Why ios 7 is not installed. Installing new programs on an iPhone with an outdated version of iOS

Why ios 7 is not installed. Installing new programs on an iPhone with an outdated version of iOS


Today, the mobile technology sector continues to develop at a fairly rapid pace. Progress in cell phones and smartphones is especially noticeable when you look at how quickly yesterday's novelties become obsolete morally, unable to withstand the competition of the newly released flagships. We will talk about the elimination of one of the signs of such obsolescence below.

Moral wear and tear on iPhone and iOS

In one of our previous articles: Remove brakes and freezes on YouTube videos - we analyzed an option that allows you to play online videos in high quality on an old computer.
But if the process of obsolescence of iron in most cases can be considered natural and necessary, then with software everything is not always so obvious.

There are two main directions in the issue of software obsolescence:

  1. Lack of support and release of operating system updates by the manufacturer for old devices
  2. Lack of backward compatibility of new software versions with old OS

Support period

The first point is clear. The smartphone manufacturer does not want to spend energy and money on optimization of a new system for outdated hardwareeven if this task is technically feasible. In addition to saving resources, this step also contributes to the rapid growth of sales of new manufactured devices (we neglect the outflow of the client base to a more loyal manufacturer in this case), which also does not speak in favor of increasing the duration of support for our products.

Backward software compatibility

As for the question backward compatibilitythen this side may seem even more controversial. To begin with, let's give a conditional answer in the context of the current article to the question: What is Backward Compatibility?

backward compatibility is the ability of new software versions to work with old data formats on an old operating system

Both variants of this problem are very acute for the owners of the previous releases of the company's cell phones. Apple.
So, for example, the last one available to owners iPhone 4S version iOS - 9.3.5 , for iPhone 4 the situation is even more deplorable, only iOS 7.1.2... And this despite the fact that the latest version of the Apple operating system at the current time - 10.3.1

The consequences of software obsolescence

What is it fraught with?
One of the main troubles that will face users of outdated Apple devices - what, often, it is impossible to install some programs from the App Store on iOS below a specific release.
In particular, to install such a popular instant messaging and calling software over the Internet, such as Viber, from the Apple store you will need an installed version iOS 8.1 or later... For applications like Skype, network client In contact with or mobile app Instagram, maximum old the version of the phone system that meets the conditions for installing the listed software - iOS 8.0.

From all of the above, we can conclude that officially we do not have the opportunity install Viber on iPhone 4 ... The same goes for the other programs mentioned: Skype, vk client for iOS, Instagram and many others. Moreover, the same fate will soon befall the newer models, so this issue in the future may affect an increasing number of users of Apple products.

However, there is a way to install the same Instagram on iPhone 4. This method will work with most programs.
Its essence, the method, is to preload the application from the App Store with a link to Apple ID and then installing a supported version of the program on the phone itself.

So, we need:

  1. Computer with Internet access.
  2. Internet connection on iPhone.

Let's get started.

Installing VK App to Apple ID via iTunes

If we try install the Vkontakte program on the iPhone 4, then we will fail, we will receive an error This content (app) requires iOS 8.0 or later with a proposal to update the device to iOS 8.0

But if we go along the path Settings - General - Software update, we will see what we have installed " newest"Software, namely iOS 7.1.2which is the latest for the iPhone 4

This means that you have to look for workarounds.

Download the program to the computer from the official Apple website iTunes and install it.
Launch iTunes and log in under the account with which your iPhone is activated.

Now in the upper left corner, click on the drop-down menu and select the Edit menu item there ...

In the list that appears, put a tick in front of the Programs item and press the Finish button

Next, in the drop-down list, go to the Programs section we added.
In the central part of the screen, click on the App Store tab. In the upper right corner, in the search bar, we enter the name of the program we are interested in, let it be vkontakte client for iPhone... Press the button under the application icon Download, enter the password from your Apple ID and click the Buy button ( the app is free, nothing to worry about)

The application is uploaded to our account, we no longer need a computer.

Installing VK App on iPhone 4 via the App Store

We connect the phone to the Internet via a mobile network or via Wi-Fi. Launch App Store on the device and we can immediately go to the tab Updates... Here we will have the very application that we downloaded in iTunes, that is, the client VK App... To the right of the program icon there will be a button in the form of a cloud with an arrow, which allows us to install the application from Apple ID.
Click on the cloud

Now we will see a notification that an updated version of the operating system is required to download the latest version of the program... But here we will be offered download a previous version of this app, which we will use by clicking on the button Download

We are waiting for the download of the latest compatible version to finish and we can run the installed program.
It is worth mentioning that this will not succeed. install the latest version of the program on iPhone (the solution to the issue is possible in the presence of a Jailbreak), that is, you will probably not be able to access the full functionality of the application added in new releases, but for comfortable use of the basic features, this is most often not required.

Today we talked about how to install the program on an iPhone with an outdated iOS system.

We wish you long support and constant updates.

Every time a new operating system comes out, users try to install it on their smartphone as soon as possible, in order to make the use more convenient and practical. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to update iPhone 4 to iOS 7 and what problems you may face during installation.

What is iOS 7

First you need to figure out which versions of iPhones this operating system is compatible with and whether your smartphone is suitable for installation.

iOS 7 is compatible with:

  • iPhone 4;
  • iPhone 4s;
  • iPhone 5;
  • iPhone 5c;
  • iPhone 5s;

as well as iPad 2, iPad with Retina display, iPad mini and iPod Touch.

What changes appeared in iOS 7

The seventh operating system presented for use on June 10, 2013 differs from the previous ones with a new design, as well as a more streamlined order within the phone programs. The main changes in the design were the use of new exquisite thin fonts, transparency of the menu. The new labels are not based on repetition of everyday objects, but rather intuitive. Also, most of the applications have undergone changes. They added new unique features and capabilities.

Installing or updating the operating system

The process of updating a smartphone to a new version can be done in two ways. This can be either an upgrade from the old version to the new one, or through a restore. What is the best process for a correct installation?

1 The update makes it possible to save all the data that is on your smartphone and having received a new operating system, all important and necessary files will be in place. But this method can only be used with jailbroken phones. 2 Recovery it erases all data from your device and after the update the smartphone will not contain your information, in other words, it will be as if it had just come from a store. In this mode, it is also not necessary to update the locked phone, as well as the phone on which the jailbreak is used.

How to install iOS 7 using iTunes

Install or repair

1 First of all, you need to download and install the program with which we will carry out the installation of iTunes 11.1, if it is already available on the computer, go on. 2 Now you need to download the operating system with the version we need, namely iOS 7, which corresponds and suits your device. 3 Connect your iPhone to the computer, most often it is best to connect to the rear USB connectors of the system unit or to the main connectors of the laptop. Turn on iTunes and prepare to install. 4 Inside the program, you must select the device that we are going to update in the upper right corner. 5 Press and hold the Shift key on your computer and at the same time select and click the "Restore"

System update

With system updates, things are much easier. To update your smartphone, go to iTunes, connect the device, and then select the "Update" menu. This process will take a little time, but later you will enjoy the new version of the operating system.

How to install iOS 7 on iPhone 4s using a Wi-Fi connection

One of the easiest, as well as common ways, is to update the iPhone via the Internet without the help of third-party programs. To do this, you need a permanent WI-FI connection, and it is also worth making sure that your smartphone is charged, it is recommended that it be no less than 50%.

To install the update in this way, you need to download this firmware from the Internet. This process takes a long time, since it directly depends on the speed of the Internet in the place where you are going to download the update and on how much the Apple servers will be loaded at this time.

The installation process of the downloaded update is usually not long and takes 15-20 minutes on average.

  • The first step is to go to the "settings" menu that are located on the desktop of your device, then select the "Basic" sub-item there.
  • In the menu that appears, select the "Software update" item. After that, your smartphone will receive information about possible updates and firmware.
  • Then click on the Download and Install button.

It must be remembered that during the update it is strictly forbidden to interrupt the download and take the phone to places where the Internet connection may be interrupted. In order not to get bored while the phone is being updated, you can read the information about the new installed firmware in the "Details" tab.

What to do if iPhone slows down on 4 iOS 7

First of all, you need to understand that the older the phone model, the more difficult it will be to adapt to changes, so if your smartphone hangs and “slows down” from the first days after installing the new OS version, you should put the previous version on it for more comfortable use. And also many users have noticed that in version 7.1 the devices work much better than with the previous one.

What could cause the device to slow down

  • Background application refresh;
  • Parallax and frosted glass effect;
  • Loaded with old data.

In order to at least slightly speed up the operation of your smartphone after the update, you can:

    • Disable the work of background applications in the main settings of the smartphone;
    • will disable effects for the iPhone wallpaper that came out in the new update. This can also be done in the main settings.
    • Delete unnecessary data such as old updates, leftover files and unused applications.
    • Also, in some cases, cleaning the dictionary helps.

, iOS 8.1.1, iOS 8.1.2, as well as and, can be used on the following devices:

  • iPhone 6s / 6s Plus (iOS 9.x only)
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus (iOS 8.x and iOS 9.x only)
  • iPhone 4 / 4S / 5 / 5S
  • iPad Air, iPad 2/3/4, iPad mini, and iPad mini with Retina display
  • iPod touch 5G

DO NOT UPDATE ON iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9 if you are using a locked phone, i.e. which was bought as locked, and then was unlocked by software or using Gevey SIM and its analogues. If you update, you will receive a BRICK (the phone will NOT work)!

Those who bought an iPhone locked to an operator and then unlocked it DO NOT UPDATE!

Make a backup your iPhone / iPad / iPod before updating to keep all contacts, SMS, photos, videos and notes. The backup can be made to iCloud via Wi-Fi or by connecting the device to a computer via the USB connector in iTunes.

Making a backup

A backup can be made to the iCloud cloud via Wi-Fi, or saved to a computer via iTunes by connecting the device to a computer via a USB connector.

Backing up to iCloud over Wi-Fi

Make sure your device has Wi-Fi connected and working. Make sure that you will not leave the WiFi area during the update to the new firmware.

To create a backup to the iCloud cloud on the iPhone / iPad or iPod desktop, click on ““.

Go to “ iCloud”And if your device is configured using Apple ID, then go to“ Storage and copies"And click" Create copy“.

Back up to iCloud or computer using iTunes

Connect your iPhone / iPad or iPod to your computer via a USB connector. The computer must have iTunes installed and the Internet must work to update the firmware. Launch iTunes. With the default autorun setting enabled (for most), it will open itself after connecting the device to the computer. Go to the tab of your iPhone / iPad or iPod.

We choose where we want to make a backup: to iCloud or to a computer (in case of creating a backup on a computer, it is possible to protect it with a password).

After creating a backup, you can proceed to the next step.

Over-the-air firmware update via WiFi

This is the easiest way. Requires WiFi connection during update. In addition to having Wi-Fi, make sure that your device is at least 50% charged (or even better, connect your device to a charger). The firmware is installed quickly, but it can take a long time to download via WiFi, since it depends not only on your Internet connection speed, but also on the workload of Apple servers.

To update the firmware on the iPhone / iPad or iPod desktop, click on “”

Select (click) on “ The main

The information about the new firmware will be loaded and it will remain to press “ Download and install“.

Be patient while the new firmware is downloaded from the Internet (the download time depends on the speed of your Internet), do not interrupt the download, do not remove the device from the Wi-Fi zone.

Congratulations on your new firmware!

It's important to note that not all iOS 7 features will work on all devices.

If someone needs to update to a new firmware via iTunes, then write about it in the comments and we will write instructions for updating via a computer.

Direct links to firmware

What's new in iOS 7.01, iOS 7.0.2, iOS 7.0.3, iOS 7.0.4, iOS 7.0.6, iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.1.2?

What's new in each of the sub-versions of firmware 7 can be found at the following links:

If you have problems installing

If you have any problems, write to our specialists on the forum in the sections Ambulance iPhone or directly in the section iOS 7 . We will help you!

  • Section about iOS 7 on the forum. Ready-made solutions to the most common problems

IOS 8.x firmware

IOS 8.0.1 firmware

First unsuccessful iOS firmware. Apple had to stop distributing the firmware within a few hours after its release due to problems with iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users with cellular communication (it simply did not work) and with the Touch ID fingerprint scanner.

IOS 8.0.2 firmware

It fixes iOS 8.0.1 bugs, for a complete list of fixes, see the link below.

Firmware 8.1

IOS 8.1.3 firmware

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Unfortunately, the seventh version of the iOS operating system never made it to the 1st generation iPad. Why did it happen? It is difficult to answer, there are only a few assumptions. First, Apple decided that there was no point in adapting iOS 7 for the 1st generation iPad due to the fact that it is not financially beneficial. And this is true. These devices are no longer in production, so the expectation is that iPad owners will simply purchase a new tablet from Apple, a generation higher, on which iOS 7 can be installed. There is a second assumption. Perhaps the hardware of the first iPad is too weak for the seventh version of the operating system. That is why Apple refused to adapt iOS 7 to iPad 1. Agree, the hardware of the first-generation apple tablet is really not able to "pull" the latest toys and applications.

Perhaps because of this, he would not be able to pull even the seventh version, because it requires a lot of resources for fast and smooth operation. What do we know about iOS 7? This firmware is the first to undergo a major design revolution. The developers decided to try to make it more practical and minimalistic. And they did it, and they get it well. Therefore, now users see a simpler design on the displays of their gadgets. But the simplicity did not prevent the addition of new effects, which greatly enhanced the work with the device.

What's in sevens?

Now iOS 7 users can enjoy the beauty of iridescent menus, a variety of icons, nice animated wallpapers, and a parallax effect that moves the menu when the angle of the tablet or smartphone changes. Another major update coming in iOS 7 is the Control Panel. The so-called multitasking, which has been known to experienced Apple users since iOS 5. But it was only in the seventh firmware that multitasking became fully functional. Now an iPhone or iPad user can use a light swipe to bring up a panel in which you can quickly perform the necessary operations. For example, reduce or increase brightness, monitor software updates, turn on Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other services.

The advent of multitasking has made life much easier for Apple users. What else appeared in the "twilight", which is why it was not transferred to the 1st generation iPad? Probably, this is the ability to create in iOS 7 "tiered application shortcuts" on the home screen. IOS 7 users can bring a shortcut of two applications to the home screen, and drag one of them onto the other. After this action, a folder with applications will be automatically created. You can do this an unlimited number of times. Thus, applications can be sorted by need, games by genre, etc.

The next addition in OS 7, which was revolutionary, was the arrival of AirDrop. It is a service that allows you to share content (photos, audio recordings, contacts, links, maps, etc.). This revolutionary addition allowed users to freely share data with friends, colleagues, family.

An exit for owners of legacy devices

You may ask why we are writing all this, because all these joys do not shine for users of the 1st generation iPad. Yes, you can't put a full version of iOS 7 on iPad 1, but you can add some features and design from the twilight. How to do it? Thanks to the work of a team of hackers, the so-called "custom firmware" was born. Customization - literally translated "dressing up". And it hits the spot. The standard firmware for the old gadget is taken, for example, iPad 1, the firmware for it is OS 4. With the help of hackers, iOS 4 adds a design from the "seven", as well as functions that can be added without spoiling the gadget's performance. These firmwares are called WhiteD00r.

Valiant programmers help owners of old gadgets to feel all the advantages of the new version of iOS on their device. Thus, by installing WhiteD00r on your iPad 1, you will see your own version of the OS on your device, but disguised as iOS 7. The main thing is that the design does not end there. For example, thanks to the work of these hackers, multitasking was added to the custom "seven", which we talked about above. That is, the user will be able not only to enjoy the pleasant design of the seventh OS, but also to use its innovations.

Now the main question remains: how to install this very Wh1ted00r 7 on your old but reliable 1st generation iPad. There are four requirements for this:

  • Availability of a clean version of the standard firmware on iPad 1 (if you now have a clean OS 4, then everything is fine, if with a jail, you need to reflash and install a clean version);
  • Downloaded custom firmware WhiteD00r 7 and iTunes on a personal computer - preferably version 10.2;
  • The Redsn0w program from the same hacker team used to install their version of the system.
Installation process

Let's say you downloaded WhiteD00r 7 firmware for iPad 1, you have Redsn0w and iTunes 10+ installed. Now you can start installing. Go to iTunes. Now connect your device to your personal computer. Once again, make sure your tablet has a standard system. We completely forgot to tell you that you need to create a copy in iCloud, which will contain all the data from your gadget (photos, videos, settings, recordings, etc.). Using Apple's standard iCloud service, you can quickly and easily create such a copy.

When the gadget is connected to a personal computer, you can start. Launch iTunes 10+ (the main thing is that the version is no higher than 11 - the recovery process is excluded there). Wait while the program informs you that iPad 1 has been found. Now you can click on the "Restore" button: if you have a personal computer on Windows, then hold down “Shift” and press the button “Restore”, if it's a Mac, then hold down “Alt”. The program will ask you to select the firmware from which your system will restore. Attention, we need to specify the path to whited00r 7 in order to get a custom version of the seven on our iPad. Now wait for the process to finish. You can safely go to drink tea or sing pies, the process usually lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour. When it's over, your tablet should restart. After that, you will see a nice seven design on the working display. If that's the case, you've successfully installed iOS 7 Clothes on iPad 1.

This is a great option for those who are completely satisfied with their tablet, but would still like to see iOS 7 on it. For example, if you are not chasing powerful games, do not open 30 tabs in the standard Safari browser, then this custom system is good will do. You can continue to surf the Internet, read books, listen to music, watch movies, only with a more pleasant system design.

On an iOS device and do not know how to do this, then this material will certainly help you with this. Update, restore or reflash - no matter what term you can call the process itself, the goal is important - iOS 7 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. And so, let's get started.

The first step is to find out if your device will support iOS 7... The new version of Apple's mobile operating system can be installed on smartphones iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, tablets iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini and multimedia player iPod Touch fifth generation.

IOS 7 can be installed in two ways - restore and update.

How is Upgrade different from Recovery?

When Updates, all data (contacts, photos, applications, etc.) on the iOS device will be saved.
In the process Recovery the device will be reset to factory settings, and all existing user data will be deleted. When restoring, you will receive a "clean" device as "out of the box".


- if your device is jailbroken (there is an application icon Cydia) - under no circumstances use Update, as this will lead to a so-called "loop" in recovery mode (logo iTunes with a cable on the screen), or to the "eternal chamomile". For installation iOS 7 to the jailbroken device, use Recover from.

- not Updateand not Rebuild official iOS 7 iPhonelocked to the operator, since with the iOS firmware the version of the modem on the device rises, and this, in turn, will lead to impossibility.

Also, Turbo-SIM cards will not work on iPhones with an updated version of the modem.

How to install iOS 7 using iTunes?

1. and install iTunes 11.1 (link at the bottom of the page).
2. version iOS 7corresponding to your device.
3. Connect your iOS device to your computer and run iTunes.
4. Select your device in the upper right corner of the app.

5. Holding down the key Shift click the button Restore (for OS X Alt + Restore).

6. Select the downloaded firmware file iOS 7 for your device, click Open... Recovery starts.

How do I update my iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to iOS 7?

Open, select the device and click on the button Refresh.

Or use an over the air update right on your device if you have internet access. For go to Settings -> The main -> Software Update.

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