What is a browser on a computer and how do I update it? Let's see what a browser is. What is a browser and how to open it.

What is a browser on a computer and how do I update it? Let's see what a browser is. What is a browser and how to open it.


For those who continue to comprehend the Internet and what is connected with it - today we will tell you about what a browser is, what it is for, and also we will conduct a small analysis of the most popular Internet browsers today.

What is a browser and what functions does it perform

Browser (WEB-browser) is a program that provides viewing of Internet sites on computer devices and gadgets. The essence of the browser is to process the user's request and load the requested site .. Now let's take a quick look at what functions the browser performs.

As mentioned above, the main function of the browser is to open the web pages of the sites. Themselves as web pages consist of code, which actually receives the browser from the server on which the site is located. The browser processes this code, and you see the "finished picture" on your monitor. In order to see what the site really is - right-click, for example, somewhere in the side of the site and select the item in the appeared context menu«View source”(Or“ Source Code of the Page ”or the like). Correct source code is very important for the browser, since adequate display of the site pages and the performance of its functions depend on it.

Browsers allow you to save your passwords from sites, so that every time you access your account on a particular resource, you do not need to re-enter your username and password. All browsers also save the history of your visits to various sites so that, if necessary, you can find the desired site you previously visited. Well, and the last thing worth noting from the main functionality of the browser is the ability to store sites in bookmarks for memorization and quick access.

In addition to opening the web pages themselves, browsers allow you to download files from sites, that is, the browser downloads them. These can be programs, games, music and other files.

The vast majority of modern browsers support various add-ons. These add-ons may include: extensions to browser functions, informers from various resources, as well as add-ons in the form of visual themes for the browser itself. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Extensions... Notable examples of browser extensions are extensions from antivirus software: anti-banner and link checking module that protect users from intrusive ads, as well as check dangerous links and sites.

  • Informers... The informers are also made as extensions. As the name implies, informers inform. The most popular informers are weather informers, informers about the arrival of new mail, messages, etc.

  • Visual themes... Visual themes allow you to change the design of your browser: tabs, buttons, background images, and other elements.

It is worth noting that an unlimited number of browsers can be installed on a computer, and one of them must be the main one - the default browser. The default browser is the browser that is set as the main one in the operating system, through which all links and services that you switch to from other programs will open.

Now let's take a look at the most popular browsers today.

What browsers are there?

It is very difficult to count the total number of browsers today. Below we want to consider the top five best browsers which are used by the majority of Internet users.

Browser Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer is the standard browser that comes with the Windows operating system. That is, you will immediately be able to access the Internet through Internet Explorer. We named Internet Explorer the first, not because it is the most popular or the best, but because initially everyone uses it, at least to download another browser. By the way, there is a joke on many computer Internet resources: "Internet Explorer is the program with which you can download a good browser."

Yes, there is some truth in every joke, and as you can imagine, this joke appeared for a reason. The fact is that Internet Explorer (IE), in our opinion, is not the best browser option. Firstly, it is very slow and its slowness lies not only in the operation of the program itself, but also in opening pages. Secondly, IE itself opens the web pages incorrectly, as they say in the common people - "crooked". In addition, Internet Explorer is a very non-functional browser, and most importantly, its updated versions do not carry anything radically new and do not even have a hint of it. IE does not have support for plugin integration and does not support visual themes, which makes it quite marginal today.

The Internet Explorer browser is used mainly by beginners who do not know, do not understand or do not really delve into the concept of what a browser is and what other browsers there are besides IE. In most cases, those users who have tried other browsers never use Internet Explorer again, which is why we recommend installing another, or rather a good browser.

Internet Explorer does not require installation as it is integrated into the Windows operating system.

Browser Google chrome

The most popular browser on the territory of the former USSR is a browser called "Google Chrome" (Russian). Chrome is a browser from Google that is not only a popular browser, but also probably the best. By the way, Chrome is a fairly young browser, but at the same time it has won a large army of fans over the years of its existence.

Probably the very first advantage of this browser is its "lightness", which consists in quick work, both the program itself and in the quick opening of site pages. This WEB-browser is well thought out, therefore it is very easy to use. A large number of functions are also the strong point of the Google Chrome browser. Let's take a closer look at the functional features of Chrome.

In our opinion, the most important functional the advantage of google Chrome is the synchronization of passwords and bookmarks in the browser with the Google server, thanks to which, by entering your username and password, you will get access to your bookmarks and passwords after reinstalling the system or on your other gadgets. This is very convenient, since, for example, when reinstalling the system, it is not so difficult to reinstall it, as it is difficult to remember all your visited sites and passwords to them. And with Chrome, all you need to do is log into Google, and all your bookmarks and passwords will be restored. Also, of the functional features of Chrome, it is worth noting the ability to install extensions and change the design style, of which there are a large number in the Chrome Web Store, and for free. Well, and the last thing to mention is a smart address bar, that is, in the address bar (in the field where you enter the site address), you can also enter search queries - this is universal and convenient.

In order to download the Chrome browser on your computer - go to the address: "google.com/intl/ru/chrome".

Browser Mozilla Firefox

The next browser we would like to consider is Mozilla Firefox. The Mozilla Firefox browser has been around for about 10 years and is one of the oldest web browsers. Mozilla Firefox is used mainly by webmasters and advanced users, thanks to its correct and correct display of site pages.

Of the functional features of Mazila (English Mozilla), it is worth highlighting the presence of a huge number of plugins (extensions), the number of which largely exceeds the range of extensions in Chrome. In addition, Mazil Firefox has the ability to change the visual style of the browser, which should also be attributed to the advantages.

Despite all this, Mozilla Firefox is a fairly heavy browser. It, in comparison with other browsers, takes a little longer to start, and also sometimes freezes and slows down, even on a fairly powerful computer. If we compare Mozilla Firefox with the aforementioned Chrome, then the disadvantage of the former is the lack of synchronization of bookmarks and passwords. Therefore, if there is no special need to use Mazila, then it is better not to use it as the main browser.

Download Mozilla browser Firefox you can from the official website of the browser: "mozilla-russia.org".

Opera browser

The Opera browser is an aksakal among browsers that has existed for almost 20 years. Opera browser is quite light and convenient. Of the functional features, support for widgets and plugins can be distinguished, but they have not received widespread use. It is worth noting the Turbo function, which allows you to load pages faster with a slow Internet connection or to save traffic by compressing it, but, as a rule, today this function is relevant for laptop owners with limited 3G Internet tariffs.

Analyzing the Opera browser, one cannot say something bad about it, but it is also difficult to single out something good. In our opinion, the Opera lacks a certain charisma that would distinguish it from the above browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

You can download the Opera browser from its home page: "Opera.com/ru".

And, finally, it should be said about the fifth browser, which, in our opinion, deserves its place in our top five. Yandex Browser is the last on our list, but not the last in importance. Although the first one mentioned is Internet Explorer, it is far from the leader, and perhaps even an outsider on our list of top browsers.

As for the Yandex browser, this is the youngest browser developed by Yandex. This browser has been around for only about a year, but despite its novelty, it quickly conquers its audience. Probably Yandex wanted something more serious than intrusively integrating its Yandex.Bar (add-on with its services) into other browsers, so the company's developers decided to create their own full-fledged browser. It is somewhat difficult to call Yandex Browser “own”, since it is the same Chrome, with a slightly redesigned design and with some additionally implemented functions. One of these additional functions is a Turbo function that was borrowed from the Opera browser. Let's analyze Yandex Browser in more detail.

Yandex's browser is made on the same engine as Chrome, so they have a similar appearance and similar functionality. In new versions of Yandex Browser, you can now synchronize your passwords and bookmarks with the Yandex server. The Yandex browser also allows you to install extensions, but they must be installed manually, since Yandex does not have its own store to download add-ons. It is worth noting that it is possible to set a background image, but, unfortunately, there is no possibility to change the background of the navigation bar in the browser. But there is a convenient "Scoreboard" - a panel with icons of sites for their quick opening, which is very original and convenient. You can also note the ability to search for a query in different search engines from the "smart line" of this browser by selecting the desired search engine below.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that Yandex Browser is the same Chrome, but more focused on Russian-speaking users living in the CIS. If you decide to remove Yandex Browser, then.

To download a browser from Yandex, go to it official page: "Browser.yandex.ru".

Which browser should you choose?

To give an unambiguous and categorical answer to the question: which browser to choose will be wrong. Each browser has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own characteristics, so for each user "his" browser is the best. For example, someone prefers Chrome browser for its simplicity, the integration of passwords and bookmarks with Google, and someone - Mozilla Firefox for its huge number of different add-ons. Despite the fact that browsers are all the same in structure, they have their own visual differences, which make them significantly different from each other. In order to determine which browser to choose, and which one is best for you, you need to try them all to make this decision for yourself.

People who are just getting started with the vast world of the Internet recognize many unfamiliar expressions and words, and perhaps the most important of them is the Browser. What does Browser mean? I recommend reading a few more popular articles, for example, how to understand the word Carte Blanche, what is the Establishment, what does Iskander mean? This term was borrowed from the English language " Browser", and means" a program that allows you to receive information from the Internet". Usually beginners are trying to figure out which browser is the best, and in general, along the way, a lot of questions arise, the answers to which we will try to give in this short article.
I'm not going to tell you about rare browsers that geeks and coders mainly use, let's talk about the most popular and fast ones.

Browser(Web browser) is a special program whose sole purpose is to browse websites

The browser executes " http"a request to a remote server, and receives information from it, which is then processed and presented to the user in an already structured form, very convenient for human perception.

Speaking in simple words, the browser is the program with which you are now reading these lines, in fact browser, it is an intermediary between the world wide web and man. It is this small application that provides users with access to this global network.

I hope you understand what this is about? Do you turn on your computer or smartphone, and in order to get the information you need, launch the program (browser). Then a window opens that allows you to get into this huge and hidden world of the Internet.

Which browser is the best?

Next, I will tell you my top best browsers on the Internet.

Google chrome is the fastest browser created by Google and is based on the Chromium browser. Powered by the smart Webkit engine. In my opinion, this is the best program to date, but it has some drawbacks, one of which is the lack of familiar Firefox add-ons.

Mozilla Firefox is absolutely free program developed by Mozilla Corporation, in my opinion, an almost ideal browser with a lot of all sorts of add-ons, but inferior in speed to Google Ghrome.

Internet Explorer is a buggy and inadequate browser, its popularity is explained by the fact that it is preinstalled in Windows by default. Slow and cumbersome, my verdict is in the firebox.

Opera- this is a browser that has died in the Bose, but the Norwegian developers hurried up in time and moved the platform to a new engine that uses the same Google Ghrome. Therefore, if you hate Google for their espionage cases, and the fact that they constantly monitor your every move on the Internet, then Opera is an excellent choice. Moreover, there is encryption there, which will save your data from bad people.

Apple Safari- This browser is the brainchild of Apple, and is included by default in operating systems such as IOS and Mac OS X, respectively. Also, its own version of the Safari browser was created for Windows. What can I say about this program? It works, not very buggy, so it has a right to exist.

So, from the above, we can conclude that the best browser is Google Chrome, but without a doubt, Firefox should also be installed on your computer, all the others are not needed, and you should not use them, because there is no need.

Novice Internet users ask what a browser is, how it works, and which program is better for PC and phone. Other questions arise regarding the use of the software and its installation by default. Below we will analyze in detail all the points that are of interest to beginners.

What is a browser?

So, first of all, let's understand the meaning of the word. So what exactly is a browser? In simple terms, a browser is a program designed to download and view pages, download files, manage applications, and other tasks. The first such software appeared 26 years ago in 1993. Its name is NCSA Mosaic. The creators of the browser were E. Bina and M. Anderssen, who developed a program for Windows. A feature of the software was open source code, which was later used to create more modern software - Netscape Navigator.

Considering what a browser is and what it is for you, one more point should be noted. This is a special web interface, usually designed for surfing the Internet. Such software is distributed free of charge. It can be supplied as a separate unit or as an add-on to other software elements. For example, Internet Explorer comes with Windows, Safari with Mac OS X, and Google Chrome, Opera and other software as standalone software.

Analyzing what a browser on a computer is, we can simply say - this is what you are now reading this text in on the Internet. At the request of the user, the browser submits a request to the web server, from where the response and transmission comes desired page... After processing the information, the web browser provides the information to the user in a convenient form.

In general, as you understand in the realities of the 21st century, it is simply impossible to do without a Web browser. But let's say you already have it, what to do with it?

What is a browser for?

Above, we partially examined what a web browser is and what it is for. At the present stage, the program is used on the Internet and allows you to solve the following tasks:

  1. reading text information;
  2. downloading files;
  3. exchange of data with other users;
  4. viewing pictures and videos;
  5. listening to audio files and so on.

Depending on the functionality, the browser may provide additional features, for example, logging into sites through a VPN, setting individual settings, etc.

Review of popular browsers

Now let's look at what browsers are for PCs and phones. Note that the names of web browsers may overlap. This is due to the fact that almost all manufacturers make software for computers and smartphones in order to capture the maximum market share.

For pc

If you look at browsers for computers, there are five programs in the top category for 2019. Let's consider them in more detail. Please note that below are the most popular ones. But if suddenly your PC does not pull them, you will need to pick up


Yandex is a fast and convenient web browser with many additional applications (traffic, weather, music, mail, etc.). It has a pleasant interface, easy to manage, supports extensions from other browsers (Opera, Chrome). When creating, the greatest attention was paid to safety. The program quickly identifies and blocks suspicious sites. There is a turbo mode for loading, a smart line with useful information.

Cons - periodically there are problems with transferring history, lack of benefit for people who do not use Yandex services.

Google chrome

When considering what browsers are there, one of the following should not be overlooked best programs- Google Chrome. It features high speed of connection with pages, simple but clear design, many applications. Here, for the first time, the search bar and the input of the address for the site are combined. Today, many developers have adopted this idea. It is based on the WebKit engine that was used to create Safari. Security has been a key focus of the development. Users are protected from phishing, viruses and other threats on the Web.

Pros - a separate service panel, fast with other devices, availability, high download speed, monitoring of the resources used, the ability.

Cons - high requirements for RAM (2 GB or more), fast discharge of laptops, lack of the Russian language in many applications.

Mozilla Firefox

This web explorer is deservedly in the top three thanks to many useful extensions, automatic ad blocking and other "tricks". Here you can quickly create screenshots, there is a built-in reader and a level of security is guaranteed. The control panel is convenient and functional, there is support for WASM and WebVR. All updates are installed automatically. You can change the menu settings as you like.

Pros - convenience for web developers, the ability to customize the appearance "for yourself", a convenient document reader, reliability.

Cons - slower speed compared to competitors, intermittent crashes in opening pages, high RAM requirements.


It's no secret that a browser is primarily a surfing tool. In this respect, Opera does a good job. It has been on the market for a long time (since 1994), uses the same technology as Chrome. Users have access to turbo mode for faster loading, built-in VPN, convenient access panel and even voice control. You can watch video content in pop-up windows.

Pros - built-in VPN, widget support, large selection of hot combinations, versatility.

Cons - less reliability, high system requirements, periodic problems when interacting with WML.

Internet Explorer

Browser Internet Explorer was once a leader, but today it has lost its position. This program is built into Windows and is installed by default. After the update, the speed of work has increased, the interface has been simplified, required programs to display information correctly. In version 11, a privacy mode appeared,

Pros - no installation required, available SmartScreen filter, combining the address bar with search, speeding up pages.

Cons - small functionality, poor choice of extensions, simple design.

To the already considered list, you can add other developments - Uran, Mawthon, Safari, etc.

For smartphones

Many users are more interested in the question of what is an Internet browser in a phone. In terms of functionality and purpose, this is the same program as for a PC. The difference is that the application is written under the OS for phones - Android, iOS, and so on. Therefore, browsing is only available from a mobile device.

The list of the best browsers for smartphones has a different look:

  • Dolphin is an application developed by MoboTap for Android and iOS smartphones. Features - great functionality, fast synchronization, viewing gestures, working with a flash player and much more. The Internet browser has an intuitive interface, fast download speed and incognito mode. Among the disadvantages is the lack of a mobile version.

  • Firefox is a web explorer for smartphones that supports sync, HTML5 and allows you to use multiple panels at the same time. With Firefox, you can send content to TV and be assured of virus protection. Series quick links available social networks... The main disadvantage is sensitivity to heavy pages that can open unevenly.

  • Google Chrome is a convenient and fast browser for phones with over 1 million users. Its features are HTML5 support, fast synchronization, the option to save data, no restrictions on the number of tabs, and high level security. Of the minuses - the lack of a large number of additions.

  • Opera Mini. At one time, this browser gained popularity due to the fast loading of even heavy pages. Today it is one of the lightest and fastest web browsers with integrated security, fast data saving, night mode and news saving function. The weak point is the limited add-ons.

  • Browse Faster is a great solution for users looking for a fast smartphone browser. Its feature is the ability to remove ads, a high level of privacy, fast and safe browsing. The app uses less battery, has privacy plugins and even a password manager add-on. The downside is that there is no Google integration.

Today, every user knows the benefits of the browser and what it is for on the phone. This is not surprising, because PC surfing is gradually moving to mobile devices... This fact is confirmed by the activity of manufacturers, who are increasingly focusing on the creation of programs for smartphones. Users can only choose either iPhone. As for the above list, it can be supplemented with other programs - UC Browser, Maxthon5 Browser, etc.

How to choose a browser?

Now you know what browsers are, what they are in simple words, and how they are used. The difficulty is that in the variety of programs it is difficult to navigate and find a worthwhile option. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, it is recommended to follow the following criteria:

  1. Popularity. For 2019, one of the leaders is Google Chrome. Other browsers, such as Safari, Mozilla Firefox, are not lagging behind. At the same time, Chrome has shown positive growth dynamics in the past three years. According to statistics, browsers that are in demand among users are more in demand and retain their positions longer. It is difficult for new web programs to win their place in the market among the incumbent giants.
  2. Reliability. An equally important criterion is reliability, because a lot of unforeseen risks await the user on the Internet. It is important that the browser works stably and does not close due to a failure in any page. Today, the major developers of web browsers have changed how programs work to make them more reliable. In the event of a crash, web explorer restores all tabs.
  3. Convenience. This criterion is individual for each person. Some users scold Mozilla and IE, while others like them. If you look from the standpoint of universality, one of the leaders is Google Chrome, where all the controls are well thought out.
  4. Security. Working on the Internet, a person is not protected from the actions of hackers who can steal confidential or other important information. Of course, antivirus and firewall take on some of the problems, but the browser should also act as one of the elements of defense. Today, all manufacturers pay maximum attention to this aspect, but Yandex and Google do the best.
  5. Speed. In the developing world, netizens expect fast page loading speeds. Frequent freezes are annoying and make you look for other browser options. The most nimble ones include Google Chrome, Yandex and Opera.
  6. Possibilities. Modern browsers are becoming more than just a shell for viewing pages. It is a "multimedia center" that replaces a letterbox, TV, player and more. From this position, the leading positions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

When choosing a web explorer, you need to take into account that the browser is primarily an assistant when working on the Web. That is why reliability, safety and speed of work remain the main criteria.

Default browser: what is it and how to install it?

When working with a file, you see a link and click it to view information. Immediately after that, the default browser opens. In the Windows operating system, this is almost always Internet Explorer, but the user can make changes and install the web explorer that suits him best. The question arises as to what it is for. The option is set in order not to make a choice each time to launch any page or file for viewing with such software.

Let's see how to set the default browser for different options:

  1. Internet Explorer. Enter the program, go to the Tools tab (at the top or bottom in the form of a gear), and then select Browser options. Then click on the Programs tab and select the Use as default section. At the final step, confirm your action.
  2. Opera. Enter the browser, click on the button with the red letter "O" and select Settings. Next, click on the button to use the default Opera. In earlier versions, after going to Settings, you need to enter General settings, and then - Extended. Here, find the inscription Programs and put a check next to the box asking you to check that the Opera browser is installed by default. Now save and try to enter the program. You will be asked whether to use the default program or not. The answer here is yes.
  3. Mozilla Firefox. Open the program, click on the button with horizontal lines on the right and go to Settings. There go to the Advanced and General section. Click on the link Make Firefox your default browser and accept the given command.
  4. Google Chrome. Enter the web explorer, click on the three dots on the right, go to Settings and set the program as the default browser.
  5. Yandex. Enter the software, click on the three lines in the upper right, enter Settings. Next, go to the Settings tab and go down to the very bottom, where you can set the mode of interest.

After completing the above steps, the browser of interest will always open by default.

Where can I find a browser?

Now let's look at the location of the browser, where it is located on a computer or phone. With regard to the PC after loading the operating room Windows systems IE browser can be seen on the desktop. Alternative options- go to the Start menu and find the program in the program list. Alternatively, find it on your desktop. On the phone, the browser after installation will be available from the desktop or from the applications section.

How to use?

It is very important for dummies not only to find and install a browser, but also to figure out how to use it. Each web explorer has an individual look and feel. Let's take a quick look at each of the options:

  1. Opera. At the top left are the navigation buttons, then the address flow, and after it the search engine graph. When you click on the "plus", a new tab is added through which you can enter new page... Thanks to the navigation buttons, you can move forward and backward, as well as refresh the page. A convenient zoom control is provided at the bottom right.
  2. Mozilla Firefox. The situation here is very similar. In the upper part there is a menu bar, under it there are tabs, and even lower on the left and on the right is the window for entering the address and search, respectively. On the left next to the address entry line is the navigation button. The add-ons panel is provided at the bottom. Tabs are also opened by clicking on the plus.
  3. Internet Explorer. Here the situation is similar with Mozilla. The difference is that at the very top are the address entry lines and the search box below the menu. There was a place for tabs under it. At the bottom right there is a status bar and the ability to zoom in on the page.
  4. Google Chrome. Tabs are provided at the top. Below you can find the column that combines the address input and search string. To the left of it are control buttons. On the right is a place for applications and three dots (entry into the menu).

It is important to consider that developers are constantly optimizing their products and releasing new versions of browsers. As a result, a lot can change, but the principle of management itself remains constant. At the same time, everything is done so that every beginner can quickly figure it out and start surfing the Web.

Have a great day!

Since you are reading this article, then you, like many, are interested in the question, what is a browser? No matter how strange it may sound, you actually already know the answer to it, you just probably still don’t guess. I will try to explain. In short, browser Is a web browser. That is, in order to read the information presented on this page, at least you had to start the browser by clicking on its shortcut on the desktop or elsewhere on your computer, type in the search engine (Yandex, Google and others) the query “ what is browser»Or any other similar to this one, find my site in the SERP and go to it. See how many independent actions you have already taken? How could you do all this without having the slightest idea of ​​what a browser is and how to use it? Of course not.

All your steps have led you to what you were looking for, in this case to this page on my site that you are currently viewing. Now let's get back to the definition of a browser again: a web browser. And, if I understand correctly, this is what you are doing now. You see, you are already using the browser for its intended purpose. Naturally, it has other functions, the main of which we will now analyze.

Basic browser functions

Firefox is my regular browser, but I often use others in my work. I will give you the main features of the Internet browser using an example, you guessed it, Firefox, but they practically do not differ from the functions of other browsers. And so, let's go.

You launch the browser by clicking on its shortcut with the mouse, and you are taken to your home page. In my case, it is the Yandex search engine (yandex.ru). This page always opens when you start your browser. It can also be accessed at any time by simply clicking on the house icon in the upper right corner (circled in red in the figure) or by pressing the Alt and Home keys simultaneously. I think it's understandable.

As a home page, it is recommended to set the one that you most often visit, from which you would like to start your work on the Internet every day. It is very easy to change it. To do this, just click on the inscription "Firefox" in the upper left corner and enter the Settings, as shown in the figure below.

You will see a window in which in the field "Home page" you need to enter the address of the required site, for example http://www.yandex.ru or http://vk.com. You can drive in the address of absolutely any site. We figured out how to change the home page and what it is. Let's move on.

Since we are talking about site addresses, let's dwell on them. Each site is unique. You will never find sites with exactly the same URLs. Let's draw an analogy with real life. There are hardly any families living in different apartments or houses at the same address.

The site address very often begins with "www", but this part can be omitted. Then the name of the site goes through a dot, for example, the same favorite "yandex". We put one more period and write the end of the address: ru, com, net. org and others. In our case, we received the address of the Yandex search engine “www.yandex.ru”. To get to the site by its address, you just need to enter it in address bar your browser.

For faster access to your favorite sites were invented bookmarks... It is enough to click on the asterisk icon to the right of the address bar or press the key combination Ctrl + D, and a window will appear in which you need to enter the name of the bookmark, select the folder you need for it and click "done". You can bookmark absolutely any sites you like, for convenience they can also be divided into folders. To view bookmarks, you need to click on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner in the case of Firefox, or in a slightly different way depending on the browser.

For more convenient navigation through the sites, there are tabs... If you want several Internet pages to be open at the same time, then be sure to use the tabs. To open a new tab, click on the plus sign (circled in red).

Most often, the Internet is used to information search... It is naturally impossible to do this without a browser. Since you are reading this article now, you most likely already know how to search for information on the Internet. I recommend using such search engines like yandex.ru and google.ru. In your request, most accurately indicate what you want to find. For example, if you live in Moscow and want to buy a car for yourself, write to search bar "Car sale in moscow".

Browser types

There are quite a few browsers, but only a few of them have gained popularity. Let's talk about them.

Is one of the oldest browsers surviving to this day. IE is part of Windows, which is probably why it gained popularity in the world. Perhaps this is its main advantage. Despite the fact that it is developed by specialists from Microsoft, Internet Explorer lags behind other browsers in many respects, it often displays sites incorrectly, does not support many modern standards, and the speed of its work is not encouraging, although it has noticeably increased in new versions of the program.

Opera is a very old browser, it has many different settings, functions and extensions, it is very fast. This browser, in my opinion, will be somewhat difficult for beginners, but if you understand it, you can safely make it the main one for work and play. Personally, I didn't use it much, but I noticed a few negative points. Firstly, it displays some sites a little incorrectly, most often the problem is the increase in font size. I think this error will be fixed in new versions. Secondly, Opera for the first time did not import bookmarks, passwords, history and other data from my other browsers. I still found this function, but the path to the profile with the data had to be specified manually. In my opinion, this is somewhat inconvenient. Maybe I did something wrong, I do not deny this point, but the fact remains. Yandex Browser, for example, coped with this task in no time. Thirdly, there was a case when I opened only one page, while neither the browser nor the computer were restarted by anything, after which Opera froze for about half a minute, or maybe more. Of course, these are all coincidences, and this can happen with any browser, I just share my impressions of using them. In general, the browser is very good, it supports all, or almost all, modern standards and technologies.

- first appeared in 2002, is regularly updated, supports all modern standards, displays sites as correctly as possible, has many additional extensions and plugins that are easy to install and update. Firefox also has disadvantages: sometimes the browser freezes for a while, sometimes even for several minutes, after which it may stop working altogether, citing some kind of error. It also happens that the browser, saying simple language, is buggy. For example, now on some sites you have to manually enter logins and passwords each time, despite the fact that they are saved in the browser and should be displayed automatically. I also noticed such a glitch as the periodic loss of the spelling check: sometimes it disappears by itself and then it appears itself, while I do nothing. It is worth noting that Firefox has very good support, so all problems are often solved in new versions or in other ways that can be found on the program's forum.

- appeared relatively recently, in 2008, but has already gained popularity all over the world. Google Chrome can be summed up in three words: fast, simple and convenient. Despite its visual simplicity, the browser has all the necessary capabilities and supports all modern standards. Even a beginner will master it in a matter of minutes. Proof of the convenience of Google Chrome is the fact that many of the technical details first used in it were later borrowed from it by other browsers. For example, tabs in browsers were for a long time under the address bar, above which there was also a menu in the form of drop-down lists, as a result of which the browser header turned out to be quite cumbersome. If my memory serves me, then for the first time it was in Chrome that the tabs were moved under the address bar, and the menu was completely in a different place.

- is the youngest browser in this list and in the world as a whole, at the time of this writing, its age is only a month, but despite this, it is actively gaining popularity, as a rule, among the Russian-speaking population. In my opinion, it has a great future, especially in Russia and the CIS. But if Yandex makes more efforts, then the browser may go far beyond the borders of our country, although it is hard to believe in it, wait and see. It combines all the virtues modern browsers, and also has its own individual characteristics. For example, only in this browser I saw that the titles of Internet pages are displayed not only in the tab, but also in the address bar. In their own way outward appearance and the Yandex Browser interface is very much like Google Chrome, they are also made on the same engine. The browser works very smoothly, quickly and without brakes, at least that's how it showed itself in my case. Separately, it should be said about the Yandex Browser security system, which was developed at Kaspersky Lab, as well as about Turbo technology, which accelerates the loading of sites, which was created by Opera and will appear in the next versions of the program. I myself have not tested or verified these developments, since I have neither the ability nor the desire.

The list could also include a browser from Apple, but, as far as I know, its development and support for Windows has recently stopped. I will just say that the browser is really made very high quality and beautiful, like any other products from Apple. If you want, you can download Safari and use it, you are unlikely to be disappointed.

Which browser is better?

Each Internet user must choose a browser for himself. Neither I nor any other person will be able to fully objectively answer the question of which browser is better. Here it is most likely a matter of taste. For example, I don't really like working on Opera, but this does not mean that this browser is worse than others. Many of my friends use it.

As you know, My choice at the moment - Mozilla Firefox. Since I use it more often than others, I gave more specific examples of problems and errors in this browser, but this does not mean that others do not. At times, absolutely every browser is buggy, like any other program. Some, of course, have fewer glitches, some more, but everyone has them. Any browser can freeze and crash, you can't get away from it.

For beginners, I would recommend browsers such as Google Chrome and Yandex Browser. Let me explain why. They are the easiest to learn, everything is as simple as possible, there is nothing superfluous, complete minimalism. You will not need to scour the wilds of the menu to find this or that function, everything is on the surface. But despite their apparent simplicity, both of these browsers are very powerful and support all modern standards. The initial functionality in them without installing any additional extensions is also quite large. For example, only these two browsers are initially able to translate sites from foreign languages. For others, this function becomes available only after installing additional plugins.

Perhaps objectively, or almost objectively, I can only speak about Internet Explorer. It is this browser that most often displays sites incorrectly, and I also heard that its security system is lame. Despite the fact that IE is the oldest browser on this list, lately it has only to catch up with its young competitors, and this is far from being the best way for it.

When choosing a browser, you can also take a look at popularity ratings, but I advise you not to rely on them. Each person must choose for himself what he likes. For example, there are still a lot of users in the world who prefer IE, but, in my opinion, this is only because it is installed on a computer along with Windows. Most people do not like to change anything and look for the best, but use what they already have. I used to use Internet Explorer too, but that was a long time ago. I was not then such an active Internet user as I am now, I did not know all the intricacies, I thought that sites should be displayed exactly as in Explorer, I just didn’t know the best. If on any site something moved out or was too large or, on the contrary, small, I thought that the error was in the site itself, but, as it turned out, I was wrong. In the original version of this article, I gave a rating of the popularity of browsers in Russia and in the world in general, but then I realized that this is not necessary, since it is constantly changing, and it will definitely not help to make the right choice.

When choosing a browser, you need to pay attention to several highlights:

  • Convenience - with this item, each user must decide for himself. To do this, download the browser, work on it for several hours, and if you feel any inconvenience or something you don't like, download and test the next one. And so on, until you understand which browser is most convenient for you. In principle, the list is small, so testing will not take long.
  • Functionality- by and large, all of the above browsers have sufficient functionality for almost any Internet user. In case one or another function is missing, you can always download and install an add-on or plugin.
  • Speed ​​- I personally did not check the speed of this or that browser using any services, let alone stopwatches. I can say that latest versions each of them work pretty fast. Somewhere I saw the results of a study, according to which Chrome loads web pages the fastest, and displays the visible part of the page on the Firefox screen. To what extent this is true, I do not know. I don't think Yandex Browser or Opera are far behind them in this indicator.
  • The correctness of the display of sites- it would seem, well, why not update the developers of their browsers and make them correctly display sites. Imagine how cool it would be if in all browsers each site looked exactly the same, how many problems it would have for the layout designers (specialists who "pull" the design onto the site), but no, the developers cannot yet bring their browsers to perfection, which is a pity. I want to note right away that browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex Browser display sites as correctly as possible. Opera also supports almost all modern standards, but there are still times when it does not display a particular style correctly. Recently, it was because of her that I had to redo the font sizes on one of my sites, as she increased them very much. Also go, for example, to Yandex Market and see how it is displayed in Opera and in any of the above browsers, I'm sure you will see the differences. I don’t really want to talk about Internet Explorer, but still I will say: this is one of the most backward browsers in terms of the correct display of sites. He is very bad with shadows and other effects. Very often it is under IE that they write separate file styles so that he somehow copes with his task.
  • Security - to be honest, I did not check this item in any special ways. I know that Chrome and Firefox have everything, it seems, in order, on Yandex Browser you can also make big bets thanks to cooperation with Kaspersky Lab, I can't say anything specific about the Opera, I heard about IE that the security system is so-so. In any case, install antivirus programs on your computers, and everything will be fine.

In the matter of choosing a browser, do not completely trust anyone's opinion. What seems convenient and ideal to another, you may not like at all and vice versa. The most important thing in a browser for ordinary Internet users, in my opinion, is convenience... If you are satisfied with the work of the browser, its interface is pleasant and it is simply convenient to use it, then you are unlikely to pay special attention to other points. But in any case, try to evaluate the browser on the other points listed above and then do final choice... Moreover, now, I hope, you understand what a browser is, why you need it and how to use it correctly. Personally, I would advise you to take a closer look at Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser also performed well, but, I repeat again, this is just my subjective opinion.

If you have any questions, there were problems with the choice or operation of this or that browser, you are welcome in the comments.

Hello dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Sometimes looking for answers to the simplest questions can reveal incredible things that a person has never thought about. We are used to just using a light bulb, microwave and vacuum cleaner.

As soon as someone opens an article about how these machines work, he goes to the next level. If a person is very interested in him, then later he becomes a pretty good electrician or a jack of all trades, for whom it is not a problem to fix anything.

Today we will talk a little about other things. We will talk about what browsers are and how they work. It is unlikely that you will ever have to fix your browser, but after this article you will not have any questions about how sites are arranged. I don't even doubt that.

How the site works

Any electronic resource is a set of files. Some are responsible for design, others for testing. They are written using special programming languages. Not all site builders understand the code, some use simple programs that themselves convert actions into code and files.

If you look at the site as browsers see it, you will see only a folder with an incomprehensible name, which will contain other files. Having opened any of them, you will not understand anything at all.

While this set of documents is on the developer's computer, readers cannot access them. They are not on the internet. They help to open the site for public viewing. Roughly speaking, they have something like large flash drives on which folders with sites are laid out.

Each folder is associated with a URL, or, in simple terms, an address. Enter it into the address bar of your browser and it will kindly guide you to the folder. This is not all that browsers do, but we'll talk about it in the next chapter.

Browser mission

As I said, there are certain programs that help users. And there are browsers that are needed in order to view the site not in the form of a folder, but in a completely familiar way without knowing the same code.

For example, a programmer says: "Here is an article, and by clicking on this phrase, a person should move to another page of my site." He enter a certain code. You do not see it, the browser understands this and immediately gives the reader a simple and familiar link with an underline.

Learning programming languages ​​is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Now there are a lot of simple ones that make it possible to simplify life and work on the Internet. There are no less courses that help dummies understand the intricacies of craftsmanship. For example, " WordPress 4: the practice of creating a website "Mikhail Rusakov. The lessons are very simple. At the end of the training, everyone can become a real site builder.

So, what are browsers for, we figured it out. Now let's see what they are.


Frankly speaking, it is impossible to divide browsers into types. I will not deceive you - they are all about the same. The only difference lies in the interface, sometimes the download speed and unimpressive nuances.

Today I have come across such a division more than once: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera, Mozilla. I can’t dare to separate them in this way.

Here's a simple alternative. When it comes to sausage, it can be classified by composition, price, method of preparation (smoking, boiling). There are not so many browsers and they are all about the same, so they can be divided only by manufacturer, but in my opinion, this is some kind of lousy classification.

Their working principle and mission are the same anyway. So how do people choose browsers? Basically it's an interface. All have small differences and a person quickly gets used to them. For example, by going to Yandex Browser, you are offered to read news that may seem interesting to you. It hooks users.

Some people think that the Google Chrome browser opens sites faster. I can't say how true this is. Personally, I use several browsers, and the speed of each depends on the Internet in general. Let Yandex assert about turbo modes, but if the network is overloaded in the evening and even the torrent works very slowly, then it will not work to load the page in a second.

How to choose a browser, install a few and just see which one seems most convenient to you. So that is all. Subscribe also to the newsletter to receive quality information.

Until next time and good luck.

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