Evernote: features, features and use. Mobile version of Evernote.

Evernote: features, features and use. Mobile version of Evernote.


Editor's Choice

Acquaintance with Evernote - What is this program and what is the secret of its popularity?

Surely, many have heard of such a software as Evernote, however, not all users know what is the program and how with its help it competently operate with all its notes and records.

Simple words - This is software for creating, storing and synchronizing all user notes with multiple devices. Application developers are positioning it as the best and most thoughtful replacement for a paper diary. In fact, it is an electronic notepad with excellent visualization of all functions.

Thanks to the data synchronization function, users can transmit between their gadgets not only records, but also photos, or sound tracks.


Popularity of electronic notepad

Software includes the following components:

  • Web service . Suitable for use from any device that has access to global Network. Advantage - no need to install additional software;
  • Desktop program . It can be downloaded and installing Windows, Mac OS, UNIX, Linux;
  • Mobile applications . Available for Android, iOS ,. You can download the scheduler for free from the official application store.

For the first time, the site for creating and storing notes was launched in 2008. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe project belongs to the entrepreneur and Startaper Stepan Pochiku.

For a long time, working on the intelligent system recognition systems of the handwritten text of the user, he came to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a full utility that could replace all paper media.

Today is used today more than 100 million users different platforms and devices. She uses popularity not only in the CIS, but also around the world. Developers regularly release updates that are adapted for users from different countries. The functionality and recognition systems of many languages \u200b\u200band dialects are being implemented.


As mentioned above, manage its accounting Evernoouth users can both with the help of the web version and using desktop or mobile programs.

Account owner can choose one of three options for subscription:

    Basic. - Free profile. To get it enough just to register in the downloaded utility or on Evernote.com. Users of this version of the subscription can freely use the basic features of the electronic notepad: creating, storage and data exchange. The limitation on the amount of downloads is 60 MB;

    Plus. - Paid subscription, which will cost 60 rubles for the month of use. With it, you get 1 GB of free space every 30 days and can synchronize data between all devices without restrictions. There is an opportunity to work with offline-notepad and the function for forwarding letters;

    Premium. - Subscription, the cost of which is 120 rubles per month. In addition to all Plus features, Premium supports quick search According to the content of the document, a demonstration of notes, work with PDF, access to the history of records. Also, users will be able to digitize paper notes and add them.

A detailed description of all features and differences of each package of service Present in Figure below:

Note that use paid subscriptions It is not mandatory. Any user can unlimited time to be the owner of a free service option.

However, premium and business version will become excellent and inexpensive solutions to the organization All cases for people who are responsible about planning all cases.

The annual cost of a subscription does not exceed the price of a regular diary from the stationery store, and in the replacement you get much more opportunities.

Web service

Using a web service, you can access it without pre-installing.

Using the Site. - Excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the interface and basic functions.

Follow the instructions to create an account and start working with web service:

Thematic videos:

This material will be written from the first person, since, by and large, displays the author's personal experience when working with the Evernote notebook program.

Evernote - software management software, but often improper use may not improve user performance, but add confusion in so, sufficiently saturated with information, modern person.

What is Evernote?

The next subsection is dedicated to those who do not know what kind of program it is and how can it be used. Evernote is an excellent tool for self-organization not only business, but also the personal life of a modern person. I will give a few examples.

You are preparing abstract, report, diploma: the work itself is written in text processor, interesting bookmarks on materials from the Internet are saved in the browser bookmarks, the useful material found in the paper book (yes, there are still paper books), photographed on the phone, and then moved to a special folder with the project, and there are also ideas that occur At the most inopportune moment, for example, while walking in the park, and if they do not write them, then you can, simply forget. In addition, the idea can be represented by photography, audio or video note.

Another example. You fell into an accident, you need to take a picture of the place of the accident, write the data of another driver, perhaps witnesses, clarify the procedure for further action from inspectors - all this information that will need to be saved.

The following example. We have a lot of passwords for various programs, services, many different keys from licensed products - everything needs to be stored, and it is desirable that the place itself has been protected.

A variety of examples with preparation, a seminar, a choice of a new car, work search, rest, etc. This list can be continued and continuing, probably, the best purpose of this program is described by the "Remember Everything" developer slogan.

Now a few words about how Evernote can be useful if we are away from the computer. The fact is that Evernote is not just a PC program, this is a program for PC, mobile platforms, Internet service. That is why a note can be made practically in any conditions (in situations where you are in the middle of the desert, I did not consider it without a computer, the Internet and the smartphone).

I think it will not be superfluous to note once again that the free version of the program is very functional, moreover, I myself use free version programs.

Why is this material at all?

It is clear, a good product, in principle, it is easy enough to figure it out, why is this material?

For a long time I used Evernote by analogy with an ordinary notebook, i.e. Created an entry while the current problem situation is solved, the recording is used, but if you switched to another task, the previous records go into non-existence. If you solve all the tasks consistently, there is nothing terrible in this, however, such situations, as a rule, does not happen. We solve a lot of tasks at the same time: repair in the apartment, a project at work or several tasks that need to be kept under control, life situations, for example, an accident (do not give God, of course), etc. And in this case, this approach to the use of the Evernote program is extremely unproductive, some good ideas may be simply forgotten. In addition, a false impression is created that the program does not help, and simply makes it take extra action.

The use of Evernote as a simple notebook is extremely unproductive and a false impression is created that the program does not help, and simply makes it take extra action.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that when we begin to use the program without learning, and according to the "Older", by the "Scientific Tick" method, we begin to use the most familiar way to streamline data when a lot of record books and many tags are created. At the same time, it is impossible to create a full-fledged structure using record books, because Only one level of nesting is allowed, and the user simply does not think about tags and uses them, as, for example, when describing an article on the site, or add keywords to Word document.

It turns out that notebooks are created that can duplicate the functional orientation, and the increase in the number of tags, turns out of the useless tool of cataloging. You have to spend time twice: the first time you create a note and you think, but where does it treat, what tags to her give and whether already similar tags were not used, and the second time you want to find something that recorded. As a result, a sense of fictitious utility of the program is created.

Created a feeling of fictitious utility of the program

Approximately what the records of a typical user look like that, which did not fully understand the correctness of data structuring (compare with its organization in Evernote).

Add a small comment. The information seems to be going, but practical benefits, in the long run, does not bring, for many records, tags were not assigned at all, and some tags contained only 1-2 entries and such most. Only Sticky Notes tag was the exception, since all records from the built-in Stiky Notes application were hit, at the same time, many notebooks have accumulated, as a result, the search for information was complicated.

How to properly arrange information?

Organizing information in Evernote is easiest to compare with data cataloging in the system itself, for example, I worked as a teacher at the university for a long time, respectively, a lot of information was accumulated on subjects. A typical way to access the information specific subject looks like this: "My documents \\ Work in university \\ Items for teaching \\ Item name \\ Folders of the subject

The nesting can be more, but now it is clear that at least 4 levels is used. In fact, it is necessary to do something like this in Evernote, but the maximum nesting with notebooks is limited to the second level, you will have to use another approach, since it is provided by the developers.

The essence of the "other" approach is that the structure itself is not to produce with the help of record books, but with the help of tags, unlike our usual keywords that are used in articles, scientific projects, in documents, in Evernote from keywords Create a structure, at the same time, the level of nesting is not limited, and if it is limited, then a very high level, although I did not find the limit of nesting, the sake of interest, created 10 nesting levels, then decided not to check, because In real life, hardly useful.

Backup copy.

The alteration of the entry structure is unlikely to jeopardize the integrity of the records, but if there are concerns you can do backup data. This is done very simply, the command: "File \\ Export ..." and select the first format in the list is your own Evernote format.

Implementation of the alteration plan.

Alteration will take place in several steps.

Firstly, We delete all old tags and form the future structure of the records. Structure, in the future, we will still change, so, the main thing is to outline the general outlines.

When drawing up a structure for keywords, it is necessary to take into account that tags though are in the structure, in fact are separate elements, which means. First, there can be no two identical tag, despite the fact that they are in different categories, and secondly, if you select the keyword of the top level in it, the records of the lower level tags will not be included, for example, by my structure the choice of tag "Payment of Accounts" does not mean that all records that are "gas", "Electricity", "Water" will be erected. On the other hand, one record can be assigned several keywords, both in the chain of one structure and in different, for example, all codes and passwords are stored in the structure of the tag "Personal", however, part of the passwords are assigned a tag from the project "Projects "

If you want, when choosing, for example, the projects "Projects", all the lower level tags were selected, you can assign all tags in the projects chain, however, for myself I chose another approach that will be tamed further.

The signature of the picture "My initial structure, later you will see that, ultimately, she has acquired a completely different look."

Secondly, We throw out the existing records according to the formed structure, simultaneously removing the not necessary records, I had enough of them enough.

ThirdlyAnd what to do with record books, since the whole structure is now represented by tags? There are different recommendations on the network, someone recommends that you create one notebook, so to speak, the database of all records, there are advice on creating two notebooks - one for

As for the addition of notebooks, you can create one that will be the database, but it is better to use several, for example, one can be started to provide general access to existing entries, and another for personal use.

I developed such an approach for myself so that the number of books corresponds to the number of top-level tags. On the one hand, when creating another entry, you need to trace it to get into the right book, but over time, this is done on the machine, but, on the other hand, such an organization allows you to select all records on a specific top-level tag without assigning tag records from all chain tags.

You can create another book if you need to provide sharing records, I have no such need.

But this is what the structure of records looks like after completely alterations:

The necessary record is designed quickly, thanks to convenient cataloging.

Today, people surround the enormous amount of information that can be useful in many areas. Remember and assimilate this amount of data is absolutely impossible if you do not have any phenomenal talents. Therefore, business personalities use notepads. Ordinary books for entries have long lost their former popularity and relevance, because we now live in the period of digital technologies when special programs are used for reliable and secure storage.

What is the Evernote service? This question is asked by many people who are truly expensive. In fact, there is nothing complicated here - using this software, you can significantly increase productivity. It is about this that is also described.

"Evernow" is a service designed to store all sorts of notes. In the event that you regularly deal with large quantity Data and you do not want to miss even small details, this application will have to do with you.

This application has a lot of opportunities. At first glance, it is probably it seems that this online service is difficult to use, but in reality everything is completely different. Yes, there are several ways to apply this softwareBut each user sets up Evernote in accordance with its own tasks. User feedback indicate that this service increases the efficiency of work and allows you to control the mass of moments.

Description Evernote.

Previously, people recorded the necessary information in paper notepads and notebooks. They pointed in them phone numbers, email addresses, lists of workers, etc. But the notebooks gradually ended, and people had to make new ones. As a result, important information was often lost, or a lot of time left on her searches.

Now you can remove anyway away your paper storage media and try the functionality of the EverNOUT service, which allows you to store information. Try to imagine that you are slowly walking in the park and unexpectedly you have an interesting idea in my head, for example, for article or business. You don't have a notebook with you, but there is the opportunity to get your smartphone, run the Evernote application and promptly create the necessary note.

Once you come home and run personal ComputerYou can immediately see the record, because this service allows you to synchronize several devices with each other. This is just one example of the application of the service.


One of the advantages of "Evernoout" is the opportunity to read notes from any electronic device (tablet or stationary computer, smartphone, etc.). Evernote can be opened anywhere and see the list of cases. There are versions for almost all operating systems.

Having installed an additional extension to the computer browser, you can save the online page completely or only part of the text. Interestingly, the fact that Evernote allows you to create synchronization not only with devices, but also with different browser programs, which is also very important.

You can create up to two and a half hundred notebooks in which there will be separate notes. The service has an excellent search, because it is not difficult to find the necessary information. For this, special labels are additionally used.

The only lack of "Evernoout" is that the application has only a pair of investment levels. If we talk simple words, In one notebook, you can create another one, but it will not fit into it.

Registration and installation

First you need to go to the official website of the service. There, click on the "Register" item, after which it remains only to specify the password and email address. Then click the "Create Account" button.

Next, you need to download the program to the computer by pressing a special icon. Click the File to install and accept the application conditions. Click "Install" and wait until the installation process is completed.

Run the application, enter your email and password, then click on "Log in". In the event that you have not yet passed the registration procedure, you should click on the "I have no account yet".

From this we can conclude that you can register in Evernote using two methods - after installation and up.

Features interface

At first, the interface of this program may seem too confusing, but you will easily deal with it. Run the application. Several areas will appear in front of you:

  • In the middle - icons of notebooks, notes, etc. With the use of a special function, you can change the display option (cards, fragments, list).
  • In the left side - a list of labels, notes, notes and chat (in updated programs).
  • On the right side - directly a note and options inherent in Word (signs, fonts). It is possible to fix the file or make a voice note.

In addition, in the service menu, you can create a "reminder", as well as send the entire notepad or a separate note to other users. If the application is used immediately Several people, you can add several users and quickly switch between them.

So that you can quickly and easily find the necessary note, they are placed in separate notebooks. Also, each individual record can be assigned some label. Operating access Notes are provided by the "Label" feature.

Make a notebook and assign a name to him, for example, "Wallets on the Internet". Here you can create a note in which information will be indicated about your email wallets - "Yandex-money", "Webmani", etc. From now on, if you need to specify this information on a particular resource, you can simply copy the data from previously Created notes, after which insert into the appropriate field.

You can create other folders. (Notepads) - business plans, travel, plans, list of cases, etc.

Expansion Web Clipper from Evernote

If you have a desire to keep some interesting or important information from the Internet, then you can use expansion Web. Clipper and save it in Evernote. At the same time, the page can be saved completely, including links, pictures, etc.

To set this useful addition to your browser program, go to the official service site and select the appropriate menu item. Enjoy expansion easy and simple.

Features of paid versions of the program

In addition to the main version, users have the opportunity to take advantage additional featureswhich are paid. Their advantages can be divided into two types:

In fact, if you deal only with text type data, then for your purposes enough of the ordinary version. However, in situations where you need to save videos, photos or other "massive" files, it is recommended to register a paid version.

You are interested in the possibilities of the service and accepted a firm solution to put Evernote to your personal computer and mobile device? Before use This software should be heard to the following recommendations.

Now you have information about what the Evernote program needs.


The site touched my favorite topic - Time Managment and Time Managment in Evernote !!! Excellent! :) The article itself is not very useful, because "Move" in life with a huge number of notebooks and tags is a time loss in real life. :)

What do I do? I'll tell you a little - I described this already described on one resource.

Tools for managing business:
1. Dropbox - shared documents.
2. Email - Permanent work.
3. 1Password - a diary - a great relaxator and a collection of all the jaws and passwords.
4. Evernote - all things, all ideas, a very large number of reminders.
56 For now GoogleCalendar is rid of initiative groups of people.

I will stop in more detail on Evernote - at the moment "it" has become for me and my team is the main tool.

The first thing that happened to me with Evernote is a refusal of many notebooks, now "everything and all" is in three notebooks. This is the main notebook - "Main", notepad "offline" and notepad "IMPLEMENTED CASE". According to the names of the notebooks, I think it is clear for what purpose everyone serves. Why is that? Everything is very simple. A huge number of notebooks and tags will not allow you to work effectively with the system. All notes to stay in main.offline needed for notes with contacts - these are contacts that are not very often needed and they do not need to clog notebook Smartphone. Such contacts, as a rule, are very much and, they sometimes "need quick", so always to keep on the device.

Second, the whole system is built on tags. Here, most importantly, do not overdo it! I have them as follows:
0_gtd: 0_chif, 0_day, 0_home, 0_maybe;
J_jobs: j_execute, j_idea, j_meeting, j_travel, j_contacts;

Comment Tagi, I think that there is no need. The most important thing is not to overdo it! Otherwise, you will forever be squeezed in the problem "Recall Tag".

And, the last (or not the last), it is very important to master the art of requests in Evernote. The network query syntax is described in detail. I will give a number of my:
Call: Notebook: "Main" intitle: call
INBOX: -tag: *
UNFINISHED: Notebook: "Main" intitle: yy

All requests hang in the form of labels - the one who uses Evernote knows what labels are. On requests, I will stop in more detail. In my opinion, the system of requests in Evernote is terrible damaging. I have tormented for a long time when setting up a request. The main problem is that it is not possible to request "or". But, despair not necessity!

I will start with the fact that the work in Evernote must be divided into several parts: 1 is the collection and ordering of different materials; 2 - This is the actual business management. The first does not require substantial speed of working with the system. And, the second, if you want to be effective, requires quickly making data and rapidly extract them. In this regard, my system is built according to the following principle: rapid extraction of data using queries and labels. As you already, probably, drew the attention of the labels related to GTD (0_gtd: 0_chif, 0_day, 0_home, 0_maybe) start from 0 (zero), it allows you to see them at the top of the list on any device, which saves me from the list of tags list. Evernote allows you to create lists with checkboxes as notes and allows these lists to display when requesting (show not marked checkoxes - I do not remember how it looks in the system's native syntax). So, according to a reason unknown to me (the developers could not answer me), in different customers such requests will be worked out in different ways. It made me introduce one rule for myself - "any business ends at YiY" and it is in the "Main" notebook. Once the case is executed, it is moving in a "IMPLEMENTED CASE" notebook and my Unfinished: Notebook request: "Main" intitle: YiY does not pull it into the working area. The rule is also headed for cases that require a call - "any case requiring a call begins with the word" call "and it is in the" Main "notebook. Once the case is performed, it is moving in a "IMPLEMENTED CASE" in the notepad and my call: Notebook: "Main" Intitle: the call is no longer pulling it into the working area.

Now about the inbox - the holy place in every person who has been profought by GTD. :) It's all very simple - a note without tag is a part of the InBox, they are displayed when operating the Inbox query: -tag: *, after that everything is unloaded by tags. That's about it is organized in Evernote. The system is developed by me for more than a year and already allows you to say that it is operational.

I completely forgot - Evernote allows you to very conveniently use email as a tool for sending notes to the required notepad or by a specific label. For example, an email is created with the topic: "Work on Labor Treaties Yiy @Main # 0_day #j_Execute" The letter contains the necessary information. The letter is sent by email *@evernote.com and be sure that it will be there in this notebook and with these tags. And since I refused the large number of notebooks, then I do not spend time on writing @Main.

I also wanted to emphasize that the positive effect of work in Evernote is possible only when you constantly work with it - the system is constantly opened on Desktop and on the animal. What I like in working with an elephant is the possibility of working in one environment. Evernote allows you to create reminders, but from GoogleCalendar until it is difficult to refuse. :)

The subject is very gracious and I can write infinitely on it! Evernote Ply competent configuration It makes it easy to make it tremendously facilitate the life of a person working in the mode of absolutely diverse projects and permanent meetings with people.

mKR. Black River, d.15 Russia, St.Peterburg 8 812 497 19 87

What is Evernote and how to use it


Greetings you, dear friends! Today I had an idea to tell about one interesting applicationthat I greatly simplifies life. I will explain what Evernote is and how to use it.

I must say, I do not immediately imbued with this program. I read somewhere for the sake of interest, but did not use it and, in the end, I forgot about it at all. But then more and more often began to stumble in social networks on the reviews about Evernote.

And I decided to master this applying the application. I won't regret anything now. I regret only that I didn't immediately do it. And now I want to show how Evernote is able to improve life for you.

Well, for me!

What is Evernote?

Evernote. - This is an electronic organizer, which is constantly at hand. Pour it on a computer and mobile phone, and voila. All the records, on which gadget you neither contribute to automatically synchronized. The main thing is to connect to the Internet.

Suppose you fly in someone else's city, where you will need, a list of hotels. You find it from a computer, copy to Evernote, and in the same moment she is your pocket.

Or, going to the supermarket, make up a shopping list. In order not to write it on a piece of paper, which is also losing no wonder, write the entire list in Evernote. And he will be at hand during the raid to the store.

By the way, I wrote the first sketches of this article on the phone just in Evernote.

In it, you can store almost all types of files, not only texts:

  • Text notes.
  • Handwritten.
  • Audio recordings.
  • Notes with webcam.
  • Screenshots.
  • Photos.

I use all these options. I write down new thoughts, I save useful materials, lead the lists of cases, throwing a photo from the phone to the computer without USB cords.

Advantages Evernote.

1. Light search.

Imagine a regular paper notepad. No matter how many records are done there, they all go one after another. And quickly find something needed quite difficult. Evernote is convenient to use that all your notes can be structured on thematic notebooks.

Name them as you like for personal convenience. Documents are stored not in chaotic order, which highly simplifies the search.

2. Comfortable storage format.

I like the printed text, or handwritten - everything is in your power. And maybe it's easier to talk to the recorder a note? So it is easy.

3. No need to hang on the Internet.

Now such a time when there are simply mad information flows around us. And before, stumbled upon something interesting, I did not allow myself not to figure it out immediately, do not fully fully. I completely forgot about the time that was poured into certain troubles.

Now, if I saw something exciting on the network, but I understand that I once may understand, I copy the material in Evernote to return to it at a more convenient moment.

4. There is an Internet - there is access.

When the phone is at hand - there are no problems. But sometimes it can happen that you are visiting, and the phone sat down. How to be if you urgently need to view something in Evernote?

And just, it is enough to remember your login and password introduced during registration. We visit the official website, enter them and here you are in notebook.

And since I mentioned the official site, it would be time to get acquainted with the registration algorithm.

We register in Evernote

Registration in Evernote originates from downloading the program. It is in free access. Go to the official website, click " Download Evernote.».

The program is downloaded, and you need to make a couple of familiar steps to install on a computer. There is nothing complicated, everything is easy and understandable. But if complications arise, you can turn to the prompts.

When you first discover, you need to register an account. Here you will see that there is a paid and free connection option.

But some differences exist.

What is the difference: free, paid?

To be more accurate, then evernote use options are not 2, and 3 (Even 4. There is still a business option):

Only for one you do not need, but for 2 others it is necessary. The main difference of versions consists in restrictions on the monthly volume of data entered on the server.

IN free optionwhich is called Evernote Basic., This size is 60MB. And I, for now, this is enough with interest. I dare to assume, and it will be quite enough for you at least at first. Because later, if you judge for me, working all more intense with Evernote, then, most likely, the day will come sooner when these 60 MB will seem enough.

Second option - Evernote Plus. . It will cost 999 rubles per year. But personally, I do not feel sorry for this money for such a useful assistant. The amount of data is increased to 1GB per month, the Internet connection is optional to access the records, the Password notes is added on the phone, you can send emails. As you can see, the potential is already significantly more.

The third and most expensive way is even more interesting. Called O. Evernote Premium. And it costs 1990 rubles per year. The volume of downloads per month reaches 10GB. For personal use, it seems to me that it is even too much too much.

But in the corporate network - quite by the way. In addition, you can search for office investments and documents, present notes, digitize scans, make a note in PDF files, return to the old versions of notes, view the information similar to the introduced notes. All notebooks are good, choose, as they say, to taste.

Mobile version of Evernote.

Well, the most difficult behind. Evernote is installed on the computer and the account is ready for operation. Now it's time to download and run a similar service to the phone. Otherwise, the priority idea of \u200b\u200bthe program is to memorize everything - loses its meaning.

The easiest way to do with the application store, in any phone it is installed by the manufacturer. Go there, we type in the Evernote search string, we find it and download it.

After downloading, we take it off and enter your username and password. Actually, this is done about this. Now all the resources of this wonderful service function on the phone. Is that the interface is adapted to the mobile version. But this is not all.

Evernote web clipper

What is this web clipper?

This is the same Evernote, but in the form of an extension for a browser. Enter the Evernote web clipper for<название браузера, которым пользуетесь>"And install the extension.

What is your browser?

You can download the extension and for Safari and for Google Chrome.. Restart the browser, the Evernote icon will appear at the top on the right.

The advantage of the described tool is that it is not necessary to allocate and copy materials from the Internet. Being on the page of interest, it is only necessary to click on the Evernote icon, and in the drop-down menu click on the appropriate type of saving.

And there are several of them:

Save only the desired fragment. Choose a "simplified article", allocate what interests, and click "Save".

It is also permissible to make a screenshot, for which there is a button "Screenshot" button, and the bookmark for the page is the "Bookmark" button. Now the program is ready to work, and you can try yourself in creating notes.

How to create notes in Evernote

Create a notebook.

First, the program has only one main notebook. All new notes by default will be saved to it. But for convenience, it is better to create several different notebooks for a particular group of notes, combined with a common topic.

Notepad create extremely simple. Press right-click to item « Notepad» and in the pumped menu "Create a new notebook".

By default, it will be called - a new notebook. Rename it immediately to not be confused.

Everything. Creating notebooks in Evernote in the desired number is still complete. Now they can be filled with notes of different types and size.

Text note.

To create a text note, press the button at the top of the button "New Note".

In the drop-down menu, choose the point of the same place. "New Note". This will be the text that can be printed.

On the right will open the input field. You can see how to print anything you want and paste the copied text. At the top of the field enter the name and ready. The note will be saved automatically, for this you do not need to press an additional buttons (even not even).

After completing the input, you can change the notepad into which you want to save a new entry. Over the input field there is a button with the name of the current notepad. If you want, create a new notebook. How to do it, already says a little higher.

Handwritten note.

If you want to write something from hand, but, more precisely, "from the mouse", then choose this subsection in the menu of the new note. A field for input in the form of a yellow, imitating paper lined sheet, window.

At the top of the field printed the name, the note is automatically saved. Now you can write any text or draw a schedule, for example.

Audio light.

From the title it is clear that we will talk here in the microphone. Well, or sing if the mood is good.

In the menu of the new note, choose subparagraph "New audio light". A new dialog box appears in the field on the right. On it is the blue "Record" button, the sound indicator, the volume slider, the timer and the "Cancel" button.

To write to a computer, a microphone or webcam with a built-in microphone must be connected.

If the microphone is connected and ready to work, you can start. Click on the button " Record" It turns into a red button " Save" So, the recording went.

Format of the file itself.wav. It can be heard, and if you remain unhappy, remove and write anew.

Note from a webcam.

This subparagraph allows you to take pictures of yourself your beloved from a webcam and immediately save them in Evernote.

Of course, a working webcam must be connected to the computer. When you click on the button " New note with webcam»The window opens, where you see yourself, from below the" To take a photo"And" Cancel».

Press " To take a photo"And a preliminary version of the photo appears. After that at the bottom of the window adds a new button " Save in Evernote.».

But if you did not like the picture, then you can immediately try again. For this, while the photo is not saved, the button " To take a photo"Turns into the" button " Take a picture again" Press it and try again. And so as long as you do not achieve the desired result.

New screen shot.

This way can be very quick and easy to do screenshots of the screen. The feature is that Evernote does not photograph himself. Here you can make a screen of any other open window.

Therefore, first go to the desired tab - on the browser or some open document, and then by clicking on Evernote, select the sub-item " New screen shot».

You will automatically go to the last active tab where you can select the desired area for the snapshot.

After completing the snapshot, a window opens to edit our image.

In it, you can select text with color, circle some object into the frame, blur part of the image, insert text.

Very comfortably.

You do not need to additionally open the screenshot in photoshop and bring to mind there. All at hand. When you made all the necessary edits, simply close the edit window, and the note is saved in Evernote.

After creating any type of note, it is automatically saved on the server and, accordingly, after a short time will appear on the phone. But if you need to urgently open a note on the phone, then click " Synchronization", And immediately will be updated the contents of Evernote on all devices.

Each note can add a label.

It additionally simplifies the search. This will especially become relevant when many will be recorded.

Another couple of pleasant moments

This is how all notes are created. Easy, right?

For larger access in the left screen menu, there is a tab " Labels" It is convenient when you plan to come back more often than others. Just drag these notes from the list to the label area, and they will always be in a prominent place.

The new window will pop up, in which it is enough to enter the addresses of the recipient mailboxes through the comma. Then, just below, select the credentials of the addressees - they can either only read notepad, or edit. And also in a separate field, you can leave a text message that recipients will come to the mail.

I will finish this.

I wanted to tell me in this article that Evernote is to convey to you your admiration for the program, its indispensable functions for any person. I hope I managed it, and now you, at least, want to try this service in business.

Total good and success in mastering new opportunities.

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