Inventory and accounting of computers in the network. Automated network audit

Inventory and accounting of computers in the network. Automated network audit


With the growth of the computer park in organizations, the danger of forgetting what peripheral device is within one or the other workstation, or even lose one of them. The loss may be due to the negligence of an employee of the technical support department or through the malicious intent of an employee who decided to improve the speed of his home computer at the expense of the company. There are several ways for the technical service manager or system administrator to prevent this kind of incident. For example, you can seal the cases of system units and regularly inspect the integrity of the seals. You can make an inventory of components every morning (or evening). It may also be effective to install means of visual observation. All of these methods have their pros and cons. The main disadvantage of these tools is their increased labor intensity, as well as a very serious costly part (visual observation tools, seals, increased working time for control). There are no such disadvantages for another accounting option - software.

The Total Network Inventory system from Softinventive allows you to keep a complete inventory of the software installed on your computer, as well as control the hardware of computers in offices, small and large corporate local networks. Without leaving his seat, the administrator can scan the network and get comprehensive information about each computer. No pre-installed modules are required - they are installed automatically. The program allows you to scan the network both in real time (immediately) and, using a script, at the moment the client connects to the domain.

Total Network Inventory has both a wizard that is obligatory in our time, giving the user a very impressive result with a minimum of brain strain, and a manual scan mode that allows the user to configure all the parameters on their own. The capabilities of the scanner are impressive. Scanning is based on three types of information: hardware, installed software, and real-time system information (processes running in the system, services, shared resources, environment variables).

The appearance of the program resembles "Explorer", clearly displaying the tree in the left panel local network broken down into groups. The name of the group corresponds to the position of the workstation in the network hierarchy or is selected manually by the user. When a computer is selected, information about it is displayed in the central part of the main program window. Detailing about a particular subsystem is selected based on the marked category in the corresponding panel displayed on the right. The interface of the program is scalable and can be easily customized to your taste. A large number of visual themes, customizable panels, tools, as well as saturation with keyboard shortcuts will allow even the most fastidious user to adapt the program interface for themselves.

When the program is launched for the first time, the user will be prompted with options further work: Launch the network scan wizard, scan the current computer, or open the main window and continue working. The main mode of operation for the system administrator will most likely be the work in the main window. However, in order not to manually enter computers, you can use the Network Scan Wizard in the first step.

The wizard offers two options for working: online scanning and logon script. Each option is accompanied detailed description, indicating which permissions and security policies should be enabled. Which path to choose depends on the specific situation.

When scanning computers using the logon script, the administrator can add the scanner program call string to the domain logon script, allowing collecting information about each computer that connects to the domain using this script (when the WMI service is installed and running). The wizard allows you to select shared folder, where the scanner program files are placed, and a folder for saving the scan results. Further, by modifying the logon script, the administrator can only wait for users to start connecting to the domain and from time to time control the information received using the program.

Online scanning has large quantity steps to achieve results. This type of scan includes two options for finding computers: "Network Neighborhood" and "IP Address Range". In the first case, the program looks through the tree of computers visible through the network environment. This option allows the administrator to see the structure of their network Microsoft Windows(workgroups, domains) and visually select nodes to scan. If the network environment is displayed slowly, or the administrator has several subnets to scan, or there is no NetBIOS connection to them, you should select the second path - "IP Address Range". This path will allow you to specify one or more address ranges that will be scanned. In each of the options, you need to specify a username with the appropriate privileges (having the rights to work with administrative resources).

Two options for searching computers - "IP address range" and "Network Neighborhood"

The result of the wizard will be a list of groups, domains, nodes, as well as detailed information about them. Additionally, an account card is created for each computer, which contains information about the owner and the computer:

  • computer name;
  • inventory number;
  • registered user;
  • computer cost;
  • Name of the organization;
  • date of payment and installation;
  • workgroup or computer domain;
  • IP address;
  • personal data;
  • additional information fields.

The program can automatically generate inventory numbers for any newly found computer, and also allows you to create additional information fields containing information about the peripherals connected to the computer (for example, an uninterruptible power supply, a scanner, a camera).

The completeness of the information collected by Total Network Inventory allows you to monitor any hardware or software component of the system, tracking any changes and responding to them in a timely manner. For efficient work with data, the program provides a category panel, duplicated by buttons on the toolbar. The user, choosing a category, receives comprehensive information about it. For example, when you select the "processor" subcategory from the "hardware" category, the program will display everything about the processor, starting from its name and ending with the core voltage and the frequency of the L2 cache.

To organize all this ocean of information, the system provides a report builder. Using the "Reports" menu or by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar, the user gets access to the tools associated with reports. The builder is able to summarize data in a convenient form based on user-selected criteria. The selection criteria in the program are conditionally divided into four main groups: general information, equipment, programs, other. When switching to the reporting mode, the administrator will have access to tools for working with reports, as well as multiple selection of criteria in the corresponding panel. Thanks to this, the operator of the Total Network Inventory program has many opportunities to control the current situation with the technical and software base of an office or corporate network. Depending on the realities of a particular company, the program provides an opportunity to use either pre-installed report schemes, or create your own, which most fully displays the required picture with equipment. The "Reports" menu contains schemes for displaying reports. They (reports) are divided into two groups: complete and brief. For example, a report on the criterion "Computer and motherboard" takes up a full page and contains detailed information. This is information about system block, motherboard(manufacturer, name, serial number, version), BIOS information (name, manufacturer, release date, SMBIOS version). In short form, this report takes up a third of a page and summarizes the same information, but without specifying the dates, serial numbers and so on.

The builder allows you to generate reports both for the entire network and for computers or groups selected in the "Network Overview" panel. You can include any number of computers and categories in the report in any combination, i.e. select multiple computers from different networks or groups, combining it with any combination of information categories. The administrator can save the received report in the internal format, as well as in the format text file ASCII, HTML, CSV and RTF file. If necessary, the report can be printed.

And finally, the program settings. Depending on the network security settings, as well as the network configuration, the program allows you to configure options for connecting to remote stations. This can either be using named administrative pipes over the SMB protocol, or connecting to the WMI service over the RPC protocol, or a combination of the two. The settings also allow the administrator to take into account the presence or absence of a DNS server on the network and determine whether to allow IP addresses during scanning or not. Many other settings allow you to very flexibly manage certain program parameters, depending on the current need of the administrator or the configuration of the local network.

So, in the matter of remote monitoring, ordering and saving information about the technical and software component of the organization's computer park, this product has been very successful. It has a reasonable price, good performance, an excellent processor of the collected information, as well as all the necessary tools for working in networks of varying complexity. We are confident that Total Network Inventory will save a lot of effort and nerves to the system administrator.


Create reports on the presence of certain programs and their number on computers. Control the correct use of programs and license keys, find prohibited and unlicensed software. Control startup folders, installation of OS updates and patches on computers.

Create reports on installed hardware on network computers. Track changes in PC configurations. For example, find out where there was less memory, where external drives or USB sticks. Print labels for PC cases with bar codes, their configuration and serial numbers of components.

The program keeps track of all changes in the configurations of remote PCs. If someone removed or installed new program, connected or disconnected the device, the program will enter this information into the Change Log and you can analyze it. You can also be notified of new changes by e-mail.

Create a report containing computers with insufficient memory (for example, all PCs with less than 2 GB of RAM), small monitors, and old processors. A timely upgrade will save money and improve the productivity of the company's employees.

All data contained in the program can be uploaded to external DBMS for more detailed analysis. The program contains more than 100 ready-made reports, a filtering system and a report designer for selecting data by conditions and preparing almost any report. If you don't find what you need, please contact us. :)


Background collection of information according to the schedule.

Monitor software and hardware changes on computers.

Diagnosing problems on network computers and notifying the administrator.

More than 100 ready-made reports, export to PDF, Word, Excel, HTML.

Accounting for computer equipment and office equipment, spare parts warehouse, maintenance history of computers.

Supports several ways to collect information (for domains, workgroups and PCs without a network).

Web interface for remote access to the inventory database.

We have been working in the software market since 1998 (22 years). The development of the inventory program has been underway for 14 years since 2006!



Table of differences between versions:

If you already have a license for the regular version, you can upgrade to Pro by paying the difference in price between the license you have and the required Pro license.

When you purchase a license, you will receive a subscription to free updates programs and tech. support for one year. We do not abandon our project and have been constantly developing it for more than 12 years (since 2006).

The program works under Windows XP/Vista/7/8.1/10; Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019. You can download and try 30 days trial version is free.


Winner of the "Russian Software 2014: Innovations and Achievements" award from PC Magazine.

14.12.2014: "PCs are interrogated in background, providing the administrator with up-to-date reports on components and programs installed on computers. The package allows you to download information from a PC behind routers and NAT, extract data from laptops and Android gadgets of mobile workers."

Winner of PC Magazine/RE. Best Software 2013"

12.12.2013: "A convenient system for inventorying IT infrastructure, which is especially useful in SMB companies with their "zoo" of equipment. The system fixes equipment brands, PC configuration, software versions and licenses. One of the most useful features is tracking changes in equipment, which makes it possible to detect exit from building, missing or replacing components."

02.10.2007: "A powerful tool for centralized inventory of hardware and software of computers on a local network. Allows you to discover computers on the network and collect information about them in a database... The ability to select computers in the report whose configurations satisfy a given condition simplifies tasks such as planning upgrades ."

Inventory of computer equipment

For every company, there comes a time when everything related to the IT infrastructure needs to be put in order.

This applies to activities such as relocation, inventory of computer equipment, maintenance planning of the service cloud and its components, software, planning of orders and purchases.

It is at such moments that many companies think about such a service as an inventory of office equipment.

What is an IT Infrastructure Inventory?

It is important to understand that the task of inventory is primarily to assess the condition and composition of IT assets. Most often, representatives of medium or large businesses turn to us for such a service, since they have a sufficient number of jobs and various network facilities.

Accounting of computers in the network is most often carried out for two reasons. The first of them is the modernization of computer equipment, software and the entire IT area in the company.

The second reason is the renewal of the composition of staff members who work in the field of information technology.

What is included in the inventory?

These are servers, peripheral equipment, personal workstations (computer equipment) of employees, ventilation systems, server cooling, power supply components for user workstations and central nodes. In addition, software (application, server, special and general) can be subjected to such activities.

All activities of the data system are carried out together with the staff of the client, as it is necessary to provide authorized access to information repositories, to obtain all necessary permits and permits.

IT verification is carried out on the basis of the terms of reference provided by the customer.

Such documents contain information about what goals the inventory of IT equipment sets for itself, the relevance of the system is checked, and its cost is analyzed.

Also, when inventorying workplaces and equipment, a specific methodology is selected that will ensure the completeness of the results of the inventory.

Identifiers for inventory of IT equipment - it's easy and simple

There are special identifiers, each of which is a unique program. With it, you can quickly and efficiently carry out such a procedure as an inventory of computer equipment.

For a small company that has only a few computers and one server, Excel is used for such purposes.

But in the future, even for a small company, this option becomes inconvenient, because it is not known how to determine where and at what point in time this or that equipment is located.

That is why we need a specialized program for inventory, accounting of computers and network equipment. Just such a program is Total Network Inventory 3.

This program is useful in that it allows you to perform inventory of hardware, software, computer equipment and other tools, including individual workstations and entire servers.

In addition, such popular tasks as network scanning, scheduler, change log, reports, and much more can be included in the standard features of the platform.

Switching to TNI 3 is also worth it because the program makes it possible to create the most complete database of all users who work with all workstations in the enterprise.

In addition, here you can store passwords and protocols, monitor the status of the equipment of any of the workplaces online.

Additionally, the user can get a significant number of benefits and useful functions, thanks to which the management of the entire IT system becomes as convenient and simple as possible, without requiring much effort and cost.

Earn money withTNI 3

It is important to understand that the product makes it possible to obtain the maximum possible set of tools for conducting a full inventory of computers of company employees.

We can also offer IT inventory software that will provide you with the easiest and most affordable option for doing this work.

To get more detailed information about such products, just contact our employees and ask them how they work with such software.

It Invent is a hardware inventory software that can quickly and easily deal with any problem that users or employees of your organization may have. This software, which allows you to carry out work such as inventorying server hardware or other types of tools.

The program can be used by administrators, general users, business owners, department heads and other people who may have access to the entire system or its individual components.

What are the main functions of the program? First of all, this is accounting for equipment, including components and inventory, it can also be scanning computers on the network, accounting for repairs and orders from suppliers, created labels with bar codes and other mandatory attributes. Also, to create an inventory number and a label on which it will be written, you need to use ITAM software, with which IT asset management becomes a simple and affordable action that does not require significant costs from the employer.

In addition to the fact that it makes it possible to take into account such a type of activities as an inventory of IT equipment over the network, it provides:

  • conducting a qualitative analysis of the entire IT system;
  • control of licensed products;
  • taking measures to implement the financial report;
  • creation of labels to provide an effective record of the work carried out, which includes such an operation.

All of the above is the main base, thanks to which the system administrator or any employee of the IT department will be able to control the equipment, license compliance and other important parameters responsible for running a business and successfully building an infrastructure. More information can be found on the phone numbers listed on the website.


In pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated November 9, 1999 N 380, in order to improve the organization of work on servicing the local area network, computer equipment and office equipment in the Ministry, as well as the organization of accounting for the technical means of the local area network, computer equipment and office equipment

I order:

1. Create a commission for the inventory of technical means of a local area network, computer equipment and office equipment and the following composition:

Yanovsky L.B. Secretary of State - Deputy Minister (Chairman)
Bondarenko Yu.M. Head of the Department of Affairs (Deputy Chairman)
Tsurkan V.M. Deputy Head of the Economic Department
Vorobieva T.B. Deputy Head of the Budget and Finance Department
Zhuravleva N.E. Deputy Head of Accounting and Reporting Department
Sizov I.V. Chief Accountant of the Economic Department
Kazakov A.I. Head of the Department of Special Administration
Parshutina O.V. Chief Specialist of the Legal Department
Ivanov V.V. Deputy Director of SE "CDU TEK"
Balantsev A.A. Chief Specialist SE "CDU TEK"
Kurkin N.N. head of dispatch service information systems and maintenance of computer equipment SE "TsDU TEK"

2. Heads of structural subdivisions of the Ministry:

2.1. Within two days, by your orders, appoint persons responsible in structural divisions for accounting and the technical condition of computer equipment and office equipment. Copies of orders to transfer to the commission (Bondarenko Yu.M.);

Oblige responsible persons in subdivisions for the accounting and technical condition of computer equipment and office equipment before November 1, 2000 to conduct an inventory of all computer equipment and office equipment located in subdivisions. Submit the results of the inventory to the Commission (Bondarenko Yu.M.): in the form according to the application in printed form, in electronic form on a diskette or by e-mail to: [email protected]

3. Before November 1, 2000, the Commission shall conduct an inventory of the technical means of the local computer network. Present the results of the inventory in the form according to the application.

4. Economic management (Astashkin A.V.

) before November 20, 2000, reconcile the data obtained during the inventory process with the database of material and technical means registered in the accounting department of the Economic Department of the Ministry, and submit the reconciliation results to the commission (Yu. M. Bondarenko).

5.1. Carry out marking of all computer equipment and office equipment in accordance with the inventory data;

5.2. Prepare a list of technical means of a local area network, computer equipment and office equipment transferred for maintenance to the State Enterprise “CDU TEK”, and submit it for approval to the leadership of the Ministry;

5.3. To carry out an inventory of all existing contracts of the Ministry of Energy of Russia for service maintenance and prepare proposals on the advisability of their further prolongation.

6. Economic management (Astashkin A.V.):

6.1. Until December 31, 2000, conclude an agreement with SE "CDU TEK" for service maintenance in 2001 of technical means of a local computer network, computer equipment and office equipment in accordance with the approved list;

6.2. By December 20, 2000, jointly with SE “CDU TEK”, to develop organizational and technical proposals to reduce the Ministry's costs for consumables for the operation of computer equipment and office equipment in 2001;

6.3. By December 1, 2000, submit to the State Enterprise "CDU TEK" the actual layout of the departments and offices in the building of the Ministry at the address: Kitaigorodsky proezd, 7, as well as a plan for the long-term placement of the Ministry's divisions;

6.4. At least one month in advance, submit to the State Enterprise "CDU TEK" (Gordeeva O.G.) information on the movement of the structural divisions of the Ministry in the building with an attachment to the plan of jobs.

7. State Enterprise “CDU TEK” (Gordeev O.G.) until January 1, 2001 to conclude contracts with third parties for the maintenance of computer equipment and office equipment in 2001.

8. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister Yanovsky A.B.

A.S. Gavrin

Appendix. Form for presenting the results of the inventory of technical means of a local area network, computer equipment and office equipment

Name of department (department)

List of equipment codes(column 6)

Instructions for filling the farm.

When entering the inventory results in column 6, the equipment code from the code table is entered.

If the equipment is not in the list, then code 16 (other equipment) is assigned to it, and the name of the equipment is entered in column 12 (Note) of the form.

Columns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11 are mandatory for each piece of equipment.

The electronic form of the application (the form for filling in the results of the inventory) is located on the file server of the Ministry Z:\COMMON\INVENTORY\inv_form.хls.

The electronic application form can be obtained on a diskette in room N 4020. All answers to questions about filling out the form can be obtained by calling 220-58-22, 220-59-17, 220 59-46.

Copies of signed documents must be transmitted electronically on a diskette or by e-mail to: [email protected]

The text of the document is verified by:
official distribution


Overview of Total Network Inventory - utilities for automatic inventory of a fleet of computers

With the growth of the computer park in organizations, the danger of forgetting which peripheral device is inside a particular workstation, or even losing one of them, increases.

The loss may be due to the negligence of an employee of the technical support department or through the malicious intent of an employee who decided to improve the speed of his home computer at the expense of the company.

There are several ways for the technical service manager or system administrator to prevent this kind of incident. For example, you can seal the cases of system units and regularly inspect the integrity of the seals.

You can make an inventory of components every morning (or evening). It may also be effective to install means of visual observation. All of these methods have their pros and cons.

The main disadvantage of these tools is their increased labor intensity, as well as a very serious costly part (visual observation tools, seals, increased working time for control). There are no such disadvantages for another accounting option - software.

The Total Network Inventory system from Softinventive allows you to keep a complete inventory of the software installed on your computer, as well as control the hardware of computers in offices, small and large corporate local networks.

Without leaving his seat, the administrator can scan the network and get comprehensive information about each computer. No pre-installed modules are required - they are installed automatically. The program allows you to scan the network both in real time (immediately) and, using a script, at the moment the client connects to the domain.

Appearance of the program

Total Network Inventory has both a wizard that is obligatory in our time, giving the user a very impressive result with a minimum of brain strain, and a manual scan mode that allows the user to configure all the parameters on their own.

The capabilities of the scanner are impressive. Scanning is based on three types of information: hardware, installed software, and real-time system information (processes running in the system, services, shared resources, environment variables).

The appearance of the program resembles “Explorer”, clearly displaying the local network tree in the left panel, broken down into groups. The name of the group corresponds to the position of the workstation in the network hierarchy or is selected manually by the user.

When a computer is selected, information about it is displayed in the central part of the main program window. Detailing about a particular subsystem is selected based on the marked category in the corresponding panel displayed on the right.

The interface of the program is scalable and can be easily customized to your taste.

A large number of visual themes, customizable panels, tools, as well as saturation with keyboard shortcuts will allow even the most fastidious user to adapt the program interface for themselves.

When the program is launched for the first time, the user will be offered options for further work: launching the network scan wizard, scanning the current computer, or opening the main window and further work. The main mode of operation for the system administrator will most likely be the work in the main window. However, in order not to manually enter computers, you can use the Network Scan Wizard in the first step.

Network Scan Wizard

The wizard offers two options for working: online scanning and logon script. Each option is accompanied by a detailed description, indicating which permissions and security policies should be enabled. Which path to choose depends on the specific situation.

When scanning computers using the logon script, the administrator can add the scanner program call string to the domain logon script, allowing collecting information about each computer that connects to the domain using this script (when the WMI service is installed and running). The wizard allows you to select a shared folder where the scanner program files are placed and a folder for saving the scan results. Further, by modifying the logon script, the administrator can only wait for users to start connecting to the domain and from time to time control the information received using the program.

Online scanning has more steps to achieve the result. This type of scan includes two options for finding computers: “Network Neighborhood” and “IP Address Range”. In the first case, the program looks through the tree of computers visible through the network environment. This option allows an administrator to see the structure of their Microsoft Windows network (workgroups, domains) and visually select hosts to scan. If the network environment is displayed slowly, or the administrator has several subnets to scan, or there is no NetBIOS connection to them, you should select the second path - “IP address range”. This path will allow you to specify one or more address ranges that will be scanned. In each of the options, you need to specify a username with the appropriate privileges (having the rights to work with administrative resources).

Two options for searching computers - “IP Address Range” and “Network Neighborhood”

The result of the wizard will be a list of groups, domains, nodes, as well as detailed information about them.

Additionally, an account card is created for each computer, which contains information about the owner and the computer:

  • computer name;
  • inventory number;
  • registered user;
  • computer cost;
  • Name of the organization;
  • date of payment and installation;
  • workgroup or computer domain;
  • IP address;
  • personal data;
  • additional information fields.

The program can automatically generate inventory numbers for any newly found computer, and also allows you to create additional information fields containing information about the peripherals connected to the computer (for example, an uninterruptible power supply, a scanner, a camera).

The completeness of the information collected by Total Network Inventory allows you to monitor any hardware or software component of the system, tracking any changes and responding to them in a timely manner. For efficient work with data, the program provides a category panel, duplicated by buttons on the toolbar. The user, choosing a category, receives comprehensive information about it. For example, when you select the “processor” subcategory from the “hardware” category, the program will display everything about the processor, starting from its name and ending with the core voltage and the frequency of the L2 cache.

To organize all this ocean of information, the system provides a report builder. Using the "Reports" menu or by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar, the user gets access to the tools associated with reports.

The builder is able to summarize data in a convenient form based on user-selected criteria. The selection criteria in the program are conditionally divided into four main groups: general information, equipment, programs, and others.

When switching to the reporting mode, the administrator will have access to tools for working with reports, as well as multiple selection of criteria in the corresponding panel.

Thanks to this, the operator of the Total Network Inventory program has many opportunities to control the current situation with the technical and software base of an office or corporate network.

Depending on the realities of a particular company, the program provides an opportunity to use either pre-installed report schemes, or create your own, which most fully displays the required picture with equipment. The “Reports” menu contains schemes for displaying reports.

They (reports) are divided into two groups: complete and brief. For example, a report on the criterion “Computer and mat. payment” takes up a page in its entirety and contains detailed information.

This is information about the system unit, motherboard (manufacturer, name, serial number, version), BIOS information (name, manufacturer, release date, SMBIOS version). In short form, this report takes up a third of the page and summarizes the same information, but without specifying dates, serial numbers, and so on.

The builder allows you to generate reports both for the entire network and for computers or groups selected in the Network Overview panel.

You can include any number of computers and categories in the report in any combination, that is, select several computers from different networks or groups, combining this with any combination of information categories.

And finally, the program settings.

Depending on the network security settings, as well as the network configuration, the program allows you to configure options for connecting to remote stations.

This can either be using named administrative pipes over the SMB protocol, or connecting to the WMI service over the RPC protocol, or a combination of the two.

The settings also allow the administrator to take into account the presence or absence of a DNS server on the network and determine whether to allow IP addresses during scanning or not.

Many other settings allow you to very flexibly manage certain program parameters, depending on the current need of the administrator or the configuration of the local network.

So, in the matter of remote monitoring, ordering and saving information about the technical and software component of the organization's computer park, this product has been very successful. It has a reasonable price, good performance, an excellent processor of the collected information, as well as all the necessary tools for working in networks of varying complexity. We are confident that Total Network Inventory will save a lot of effort and nerves to the system administrator. View the cost and terms of purchase


Order of Regular Software Inventory 20 No.


  • Appoint responsible for conducting regular inventory [person responsible for accounting and storage of the SBPPO].
  • Conduct an inventory every year [June] and [December] according to the regulation "Instruction on the procedure for conducting a software inventory", using the approved reporting forms:
    • "Software Register";
    • "Register of accompanying documentation and related software assets";
    • Computer Inventory Card.
  • I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

Application: for 3 liters.

Director of the educational institution ___________________ Acting Surname


by order

dated "__" ____ 20__ No. ___


according to the procedure for conducting a software inventory

  • Software inventory (SW) is carried out on all computers, without exception, that are on the balance sheet. Personal computers of teachers are not subject to inventory.
  • All instances of the software, without exception, are subject to inventory, including both those installed by standard means and visible in the "Add or Remove Programs" section of the Windows Control Panel, and copies of distribution kits and working copies of programs located on all, without exception, rewritable media connected to the computer, including hard drives, memory cards permanently used with this computer, optical rewritable discs, etc.
  • For each computer, an electronic inventory card (hereinafter - "EC") is compiled in the form " Computer inventory card».
  • In the process and results of the inventory, the software found must be clearly classified according to the following six characteristics of the “accounting unit”:
    • Manufacturer (example:Microsoft)
    • Name (example:office)
    • Package (example:professional)
    • Version (example: 2007)
    • Language (example: Russian)
    • Platform (example: forwindows)
  • If the found software can be unambiguously identified as a component of the SBPSS, a corresponding note should be made.

    In addition to the executable software and its components, the following are also subject to calculation:

    • Fonts;
    • Sound, graphics and video files that are subject to copyright.
  • At the end of the software inventory, based on the completed ECs, a summary table is compiled in the form “ Software registry» indicating the total number of software copies for each accounting unit.

    The following assets are subject to a separate recheck and inventory:

    • Documents for the purchase of software;
    • carriers;
    • Package;
    • User manuals;
    • Accompanying materials.
  • The results of the inventory of assets are entered into the register in the form " Register of accompanying documentation and related software assets».

    The results of the inventory of assets are verified against the following materials:

    • Latest previous asset inventory results;
    • Journals of issuance of SBPPO;
    • Acquisition and retirement records for the period between this date and the previous inventory date.
  • If discrepancies and / or loss of documentation and / or other assets are found during the reconciliation, a memorandum is drawn up addressed to the director listing the shortcomings, their causes, planned and taken measures to eliminate them.

    If during the inventory process any assets are found outside the specialized vault and it is found that these assets were not released to perform any work in strict accordance with the issuance regulations, the assets should be immediately placed in the vault, and a report should be drawn up addressed to the director. a note listing the shortcomings, their causes, planned and taken measures to eliminate them.

    Information about licenses that are legally available and/or disposed of is entered into the software registry .

    The number of actual copies of the software and licenses for it is compared, discrepancies are indicated in a special column of the table. ATTENTION! The SBPPO package does not limit the number of installations.

    Opposite SBPPO in the software registry should indicate "the number is not limited by license."

    Information from the EC and the software register is verified with the SBPPO installation accounting cards included in the SBPPO kit.

    If discrepancies are found during the reconciliation process, a memorandum is drawn up addressed to the director listing the shortcomings, their causes, planned and taken measures to eliminate them.

  • Based on the results of the inventory, the director is presented with a report (report) on the inventory in free form with the signatures of the persons who conducted the inventory, with the appendix:

    • Software Registry;
    • Register of accompanying documentation and related software assets;
    • If deficiencies are found - relevant memorandums.


Stage 1: Gathering the necessary initial information

This phase is preparatory in nature, during its implementation it is necessary to collect the information required for the implementation of license management in the organization.

The information includes answers to the following questions:

  • the number of servers in your local network;
  • the number of PCs in the organization, how many of them are networked, how many are standalone;
  • determine the software installed on computers (in general terms: Windows, office, office composition, special programs according to the profile of your organization ...);
  • who is responsible for acquiring and operating the installed software.

The implementation of all stages of license management technology will require a certain amount of time and effort not only on the part of the information technology department staff, management, but also ordinary employees.

Understanding the need for this work by all employees of the educational institution can significantly reduce the time for the implementation of license management technology in the organization.

Once all the necessary data has been collected, you can proceed to step 2.

Stage 2: Conducting an inventory of installed software

Conducting a software inventory is the second step in the license management process.

There are two ways to inventory software:

Manual inventory

The user can take inventory manually by viewing hard drives all computers and fixing all the information in a video report. One easy way is to use the Add or RemovePrograms option.

Automatic inventory

For automatic inventory Software on computers and servers of the OS can use special programs. The product catalog for software inventory and license management contains a complete list of all types of programs.

In addition, to identify all major installed Microsoft products, you can use Microsoft program Software Inventory Analyzer (MSIA). These automated tools greatly simplify the inventory process.

Using MSIA or the Software Inventory and License Management Product Catalog tool, you can perform software inventory for both stand-alone and LAN-connected computers.

When analyzing stand-alone computers, you need to install the appropriate programs on each of them. Most of special programs for inventory, the software automatically generates inventory reports.

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