Laptop or stationary pc. Computer or laptop - which is better to choose for yourself? Choosing a powerful laptop

Laptop or stationary pc. Computer or laptop - which is better to choose for yourself? Choosing a powerful laptop


A computer today is collectively referred to as a laptop, netbook and desktop system. With the upcoming purchase, you need to decide what type of computer you need. Often, many cannot choose what to buy, laptop or computer... Let's take a look at desktops, laptops, and netbooks in this article. Their pros and cons, pros and cons, separately. First, we will describe the pros, then the disadvantages of each type and at the end of the recommendation. Thus, you can understand for yourself which is better, a computer or laptop, or maybe a netbook.

Of course, some people have already decided what kind of computer they prefer. Someone likes a laptop more, while others cannot imagine their home without a stationary computer. For those who have decided, the article will help to find out the advantages of the type of computer they have chosen and use it to their advantage.

The advantages of a desktop PC are that it alone is a full-fledged computer. He has the highest power among the discussed. The most stable work can only be expected from desktop computer... It is clear, because the components of the computer are not squeezed in a cramped case like in laptops. Due to this, there are no problems with them. They are supplied with sufficient air for cooling. And it makes no sense to save on electricity to the detriment of power, since a desktop computer, as a rule, operates from the mains. Almost all serious work is done on stationary computers. Although a huge proportion of computers are used only for computer games. Which, in turn, require good computing power. In terms of power, the computer better laptop... If you compare the power of a desktop computer and a laptop bought for the same amount of money, the computer is more powerful than a laptop. In the event of a breakdown of a component on a desktop computer, replacement will be much cheaper. If you wish, you can make this replacement yourself. In addition, the modernization of the system, which was mentioned in, is fully possible only on a stationary computer. While computers with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are rare, you can buy and install them on any computer at any time. In addition to them, you can connect a TV tuner to your computer - for and recording. And this is not all that can be used to increase the functionality of a desktop computer. Computer stores have tons of gadgets that you can add to your desktop computer if you want.

Now about laptops. The first reason for choosing a laptop over a desktop PC is mobility... If your lifestyle or work requires the use of a computer for different places, then your choice is likely to focus on a laptop. To keep in touch with the outside world, almost all laptops produced today have built-in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. They make it easy to share information with others. mobile devices(phones, smartphones,). Wi-Fi makes it easy to go online from a laptop. Thanks to the built-in webcam and microphone, you can chat with your loved ones from anywhere, as long as you have access to the Internet. For business people, a laptop will be useful when working with clients, for example: for showing presentations on the road. It is impossible not to mention the autonomous operation of the laptop from the battery. Which, the stationary computer does not have at all. Some powerful (correspondingly expensive) laptops will allow gamers to spend a pleasant time playing their favorite game over the network. But not every laptop is suitable for gaming.

About 10 years ago, netbooks became very popular. In fact, this is the same laptop, but smaller. The netbook is slightly larger than a general notebook. Usually, it doesn't have a floppy drive. But this disadvantage can be easily solved by purchasing an external USB drive. The plus of a netbook is its compactness and mobility... The netbook is ideal for long journeys. The netbook is perfect for watching movies on the go. Thanks to capacious hard drives (from 160 GB and above) in the memory of the netbook, you can collect a good collection of movies, music and photos. The netbook is great for regularly uploading photos from your camera. The main tasks that a netbook can easily handle are: listening to music, surfing the Internet and downloading, working in office programs. The tasks are more difficult, such as light processing of photos, and some games are also possible, but with difficulty and time consuming. The most important advantage of a netbook is its time. autonomous work... A netbook with a reinforced (6-cell) battery can last an average of 7 hours without plugging in. There are models with 11 hours of battery life. Laptops can withstand 2-3 hours. For ultra-mobile people, a netbook is ideal. Now they have almost been supplanted by tablets, let's talk about them too.

Nowadays, for many, tablets may well become a replacement for a netbook or even a laptop. They have a wide range of functions while remaining very compact, thin and lightweight. Unlike netbooks / laptops, most have in themselves good camera, gps navigation, internet from mobile networks If you take a Windows tablet, it can practically do everything a netbook could, even more. Apple tablets are a bit quirky, but if you get used to them, you won't want anything else. Most of the devices still work on Android and allow all the same only with the help of their similar programs.

It's time to draw conclusions.

For a home person it is better to choose a computer than a laptop... Having installed it in a convenient corner of the house, he will not know the problems associated with overheating of the processor. Will be able to connect the computer to the speaker system and get a home theater. Stop, I seem to be off-topic.

Laptop worth buying business people and those who often move from place to place. Those who, due to their duty, are forced to work with people and demonstrate their products and offers to customers. This can be done perfectly with a laptop screen. A laptop is suitable for those who do not want to allocate a corner of the computer at home, but prefer to walk around the house, while not looking up from the Internet.

If you are leaning towards buying a laptop, but at the same time you do not need a lot of power and games, and mobility is more important to you, then this may be your choice. By the way, using a netbook and Skype programs it is very convenient to show recently renovated relatives living far away.

If your tasks are feasible using a tablet, then it will be much more convenient than a laptop. Take your tablet with you, it is perhaps a little heavier than a common notebook. And in general now a person with a netbook looks like something old-fashioned chtoli.

Small survey: What choice did you make?

I would be glad to hear your opinions and questions. Comment - do not hesitate.

The development of computer technology has led to the fact that, unlike the 20th century, now a person is provided with several types of computers at once: stationary, laptop,. But most often it happens that in a hardware store, they offer to choose a computer or laptop for purchase.

Going to the store, it is recommended to decide in advance what you better buy, a laptop or a stationary computer. Since sellers - consultants often try to sell something at a higher price, and this may not be at all what will be needed in your situation.

In this article, we will consider how exactly a laptop differs from a computer, and what is more suitable for games, for work or for home.

To begin with, let's determine what advantages each of these types of technology has in comparison with each other.

Benefits of a personal computer:

  • large monitor;
  • lower price;
  • high power;
  • the possibility of increasing memory due to an additional hard drive;
  • ease and low cost of repair;
  • does not heat up;
  • good sound.

Laptop advantages:

  • compactness;
  • mobility;
  • noiselessness of work;
  • lack of a large number of wires;
  • built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth;
  • independence from the mains.

Having determined what is the difference between a laptop and a computer, you can now consider for what purposes it is more rational to use them.

Gaming computer or gaming laptop

Modern games, which are enjoyed by children, teenagers, and even adults, require a certain level of power, random access memory, sound and video cards. Very often, these figures for a laptop are lower than that of a stationary computer of the same price. Therefore, if you buy equipment for the purpose of playing, then it is better to choose a stationary computer or an expensive laptop of the latest developments. But why overpay, if most often people play such games at home, as it takes a long time.

Can a laptop replace a computer?

If you do not need to work on a computer with graphics or other programs that require high power and good speed for their work, then yes.

Laptops are most often bought in the following situations:

  • students for mobile communication or study;
  • for conducting offsite seminars or conferences;
  • if your living conditions do not allow you to organize a full-fledged workplace at a stationary computer;
  • if you need to work on only one machine without transferring data;
  • work is associated with constant moving.

But, having made a choice in favor of a laptop, you should remember that this is a fragile thing and if you drop it or spill water on it, then most likely you will have to buy a new one.

Laptop or computer: which is more harmful?

There is more and more information and talk about harm. But to say that the laptop, due to its small size, emits less, so the harm from them is the same.

Scientists have proven that when working on a laptop, because of the screen located too low, a person takes the wrong posture than when working at a stationary computer. Therefore, there is an overstrain of the muscles that hold the head in an upright position. This leads to the formation of incorrect posture. Also, due to the small screen of the laptop, there is a heavy load on the eyes and they get tired faster. But this can all be eliminated by taking regular breaks from work and adopting the correct posture.

When making a choice to buy a computer or a laptop, it is better not to rely on the criterion "which is cheaper", but still think about what it will be more convenient for you to work on.

Greetings, friends! It seems to me that at least one computer unit is now in any home. Usually they come to the store for a home laptop or stationary computer for personal use. This is where the question is most often asked: a computer or a laptop, which is better for the home? Do you want to know how to make the right decision with your purchase? Let's listen, I'll try to tell you more from my personal experience.

Before buying this or that IT equipment, decide what exactly you need it for. There are different categories of computers and laptops - from budget to ultra-expensive.

  • By purchasing a PC for Internet surfing, communication in social networks or watching movies does not make sense to bear high costs. For a home, a good laptop from medium or low will be enough price category.
  • Is there a schoolboy or a student in the house? Think about your device more seriously! The child will learn, his abilities and needs will grow with him. A huge number of abstracts and term papers will soon be replaced by more serious tasks. For example, mastering presentations, editing simple promo videos is a reality, not a fantasy in the life of a modern student. Here you need a device with more serious power.
  • Aspiring web designers and other young freelancers need a device with good performance and a graphics card. Agree, even write simple program or an application on a "squeaky" old man is almost impossible.
  • A little apart is the class of ultra-modern laptops for games. These are always very expensive devices with accessibility and super speeds. Any advanced gamer knows what a good game is worth good money, and there are no other options. At the same time, it makes no sense to buy such a "miracle of technology" for home use at the "kettle" level.

Advantages and disadvantages

A desktop computer and a laptop differ significantly in several ways. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. A comparison through a table will clearly show these differences:


a computer


It can only be used at home, mainly in one place. Heavy, oversized.

The most convenient form factor among serious computer technology. You can take it on the road, to the country house, to study. Light weight and dimensions.


With the release of new software updates, it is easy to replace any desired node, for example, a video card, on your own.

All important details are interconnected. If the need for a more serious device arises, you need to completely change the laptop to a new one.

Replacing one part is more affordable for the wallet and completely painless for the "stuffing" of the stationary unit.

Very often together with motherboard a fan and a video card are flying. Serious repairs and replacement of parts will cost a pretty penny.

Energy consumption

Very resource intensive. Based on current electricity prices, this is a pretty costly multi-device.

The high energy efficiency of each unit individually together gives a good result. The savings in apartment bills at the end of the month are obvious.


Plenty of space in the system unit allows you to install an additional fan if necessary.

It often overheats and even turns off in multitasking mode.

Work speed

Nimble and responsive

With the same performance as a home PC, it works much slower.


A large number of outputs in all possible formats makes multitasking a computer to the skies. Here you can add an MFP, a projector, a light pen at the same time and everything will work quickly and easily. Moreover, at the same time.

Often the manufacturer removes the maximum of ports and connectors to reduce the cost of production, which is not very convenient.

Accommodation and equipment

Of course, a desktop computer is more flexible in terms of equipment. A 3D designer can buy an excellent monitor for it and reduce the constant strain on the eyes. The copywriter has the ability to work with the scissor keyboard without discomfort for the hands. The user can completely painlessly select all the components according to his wallet and needs.

As for the place that the technician takes in the house - everything is clear, like broad daylight. A large computer will take a lot when placed. With a laptop, you can sit anywhere. Working on the couch? No problem! Movies and recipes in the kitchen? Easy! Cartoons in the nursery? Easily!

Internet access via Wi-Fi from anywhere in the apartment is a clear advantage of the laptop. Do you like to retire and sit in social networks in a secluded corner? Take your laptop home instead of a heavy system unit.


Whatever one may say, the laptop is an engineering genius. The designers have worked very hard and for a long time to fit great opportunities into small dimensions. It is this difference of one form factor from another that significantly affects its price. With the same performance, a laptop will always be 20-30% more expensive than its more bulky counterpart. You have to pay for new inventions! Get ready for this.

How do I buy a computer?

One purchase of a monoblock when assembling a stationary PC is not enough. For full-fledged operation, it must be equipped with a monitor, keyboard and mouse. This is the minimum set. Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities you will also have to buy it, especially if the system unit is not very expensive.

In addition to a computer, it is worth buying speakers for high-quality listening to music, a webcam for communicating on Skype. As a plus for the laptop, I will note that it already has all this as standard.

The standard Windows firmware of a stationary computer rarely comes directly from the store, laptops, on the contrary, in 90% of cases are immediately sold with the OS last update... It is up to you to decide whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage. A beginner will be happy with such content, but an advanced user will alter it in his own way. The question is, is it worth paying more?

Fragile and reliable at the same time

Note that a laptop is a fragile thing and requires careful handling. In a home with small children, there is a risk of breaking the portable device. And the cup of tea poured onto the keyboard is generally a disaster. It is under it in a portable computer that all important nodes are located.

The minicomputer requires more thorough cleaning. All pet owners report rapid overheating of the device over time. This is because wool is drawn into the cooler and the likelihood of processor breakage is greatly increased. The laptop requires extra care and accuracy. Fragile things need to be protected!

Now imagine (and maybe you do) that you live in a remote village, where there are constant power outages. When working on a home computer with important information, all files run the risk of being lost at once! The laptop will function on battery power for some time, so you will still be able to save an important document. How to choose a laptop

Making the final choice

Ask me which is best for you? I will answer: in order for the equipment to serve for a long time and to work on it was a pleasure, you need to be guided by the tasks that will be performed. Ideally, you should have a desktop computer at home for the whole family and a laptop for schoolchildren. So everyone will be happy, the conflict of interests will not befall the family! Can you only purchase one device? Choose and buy what is right for you.

Do you love to travel and work on the road? Laptop only! Having trouble paying attention to your computer outside the home? Definitely a stationary PC! Will serve faithfully for many years!

Interesting! By the way, the purchase of this type of equipment has a certain gender division. Are you surprised? Let me tell you a secret: girls love laptops more! Why? Because they are light, small, colorful, and so on and so forth. In addition, there is a small number of connected wires. The female half of humanity does not really like them and loves them. Men often choose serious, solid devices instead of a laptop. Their huge system unit does not bother at all. That's it!

Did you like the article? Was it informative, interesting? Was it easy for you to read? Have you decided what to choose, thanks to her? I would be glad to any comment and even sharp criticism. Write, come to the pages of my blog again, I am glad to every new guest.

See you soon, friends!

Thank you for the attention! Bye everyone! Best regards, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Published: 16.01.2018

A computer today is collectively referred to as a laptop, netbook and desktop system. With the upcoming purchase, you need to decide what type of computer you need. Often, many cannot choose what to buy, laptop or computer... Let's take a look at desktops, laptops, and netbooks in this article. Their pros and cons, pros and cons, separately. First, we will describe the pros, then the disadvantages of each type and at the end of the recommendation. Thus, you can understand for yourself which is better, a computer or laptop, or maybe a netbook.

Of course, some people have already decided what kind of computer they prefer. Someone likes a laptop more, while others cannot imagine their home without a stationary computer. For those who have decided, the article will help to find out the advantages of the type of computer they have chosen and use it to their advantage.

The advantages of a desktop PC are that it alone is a full-fledged computer. He has the highest power among the discussed. The most stable work can only be expected from a desktop computer. It is clear, because the components of the computer are not squeezed in a cramped case like in laptops. Due to this, there are no problems with them. They are supplied with sufficient air for cooling. And it makes no sense to save on electricity to the detriment of power, since a desktop computer, as a rule, operates from the mains. Almost all serious work is done on stationary computers. Although a huge proportion of computers are used only for computer games. Which, in turn, require good computing power. In terms of power, a computer is better than a laptop. If you compare the power of a desktop computer and a laptop bought for the same amount of money, the computer is more powerful than a laptop. In the event of a breakdown of a component on a desktop computer, replacement will be much cheaper. If you wish, you can make this replacement yourself. In addition, the modernization of the system, which was mentioned in, is fully possible only on a stationary computer. While computers with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth are rare, you can buy and install them on any computer at any time. In addition to them, you can connect a TV tuner to your computer - for and recording. And this is not all that can be used to increase the functionality of a desktop computer. Computer stores have tons of gadgets that you can add to your desktop computer if you want.

Which is better than Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3?

3 months ago, I performed the role of a media center under the TV set. It looked cool and fit into the interior, but it was completely too lazy to fight with viruses and wine, and MK4 was fed up with it over the years. As a result, it was decided to buy a prefix.

It remained to choose whether it would be Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. With this question, I went to Google (there was no one else to ask). Google answered me with tons of identical articles from 5 years ago, which described children's problems with consoles (noise, overheating), and meticulously compiled lists of games existing on these platforms. Actually, in terms of the quantity and quality of games, the consoles were compared. From the useful, I found one article where it was compared, and an article where it was compared.

Xbox 360

It turned out that the processor in the Xbox 360 is cooler than the processor in the PS3. More precisely, it is better tailored for games. That the Xbox video system was developed by ATI specifically for the set-top box, and the PS3 video system from nVidia is a video card adapted for the set-top box from pisyuk. That it is easier to develop games for the Xbox. The picture of the Xbox is more detailed and realistic, although this is noticeable not in all games, not in all scenes.

GTA4 on Xbox 360:

What is a discrete graphics card?

We continue the series of posts for those who have just started to study computers from the inside - today we will deal with such a concept as a discrete video card.
It's actually very simple - this card uses its own graphics processor and its own memory, while the integrated video card uses the power directly from the laptop processor and its own RAM, which naturally reduces performance in general. But it should be noted that discreteness does not always mean a separate board installed in a PCI slot - all the components of such a card can also be placed on a common laptop board.

Very often in the description of this or that "beech" the phrase "Type of graphics: Built-in + discrete" flashes. This, as we now know, means that in fact there are 2 "graphics" in a laptop: one, for example, built into the processor (Take the same Intel HD 3000 in Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7 processors) and a discrete one - living its own life is usually much more powerful. Manufacturers usually add the letter M. to the latest cards. For example, a regular GeForce 8600 GT video card and its mobile version 8600M GT.

What is the difference between a discrete video card and an integrated one?

(+) Great performance

This allows your laptop to feel more comfortable in any graphically demanding programs or games.

(+) Own memory

Another plus that a discrete video card can boast over the built-in ones. built-in graphics chips do not have their own memory at all (With rare exceptions), and “think” at the expense of your computer's RAM.

(-) More power consumption

It is quite logical - high power requires a lot more energy, and for "beeches" running on a battery this moment is very noticeable - the battery will drain much faster.

(-) More noise

Of course, a discrete video card is equipped with its own (and) fans that cool it, so fans of silence should take this into account. However, if you do not try to use the map to the maximum, trying it, for example, with the third part of Battlefield at maximum graphics settings, then you can not count it as a minus. In general, this item is very individual - it depends on the card model, the owner's requirements for it, and on many other factors.

(-) More heating

A logical continuation of the previous point. This is especially true for laptops in which video cards are located in a very tight space, and often the laptop itself lies on the lap of the owner. In the same games, some cards may well heat up to 96 degrees Celsius, or even more. In winter, such an alignment may even please someone, but the service life of a video card from such temperatures will clearly not be in the black. This is something to keep in mind.

How to choose a laptop

If you want to learn how to choose a laptop, then you need to know the main characteristics when choosing a laptop, which we will now consider with you, after which you can independently: choose a laptop for games, choose a laptop for work, choose a laptop for home, and also learn to choose laptop according to parameters.

And so let's look at what are the main characteristics you need to pay attention to when choosing a laptop.
1. Processor. Here you need to pay special attention, since the speed of your laptop will depend on the processor.
Today the processors are produced by two manufacturers INTEL and AMD. To date, the INTEL series of processors is produced, the following series of processors are produced: Intel Atom, Intel Celeron Ultra Low Voltage, Intel Celeron T, Intel Pentium P, Intel Pentium B, Intel Pentium U, Intel Core 2 Duo P, Intel Core i3 UM, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7
Today the newest models in the series Intel processors these are Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7. AMD manufacturers produce the following series of AMD processors: AMD - Dual-Core C, AMD - Dual-Core E, AMD - Athlon II M, AMD - Athlon II P, AMD Turion II P, AMD Turion Dual-Core A4, AMD Phenom II Dual -Core Mobile, AMD Phenom II Triple-Core Mobile, AMD Quad-Core A8, AMD Phenom II Quad-Core Mobile.
To date, the newest models in the AMD processor series are AMD Phenom II Triple-Core Mobile, AMD Quad-Core A8, AMD Phenom II Quad-Core Mobile.
If you want to choose a laptop for games, for home, office applications, for working on the Internet, then choose a laptop with an Intel series processor.
Today, a gaming laptop with Intel Core i3 processors can be taken for $ 700-$ 800.
With Intel Core i5 processors, the laptop will be priced between $ 750 and $ 1000.
With Intel Core i7 processors, the laptop will be priced between $ 1100 and $ 1700.
If you want to choose a laptop for watching movies, for working on the Internet and for office applications, then choose a laptop with AMD series processors.
2. Video memory. This is also the main characteristic when choosing a laptop.
Laptops have three types of video memory: Discrete, hybrid and built-in.
If you are not well versed in laptops, then it is better to choose a laptop with a type of video memory - discrete.
If you want to choose a laptop for games, for browsing the Internet, watching movies and office applications, then run out a laptop with a video card manufactured by Nvidia with models: GeForce GT 410M, GeForce GT 420M, GeForce GT 425M, GeForce GT 460M, GeForce GT 520M , GeForce GT 520MX, GeForce GT 525M, GeForce GT 540M, GeForce GT 550M, GeForce GT 550M, or ATI graphics card manufacturer with models: Radeon HD 6550M, Radeon HD 6570M, Radeon HD 6630M, Radeon HD 6650M, Radeon HD 6670M, Radeon HD 6740G2, Radeon HD 6750M, Radeon HD 6770M.
Choose a laptop with 1GB memory, and if you want to play powerful games such as GTA 4, stalker, then it is better to choose a laptop with 2GB memory. The price of such a laptop will be about $ 870-$ 980.
If you choose a laptop for office applications, watching movies, working on the Internet, then choose a laptop with 512Mb memory, the price of that laptop will be $ 500 -610.
3. Random access memory. RAM also plays a big role when choosing a laptop.
If you choose a laptop for games, for home, for working on the Internet, for watching movies, for running office applications: choose a laptop with 3GB - 4GB RAM.
Please note if you choose a laptop with 4GB RAM, then you will have to work on a 64-bit Windows operating system, since a 32-bit operating system Windows system does not see all 4GB of RAM.
If you need a laptop for surfing the Internet, watching movies, running office applications, then choose a laptop with 2GB - 3GB memory.
4. Volume hard disk. Here you need to consider how much information will be stored on your hard drive. If you take a laptop for mass use, that is, for watching movies, for games, for working on the Internet and for office applications, choose a laptop with 320GB or 500GB hard disk memory. The spindle rotation speed is 5400 rpm.
5. Laptop screen. Here you also need to pay special attention, since the quality of the displayed image on the laptop screen will be indicated on the laptop screen.
If you take a laptop for playing games and watching movies, then choose a laptop with a diagonal of 16 inches, 17 inches or more.
If you take a laptop for office applications and the Internet, then 12, 14, 15 inches will be enough for you, but if you want a larger laptop screen, then choose a laptop with a larger screen diagonal.
Laptop screen resolutions.
If you want to watch movies in high quality, then choose a laptop with a resolution of 1440 x 900, 1600 x 900, 1920 x 1080, the screen resolution will also be displayed as games on the laptop, the higher the screen resolution, the better the graphics will be in games.
If you take a laptop for office applications and work on the Internet, then choose a laptop with a screen resolution of 1366 x 768 or 1440 x 900.
These are the main characteristics that you need to pay special attention to when choosing a laptop.


Computer or laptop - which is better to choose for yourself?

In the age of ubiquitous computerization, the purchase of new computer equipment is extremely important. Here, many buyers have an important question, what to choose: a stationary computer or a laptop? Undoubtedly, both have advantages, therefore, first of all, you should determine the priority purpose of the purchase and understand the main characteristics and differences of the species.

Portability and size

Of course, the laptop attracts interest, first of all, with its mobility and portability. With it, unlike a desktop computer, there is no restriction in movement, and the ability to take it on trips. But the laptop also has a number of other advantages, let's take a closer look at each of them. First of all, a laptop makes it possible to have a full-fledged computer anywhere, at hand. Charging the built-in rechargeable battery will allow you to work for some time away from power sources. The second major quality is wireless Internet connectivity.

Save space

Spatial space saving also plays an important role, the size of a laptop is equal to the size of a desktop computer monitor. By weight not exceeding 4 kg. There are also lighter models, weighing no more than 1.5 kg, but their main disadvantage is low power and a small range of components. Let us recall that the weight of a stationary computer is several times greater than the heaviest model of a laptop.

Repair and improvement

In terms of possible upgrades, there is undoubtedly a greater advantage with a home computer. The internals of the laptop are bound to a permanent set. From which it follows that there is no improvement in the performance and functionality of the laptop due to the addition or replacement of components. A desktop computer is easier to replace some parts, which makes it possible to increase power. A similar upgrade of laptop parts requires a professional approach and is more complex to implement.

ASUS GX800VH (KBL) -GY004T Gaming Laptop Specifications

ASUS GX800VH (KBL) -GY004T Notebook is designed to be the world's most powerful mobile gaming station. This model is designed for the discerning esports player who needs reliability and top performance. It has an Intel Core i7 processor, 64 GB of RAM and a bundle of two video cards. Thanks to this, you can be sure that resource-intensive applications will work without any lag or lag, even in multitasking mode.
The liquid docking station protects the system from overheating. It does an excellent job of dissipating heat from the electronics and gives the laptop impressive overclocking potential.
The 18.4-inch monitor reproduces crisp, bright, detailed 4K (Ultra HD) video. This means that the picture looks as realistic as possible, and you will consider it down to the smallest detail. Enough performance to support modern technologies virtual reality so you get the most out of the game.
The mechanical keyboard responds flawlessly to commands, even if you press multiple keys at the same time. It is equipped with customizable lighting so you can work and play even in the dark.
The laptop received a wireless module that supports high-speed Wi-Fi 802.11ac. An external antenna guarantees a stable signal.

Comparison of Intel and Amd processors: which processor is better

"Amd vs Intel" this is an eternal confrontation and we will try to figure out who is the titan and who is the goliath. Of course, both types of processors have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question - which is better, Amd or Intel ... Still, it all depends on the purpose for which the computer or laptop is purchased, as well as on the price range of the device.

A bit of history and selection criteria

Intel (presumably short for intelligence) is the world's largest company producing electronic components for computers. The company was founded in 1957. At the moment, Intel's market share (Q1 2014) is 74.70%. Amd (advanced micro devices) is one of the largest electronic companies in the world. The company was founded in 1969. The market share for the first quarter of 2014 is 25.30%.

Before starting the analysis, I want to immediately determine the selection criteria. We will determine the leader taking into account the following factors:

Price Performance Power consumption Heating capacity

Processor Comparison: Which Processor Is More Powerful?

It is difficult to answer this question in general about the entire line. It would be silly to compare processors of the same price category by or by the amount of video memory separately, here you need to consider the issue comprehensively. If we compare the top Intel ( Intel Core i7 -4800MQ) and top-end Amd ( Amd A10 6810K), then Intel will emerge as the undisputed winner, while the performance advantage will be approximately two times.

However, in the cheapest segment, the best model will be the model from Amd (Amd A4 4300M), not much inferior to its competitor from Intel, Amd will cost a little less.

Overall, AMD is optimized to handle complex computing processes that involve multimedia applications. While Intel, although inferior to the competitor in this regard, but surpasses in some other components.

If we compare another top model of the two giants, then Intel's performance is still slightly higher. However, AMD's performance-to-price ratio is 15 percent better than its main competitor.

This debate would not make sense if Intel were simply better at everything, but this is far from the case. Amd is cheaper and works great when handling multimedia content.

Is it better to buy a laptop or PC?

Anyone in due time asks the question: Laptop or computer. This is a moot point, and both have their pros and cons. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of laptops.

Advantage of laptops:

Compactness - the laptop can be taken to work, in the park or in a cafe. It is a convenient addition to the road, travel. Also a positive point is the built-in peripherals (microphone, camera, speakers, etc.), and this is the absence of wires. Low power consumption. The laptop does not require recharging up to 2-10 hours (depending on the battery capacity).

Disadvantages of laptops:

Low productivity. Productivity is inferior to small part sizes. When laptop components fail, it becomes difficult to replace the broken item. Replacing components is a common problem. Insufficient cooling - overheating, followed by shutdown. Possibility of theft or loss.

PC advantages:

Feasibility self assembly desktop computer. High performance of a PC in comparison with a laptop. The ability to replace both computer components and peripherals.


The computer is tied to the location. Massiveness, bulkiness compared to a laptop. Monitor, peripheral devices are located separately from the PC. And this leads to a lot of wires. Impossibility to work without a power source.

Each person chooses for himself what is more important to him. If mobility is more important than performance, then it is worth looking towards the laptop. But if productivity is interested (for example, for complex work programs or the gaming industry), you should choose a PC.

However, now, the differences in performance between computers and laptops are getting smaller, and an important component in choosing a device is price.

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Over the past month, I have already written on the blog a whole series of articles on buying home (stationary) computers, so that any beginner in the field of computer literacy can either independently choose and buy all the components necessary for the subsequent assembly of a computer, or buy a ready-made system unit if you're not sure of yourself or just doesn't want to waste time. I also highlighted a separate article in order to talk about buying basic peripherals, without which a desktop computer would turn into a simple box :)

At the same time, I have not yet started a conversation about laptops. Today, many people buy laptops instead of bulky system units and separate monitors for them, because they are convenient, take up little space, and are not particularly inferior in performance to stationary ones. And in this article I would like to talk about what is better to buy: a regular stationary home computer or a laptop? After all, there will still be some difference between them? Now I will highlight the positive and negative aspects of both so that any user can make the right decision to buy exactly what he needs, because in the next article we will just talk about buying laptops!

What advantages can you highlight if you buy a laptop?

    The first thing to say in favor of laptops is their choice and purchase is actually not such a difficult business... It's just that beginners who understand little about computers are always unsure of this process and often order a laptop with the help of some knowledgeable acquaintance or relative. Yes, and this is normal, because when it came time to buy the very first computer (and still did not know how to use it at all) for me, it was a friend from the IT department of one company that helped us with the choice :) Now I myself have 4- x years of work experience in the IT field and therefore such assistance, respectively, is not required.

    The process of choosing a laptop is similar to the process of choosing a ready-made (already assembled) computer (i.e. system unit), which I talked about in the article:

    That is, of course, you do not need to select individual components for the laptop (as we did when we did our own selection of the "filling" for the system unit), which greatly simplifies the task!

    I would say that it is even easier :) When buying a ready-made system unit, you somehow have to buy a monitor for it (if you don't already have one), perhaps a keyboard and mouse, as well as speaker system(at least a simple two speakers). This is what I think is imperative. You may also need Wi-Fi adapter if it is not built into the board, but you need to connect to wireless network... For those who communicate via Skype, a webcam will be needed, otherwise Skype will turn into a regular one phone conversation:) In general, when buying a stationary computer, one way or another we collect a number of additional equipment for it.

    When buying a laptop, the most important thing is to buy it directly and a mouse to it :) Although some "monsters" can very skillfully handle the touchpad and work with it faster than with a mouse :) Everything else is optional. For example, you can buy another speaker system in order to hear not a dull and very low-quality sound from the built-in laptop speakers, but decent sound from external speakers. And so, in laptops 99% will have a built-in webcam, 100% will have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, there is always, of course, a keyboard and built-in speakers.

    However, despite the fact that choosing a laptop is easier than a desktop computer, their price will be more expensive. For example, a laptop with exactly the same configuration as a system unit will still cost more. And this is already attributed to the disadvantages ...

    Mobility... Even the most bulky laptops (with screens of 19 inches or more) are still convenient to carry with you wherever you go. I put it in my laptop bag and carried it. With a stationary computer, this obviously cannot be done :)) To drag such a box on the hump, well, to hell!

    For example, I carry my 19-inch laptop with me anytime, anywhere. Previously, when I worked offline, I went to work with him. Because all the computers in the technical school were already quite old, and at the same time they were stationary! And I am used to sitting where it is convenient for me :) So that if anything, you could very quickly move to another table or to another room!

    Less noise from laptop... In stationary computers, fans often make annoying noise, since they are bulky and the only way to reduce the noise is to change the fan to a better one. But at the same time, there is a fan not only on the processor cooling system, but also on the video card and power supply :) Noise is a place anyway. In laptops, this problem practically does not occur. Only in case of overheating for some reason, for example, in powerful games.

    Takes up less workspace... For a bulky system unit, you need to look for a place so that it does not interfere somewhere in the legs and at the same time it must be placed so as to ensure normal air circulation. For example, you cannot press the system unit of a stationary computer close to the walls! The air will circulate very badly or not at all (if you squeeze it almost completely from the sides), which will lead to overheating! With a laptop, these problems are not observed. With him you can sit almost anywhere, even put on your stomach and watch a movie while lying on the couch :) For example, when I work from home, I can periodically change my workplace. In the summer I am often outside the city and my room, where I work most of the time, heats up during the whole day, because the sun is shining right through the window :) And in this regard, I often run to other rooms. What if I only had a desktop computer? Dragging it from room to room is a whole story!

    Connectors for connecting any devices are right at hand... Those. you don't have to bend over (and sometimes crawl on your knees) to connect something to a stationary computer. After all, most of the connectors are located on the rear panel, and if you want to move some of them to a more convenient location, then again you will have to buy additional equipment: adapters, splitters, extension cords, and so on. You don't need anything like that in laptops. All the connectors, one might say, are at hand and you don't need to climb anywhere :) The main thing is that there is the right amount of them, and especially this concerns USB ports, which we use most often and connect there a mouse, printers, scanners, flash drives, hard drives and a bunch of other other equipment.

    Lack of a large number of wires that go from the system unit... A power cable and a mouse will go from the laptop. This is the main and most necessary thing. Well, perhaps you will connect more speakers and MFPs (printer, scanner, copier).
    But from the system unit, the power cable will be pulled into the surge protector, the cable to the monitor, the wire from the mouse, the wire from the keyboard. And this is the minimum! Whatever one may say, there are always more wires from the system engineer and they very often get confused and you get a whole web :)

    Battery Operated... Every laptop, even the cheapest one, has a removable battery. After all, it is considered a portable device. The battery allows us to work for several hours without a power outlet in any convenient place with no power outlets. High-performance powerful laptops, in energy saving mode, run on a battery, without recharging, for about 2-3 hours. Less powerful laptops can work longer without recharging. But it still depends on how you use your computer. If it just stands there without any action, the battery will not be discharged to zero in half a day :) Also, batteries of different capacities can be supplied with laptops.

    And it is also important that if you do not use the battery in principle, then you can remove it and work on the laptop only from the mains. This will keep the battery from wearing out. I, for one, do just that. I spend most of my time at home in my workplace, and what is the point in this case to run on battery power? If only in order to protect against a sudden power outage, which will save the data on the computer with which you are currently working. But this happens so rarely ... But if a battery is installed in a laptop and it is still connected to the mains, the battery will start to wear out quickly. In one of my old laptop, the battery thus failed in a year. He began to hold a charge for about 10 minutes :) And to constantly discharge and charge the battery somehow frankly bothers himself, given that power plans can still be configured in the system itself, which will constantly reduce the performance of the laptop (if the work is on battery power), then increase (if the work is carried out from the mains). Therefore, when you work in 99% of cases in one place near the outlets, it is better to remove the battery, and about once a month reinstall it and do a couple of charge-discharge cycles. Then take it out again.

    On laptops, with all of the above advantages, you can perform all the same tasks that you perform on standard desktop computers: work, play games, watch movies and whatever. After all, this is the same computer in a reduced version :) The main thing is to buy a laptop with the appropriate characteristics! For example, if you are doing simple office and school tasks, then this is one thing. And if you want to play modern toys, as well as work with complex professional graphic editors or others powerful programs, then this is completely different, and the price of such a laptop will jump somewhere over 50,000 rubles. In general, in terms of what tasks will be performed, laptops, just like stationary PCs, are divided into gaming and budget ones - for office tasks. This is the simplest classification.

What disadvantages can be identified in laptops compared to stationary computers?

    Always a higher price than comparable desktop computers with the same characteristics.

    Desktop computers are always more productive... Even the highest performing laptops will always be inferior in performance to their desktop counterparts. For example, buying a gaming laptop, it will always "pull" less modern novelties at maximum graphic settings than a similar stationary computer. This happens because all the motherboards in the laptop are greatly reduced, and as a result, their characteristics are also slightly cut. Take, for example, a desktop video game adapter and the one in a laptop. The size difference is huge :)

    Laptops always get hotter than desktop computers... Due to the compressed size of the case, the air circulation will of course be worse, as a result of which the video adapter and processor get hotter. When working with the simplest tasks (documents, the Internet, films and the like), this may not be noticeable, but in games you immediately feel the heating of the components.

    Laptops are very difficult to disassemble... If something happened to the laptop and you no longer have a guarantee for it (or maybe you do, but you know what the problem is and are sure that you will fix it yourself, because this is faster), then the disassembly process will be really difficult :) Each manufacturer and model has its own characteristics. Some are easier and faster to understand, but some take an awfully long time to tinker with (especially the first time). At the same time, you will never find instructions for disassembling a laptop in the kit and you will have to look for it on the Internet. But disassembling a laptop without instructions is a big risk to simply ruin it or not put it back together :) Disassembling a laptop may, for example, be required if it has been in use for a long time (several years) in order to notice the thermal paste (heat-conducting substance) on the processor and video adapter. The old one can already dry out over such a period and, as a result, the components will overheat. Therefore, after a long life of the laptop, it may be necessary to replace the thermal paste, for which you will have to completely disassemble it. And it can really take 4 hours or more, in the case of the first disassembly!

    There are no disassembly problems in stationary computers! He unscrewed a couple of screws, removed the cover and you already have access to all the pieces of iron.

Accordingly, all these disadvantages can be attributed on the contrary - to the advantages of stationary computers.

Having already listed all the advantages and disadvantages, most likely a clear picture is emerging that, nevertheless, laptops are much more convenient, more mobile and in general, today they should be given more attention than bulky stationary PCs.

However, for some tasks it is better to take a stationary computer. Consider in what cases, what is better to buy.

When is it better to buy a desktop computer and when is a laptop?

So, which should you choose, a laptop or a full-fledged desktop computer? It all depends on what goals you are pursuing.

A desktop computer is worth taking:

    If you plan to fully play the most modern games on your computer at the maximum graphic settings. In this case, the laptop will cope worse, it will come out much more expensive, and at the same time it may overheat. Still, laptops are not yet catching up with stationary computers in terms of their performance and, in principle, are more intended for work, rather than toys.

    If you are going to work in complex, professional graphic editors or programs that require very high performance, and at the same time mobility is not important for you, then I can advise you to take a stationary computer. With this choice, you will not think about overheating, and also get great performance, as in the first case.

In both of the above cases, to good system unit it is worth buying some cool monitor on which modern cinematic games will look great and at the same time it will be pleasant and convenient to work with graphics. I talked about how to choose a monitor and other peripherals for a computer in the article:

A laptop is worth taking in all other cases... After all, they have such a number of advantages against bulky stationary PCs that if it were not for the above two reasons (well, maybe I missed something else), then these stationary computers would not have been popular at all.

Because everything can be done on laptops, even if they are more expensive. But what a convenience! I wanted to where I was conveniently located - in a couple of minutes I moved to another place, nothing interferes and does not make much noise.

In general, I personally like it! And, perhaps, if I don’t, God forbid, once a gamer, then I no longer have reasons to buy a stationary computer instead of a laptop :) resources, then I would think about purchasing a powerful stationary computer.

The last stationary computer was not bought with my money (I didn’t work then), but my father, and that was about 6 years ago. Works so far, but just stands like additional computer at the dacha :) You never know, someone will come and he will need, then let him sit down and work ... Since then I buy myself only laptops.

This, perhaps, is all. And who is interested in how to choose a laptop for themselves, then soon (most likely in a week) they will be able to find this information in my latest article!

Have a nice day and the same mood :) See you soon!

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