How to block access to the application in the iphone. How to put a password for an application or folder on an iPhone? Applications and utilities

How to block access to the application in the iphone. How to put a password for an application or folder on an iPhone? Applications and utilities


Using iPhone applications, it is possible to set a password for applications, files and folders stored on the internal memory of the iPhone.

It is impossible to restrict access to confidential information on iOS by placing a separate lock on each icon with the application, which can be removed when entering a password. And the main reason for this is the limitations imposed by the operating system.

And therefore, you will have to act in other ways - with the help of special "safes" in which documents, photos, correspondence or even individual videos are placed, and then they are hidden behind a password or Touch ID or Face ID verification. The method may not be the most organic or fast, but it is working and time-tested.

App Block

Multifunctional file manager for iPhone, capable of hiding information from prying eyes using local storage, information from which is not transferred anywhere and is not registered anywhere. To use App Block, you just need to organize a new protected folder, and then go through the available sections and from each of them select those files that you would like to hide. There are tons of options - pictures and videos, passwords and data from bank cards, links and personal notes added to calendar events or notes.

The preparation of information, according to the developer, will take no more than 10 minutes, and then it will remain to hang a bolt in the form of a password or fingerprint or face scanners. And that's all - you no longer have to worry about losing confidential information (by the way, if someone tries to hack the App Block using the brute-force method, a notification with a photo of the cunning person will be sent to the attached email address).


The application is a classic safe, to which files are added, and then they are distributed to suitable directories and blocked both separately for each folder and in bulk. Regardless of the choice, the developers offer to generate unusually strong passwords that cannot be picked and remembered, but can be removed using Touch ID or Face ID.

As a result, no one will get to the information (and even the owner of the smartphone, if he uses all the attempts). Additionally, Keeper offers to organize the available space and part with those files that are not needed for a long time, having finished sorting.

Password Manager Finger Print

The program is a newcomer to the genre, slowly but surely acquiring an audience and positive reviews. The approach is classic - the developers from Estill Hill suggest adding content (information about cards, authorization on social networks, accounts, notes and records, some contacts, emails and photos), and then think over blocking.

Of the pros - clarity and advice awaiting at every step. But advertising is the main enemy: sometimes you have to skip pop-ups for hours, hoping to finally get to the result.

Kaspersky Password Manager

An assistant for iPhone, designed to set up automatic authorization when visiting sites, and hide files from prying eyes, and come up with clever passwords for free when registering (those that cannot be repeated and remembered, and consisting of letters, numbers, symbols 16 characters long).

The service is distributed free of charge and necessarily requires registration for synchronization and identification (otherwise, no one will allow you to attach a fingerprint).


Safe for iPhone with an intuitive interface, a predictable procedure and special instructions from the AgileBits developers that help both hide confidential information and understand data protection algorithms even without using safes. Interacting with the platform is easy, the only regret is endless advertising.

Many users would like to hide some files and photos

Although standard iOS tools do not have this functionality, it can be partially obtained using third-party functions. Let's look at setting a password for an application on an iPhone or iPad in several ways, each of which, by the way, is quite simple to perform.

How to put a password on a photo in iOS

This can be done through the "Notes" menu or using the "" function provided in the system.

So, you can use "Notes" in this way:

  • Go to the iPad settings.
  • We select the section "Notes".
  • Disable the line "Save media to photos".

Now go to the "Password" section and set it up - install or activate the Touch ID sensor.

We proceed directly to the process of hiding the images themselves, for which we recommend that you do the following:

Now this note with a photo can only be seen by you, and the previous actions with disabling "Save media to photos" were needed so that the pictures taken in this way would not open in the gallery.

How do I use Guided Access and what is it?

With this function, you can show someone an image from a tablet without fear that the user will start flipping through the album and looking at other pictures, since this action will simply be blocked. This way, you show only what you need and don't worry about the privacy of other pictures.

To activate "Guided Access" on iOS, follow these steps:

  • Go to the iPad settings, select the "General" section.
  • Open the "Accessibility" item, where you will see a menu to control the "Guided Access" option - select it.
  • Turn on the function and set a password in the form of a code or fingerprint.
  • That's not all, since for full activation, you need to press the Home key three times in a row.

Then go to the "Photos" menu and there do the following:

  • Open any picture and click on Home three times.
  • The "Access Guide" window will appear, where you need to select the "Options" tab.
  • Disable the Push function.

Now you just open the image to show it to another person, press the same Home key three times and calmly give him the iPad.

How to put a password on an iPad application

Note that the usual utilities that are sold in the AppStore do not have the ability to program, therefore, to install services that can put the code word on the iPhone, you need a jailbreak, and if you have it, you can use them.

So, how to set a password for an iPad app? We recommend using the iAppLock program. It's free and available in Cydia.

After you download and install it, follow these instructions to protect your iOS apps.

I think that many of you, at least sometimes, have thought about how to protect your child (grandson, nephew, or just a friend's son) from accessing some resources on the iPhone or iPad. There is a way to block programs, the Internet, mail, or even install new applications! Do you want your child to only have access to certain sites? Now we will teach your iPhone to block programs and websites!

Access to the site is closed

To begin with, let's decide - you can limit a lot - everything will depend on your imagination, the degree of punishment of the child and your sadistic inclination 🙂 Please note that everything you do remains on your conscience and responsibility. Although you can revel in full!

First you need to follow the path: Settings -\u003e General -\u003e Restrictions and go to them. Immediately after that, you will need to Enable restrictions, for which the system will ask you to come up with a password to unlock.

Turn on restrictions

There is no need to put the child's date of birth there, he will quickly guess 🙂 The best thing is to come up with arbitrary 4 numbers and remember them (remember Irene Adler, with her password I AM SHERLOCKED?). So, you've come up with the code, now let's move on to blocking programs and sites.

In the first block, entitled Allow, you can enable or disable system applications and functions - Sifari, Camera, Add / Remove Programs and much more. Simply flip the switch to the off position and you're done!

Section Allow

Everything is much more interesting in the Allowed content block! Here you can set restrictions on viewing "adult" content, specify age restrictions or block access to the site... To do this, go to the Websites item and select one of the items - Adult content limit or Specified websites only. In the first case, you can clearly indicate the allowed and prohibited sites.

Blocking websites

If you leave any of the points blank, for example, allow always, then there will be no blocked sites. So in the Never Allow field, you can enter sites such as, and others, to which you want to deny entry.

If you figured out the blocking of sites, then you can go even further in the Privacy block, prohibit certain programs from accessing various phone functions, for example, if you go to the Photos item, you can prohibit certain programs from making changes to them.

Privacy block

Having played enough, let's move on to the next item, Allow changes. Everything is simple here - we allow or forbid the user to make changes to accounts (mail, addresses, calendars), Content update and others ...

Game Center block

Well, if you want to completely close the child's access to various network games, then in the Game Center block, turn off the Play with friends and Add friends switches.

As you can see, the iOS system allows you to be flexible enough to set up or block programs, sites or even services on your iPhone or iPad. Thus, you can customize the child's device and protect him from unwanted content, which, alas, is more and more on the network ...

By the way, if you suddenly notice that your child has matured and you can give him more opportunities, just go to Restrictions again and turn off restrictions (sorry for the tautology) or correct them based on the situation 🙂

Every year there are more and more happy iPhone owners in Russia. In this connection, in an effort to protect their personal data from prying eyes, users of Apple's product ask themselves the question of how to put a password for the application on an iPhone or password-protect a folder with photos.

Program password

There are several ways to put a password on an iPhone on an application installed on a phone. But the one provided by the device is not very convenient to use. One of its few advantages is that there is no need to install additional software, allowing you to save more free space.

To set a password in a standard way, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, where you should select the "General" and "Restrictions" items. In the window that opens, the "Enable restrictions" button will be active by default - after pressing it, you will be prompted to enter a 4-digit code. This password will be requested each time the selected applications are launched. To determine the list of programs that will be protected, it is necessary, by scrolling below, to mark the necessary ones from the proposed list. It should be noted that in addition to opening programs, you can also password-protect the installation or removal of applications on the device.

Alternative ways

The method with the installation of special applications is more convenient to use. How to put a password on an application on an iPhone depends on the selected defender program. However, most of them have the same operating principle and setting. As an example, it is worth figuring out how to set a password on one of the most popular applications - iAppLock, which is freely available in the App Store.

To install the security code, you need to launch the defender program and select the type of protection and the required applications in the settings. One of the advantages of using additional software is the ability to choose the type of protection: a graphic code, a digital PIN or a regular password.

Folder password

Studying how to put a password on a folder, you can see that it is also possible to use both standard iPhone tools and install special programs. By default, you can password protect any folder in the same way as applications. In the "Restrictions" section, at the bottom of the list of applications offered for setting a password, you must select the appropriate folder.

It should be noted that such a case will protect access to files in the folder only when entering through the standard file manager. Any other application trying to access closed files will be able to do so without calling the PIN input field.

Lock analogs

As with applications, there are several dozen different programs for setting a password for folders. Each of them allows you to block free access to files inside the directory in a certain way. One of the most common blocking tools is Folder Lock, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

After the installation of the application is completed, the corresponding item will appear in the "Settings" menu, in which you can select the folders and the type of protection. The program also allows you to password-protect and a number of other elements of the iPhone, including "Settings", contact list and camera.

Other ways to protect

However, to protect your personal data, you do not need to know how to put a password for an application or folder on an iPhone. If you just want to prevent unauthorized access to some files or programs, you can hide them from the main menu or the file manager. Thus, you can not be afraid to forget your password or pattern for accessing data at a crucial moment. To open hidden folders or applications, just return them to the menu. For greater convenience, there are special programs that allow you to do this in a few clicks, but using them will increase the likelihood that the data will be found.

Is iKeyMonitor invisible / hidden?

For Android devices, the iKeyMonitor icon will be displayed on the top Android status bar by default, which can be disabled from settings. For a jailbroken iPhone / iPad, the iKeyMonitor icon will be displayed on the home screen by default, which can be disabled in the settings.

Do I need physical access to the target device?

For Android phones / tablets, you need to access the target device (pick it up and unlock with a password / password). For iPhone / iPad, you need to access and jailbreak the target device to use the App Lock feature.

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Why it is worth blocking the iKeyMonitor app

  • Remote surveillance

    With cloud dashboard, you can enable or disable monitoring remotely. If you lose your iPad / iPhone / Android device, you can switch the monitoring status, which will help you track the GPS location of the lost phone.
  • Block apps / games

    iKeyMonitor allows block unwanted apps / games on iPad / iPhone / Android according to different rules. You can block apps on iPad / iPhone / Android all the time or block them for a specific time.
  • 24/7 support

    iKeyMonitor Support Team provides 24/7 technical support via emails and live chat. With real-time help, you can solve your problems whenever you want.
  • Safe and Private

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  • Safe and Hidden

    Unauthorized access to iKeyMonitor is prohibited as it is protected by a password and a custom access code or URL. Unauthorized uninstallation is not available as it can be installed as sysadmin or system app after rooting.
  • App blocker

    iKeyMonitor offers a 100% free trial that provides almost all the features of the full version. You can test it on your iOS / Android device before purchasing the fully functional version.
  • 1 License for 1 iOS / Android

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  • multiple languages

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  • 30 days money back

    Remember that you can get your money back within 30 days of purchase if iKeyMonitor app blocker does not work on your device and our support team cannot solve your problem.

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