II. The procedure for accounting for budgetary obligations of recipients

II. The procedure for accounting for budgetary obligations of recipients


federal budget funds

7. Registration of a budget obligation and introduction of amendments to the registered budget obligation is carried out in accordance with the Information on the budget obligation formed on the basis of the documents provided for in column 2 of the List of documents on the basis of which budget obligations of recipients of federal budget funds arise, and documents , confirming the occurrence of monetary obligations of recipients of federal budget funds, in accordance with Appendix No. 4.1 to the Procedure (hereinafter, respectively - the basis documents, the List).

8. Information on budgetary obligations arising on the basis of the documents-grounds provided for in paragraphs 1 and column 2 of the List (hereinafter referred to as the accepted budgetary obligations) are formed:

no later than three working days before the day of sending for placement in the unified information system in the field of procurement of a notice of procurement in the form of an electronic document, and the information contained in the Information on the budget obligation must correspond to the similar information contained in the said notice;

simultaneously with the formation of information sent for approval to the Federal Treasury in accordance with paragraph two of clause 6 of the Procedure for the interaction of the Federal Treasury with the subjects of control specified in clauses 3 and 6 of the Rules for exercising control provided for by Part 5 of Article 99 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2016 N 104n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2016, registration N 43683), and the information contained in the Data on the budget obligation, must correspond to similar information contained in the specified information.

Information on budgetary obligations arising on the basis of the documents-grounds provided for in paragraphs 3 - column 2 of the List (hereinafter - the accepted budgetary obligations) are formed:

(see text in previous edition)

recipient of federal budget funds:

paragraphs 3 and column 2 of the List and not containing information constituting a state secret - no later than three working days from the date of conclusion of the state contract, agreement specified in the named paragraphs of column 2 of the List;

(see text in previous edition)

in terms of accepted budgetary obligations that have arisen on the basis of the documents-grounds provided for in paragraphs 3 - column 2 of the List containing information constituting a state secret - no later than six working days from the date of their conclusion;

in terms of accepted budgetary obligations that have arisen on the basis of the supporting documents provided for in paragraph 10 of column 2 of the List, - no later than three business days from the date of bringing the limits of budgetary obligations for the recipient of federal budget funds to accept and fulfill budgetary obligations that have arisen on the basis of an order on staffing with the calculation of the annual payroll fund (another document confirming the occurrence of a budgetary obligation, containing the calculation of the annual amount of wages (cash allowance, monetary allowance), within the adjusted limits of budgetary obligations for the relevant purposes;

(see text in previous edition)

body of the Federal Treasury:

in terms of accepted budgetary obligations that arose on the basis of the document-bases provided for in paragraphs 5 - column 2 of the List, simultaneously with the inclusion of information about this document-base in the register of agreements specified in paragraph 5 of column 2 of the List, with the exception of the documents-bases containing information , constituting a state secret, information on budgetary obligations for which are formed by the recipient of federal budget funds;

In terms of accepted budgetary obligations that arose on the basis of the supporting documents provided for in paragraph 13 of column 2 of the List, simultaneously with the formation of Information on monetary obligations for this budgetary obligation in accordance with the provisions provided for in paragraphs 25 and the Procedure.

(see text in previous edition)

Formation of Information on budgetary obligations arising on the basis of the documents-grounds provided for in paragraph 13 of column 2 of the List is carried out by the Federal Treasury after checking whether the payment document submitted by the recipient of federal budget funds contains the type of budget obligation.

(see text in previous edition)

(see text in previous edition)

10. Information about the budget obligation that has arisen on the basis of the document-foundation provided for in paragraph 4 of column 2 of the List is sent to the Federal Treasury body with a copy of the agreement (document on amendments to the agreement) attached, in the form of an electronic copy of the document on paper, created by means of its scan, or a copy of an electronic document, confirmed by the electronic signature of a person entitled to act on behalf of the recipient of federal budget funds, with the exception of Information on a budget obligation containing information constituting a state secret.

(see text in previous edition)

When submitting to the Federal Treasury the Information on the budget obligation that has arisen on the basis of the document-foundation provided for in paragraph 10 of column 2 of the List, a copy of the said document-foundation is not submitted to the Federal Treasury.

11. To make changes to the registered budget obligation, Information on the budget obligation is formed with an indication of the accounting number of the budget obligation to which the change is made.

(see text in previous edition)

12. In case of making changes to the budget obligation without making changes to the base document, the base document is not resubmitted to the Federal Treasury.

(see text in previous edition)

13. Registration of budgetary obligations (introduction of amendments to registered budgetary obligations) arising from the supporting documents provided for in paragraphs 1 - column 2 of the List is carried out by the Federal Treasury following the results of an audit conducted in accordance with this paragraph, within:

(see text in previous edition)

no later than the next business day from the date of formation by the Federal Treasury of Information on budgetary obligations arising on the basis of the supporting documents provided for in paragraphs 5 - and column 2 of the List.

In order to register a budget obligation (introduce changes to a registered budget obligation), the Federal Treasury body checks the Information on the budget obligation that arose on the basis of the supporting documents provided for in paragraphs 1 - column 2 of the List, for:

compliance of the information on the budgetary obligation specified in the Information on the budgetary obligation with the supporting documents to be submitted by the recipients of federal budget funds to the Federal Treasury for registration of budgetary obligations in accordance with the Procedure or inclusion in the prescribed manner in the register of contracts specified in clause 3 columns 2 of the List (with the exception of Information on the budget obligation containing information constituting a state secret);

(see text in previous edition)

compliance of the information on the budget obligation specified in the Information on the budget obligation with the composition of the information to be included in the Information on the budget obligation in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure;

compliance with the rules for the formation of Information on the budget obligation established by this chapter and Appendix No. 1 to the Procedure;

Non-exceeding of the amount of the budgetary obligation under the relevant classification codes of federal budget expenditures over the amount of unused budgetary appropriations for the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations or limits of budgetary obligations (hereinafter referred to as the limits of budgetary obligations) reflected on the personal account of the recipient of budgetary funds or on the personal account for accounting for transactions on delegated powers the recipient of budgetary funds opened in accordance with the established procedure in the bodies of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the corresponding personal account of the recipient of budgetary funds), separately for the current financial year, for the first and second years of the planning period;

(see text in previous edition)

non-excess of the amount of the budget obligation, recalculated by the Federal Treasury body into the currency of the Russian Federation in accordance with paragraph 17 of the Procedure, over the amount of unused limits of budget obligations in the event of registration of the accepted budget obligation in foreign currency;

compliance of the subject of the budget obligation specified in the Information on the budget obligation, the basis document, with the type code (type codes) of expenses of the classification of federal budget expenditures, specified in the Information on the budget obligation, the basis document.

(see text in previous edition)

In the event that Information on a budget obligation is generated by the Federal Treasury when a budget obligation is registered (changes are made to a registered budget obligation), the verification provided for in paragraphs eight and nine of this clause is carried out.

(see text in previous edition)

14. In the case of submission to the Federal Treasury of Information on the budget obligation on paper, in addition to the verification provided for in clause 13 of the Procedure, the Information on the budget obligation is also verified for:

the absence in the submitted Information on the budget obligation of corrections that do not meet the requirements established by the Procedure, or are not certified in the manner established by the Procedure;

(see text in previous edition)

15. When checking the Information on the budget obligation under the basis document concluded (adopted) in order to implement the federal targeted investment program (hereinafter referred to as FTIP), and according to the basis document concluded (adopted) in order to implement measures to create, taking into account the experimental operation, development, modernization, operation of state information systems and information and communication infrastructure, as well as on the use of information and communication informatization technologies (hereinafter referred to as informatization measures), the Federal Treasury additionally checks the information contained in the Information on the budget obligation for its compliance data on capital construction projects, real estate objects, events (aggregated investment projects) included in the FTIP, and information on the limits of budget obligations in terms of informatization activities for the financial year and planning period (hereinafter referred to as data on FTIP objects, with information about informatization measures), brought to the attention of the Federal Treasury in accordance with the Procedure for compiling and maintaining a consolidated budget list of the federal budget and budget lists of the main managers of federal budget funds (chief administrators of sources of financing the federal budget deficit), approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 30 November 2015 N 187n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 8, 2015, registration N 39996), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2016 N 80n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 16 2016, registration N 42552), dated July 7, 2016 N 109n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 13, 2016, registration N 42835), dated December 2, 2016 N 223n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation December 9, 2016, registration N 44625), dated March 6, 2017 N 31n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2017, registration N 46001) and dated July 24, 2017 N 118n (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 10, 2017 , registration N 47735) (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure for compiling and maintaining a consolidated budget list of the federal budget), in part:

(see text in previous edition)

non-exceeding the amount of the budgetary obligation specified in the Information on the budgetary obligation, taking into account the budgetary obligations of the recipient of federal budget funds previously registered according to the corresponding code for classifying federal budget expenditures and the FTIP object (informatization measure), the limits of budgetary obligations of the recipient of federal budget funds specified in data on FTIP objects (information on informatization measures) according to the corresponding classification code of federal budget expenditures and on the FTIP object (informatization measure);

the availability of information specified in the Information on the budget obligation, according to the classification code of federal budget expenditures and the unique code assigned to the FTIP object (informatization measure) (hereinafter respectively - the FTIP object code, informatization measure code), corresponding to similar information specified in the data on FTIP objects (information on informatization activities) by recipient of federal budget funds;

(see text in previous edition)

Verification of the compliance of the information contained in the Information on the budget obligation on the basis of the document concluded (adopted) for the purpose of implementing the FTIP, submitted to the Federal Treasury body, with the data on the FTIP objects is not carried out in part:

the name of the recipient of federal budget funds (state customer), if the budget obligation arose from a document-foundation concluded (adopted) in order to implement measures to provide housing for certain categories of citizens on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

the name of the recipient of the federal budget funds (state customer), the name of the FTIP object and the code of the FTIP object, if the budget obligation arose from the basis document concluded (adopted) in order to implement the measures included in the state defense order (including measures for the construction and acquisition of housing for military personnel and certain categories of citizens on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information about which is a state secret) indicated in the data on FTIP facilities in one line without detailing by FTIP facilities and the main administrators of federal budget funds;

(see text in previous edition)

the name of the recipient of federal budget funds (government customer), if the budget obligation arose from the basis document specified in paragraph 5 of column 2 of the List.

16. In the event of a positive result of the verification of the Information on the budget obligation, the document-base for compliance with the requirements provided for in clauses 13 of the Procedure, the Federal Treasury body assigns an accounting number to the budget obligation (makes changes to the budget obligation previously registered) and no later than one business day from the date of the specified verification of the Information on the budget obligation, the basis document, sends the recipient of federal budget funds a notice of registration (change) of the budget obligation, containing information about the account number of the budget obligation and the date of registration (change) of the budget obligation, as well as about the number of the registry entry in the register of agreements, the register of contracts (hereinafter referred to as the Notice of Budget Commitment).

(see text in previous edition)

A notice of a budget obligation is sent to the recipient of federal budget funds by the Federal Treasury:

in the information system in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the Federal Treasury - in relation to the Information on the budget obligation presented in the form of an electronic document, as well as the Information on the budget obligation arising on the basis of the documents-grounds specified in paragraphs 5 - and columns 2 of the List;

(see text in previous edition)

on paper in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 11 to the Procedure (form code according to OKUD 0506105) - in relation to the Information on the budget obligation submitted on paper.

A notice of a budget obligation, formed on paper, is signed by a person entitled to act on behalf of the body of the Federal Treasury.

The accounting number of a budget obligation is unique and cannot be changed, including when changing individual details of a budget obligation.

The account number of the budget obligation has the following structure, consisting of nineteen digits:

from 1 to 8 category - a unique code of the recipient of federal budget funds according to the register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are not participants in the budget process (hereinafter referred to as the Consolidated Register);

9th and 10th digits - the last two digits of the year in which the budget obligation was registered;

from 11 to 19 category - a unique number of the budget obligation assigned by the Federal Treasury within one calendar year.

17. One registered budget obligation may contain several codes for the classification of federal budget expenditures and codes for FTIP objects (codes for informatization measures) (if any).

(see text in previous edition)

The budget obligation accepted by the recipient of federal budget funds in foreign currency is accounted for by the Federal Treasury in the amount of the ruble equivalent of the budget obligation, calculated at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established on the date of conclusion (acceptance) of the basis document.

In the event that the recipient of federal budget funds makes changes to the budget obligation in foreign currency, the amount of the amended budget obligation is recalculated by the Federal Treasury at the foreign exchange rate against the currency of the Russian Federation as of the date of conclusion (acceptance) of the corresponding change in the basis document established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation .

Information about the accepted budget commitment -filling pattern You will find this document below - it should be sent to the Treasury of Russia in the format of an electronic document with a digital signature. Consider the rules for filling out this document.

Budget commitments are...

According to Art. 6 of the RF BC, expenditure obligations, that is, the obligation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and other state institutions to allocate funds to citizens of the Russian Federation or legal entities from the budget, are called budget obligations (BO).

Institutions assume such BOs within the approved budget limits by signing contracts, agreements, agreements with recipients of budgetary funds, and also on the basis of the law (clause 3 of article 219 of the RF BC). Accounting for BO is maintained by the Federal Treasury on special personal accounts of each recipient of budgetary appropriations.

Sample of filling in information about the budget obligation

The basis for fixing obligations in accounting is a properly executed primary document confirming the validity of their receipt, as well as the document “Information on the budget obligation”, which is drawn up in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 30, 2015 No. 221n. The form of the document itself is given in Appendix No. 3 of the same order.

IMPORTANT! The document "Information on accepted BOs" in the form 0531702, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance dated September 19, 2008 No. 98n, became invalid due to the adoption of the procedure for accounting for BOs, approved by order No. 221n.

Learn more about BO from the article .

A sample of filling out information about the BO can be downloaded from our website.


Information about the accepted BO is drawn up by the recipients of budgetary appropriations in accordance with the rules approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 30, 2015 No. 221n. The completed form, encrypted with the sender's digital signature, is transferred to the Treasury via telecommunications. A mandatory annex to it is a primary document confirming the fact of acceptance of obligations.

Learn about the features of accounting in budgetary institutions from the article .

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 1275-r approved the Concept for the creation and development of the state integrated information system for managing public finances "Electronic budget" (GIIS "Electronic budget"). Section 4 of the Concept provides for the creation and development of the Accounting and Reporting subsystem.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2015 No. 658 “On the state integrated information system for managing public finances “Electronic Budget” defines the purpose, tasks and main functions, as well as participants in the SIIS “Electronic Budget”, the procedure for commissioning components and modules. According to paragraph 19 of the said Resolution, the Operator GIIS "Electronic budget" the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Treasury are determined.

In accordance with the Action Plan for the development of the SIIS "Electronic budget" for 2016-2018, approved by the First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation T.G. Nesterenko, from October 1, 2016, the budget reporting of the pilot GRBS of the Federal Budget, budget funds managers subordinate to them, recipients of budget funds, budgetary and autonomous institutions, as well as organizations that have been delegated the authority to administer revenues (hereinafter referred to as pilot organizations) is subject to submission, summary and consolidation through the subsystem "Accounting and reporting" GIIS "Electronic budget" (clause 3.5.2 of section 3.5. "Subsystem accounting and reporting").

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 7, 2016 No. 110n, the operator of the subsystem "Accounting and reporting" of the SIIS "Electronic Budget" is the Federal Treasury.

Thus, if earlier the federal GRBS submitted consolidated reports to the Federal Treasury, now the pilot organizations responsible for compiling budget reports submit primary reports to the Federal Treasury through the Accounting and Reporting subsystem of the SIIS Electronic Budget, which are subject to consolidation.

Uploading data from accounting (budget) reporting in the formats of the Federal Treasury is implemented in software products:

  • 1C: Accounting department of a state institution 8, edition 1;
  • 1C: Accounting department of a state institution 8, edition 2;
  • 1C: Military unit 8;
  • 1C: Accounting for managers of budgetary funds 8;
  • 1C: Set of reports 8;
  • 1C: Budget reporting 8.

These software products implement a single mechanism for setting up reporting data export. Export of reports in electronic form is carried out using the service form "Export of reports of institutions", which specifies the settings for exporting reports (element of the "Reporting export settings" directory) and processing for exporting reports in a specific format.

To upload reporting data in the formats of the Federal Treasury, the following processing is supplied as part of a typical configuration:

  • Unloading GRBS in FK format<версия формата>.epf - implements the export of reporting data in accordance with the current requirements for formats and methods of electronic transmission of budget reports of the main administrators of federal budget funds, chief revenue administrators, chief administrators of funding sources submitted to the Federal Treasury;
  • Unloading AU&BU in FK format<версия формата>.epf - implements the export of reporting data in accordance with the current requirements for formats and methods of electronic transmission of financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions submitted to the Federal Treasury
  • Unloading in FC format<версия формата>.epf - implements the export of reporting data in accordance with the current requirements for formats and methods of electronic transmission of reports on the execution of the consolidated budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the territorial state extra-budgetary fund submitted to the Federal Treasury.
  • Requirements for the formats and methods of electronic transmission of budget reports of the chief administrators of federal budget funds, chief revenue administrators, chief administrators of funding sources submitted to the Federal Treasury (Version 4.11)
  • Requirements for the formats and methods of electronic transmission of financial statements of state (municipal) budgetary and autonomous institutions to the Federal Treasury (Version 8.0)
  • Requirements for the formats and methods of electronic transmission of annual, quarterly and monthly reports on the execution of the consolidated budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the territorial state extra-budgetary fund, reports on the execution of the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds submitted to the Federal Treasury (Version 3.0.25)

Processings that implement the current formats are promptly published on the technical support website of official users.

You can read about setting up reporting export in federal treasury formats in the article “Setting up reporting export. Connecting and updating report upload formats»

Instructions for working in the Budget - Web for CU, BU / AC for the establishment of budgetary obligations.

Please read the instructions carefully!!!

Budget advice -Webcan be obtained by phone:

If it is not possible to solve your problem by phone, there is the possibility of a remote connection to you via the Internet. To do this, you need to download the AMMYY Admin v3 (exe) program from the link - http://www. /en/downloads. html, then run the program (file AA_v3.exe). In the Client ID/Ip field, a number will appear that you must tell our employee to connect to you remotely.

If the program does not start or is blocked by an antivirus program or Firewall, contact your system administrator .

For advice on entering details into budget obligations, questions regarding supporting documents and other information related to the confirmation and authorization of budget obligations, please contact the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Tver Region.

In order to access the Budget - Web, you need to launch a browser Opera, Mozilla and paste into the address bar. aspx

If Opera, Mozilla not installed on your computer, then you need to run Internet explorer and go to the tab Tools-Internet Options-Security, then click on "Trusted Sites", then click on the "Sites" button. Untick "All hosts in this zone require server verificationhttps”, then in the field “Add the following node to the zone” enterhttp:// and click on the button Add.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/074/images/image002_131.jpg" width="216" height="190">.jpg" width="217 height=192" height="192">

Next, set the Security level for this zone LOW (if you can't change, then click on the "Default" button and change the level)

A window will appear "Authorization in the complex"(see below), where you must enter your Username and Password obtained from the Ministry of Finance of the Tver Region. If you were unable to log in to your account, please call the numbers listed above.

Click on the button to enter "Login"

Documents (LAW No. 83-FZ) it contains your original FCD plan and all changes to the FCD plan

Budget Obligations (ORDER No. 98H) it contains all your budget obligations.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/074/images/image008_6.png" width="431" height="91 src=">

"Settlement Date" - business day date. In accordance with it, your documents will be created in the system.

"Beginning of period" And "End of Period" - Determine the period for which displayed documents in lists.

As a period, you can define any (day, month, etc.), because it only displays a list of documents for a specified period.

We open the folder Budget obligations (ORDER No. 98H) it contains:

- Information about the accepted budget commitment- here are all your wound up BOs

- Application for amendments to the budget commitment- here are all the changes to the BO

https://pandia.ru/text/79/074/images/image014_22.jpg" width="1054" height="148 id=">

Figure 13. Section 5 of the details of the commitment made

"Type of BC" - the type of budget classification, is selected from the drop-down list - "Expenditure".

“Type of funds” – filled in by selecting a value from the list of types of funds for which sections are opened on the client's account (if there is only one section on the account, the field is filled in with the corresponding type of funds automatically).

“BK code” – budget classification code, according to which the budget obligation is accepted.

"Subject" - the name of the product, work, service according to the document-base for each budget classification code.

The following is a schedule for the execution of the budget obligation in the currency of the obligation for each type of funds provided for its execution, for the current year with a monthly breakdown and for the next five years without a breakdown by periods.

After pressing the "Save" button, the entered amounts are controlled with the budget list and the balance of funds in the account. The balance of funds on the account is checked using control No. 10. So, if the amount of financing credited to the account is 2,546.44 rubles, it is impossible to save a payment order with a larger amount, for example, 2,547.00 rubles, since this control has the status "Blocking". In this case, the following protocol will be displayed on the screen:


If the controls are passed successfully, a message is displayed that the document has been saved.

Registration of changes in budget commitments

When making changes to the budget obligation under government contracts and other agreements, “Application for amendments to the budget obligation” are registered.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/074/images/image018_6.png" width="1030" height="345">

Figure 17. Protocol for controlling cash expenditures with the amount of the budget obligation

This control has the “Blocking” status, so if discrepancies are found, the program will not allow saving the document, and the document will be returned for editing by clicking the “Exit” button.

Mode "Mode of work with corroborative documents"

Provided for attaching, viewing, copies of primary documents.

In order to add a primary document, it must first be scanned. Documents are best scanned at 150 dpi and in black and white or grayscale. You can experiment to get a readable image with the smallest file size. It is better to save files in JPEG format, since they do not require third-party programs to view them, and they are small in size. To save, it is recommended to create a special folder and write the number of the corresponding payment in the file name - this will simplify the search.

To enter the mode, you need to find the budget obligation to which you need to attach files and put a “tick” in front of it, then click on the button or select the “Mode of working with supporting documents” item.

https://pandia.ru/text/79/074/images/image021_10.jpg" width="1023" height="223">

Click the button to attach. "Create", window will appear:

Click on the "Monitor" button, a window will open where you should find the files to attach, then click on the "Open" button and click on the "Save" button.

This mode displays a list of all attached primary documents.

All attached primary documents must be signed with an electronic signature. To do this, mark the required documents with a “tick”, or, if all documents are signed, then mark all by clicking on the “Invert” button. Then, by clicking on the "Electronic signature" button, select the "Sign" menu item.

It is also necessary to sign the document “Information on the adopted budget obligation” with an electronic signature.

1. Excel security level for macros.

MS Excel - menu "Tools" - Macro - Security - tab "Security level", set to "Medium" (Excel will each time ask for permission to enable macros) or "Low".

2. Excel's trust in Visual Basic projects.

MS Excel - menu "Tools" - Macro - Security - tab "Trusted Sources", set both options ("checkmarks").

3. The presence of the Visual FoxPro ODBC driver installed on the computer.

If you don't have it, download the Vfpodbc. msi (ODBC drivers for WinXP, Win2000) and install it. Typically, the absence of the required ODBC driver when trying to get a report results in an Excel message "Error loading data".

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