Programs are not installed on Windows Vista. Programs won't install Vista programs won't install

Programs are not installed on Windows Vista. Programs won't install Vista programs won't install


Windows XP/Vista/7 Setup Program

In this short article, I will tell you how to install any program on a computer that could not be installed. It seems that everything is simple, you run the installation file and, setting the appropriate parameters, press the Next button until the installation is completed, but it wasn’t there ... the installation for some reason does not want to go. The most basic reason why programs are not installed is that the path for variables is too long and the presence of Russian letters in the path for variables, which means that you need to set up windows environment variables. Another reason is the antivirus blocking the installation. And the third, most interesting reason why the program could not be installed is the lack of Administrator rights.

How to fix it?

Note. You must have Administrator rights for these procedures.

For Windows XP:

Secondly, right-click on "My Computer" (for Windows XP) and select the "Properties" menu item, then select the "Advanced" tab. On this tab, we are interested in "Environment Variables" (User and System Environment Variables), click the "Parameters" button of environment variables, we see the user's environment variables TEMP And TMP TEMP by clicking the left mouse button and pressing the "Change" button, now in the window that opens, "Variable name" is left UNCHANGED, and "Variable value", everything that is there is removed and we write in English letters C:\Temp, that is, the path to the folder we created earlier , after entering our path, click OK.

TMP, select - click "Change", change "Variable value" to C:\Temp and click OK. Then click OK again and click OK again. Everything is ready, so the windows environment variables are set, we reboot and try to reinstall the program.

For Windows Vista/7:

First, you need to create a folder for variables, provided that the folder is as close as possible to the root of the system drive and contains only Latin letters, for example, create the C:\Temp folder.
Secondly, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "System" - "Advanced system settings". In the "System Properties" window - the "Advanced" tab, on this tab we click on the "Environment Variables" button, we see the user's environment variables TEMP And TMP, so we have to change the values ​​of these variables. Choose a variable TEMP left-click and press the "Change" button, in the "Variable value" field and write in English letters C:\Temp, that is, the path to the folder we created earlier, after entering our path, press OK.
Now we do the same with the variable TMP, select - click "Change", change "Variable value" to C:\Temp and click OK.

Under System Variables, find the variables in the scrollable list TEMP and TMP, select them one by one by clicking, select "Change" in the "Variable value" field, enter C:\Temp, press OK and OK again.

Everything is ready, so the windows environment variables are set, we reboot and try to reinstall the program.

If after these procedures it was not possible to install the program, then the reason may be that the installation of the application was blocked by the antivirus, you need to look at the messages of the antivirus, the program may contain malicious code.

If it was not possible to install the program because Administrator rights are required - this means that the program must be installed under Administrator.

Download Tweaker - program for tuning Windows XP/Vista/7

If programs are not installed in Windows Vista, then there may be a lot of reasons for this:

  • Incompatibility of the applications themselves with this version of the OS;
  • Lack of any necessary components;
  • Corrupted installation files;
  • Application blocking by antivirus;
  • As well as problems of a different kind.

It is quite difficult to predict anything here in advance, just as, for example, it is difficult to answer the question: why does my car not start ...

However, there are still some universal solutions.

The most common causes of error and their elimination

First of all, you should make sure that the program you want to run is compatible with Vista itself. You can try to solve the compatibility problem like this:

If the operating system reports the absence of any components necessary for installation, then, of course, they will need to be downloaded and installed. It is also impossible to say something specific “behind the eyes”: you need to carefully read the error message that is issued.

The reason for stopping the installation of applications is often a corrupted installation file. The only way out in this case is to download the program again from a trusted source, or choose another download source.

Also, an antivirus program or a network filter can prevent the installation. Solution: add the problematic program to the list of trusted ones. But this should be done with caution: it is quite possible that the application is actually infected...

You also need to check if there is enough space on your hard drive to install the program.

When no program is installed

If no program is decisively installed, then the reason may be UAC (User Account Control) - an application control program. It can be disabled through the Control Panel - in the "User Accounts" section.

This is the most comprehensive article on the planet that details how to install Windows Vista on your computer. Unlike the installation procedure for Windows XP, in Windows Vista there is not much difference between a full installation and a reinstall. When installing Windows XP, the user had two options.

  • Reinstalling an existing operating system while retaining all settings, programs, and documents from a previous version of Windows.
  • Backing up the necessary data, formatting the hard disk partition and completely installing Windows on a clean partition, so that the operating system does not "shoulder" the burden of the previous version.

To install Windows Vista, it is not necessary to format the partition before installation. In addition, the system installs a little faster on an unformatted partition. It is not even necessary to create partitions on the disk - the installation can also be carried out on an unpartitioned disk, while one partition, the volume of which is equal to the volume of the entire hard disk, will be created automatically.

To begin installing Windows Vista, insert the bootable CD into your CD-ROM or DVD optical drive. Don't forget to set your computer's BIOS to boot from CD. To do this, when starting the computer, press a special key (for example, ) to open the BIOS Setup window. The key to press will be indicated at the bottom of the screen immediately after the computer starts, so don't miss this moment. The appearance of the BIOS window will vary depending on the BIOS version of your computer. Most importantly, find in the BIOS Setup window such a parameter as (boot order), then specify the optical drive installed in the computer as the first boot device (in BIOS, this parameter may be called “First boot device”).

Unfortunately, all the BIOS Setup interfaces that you may come across will most likely be in English, so if you do not understand the meaning of any parameter, do not be too lazy to look into the documentation for your motherboard, which will describe the main BIOS parameters.

Installation can be carried out both from an already installed operating system, and immediately after turning on the computer.

Before installation begins, the boot.wim file located on the bootable CD is loaded into the computer's RAM. The boot.wim file is a miniature operating system called Windows PE. In a few seconds, Windows PE will load and the graphical phase of the Windows Vista installation will begin. This is the advantage of Windows Vista over Windows XP, since the installation of Windows XP took place in two stages: first a text-based one, and then, after a reboot, a graphical stage. Installing Windows Vista will initially take place in graphical mode, which, of course, simplifies this procedure.

After booting the computer from the CD, the first window will appear on the screen, in which you need to select the language in which the installation will be carried out. The same language will be defined as the primary language for Windows Vista. You can also select the time and currency format, as well as the keyboard layout. After selecting the desired options, click on the button Further.

In the next window, click on the button Install. You can also click the What you need to know before installing Windows link if you need information about preparing to install Windows Vista, or the button System Restore to restore an already installed copy of Windows Vista.

Let's move on to the next window. It should enter the activation key for your copy of the operating system. Usually, the key sticker is attached directly to the bottom of the laptop (if it was shipped with Windows Vista already installed) or located on the cover of the boot CD. Check box Automatically activate Windows when connected to the Internet in order to activate your copy of Windows Vista immediately after installation. Without activation, the operating system will only run in evaluation mode for 30 days, after which your copy of Windows Vista will become inoperable.

Which version of Windows Vista is installed depends on the key you enter.

In principle, the license key at the installation stage can not be entered. If, without entering a key, just click on the button Further, the following window will appear.

Click on the button Not and in the next window, select the desired type of operating system to be installed. Do not forget that there will be no freebies. You will still need the key to activate Windows Vista, otherwise the system will die for a long time after 30 days.

Now you need to select the installation type. You can choose to upgrade an already installed version of Windows or a complete installation. In order to upgrade, the installation must be launched directly from the installed operating system.

If there is already a version of Windows on the hard disk, and the installation is not in update mode, then the folders of the old version (Documents and Settings, Program Files, Windows) are moved to the directory windows.old. Therefore, if you wish, you can cancel the installation of Windows Vista and restore the previous files. In turn, updating an already installed operating system occurs in a different way.

In Windows XP, the update was performed on top of the old system - some files and settings were saved, and some were replaced with new data. When you upgrade Windows Vista, the installer collects all settings, files for installed programs, and drivers from the old system into a separate folder. The more programs installed, the longer this procedure will take. Then a reboot is performed and a new installation of Windows Vista begins. The saved settings and files are transferred to the new system, and the files of the old system are deleted.

This approach requires more free hard disk space (at least as much as you need for a full installation). However, it keeps the old system files intact until almost the installation is complete, so if Windows Vista installation fails, all old files and settings can be restored.

The upgrade is possible depending on which operating system you have installed and which version of Windows Vista you are going to install. For example, you can't upgrade from Windows XP Home to Vista Business, but you can't upgrade from Windows XP Professional to Vista Home Basic or Home Premium. You also cannot upgrade from a 32-bit version of Windows to a 64-bit one.

Selecting the desired installation type (in this case Full installation), click the button Further. In a new window, you need to select a partition for installing Windows. In this case, you have the opportunity to create or delete hard disk partitions or even leave everything as it is. If there is no partition on the hard drive, the required partition will be created automatically. If necessary (for example, if hard drives are combined into one of the RAID arrays), you can load the required device driver by clicking on the button . The driver may be on a CD, floppy disk, or USB stick.

If you click on the button Disk setup, a new partition will open at the bottom of the window, where you can delete, format, extend a partition, or create a new partition.

When you have finished configuring and selecting disk partitions, click the button Further. Now the direct Windows installation process will begin, during which the necessary files will be copied to the computer's hard drive.

After copying and installing the files, the computer will restart. In a new window, you should specify a username, password and select a picture for your account. Try to choose a password that is hard to guess or guess, but easy to remember at the same time. In this article you can.

The next window configures Windows Vista Auto-Protect. The following three options are available for selection.

  • Use recommended settings. In this case, after installing Windows Vista, the Microsoft Web site will download all the necessary updates to improve the protection of the operating system and optimize its performance.
  • Install only the most important updates. Only critical updates will be installed, the absence of which can pose a serious threat to the security of the system.
  • Postpone decision. Automatic Windows Update will be disabled, but you can always update manually or reactivate automatic updates if you wish.

If you set up an Internet connection immediately after installing Windows Vista, select the first option. In any case, you can download the necessary updates later. In the new window, specify the time zone you are in, check (if it is not checked) the checkbox Automatic daylight savings time and back, enter the correct time and date. Then click on the button Further.

In the last installation window, it remains to select the current location of the computer. The description presented in this window is very clear, so feel free to choose a value House for home computer or Work- for the worker.

And finally, the installation is complete. If you have repeatedly installed and reinstalled other versions of Windows, such as Windows XP, you will surely appreciate how easy and convenient it is to install Windows Vista. At the same time, the installation speed differs favorably from the installation time of Windows XP and depends on the speed of your computer. A window will open on the screen. Welcome, after which the Windows Vista desktop will appear on the screen, and you can start exploring this wonderful operating system.

Errors when installing applications from files with the .msi extension are one of the manifestations of problems in the operation of the Windows Installer service (in the Russian version, the Windows Installer). Users of all versions of this OS, with the exception of the earliest ones, face a similar phenomenon. Until now, the problem with the installer is one of the frequent reasons why users decide to reinstall the system. Let's try to figure out how to avoid this. The reason why the Windows Installer is not working may be the following:

  • virus infection, and removing the virus does not always solve the problem;
  • incorrect installation of Windows updates;
  • Anti-malware crashes when instead of blocking one suspicious msi file, the installation service is blocked entirely;
  • changes in security policies on the computer;
  • damage to system files or the registry for reasons not related to viruses (deletion of installer components, unskilled editing of the registry, "crooked" software, hard drive failure, etc.).

Checking the integrity of the Windows Installer structure

The Windows Installer is represented by the following components:
  • file C:\Windows\System32\Msiexec.exe - directly by the installer itself;
  • file C:\Windows\System32\msi.dll - Windows Installer library;
  • by the Msiserver service, whose settings are stored in the registry key .
Before diagnosing, it is important to make sure that both of these files are present in the system, that the above section is in the registry and its parameters have normal values ​​​​(values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be found in the registry of a similar, working system). Also open the list of services (press Windows + R and enter the command services.msc in the "Open" line of the "Run" application). Search for "Windows Installer" and make sure it runs. If the files are missing, copy them from another system of the same version or from the installation disk. If the registry key is missing or damaged, also transfer it from the working system. To do this, on a working computer, run the registry editor (C:\Windows\Regedt.exe) and find the above section. Right-click to expand the context menu of the msiserver folder and click "Export". Save the file in .reg format and transfer it to the problem machine. Double-click this file and confirm your consent to add data to the registry. Restart your computer. If the Msiserver service still does not start, check if the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) service on which it depends is running. You can re-register the installer files and restart the service using a set of special commands on the command line. For convenience, you can create a batch file: paste the set of actions into notepad and save as with the .bat extension. To run a file, simply double-click on it. For the changes to take effect, click on the desktop and press F5.

Checking security settings and permissions

Windows Installer may not work due to the fact that it is blocked by security software or the operating system does not have the necessary rights. First, let's deal with the software. If you have an antivirus installed, disable it temporarily. Each product has its own ways to disable it, but most often it is done through the context menu of the antivirus icon in the system tray. Now let's take a look at rights. Open the context menu of Msiexec.exe and expand its properties. View the list of groups and users on the "Security" tab. Among them, there must be "System" and the "Trustedinstaller" service, and the latter must have full access to the file and be its owner. The system must have "read" and "read and execute" permissions. The Trustedinstaller service first appeared in Windows Vista, so in Windows XP, full control must be granted to the system. Everything written below refers to versions released after XP. To check who owns Msiexec.exe, click the "Advanced" button on the same tab. In the next window, expand the "Owner" tab. Set the owner to the Trustedinstaller service if something else is specified. If it doesn't appear in the "Change Owner To" list, click the "Change" button, followed by "Other Users and Groups". Enter Trustedinstaller in the "Enter Names..." field, click "Check Names" and OK. Return to the previous window. On the "Effective Permissions" tab, assign the necessary rights to Trustedinstaller and the system. The msi.dll library must have exactly the same security settings. Now let's check if there are any restrictions for the "System" user to access the following:
  • system drive (usually drive C);
  • temporary folders (these are C:\Windows\Temp and C:\Users\Current_user\AppData\Temp);
  • folder C:\Config.Msi;
  • the folder where the msi file from which you are trying to install the program is located.
All these objects must be given full access to the system. This is done in the same way as we discussed above. After these operations, in most cases, the problem with the installer is successfully solved. If our advice did not help you, the cause of the failure lies in something else and specialists should deal with it.

When installing any program with the .msi extension, it writes about a problem with the Windiws Installer service, and when this service is started, it says: Failed to start the service on ... Error 2: The specified file cannot be found. Or the service is not listed.

If the problem persists, then compare the contents of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\msiserver registry branch with the same branch on another computer and, if necessary, correct the values ​​on the problem computer.

Good day ladies and gentlemen! Are you trying to install the most popular communication program? And then the installation got out byaka! I will not be mistaken if you are looking for how to deal with an error when installing skype. The most interesting thing is that until recently, when installing skype on a clean windows OS, there were no such problems. When installing or updating skype, some users started to get an error that they could not find or download the Microsoft installer when installing skype.

Perhaps Skype adds new requirements for windows 7. And this is not surprising. The era of Windows 7 is fading away. But don't despair, there is a solution! The error can be solved in several ways, the only thing you need to figure out which option is right for you.

Just like you, I ran into this trouble, reinstalled windows 7, installed the necessary set of programs for comfortable work at the computer. It came to installing skype, as expected, downloaded and launched the installation, nothing foreshadowed trouble. And here you have a piece of happiness, you could not find the microsoft installer or run it! Sailed.

Began to understand, read the forums. Found an interesting thing. Skype support recommends an alternative solution, in other words a temporary one, for those who do not want to bother and look for methods to fix the error. You need to download and install the MSI installer:

But this is not a way out of the situation, but just a temporary remedy, which, as usual, will stop working at the most inopportune moment. As it usually happens.

Why does Microsoft installer error occur during installation

Let's figure out what it is and what it is eaten with! The windows installer error appears when updating Skype to a new version or during a new installation. As always, everything is done for the benefit of the user. Improvements in terms of security, utility and all that. While the matter is closely related to the security of the program, then, accordingly, the operating system must comply with security requirements. The bar for OS Win7 is lifted from skype. For Windows 8, 8.1 and Win10 this is not observed.

Simply put, you need to update outdated Win7 OS components. But what, you ask, and I also asked this question)) I started with the update package of the operating system itself. More on this below.

By the way, it makes no sense to install a separate Windows installer. Verified.

If you want to try installing the windows installer separately, you can download from the microsof site at the link below and try it. Only if you succeed, describe your situation and share with people who also encountered an error. Personally, a separate installation did not help me.

I overcame the problem by installing the service pack. How to do this, read below.

Install or update Internet Explorer 11

The correct way when an error occurs could not find or download the microsoft installer is to install / reinstall IE11 on the PC. If you believe the official skype requirements for windows 7 SP1, Internet Explorer 11 must be installed for normal operation. Even if IE11 is installed, you should download and run the installation again. Which in turn will install the necessary updates to use Skype.

You need to start by checking the version of IE installed on your computer. To do this, go to Internet Explorer, click on the gear and select an item in the menu About the program. As a result, you will see a window with the IE version.

If you have a version below 11, then you need to use the Paragraph reference and in it choose About the program. What to do if there is no gear, no Help, just press Alt key in the browser. And you will see the menu.

If you have an explorer below version 11, you must update, it's not even discussed! In cases where the version corresponds to the latest version 11, then you need to download the distribution and reinstall.

Choose for the desired operating system and download from the link below:

Install, restart your computer and try to run the skype installation.

Install windows 7 updates

Friends, this is 100% result. To be honest, I started with this solution, because. after installation, the operating system turns out to be “bare”, no updates, no drivers, nothing, if you don’t have an assembly. In which some updates may be included in the installation.

The advantages of the method are in installing new things, and Windows will not squirm itself, download gradually and update and solve the problem with Skype. We kill two birds with one stone!

The package you need install KB2533623 for windows 7 if you are not updating the OS. Or maybe the update is completely turned off, or you do not confirm the system update.

What are these requirements for, so that your computer has all the important fixes from mexosoft. Or maybe Skype for one with Bill Gates)). That all passed to modern OS. As I said earlier, the time of Windows 7 is passing, and official support is no longer provided. Who remembers how it was with windows xp.

After downloading, install updates, the system will reboot several times and you can try to install Skype.

As a result, we get all the critical system fixes installed, plus skype itself is installed, without problems, in fact, what we need.

Download and install Skype full installer

You can try another method in those cases when the skype error is written, it was not possible to find the microsoft installer. The point is to download the full distribution of Skype, or an offline installer and then install it.

You must first set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3. Here is the link to the official download site:

Click right click by distribution, then Properties. Choose a tab Compatibility, tick Run the program in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3), Further OK.

You start the installation. Working option, tested.

Let's summarize what has been done. We have learned what to do when an error occurs - Could not find microsoft installer when installing skype, three proven solutions that you can easily do
Oh, and it won't take long. We sorted out the problem on our own, without resorting to paid services of an IT specialist and personal satisfaction, which is no less important.

In conclusion, I would like to hear your opinion or advice on resolving the error on your computer. Or maybe you have another solution to the problem. We will add information to the article and users will be able to fix the problem and enjoy Skype.

In contact with

Windows Installer (Windows installer) - a computer program needed to install, configure and remove applications prepared for distribution in the Microsoft installer (files with the .msi extension). It is a component starting with Microsoft Windows 2000, but can be installed on earlier versions of Microsoft Windows.

When using installers created specifically for Windows Installer, users get easier and faster installation of programs, install on demand, self-healing programs, powerful rollback capabilities and many other useful features that greatly facilitate the process of installing, configuring and uninstalling programs.

The logical structure of the package

  • An installation package describes the installation of one product and has its own GUID.

A product consists of components (also having their own GUIDs) grouped into features.

  • Component (component) - the minimum indivisible installation unit, which is a group of files, registry values, created folders and other elements, united by a common name (component name) and either installed together or not installed.

The components are hidden from the end user. Each component has a key path (key path) - for example, the name of its main file - which determines the presence of this component on the user's computer.

  • Opportunity (feature; in the Russian version of Microsoft Windows, this word is translated as “component”, which introduces confusion) is a hierarchical group of components and / or other features.

When a dialog for selecting the program parts to be installed is shown during installation, the user controls the choice of features. Selecting an installation option entails installing all the components that are included in it.

Physical structure of the package

  • The .msi file is an OLE compound document (OLE compound document - Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel, etc. are stored in the same container format), which contains a small relational database - a set of several dozen interconnected tables containing various information about the product and the installation process.

In this case, all string data in the database is stored together in a separate document stream, and in the tables of the database there are links to them; thus avoiding duplication of lines, which significantly reduces the size of the database.

  • In addition to the base, the structure of the .msi file provides for the placement of user scripts and auxiliary DLLs, if any, are required for installation, as well as the files themselves being installed, packed in the .cab format.

Files can also be placed separately from the package, in packed or unpacked form (preserving the directory structure).


The latest versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems (starting with Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3) already have a built-in Windows Installer, and as a rule do not need to install it.

Many Windows users cannot live without the Windows Installer without even thinking about it. It is this program that allows you to install programs and remove them correctly. It was created primarily for .msi installation packages. However, it works best with packages written specifically for it.

A feature of the Windows Installer is its ability to roll back the installation by performing the reverse of those that were performed during the installation. Developers of installation packages have the ability to adjust rollback actions if there is a need for non-standard procedures.

Everything that the Windows Installer does is written in the setup file. The program executes the given algorithm to ensure the normal operation of the finished application. Some installation options can be selected by the user, such as the installation folder or program components to be installed. It depends on how the installation package was written.

Starting with Windows 2000, this program is included in the Windows operating system. However, some installation packages require the latest version of the installer, since you can download Windows Installler for free without any problems on our website.

Today, the vast majority of people use the Windows operating system. Naturally, many different applications are also released for it, ranging from the simplest programs to such as.

But one day, terrible things can happen: the application will refuse to install in an unknown format. What to do? In fact, the solution to this problem is simple, you just need to download the Windows installer for Windows 7 x32 and install it on your computer. Today you will be able to find out what this program is and, finally, solve the problem with its installation.

And what is this program?

Windows Installer (or Windows 7 installer in Russian) is a free application through which you can install / configure or remove a computer program that has an .msi extension. Using this installer, you can always install any program, as well as change some settings. On our site you can download and install it for free.

Top reasons why this service might not work

So, if when you try to install the program, the message “Cannot access the Windows Installer service” pops up, then you just need to enable it or download it.

In general, this installer comes with the operating system, but it happens that it may not work for the following reasons:

  1. Access to the Windows 7 installer service is denied because you are signed in as a guest.

How to start the installer service?

If the computer is yours, then you will just need to log in as an administrator (master user). If not yours, contact the administrator-manager or responsible for computers.

  1. The installer service has been disabled

If a message pops up with similar text, then this problem can be solved like this:


1) Open the Start menu, click Run. Or just hold down the Win + R key combination. In the window that appears, enter msc and click on the OK button:

2) In the window that appears, find the installer, right-click on it and click run.

3) This service simply does not exist or is out of date. Therefore, in this case, you just need to download it and install it on your computer. Windows Installer is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10.


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