The purpose of the IRC service. The basics of the global Internet

The purpose of the IRC service. The basics of the global Internet


Usenet newsgroups. Direct user communication services (Web Chat, IRC service, ICQ service)

The basis of the Internet is a protocol standard for all networks and the World Wide Web based on it. This web is the most interesting and informative. The global Internet network is not only a huge array of information on a wide variety of issues, affecting all types of human activities without exception, but also a fast and reliable means of communication with which you can find like-minded people, partners and friends in the most remote cities and regions of the Earth. In order to make new acquaintances by interests or establish business connections with new people, for netizens. The Internet has created many special programs and involved a large amount of resources to ensure reliable transmission of information. Some programs are able to put your messages on electronic board ads for all to see, others - allow you to exchange messages with several Internet users in real time, still others - provide the ability to communicate using a microphone and headphones, as on a regular phone, the fourth - can provide video (videophone) and graphic information, as well as run and share various programs. All programs designed for communication between Internet users are similar to each other in their principle of operation and consist of two parts: client and server. In general terms, this can be represented as follows: on some Internet node (a computer that is permanently connected to the network and has a permanent address) a server program is launched that responds to requests from client programs and provides; exchange of information between them 3.

Usenet newsgroup

A teleconference is essentially an event in which group communication is carried out between geographically distributed participants using teleconferencing technology. Usenet teleconference is one of the first communication methods to appear on the Internet. In theory, this type of conference gave a huge "field" for the development of many modern Web cultures, thanks to it, we can now communicate on the Internet with friends, acquaintances, relatives and other people of interest to us with a nickname, smiles, a signature. There were such concepts as moderators, trolling, flooding, flame, ban, FAQ and spam. At its core, Usenet is a computer network through which we can communicate, send, and upload files. The principle of the conference is that by sending a file, it is not intended for one person, it is intended for everyone. Using applications designed to work with this type of teleconference, you can subscribe to any other available conferences. But when sending a message, this message will only be available on his server. In this case, each news server exchanges messages with several neighboring servers, and this is how the message is distributed to every news server on the Internet. Thus, the sending of a message is initiated by the sender and not the recipient. Usenet is a paid provider, or rather some of its information. Despite its "advanced age" (created in 1980), it remains a popular way to publish and download files. All files available in Usenete (music, images, videos, software, disc images, games, etc.) are presented in text encoding and attached to the message, just like in e-mail, but unlike e-mail this the file is not sent to any one user, but is designed for all users of a given network 4.

Web Chat

If chat in English means the exchange of messages over a computer network in real time and the software itself allows such communication, then web chat is communication on the worldwide network. According to the generally accepted concept, the following types of chats can be distinguished:

The first kind of chats is http or Web-chat. These chats are usually regular web pages where you can read the last ten phrases left by the chat participants and its moderators. Thus, the page is set to be periodically updated at a specific time.

The second type is when the chat uses Adobe Flash technology and then instead of periodically reloading the page, a socket is opened between the client and the server, this speeds up the sending and receiving of messages, and less traffic is consumed.

In chat rooms, people discuss problems, questions that interest them, ask for help and give advice. Now in the world, probably, there is no such topic for which a discussion in the chat would not have been created. Web chat helps to connect people who are sometimes, from each other, at a huge distance in a couple of seconds.

IRC service

The IRC service (Internet Relay Chat - "Chatting over the Internet") is a system of servers located in different parts of the world and maintaining constant communication between people. This type of server is a kind of chat where people can discuss topics of interest to them. On each of the servers, a large number of independent channels can be organized, through which thousands of users can talk on various topics of interest to them. Some channels exist constantly, some users connect to the channel, others are disconnected, and the conversation is conducted on such channels around the clock. Also, there are; and temporarily channels created by the users themselves, they exist until the last interlocutor leaves such a channel.

ICQ service

ICQ, like the previous server, is a kind of chat, only unlike IRC, it exists for sending private messages. With the help of ICQ, you can chat with your friend in real time, exchange messages and files, play your favorite games. The program automatically searches the specified people on the Internet and notifies you whether they are currently connected to the Network or not. The advantage of the program is that it works in background, uses a minimum of memory and network resources and practically does not interfere with the work of other programs. While you are working with another application, the ICQ program is patiently waiting for someone you know to let you know that he wants to talk to you. But communication is possible only with those who use the ICQ program and are registered in the ICQ server network. Now the majority of Internet users have this server, as it is simple and convenient to use and does not require being a hacker or an advanced computer genius to "cope" with it 5.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is one of the world's most popular online services. Without a doubt, WEB is good when you need to find some information and email much faster and more convenient than regular mail, but when you want to chat - IRC is just what you need.
Using an IRC client (program) you can exchange text messages with people from anywhere in the world. The most common client programs are mIRC, Pirch, MS Chat and Virc for Windows and Homer or Ircle for Macintosh. Basically, it doesn't matter which program you use, they all connect to the same IRC networks (or servers). When you are logged into such a network, you can communicate with other members of it by typing messages that are immediately transmitted to your interlocutor.
IRC gained international notoriety during the 1991 Gulf War, when the latest news was broadcast over the Internet, and a huge number of IRC users gathered on one channel to listen to these messages. Likewise, IRC was used during the September 1993 mess. IRC users from Moscow gave live reports on the unstable situation at that time on the channels.
As in life, not all people who communicate on IRC are talking about something really interesting, but you can meet an interesting person and many people have developed long and strong friendships through IRC. It even happens that relationships started on IRC lead to marriage!
As you can see, IRC is a great medium for communicating with people from all over the world. You can be sure that you will meet many interesting people and find more than one campaign of your like-minded people in certain issues.


Login to IRC. Just as you need a browser to browse the WWW, you need a client program to communicate on IRC to connect to the IRC server. As soon as you download and install any of the clients, you can immediately connect to the IRC servers and chat for your pleasure. The first thing you will have to do is choose a nickname (nick is a nickname); nicknames are used by everyone communicating on IRC. People will know you by your unique nickname, and they will also search for you on IRC by nickname. Take your nickname seriously, nickname is "virtual you".
Channel (room) search. It is not unusual for IRC to have hundreds or thousands of channels open at the same time. Some of them are permanent, others come and go. Although the name of the channel itself to some extent indicates the nature of communication in it, channels can also have a topic (also called a topic). While the name of the channel remains stable, topics can change as often as desired.
You will soon notice that all channel names start with a # sign. For example, #HELP, #bsd ... If you want to join the #HELP channel, just type / join #HELP and you are there.
It would be great to know the names of the channels where interesting, exciting and witty conversations take place. You must use the "/ list" command, which will list all available channels, the number of interlocutors on each of them and their topics, if the channel has a topic.
The topic (topic) of the channel is set by the person who created this channel or who manages it. Such a person is called a channel operator or, more simply, an opom. The op has the ability to expel any participant from the channel or even put a ban on a certain user from visiting the channel.
On IRC, many people can participate in a conversation, on one or more channels at the same time. There is no limit to the number of participants in the conversation or the number of channels. IRC can be fun and a source of serious information. It is quickly becoming one of the most popular services on the Internet.
One-to-one conversations (private). Unlimited conversations take place on the channels. Anyone on the same channel can see your cues. But at the same time, you can have private (private) conversations that will be available only to you and your interlocutor in private. The IRC private feature is one of the most convenient features.
Besides meeting new people, IRC is also useful for saving money on phone calls. Imagine that you are in Moscow, and your comrades are in St. Petersburg, Astrakhan and Novy Urengoy. Instead of calling each one of them, you can set a time and place for an IRC meeting, create your own room, and the four of you can chat in it. Consider also that the Internet is much cheaper than long-distance calls.


IRC has several advantages over WWW chats:
1. Speed. Messages in it are transmitted to the interlocutor immediately, and not once every 15-20 seconds, as in WWW chats.
2. Again speed. It requires very few Internet resources - if every time (every 15-20 seconds) the entire page with the content of the conversation is transmitted in the WWW-chat, then in the IRC-chats only really new information is transmitted and received. Even if 15 people are talking in a room at once, then in this case the amount of information received will be much less than in a WWW chat, in which only two people talk.
3. Flexibility and versatility. You can be in several rooms at once (their number is limited only by the resources of your OS), conduct several private chats at once, and all this on any IRC server, that is, it does not depend on which server you connected to, on WWW chats it is not so, in them everything depends on the chat capabilities of each server. On one server, there are no private chat rooms at all, on the other there are, but it is displayed in a common window, on the third there is generally only one common room and nothing else.
4. Wide functionality... There are some additional features: searching for a specific nickname throughout the chat, receiving and transmitting files between interlocutors, the ability to find out the local time from the interlocutor, the ability to include sounds in the conversation, a wide variety of font options (color, style, etc.) and many more various functions. One of the most important features of IRC chat is creating and managing your own rooms. In the room you created, you can dispose of as a full-fledged owner - expel, prohibit visits, set a limit on the max. the number of interlocutors in the room, close the room with a password, etc.


Now you need an IRC client (program) in order to connect to any IRC server and try what IRC is in practice. There are several clients. Which one you need depends on the operating system you are using. mIRC is an IRC client developed for Windows. If you are using a different OS, then you need a different client.

    Download and install one of the many IRC clients available. A client is the program you use to chat. Wikipedia has done a comparative analysis of IRC clients,.

    1. Cross-platform
      • Chatzilla is available as an add-on on SeaMonkey and Mozilla Firefox.
      • Mibbit web ajax IRC client.
      • Opera has a built-in IRC client.
      • Pidgin is a multi-platform instant messaging client that supports IRC as well as AIM, Yahoo, Facebook, and several other protocols.
      • Smuxi is the successor to irssi, a flexible, user-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for advanced users built for the GNOME desktop.
      • There are terminal-based IRC clients; some of the most popular include: WeeChat and irssi. Both of these clients have a wide range of features, enhancements and capabilities. Note that these clients are designed for UNIX-based systems such as Linux and OS X.
      • There are several web clients with IRC capability. Most often, they can be found on the websites of companies and organizations that use IRC to communicate with users. In such cases, access is opened only to one of the channels or to the network.
      • HexChat is one of the most successful Linux IRC clients; XChat. You can find this program in the repository of your chosen Linux build. Unlike the previous XChat, HexChat is free program open source.
    2. For Windows
      • mIRC is the most popular IRC client for Windows due to its easy program modification. Known as Shareware, and you will be able to use the program for 30 days and after that, but with a message about registration for $ 20.
      • Whilst mIRC is the most popular. There are other free IRC clients available: ClicksAndWhistles, IceChat, and many other cross-platform IRC clients.
    3. For Linux
      • hosts a large number of IRC clients for Linux
      • Konversation is a popular KDE IRC client that is most often included in the mainstream operating system Kubuntu.
    4. For Mac
      • Popular Mac IRC clients include: Colloquy, Ircle, Snak, and Linkinus. Colloquy is free and open source.
  1. Check out the user guide for your IRC client. This way you will be able to learn how to perform basic actions in your program.

    The first thing you need to do is come up with a name under which you will communicate on IRC. You can use your real name or any other pseudonym you make up. More often than not, people do not reveal their real name to the public.

    Very often the software will include a list of some of the most popular IRC servers in the world; you can join them if you have not yet decided on the server. The name of the servers, most often, speaks about the type of audience and the users who communicate there. Popular servers (also known as networks) include EFNet, and QuakeNet (a network aimed at gaming audiences). These networks are visited by up to 100,000 users per day. wikiHow has an IRC room on the freenode network. You can connect to one of these networks using your IRC client. IRC network addresses are similar to website addresses (eg Select a server and click on " Connect".

    Congratulations! You have just connected to the IRC server! At the very beginning, you will see information about the server. You may find it helpful to read some parts of it, as there may be important notes and links to popular channels (see below). It also includes "terms of use".

Organization of news

To facilitate the search for a group of interest, all news are divided into topics and organized hierarchically, that is, similar questions are in the lists next to each other. This structure resembles the directory structure of a hard disk. C programming, for example, is discussed in the comp.lang.c newsgroup (where comp.lang is the hierarchy and c is the conference name). Pascal programming is side by side, in the same hierarchy, but the group, as you might guess, is called pascal. Drawn pictures are published in the alt.binaries.clip-art hierarchy (alt.binaries is the name of the hierarchy, clip-art is the name of the group). You can get acquainted with the works of poets and writers in Russian in the newsgroup relcom.arts.qwerty, and with the dollar exchange rate in a conference with the characteristic name relcom.currency.

      Subscribe to teleconferences

The most pleasant feature of the subscription is its complete automation - a special program (newsserver) is engaged in serving subscribers around the clock. At any time of the day, you can subscribe to the topic you like or unsubscribe.

Since in many conferences (especially commercial) the volumes of incoming materials are extremely large, you can subscribe only to the headlines of the ads (which is much cheaper), and then order the articles you are interested in using them.

      What is USENET

USENET is a community of people who exchange messages (or articles) within one or more newsgroups.

The structure of USENET is many news servers in various organizations, but USENET itself is not an organization or a network. Such a service is extremely widespread due to the fact that it is supported by a large number of networks and protocols in addition to the Internet.

How servers interact with each other, what protocols and procedures to use - all this is ultimately determined by the administrators (newsmaster) of neighboring servers. At the same time, USENET does not mean complete freedom. There are certain rules for creating new groups, distributing articles, materials, etc.


NNTP (English Network News Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol used to exchange messages in teleconferences. The structure of this protocol is very similar to the SMTP e-mail protocol.

There is a variation of the NNTP protocol called NNRP (Network News Readers Protocol). It is designed to read conferences from the news server by the client software online. Functionally, NNTP is focused on the fact that articles are sent to subscribers when they appear on the server, and NNRP - at the request of the client. Accordingly, NNTP is used to exchange messages between news servers, and NNRP is used to read messages from the news server and create new messages.

NNTP, like SMTP, is text-based. An important feature of the NNTP protocol is its efficiency in the case of complex graphs of communications between news servers. So that the same message is not transmitted multiple times, usually the sending server first reports the identifier of the new message, and the message itself is sent only after the receiving side confirms that this message is not there yet.

Often, news servers keep one or more NNTP sessions open at all times to avoid reopening them each time new messages are received.

    Internet Relay Chat

IRC (English Internet Relay Chat - relayed Internet chat) is a service system with which you can communicate over the Internet with other people in real time. In Russian computer slang, IRC is called "irka", "irts", as well as "mirk", "mirka".

IRC is a program that allows you to have a live keyboard conversation with people around the world. It is very similar to the international radiotelephone - and even uses “channels”. As soon as the user enters a message on his computer, it will immediately be displayed around the world for everyone who happens to be on the same channel with him. The user can join an existing conversation or start their own. It is even possible to create a private channel for a small number of people - at least one or two.

IRC currently integrates systems in 20 different countries, from Australia to Hong Kong and Israel. When connecting to the IRC server, the user sees a list of available channels, into each of which (or several at once) he can "enter" (connect). A channel is a virtual "room" in which several users can be. All messages sent to the channel are visible to all users who are only on the same channel. Each channel has its own name and, as a rule, a certain topic for discussion. After "entering" the channel, the user can see what other channel members are writing, and can also write messages himself. The topic discussed on the channel usually follows from its name (for example, the channel).

IRC clients are:

For Unix-like operating systems: XChat, Kopete, irssi, kvirc and ircII;

For Windows systems: mIRC, XChat, irssi, kvirc;

For mobile phones (MIDP): jmirc-m, snirc.

For OS / 2: OpenChat

IRC provides both group and private communication. For group chat on IRC, there are channels where users can gather and communicate.

Channels, like rooms, can be open to all comers, but there are also closed channels that can be accessed with a key or by special invitation. The channel can even be secret: in this case it is not visible in the channel list and, moreover, no outsider can see who is in it. This creates good opportunities for private conversations that no one can interfere with.

Everyone who communicates on IRC has a nickname (Nick), by which he is known on IRC. One of the great things about IRC is the ability to communicate in parallel.

Despite the complexity of the technical structure of IRC, communication itself relieves us of some of the complexities inherent in traditional methods of communication.

4.1. History of origin

The abbreviation "IRC" stands for "Internet Relay Chat" and is a system that allows users to chat with other Internet users. IRC was originally developed in 1988 by Jarkko Oikarinen and has spread throughout the world over the following years. Although the system was originally conceived as an extension of the talk program, designed to communicate with two UNIX users, the results surpassed all expectations - a new communication system was born that changed the lives of many people.

IRC began to gain in popularity after Operation Desert Storm (1991), when messages from all over the world were collected in one place and broadcast online on IRC. In a similar way, IRC was used in 1993, during the putsch in Russia, when users from Moscow in real time informed the whole world about what was happening on the streets. What can IRC do? First, the joy of communication. People come to IRC to have a good time - for example, MTV or periodically organize conferences at IRC, where famous musicians or writers are invited. On IRC you can make new friends; chat on professional topics, discuss the latest film, much more. There are real-time learning technologies that use IRC.

      Pros and consIRC

The main advantages of IRC are:

    IRC consumes a very small amount of traffic, which is especially important when the Internet tariff is limited.

    IRC allows the user to communicate with many people from other cities and countries.

    IRC is an opportunity to make permanent online acquaintances and figure them out when they appear on IRC.

    IRC is a flexible tool for people to appreciate your ingenuity, resourcefulness, and sophistication.

    Delays while working with IRC do not exceed a few seconds. This is due to the fact that the computer does not need to establish dozens of connections with other countries - it is enough to connect to the nearest IRC server.

Unfortunately, IRC is not without its drawbacks.

Regrettably, it has become a kind of meeting place for the most unpleasant personalities, whose goal is not to communicate with other people, but to spoil their mood. They do this with the help of various kinds of dirty tricks, such as sending out programs with “surprises” (malevolent bots), flooding (sending large amounts of data or repeating a certain sequence of actions that prevent other users from conducting a conversation), all kinds of pompous tirades, curses - in general, who knows what. There are many ways to protect yourself from such people, but getting rid of them completely is very difficult. Operators control the order in the IRC network.

      Why are operators needed?

Channel operators are the main ones on the IRC channel. They are distinguished by the "@" symbol in front of the alias. Typically, operator status can be freely transferred (or taken away) by other operators. The operator (or, in short, op) can kick (kick) other users from the channel, block the entrance to a specific channel by some mask, etc. Operator status is valid only within one channel.
IRC Operators are the governing IRC networks. Typically, these are IRC server administrators; they do not interfere with internal conflicts and only remind of their presence when someone tries to interfere with the normal operation of the IRC network. An IRC operator can "kick" a user out of the network or even completely block access to the IRC network.

      Connect toIRC

To work with IRC you need a special client program. For unix systems, the most common client is XChat. For Windows, this is the mIRC program. It is so easy to configure and install that 90% use it and often unknowing people call the IRC world. Next, you need to connect to the server. To do this, type / server address.

After connecting to the server, you can find the right person and communicate with him. You can also connect to a channel. Chatting on a channel is like chatting people in a room. Someone speaks and everyone hears him. Each channel has a name that reflects the general theme of the conversation. It can be either a topic that interests everyone, or just some name that unites everyone. If in the first case, conversations are usually conducted around the specified topic, then in the second case, conversations are conducted on completely different topics.
Bots are programs that connect to an IRC server and can perform special operations. In addition to maintaining the operator's status, bots can act as a bulletin board, can display information about the user entering the channel, and have many other useful functions.
If you have questions, but there is a specialized #help channel to answer questions, it exists on any self-respecting server or network. It is possible to create and moderate the IRC channel yourself.


The IRC client program connects to the nearest IRC server. IRC servers are interconnected. Thus, it turns out a kind of "network in the network" - it is enough to connect to any of its servers to start communication. Channel names start with a hash ("#"), this is a common convention.

In order to select a channel, you can use the list offered by the client program. The IRC network consists of servers. The server can be connected to other servers. A collection of servers connected to each other forms a network. Initially, there was only one IRC network, but later it split into several parts (IRCnet, EFNet), new networks appeared (GalaxyNet, Undernet, others) and this process continues.

      ProtocolsIRCAbstract \u003e\u003e Communication and communication

      Society is The global Information Infrastructure ... (ATM, Frame Relay, X.25 and ... to access Internet, e mail, teleconferences (chat, forum ... -directory) DNS service (maintaining primary / ... is used in computer networksbecause it allows ...

    1. Teleconferences Usenet

      Abstract \u003e\u003e Informatics

      Interesting and educational. The global network The Internet is ... technology teleconferences. Teleconference same ... Usenet is computer network with ... in e mail, but unlike e mail this file ... IRC Service Service IRC ( Internet Relay Chat- « ...

    2. Computer technologies in commodity research and examination of goods

      Abstract \u003e\u003e Culture and art

      ... networkswhich will widely use global networks ... level service... FROM... electronic publications and electronic directories, file sharing modes and e mail ... electronic workflow. Creation tools electronic workflow. Computer ...

    3. Electronic commerce legal regulation and taxation

      Abstract \u003e\u003e State and law

      Regulation e commerce - e economic activities carried out in the information environment global computer networks Internet using electronic funds ...

E-mail address can be obtained from mail server e-mail teleconference mailing lists ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

The e-mail address consists of two parts, to whom e-mail mailing lists teleconference service ICQ file archives search servers IRC service

Advantages 1. high forwarding speed 2. forwards not only text, but also ... 3. the letter can be sent to several recipients at once 4. you can turn on the autoresponder 5. you can create rules for performing actions with the same type of messages (black list of advertising addresses) e-mail mailing lists teleconferencing ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

SMTP -Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Establishes a two-way communication between the sender and the recipient of a mail message: the sender initiates the connection and sends service requests, and the recipient responds to these requests. e-mail mailing lists teleconferencing ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

POP3 -Post Office Protocol, version 3 Designed to forward mail from the mailbox of users on the mail server to their workstations. Messages can be received, but not sent. e-mail mailing lists teleconferencing ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

1. Create an e-mail on the local computer 2. Connect to the Internet, deliver the message to your mailbox on a remote mail server 3. Deliver to the recipient's mail server 4. The addressee connects to the Internet and delivers mail from his mailbox to the local computer e-mail lists teleconference broadcasts ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

Mailing Lists - These are special topic servers that collect information on specific topics and forward it to subscribers in the form of e-mail messages. e-mail teleconferencing mailing lists IRC service ICQ service file archives search servers

Conference email address subscriber Each participant receives all materials to his mailing address Each email subscriber reaches all participants e-mail teleconference mailing lists ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

The sheer volume of newsgroups makes it difficult to monitor them in a targeted manner. Therefore, in some groups there is a preliminary "screening out" of useless information. Such conferences are called moderated. Both a person and a special program that filters messages by keywords can act as a moderator. e-mail mailing lists teleconference ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

IRC Service Designed for direct communication of several people in real time. Communication takes place within one channel, in which only a few people take part. Each user can create his own channel and invite other participants to it. - Internet Relay Chat Chat Conferencing The most popular client program for working with the IRC service is mIRC.exe e-mail teleconference mailing lists ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

I seek you ICQ service Designed to search for the network IP address of a person who is currently connected to the Internet. The need for such a service is due to the fact that most Internet users have a dynamic IP address. - expression acronym - I'm looking for you email mailing lists teleconference ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

ICQ service To use this service, you must register on its central server AND obtain a personal identification number UIN. You tell this number to your contact partners, then the ICQ service takes on the character of an Internet pager. You can contact your partner by UIN-number, the IP-address will be determined by the central ICQ server. e-mail mailing lists teleconferencing ICQ service file archives search servers IRC service

Software on FTP servers: Beta versions - unfinished programs for testing Patches - improvements to previously released programs Drivers, etc. Limited time period Disabled 1. Protected information - with access by special agreement 2. Information of limited use (shareware - free of charge) 3. Information of free use (freeware - free) e-mail mailing lists teleconferences ICQ service file archives search IRC service servers

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