How to make 2 mails on Yandex. How to open multiple mailboxes at the same time

How to make 2 mails on Yandex. How to open multiple mailboxes at the same time


In any free email service, you can create an unlimited number of emails. boxes. Yandex mail is no exception. To create second mailbox on "Yandex" and use two accounts at the same time, use two browsers.


In the first browser that you use most often, log in to Yandex.Mail under the main account. In the second browser, for example, Internet Explorer, installed by default on Windows, create a new account in Yandex.Mail. To do this to the Yandex mail server located at the link: Click on the "Get Mail" button. The registration window and its first step will appear on the screen. Enter your first name, last name and desired login in the appropriate fields. If the login is free, click the "Next" button.

In the next step, create a password, enter it in a special field and duplicate the confirmation field. Next, select a secret question and enter the answer to it. After that, for account security or in case of password loss, you can specify your main e-mail and / or mobile phone number to recover the password to the mail. The last thing to do is enter the captcha - the characters from the image at the bottom of the page. , check the box next to the line "I accept the terms of the user agreement" and click the "Register" button. You have registered a second mailbox on Yandex.Mail. Now you can use two mailboxes in different browsers so that you do not log out of your account each time and do not enter a username and password pair.

You can also collect letters from the second box to the first and from the first to the second. In other words, you can create a redirect of letters from one e-mail to another. To do this, in the account that you use most often, go to the "Settings" link in the mail window. Select the "Collection of mail from other mailboxes" item in the settings window, then enter the e-mail address and password of the mailbox from which you want to redirect mail to your account, then click the "Enable Collector" button.

Almost every search engine offers its users to create an email. Moreover, any user can freely create not one, but several mailboxes. Although some users are afraid to create multiple mailboxes on one site, this is not against the rules and is absolutely normal. When wondering how to open another mail on a particular site, you should turn your attention to major search engines such as Yandex, Google,, since they offer their users many different services that, in some situations can be very useful.

Create a second mailbox

  • In order to create a second mailbox, you must first go to the site of any search engine. If you have mail on it, then you should log out of the old account. If you do not yet have mail in this search engine, then you can immediately proceed directly to registration.
  • It is worth noting that the creation of the second box is no different from the first. After you have entered the site, you should click on the "Create a mailbox" link located under the "Login" button. After that, you will find yourself on the first page of mailbox registration.
  • On this page, in the first two fields to fill out, you must enter the required personal data. In order to make it easier to restore access to the mailbox, if you lose your password, you need to enter your real first and last name.
  • Now you need to come up with a login and enter it in the very last field on this page. It is worth paying attention to the fact that your new login should not copy the existing one, otherwise, registration simply will not take place. To facilitate this difficult work, most search engines offer users a list of free logins, one of them can be used.
  • As soon as the system checks the uniqueness of your login and writes that it is free, you should click on the "Next" button.
  • The next step is to come up with a password for your mailbox and enter it in the field next to the “Create a password” item. Your password must contain at least 6 numbers. It should be remembered, but rather write it down. And then duplicate the password in the paragraph with the inscription "Repeat password".
  • Now, to open another mail, you will need to select a secret question, thanks to which you can access the email if you forget the password. You can also come up with your own question. The answer to it should be typed in the adjacent field.
  • Then enter your mobile phone number. Such a measure is provided in case you forget your password, the administration will send a message to it with a code that will help restore access to your mailbox.
  • To confirm to the system that you are a real person, you need to fill in the last field with the characters from the picture located next to it, and then click the "Register" button. That's it, the new mailbox is open. Now you know how to start another e-mail, and if necessary, open a few more boxes for yourself.

Logging into the mail and registering a Yandex mailbox

If the mail was previously registered, then he enters the account after entering the login and password. If the password is lost, the system offers to click "Remember password", then the user will go to the following page:

In this case, to restore, you will need to enter your login or your email address, as well as a verification code. If you previously entered your personal mobile phone number, the system will help you restore your mail by sending a message with a password to your phone.

If you are on this site for the first time and have not previously registered a mailbox, you should click "Registration" and proceed to fill out the form.

Login via social network

Recently, the system introduced another possibility to log into the account - through social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Toy World, Google and Odnoklassniki. If you are logged in to the social network, you can quickly enter Yandex. If not, click on the icon of the social network, as shown in the example (Twitter is selected here) and log in first to it, and then to Yandex.

Mail Registration

Registration in Yandex mail is absolutely free, you can go through it in a couple of minutes and use your mailbox for years.

To register, fill in the fields:

  • surname;
  • login (and repeat it);
  • password (and repeat);
  • mobile phone (if available).

Pay attention to the degree of password strength, if the system considers it unreliable - change the password. If you enter a mobile phone number, you will receive confirmation to the specified number in the form of a code. The code will need to be entered in the appropriate window during registration. Immediately the user will go to the mail settings:

If you want to receive notifications of new letters to the specified mobile number, confirm this in step #1. The user has a convenient function for setting labels, which can be named and marked by color at their own discretion. Thus, you can sort letters: by work, from friends, family.

If you have several mailboxes, you can track mail in one, specify only the addresses of other mailboxes.

Fill in the "Sender Information" section:

  • Enter your name;
  • enter a signature that will end each letter you send;
  • add an existing photo or take a new photo with the webcam;

Choose a design style for mail, this will be Step #5.

In the sixth and final step, the system reports the completion of the configuration.

Mailbox Features

So, you are in your mailbox and immediately see two new letters that came automatically from Yandex.

The mailbox inside looks very standard.

Vertical menu

On the left is a vertical menu and it helps to navigate the letters, it consists of sections:

  • incoming;
  • sent;
  • remote;
  • spam;
  • drafts.

Horizontal menus

Horizontal upper The menu has the following sections:

  • search (transition to a search engine);
  • mail (here you are now);
  • disk (here you can store files and give links to them to other people so that they download the material);;
  • money (here you can register a Yandex wallet);
  • music (for listening to music);
  • photos (for storing photos);
  • more (many other sections).

lower the horizontal menu consists of three sections: letters, disk, contacts (for adding regular senders to the list).

Making changes to your account and adding contacts

If you were in a hurry and created your mail with data that you would like to change (for example, you entered a fictitious name), you can always correct the situation.

Mail settings

If you want to make any changes to your account, mail settings or its design, you can do this after going to the "Settings" section of the same name, it is located in the upper right corner, next to the mail address.

As you can see, the settings are extensive. Of the unusual functions of the mail, it is worth noting the "Cases" section, this is a kind of diary or notebook. Here you can enter your plans and control their execution. If you work at a computer during the day and wait for certain letters, you do not need to constantly go to the mail page and refresh it to find out when a new letter arrives. You can set the sound alert function.


If you have a contact database that you do not want to manually re-enter into "Contacts", you can import it using a special file with the ".csv" or "vCard" extension.

Working with letters and the nuances of mail


For reading incoming messages, the user needs to go to the appropriate section and click on the new letter that has arrived (the selection will then disappear). When an email is open, the following options are available to you:

  • write (new letter);
  • check (mail for new letters);
  • reply (to an incoming open letter);
  • Reply All;
  • forward (to another user);
  • delete;
  • this is spam (the letter will be sent to the appropriate folder and new letters from its sender will now only be in this folder);
  • unread (leave the message view as unread);
  • add button (archive, forward, to folder, label, auto reply, with money).

Other folders

The Sent Items folder will contain emails that you send to someone. In "Deleted", "Drafts" and "Spam" corresponding to the names of the letter.


If you have a smartphone or tablet, install the Yandex mail application and then you can read, receive and send mail on these devices as well.

When you go to another section of the Yandex service, you can always return to the mail again.

If you have difficulty creating a mailbox, watch the video as well.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. If you got here just trying enter your Yandex mail inbox page(sorry for the tautology), then I don’t dare to detain you any longer - just click on the link provided.

If you just want to improve the convenience of working with your mailbox and get additional free features from this service, then stay.

Not so long ago, I wrote a detailed review of the features that I have been using for the past five years (before this). However, after getting acquainted with and realizing its convenience, I was drawn to look at the modern Yandex Mail in more detail, which resulted in this publication.

The only problem may be that the login you want to use as your mailbox address (?) is busy. But there's nothing to be done, because the service is popular and all short and euphonious emails sold out ten years ago.

By the way, there is a way out. A little lower I will talk about free mail for a domain from Yandex (boxes of the form - [email protected] site), where you can come up with any login for yourself, because there will be no competition. True, for this you need to have your own domain, but this is not such a problem.

If you want to create an e-mail on Yandex and use it in the future as the main (or at least somehow significant), then it would be best to enter your mobile phone number so that later there are no problems with restoring access to your account. Before clicking on the "Register" button, in this case, you will first need to click on the "Get code" button and enter the numbers received in the SMS message in the field that opens, thereby confirming that this number belongs to you.

If you don’t want to shoot the phone when registering an Email in Yandex (or it’s not at hand), then click on " I do not have a phone"and you will be prompted to select a security question and answer it as an account protection in the old fashioned way.

However, remember that this seriously reduces the security of your mailbox from hacking. Although for someone it will be a great way out, for example, when mass registration of new emails is required.

Justifying the name of this blog, I can not help but bring a video where creating your first mail is described down to the movement of the fingers on the mouse buttons. Do not kick with your feet, but, for example, only such an instruction will help my mother:

The first entrance to your page in Yandex Mail

Look, you have chosen a login, for example, dm.ktonanovenkogo (by the way, using a dot is quite effective and acceptable). But what will the full E-mail look like, i.e. ending after a dog (@)? It's obvious that [email protected], but not only.

Immediately after you click the "Register" button, you will be redirected to your profile page in Yandex Passport. Here you can see that six boxes were created with different endings:

You can use any of these emails and even all at once - incoming email will still be collected in one place. By the way, I advise you to specify a backup email (if you have one), which will help you restore access (see screenshot).

When you first log into your inbox (this is the social media equivalent of My Page) at then you will be welcomed quick setup wizard Yandex mail.

At the first step, you will be prompted to install the Yandex Mail mobile application by simply indicating the phone number of your smartphone (although it will probably be easier to download it via Google Play or App Store, but it would be suggested). In the following steps, you will be told and offered to immediately create a theme for letters and set up their assembly from your other mailboxes (you will need to specify a login and password to access them):

Previously it was still possible choose an ending for your E-mail on Yandex(from options like,, and some others), but now it was considered not so important, but this option is still available on the first tab of your mailbox settings:

The service interface is not overloaded, and most importantly, everything you need to read and work with mail is available here. By default, you find yourself in the "Inbox" folder, where to read the correspondence it will be enough just to click on the header of any letter:

To switch to reading another letter, you can click on the "Inbox" folder in the left menu, or go "back" in the browser. Well, you know yourself...

The Write button is prominently displayed. Correspondence management buttons (forward, delete, mark as spam, etc.) become active when you click on any letter. Incoming letters are automatically distributed into several thematic tabs, but by default, the one where all incoming messages are accumulated is open. So at least nothing is lost.

Now let's see what this service can and cannot do. It will be banal to describe all the work processes, so I will simply briefly describe what I paid attention to and what i liked.

Drag and drop and autosave drafts

Emails in the Yandex mail web interface can be drag with mouse while holding down the left button. You can drag and drop to a folder or to a button. Everything where you can drag the captured messages will be highlighted with a yellowish background:

You can check the box and grab several messages at once, and it is also possible to drag any label (from the bottom of the left column) onto the letter with the mouse. Quite convenient.

Yandex mail, like many other free mail services, not so long ago had the opportunity drag and drop attachments directly from Explorer or, for example, a file manager to a letter opened in a browser.

Those. click "Write", select the addressee, write the subject and text of the message, then look for the attachment file on your hard drive and drag it to this letter, where a yellow bar will appear with the inscription "Drag files here". After releasing the mouse, the icon of the attached file will appear under the text input field. You can also do the reverse operation - drag and drop attachments to the desired folder in the explorer.

When you write a message, at the most inopportune moment, the computer may freeze, a power surge may occur, or your beloved cat will honor the keyboard with its passage (or run across it). If you have already written a lot, then ... However, Yandex Mail thinks about you and almost constantly saves what you typed text to draft(this can also be done forcibly using the corresponding button). Now, in case of force majeure, it will be enough to go to drafts and continue working on the letter.

Easily mark important messages and find your replies to emails

In the message list, you can click on the flag outline on the left, thereby marking emails as important. After that, the checkbox will be filled in red, and the line with this message will be highlighted in a contrasting color. All important letters can be found in the "Important" folder located on the left panel of the Yandex mail window.

Also in the screenshot above, you can see an arrow next to one of the letters in the list. It appears if you have already replied to this message, and when you click on it, you can see the correspondence from the "Sent" folder with your answer. Save time, so to speak.

Sending emails on a timer

When writing a letter in the Yandex Mail web interface, at the very bottom at the level or just above the "send" button, you can see a number of options that can be very useful in some cases.

  1. It happens that the letter must be sent at a certain time, and in order not to forget to do this, you can prepare its contents in advance, and before clicking on the "Send" button, click a little to the right on the clock icon, and then select the day and time the message will leave the addressee.
  2. If you are waiting for a response to a number of letters, then it will be convenient to click on the “remind” button when writing them and select the required number of days from the drop-down list so that you already know for sure that it is time to start worrying and tearing your hair out.
  3. The "Notify when received" button will help you understand when the letter you sent was received by the addressee.

Translation of incoming and outgoing letters

Mobile version of Yandex Mail, viewing pinned photos and a little trick

I also liked the ability to view the images pinned to the message in the form of a slideshow or tape. These photos can be printed directly from the mail interface or viewed in full screen. By the way, office documents can also be viewed directly in the web interface of your mailbox:

And one more thing: all the files received in the letter can be downloaded to your computer in one archive, which is very convenient.

There, in the second column of settings, you will find the item “use hotkeys”, which will be checked by default. Click on the question mark on the right and you will be shown list of Yandex mail hotkeys as many as five tabs:

Basic mailbox settings in Yandex

Let me immediately draw your attention to the fact that Design Choice" available now only from the drop-down menu of the "Settings" button (gear).

Probably everyone understands that here you can change the look of your mailbox on Yandex using various themes, which, in fact, are simple wallpapers stretched over a design developed by Artemy Lebedev. Although, there are also useful topics, for example, with a weather informer:

On the same tab, you can specify and confirm the mobile phone number (if you didn’t do it during registration), which you may very well need when you restore access to the box. Well, if there are suspicions of hacking, then it is possible to view the visit log and change the password in time (it is better to store them on your computer in encrypted form, which or similar ones can provide).

Do you need it? Then click on this button and follow the steps of the setup wizard.

  1. At the first step, you will only need to confirm the number of the gadget (smartphone or tablet) to which the binding will be carried out (enter the code received in SMS).
  2. In the second step, you will need to come up with a pin code (purely digital), which will be entered when you enter Yandex Mail in the Key application that you install on your gadget.
  3. In the third step, you will be prompted for links to downloading the Yandex Key application and a QR code that encodes a secret set of characters that allows you to automatically log into this application as soon as you .

    Those. you first download and install the Yandex.Key application on your gadget, enter the digital pin code you invented a little earlier:

    When the QR code scanner window opens in this application, just bring the phone to the computer screen so that it can easily read the code encrypted in the picture. As a result, you will be authorized in this application and you will receive your first one-time password:

    It will only live for 30 seconds (then it will be replaced with a new one), therefore it will need to be quickly entered on the computer already at the last step of setting up two-factor authentication (to a heap you will also be asked to enter the old password to make sure that it is you who are changing the method login to Yandex mail, not an attacker). This is how parsley turns out.

  4. At the end of everything, you will be transferred to the same access control tab, where you will be able to change the device that you have linked to protect the entrance to your account, and you can also get the so-called application passwords:

    What it is? If, for example, you read mail not on the Yandex website itself, but through a mail client, then in order for this client to be able to connect to the mail server, you will need to create a password for it. Well, and in the same way for any other computer programs or mobile applications that need access to some service of this system (for example,).

Free Yandex mail for domain

I decided to highlight this possibility of using this mail service in a separate section, because I'm afraid that there will be a lot of letters. So, I already wrote once, which is very convenient when type mailbox [email protected] site is located not at your hosting provider, but at some large and stable mail service.

Here you immediately kill several birds with one stone, because the performance of your Email will now not depend on the stability of the hoster, and its size will not affect the cost of tariffs, and it is much more convenient to work with correspondence in the already familiar web interface.

If you want to work with this kind of mailbox through gmail, then you should read my article on this topic -. But if the Yandex interface is closer to you, then a little lower I will briefly describe how all this can be implemented.

After clicking on the "Connect a domain" button, you will be redirected to a page where you will be offered one of three ways to confirm your right to own it:

If you have a site on this domain, then the first method will be the easiest, when you create a file with the desired content, extension and name, after which you upload it to the root folder of your site. It was the first and the easiest way to verify a domain.

I did not understand the second method at all, so I used the third one. Why not the first, if it is so simple? Yes, because the domain is a gift domain (one gift per account is given on the Infobox) and I don’t have a website for it (only a business card page, which is implemented again using the Infobox tools - you make up a page in a visual editor, and another one will be added below). Therefore, there is simply nowhere to upload the file in my case.

Therefore, I went to the control panel of my domain ( and changed the contact E-mail in the personal information to the one that Yandex indicated to me:

As predicted, the E-mail with a plus sign was rejected as fake by the registrar, so I had to use the second option - [email protected] After ten to fifteen minutes, verification (read) was successfully completed (now the mail can be changed again to the one that was registered before).

Further, I was already offered to solve the second problem - register MX records in your domain settings or even delegate it to the Yandex DNS server (in this case, you won’t need to prescribe anything):

However, right now you can create one or more (up to 1000 pieces) free mailboxes in Yandex for your domain. Google in this regard, not everything is so chocolate and there is a limit (in my opinion, 50 free boxes, and you will have to pay for everything above). To begin with, I added a traditional E-mail - [email protected]

I just changed the MX records in the Infobox DNS records control panel to what Yandex offered me ( to

I have not yet delegated the domain to Yandex, although the Infobox was not so long ago and all the sites on it were temporarily unavailable. How to find similar settings for MX records in the panels of other hosters and registrars, you can learn from this part of the Runet mirror help on this burning issue.

A few minutes later, I reloaded the Yandex mail page for the domain and saw that all my settings were checked and found to be correct:

Look on the right side of this page for the opportunities that are available to you:

  1. transfer of mailboxes from the server of your hosting or Gmail
  2. work with mail at an address similar to
  3. adding a login form to it on the site (if you want to provide addresses for your users) and much more. And all this is free. It will even be possible to log in for users who have authorized on your site in their mail on Yandex without entering a login and password

Well, the logo can also be added. The window for entering the domain mail will be available at the link (it will be enough to replace the domain at the end with your own):

When you first enter your mailbox, you will be prompted to complete the registration:

Immediately after logging in, you will be prompted to set up the most frequently requested things using the wizard we already know well, the steps of which we examined in detail a little higher, talking about registering a new mailbox in Yandex Mail:

If we do not take into account the appeared logo, then the web interface of the mail for the domain looks exactly the same as the interface of the regular one:

The new Yandex mail interface, which they promised to use here by default, while you need to install it by getting into the settings. Well, that's all, and then you yourself ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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