Why does it beep in bluetooth headphones? Why is the sound interrupted in Bluetooth headphones? Lack of grounding of sockets

Why does it beep in bluetooth headphones? Why is the sound interrupted in Bluetooth headphones? Lack of grounding of sockets


Despite the ease of operation, sometimes we still encounter certain problems, such as extraneous sounds similar to hissing and wheezing, due to which the overall sound quality deteriorates significantly. To eliminate this problem, need to know possible reasons her appearance.

It is important to know that, despite all the elementary of this device, to a person who has not previously had to deal with problems in his work and eliminate them, this problem may seem very serious.

In order to understand where the hissing in headphones comes from, you need to understand at least a little about how they work. Pay attention to whether you hear hissing sounds constantly or only periodically.

One of the reasons why this problem may occur is incorrect connection headphones, or rather, choosing the wrong settings. In addition, if the headphones are not new, check whether the contacts with which you connect them are working properly.

Recommendations: How to warm up your headphones correctly and whether you need to do it
How to fix headphones yourself if one stops working
, DIY headphone repair

Noise in headphones caused by faulty sound card

A detail such as a sound card has a direct impact on how well the melody is reproduced by the equipment. If the part is faulty, Personal Computer cannot convey accurately sound signals, because of which the normal sound is complemented by hissing, crackling, the sound seems to “break” and “jump”. In this situation, only replacing the faulty part will help, and then the sound will no longer be accompanied by extraneous noise.

Faulty wires

The manufacturer of the model is often responsible for the correct operation of the headphones and the correct transmission of sounds.

You should know that there are two types of headphones: wireless and wired. Extraneous sounds, as a rule, appear in models that operate via a cable connected with a plug. If the copper core of the cable is damaged or stretched, noise interference and intermittent interruptions in sound appear.

A damaged wire often leads to noise in the headphones on an iPhone. This is due to the fact that the cable material is thin and flexible, it breaks easily. A damaged conductor sends sound card the signal characteristics are incorrect, and this is reflected in the sound. How to eliminate wheezing in headphones? This can be done by removing the torn or exposed section of the wire; in extreme cases, you will have to buy new fittings.

Broken USB input

Incorrect sound may occur after connecting other gadgets to the USB connector. The problem could be caused by a mouse or a faulty keyboard. In this case, when you press a key, you will hear clicks. There are quite objective reasons why this happens.

When information is transferred, the load on the PC increases. To reduce it, you need to do the following:

1. Switch the plug to another port.

2. You can also purchase a splitter and repair the old connection sockets.

3. Start using wireless devices.

The problem is that very often users do not pay due attention to their computer and do not immediately repair problems that appear. As a result, the USB connectors one after another become unusable, and only one remains, into which a splitter is connected, and it is on it that the entire load falls, which causes its increase.

How to properly wear in-ear headphones

Mouse noise

When you scroll the page with your mouse, sometimes you may also notice noises, sometimes they are simply unbearable. The solution to the problem is to replace the mouse, switch the mouse to an adjacent USB port or installing an external sound card.

Lack of grounding of sockets

This problem is not common, but still occurs, interfering with the normal operation of the headphones. Lack of grounding can also cause crackling, clicking and other noise in the headphones. If you have already checked your headphones and found no problems, also check the outlets to which your computer is connected.

This nuance only applies desktop computers, Laptop boards are usually grounded during their manufacturing stage.

When you use headphones connected to a laptop, incorrect sounds are most likely caused by internal malfunctions of the device. Do not delay in contacting service center, where your device will be diagnosed for problems.

The sound source itself does not work correctly

Violating the rules for using headphones often leads to disruption of their operation, and in particular to the sound. Problems also arise in the operation of the main sound source. Rarely, driver errors still occur. Program errors and malfunctions in the operating system cause interference in the form of noise and crackling.

The problem can be detected by testing the device by connecting various headsets. If their work is equally unacceptable - unpleasant sounds will be heard in all headphones, then the problem is hidden in the device driver.

If you are used to listening to music at very high volumes, you may also notice the appearance of hissing and crackling. As a rule, this happens if you purchase inexpensive headphones.

An insufficiently powerful power supply is another reason for extraneous noise in the sound of headphones (this problem sometimes occurs among laptop owners who have not yet figured out all its features). Fixing this problem is simple by using the following tips.

On your laptop, go to “Control Panel”, then to “System and Security” and finally to “Power Options”, and select the “ High performance" Once setup is complete, check the sound quality in your headphones.

Imagine a situation: you bought great new headphones, but when you connected them for the first time and started listening - the sound was just terrible. But how is this possible, because in all the reviews that you read before purchasing, journalists and bloggers wrote that the headphones were great.

Let's look at some of the most common reasons that force even the most... best headphones sound terrible.

Headphones sound too quiet

You bought headphones, connected them to your compact player or smartphone, but they sound quiet and the sound is inexpressive, flat. It's all about lack of nutrition. Many headphones place increased demands on the power supply of the sound source, which is why there are special markings on the headphones stating that they are compatible with smartphones. If the headphones have such markings, it means the manufacturer created them specifically to work in tandem with a smartphone. And if there is no marking, no one will give you a guarantee that a specific headphone model will be ideally compatible with compact sound sources.

The main parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing headphones for mobile use- resistance. For smartphones and players, it is not recommended to choose headphones with an impedance higher than 32 Ohms. Yes, some phones are capable of driving headphones with high impedance, sometimes up to 60 ohms, but there is no guarantee that you will be lucky. Therefore, when purchasing, pay special attention to this parameter.

In general, it is believed that the higher the impedance of headphones, the clearer they can reproduce sound. But remember that this feature is important for home listening, where there are no extraneous sounds; there is a special headphone amplifier available. This way you can really hear the difference in sound. But we are talking about headphones for your phone and you will most likely listen to them on the street, in transport or in the gym. Therefore, there is no reason for you to chase headphones with high resistance, it just doesn't make practical sense.

Solution: Portable Headphone Amplifier

If you firmly decide that you need uncompromising sound in all situations and bought high-impedance headphones, you need a portable headphone amplifier. This amplifier does not take up much space and can be easily carried with you. Although, of course, you need to consider where you will put it.

Just be sure to look at the specs on any amplifier you buy and make sure the "output impedance" number on the spec is less than 1/8 the impedance of the headphones you want to use. In this case, you will achieve perfect sound.

The headphones sound great at home, but it’s impossible to listen to them in the subway and public transport.

I have to disappoint you, but headphones have nothing to do with it. If you listened to them at home, you liked the sound, but on the subway you noticed that it was not sound - and not a digestible porridge of noise, headphones have nothing to do with it. Human hearing is to blame for everything.

Like any microphone, our ears are not perfect. The fact is that our ears pick up the sound that sounds louder than another, this effect is especially noticeable if the frequencies of these sounds are close or coincide. In this case, you will hear the sound that sounds loudest. There's nothing you can do about it.

Solution 1: Avoid places with high background noise

This is an obvious and simple solution, it is a pity that in most cases it will not work for us. After all, you need the metro to get to work or school, and it’s stupid to use another type of transport for the sake of a song in your headphones.

Solution 2: Block out external noise

This is one of the best solutions that I can recommend to you. There are several ways to drown out external noise to better perceive music with headphones:

  1. Use in-ear headphones with foam ear pads. These headphones can significantly reduce the level of external noise. Of course, it will not be possible to eliminate it completely, but at least you will start listening to music, and not the noise of wheels on the subway;
  2. If you are using headphones open type- stop doing this. Open-back headphones have no isolation from the outside world, try switching to closed-back headphones with high level passive noise insulation. You can find out which headphones are most suitable for you by reading a review or reviews on specific model, unfortunately, there is no other solution;
  3. Use active noise canceling headphones. I think this is the most effective and simple way out. Modern headphones with an active noise reduction system protect you very well from external noise; the leaders among such headphones are models from BOSE. Other manufacturers have similar systems, but in my experience, BOSE models cope with this task most effectively. In addition, most often these headphones are wireless, which means you will not only enjoy listening to music, but also conveniently, because there will be no interfering wires.

Solution 3: Increase the volume on your headphones

Do not do that! Technically, if you turn up the volume of the music in your headphones, you'll hear it better. But you also significantly increase the likelihood of damage to your hearing, and it will be impossible to restore it. On the subway, you will not be able to adequately assess the volume of the music, which will be loud enough to drown out the sound of the car, but not loud enough not to harm your hearing. Therefore, I recommend that you configure and remember maximum level volume in headphones in a quiet environment. For example, put on headphones at home and start turning up the volume on your phone. You will see a volume slider on the screen. Remember its position when the sound seems loud and uncomfortable to you, and never exceed it. On the subway, it may seem to you that the music is playing quietly, but looking at the volume slider on the screen you can easily understand that there is no need to increase the volume any higher. It’s better to drive through a couple of stations without music at all than to suffer from hearing loss later on.

Bluetooth headphones sound bad paired with my phone

Many modern manufacturers phones are starting to abandon the traditional headphone jack. They do this for various reasons, but we, as consumers, have only one thing left to do - use Bluetooth headphones. Yes, it is much more convenient than wired headphones, because... There are no wires and nothing interferes with using the phone and listening to music at the same time. Although, you have to pay for convenience - regularly charge not only your phone, but also its headphones.

Difficulty in choosing wireless headphones is that there are several profiles for transferring music from your phone to headphones via Bluetooth. We can consider these to be different languages. When you connect the headphones to the phone, these profiles are compared, and only those that are supported simultaneously by the phone and the headphones are used. It is for this reason that you may notice a difference in music playback with the same headphones that you connect to different phones - it all depends on the profile. Today, the aptX profile is considered the highest quality. Remember that both your phone and headphones must support it. Unfortunately, not all phones use it; even modern flagships may not know about it. A sad example is the Google Pixel.

Solution 1: Take a close look at the supported phone and headphone profiles

Before purchasing wireless headphones or a phone, read reviews on websites or the instructions for the device to find out which profiles wireless transmission data they support. If you want the best quality possible, make sure both devices support the aptX profile.

Solution 2: Check the battery level

Sometimes wireless headphones may start to perform worse when the battery level is low. Fully charge your headphones and phone to get the best sound quality.

Solution 3: Always update your phone

We live in a complex world, and the production of electronics is a double level of complexity for any manufacturer. Sometimes, after the release of a new phone, not all errors software eliminated. Therefore, regularly check if your phone has software updates. In some cases, timely updating can correct errors in wireless communication and the quality of music transmission can be significantly improved.

Where's the bass?

Quite often I get asked the same question: “why did I buy expensive headphones, but they play poorly?”

I have an answer to this question, but you may not like it.

So, let's start with the fact that each person hears sound differently. It depends on physical structure and the shape of your auricle, ear canal and eardrum sensitivity, as well as what sound you are used to listening to and what sound you would like to hear.

Manufacturers of professional and expensive headphones try to make sure that, if possible, all audible sound frequencies are played at the same volume. But even if the manufacturer succeeds, your hearing does not work so clearly. Each person perceives different frequencies at different volumes. And even more so for men and women different sensitivity to different sound frequencies, for example, women's hearing perceives high frequencies much better, because They are evolutionarily predisposed to hear a baby cry. Men perceive mid frequencies better.

It is for this reason that there are so many headphone manufacturers on the market today, and each manufacturer has a large line of the most different headphones, both in form factor and in tuning their sound. And here I can only advise you one thing - you need to listen to the headphones yourself before buying.

Therefore, even professional expensive headphones may seem bad to you if you are used to music with a lot of bass, or mids, or high frequencies. You want and are used to listening to embellished music, and there is nothing wrong with that. You just need to take this into account when buying new headphones. Remember, you don’t need expensive headphones, but those that sound best to you, and this does not always correlate with price.

Solutions 1: Read a lot of reviews

If you decide to buy some headphones, look at more than one or two reviews of them. Preferably whatever you find. Because the whole point of a review is how a particular person evaluates the headphones. I think you’ve already noticed that on one site a journalist or blogger praises headphones, but on another, on the contrary, they write that they are bad. And you probably think that those who praise have sold out? But in reality, everything is more complicated - journalists are people too and their hearing is different. Therefore, one person may like the sound of headphones, but another may not. That is why you need to read all available reviews and build on the majority opinion. This way you minimize the risk of buying bad headphones.

Solution 2: Use an equalizer

This is a simple tip, but in many cases it can solve your problem. If you use your phone as a sound source, use an equalizer if you don’t like the sound in headphones without it. But remember that the equalizer must be adjusted carefully. Try to slightly enhance or weaken the sound of those frequencies in the way you like best. But do it gradually. After each change, listen to music for at least a few minutes. Listen to different songs, different artists, different genres. If the settings generally worked well, continue adjusting further. And so every time. This is the only way you can adjust the music to your ears and your headphones so as not to spoil its sound, but to improve it. And remember that when changing headphones, you will have to adjust the equalizer from the very beginning.

By the way, what’s good about expensive headphones is a smoother frequency response. This means it will be easier for you to customize the equalizer for yourself. But this rule also does not always work, and before buying even expensive headphones, try to find their frequency response graph in order to roughly imagine how they will sound.

Connecting any device to a computer is a process that requires special attention. The more complex the peripheral component, the more complex the procedure. Quite often, headphones/speakers and microphones are connected to computers. These elements help you communicate online. It is very difficult to imagine a modern user without them.

On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. Only after the idea has been brought to life, it often takes a long time to configure these components. They work with errors. Most often, users wonder how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. Why does he even appear? What will it take to fix the problem? And is it really possible to get rid of it? If you can answer everything questions asked, connecting a headset and working with sound on a PC will not cause any trouble.

Why is there noise?

Initially, it is important to understand where the noise in the headphones comes from. Many users face this problem. Sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon, in some cases the noise does not disappear for a long time.

In fact, the nature of the problem is varied. Noise in headphones (with or without a microphone) occurs for various reasons. It is problematic to predict which alignment will help correct the situation. For example, noise may be caused by hardware damage or misconfigurations. Next, you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect sound quality in operating system- this is bad. If it is damaged or outdated, noise appears in the headphones.

The sound “breaks”; various crackling, squeaking and other noises may appear in the headphones or speakers. The situation can only be corrected by replacing or repairing the sound card. Only after that the headphones will disappear.


The following problem occurs very rarely. We are talking about the lack of grounding at the sockets to which the headset and speakers/headphones in general are connected. In this case, various types of noise may appear.

If we are talking about a laptop, most likely, connecting the computer to a grounded outlet will not fix the problem. As a rule, in laptops it is the boards on the mother card that may not be grounded. You will have to either replace them or accept the problem. In some cases, users prefer not to use a particular laptop.

USB devices

Are there noises in your headphones on your computer? Usually, different kinds of sounds occur when connecting various devices. They appear immediately, not after some time.

For example, when connecting a mouse, you may hear a monotonous sound. And if we are talking about a keyboard, most likely you will hear clicks when you press the keys.

This happens due to:

  1. Active transfer of information to the computer. Then it is recommended not to connect USB devices to certain ports. It is advisable to find other places. Or even start using a wireless headset and other devices.
  2. Damage to the USB port. It is proposed to carry out repairs. In practice, users simply reconnect all devices to different ports.

Fortunately, this situation does not occur very often. Modern computers and laptops are made so that users can work on machines comfortably. Therefore, such a situation is unlikely to occur in practice.


How to remove noise from headphones on a computer? Much depends on what type of headset the user has. The thing is that now all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature plays an important role.

Often noise in speakers or headphones is found on models connected via cable. This is where the main problem lies. For example, when the cable from a microphone or headphones is damaged, various types of noise arise. This happens due to poor-quality transmission of information to the sound card.

It is likely that the cable is damaged. Then the breakdown must be repaired. If wireless ones are used, this arrangement will not help.

Another trick that is advised to users with a wired headset is to remove the cord from the socket and reinsert it into the computer. This is the method that often helps get rid of noise.


But the next source of the problem is relevant for all devices. But in practice it is rare. The thing is that strong noise in the headphones on the computer is a consequence of damage or lack of sound card or device driver.

In such a case, you simply need to reinstall or update the corresponding software package for normal operation of the operating system with the connected device. For wireless headphones, as a rule, the corresponding drivers are included in the kit on a separate disk. As a last resort, you can download them from the website of the sound card or headset manufacturer.

Maximum sound - problems guaranteed

Background noise in headphones of any model is often encountered when the sound settings are incorrectly set. It doesn't matter whether a microphone is connected to the PC or not. After all, in this situation, nothing depends on him.

If your audio settings are set to maximum, you may experience noise or wheezing on your computer. Users who bought cheap speakers or headsets suffer from a similar problem.

The fix is ​​simple - by turning down the sound. For example, through a mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone image (near the clock and date), then move the slider down. So that the noise disappears. Nothing difficult or special. This is why it is recommended to buy mid-priced headphones. They encounter this problem less often.

Microphone - benefit or harm

Now it’s clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. But these are not all the techniques that can help. What to do if all the previously listed scenarios did not work?

The presence of a microphone on a PC plays an important role. It is this that often becomes the source of noise in headphones. What to do?

It's clearly not worth giving up the microphone. Instead, you will have to make small setup sensitivity and volume of the device. Then you will be able to get rid of excess noise.

How to do it? You need to follow a few instructions. It looks something like this:

  1. Boot your computer. Be sure to connect a headset with a microphone.
  2. Right-click on the mixer on the right side of the screen. In the menu that appears, click on “Sound recording devices...”.
  3. Find the connected microphone. Double click on the corresponding line.
  4. Go to the "Levels" tab.
  5. Adjust the microphone volume and sensitivity by moving the sliders. If there is PC Beep, turn it off (move the volume mark to zero).
  6. In the "Improvements" section, check the box next to "Reduce noise level". You can also check the "Remove constant component" item.

All this will help to quickly get rid of noise in the headset. How to set the microphone settings correctly? This is an individual component; each user independently selects the option that suits him.

Conclusions and Conclusions

It doesn't matter which headset is connected to the computer - wired or not. The main thing is that the majority of problems occur on all device models. for a computer with a microphone are most often connected and used without much difficulty. And the main cause of noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone, as well as the really loud environment around the user.

How to remove noise from headphones? All of the above methods will definitely help correct the situation. If we are talking about wireless headset, then if there is constant noise, it is recommended to change the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the previously listed tips remain the same.

Extraneous noise in headphones occasionally occurs due to virus infection. After curing the computer, the headset begins to work properly. Fortunately, this kind of events are not that frequent. And the main methods of dealing with the problem under study are to reinstall the driver, reduce and adjust the microphone. From now on, it’s clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer.

Good day.

Most home computers (and laptops) come with speakers or headphones (sometimes both) connected. Quite often, in addition to the main sound, the speakers begin to play all sorts of extraneous sounds: mouse scrolling noise (a very common problem), various crackling sounds, trembling, and sometimes a slight whistle.

In general, this question is quite multifaceted - there can be dozens of reasons for the appearance of extraneous noise... In this article I want to point out only the most common reasons why extraneous sounds appear in headphones (and speakers).

Reason #1 - problem with the connection cable

One of the most common reasons for the appearance of extraneous noise and sounds is poor contact between the computer's sound card and the sound source (speakers, headphones, etc.). Most often, this happens due to:

  • damaged (broken) cable that connects the speakers to the computer (see Fig. 1). By the way, in this case you can also often observe the following problem: there is sound in one speaker (or headphone), but not in the other. It is also worth noting that a broken cable is not always visible to the eye; sometimes you need to install headphones to another device and test it to get to the bottom of the truth;
  • poor contact between socket network card PC and headphone plug. By the way, very often it helps to simply remove and insert the plug from the socket or turn it clockwise (counterclockwise) to a certain angle;
  • loose cable. When it starts to hang out from a draft, pets, etc., extraneous sounds begin to appear. In this case, the wire can be attached to the table (for example) with regular tape.

By the way, I also observed the following picture: if the cable for connecting the speakers is too long, extraneous noise may appear (usually subtle, but still annoying). When the length of the wire was reduced, the noise disappeared. If your speakers are very close to your PC, it might be worth trying to change the length of the cord (especially if you use some extension cords...).

In any case, before you start looking for problems, make sure that everything is in order with the hardware (speakers, cable, plug, etc.). To check them, just use another PC (laptop, TV, etc.).

Reason #2 - driver problem

Anything can happen due to driver problems! Most often, if the drivers are not installed, you will have no sound at all. But sometimes, when the wrong drivers were installed, it may not be observed at all correct work device (sound card) and therefore various noises appear.

Problems of this nature also often appear after reinstallation or Windows updates. By the way, Windows itself very often reports that there are problems with drivers...

To check if everything is ok with the drivers, you need to open device Manager (Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Device Manager- see fig. 2).

In Device Manager you need to open the " Audio inputs and outputs"(see Fig. 3). If this tab does not display yellow and red icons next to devices exclamation marks- means that there are no conflicts or serious problems with drivers.

Reason #3 - sound settings

Quite often, one or two ticks in the sound settings can completely change the clarity and quality of the sound. Quite often, noise in the sound can be observed due to the inclusion of PC Beer and the line input (and other things, depending on the configuration of your PC).

To configure the sound, go to Control Panel\Hardware and Sound and open the tab " Volume settings"(as in Fig. 4).

In the “Levels” tab there should be the treasured “PC Beer”, “CD”, “Line input”, etc. (see Fig. 6). Reduce the signal level (volume) of these devices to a minimum, then save the settings and check the sound quality. Sometimes after these settings are entered, the sound changes dramatically!

Rice. 6. Properties (Speakers/Headphones)

Reason #4: Speaker volume and quality

Often, hissing and crackling in speakers and headphones appears when their volume reaches maximum (on some, noise appears when the volume rises above 50%).

This happens especially often with inexpensive speaker models; many people call this effect “jitter.” Please note: this may be the reason - The volume on the speakers is turned up almost to maximum, and in Windows itself is turned down to minimum. In this case, simply adjust the volume.

In general, it is almost impossible to get rid of the “jitter” effect at high volumes (of course, without replacing the speakers with more powerful ones)…

Reason #5: Power supply

Sometimes the reason why noise appears in headphones is power supply diagram(this recommendation is for laptop users)!

The fact is that if the power supply circuit is set to power saving (or balance) mode, perhaps the sound card simply does not have enough power - this is why extraneous noise is observed.

The solution is simple: go to Control Panel\System and Security\Power Options- and select the mode “ High performance"(this mode is usually hidden in the additional tab, see Fig. 7). After this, you also need to connect the laptop to the power supply, and then check the sound.

Reason #6: Grounding

The point here is that the computer case (and often the speakers too) passes electrical signals through itself. For this reason, various extraneous sounds may appear in the speakers.

To eliminate this problem, one simple trick often helps: connect the computer case and the battery with a regular cable (cord). Fortunately, there is a heating radiator in almost every room where a computer is located. If the reason was grounding, this method in most cases eliminates interference.

Mouse noise when scrolling the page

Among the types of noise, the predominant one is extraneous sound- like the sound of a mouse when it scrolls. Sometimes it is so annoying that many users have to work without sound at all (until the problem is fixed)…

Such noise can occur for various reasons; it is not always easy to establish. But there are a number of solutions to try:

  1. replacing the mouse with a new one;
  2. replacing a USB mouse with a PS/2 mouse (by the way, many PS/2 mice have a mouse connected via an adapter to USB - just remove the adapter and connect directly to the PS/2 connector. Often the problem disappears in this case);
  3. replacement wired mouse to wireless (and vice versa);
  4. try connecting the mouse to a different USB port;
  5. installing an external sound card.

Rice. 8. PS/2 and USB


In addition to all of the above, speakers may begin to produce noise in the following cases:

  • before the call mobile phone(especially if he lies close to them);
  • if the speakers are too close to the printer, monitor, or other equipment.

That's all I have on this issue. I would be grateful for constructive additions. Good job 🙂

Despite technological advancements, Bluetooth headphones still suffer from some annoying problems.

We've looked at the most common Bluetooth headphone problems and found several solutions.

My smartphone can't find my Bluetooth headphones

Do you want to connect headphones to your smartphone, but for some reason the headphones do not appear in the list of Bluetooth devices? Here is a list of how to solve the problem:

  • Check if you have actually enabled Bluetooth connection on your phone. It's amazingly easy to miss.
  • Check if your headphones are compatible with your device and OS. If you're using an iPhone, it should be running at least iOS 7, which is "Bluetooth Smart Ready" natively. If you're on Android, make sure it's running at least Android 4.3.
  • Make sure your smartphone and headphones are close enough to each other when you want to connect them. The best way To ensure a good connection, it is to bring the devices at least 50 cm apart from each other.
  • Check the manufacturer's recommended joining process. Not all Bluetooth headphones will connect to your phone in the same way; sometimes it's as simple as just plugging in your headphones, other times it's a little more complicated. To avoid problems with connecting your device, please read all the detailed steps carefully on what you should do.
  • Try turning them off and on again. It's an old method, but let's face it - sometimes it really works.
  • Turn off or remove all interference. For some reason, your headphones may be trying to connect to a device other than your smartphone.
  • Move away from your Wi-Fi router. Perhaps yours wifi router uses the same spectrum as headphones and thus causes some interference.

My Bluetooth headphones keep disconnecting

There's nothing more frustrating than listening to music and suddenly your Bluetooth headphones just turn off. Sometimes the Bluetooth connection will drop out completely and force you to connect again, other times it will drop out for a few seconds before it connects again. These problems are easy to solve:

  • Stay within the range of your headphones and smartphone. It’s very easy to move too far from your smartphone and Bluetooth won’t work.
  • Remove all unnecessary Bluetooth connections. It is quite possible that your smartphone is “overloaded” with the number of attempts to connect to it.
  • Make sure your Bluetooth headset is well charged. Bluetooth headphones tend to turn off periodically when the battery level is low.
  • Try disconnecting your headphones and then pairing them with your smartphone again.

The connection between my headphones and my smartphone is unstable

It also often happens that when you try to pair your headphones and smartphone together, you will either receive an error message or the pairing process will work erratically - without actually connecting. The simplest solution is here:

  • Remove any unused or unnecessary Bluetooth connections. Some devices start to freeze if there are too many devices in the Bluetooth connection list.

If this doesn't help, you can try any of the other methods we have already mentioned.

I hear noise in my Bluetooth headphones

Despite its long journey, Bluetooth technology is still susceptible to interference, such as static or crackling noises when you listen to music.

  • Firstly, you should disable or turn off other unused Bluetooth devices in this district.
  • If the static persists, try rebooting your headphones (you can easily figure this out by referring to the manufacturer's website).
  • Turn on the media player, then disconnect the headphones for 30 seconds, and then connect them again.
  • Reduce the distance between your smartphone and your headphones, as this will also help reduce (or even solve) any noise problems.

These are all proven methods for solving some of the most annoying problems. Bluetooth problems, but this is far from full list. If none of these troubleshooting methods work, it's best to contact the manufacturer directly.

Have you tried any of these methods to troubleshoot problems with your own Bluetooth devices?

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