Register VKontakte. Registration on VKontakte right now - a new page

Register VKontakte. Registration on VKontakte right now - a new page


Social networks have become quite popular in our modern world, because they are convenient way communication and communication on the Internet. Most of these resources allow you to exchange not only text messages, but also photos, videos, music and other content.

In Russia, most of the users prefer the service " In contact with”, one of the reasons for the relevance of which is a simple registration, available to everyone. Because immediately after it, you can begin to fully use it. It turns out that, having only an Internet connection, you can get your own page on the network.

How can you create your page

You can register via Personal Computer, and using a smartphone by downloading the official application. The procedure is the same on all devices. You can use one account from several gadgets at once, for which you just need to log in by entering your phone number and password.

To register on the site, you only need a mobile phone in order to confirm your identity. In the process, you will need to indicate your number, so it is worth preparing it in advance.

Creating a main page

To create a page In contact with"through the browser, you need to perform several elementary actions:

Tips will help you set up your profile and navigate the site.


Sometimes there is a need to create a second page " In contact with' for a variety of reasons. For example, when access to the first one is completely lost and even technical support cannot restore it. Or if you urgently need to send someone a message, but the main account is not suitable for this for one reason or another. Of course, the idea arises to simply register on a new one, with a different name and surname. But that won't work.

To register a second account, you will need another phone number, since having two pages on one is prohibited by the administration. Even if enough time passes from the moment of registration and you manage to register, the first page will get rid of the number and access to it will either be completely lost, or most of the functions will become inaccessible.

If you do not have a second phone number, but still there is a great desire to create a 2 page on VKontakte, then you can use the recommendations of the article on our site.

"Fake" pages

Quick registration VC allows you to create any page in a few minutes, with just a phone number. Therefore, in addition to real pages, there are a lot of “fake”, so-called “fake” ones. They are also registered by people, but far from real information is indicated. The site administration quickly blocks such accounts, but only in cases where they start sending spam and users send complaints.

Pages for disseminating information about the organization of events

Unlike the same messengers, this site has options that allow you to convey information to a larger audience, as well as interact with it. This is possible because any user can create their own community, and the rest, in turn, can subscribe to its updates. That is why, on how to create a second page in VC, organizers of events often think about it. After all, it is much easier to work with the necessary group of people, creating communities, groups or meetings.

When registering, you can specify any name and surname, they will not be checked by anyone. Thus, you can name the page as you want or need. But it’s worth thinking carefully, since you won’t be able to change these data later. When editing, the new name and surname are checked by moderators or the site administration, and the use of fake ones is prohibited by the rules of the resource. In this case, the page may even be blocked for violation.

Such pages have a number of advantages for the organizers, because the user's main page does not appear anywhere. From this it should be concluded that it is possible:

  • disseminate information and not be afraid of blocking;
  • receive messages from the audience and respond to them;
  • publish the latest news directly on the wall;
  • create "public" from a separate account.


This article showed you how to create a page in social network « In contact with». Thus, it turns out that connecting to VC It will not be difficult for both experienced users and beginners. After all, the site has an intuitive interface and a large number of tips.

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Hello everyone, my dear friends. Today's article is about registering a new user on Vkontakte, in which we will take a closer look at the process of creating an account on this social network, and also learn how to make various settings for your profile. And if you missed the previous episodes dedicated to creating social accounts. networks, I can recommend that you read the articles on registration in and.

So, to get started, go to link and press " registration».

On the new page, enter your first name, last name and gender, and then click the "register" button.

In the next window, enter your phone number, which you will need to confirm registration.

After entering the number, click "get code". After that, a special code will be sent to the specified number, you will need to indicate it in the field that appears below.
After confirming the code, in the next window, enter any password with Latin letters and numbers. Password example: "Ivanov-Ivan55". You will need it for authorization on the site (to make the password strong, I recommend using online password generators).

This completes the registration!

Setting up a profile on Vkontakte

Now you can start searching for classmates and setting up a profile.

Specify here:

  1. The country of the school where you studied;
  2. City of the same school;
  3. Her name or number;
  4. Year of issue;
  5. Class letter (optional).

After that, based on the entered data, a list of your alleged classmates will be displayed. In the same way, in the next window, by filling in the required fields, you can find your classmates.

If you don’t want to spend time on these searches, you can skip the step by clicking on the appropriate button.

Then you will see your personal page.

Now, to put a photo, click on the inscription "put a photo" and select it from the computer's file system. And so that your friends can easily find you, I recommend clicking on the "edit page" link and filling in the basic fields, such as: date of birth, hometown and names of your family members.

Also, if you wish, you can create your own page using a special plugin for google chrome.

Also, I forgot to mention that along with registering an account, you have the opportunity to find people with similar interests and share information with your friends.

Now I say goodbye to you, so as not to miss further releases, you can subscribe to my one of my channels on social networks. Have a good day and good mood everyone.

VKontakte is a very popular social network, naturally, in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. Acquaintance of any user with the pages of the brainchild of Pavel Valerievich Durov begins with registration. Today we will just talk about how to register VKontakte from a computer, laptop, phone or tablet.

How to open an account in VK

We proceed directly to the registration itself. Since the site is popular both in its WEB version and as a mobile application on iOS and Android, we will consider all methods of registration from a PC and mobile devices. Let's start with the desktop version.

From a computer or laptop

Since there are 2 ways on a PC at once that allow you to create an account on a social network, we will talk about each of them. The first option is the easiest - this is the login and registration through the browser. The second involves launching and installing a full-fledged VK application on your computer. So let's get started.

Via browser

It is easiest to start a VKontakte page through the WEB version. To do this, you need to take a few simple steps:

  1. Initially, of course, open the browser and go to VK site. Then we indicate the registration data (first name, last name and date) and click "Register".

Attention! Think twice before entering your real data. It will be almost impossible to change them in the future.

  1. At the next stage, we will need to enter the phone number to which the profile will be linked, and press the button marked with the number "2". If you want to register on VKontakte without a phone number, use Facebook or Google login. This is convenient if the page already exists and you want to start a second one.

  1. When the code arrives on our phone, it will need to be entered in the field marked with the number "1". Then click "Submit Code".

  1. If the code from the message is accepted, you will be prompted to enter a password for the future VK profile. Click "Login to the site".

  1. Your VK page will look something like this. As you can see, we already have one notification - this is a red number next to the bell icon.

  1. Click on the bell and see a pop-up message. We are prompted to enter an address Email, and thus protect your account from attacks by intruders. Let's do that.

  1. We indicate the existing email address and click "Link" page.

  1. We will be asked to re-enter the password specified during registration. We do this and press the button marked with the number "2".

  1. We are informed that an email with a confirmation link has been sent to the specified Email. Well, let's check the mail.

  1. This is what the letter looks like. Here we just need to click on the link circled in red.

  1. The page will open and we will see the first message in our new account. Let's open it up and see what's in there.

  1. This is the administration of the VKontakte site, on which we have just registered, notifies us of the successful binding of the e-mail.

  1. Now we need to add a photo. Click on the blank circled in red.

  1. Select a file from your computer.

  1. Finding an image in file system Windows.

  1. Now you need to crop the image, in accordance with the avatar format. To do this, drag the frame by its edges (small rectangles), and when the desired scale is obtained, click "Save and continue".

  1. It is also necessary to crop the icon for correspondence and other functions. Here the image will be round, as in the previous case. Adjust its scale, then press the button marked with the number "2".

Done, our photo is set and now the profile looks completely different.

This is where we finished registering in VK through a browser, it remains only to consider the second option - using an Android emulator.

Using an Android emulator

Any Android applications, including VKontakte, may well be installed on your PC. You just need to install a special emulator, which, in fact, will add a full-fledged Play Store with games, programs, etc. Let's figure out how to do it:

  1. First you need to download the emulator. We will use Nox. Download it for free latest version can be on the official website. When the distribution is on your PC, launch it by double-clicking the left mouse button.

  1. We accept the license (by checking the box in the item located on the left) and click the marked button.

  1. On our computer, the installation of the program took about a minute.

  1. When the installation is completed, you can run the program and proceed to the installation of VKontakte.

  1. Optimization performed on first run system files nox. This takes some time. In the future, the start of the program will be much faster.

  1. Next, we need Google Play Market - we marked its icon on the Nox home screen.

Attention: in order to work with Play Maret, you need to log in using your Google account.

  1. We write the name of the desired application and press the enter button.

  1. Once on the home page of VKontakte, press the button labeled "Install".

  1. If one is required, the access request must be granted.

  1. We are waiting for the end of the installation of VK. Depending on the speed of a particular network connection, this may take some time.

  1. VKontakte is installed, now you can launch it and go directly to registration. Click the VK icon on the desktop.

  1. Naturally, once in the application itself, click the "Register" link.

  1. Entering our data:
  • add a profile photo;
  • write the last name and first name;
  • choose gender;
  • indicate the date of birth.

  1. Further, as in the case of a PC, we prescribe a number mobile phone. When this is done, press the button marked in the screenshot.

As a result, you will receive a password in the form of SMS, you will enter it in the required field and a VKontakte account will be created. It remains only to set it up and you can proceed to chat with friends.

From phone or tablet

Now that you know exactly how to register VKontakte from a computer or laptop, let's figure out how to do the same from a phone or tablet. And even on devices without operating system you can create a VK profile. Let's get started.

Via App

First, consider a simpler and more common way to register in VK. We will use mobile app which can be downloaded for Google Android or Apple iPhone. This is actually done like this:

  1. Open the app store by tapping on its icon on the Android home screen.

  1. We write the request in search line Google play. Then, when the issue appears, click on the name we need.

  1. Press the big green button to install VK.

  1. We are waiting for the download of the APK and its subsequent automatic installation to the device.

  1. When the installation is completed, the shortcut we need will appear on the desktop. We tap on it.

  1. At the very bottom of the screen, click the VKontakte registration link.

  1. Enter all the required information and click the "NEXT" button.

  1. We register the phone to which the confirmation code will come, and again press the button indicated below.

  1. We enter the code from SMS in the field of the next screen and to complete the registration in VK, tap on "NEXT".

That's all. Your profile is registered and ready to go. True, initially it will have to be configured a little.

Through the mobile version of the site

If you have a simple phone, not Android or iPhone, you can also register on VKontakte and communicate on this social network. The only thing that is required from the device is the presence of the Internet function and some kind of browser. So, follow our simple instructions:

  1. Open the browser by launching it in the phone menu.

  1. Let's go to

Vkontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and the CIS countries. Every day, not only the number of active users is growing, but also the number of fake accounts. To solve this problem, Vkontakte management decided to link it to a specific phone when creating a page, which not all users liked. How to register in VK without a phone number? Let's figure it out.

What does registration via phone give?

Not everyone understands the importance of linking a phone when creating an account on social networks. The introduction of such a function has two main goals:
  1. Improve security. When linking a cell phone, spambots will not be able to send “unpleasant” messages to friends from your profile. In addition, this makes it more difficult to hack an account, since login sessions from other PCs are displayed on a mobile device;
  2. Support mobile version In contact with.

It should also be taken into account that the developers of the social network plan to completely abandon the use of email to link a profile in order to increase the level of security.

Is it possible to register in VK without a phone number?

There is no definite answer to the question, since in any case you will have to enter a number or use third-party resources. Of course, the field can be left empty, but then the user will lack some of the features without which Vkontakte cannot be called a social network, namely:
  • A ban is imposed on sending private messages to other users;
  • It is forbidden to add to friends;
  • Ability to join groups.
If a social network is needed only to listen to music or watch videos, then you can register in VK without a phone number.

Registration Vkontakte without a phone

There are three main ways to create a page in VK for free without linking a number:
  1. "Fake" (fake) phone ;
  2. Facebook login;
  3. Through a virtual number.
Let's consider each method in turn.

fake number

The essence of the method is that when creating a profile, the user does not use his own number, but someone else's. For example, borrow a phone from friends or purchase a second SIM card. On the confirmation page, enter a third-party number:

If you have a landline phone, you can go the other way. To do this, just enter the number in 11-digit form and click "Get Code". The robot will call and say the profile activation code. This method allows you to register countless pages using one phone.

The risk of the method lies in the fact that if the data from the account is lost, it will be difficult or even impossible to recover the password (in the case of a landline number). It is recommended to use the "Fake phone" method only if the page is not the main one.

Facebook Login

Despite the fact that Vkontakte is a Russian-language site, the current owners of are doing their best to enter the foreign market by collaborating with other social networks. One such partner is Facebook.

Vkontakte provides only for foreign residents register on the resource through Facebook. But since we are in Russia, we will have to cheat the system a little. For this we will use anonymizers, of which there are many on the Internet.

As an example, consider one of the popular Chameleon anonymizers. Let's go to the site:

Just type into the search bar or select from the list of popular queries.

This is how registration for residents from Russia looks like:

And this is what the site looks like for a user who logged in through the anonymizer:

Accordingly, click on "Login with Facebook".

Note: Do not forget that this method requires a Facebook account, which requires only email to register.

The risks of the method are the same as in the above: the inability to recover lost user data.

Creating a Vkontakte page through a virtual phone

Now let's talk about a difficult but more effective way to create a VK account without a phone.

For creating virtual number will use international servicepringer. com. You cannot make calls through it, but you can receive SMS messages that are necessary to complete the registration.

If you have a google+, Facebook or Twitter account, then you can access the service through these resources to save time.

It should also be noted that the number is issued to you on an ongoing basis. If you have forgotten your account password, you can request confirmation of the recovery request on your current phone.

You can use not only the Pringer service, but other analogues of virtual cellular (Room5, Kontiki, Bizo, Kendo UI).

Video instructions: how to register in VK without a number

The following video presents the main ways to register on the Vkontakte social network without entering a personal phone number. All methods are relevant:

Despite the large number of ways to get around the system, do not be afraid to enter personal number phone when creating a profile in VK. Firstly, registration is completely free - not a penny will be charged from the user. Secondly, it will increase the level of security. Hacking an account is more difficult, and you will always be aware of unauthorized activity from your page.

How to register VKontakte for free - in this short article, the material is presented in the most accessible and understandable form. Do you want to do it right now? Let's get started then!

So, to register VKontakte you need:

Your mobile phone number. For registration without SMS, unfortunately, is now impossible. However, this is not only in VK 🙂



Enter your first and last name. Real or not, it's up to you 🙂 After that, click on "Register".


At the top, on the right, click on the “Complete Registration” tab.

Good to know. This is the shortest way to register on VKontakte. You can skip the rest of the steps now, and then fill out the questionnaire slowly :-).


Enter the mobile phone number and - the "Get code" button.


When you receive an SMS, enter the received code in the field "Confirmation code" and click "Submit Code".


Now there is a new field "Password"

Create a password, enter in this field and, then -
"Login to site".

ADVICE. The password, on the one hand, is better to make it more complicated.
The more complex the password, the more difficult it is to hack VK. On the other hand, it should be such that you yourself can
it's easy to remember. Be sure to remember your username and password! Better write it down somewhere!
To write good password, you can do it like this:
switch the keyboard to English, then enter some word in Russian.
For example, the word "coffee maker" would be written as "rjatdfhrf". Such a password is easy to remember and very difficult to crack. And even better, even more reliable, like this: “coffee28654brewer”, in the English layout, of course.

However, this advice is probably outdated. If you are going to contact mobile device, it is better not to use
Russian letters on the English layout are inconvenient. But ... try harder! 🙂 After all, whatever one may say, it is about your safety and comfort 🙂

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