Google Chrome heavily loads the processor: get rid of the miner. Why Yandex.Browser loads the processor heavily Any browser loads the processor by 100

Google Chrome heavily loads the processor: get rid of the miner. Why Yandex.Browser loads the processor heavily Any browser loads the processor by 100

Let's figure out why the browser loads the processor at 100%. It can be Yandex browser, Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla or any other. What's the matter? Why does the processor overheat when overclocking at full power?

What is the reason?

There are more reasons than you might think. At the same time, some are easy to eliminate, while others will be dealt with only by a specialist. Not the last role in this process is played by the power of the computer itself. Sometimes this is the determining factor.

The main reasons usually include:

πŸ“Œ Open many tabs. If you are looking for something on the Internet and at the same time open page after page, then the computer may not be able to cope with it. At some point it will start to slow down. The solution is very simple - close all tabs and do not even need to reboot. The processor will be restored. The more powerful the computer, the more tabs you can open at once, roughly speaking.

πŸ“Œ Too many workflows. Look in the tray, and you can also go to the task manager (CTRL + Alt + Del). Sometimes there are a lot of tasks and active processes that you might forget about. For example, a running game, a keeper, even a heavy exel file can overload the system. Complete at least some of them, and the load will decrease.

πŸ“Œ Outdated browser version. If you have not updated for a long time and the previous paragraphs are not about you, try updating your browser to the latest version. Download only from the official source. To be sure, reboot after installation.

πŸ“Œ Viruses. It will never be superfluous to check your computer for viruses. A standard run through the database will at least eliminate this option.

πŸ“Œ Extensions and plugins. Any browser has extensions for more convenient and full-fledged work in it. Some of them can load the processor or interfere with normal operation. If you installed only official applications, there are fewer risks. To check this point, try disabling one application at a time and see how the computer behaves.

If unofficial plugins were to blame in your case, try to use only those offered at the following links: for Mozilla -, for Opera -, for Chrome -

When the reason is not in the browser

It happens that the reason lies not in the browser, but in the computer itself:

πŸ“ Driver conflict. This happens when drivers are installed manually. For example, you may be using outdated or incompatible drivers. If you yourself didn’t do anything, then it’s hardly the case with them, but if you installed it, then you probably remember which ones. By updating them or excluding them, you can see the solution.

πŸ“ The negative impact of the virussvchost.exe. svchost.exe itself is not a virus! But the virus that imitates it is, yes, it is dangerous for the system.

πŸ“ External factors. As a last resort, check for dirt and dust in the computer. Maybe it's too hot or the fan is broken. Physical causes don't happen often, but they usually show up right away.

How to remove the load in 100%

By looking at the most common causes, you may have already figured out the problem, but if this is not the case, try the following steps step by step:

  1. Delete cache, history, cookies in your browser. You can even reconnect the user.
  2. We go to the "Task Manager" (in the tenth version of Windows, right-click on Start and select the desired item in the opened pen). View in the "Dispatcher" everything that loads the CPU and safely turn it off.

Now for individual browsers:

  • Install FlashBlock. This is an application that is suitable for Google Chrome and Yandex Browser, it is engaged in blocking scripts and unwanted programs.
  • For Mozilla, type about:config in the search bar and write browser.cache.disk.capacity. Replace the item with 16384 by restarting the computer. In some cases, it also helps: enter about:config, write dom.ipc.plugins.enabled and change the files to false. Don't forget to reboot.
  • For Chrome, you can still go to "Settings", from there to "Advanced" - "Reset settings and remove malware." Scan. By the way, if you follow the path C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe and there are more words at the end, then this is probably an infected version.

What else can you do?

Did not help? Then we act even more radically. You can take separate steps, or you can do everything at once, so that for sure:

  • Refresh your browser. Make sure you do it from the official site.
  • Disable JavaScript. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Tools" and there uncheck the box "Enable JavaScript".
  • Install Sysinternals Suite which needs to scan "Task Manager". The fact is that the standard "Task Manager" does not show the whole picture.
  • Do a standard computer cleaning with CCleaner. AdwCleaner and Dr.Web Cureit also help with this.
  • You can disable auto-update. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools" - "Services", where we select "Windows Update" - "Stop".

As a preventive measure, you can perform a general Windows scan. What can be done:

  • Run the command line (Win + R), write sfc / scannow there and wait for the process to end. With this option you can find broken files.
  • For Windows 7, you can install Microsoft Fix it and use it to reset the network. Do it only if you understand what it's about.
  • Run the cmd line and write netsh int ip reset logfile.txt by restarting the computer.

So, we figured out why the browser loads the processor at 100%. At the same time, as you can see, it does not matter whether this Yandex browser or Chrome. In any case, start with the easiest and most obvious solutions, and they will surely help. Share your experience if possible.

In this article, we will talk about what to do if Yandex.Browser loads the processor at 100 percent. This happens quite often. And there are many reasons for this. We will try to consider all possible solutions to the problem.

Let's start with the fact that modern sites are quite heavy. A resource with a bunch of additional content can easily load the processor even up to 80% when opened. Of course, browsers have their own optimization mechanisms, but they do not always cope.

And yet, if the processor loads at 100 percent, then this is a cause for concern. A normally working browser shouldn't behave like this. This means there is some problem.

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that we have a typical work of viruses. And some sites may well use the user's computer for cryptocurrency mining. Which is also not very good. However, let's talk about solutions to the problem.

Trying to delete temporary files

Often this behavior of a web browser is due to the fact that it simply does not have enough space to work. If the system disk is clogged with all sorts of garbage, then no program will work normally. Therefore, you need to delete temporary files and clean the disk from garbage.

It takes a very long time to do it manually. Therefore, it is better to use the built-in function. It is called like this:

After cleaning, you can try to start Yandex.Browser again. If everything is exactly the same, then it is worth moving on to the next step. It will be discussed in detail in the next chapter. Yes, and in order to prevent it is better to follow all the recommendations from this material.

We clean the system from viruses

Malicious objects may well disguise themselves as browser processes and load the processor to the fullest. That's not news. Therefore, it is better to check the OS for viruses and try to remove them. Perhaps then the problem can be solved.

It is best to use ESET Smart Security for these purposes. This product combines the functionality of an antivirus and a firewall, which is very good. You can download the program from the official website of the developer.

After that, the procedure will begin. It can take quite a long time, as the entire computer is being checked. During the scan, all malicious objects will be found and removed automatically.

Turn on system updates

If the automatic OS update service has been disabled, then this behavior of Windows is quite possible. And the browser has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's just that outdated OS files conflict with the updated web browser.

Therefore, you need to enable operating system updates. And she herself will find new files and install them. Perhaps you yourself did not disable this service, but simply downloaded such an assembly of the system. In any case, here's what you need to do.

A few minutes later, the system will start searching for and downloading updates. After all updates are installed, you will need to restart your computer. And only then it will be possible to launch Yandex.Browser for verification.

Disable extensions

No matter how strange it may sound, some extensions can also provoke this behavior of the web browser. Especially when you consider that Yandex.Browser uses add-ons that are written for other browsers.

Therefore, you can try disabling all browser plugins. This should reduce the load not only on the processor, but also on the RAM. So let's get on with it right now. Here is a detailed guide on this.

After the restart, you need to start the Windows Task Manager and see how much the processor load has changed. If it really decreased significantly, then it was precisely in the extensions that do not fit this web browser.


Let's summarize. Now you know what to do if Yandex Browser loads the processor at 100 percent. Most often, this is the work of viruses. But other possibilities cannot be ruled out. There can be many reasons for this behavior of a web browser.

In any case, the best results can only be achieved if all the recommendations presented in this material are followed. In any case, you need to try all the ways. One of them will definitely help solve the problem.

After a long use of the system, it starts to slow down, various kinds of problems arise that users are not always able to solve. One of the main reasons for a slow PC is 100 percent CPU usage. And here it is not always clear because of what this problem arises.

There are two reasons - hardware And software. The second, of course, appears much more often, so let's start with it. There may be viruses, and unknown processes, anything. In this article I will try to help you deal with the processor load at 100%.

If there is a suspicion that the processor is loaded at 100 percent

Go to device manager (keyboard shortcut Esc+Shift+Ctrl) and go to the tab "Performance". In the CPU section, there is, like a graph that will make it clear how much the processor is loaded, as well as the line "Usage". If the load is still 100 percent, then it is worth taking action.

Program type problem

When you open the task manager, you need to find the process that is loading the processor. This can be any program installed on a PC, or a virus. Perhaps you did not find anything worthwhile in the "Processes" tab, then go to the tab "Details", it shows all running processes, and try to find the one that uses the most CPU. If you do not know what to complete, I recommend contacting an experienced specialist.

Of course, with the help of the task manager it is not always possible to find the desired process, then a third-party utility comes to the rescue. Process Explorer. Run it and sort the processor by load (CPU) and see what it gives us.

Download Process Explorer:

Sometimes, the real culprit of the load may be shown, and then you can close it without problems, but there is another situation when it is the system process that loads the CPU. Often this can be a system interrupt process and getting rid of this is not always easy. Of course, sometimes a simple reboot helps.

System interruptions can occur for several reasons: viruses, problems with the hard drive and drivers, problems with printers, scanners, and any other devices connected to the computer.


You can check if the cause is really in the drivers as follows: boot into safe mode and check the CPU usage, if not 100%, then the drivers are definitely naughty. You can try to remove the video card driver and check the load, if unsuccessful, then you will have to remove everything altogether. Although this is a rather risky process, which in the end still involves reinstalling the system.

Virus problem

Viruses are capable of a lot, and CPU usage is no exception. They can even hide under the guise of a system processor, so the average user will not even understand. Try to use several utilities to check your PC for viruses, I will give some links to such programs and how to use them.

Hard drive problem

In general, this does not happen often, but I will also describe this item for safety net. There are two modes of operation in hard drives βˆ’ DMA And PIO. The first involves working directly with RAM, and the second is outdated and uses the processor during operation. Naturally, if your hard drive is working in PIO mode, then you need to switch. I this article describes how to do it.

Problem with peripherals

The easiest way to check if peripherals are the culprit in CPU usage is to disable everything in order. Also, go to Device Manager and check if drivers are installed on all devices. If a yellow triangle or a red icon is lit there, then due to the lack of drivers, such a problem may have occurred.

You can get into the device manager like this: press the keys Win+R and enter the command there devmgmt.msc .

If you see the absence of drivers on some devices, update them directly from the device manager, or use third-party utilities.

Hardware issues with CPU usage at 100%

Dealing with hardware problems is a little more difficult than software problems, especially for an inexperienced user. But we will try.

Often the fault of the load is overheat. What do you think is causing it? Most likely due to a bad cooling system or dust.

First, let's check with AIDA64 or any other similar processor utility. In AIDA64, open the tab "A computer" and go to section "Sensors".

The optimal temperature for your processor can be determined on the official website of the manufacturer. On average, of course, up to 40 degrees is normal. From 50 and above already casts suspicion, and above 70 degrees speaks of some problems. Of course, for some processors even 70 degrees is the optimal temperature.

In this case, it would be wise to first check the processor cooling system. Open the computer or laptop case and, preferably, clean all components. Use a brush and a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Cleaning often is not necessary, but at least 2 times a year is necessary. On the processor, be sure to change the thermal paste, about once every 3 years.

Of course, the described methods do not fully solve the problem with the processor. Hardware problems can even include damage to the processor, which is rare, but the only recommendation in this case is to replace it. On a laptop, this can be problematic, as they often cannot be replaced. In general, explore and if you have questions, ask them in the comments.

Updated: Monday, July 31, 2017

This week for the first time I got to the site, the page of which hung my browser. This trouble happened with everyone's favorite Fox (Mozilla). Updating the latest version from the developer's site. So everything is in order with the program itself.

The scroll wheel does not work, mouse commands do not execute or there is a long delay. I opened the Task Manager and I see a constant 100% CPU usage. I tried to open this blog page in other browsers: Yandex browser, Google Chrome, FlashPeak Slimjet. The same picture, the processor load is full.

I can’t change the processor to another one, and why? Before this site, everything worked fine, loading no more than 10%. And in tablets, smartphones, it is no more powerful than my single-core Celeron 2.8 GHz.

At first I thought it was some kind of virus. But this suspicion disappeared when I opened version 12.17 in Opera - the one on the old Presto engine. The download dropped to 30-50% and it was possible to read and navigate through the pages.

The solution to the problem on the part of the user is simple. I have included the Lisa application I have installed called NoScript.

You need to open the Extensions tab. (step 1) Select the installed Firefox add-on. (step2) Click the Enable button. If you do not have such an extension installed, then you need to go to the developer's website and download it.

Additional protection for Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) to be allowed only for trusted domains of your choice (ex: banking site). Whitelisting based on the principle of pre-emptive blocking allows you to prevent the exploitation of vulnerabilities (known and not yet known!) Without loss of functionality... Experts agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript

After restarting the browser, we go to the same page. Everything works as usual, the processor does not choke. Navigation and mouse listen to the user.
The solution for the site admin is different. You need to find the problematic JavaScript and rewrite it yourself if you know programming languages. Or look for a programmer who works with scripts.

Do you have a constantly loaded processor and your computer or laptop slows down a lot? And at the same time - in idle mode? High CPU (central processing unit) load is one of the most common problems today. And it is constantly faced by PC and laptop users.

These tips are universal, so you can apply them to Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP. The processor model on a laptop or computer also does not really matter.

What program is loading the processor

First you need to start the manager and see how much the processor is loaded on your PC. To do this, press Ctrl + Shift + Del and pay attention to the β€œCPU Usage” item (it is located at the bottom).

In principle, this value can jump. But not much. For example, for Core i5 in idle mode (or when the browser is on), it loads by 2-8%. And this is the norm. Although on weak processors (for example, 2-core Core 2 Duo), the load can already be 10-20%. It all depends on the specific CPU model installed on the computer or laptop.

If the processor is loaded at 50 or 100 percent, then this is clearly overkill. To see why the processor is so busy on Windows 7, go to the "Processes" tab, and then click on the "CPU" field. This will sort the list in descending order.

The screenshot below shows that the CPU is loading only the Flash Player plugin (due to the browser being enabled). But not much, so in this case it is not critical.

By the way, quite often the following situation arises: you played a game or worked in a program, and after a while closed it. But the process itself may still be active. It turns out that you no longer play and do not work, but the program still loads your processor. In this case, you need to go to the manager and manually end the process. Or just restart your computer.

Also, be sure to pay attention to unknown processes due to which the processor is loaded at 50 percent (or higher). Especially if you see them for the first time, and they load the CPU by at least 20%. It is possible that these are viruses.

What to do if the processor is loaded for no reason

Didn't find any processes in the manager, and the CPU is still heavily loaded in idle? To get started, you can click the "Display processes of all users" button. This usually does not help, but it is possible that new items will appear in the list.

And to display all the processes due to which the CPU is constantly loaded, it is recommended to use a free program. Using it is very simple:

  1. Run the utility.
  2. Click on the "CPU" column to sort processes in descending order of load.
  3. See why the processor is heavily loaded.

The screenshot above shows that the Interrupts process (system interrupts) is to blame. It is he who loads the processor by 18% in idle mode. Although it can load 50 and even 100 percent!

Fixing a problem like this is extremely difficult. And all because such a large CPU load can occur due to:

  • drivers on a computer or laptop;
  • viruses;
  • incorrect mode of operation of the hard disk;
  • problems with peripheral equipment (printers, scanners, HDD drives, etc.).

Most often, heavy CPU usage occurs due to drivers. To check this, and see if there is any CPU load. If not, then most likely the problem lies precisely in the drivers.

The easiest way to fix it is. And then install the drivers on a computer or laptop one by one and check the CPU load after each of them. That way you can quickly find the culprit.

Usually this problem appears due to the universal Microsoft drivers that are installed immediately after installing a new Windows. In this case, it is better to independently find the necessary drivers at the office. manufacturer's website and install them. Read more about how to do this here:

And it will not be superfluous to use special utilities to search for malware and advertising viruses (adware, malware).

Incorrect operation of the hard drive can also affect the fact that the process will be heavily loaded. Especially if it works in PIO mode (DMA mode must be set). This must be checked and corrected if necessary.

And the last reason why system interrupts and high processor load occur is problems with printers, scanners and other peripheral equipment. To check this, turn off all devices and leave only the mouse and keyboard.

Also go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager and see if there are devices here that have a yellow exclamation mark next to them. Its presence indicates that the equipment is not working correctly and you need to update the driver (which you need to do).

CPU is constantly 100 percent loaded in Windows 7

There is another fairly common problem that often occurs on Windows 7. It consists in the fact that on many PCs and laptops the processor is constantly loaded at 100 percent in idle mode (i.e. even on the desktop). And if you open the task manager, then you can see the svchost.exe process there, which is duplicated several times.

The reason here lies in the automatic updating of Windows 7. The fact is that updates are now being released only for Windows 8 and 10. Of course, they are not suitable for Windows 7, and therefore do not work correctly. It is for this reason that on Windows 7 the processor is loaded at 100 percent.

To fix this, you just need to turn off automatic updates. For this:

After that, the svchost.exe process should disappear, and with it the CPU load will decrease.

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