An unexpected error occurred while placing a contract in the eis. Correction of information in the register of contracts in the EIS

An unexpected error occurred while placing a contract in the eis. Correction of information in the register of contracts in the EIS


The Unified Information System (UIS), due to its simplicity and modernity, has provided many advantages in the field of doing business on the network. However, even advanced users sometimes encounter problems, software failures, technical problems, which turn out to be a task with an asterisk to solve.

This material will tell you what to do when you receive a notification “An error occurred while placing, please try again: “signCadesBES” is not defined” on the site Is it worth it to immediately blow the alarm to the technical support of the procurement resource or you can fix everything yourself.

Error on the Public Procurement website: “signCadesBES” is not defined

What it is?

In most cases, the error comes up when trying to place a contract in the general registry, for some it happens for the first time. In addition to “signCadesBES”, the “Undefined” parameter can also be specified. We will analyze several scenarios for the development of events and describe their solutions.

Page not loading

Some users experience a complete system failure - a white screen appears in front of them, the aforementioned error and an annoying inscription: "Unable to load page".

In this case, you should try to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Check the correctness of the entered address - in the corresponding line should be entered: ""(can be copied and checked, without quotes).
  • Try to find the site through a search engine, go to it from the search results.
  • Wait a couple of minutes, then try refreshing the page via CTRL + F5 (an option for resource maintenance, they are warned in advance).

The site is available, the contract is not placed

If the site is working, but it is impossible to place a contract, to carry out other usual actions, we proceed as follows:

  1. Update IE browser to version 11 and above.
  2. We find the latest version of CryptoPro, install it (most often the problem lies precisely in this, we will explain why a little later).
  3. Reinstall / update the existing plugin for the correct operation of the system.
  4. We check the relevance of your operating system on the Procurement website.

An error occurred while hosting: "signcadesbes" is not defined - why do I need to update the software?

First things first - from July 2, 2018, in each customer's own profile, an incomprehensible notification may appear: "An error occurred during placement, please try again: "signcadesbes" is not defined." This is due to the fact that the signing of documents and information in the UIS will be carried out using the CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in.

This is due to the corresponding global changes in the field of information placement. The main reason is the incorrect setting of the workplace, the “light” forms of which are eliminated by following the instructions above. True, this is only suitable for those who have read the new setup instructions from the official resource.

A few main points:

  • IE below version 11 is no longer used, even if the rest of the system is fully configured correctly.
  • The list of versions of operating systems available for correct operation is specified in the new version of the manual (where to find it - just below).
  • By analogy with the OS, version frames are introduced directly for CryptoPro - they are located there.

Similar steps were taken in the past, though not so globally. Such "restrictions" in theory should contribute to the correct operation of the Unified System for each user, and also greatly simplify the compilation of setup instructions, answers to questions of interest.

Important - the changes are not introduced temporarily, they will be valid in your personal account according to Law No. 44-FZ until the announcement of subsequent adjustments.

How to fix and where is the instruction?

To eliminate the error notification, you need to configure your workplace using p. 6 Instructions for installing and configuring the component “CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in. It is available for download or viewing in a browser at the following link -

It is also proposed to install the Russian browser Sputnik, with support for domestic cryptography. Apparently, they are trying to find at least some use for it.

Throwing technical support with topics of indignation, misunderstanding is useless - the instructions for elimination have long been hanging in the fixed area of ​​​​the site, in the public domain.

We hope that our material helped you solve an inconvenient problem with the site of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement - be careful, devote more time to trifles, thereby ensuring comfortable work on your own business.

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions when working in the Unified Information System, about system errors when sending, making or generating changes, as well as answers and explanations to them.

Error "The organization *** has not established a connection with the control body. Information cannot be posted.

We recommend contacting the organization (control body under Part 5 of Article 99) to establish communication and correctly post information.

The information is sent for control, but the LC of the Authority authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ does not display information, or a “Notice on the compliance of controlled information” or a “Protocol on non-compliance of controlled information” has been formed.

To provide you with qualified assistance, you need screenshots from the personal account of the control body, which show the name and TIN of the control body, screenshots of the list of subjects of control in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and screenshots that show that a notice of compliance or a protocol of non-compliance has been generated and posted / or the information is not displayed in the personal account. We also need screenshots from the Client's personal account, where you can see that the information is under control, the information event log and screenshots of the "Documents" tab.

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

When drafting changes to the procurement plan, the error "The first year of the planning period must be one more than the fiscal year of planning the procurement plan" occurred.

With the release of site version 7.0.9, the problem has been fixed.

When generating information, the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."

Start - Control Panel - Internet Options - Advanced - Reset - Delete personal settings.

  1. Service - Internet Options - Security - Trusted sites - Sites - Add the site http://*, https://* to the list of trusted sites
  2. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Block pop-up windows" set to "Disable"
  3. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Access to data sources outside the domain" set to "Enable"
  4. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Do not request a client certificate when it is missing or there is only one" set to "Disable"
  5. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Active Scripting" set to "Enable"
  6. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Enable XSS Filter" set to "Disable"
  7. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Execute Java application scripts" set to "Enable"
  8. Service - Internet Options - Security - Other - "ActiveX controls and plug-ins" set to "Enable" (in all paragraphs of the block)
  9. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Allow scripts" set to "Enable"
  10. Tools - Internet Options - Privacy - Advanced - "Override automatic file handling" - First and Third party cookies "Accept"
  11. Tools - Internet Options - Privacy - "Enable pop-up blocker" set to "Disable" (uncheck)
  12. Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - Enable SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0
  13. Tools - Internet Options - General - Browsing History - Delete - Mark temporary internet files and cookies

After completing the settings, you need to restart the browser.

We also recommend that you delete the information project and rebuild it. If the recommendations do not help, you need step-by-step screenshots of the actions with the date and time leading to the error and a screenshot of the server definition.

To determine the server in Internet Explorer (9, 10 versions), you must:

  1. Press F12. A window will appear
  2. Menu item cache -> view cookie details.
  3. The browser will display a list of tables. You need to take screenshots of all tables.

To display UIS server information in Internet Explorer 11, you need to:

  1. Clear browsing history or open a new browser window in private mode (Press: Ctrl+Shift+P).
  2. Go to browser developer tools, you can press F12.
  3. Go to the "Network" section, enable the collection of diagnostic information (press the Play button).
  4. Reproduce the error.
  5. Press the Stop button and go to the "Details" page.
  6. Click on the "Cookie" field.

A screenshot of the timezone is also required.

If it was not possible to determine information about the server at the current workplace, you need to reproduce the problem and determine the server at another workplace.

If there is no item "Register of schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services starting from 2017" in the personal account.

To edit the access rights of the Authorized Specialist of the Customer's organization, authorize on the site as an administrator of the Customer's organization, click the "User Access Rights" button in the context menu of the corresponding user (next to the login) in the list of users (Organization Users in the Administration section). The page for editing user access rights will be displayed on the screen.

Read the latest news and insights from experts on hot topics in public procurement at magazine ""

The article and the table below describe UIS errors (incidents), in which version of the UIS update they were fixed and comments on some incidents, and you can also download the UIS user manual and find out which official phones to call if you have problems with the site.

Programmers solve problems with fix packs with updates to the UIS version, so fixing bugs takes from one day to three weeks.

Update of the EIS dated August 10, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.1.11

  • 00 - not defined;
  • 35 - the budget of the city district with intracity division;
  • 36 - the budget of the intracity municipality of the city of federal significance;
  • 37 - the budget of the intracity district

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

What bugs have been fixed:

    a bug was fixed, as a result of which a response to a request for information about the protocol of the first stage of public discussion of a large purchase with the UIS could not come to the KM;
  • a bug has been fixed, as a result of which, when sending a procurement plan to the EIS, the user could receive an error: “Incorrect data. IDE. The TIN of the user whose electronic signature is contained in the "Electronic Document Received from an External System" (extPrintForm) node in the extPrintForm\signature tag must match the TIN of the organization whose personal account receives the accepted document";
  • Fixed an issue where after making changes to the schedule and deleting attached files in the Documents tab, the deleted files could be displayed in the next posted version of the schedule.

Update of the EIS dated August 10, 2017 in terms of the subsystem "Electronic budget" to version 7.1.11

What problems were solved:

  • a bug has been fixed, as a result of which, when generating the result of control on a purchase notice, the value of the initial (maximum) contract price of the accepted budget obligation in the line item of the schedule does not correspond to the value in the line of the notice of purchase.

Update of the EIS dated July 29, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.1.12

    information about the execution of the contract is now displayed in full;
  • draft changes to the procurement plan can be removed from evaluation and monitoring after three days, and not after five;
  • when you upload draft treaty amendments without region code, you won't get "java. lang. NumberFormatException: null: nulljava. lang. Integer. parseInt(Integer.jav a:428)".

Update of the EIS dated July 29, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.1.1

  • in the card of an organization with the "Bank" authority, the "Bank identification code" field now does not display the value from the "BIC" field;
  • when you publish a procurement plan, there will be no error “Incorrect data. The TIN of the user whose electronic signature is contained in the node (extPrintForm) must match the TIN of the organization”;
  • when transferring a project of a joint electronic auction from an external system, an error will not occur;
  • the expiration date of the medicine in printed form and in the data package that you download now matches;
  • when you enter information into the inspection plan, reliable information about the inspection period is displayed, and the columns "Order number" and "Notification number" are filled in.

Update of the EIS dated July 22, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.1.11

What problems were solved:

  • when you create a draft contract amendment, the "Lot" field will be available for editing;
  • search by contracts now works if the parameter "Supplier belongs to SMEs" is set;
  • control "Lot No.: _ (Organization) indicates the positions of the procurement plan, for which the notices of procurement have already been placed" now works correctly;
  • when you enter your personal account, the data about the organization from the ESIA is loaded correctly.

Update of the EIS dated July 22, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.1.9

What bugs have been fixed:

    on the tab "Positions of the procurement plan" now displays all positions;
  • the purchase card now displays the "Benefits, requirements for participants" block;
  • in the organization card with the “Bank” authority, the “Bank identification code” field is now filled in;
  • when you change items of special purchases, the amounts of financial security are now correctly displayed;
  • kovy IKZ and one position was canceled, when publishing, automatic control will not work “Position numbers in the schedule are incorrectly filled in ...”;
  • if you have entered two positions into the schedule from one if you have uploaded the archive and publish the file, the error “Files are not yet ready for placement. Please try again later";
  • when publishing an unscheduled check, the error “In the details of an unscheduled check, the object of control is a purchase/order with the method of determining the supplier "Electronic auction"…" will not occur;
  • when uploading the schedule information, there will be no "UE. nested exception is: javax. ejb. EJBException: See nested exception; nested exception is: java. lang. IllegalStateException: Cause already initialized";
  • control "control99NoticeCompliance" will not hang during the submission process;
  • when publishing a new edition of information about a unilateral refusal to execute a contract, a printable page is now available.

Update of the EIS dated July 22, 2017 in terms of the subsystem "Electronic budget" to version 7.1.9

What problems were solved:

  • when you open the "Register of contracts" section or select "Documents" in the context menu, the error "The requested page is temporarily unavailable" will not occur. Please try again later";
  • search by registry entry and by all statuses of contract information now works;
  • when you generate information about the contract and attach the file on the "Documents" tab, the error "An error occurred while uploading the file to the server" will not occur;
  • after they have received positive control under part 5 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ, information about changes to the contract will move to the status “Placed”;
  • if the identifiers in the information on the contract and on the execution of the contract match, the information on the contract will be posted after treasury control;
  • the new version of the information about the unilateral termination of the contract is now published correctly;
  • if you receive a report of non-compliance with the requirements, information about the change in the contract will now be controlled;
  • if you send a new version of the contract for control and get a positive result, the contract will receive the status "Placed".

Update of the EIS dated July 19, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

Now, when loading schedule information, the technical error "org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler handleMessageInternal…" will not occur.

Update of the EIS dated July 15, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.1.10

The button "Go through re-registration" and the message "It is necessary to go through the re-registration of the organization" are displayed correctly.

Update of the EIS dated July 15, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.1.8

Some of the fields when loading information about an organization from the SVR are now optional.

What problems were solved:

  • when you go to the next page of the Procurement Plan Items tab, the number of entries will not decrease;
  • information about the frequency of delivery of goods in the schedule position card now corresponds to the information in the customer's personal account;
  • when you create a notification for a schedule item and add a product, the "Delete" button is now available;
  • when publishing changes to the schedule, the control will not work erroneously “In the case of placement of schedules by the administration of a municipal district ... a value must be selected that has the sign of a municipal district (number 6 or 8, or 9 in the third digit of the OKTMO code of a public legal entity) »;
  • when posting the results of control on an unscheduled inspection, the error “Due to technical problems, automatic control of violations of the law cannot be performed in full ...” will not occur;
  • the medication guide on FTP is now unloaded correctly;
  • when uploading the schedule details, the technical error "org.springframework.integration.handler.LoggingHandler handleMessageInternal..." will not occur.

Update of the UIS dated July 11, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

Now all fields are active on the tab "Procurement object" of the register of contracts. Previously, some fields were not available when customers created or changed information.

Update of the UIS dated July 8, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.1.9

What problems were solved:

  • if you specify a non-numeric value in the "Quantity" field in the position of information about the performance of the contract, the error "The requested page is temporarily unavailable" will not occur;
  • when you publish a draft of changes to information about the execution of a contract that have been canceled, the contract will be assigned the status "Execution completed";
  • when creating a new plan position, control without a description will not work;
  • now purchase plans in the personal account will not disappear after deleting the project for changing plans;
  • when you publish a draft of changes to the plan for the purchase of innovative products, the control “The purchase plan indicates positions with a contract deadline earlier than the specified planning start date” will not erroneously work.

Update of the EIS dated July 8, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.1.7

What's changed:

  • the section "Restrictions" in the notice is now called "Restrictions and Prohibitions";
  • implemented the transition to the SVR 1.3 file formats dated April 24, 2017.

What problems were solved:

  • the statuses of the registry entry of the organization card and information about the organization will no longer differ;
  • when you change the procurement plan, the control “In the position details of the procurement object... the required fields are not filled in the item details: Expense type code” will not be triggered by mistake;
  • in the draft changes to the schedule, which were adopted, the substantiation block for additional requirements for procurement participants will now be filled in;
  • in the accepted draft notification, the time when you finish accepting applications is correctly displayed.

Update of the EIS dated July 8, 2017 regarding the subsystem "Electronic budget" to version 7.1.7

What's changed:

  • now you can not specify CWR for the source of financing "Extrabudgetary funds" in the details of the contract for public enterprises;
  • in the field "Amount of dosage form in the primary package" in the reference book-classifier of medicines, you can now enter fractional values.

Update of the EIS dated July 6, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

Updating the EIS in terms of the register of contracts

Developers are working on a new version of the EIS. Will be included in the update.

  1. Until January 1, 2018, the Treasury will suspend verification of the information that the customer includes in the register of contracts. The Treasury will not check:
    • term of the contract;
    • quantity of goods, works, services;
    • units;
    • information about the execution and termination of the contract;
    • conditions of the budget obligation taken into account.

    Control over these positions is suspended by the Government of the Russian Federation by Decree No. 443 of April 13, 2017, .

  2. The rules by which customers generate information about codes of budget classification of expenses have been changed. The changes will affect unitary enterprises, budgetary and autonomous institutions, except for purchases on behalf of the state customer (part 6 of article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ).

    It will be necessary to specify only 18-20 digits of the code. When purchasing with the organization's money, codes do not need to be indicated.

    The register of contracts will have to include additional information:

    • the size of the advance;
    • price per unit of goods, work, services;
    • information about the warranty, its period and warranty case.

Update of the UIS of April 22, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.26

When viewing the purchase plan printable xml, the "cancellationReason" field is displayed and the correct value is in the "reportingYear" field.

Update of the UIS dated April 22, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.25

What problems were solved:

  • when you open a schedule card with a list form, the current revision is now displayed;
  • the results of document control in the status "Placed" are now sent to the customer's personal account;
  • the field "Frequency or number of stages of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services" in the printed form of the schedule is now filled in when changing the positions of the schedule;
  • when you form a notice for the schedule items, the fields with a description of goods, works, services will be filled in;
  • the work of the application that sends information about procurement and protocols to the personal account of the control body has been optimized;
  • control "The following required field is not filled: Brief description of the change" now works;
  • the "Electronic budget" subsystem now displays information about control, and the correct purchase lot is displayed in the printed form of a bank guarantee;
  • when you generate the results of control over the execution of the contract in the "Electronic budget" subsystem, the IPC is displayed in the "Correspondence of the price and the identification code of the purchase" block.

Update of the EIS dated April 15, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.25

What problems were solved:

  • when you check the project of changes to the procurement plan, the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable will not occur. Please try again later";
  • when you generate an annual report on purchases from SMP, 2015 will be available as a reporting year.

Update of the EIS dated April 15, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.24

What problems were solved:

  • now information in the EIS will be published without the results of treasury control. The innovation concerns the procurement plan, schedule, notice, protocol for determining the supplier. It is still impossible to place information in the register of contracts with a negative result of control;
  • to the search parameter "Type of security", the criterion "Enforcement of the contract for the overhaul" was added;
  • the card of the bank guarantee displays "Ensuring the execution of the contract for the overhaul";
  • in the card and in the printed form of the bank guarantee, the requisite “Electronic auction number” is displayed for bank guarantees with the type of security “Securing the execution of the contract for the overhaul”;
  • in the purchase plan card under 223-FZ, the block "Region for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services" is now displayed;
  • when moving to the next page of the procurement plan card, the system displays positions on the screen;
  • now you can edit the fields of the tab "Justification for making changes" for the position of the schedule in the status "Not posted according to the results of control";
  • when you transfer information about control from an external system to the personal account of the control body, incorrect blocking messages will not appear: you must fill in the fields "Name of the document for comparison", "Date of the document for comparison";
  • in the "Electronic Budget" subsystem, you can manually specify the number of the electronic auction when you place a bank guarantee with the sign "Collateral is formed under a major overhaul agreement";
  • in the subsystem "Electronic budget" indicators of the period of control are hidden.

Update of the EIS dated April 8, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.23

What problems were solved:

  • when searching in the purchase plan card, all positions are now displayed;
  • when you send the protocol for consideration and evaluation of applications for a multi-lot tender for control, the error “RuntimeException: Error occurred while validating print form” will not occur;
  • when loading an xml package with changes to the notice, the first edition of which was posted before the inclusion of control under part 5 of article 99 of Law No. 44-FZ, the error “ru.lanit.fz44.ejb.facade.priz. integration.impl.LotTransformerBean.transform(";
  • when you process the xml-package in the UIS, the revision number of the contract changes will be assigned correctly. Due to this error, earlier the result of the control did not get into the customer's personal account, information about the contract was not posted in the EIS;
  • contract information can now be resubmitted for review.

Update of the EIS dated April 6, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.24

What problems were solved:

  • when editing the purchase plan, you will be able to view information on canceled positions;
  • the RSS subscription for the procurement plan will display up-to-date information.

Update of the UIS of April 2, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.22

What problems were solved:

  • when you publish a draft of changes to the procurement plan, the control “In the details of the IPC position: the code of the type of expenses is not detailed to the maximum possible level of detail” will not erroneously work;
  • total data on the financial provision of the positions of the schedule and special purchases will now be calculated without taking into account the positions that have been canceled;
  • the notification that was sent for control now displays information about the budget obligation;
  • when you fill in information about the organization according to the data of the consolidated register, the control of the TIN field of the head will not work;
  • if you fill in the ICU field in a position or a special position of the procurement plan, control of the correspondence of the value to the data of the directory of organizations will work.
  1. Now the system will check the compliance of the customer identification codes in the UIS with the codes in the external system. If the codes do not match, then the external system will receive a message from the UIS about the need to correct the information. Previously, this was not possible, and customers could not upload notices and schedules from an external system into the EIS.
  2. When you form an IPC, you can specify the value "0":
    • in categories 30–33 of the IPC, when the object of procurement must be reflected in several OKPD codes;
    • in categories 34-36 of the IPC, when the purchase is made by a budgetary, autonomous institution, state unitary enterprise, municipal unitary enterprise, and also when the financial support of the purchase must be reflected in several codes of the type of expenses of the budget classification.

    To specify zeros as part of the IPC, when generating the positions of the plan or schedule, select the attribute:

    • “The purchase contains several OKPD2”, if you generate information about the OKPD as part of the IPC;
    • “CWR is not defined” if you are generating information about the CWR as part of the IPC. In this case, the corresponding digits of the IPC will be filled with zeros automatically without the possibility of editing.

    To indicate the purchase object in the schedule, if “0000” was written in the IPC in the OKPD2 categories, select the “Add specification” sign. This will allow supplementing the schedule with information about the objects of procurement in the context of OKPD2 codes.

Update of the EIS dated March 30, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.23

When you generate information about the termination of the contract, the error “An attempt was made to edit records in different browser tabs. Please close the rest of the posts and re-open the post for editing."

UIS update dated March 30, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

When you process an xml package from an external system, the illegal control with the text will not work: “In the position of the schedule with the IPC, during the automatic calculation of the field values ​​in the block "Sum of payments for a product, work, service" (productsSumPaymentsInfo \ currentYear), the dimension was exceeded fields for amounts in the database (15 characters - integer part, 5 - fractional).

Update of the EIS dated March 26, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.22

What problems were solved:

  • the erroneous control “It is necessary to fill in the field Codes of the type of activity according to OKVED” will not work when confirming the registration of an organization;
  • in the block "Information on the execution of the contract" information will not be duplicated;
  • when you download the contract, the control “Incorrect data: More than one match of the OKTMO code was found” will not work;
  • when you upload a contract with a non-resident supplier, the illegal control "You must specify the sign "Supplier is registered with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation"" will not work.

UIS update dated March 26, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.21

What problems were solved:

  • for protocols of work of the commission from electronic platforms, correct notifications about control are displayed;
  • the acceptance of the reference book "Consolidated Register" in the EIS according to the formats of interaction version 1.3 was implemented;
  • when posting information about a change in the procurement plan, the illegal control “Coding(s) of types of expenses is not unique for the procurement object” will not work;
  • when you post information about changes to the schedule, the unlawful control "The procurement identification code in the procurement schedule is not correctly filled out" will not work;
  • when you place a schedule, auto-control will work if you have not filled in the “Justification of an additional requirement” field;
  • in the printed form of the schedule, information is displayed on the method of determining the supplier, the benefits, the authorized body, information on purchases from the SMP and SONO, the application of the national regime;
  • when you change the schedule in the “Control not passed” status, the requirement to secure an application, contract or make an advance with zero values ​​will not be automatically set;
  • now the notification automatically proceeds to the stage “Commission work”;
  • in the printed form of the protocol on non-compliance of controlled information on the notification, information will be displayed in the "Identified non-compliances" block;
  • when processing an xml package with information about the procurement plan from an external system, there will be no blocking error "See nested exception nested exception is: ru.lanit.fz44.model.StateOutOfDateException: Element is not editable";
  • when processing an xml package with schedule information from an external system, there will be no blocking error "UE.nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: See nested exception; nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cause already initialized";
  • when processing an xml packet with type protocolOK1 from an external system, a blocking error "javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException" will not occur.

Update of the EIS dated March 18, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.21

What problems were solved:

  • when confirming registration under the SVR, the powers "Organization carrying out conformity assessment in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ", "Organization carrying out monitoring of compliance in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ" will not be erroneously selected;
  • the form in which you approve the draft changes to the procurement plan is now closed automatically;
  • when viewing the plan card, the block "Information on conducting ... compliance" is not displayed by mistake;
  • The "SME section" now opens when viewing a purchase plan card.

Update of the UIS dated March 18, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.20

What problems were solved:

  • in the control of the protocols of the work of the commission, which were received from the electronic platform, the correct information is now displayed;
  • in the form of a draft notice with a negative control protocol, it is now possible to select the item “by the decision of the customer”;
  • in the block "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the object of procurement" of the printed form of the protocol for evaluating applications, the assessment is correctly displayed;
  • when you upload an xml-package with a procurement plan, illegal control will not work: “the mandatory field "Justification for making changes" is not filled in";
  • xml-package with type CustomerReportSmallScaleBusiness is now correctly processed in UIS;
  • when you load an xml package with the protocolEF3 type from an external system into the UIS, the error “Incorrect data. IDE. nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: See nested exception; nested exception is";
  • when you upload an xml-package with a procurement plan, the control with the text will not work: "Incorrectly filled in the procurement identification code in the procurement schedule";
  • when loading an xml-package with information about schedule revisions from an external system, information about a special purchase is now processed in the EIS;
  • benefits for SMP and SONO are now displayed.

Update of the EIS dated March 16, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

When you place a schedule with a canceled position from an external system, the control “No method for determining and justifying the NMCC” and “A description of at least one item of goods, works, services has not been added” will not work.

Update of the EIS dated March 11, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.20

What problems were solved:

  • in the personal account, the tab "Information about the organization" is now displayed;
  • the plan that was uploaded to Excel contains all the information.

Update of the EIS dated March 11, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.19

What problems were solved:

  • when you search for a customer organization, the correct results are displayed;
  • the search results will display purchases under 223-FZ;
  • when you place a notice, the illegal control with the text will not work: “The customer identification code in the IKZ does not match the customer’s data. To place a notice, it is necessary to make changes to the IPC code”;
  • the field "Amount of the application security" is available when you generate a notification for the position of the schedule;
  • when you load the xml-package with the information about the schedule, the illegitimate control "IDE.
    The advantage (requirement) with the MP44 code specified in the tag positions\position\foundations\requirementsFoundation\requirementFoundation\shortName) must be up to date in the directory of benefits (requirements) in the UIS";
  • the PRIZ integration adapter will not generate a NotificationEP error when loading an xml package from an external system;
  • when you upload changes to the schedule, the totals are recalculated taking into account positions from previous versions;
  • when you publish a schedule, the message "Server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later";
  • details of the schedule that has passed control are now displayed in the customer's personal account;
  • when you make changes to the information about the budget obligation in the subsystem "Electronic budget", the field "Account number of the budget obligation" is available for editing.

UIS update dated March 4, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

What problems were solved:

  • now all purchases under 223-FZ are displayed in the search results;
  • when you change the notice, no error occurs;
  • the notice will be published in the EIS after it passes control;
  • when you upload an xml package with a procurement plan, there is no error: “UE. The value of the "Cost type code" field for PP positions (positions\position\commonInfo\ KVRInfo \code cannot be changed in the next version of the procurement plan. Incorrect purchases with register numbers ";
  • The correct information is now displayed in the field "Total provided for the implementation of purchases - total" of the printed form of the schedule.

Update of the EIS dated March 3, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.19

What problems were solved:

  • when you create a draft of changes to the procurement plan, now the control for the "Reporting year" field is triggered;
  • the form from which you upload the purchase plan to Excel now contains all the data;
  • when you make changes to the notice, now the control “Procurement plan positions are indicated for which purchase notices have already been placed” will not work erroneously;
  • now the positions of the procurement plan are pulled up to the search form when you form a PO.

Update of the EIS dated March 3, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.18

What problems were solved:

  • when looking for a purchase, the "Currency" parameter - "Russian ruble" is displayed correctly;
  • now additional information about the organization is displayed correctly;
  • when you click on the links "Supplier determination protocol" and "Procurement identification code" in the personal account of the control body, no error occurs;
  • information in the printed form of the schedule is now displayed correctly;
  • when you make changes to the position of the schedule, the message "Page is not available" does not appear;
  • when you load an xml package with the NotificationEP type from an external system, the control “Customer identification code in the IPC does not match the customer's data does not appear. To place a notice, it is necessary to make changes to the IPC code" or "For the Customer's request with a code according to the SDR, information about the connection with the schedule cannot be changed";
  • when you upload information about changing the schedule to the EIS, the totals are recalculated taking into account the positions from the previous version;
  • after you upload information about changing the schedule to the EIS, the values ​​\u200b\u200bin the table “Amount of payments for goods, work, services” will be filled in the personal account;
  • positions in your personal account will not be duplicated after you upload an xml package with information about the procurement plan;
  • when you load the xml package with the schedule information, there will be no error "UE nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: See nested exception; nested exception is: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement" and "nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No";
  • the personal account now displays information about the procurement plan that was posted.

Update of the UIS dated February 25, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.17

What problems were solved:

  • when viewing schedule cards in the Version History tab, all versions of the schedule are now displayed;
  • scheduled checks are not duplicated in the search results;
  • when the manager logs in to the personal account with the authority “Authority authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ”, no error occurs;
  • in the "Administrative affiliation" block of the organization's card, the correct code according to the consolidated register is displayed;
  • when you post information about the procurement plan, the illegal control “There is a procurement plan for 2017 formed by the organization” does not work;
  • information on the procurement plan is now published in the EIS after it has passed control;
  • when you post information about the public discussion of the procurement, there will be no illegal control “Procurement plan position canceled”;
  • the price proposed by the winner is correctly displayed in the personal account of the control body;
  • now the items of the procurement plan are available when you create schedules;
  • when you place information about the execution of a contract in the "Electronic budget", an error no longer occurs;
  • information on the execution of the contract will be published in the EIS after it passes control.

Update of the EIS dated February 23, 2017 in part 223-FZ to version 7.0.18

What problems were solved:

  • in the "Users of the organization" section, the "Change registration data" button is no longer displayed; the field "Subject of the Russian Federation" in the contract is no longer cleared when you save information;
  • when you upload changes to the plan for innovative, high-tech products and medicines, the plan positions are now displayed;
  • in the procurement plan that was sent for control, there will be positions with zero financial provision - in the update on March 1.

Update of the EIS dated February 15, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.16

What problems were solved:

  • now, when viewing the schedule card, all positions are displayed on the schedule position tab;
  • when you load an xml-package with the NotificationOK type, auto-control is triggered on the value in the startDate tag; when you load the schedule, there is no error nested exception is: CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK;
  • in the printed form of the schedule, a zero value is no longer displayed in the field “Initial (maximum) contract price, price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) (thousand rubles)”;
  • when you add the organization's funding budget, no error occurs;
  • when you place information about the notice on the position of the schedule, there is no illegal control "The customer identification code in the IPC does not match the customer's data. To change the notice, it is necessary to make changes to the IPC code”;
  • in the block "General information about the purchase" now displays information about the budget obligation;
  • information about the notification is displayed in the personal account of the control body;
  • now customers can make changes to the position of the procurement plan, which was placed in the EIS;
  • when you generate information about changing the contract in the "Electronic budget", the message "The requested page is temporarily unavailable" does not appear;
  • in the "Electronic budget" the results of control are returned after the execution or termination of contracts.

Update of the EIS dated February 10, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.15

What problems were solved:

  • in the column "Information on the placement of the purchase" in the schedule card, information about the purchase is now displayed;
  • when you click on the hyperlink of the organization in the list form of the notice under 223-FZ, go to the page of the correct organization;
  • when you change the notification and go to the "Requirements for participants" tab, no error occurs;
  • in the block "General information about the purchase" information about the budget obligation is displayed;
  • when you send a notification for control, the error "NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2" does not occur;
  • in the printed form of the schedule, the values ​​of the amount are now correctly displayed in the field "Total provided for the implementation of purchases - total";
  • it is now possible to cancel a schedule item when a purchase plan item is cancelled;
  • when deleting items in an unplaced schedule, no error occurs;
  • now you can make changes to the positions of the schedule that you posted;
  • documents in personal accounts of the customer and the Treasury now match;
  • when posting a schedule, the error "The requested page is temporarily unavailable" no longer occurs;
  • it became possible to make changes to the position of the procurement plan;
  • when you change schedule positions, the control “The amount of planned payments in the schedule position created on the basis of the procurement plan exceeds the amount of planned payments specified in the procurement plan position ...” no longer works;
  • contract information now goes into the status "On control" after being sent for control;
  • now information that is in the "Control passed" status is correctly placed.

Update of the EIS dated February 8, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

In the information about contracts, on the execution or termination of contracts, files are now displayed in the open part of the EIS.

Update of the EIS dated February 7, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.14

What problems were solved:

  • You no longer receive a "Server Temporarily Unavailable" error when posting information to the Purchase Schedule Registry a few minutes after the loading icon appears.
  • when you create a draft notice of purchase, the fields for information about the budget obligation are displayed;
  • when loading changes to the schedule, all the required fields are filled in on the tabs "Description of the object of purchase" and "Terms of purchase";
  • when loading schedule changes, the error "NPE:" no longer occurs;
  • when submitting a change draft in a purchase notice for review, the error "NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2" no longer occurs;
  • when uploading changes to the procurement plan, the error no longer occurs “For a position with the value of the “Position Number” (positionNumber) field equal to the procurement plan saved in the EIS with the registry number ... a position with the corresponding field values ​​\u200b\u200bwas not found”;
  • when you change the positions of the schedule, the control “Amount for 2017 exceeds the balance in the position of the procurement plan” no longer works;
  • when changing schedules, the error "UE. nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: See nested exception; nested exception is: java.lang.NullPointerException";
  • when posting a schedule, the error "The procurement plan on the basis of which the schedule was created is not posted in the EIS" no longer occurs.

Update of the EIS dated February 4, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version

What problems were solved:

  • with a negative conclusion of the control, the benefits and requirements for participants are no longer removed from the schedule;
  • positions with the same IPC are not formed in the schedule.

Update of the UIS dated February 2, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.13

What problems were solved:

  • Uploading to FTP now works for all schedules;
  • when uploading a schedule to the UIS, the illegal control “Special purchase null not found in the UIS” no longer triggers;
  • when uploading changes to the schedule into the UIS, the illegal control "Position numbers in the schedule are incorrectly filled in" no longer triggers.

Fixed major errors in unloading schedules. Additionally, in the "Other Documents" section on the official website of the EIS, daily uploads are posted according to schedules and procurement plans for verification by external systems.

UIS update dated February 1, 2017 in part 44-FZ for version 7.0.12

Schedules with a large number of positions are now sent for control.

Update of the EIS dated January 27, 2017 in part 44-FZ to version 7.0.11

What problems were solved:

  • when you upload xml-packages about the procurement schedule to the EIS from an external system, the illegal control “The schedule does not contain information for procurement ...” no longer works;
  • when you upload xml-packages about the procurement plan from an external system to the UIS, the illegal control “Purchase plan with the number ... is not placed in the UIS” no longer works.
opening date Description of the incident Remedy date

(to automatically search for an answer, hold down the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard and click on the question you are interested in from the list).

Error (mandatory fix): An unexpected error occurred during processing. U.E. Purchase plan not found by ID: 974653 Error (mandatory elimination): Incorrect user data. User with login not found Error (mandatory fix): An unexpected error occurred during processing. U.E. The procurement plan with registry number null already has a later version 0 or revision 1. Error (mandatory elimination): Unforeseen error during processing. UE. The current draft schedule with id 564049 was not found in the UIS For the Customer's request with the SDR code 03162000006, information about the connection with the schedule cannot be changed Error (mandatory elimination): Incorrect data IDE The date and time of the start of the application period (18.06. in the current version of the notice (changes in the notice) (06/18/2017 17:32)

Useful articles:

Filling in information on medicinal products in the lot of the schedule When entering data on medicinal products in the contract If it is necessary to create a new account

Error (mandatory fix): An unexpected error occurred during processing. U.E. Purchase plan not found by ID: 974653

When sending corrected information to the UIS using the button [Send document to UIS] or [Send document change to UIS] for the procurement plan, an error may occur: "Procurement plan by ID: 974653 was not found". This reason is due to the fact that the successfully sent information on the procurement plan in the customer's personal account was deleted by the customer. To solve this problem, you need to find out the current document ID in the EIS. To do this, in the customer's personal account, in relation to the existing procurement plan, click the [Event log] button to open the document log. In the address bar of the event log, at the very end, the code “…planId=402288” is written (Figure 1).

Picture 1.

As soon as you know the code, you need to contact helpdesk.

Error (mandatory elimination): Incorrect user data. User with login not found

First of all, you need to find out the new username and password for the account. To do this, go to the user's registration data in the UIS personal account and click on the hyperlink [User data for alternative integration (via HTTPS protocol)] (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Retrieving user data for alternative integration

In this case, the user's login and password will be automatically generated (Figure 3). You need to write down the data that will be displayed in the user information window. It is recommended that you copy this data into a text editor and save it on your computer.

Figure 3. User Information

After the data is written or saved in a text editor on a computer, click the [Continue] button. At this point, the displayed login and password for the user will be assigned.

If for some reason you did not have time to write the data or closed the window, then call the user information window again. In this case, a new password will be generated and it will be necessary to write it down and only after that click on the [Continue] button.

After the login and password are received, it is necessary to enter the WEB-Trading-KS System and open the registration data in the EIS (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Registration data

In the window that opens, in the "UIS" tab, in the "Login" and "Password" fields, enter the data (Figure 5) that were received in the UIS (Figure 3).

Figure 5. Changing registration data

In addition, you should fill in the required fields and click the [Save] button to save the entered data. After completing the steps described above, repeat sending the document to the EIS again. In this case, errors about the mismatch of the user's registration data in the EIS will no longer occur.

When sending a procurement plan to the EIS

Error (mandatory fix): An unexpected error occurred during processing. U.E. A purchase plan with registry number null already has a later version 0 or revision 1."

The reason for this control is due to the fact that customers have generated changes directly in the EIS and send changes again, but from web-bidding.

To solve it, you need to find out the current document ID in the UIS (Figure 1) and create a request on the Helpdesk service. If you have available for editing, in the procurement plan, in the additional data field "Procurement plan draft version (UIS):", then you must independently register the version that is indicated in the error.

When sending a schedule to the EIS

Error (mandatory fix): An unexpected error occurred during processing. U.E. The current draft schedule with id 564049 was not found in the EIS

1. You need to find out the current id of the schedule:

2. In the personal account of the UIS, open "schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services"

3. Move the mouse cursor over the general information of the last schedule.

The page address will appear at the bottom of the browser page (Figure 6). Parameter revisionid=…. will be the actual schedule id.

When sending a notice to the EIS

Error (mandatory elimination): For the Customer's requirement with SPZ code 03162000006, information about the connection with the schedule cannot be changed

An appeal was made to the developers of the UIS for a false positive control. This problem is common, but unfortunately so far no comments have been received from the developers of the EIS and there are no workarounds to solve the problem either.

Error (mandatory elimination): Incorrect data. IDE. The date and time of the start of the deadline for filing applications (18.06.2017 18:32) should not differ from the value in the current version of the notice (changes in the notice) (18.06.2017 17:32)

Now we have put a small update that may solve your problem. Try the following:

1. relogin

2. indicate in the primary version the registration number of the notice

3. in the change, indicate the start date for filing applications, taking it from the UIS - in your personal account, view the notification in XML format and find the start date for filing applications, this date and time, including seconds, must be specified in the change notice. (it would be possible to take the date\time of the submission start from the submission error message, but unfortunately the UIS does not display seconds there)

4. try to send a change notice.

Useful articles.

Filling in information on medicinal products in the lot of the schedule

The customer selected the value "any dosage form for infusions" in terms of the "Name of dosage form" indicator (this can be a solution, a concentrate, and a lyophilisate), and also the value "at least 125 mg" in terms of the "Dosage" indicator in order to avoid restrictions competition of potential participants in accordance with the Federal Law. In accordance with the INN directory, reflected in the PC "WEB-Trading-KS", the Customer needs to choose one of the six options for the INN Dobutamine. At the stage of forming the schedule, it is not possible to determine specific indicators, because the procedure for determining the supplier has not yet taken place, and therefore the choice of options from this directory may entail a violation of the law. How is it necessary to fill in the "Information about the medicinal product" column so that the information is filled in correctly, but at the same time does not restrict competition? Where does the information in this column go next?

Answer: The functionality of the complex has been improved in terms of filling in information about medicines in the lot of the schedule.

When entering data on medicinal products into the contract

When working with information about medicines, pay attention to paragraph "Filling in information about medicines" of the User Guide.

If the OKPD 2 code does not match the unique drug product code, although the registration certificate number and everything else match, then it is possible to supplement the INN reference book with your own values.

If you need to create a new account

If it becomes necessary to obtain a login and password from the Web-Torgi-KS PC or assign an EDS, send a scan of the order on the appointment of responsible persons to the email address: *****@***ru.

The list of frequently asked questions is under development and will be constantly updated.

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