never know what else.

To bookmarks

Why do it

Unused computing power may be needed by someone else - a neighbor on a local network who is engaged in three-dimensional modeling; scientists in small scientific centers that do not have their own supercomputers, but only the resources of volunteers are available; enthusiasts looking for extraterrestrial life. They are also very much needed by hackers who create "zombie networks" to organize a DDoS attack, but more on that separately.

The conceptual foundations of distributed computing have been laid for a long time. The first experience of accessing the resources of "idle" devices dates back to 1973, when two employees of the Xerox PARC research center - John Hupp and John Schoch - wrote a program that performed calculations at night on computers connected to the center's local network.

Twenty years later, in 1993, Eric Schmidt, then at Sun Microsystems, said: "When the network becomes as fast as a processor, the computer as such ceases to exist, it will spread across the network." This idea formed the basis for the concepts of cloud services and grids, when interacting with which the user does not care how fast his device works, but only the bandwidth of the channel matters.

But cloud computing is about centralizing and concentrating computing on the side of server companies. There is another way that allows individual users to unite to solve global problems, without involving large corporations in these processes.

A year after Schmidt's speech, the idea of ​​a project of voluntary distributed computing was proposed, which eventually became the most famous of them - [email protected] looking for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

The idea of ​​abandoning the concentration of computing power in one place also has an important advantage over supercomputers - distributed systems have the potential to increase their performance indefinitely through free scaling.

Equally important to understanding the meaning of voluntary computing and metacomputing are the ideas of crowdsourcing and utility computing. UC is based on the idea that the ability to access remote resources that users are willing to share with each other can significantly improve the overall performance of computers in the world.

For example, David Anderson is the head [email protected]- sees in the development of distributed computing the possibility of creating what he calls an "Internet-based global operating system" - Internet-scale Operating System (ISOS), in which users can not only share their resources, but also make money on it.

At the same time, distributed computing is not a horizontal structure, unlike, for example, P2P. Here there is a certain hierarchy and subordination to common large tasks, to the solution of which users direct their resources.

What to do with a "sleeping" computer

Participation in voluntary computing is not the only opportunity to “make the most of” your computing power.

You can simply collect torrents with bibliographic rarities or old games and actively distribute them, fight for the idea of ​​free distribution of content by participating in P2P content transfer, rent out your resources or mine cryptocurrencies on them where it is allowed.

Even if you are confident that you are law-abiding, there are also pitfalls here - for example, in March 2015, one of the μTorrent updates installed the Epic Scale program on users' computers, which mined bitcoins without the owner's knowledge. In Russia, you should be careful with this and follow the legislation and law enforcement.

Any freely idle resources are of interest to hackers who create "zombie networks". On the other hand, there are a number of projects that use DDoS attacks as a form of civil disobedience, when users, on their own initiative, provided their resources to create artificial loads on certain sites.

Voluntary computing projects

There are quite a few of them. Some are organized on a completely voluntary basis, some offer participants financial incentives in one form or another, some have created a powerful community around themselves, competing "who will cheat more", while others are guided by the fact that the tasks they solve are attractive due to their importance for humanity ...

Most voluntary computing projects today focus on BOINC, a software suite that allows researchers around the world to access resources provided by volunteers.

BOINC is cross-platform, relatively easy to configure, and requires minimal user attention. His client runs "under the screensaver" and does not touch the resources that the owner himself needs, referring only to the free ones (or, if you configure it differently, to those that have been allocated to him).

In six years, the integrated performance of projects on BOINC has grown from 5.2 petaflops to 28.7, leaving far behind the peak performance of the world's most powerful supercomputers (for example, the Japanese "K computer" processes 8.16 petaflops of data).

Major BOINC projects

Watching the news or devoting time to chatting on the Internet, a person uses only a small part of the capabilities of a multi-core processor. However, nowadays there is a demand for computer power, so they can be rented out for some time.


Such income on the processor is called passive, since it does not require any action from the user. It is easy enough to employ a technique to generate income. As soon as the program is installed on the computer, it starts working.

Well, a person is charged a certain "rent" for this. In this case, the performance of the computer should not be as busy as possible. Using a processor to increase your income is one of the real ways that is not devoid of advantages and disadvantages.

Cloud mining

Cloud mining is the mining of BitCoin cryptocurrencies using the services of various companies. This allows you to make money remotely without using the power of your processor.

This is the most reliable currency that no one has yet managed to devalue and hack. Back in 2010, one bitcoin cost 50 cents, today the rate has already crossed the mark of one and a half thousand dollars and continues to grow.

This cryptocurrency is mined by creating complex mathematical blocks. One bitcoin is charged for the creation of each block.


Of course, there are benefits to passive income. On the positive side, the user doesn't have to make much effort to get extra money. While the technique is working, a person has the opportunity to go about his business.

In addition, the risks of catching the virus with this type of part-time job are minimized. The processor rental income is relatively stable and depends on how often the user turns on the program. Particularly profitable part-time jobs will be for those who have at their disposal not one, but several computers that are idle most of the time.
In this case, you can make money on each of them.

You can also increase passive income by attracting your acquaintances to the business, whose computers are also often not used to the maximum. Some systems charge interest on inviting friends.

As a rule, there are no problems with the withdrawal of money, since the earned funds can be received immediately after they are credited to the account.


Using computing power to earn money, you can face some problems. Programs installed on a computer are of a different nature. Some of them are for research purposes, others are funded by webmasters, others are related to the search for bitcoins, etc.

It is necessary to rent a processor, the power of which the user practically does not use. Otherwise, freezes, slowdowns in the operation of the machine cannot be avoided. Such programs can reduce the performance of not weak computers. The calculations do not create any noise.

However, they still affect the operation of the device. For many, the problem is the fact that there is no information about the customer or the nature of the calculations performed on your processor. Another unpleasant moment - if you want to increase your income, you will have to purchase additional streams. Do not forget that there is a risk of stumbling upon scammers who slip financial pyramids.

What do you need to work?

If you want to get income from the processor, you need to have a powerful machine and access to the Internet. To understand how the system works, you can consider the principle of one of the networks - coingeneration. Before renting out a processor, you need to make sure you have a real IP address.

Users working through a proxy server may have problems with the withdrawal of received funds in the future. The next step to making money on the processor is registering on the site. The user will have to enter their name, email account. Then you need to confirm the left data.

The phone number must also go through this procedure. You can assure it by dialing the number indicated on the page. The call lasts only a few seconds and is completely free.
The next step is downloading the order. All settings in the program have already been made. Installation can be handled simply and instantly. After launching, the client immediately starts calculating, and the promised funds are already transferred to the user's account. This is how such networks work.

Best processors in 2019 to make money

Below are images of the most effective processors for stationary computers that are suitable for making money on the Internet.

The best processors for making money on your PC Core i7-6700K | Core i5-5675C | Core i7-4790K

Optimal AMD-Ryzen-7 1800X Processor

How much can you earn?

The issue of size worries many people who are doing this for the first time. The free program takes only a tenth of the processor's time and no additional conditions are required for its functioning. At the same time, the profit from work is about thirty dollars per month.

Earning money on professional processors by mining cryptocurrencies

Since the daily payment is fixed, and does not go beyond the established framework, it is pointless to spend more computer resources on this business. As already mentioned, income can only increase significantly from the purchase of additional streams (known as shreds). Its cost is fifty dollars. Accordingly, you need to invest in such a stream an amount equal to the payment of one and a half month rent.

At the same time, each shred allows you to earn 365 USD. per year (both purchased and free). Basically, earnings from using the computing power of the processor are based on just such numbers. Only the user can judge how profitable such a part-time job is.
Method evaluation -

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