Android phone does not turn on writes unknown device. Unknown Device what is it and how to fix it

Android phone does not turn on writes unknown device. Unknown Device what is it and how to fix it



As we know, during the operation of the PC, various errors can occur. And if some of them are fatal, then others are relatively harmless, but can interfere with computer work to some extent. And we will talk about one of these errors that do not greatly interfere with the work, we will help to solve it once and for all.

What does the Unknown Device error mean?

And if in the latter case you open the details about the device, then you can observe the stop of the device with an error code 43 , and in some cases - an error code 28 .

The Unknown Device error can be observed in a variety of PC scenarios, for example, by inserting a flash drive into a USB port. But, of course, the appearance of the error is not limited to this.

The essence of this error is to inform the user that the connected device was not correctly identified by the Windows operating system and, accordingly, cannot function correctly.

Causes of an Unknown Device Error

We figured out the definition of the error itself, now let's take a closer look at the reasons that often lead to its appearance:

  • missing device driver, incorrect driver installed
  • malfunction of the device connected via the USB port (Flash disk, portable HDD, USB extension cable or splitter, etc.)
  • their failure of the USB port available in the computer
  • a failure in the bowels of the Windows OS itself, or in the registry of the operating system
  • conflicting device drivers that were added the day before
  • destructive activity of malicious elements that can infect the operating system

Having considered the main causes of the ill-fated error message - Unknown Device (Unknown device), we will now analyze the main steps that need to be taken in order to correct the situation.

Unknown Device Not Working Error Code 43 Fix

As we can see, there are many described causes of the error. Therefore, we will correct it by progressively trying various options, which are described below.

  1. The very first method that you need to resort to is to restart your computer. Perhaps this is just a temporary glitch that will disappear after a reboot.
  2. If the error appears when connecting peripherals via a USB port, then try connecting the device to one of the other ports, avoiding extension cords and USB ports on the front side of the system unit. The most reliable connection is often provided through the USB ports located on the back of the system unit.
  3. Check the connected device itself for operability, to do this, connect it to another computer. For example, quite often failed removable drives cause an Unknown Device error when connected.
  4. Search for a driver for the device. To do this, open Device Manager (), find in the list of devices unknown device (unknown device) and double click on it.

    In the properties window that opens, go to the tab Intelligence. Being there in the drop down menu Property select option under name Hardware ID. In after Meaning relevant information will be displayed that identifies the device.

    Note: if it says USB\UNKNOWN, then check out .

    Copy this information and try to find drivers on the Internet using a popular search engine.

    Remember that the advantage in downloading drivers should be given to official sites.

    After downloading the driver, install it on your system. If the driver is distributed as an archive, then . Some drivers do not include an installer (installer). In this case, in the device properties window, switch to the tab Driver.

    There click on the button Update..., and then follow the instructions that will be indicated in the driver installer window, specifying until the directory where you unpacked the previously downloaded drivers.

  5. In rare cases, an updated driver is just the same and is the source of problems. This is easy to check and fix. To do this, open the properties window of the problem device, as described above. And switching to the tab there Driver, turn the picture on the button rollback- if it is available for pressing, then use it.

    This will return the originally installed version of the driver for the device, in which there were no problems in its operation.

  6. It will not be superfluous to check your computer for malware. To do this, install an antivirus on your computer, or if you already have one, then update its antivirus database and scan the system.

    Additionally, it will not be superfluous to use a free antivirus scanner, which is represented by a single executable file and works without installation on the system. For example, the proven

  7. Be sure to check and install all available updates for the Windows operating system. They are designed to improve security, system stability and compatibility with a wide variety of hardware.
  8. If you did not connect any new devices, and the error still appeared, then it makes sense to roll back the operating system to the moment when everything was working properly and no errors occurred. For more information about restore checkpoints and the system rollback procedure, see.

  9. It is a good idea to update the BIOS of the motherboard in your computer or laptop in order to provide greater and better compatibility with the connected devices. You can underline detailed instructions for updating BIOS on the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard or laptop at your disposal.


Having analyzed in detail the essence of the Unknown Device error and the reasons for its occurrence, we can conclude that often the reasons for its occurrence lie in both software and hardware failures. And it is impossible to unambiguously identify the problem without carrying out the necessary actions that are described in this material.

You should start by checking the health of the island itself, after that - the drivers of the day. And already proceed to diagnostics and further manipulations with the operating system itself in order to remove the error associated with an unknown device in Windows.

The leading and, concurrently, the most popular data transfer interface in our time is the Universal serial Bus. This interface interfaces perfectly with PC and is compatible with software. However, when using the USB port, it may malfunction, which leads to errors in the system. In the article we will look at error code 43 when connecting usb. And we will also analyze how to eliminate this trouble.

Error code 43 may appear when devices are connected via a USB port and is characterized by the fact that the device is not displayed in the OS explorer, and is indicated by a yellow exclamation mark in the device manager. The error message itself can be seen in the properties of the connected device.

Reasons why Windows stops the device due to malfunctions, may be the following:

  1. Lack of installed drivers in the OS for the connected device or incompatibility with the old ones.
  2. Mechanical damage to the usb port.
  3. The item to save energy when connecting a device is enabled.
  4. Registry errors.
  5. Corrupted system files.
  6. Temporary failure of connected equipment.

Let's move on to ways to fix the error when windows 7, 8, 10 does not see the device, by analyzing each cause of the problem.

Option #1: Remove Device Drivers

If the trouble caught you when you connected a brand new device, then probably the problem lies in the incompatibility of the driver from the new device with the old one. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the hardware driver so that the system installs new software from the connected device. For this:

  • Start-> right-click on “My Computer” (in versions of windows above 7 - “This PC”), select “Properties” from the pop-up menu.
  • A window called "System" will open in front of you.
  • In the window on the left, look for Device Manager and click on it.
  • In the manager that appears, we are looking for a device with which the system is having problems.
  • Right-click on your hardware and click "remove device".

  • We confirm our intentions, restart the PC.
  • Connect your device.

Option number 2: Checking the USB port for health

There are times when, due to external influences on ports, they fail completely or work with errors. Therefore, before sinning on the software component, make sure that the port is working. For this:

  • Carefully inspect the “nest” for damage or foreign objects.
  • Connect your device to other USB connectors and see how the system reacts. If code 43 does not disappear when the device is connected to other sockets, proceed to the method described below. (But it is worth remembering that if the south bridge fails, absolutely all USB connectors on the motherboard may not work, therefore, if the system does not detect a connected device and there are no errors, this is a reason to contact the PC repairmen).

Option number 3: Turn off energy saving

In windows, you can manage the power of connected equipment. It happens that the OS turns off our device to save energy, after which a rather annoying error appears with code 43. To check if our device is turned off by the system, you need to:

  • Go to start-> RMB on “This PC”-> properties.
  • In the window that appears with the name “System”, on the left we are looking for Device Manager.
  • We find our connected equipment and click on it RMB -> Properties.
  • In the pop-up window, select the "power management" section.
  • We find the parameter that allows turning off the equipment in order to save energy, and uncheck it.

This is probably one of the most annoying and common error codes that Windows can report. Well, also error 43 should be attributed to the category of universal ones, because it is associated with any computer hardware devices, and they, in turn, may not work.

Error code 43 reports not recognizing: USB ports, hard drive, video card, or any other equipment connected to the computer.

Typically, the error message contains the following text: The device has been stopped because it has reported problems. (Code 43) ".

If you open the "Device Manager" and view the properties of the equipment that received this error, then the following picture is observed in the "General" section:

The hardware device that is shown in this is just an example. Error 43 can appear on any device connected to your computer.

Causes of error 43

In 90% of cases, error code 43 is associated with device drivers, which in turn can be damaged in a variety of ways (for example, viruses). In the remaining 10%, the hardware device is out of order and needs to be replaced or repaired.

Sometimes this error can be solved by simply restarting the computer, cleaning (using specialized software) or “rolling back” (restoring) Windows 7, 8 or 10. But believe me, this will only help temporarily - literally in a day, week or month, error code 43 will return again.

Fixing Error Code 43

First way

If you don’t want to mess around with removing and reinstalling newer versions of drivers yourself, then I recommend using specialized software that will do all the work for you. Such programs are able to automatically find drivers for the devices you specified and install them also without your intervention.

This method is absolutely safe and will save you time.

Among the best programs to automatically update drivers, I would highlight the following:

  • Driver Pack Solution
  • driver booster
  • Device Doctor
  • Driver Genius

Second way

This method is suitable for more advanced computer users. Yes, and it is much more interesting, because you will need to dig a little into the system.

So, to fix error code 43 manually, you need to:

1. Remove the current driver:

We launch the Run dialog box using the Start menu or using the Win + R key combination.

In the open line, enter the following phrase sysdm.cpl and press OK or the Enter button.

The System Properties dialog box opens. Go to the "Hardware" tab and click on the "Device Manager" button.

A new "Device Manager" dialog box will open. We find among the available devices the one about which Windows signals error code 43. Right-click on it and select "Properties" in the context menu that appears.

2. Find a new driver

After you remove the old driver, you need to find a similar one, only a newer one. To do this, you can visit the device manufacturer's website and look for a special section on its pages where the drivers themselves are located.

3. Download the driver

Download the driver and save it to your computer. Most likely it will be a compressed .exe file by ZIP or RAR archivers.

4. Install the driver

Unzip the downloaded .zip (or .rar) file and run the installer.

5. Reboot the computer

If you removed the old device driver and installed a new one in its place, this should solve your communication problem between the operating system and the hardware.

Otherwise, I recommend that you remove the failed device from your computer and try connecting it to another PC to test if it works. By resorting to this method, you may save money and just try to look for new drivers or even reinstall the operating system.

If on another Windows computer it gives error 43, then there is nothing to be done - you will have to purchase a replacement for the damaged device.

Quite often, many users of Windows OS are faced with the problem of the error “Unknown Device: code 43”. As practice shows, no one is immune from this. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to deal with it.

Unknown Device: what is it?

So, if we simply translate the English phrase into Russian, we get an “unknown (unidentified) device”. In other words, the system simply does not detect any hardware or software component currently present on the computer terminal.

This is where the Unknown Device error message appears. It is not difficult to understand what this is, given that the operation of all hardware and some software modules requires a driver program that initializes the device in the system.

Reasons for the error

Speaking of drivers, each user of a computer system must understand that the presence of such programs in the same Windows OS is mandatory. Without it, an unknown device (Unknown Device) Windows 7, even with its rich capabilities, simply does not recognize.

Although it is believed that in most cases such an error most often occurs when connecting ordinary flash drives or external USB HDDs, quite often after changes in the system there may be other components that have not been initialized.

For example, the error "Unknown Device: code 43" may appear, say, after or completely reinstalling the "OS". It goes without saying that Windows has its own package of drivers, but in some cases they are standard and cannot ensure the correct operation of a particular device, although, in principle, the system considers that the most appropriate driver is installed.

View problematic devices without drivers

Consider another aspect of the Unknown Device error. What is it in terms of viewing devices with problems or without appropriate drivers? Everything is very simple. To understand this clearly, you should use the standard "Device Manager", called from the "Control Panel".

In the root tree, you will be able to see components without drivers, with inappropriate drivers, or with other problems. They are highlighted with yellow circles with an exclamation mark. For unidentified devices such as Unknown Device, the driver (or rather, installing it) can be exactly the solution that will fix the problem. This will be discussed in more detail below.

Flash drives and removable USB drives

As for removable USB drives, the problem with the appearance of a message like “Unknown Device: error” is not always the absence or incorrect installation of the driver. The fact is that there can be quite a few reasons for a non-working state. For example, these can be errors on the USB media themselves, physical damage, file system mismatches (especially in the case of formatting in other operating systems other than Windows), etc.

These are, so to speak, the most basic reasons. To correct this situation in each case, you will have to use a specific solution. Let's see what can be done.

Troubleshooting with Windows Tools

As a rule, errors of unrecognized devices Unknown Device Windows 7 can solve on its own. To begin with, it is worth performing the most common one with the task of automatically fixing system errors.

Alternatively, in some cases this may help in the subsequent determination of a device marked as Unknown Device. What is it in terms of reinstalling drivers? And here's what. In the "Device Manager" you need to call in which the "Properties" parameter is selected. The General tab will provide a brief description of the issue. In any case, you can try installing (or updating) the driver using the standard Windows driver database.

If this does not help (as mentioned above, Windows does not recognize all devices), you can use the additional fields in the "Installation Wizard". Depending on the version of the system, the names may vary (“Install from disk…”, “Install from the specified source…”, etc.). After clicking the "Browse ..." button, you need to select the appropriate place where the driver distribution is located.

Sometimes drivers can be saved on the hard drive, sometimes on original optical discs. Using the original driver disk that comes with the purchase of a computer or laptop is preferable, since the user knows that there is the same driver that will ensure the correct operation of the device.

For flash drives and USB hard drives, this technique can also be applied. But in some cases, formatting will be required, and with an indication of the file system that will be recognized by Windows. It is better to use FAT, NTFS, etc. The saddest thing is that even file systems in the "eight" or "ten" may not be supported by earlier versions of Windows, although full compatibility is declared. And we are not talking about the fact that flash drives stop working after formatting in Linux operating systems. However, formatting can be very powerful at times.

Use of specialized software

Sometimes, to solve a problem with unrecognized "hardware" or virtual components of the system, you can use specialized utilities to automatically search for and update drivers such as Driver Booster or something else.

Programs of this type are able to completely analyze the entire configuration within a few minutes, presenting the user with a report on all devices, as well as their missing or outdated drivers. What is most interesting, such applications do not look for drivers to download or update, so to speak, from the "left" sites. They refer directly to the resources of the manufacturer of a particular device. It is there that the latest versions of the drivers are always posted, of course, the official ones.

The only thing that upsets is that for the most part such utilities are paid and are quite expensive. And finding something free is problematic. It is clear that programs that do not require money have much less features than their counterparts that you need to pay for.

If the problem remains

Unfortunately, the problem may remain. How to fix Unknown Device (initialization error) with additional tools? This is where optimizers can come in handy. Some of them even have functions to fix incorrect or obsolete entries in the system registry. By the way, because of this, some devices may also function incorrectly or not work at all.

Among the most famous software packages of this kind are quite powerful utilities such as Advanced System Care, Windows 7 Manager, Ashampoo WinOptimizer and others. They allow you to correct almost all errors in automatic mode. From the beginning, the user is only required to press the button to start the “one-click” analysis. If necessary, you can use advanced features and a huge number of additional specialized modules, which, as a rule, are present in any program of this type.

However, even without such tools, problems with unidentified devices can be fixed even by updating or reinstalling the necessary driver.


So we figured out the question: "Unknown Device - what is it?" Actually, there is nothing complicated in understanding this term. Another thing is how to find a way out of such situations. It seems that at least one of the above methods can help any user in troubleshooting such problems, regardless of his qualifications.

Error "code 43" is a fairly common problem that occurs among users of different levels. Often the cause of error 43 is a problem with the software, and mainly on video cards. We can say that this is quite logical, because most often updates are required by video card drivers due to the demands of new computer games. Of course, frequent updates can cause discord in the installation process, and the software will not work correctly. In this case, if you open the "Device Manager", then an incorrectly installed driver will be displayed with an exclamation mark.

How to solve the problem with the video card driver?

To install the correct software, follow these steps:

Video card overheating

If the "code 43" error was the result of the program not working correctly, then it will disappear. If the reason is different, and the problem remains, then perhaps the issue is video card overheating. You can verify this only by disassembling the chip. If the thermal paste has hardened, then it has not been changed for a long time. You can carefully apply a layer of thermal paste yourself or seek help from a master at a specialized service center.

If the "Code 43" error pops up again, then most likely the equipment has been operated in extreme conditions for too long, as a result of which it has received physical damage. If this video card is very dear to us, then we can try to revive it in a service center. There, your video chip is heat-treated and it can work if the damage was minor. True, most likely, the masters will break the high price for such services. Think about whether the game is worth the candle. Perhaps you should just buy a new video card and save yourself the headache?

Error 43 appears due to a malfunction of the USB port

It happens that an error with code 43 appears when you turn on any device, be it a flash drive or a printer via a USB port. In this case, the window "Unknown Device (Unknown Device) code 43" pops up with the description "start is not possible, the device descriptor request failed." The main reason for this error is a faulty USB cable. Replacing the cable will fix the problem. You can check for a cable problem by connecting the same device through a different port.

Error 43 - other causes

Sometimes error 43 appears due to incompatibility of the video card driver with RAM or due to the overflow of the Windows registry. What to do in this case?


Error number 43 indicates that your operating system cannot recognize the hardware, for example: USB port, hard drive, video chip, or other connected device. You can understand which software is not working correctly using the Task Manager. To verify that a particular piece of hardware is faulty, you can connect it to another computer.

To eliminate the cause of error 43, you need to understand its cause and act according to the above instructions.

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