223 fz joining a new user. Registration on the site as a supplier

223 fz joining a new user. Registration on the site as a supplier

April 18, 2017 at 23:30

We go to your personal account on zakupki.gov.ru without Internet Explorer and other useful tips when working with CryptoPro

In this note, I will try to summarize the experience of using the CryptoPro crypto provider to access the closed part of the official website of the unified information system in the field of procurement (zakupki.gov.ru) and the website of public services (gosuslugi.ru). The crypto provider itself has already become a de facto standard for government agencies, in its format it issues an EDS, for example, a certification center (CA) of the Federal Treasury or a CA of the Ministry of Health.

First of all, we will talk about the site zakupki.gov.ru. The personal account of this site is available only via HTTPS using GOST encryption algorithms. For a long time, HTTPS via GOST only worked in Internet Explorer, which relied entirely on a crypto provider. The denouement came not so long ago, when the site zakupki.gov.ru stopped supporting older versions of IE, including IE8. The trouble is that IE8 is the last version of this browser supported on Windows XP, and government agencies tend to be very conservative when it comes to licensing. Thus, quite a large part of the users suddenly turned out to be “overboard”.

Fortunately, the CryptoPro company releases a special build of the Firefox browser called CryptoPro Fox (CryptoFox), which supports GOST algorithms and, of course, works only in conjunction with the corresponding crypto provider. There was a time when the development of the assembly almost completely stopped, but now new versions are released regularly. The latest build is based on Firefox 45, you can download builds, versions are available for Windows, Linux and even Apple OS X.

The English version of the browser is available at the link. To localize it, you need to download a package with interface translation. Please note that the version of the package must match the version of the browser itself.

After installing the package, you need to open a new tab, type about:config there, and in the list of parameters that opens, enter general.useragent.locale and change its value from en-US to ru-RU. After restarting the browser, the interface will be in Russian.

Now you can put the root certificate of the CA of the Federal Treasury in the "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" store, the user's personal certificate in the "Personal" store, restart the browser and enter the personal account zakupki.gov.ru according to 44-FZ.

There are no valid certificates of authorized persons installed at my workplace, therefore access to my personal account is prohibited. However, the encryption of the connection in any case is carried out by the algorithm of the GOST family.

In case of access to the closed part of the site according to 223-FZ, authorization will go through the ESIA (that is, through the site gosuslugi.ru). Here the situation is simplified, because this site has a plugin for Firefox for a long time and is being developed by Rostelecom. When you first visit the site, we will be prompted to download the plugin. After installation, the plug-in should be switched to the “Always enable” mode in the CryptoFox settings, otherwise a window with a certificate request will not appear on the public services website.

Unfortunately, the signing of documents on the site zakupki.gov.ru is implemented through a specific component sing.cab, which uses ActiveX technology. Naturally, this component will not work in CryptoPro, so we will wait for the transition to a more common technology. Fortunately, signing a document is only a small part of what an operator must do while working on zakupki.gov.ru, so CryptoFox can be used for everyday operations.

Sometimes it is necessary to keep a copy of the private key on the local computer. This can be done if the key is marked as unloadable when created in the CA. Copying is done using the “Copy” button (what a surprise) in the CryptoPro applet interface

If there are two options for storing the key on the local machine - in the "Register" reader and on a virtual removable disk. In principle, the key storage security is approximately the same in both cases, so the choice of means is up to the reader.

In the “Registry” reader, the keys are stored in the branch

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Crypto Pro\Settings\Users\\Keys
per user and per branch

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Crypto Pro\Settings\Keys
for the computer as a whole.

In the case of a 64-bit OS, the paths will be slightly different:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Crypto Pro\Settings\Users\\Keys

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Crypto Pro\Settings\Keys

When CryptoPro is running on a terminal server, the user may not have the rights to write the key to these branches, since they are not in the user profile. This situation can be corrected by assigning the appropriate rights to the branches through the Regedit utility.

CryptoPro looks for key containers on disks that have the “removable” attribute, that is, a flash drive or, God forgive me, a floppy disk will be considered key containers, but a network drive or a drive forwarded via RDP will not. This allows you to store keys on floppy disk images on the principle of one key - one floppy disk and thereby increase security. To create a virtual drive, you can use the utility

The client asks for a video that is similar to 44-FZ for registration in the EIS, only they have 223-FZ and they are joint-stock companies and they do not need it from the treasury. Links says do not work, more detailed video asks.


Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. From 2019, competitions, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

The video lecture on re-registration issues, which took place today, will be posted in the State Order System after the New Year holidays. Now we are sending you a presentation on the basis of which this video lecture was prepared. See attached files.

How to re-register in the EIS

The Unified Information System, or UIS, allows customers to prepare, place and conduct purchases automatically.

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

If the customer registered in the EIS before he began to apply the Registration Procedure No. 27n, he needs to re-register before January 1, 2017 (clause 2 of order No. 27n, clause 3 of the letter of the Treasury of Russia dated July 21, 2016 No. 07-04-05 /12-529).

Technically, the possibility of registration in the EIS under the new rules was implemented on July 15, 2016 (clause 5 of the EIS version log 6.2.100 dated July 15, 2016).

Registration in the EIS is carried out by the Treasury of Russia. To start working in the EIS, register an organization and users at zakupki.gov.ru.

Who is registered in the EIS

Registration in the EIS is carried out by:

  • organizations from the Consolidated Register - participants in the budget process;
  • authorized persons of organizations from the Consolidated Register - authorized persons;
  • Information Systems;
  • legal entities and their representatives, which are not included in the Consolidated Register, -.

How to register an authorized person of the customer in the EIS

To register authorized persons in the EIS, the head of the organization logs in to the EIS.

Administrator Registration

To register an administrator in the EIS, fill out the user registration form. Only the head of the organization can register an administrator.

In the registration form indicate the organization's e-mail and information about the administrator:

  • position;

The file of the certificate of the registered user is attached to the registration form. The head of the organization signs the registration form with an electronic signature.

The system checks the data. If everything is correct, the user is assigned a unique login and registered in the System. A message with the subject "Registration in the EIS" is sent to the registered user's e-mail address.

The manager has the right to establish the powers of the administrator of the organization for himself.

Registration of authorized persons

The administrator has access to the EIS. Now you need to fill out the registration forms of other authorized persons of the organization - employees of the contract service or contract manager. The administrator registers authorized persons. The form includes information about the authorized person:

  • surname, name, patronymic (if any);
  • authority: “person authorized to post information and documents” or “person authorized to sign documents on behalf of the organization”;
  • position;
  • office phone and email.

The file of the certificate of the registered user is attached to the registration form. The administrator signs the registration form with an electronic signature.

The system checks the data. If everything is correct, the user is assigned a unique login and registered in the System. A message with the subject "Registration in the EIS" is sent to the registered user's e-mail address.

If the customer needs to re-register, during authorization in the EIS, an authorized specialist will see the following message:

The administrator of the organization will see a message stating that you need to re-register in the system:

Before confirming the re-registration, check whether the information about the organization matches the information from the Consolidated Register. To do this, click on the blue text in the message "Show comparison of current information about the organization and information contained in the Consolidated Register". If the information does not match, contact the Treasury of Russia, it will make changes to the Consolidated Register. Only after confirm the re-registration.

To confirm the re-registration, the administrator of the organization clicks the "Yes" button. Information in the EIS will be updated automatically. A letter will be sent to the customer's e-mail that the re-registration was successful.

To re-register in the EIS, use.

How to register a legal entity and its representatives in the EIS

Before registering with the EIS, legal entities and their representatives must be identified and authenticated. The procedure is performed by the head of the organization through, then - ESIA.

Representatives of a legal entity are an administrator, an additional administrator and an authorized specialist.

The administrator of the organization is listed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as a person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney. The administrator organizes the work of persons who are authorized to act in a single information system.

The additional administrator organizes the work of specialists who are entitled to work in the EIS together with the administrator.

An authorized specialist is a person who performs the functions of placing information and documents in the EIS in accordance with the laws and.

Who registers in the EIS through the ESIA

The following are registered in the UIS through the ESIA:

  • banks;
  • legal entities that serve users of the EIS;
  • operator of the electronic platform;
  • information system operator;
  • legal entities that carry out purchases in accordance with the rules of Article 5 of the Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ;
  • legal entities that conduct purchases by, because they did not place the Regulations on the purchase by.

How is the registration

To register, the administrator of the organization or an additional administrator logs in to the UIS.

To sign in, select an option: "Login for users of organizations registered in accordance with Section V of the Procedure approved by Order of the Federal Treasury dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n". Click the Login button. The system will take you to the ESIA page. Select a user certificate, and the system will perform identification and data authentication. When the procedure is completed, the legal entity and its representatives are registered automatically.

As a result of registration, a legal entity is assigned an identification code of 22 digits:

  • from 1 to 20 digits - an identification code that is formed according to the rules;
  • from 21 to 22 category - the code of ownership of the legal entity.

The registration of the legal entity and its representative will be confirmed by a notification that will be sent by e-mail.

When and how to re-register in the EIS

If a legal entity registered in the EIS before July 15, 2016, it is necessary to re-register.

The administrator of the organization or additional administrators are authorized in the UIS. When the system prompts, you need to choose "Login for users of organizations registered in accordance with Section V of the Procedure approved by Order of the Federal Treasury dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n". A notification form will appear in which you need to click the button "Re-register". The further procedure is similar to registration. The administrator fills out the form offered by the system.

How to register an information system in the EIS

The information system in the UIS is registered by the operator of the information system. To do this, submit an application to the territorial body of the Federal Treasury. The Treasury is chosen at the location of the information system operator.

What information to include in the application

In the application, the operator indicates:

  • application number;
  • the date when the application was signed - in the format "day, month, year";
  • name of the information system;
  • account number of the information system, which is registered in the unified information system (if any);
  • the full name of the information system operator, his TIN and KPP - are taken from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • the name and OKTMO of the public legal entity whose organizations use the information system;
  • the date when the information system was put into operation - in the format "day, month, year";
  • details of the legal act on putting the information system into operation;
  • address of the information system on the Internet (URL);
  • address of the information system operator, office phone and e-mail;
  • last name, first name, patronymic and position of the authorized person of the information system operator who is responsible for interaction with the UIS;
  • special instructions, if any (clause , and Registration Procedure No. 27n);
  • codes of information and documents that are transmitted to and received from the EIS.

Codes of information and documents are indicated according to the rule:

  • 01 - procurement plans;
  • 02 - procurement schedules;
  • 03 - information on the implementation of procurement plans and procurement schedules;
  • 04 - information on the identification of suppliers (contractors, performers);
  • 05 - information on the execution of contracts;
  • 06 - requests from users of information systems, including requests for prices of goods, works, services;
  • 07 - customer reports;
  • 08 - other information and documents.

What documents to attach to the application

Attached to the application:

  • legal act on putting the information system into operation or a copy thereof;
  • a copy of the certificate of compliance of the information system with information security requirements;
  • a document that confirms the authority of a person to act on behalf of the information system operator, or a copy thereof. Instead of such a document, the operator has the right to attach information about the person and his powers, which are contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or information about the source in public publications and information systems that contain information about the authorized person.

All copies must be certified. The application is signed by a person who has the right to act on behalf of the information system operator.

How will the Federal Treasury check the application

The Federal Treasury will receive the application and check:

a) the completeness of the set of documents;

b) the presence in the application of information from the Registration Procedure No. 27n;

c) compliance of information about the information system with the submitted documents;

d) the presence and validity of the electronic signature, if the documents were submitted electronically;

e) the authority of the person who signed the application.

The Russian Treasury will review the application within five working days. The term is counted from the day following the day of receipt of documents.

Test Results

The federal treasury will check the documents and issue a positive or negative result.

If the result is positive, the Russian Treasury:

  1. Register the information system in the EIS;
  2. Will generate ;
  3. Will send a notification with the date of registration and the account number of the information system.

If the result is negative, the Russian Treasury will notify the operator of the refusal to register the information system.

What else can an operator do?

What other requests the operator has the right to send to the Treasury of Russia, see the table.

The operator has the right Operator actions Peculiarities Actions of the Federal Treasury
Positive test results Negative test results
Withdraw an application for registration in the EIS Sends an application to the Federal Treasury with the mark "Review"

1. The application is submitted before the Treasury of Russia sends a notification of registration of the system to the UIS.

2. The application is made according to the rules of the Registration Procedure No. 27n

Sends a notice of refusal to register the information system Sends a notice of refusal to withdraw the application
Change information about the information system that was registered in the EIS Sends an application to the Federal Treasury marked "Changes" The application is made according to the rules

If you are accredited on the RTS-tender electronic site under 44-FZ or 223-FZ, then go through a separate registration in the E-shop"Small volume purchases"not required. It is enough on the authorization page in the section "Authorization through third-party services" to click on the button "Login by 44-FZ RTS-tender" or "Login by 223-FZ RTS-tender".

If you are not accredited on the RTS-tender electronic site under 44-FZ or 223-FZ, then in order to gain access to your Personal Account, you must register in the E-shop"Small volume purchases".

On the site you can register without an electronic signature. If the user has registered using a login/password, then in this case he is given the opportunity to submit proposals for the purchase of Customers, but there is no possibility of signing contracts in electronic form, unless the Supplier selects an electronic signature certificate at the stage of signing the contract. If the certificate is not selected, then the conclusion of the contract can only take place off-site in paper form.

To register:

2. The registration page will open.Fill in required fields;

In order to be able to publish orders on the site of the official website of public procurement of the Russian Federation (http://www.zakupki.gov.ru, hereinafter referred to as the Site), the organization must go through the registration and authorization procedure on this resource.

Persons acting as potential suppliers under the law "On the contract system in the field of procurement ..." dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ) from 01/01/2019 must be registered in the EIS. Persons accredited on the trading platform must be registered before the end of 2019 (clause 47, article 112 of Law No. 44-FZ). During 2019, operators of electronic platforms must make it impossible to submit applications by persons who have not been registered in the EIS 3 months before the expiration of the accreditation period for this person on the site (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 N 1752).

At the same time, regions may have their own supplier portals (for example, the EAIST Supplier Portal subsystem in Moscow), but this practice is not widespread, therefore, this article is not considered.

There are several main stages of the registration procedure:

  • Obtaining and installation of an electronic digital signature key (hereinafter - EDS) by the organization. We also recommend reading the article “The procedure for obtaining an EDS for public procurement (nuances)”.
  • Registration of an organization and its representative who will act as an administrator in the unified information system of the Site (hereinafter referred to as the UIS).
  • Registration of other UIS users from this organization who have an EDS.
  • Setting up access for UIS users who do not have the functions of an organization administrator.

Where can I find the user guide for registering on the public procurement website

The registration procedure for both the organization itself and its representatives is described in detail in the following documents:

  • UIS user manual (at the time of preparation of this article, version 9.0 of the manual is current) - for placing orders within the framework of Law No. 44-FZ;
  • user manual for the UIS, developed in accordance with the Procedure for registering legal entities ..., approved. by a joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Treasury of Russia dated August 10, 2012 No. 506/13n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 506) - for placing orders within the framework of Law No. 223-FZ;
  • User Guide for the EIS in terms of registration and accreditation of participants, developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2018 No. 1752 (hereinafter referred to as the Guide);
  • instructions for registering organizations and users in the UIS (hereinafter referred to as the instruction), created on the basis of the provisions of the order of the Treasury of Russia dated December 30, 2015 No. 27n (hereinafter referred to as order No. 27n).

Obtaining an EDS

Before starting the registration procedure on the public procurement website (it does not matter under which law - No. 44-FZ or 223-FZ), you must obtain an electronic signature tool with a qualification certificate of the verification key (see clause 2, article 5 of law No. 44-FZ , clause 18, article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ, clause 1.5 of Order No. 27n).

An EDS can be obtained at the certification center of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation or at certification centers accredited by the named executive authority of the Russian Federation (clauses of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation" dated 02.06.2008 No. 418). The list of such accredited certification centers is published on the official website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation on the Internet.

The persons who need to obtain an EDS are (see clauses 4.1-4.3 of Order No. 27n):

  • the head of the organization (i.e., a person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of this legal entity, according to information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • any employee of the organization who needs access to the EIS.

The form and list of information included in the EDS verification key certificate are regulated by clause 2 of Art. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 17 of the Law "On Electronic Signature" dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 63-FZ). In particular, they include the surname, name, patronymic, SNILS and TIN of the authorized person - the owner of the qualification certificate.

The technical side of the issue of installing a certificate is described in detail in the instructions, in the section "Instructions for setting up a workstation".

Registration on the public procurement website under federal law No. 44-FZ

In accordance with Order No. 27n (clause 1.3-1.4), organizations included in the consolidated register (i.e., the register of participants in the budget process), approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2014 No. 163, are registered in the EIS by the Federal Treasury.

Registration of organizations that are not subject to inclusion in the consolidated register is carried out after the named legal entities have passed the identification and authentication procedure on the public services website.

A detailed description of the procedure for registering organizations and their representatives in the EIS is contained in the following sources:

  • in sections III-V of order No. 27n;
  • in paragraph 2 of the instruction;
  • in paragraph 2 of the guide.

At the same time, registration in the EIS of an organization to be entered in the consolidated register is carried out automatically after the EIS receives information from the consolidated register. At this stage, the identification code of the customer is generated and a letter of registration of the organization in the EIS is sent to the e-mail address specified by the organization when applying for entry into the consolidated register.

Next, the head of the enterprise must enter his personal account on the official website of public procurement and fill out the registration form for the administrator of the organization. Entry into the EIS is carried out using the EDS verification key certificate. If the specified form is filled out correctly, the registration of the administrator will take place automatically (clause 4.3 of order No. 27n).

Legal entities, information about which is not subject to inclusion in the consolidated register, are registered by the head on the website of public services in the section "Registration of legal entities", after which the administrator of the organization enters his personal account in the EIS for authorization (select the icon "Personal account 44-FZ").

Registration on the public procurement website under federal law No. 223-FZ

To work with the UIS in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 223-FZ, legal entities, information about which should not be included in the consolidated register, must go through the registration procedure in the Registration of Legal Entities section (clauses 1.1, 1.4 of Order No. 506, clause 1.4 Order No. 27n).

The specified data is checked for correctness by the public services portal system, and if the results of the check are positive, the legal entity is included in the register of legal entities, and the head of such a legal entity is included in the register of individuals.

After that, an authorized person who has the rights of an administrator or additional administrator must go through the authorization procedure in his personal account in the UIS system (select the icon "Personal account 223-FZ").

The entrance is made by using a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key (clause 1.5 of order No. 506).

After successful completion of the authorization procedure, the registration form of the organization appears in the EIS, which is filled in automatically based on data from the information system of the public services portal. It is necessary to check the correctness of its filling and click the "Register" icon.

In relation to organizations, information about which is subject to entry into the consolidated register, the procedure described in Section III of Order No. 27n is applied.

In case of successful registration and authorization, a notification about this will be sent to the e-mail specified when sending the application for registration of the organization. To confirm registration, the administrator of the organization must follow the link contained in this letter.

After that, other employees of the organization can be registered, who will need access to the UIS in the future.

Thus, the registration process on the public procurement portal under laws No. 44-FZ and 223-FZ is generally similar and involves separate stages of registration:

  • the organization itself;
  • administrator / additional administrator of the organization;
  • other employees of the organization.

Prior to the registration procedure in the UIS, it is necessary to issue and obtain an electronic digital signature in the authorized federal executive body (Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation) or in certification centers accredited by it.

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