The computer freezes tightly: what are the reasons and how to fix it? Computer freezes at boot PC hangs at Windows startup.

The computer freezes tightly: what are the reasons and how to fix it? Computer freezes at boot PC hangs at Windows startup.


Have you seen an interesting application or a game in AppStore, and now you want to install it on your iPhone or iPad? To do this is quite simple for anyone, even an inexperienced person in terms of handling technology. But what if the download itself just stuck on the icon and does not move? This happens quite often, even in our experience it was repeated 3-5 times, especially if one application is downloaded on several devices at once under the control of one Apple ID account. Also, the problem might be caused by a backup that you recently restored. However, the circumstances of the problem that have arisen, in fact, are not as important as the problem itself. In this article, we will tell you how you can quickly and without nerves cope with it in order to successfully download the desired application or game.

  1. Make sure your internet connection is active

First of all, before starting to solve the problem of the icon freezing while loading, you need to make sure that the Internet connection is currently active. Otherwise, the reason will be very clear and simple. You can check it very easily by launching any web page in your browser.

Most often, it happens that the user overlooked or did not notice the switched off Internet connection with Wi-Fi or GSM. If this is not the reason, feel free to move on to the next point.

  1. Try clicking on the stopped loading application icon

Another common problem is the spontaneous stopping of the process. app downloads... To solve it, a very effective way has been established empirically - you just need to click on the icon itself and wait a few seconds. In this case, the reason may be that you or someone else accidentally paused the download. One click on the icon will restart the download process.

  1. Reboot your device

Power users devicesApple know that most of the pressing problems with iPhoneor iPad are solved by a single reboot (in some cases, an emergency reboot). There is a regular and forced reboot. In your case, you will need a second option, which is performed as follows: press the Home and Power buttons simultaneously for 3-5 seconds, after which a white Apple logo will appear on the black screen. Only after rebooting the device, check whether the download has continued or not.

Most often, this method is the most effective, but even if it did not help, go to the more radical point number 4.

  1. Delete the app and download it again

If the three methods listed above did not work for you, try simply uninstalling the application from your device and reinstalling it immediately. The removal procedure should probably be known to everyone who used at least a little gadgetsApple: you need to hold down one of the icons on the desktop for 2-3 seconds, after which they will shake, and a cross will appear on the corner of each. To remove an unnecessary application, click on the cross in the upper right corner and confirm your intentions by clicking "Yes".

  1. Check if this problem exists on other apps

The fifth method is by no means as unambiguous and effective as the others, but you shouldn't give it up either. It consists in the usual loading of any other program from AppStore and then checking the problematic application. If even after that it both stood still and stands without any progress, it is worth moving on to much more radical and complex measures.

  1. Sign out of your Apple ID account

Frankly, people rarely get to this point, solving all their questions in simpler ways. However, if you still had to get to it and the problem requires a completely different solution, try to exit your accountAppleIDand then log in again or log in with a different username. Not sure how to do this? In this case, follow step by step:

First you need to go to Device Settings and find the item there iTunes Store, App Store;Next, you will see your login in the form of an email at the top; When you click on it, you will see the "Exit" button - we need to use it.

  1. Sync your device with iTunes

Many power users prefer to keep up with the times by syncing their Apple devices via cloud storageiCloud... True, the well-known multimedia "harvester" iTunes has not gone anywhere, it still remains the most effective means of interacting with the system and all data on a device running the iOS operating system. The very procedure for syncing with iTunes is extremely simple: connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a USB port and wait for the inscription "Synchronization" at the top of the program window.

In the rarest of cases, the reason for the problem described above (in the freezing of the download of one or another application) lies in Apple itself, namely, in the servers of the corporation from Cupertino. Even less often, it happens that while downloading the application you need in AppStore there is a fresh update on it. Based on this, even all seven of these methods may become useless. Better just wait a while and the problem will resolve itself. If you are tired of contemplating the hated icon, put it on the farthest desktop in one of the folders, and it will never catch your eye again.

The computer is a very useful, but at the same time extremely whimsical "animal". For its normal performance, at times, you have to make a lot of effort. Either it is buggy, then a malicious virus has leaked, and you need to throw all your efforts to destroy it, then some other troubles ... Today I would like to dwell on the question: what to do if? Well, let's start.

First, let's check if all the equipment is properly connected and functional. Little things like a keyboard or mouse often create very minor problems! Defective components can load the system during operation, but sometimes lead to freezing during loading. This ailment is treated by replacing the keyboard / mouse (also pay attention to the USB port, it may also be faulty; therefore, before going for an update, switch the keyboard to another connector). You can turn off the keyboard and then see if the system unit turns on.

Yes, and make sure all components are properly connected. It so happens that after moving the system unit to another place or removing a component, poorly fixed devices move away a little, creating a precedent for not switching on. In this case, disconnect the RAM, video card, sound card, etc., and then reconnect, making sure that the boards enter the connector evenly, without distortions (for a start, you can visually check all connections, you may see where the problem lies).

What else can cause your computer to freeze? Definitely incorrect BIOS settings. Those who like to delve into the settings and adjust the values \u200b\u200bat their discretion do not always expect success and an increase in the parameters. Quite often, the most banal hang occurs, due to incorrectly specified (exceeded / inappropriate) parameters. The panacea is simple - default settings (Load Fail-Safe Defaults). BIOS will reset all settings and install "collective farm".

Since we're talking about the BIOS, let's talk about what settings and parameters you need to pay attention to.

Memory timings. In order not to load you with technical terms and other scary words, let's say that memory timings are needed for the system to work properly (the memory controller is oriented by timings). Set the timings to the wrong, and the hang is almost guaranteed !;

System boot speed - The system bus speed that can be changed. If the speed is set incorrectly, freezing may occur.

Internal multiplier / CPU speed - select the processor multiplier. The set value is divided by the system bus frequency. As a result, we get the value of the multiplier (Internal multiplier indicate the value of the multiplier; for example, 4x, 5x, etc.);

CPU Power Plane (processor power circuit). There are two types of CPU power supply - with one and two voltage lines (very important setting). The processor consumes a lot of current, therefore, in order to reduce the load on the wires and the degree of their heating, the developers have found a way out - Single-line and Double-line power schemes (in the second case, there is less load). If you know the five-digit code that is written on the processor and enter it, the BIOS will automatically set the optimal type for your processor.

That's all I wanted to say about the problem when computer freezes at boot... If the problem cannot be solved, then it is time to contact the service center. Don't know where to go? Come to us, to the KLiK company. Competent specialists with many years of experience will solve the problem in the shortest possible time, spending the least of your money. A home visit will be a pleasant addition. Now you don't need to drive through the whole city, we will do it ourselves. Contact us, we are waiting!

Hello friends!

Yesterday a friend asked to look at the computer, said that here, they say the problem is - it hangs, at first it works, and then suddenly starts to slow down. Reboot - again it works for a while, and then the process repeats again. In general, the topic is extensive, the reasons are different. But each of us wants to make the computer work fast and clear.

Today's article will be devoted to the most common reasons for this behavior of the computer. And a universal solution will be proposed that helps to eliminate other problems along the way.

It is no secret that the overwhelming majority of our readers use the Windows operating system. It just so happened that we have been accustomed to it since the mid-90s. Users of Linux, Unix, Mac OS criticize Microsoft for its "incompleteness", cumbersomeness, "inadequacy", "inconvenience", etc. Some of the criticism is fair, of course. But it does not affect the final result - the people continued to use Windows, and will continue. And if so, when a problem occurs, you need to know how it can be solved without reinstalling windows and the help of a specialist.

Where can the computer freeze problem occur?

  • Windows XP,
  • Windows Vista,
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10 (so far less common than others and slightly different symptoms)

So, you worked, worked, and suddenly ...

The main symptoms of freezing and unstable work of a computer or laptop

  1. The computer boots up quickly, but “freezes” after a while;
  2. The computer boots slowly and "slows down" during operation more and more;
  3. "Hangs" for a long time at boot (immediately after switching on);
  4. "Hangs" for a long time when turned off;

Most likely you have a special case and need help? Write a detailed comment below what is wrong with you, and we will show you what to do!

In some cases, memory-related errors occur when running programs; a short reboot helps.

There are two ways: the first is to look for problems with the "hardware" and there are two ways - problems of the "software" type.

Note! There are many problems associated with a computer or laptop. And this article provides basic guidelines for software only. This is when the computer worked well, but suddenly freezes or lags began. And it is more likely that there is no problem in the system unit, namely, the software is broken or viruses have appeared.

But more complex problems are often encountered. Namely:

Please note - SP1 (service pack) is required for installation. That's why I pointed out that it doesn't work for everyone. Who has not installed it - see below. After the Internet Explorer 11 installation file has been downloaded, you need to run it, the installation will proceed automatically. The computer needs to be restarted.

Not a very fast way

Start - Control Panel

system and safety

Open Windows Update:

We mark as in the picture:

Then click "Check for updates"

The system will check for critical updates, notify you, and ask for installation.

You must respond positively to the terms of the license agreement, install all critical "must-have" updates, and driver updates for the motherboard. The process is not very fast, it can take a couple of days. It is accompanied by repeated computer reboots. After rebooting - we start searching for updates again. After critical updates are installed, after the next check for updates, the update service will display the following window:

So we met today with ways to solve the problem of computer freezing. But ... If all of the above methods did not help to fix the problem, then unfortunately, the hardware is probably faulty, and you need to start checking the hardware. This topic is vast and should be covered in another article coming soon. Also, if you are faced with the fact that Windows reports an update error, then this topic will also be discussed in detail in another article.

Good luck in solving problems.

That's all for today.

This is the best gratitude. Thank you!

Good afternoon. Consider today a problem when booting Windows, which I encountered two times within a week. The first case occurred on a personal computer, the second on an HP laptop. I looked on the Internet, it turned out that the situation is quite common and everyone has their own solution. Let's try each one in order. Actually how this problem manifests itself. According to users, they work at their computer, they do not bother anyone, and one fine morning, when you try to turn on the computer, the screen freezes on the picture "Starting Windows", while the "balls" are not spinning yet. We tried to wait 30 minutes and an hour, but nothing changed, the picture remained in place. What to do? First. We must make sure that the problem is not in Windows itself... Perhaps, as a result of a virus attack, important system files were damaged and the system now simply cannot find them. Take a disk with a clean operating system and install. If the problem persists, then the problem is in the hardware.

Second, what is advised is to go into the BIOS and reset to default settings. To get there, we look at what is written on the start picture and see something like “Press DEL Setup BIOS”. This is what we need to press a couple of times on the Delete button and get into the mysterious world of "BIOS". Let's go over the sections and in the very last of them there should be an item "Load default BIOS", which is what we need. Click on it to reboot and if everything went well and you finally saw the desktop, congratulations for you the problem is solved. For those who did not help, go further.

Third, what we are offered is to check our hard disk for bad sectors. This can be done in several ways. You can check the HDD for branded laptops, so to speak, "without leaving the checkout." To do this, go to BIOS and find Self-test HDD in the first section. Found it? Well done. Click on it and the check starts. If there is no such thing, then we take any external drive, be it an optical disk, external HDD, flash drive, write a Live CD image there or the diagnostic programs themselves and make a multiboot flash drive (you can read about this). There are many diagnostic programs, the most famous are MHDD and Victoria. If we find bad sectors, then we look for a working hard disk for replacement, if there are no broken ones and after completing both points, the computer still does not want to work, go to the next, fourth method.

Fourth way again implies "digging" the BIOS, but this time do not reset, but reflash. I wrote how to do this in a recent article, you can read it. We take the firmware from the manufacturer's website. How to find out the manufacturer? Look at the starting picture or type in the model of your motherboard (laptop) into the search. The firmware procedure itself does not take much time. It will be required from you that the power does not disappear during the firmware. Therefore, it is advisable to use a UPS. Flashes, turn on the computer, check. If everything is now loaded as it should, then congratulations, if not, then I suggest going to the last point.

Fifthwhat you can do with your computer is to check the RAM. Since it plays a huge role at boot time, because all Windows system files are copied from your hard drive to your RAM, and if there is some problem in it, the system can get stuck waiting for a response from RAM. You can check the RAM with a program called memtest86. You can easily find a small image of it on the Internet. We write it to our multiboot flash drive and run the check. This check goes through an infinite number of laps, so after the program has passed 1 lap, or better 2 (you can find out by the Pass item) and if the Error \u003d 0 item, then your RAM is “healthy”. If the error point is not zero, then there is a jamb in the RAM. If there are two strips, then turning off in turn we determine the bat, if one then you will either have to buy a new one, or take it from a neighbor for the duration of the check.

Sixth, check if you have any connected devices, any flash drive or mobile phone. Or maybe there is some disk in the drive. Don't be lazy! Check it out! Personally, I had a case with a laptop, which also hung when loading. I fiddled with him for two days and in the end the decision turned out to be painfully ridiculous. The reason was a connected USB mouse. Which I could not even think of. I just accidentally turned it off, and the problem was instantly solved. The most interesting thing is that by connecting another mouse, everything worked fine. And for myself, I concluded that the first mouse was a mess, although it is a firm A4Tech.

Seventh (final), a problem with the motherboard. I personally had a case when a user also had a computer freeze. Then I tried everything, everything that I described here, but nothing helped, then I completely disassembled the computer, since it was an ordinary stationary, and not some kind of laptop. I took out the motherboard, and there was a swollen capacitor in the chipset area.

Well, it means I changed it, and lo and behold, Windows began to boot!

Let's summarize. If you have done everything that is described here and it did not help you in any way, then the only way out is to contact the service center, where you will be diagnosed with the help of special equipment. Of course you have to pay money for this, but as a result you will get a fully working laptop. Good luck!

Today I would like to talk to you about the problems that cause the computer to freeze on shutdown. Full article on Why does my computer freeze? located There all problems are described in detail, as well as methods of their solution.

Reasons for which the computer freezes when turned on.

In this article, I want to touch upon exactly the moment when the computer freezes when turned on. There are not many reasons for this and most likely they are related to the PC hardware. Let me describe them below:

  1. Overheating of the PC.
  2. Hard disk or RAM problems.
  3. Windows reinstallation required.

Now, let's take a closer look at each of the reasons.

1. PC overheating.

The computer freezes when turned on, most likely due to the fact that the central processor is overheating. in this regard, it is required to conduct, as well as (if required). After that, check if the computer freezes when turned on? If so, read the article on.

2. Problems with the hard disk or RAM.

Problems with the hard disk or RAM are also common. Sometimes, due to the failure of the RAM, when you turn on the PC, instead of loading the system, you can see or

The hard drive behaves differently. If the boot sector is damaged, then it simply cannot read the information and tries to do it again and again. Thus, the PC freezes when turned on.

It is quite simple to check and solve this malfunction. You need to download the Victoria 4.46b program and use it to find and cure the damaged sectors of the hard drive. With RAM, everything is more complicated. It can also be checked for errors, but sometimes it is impossible to cure it. If the program finds errors in RAM, you need to turn off the PC and wipe the contact group with an eraser. If this does not help, you need to go to the store for new RAM.

You can learn more about how to properly check and cure your hard drive and RAM here in the full version of the article "Why the computer freezes", the link to which is at the very beginning of the article.

3. Windows reinstallation required.

It is possible that the computer freezes when turned on due to the fact that the operating system itself is very old, or it simply stopped working normally. (for example, in connection with a virus attack or the user himself did something wrong) In this case, if the first 2 points are checked and did not give any results, I recommend that you reinstall the operating system. This site has a special section "" where you can find detailed instructions for installing XP 7 and 8 from various devices.

That's all! Write your questions in the comments and I will try to answer them. Thanks for attention! Good luck to you.

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