Public procurement timeout exceeded. Request timeout exceeded: causes, fix

Public procurement timeout exceeded. Request timeout exceeded: causes, fix


It happens that when you try to establish an Internet connection or access a certain resource on the Web, instead of connecting, the browser writes: "The request timed out." Not every user knows what this problem is, so it is worth considering this error in more detail. You can fix it, but for this you will have to adopt the schemes below.

Request timed out - what is the problem

The error itself and its consequences look in the simplest case in a well-known way. You are trying to access some resource or connect to the World Wide Web, the computer device sends a request to the outside world, but does not receive a response.

Why? Yes, only because the Network or communication device cannot initialize the external IP of your computer. So it turns out that there is simply no packet exchange. Query timeout exceeded, the network is not responding just because your device is not detected, even though the protocol settings are all set to automatic (i.e. get IP addresses, DNS and use the default gateway).

In other words, packets do not reach your device from the outside. And this is a necessary condition for communication.

Request timeout exceeded: how to fix the problem in the fastest way?

If such a problem has already appeared, you can use the most common function. While we are not considering more complex methods like checking ping, we are trying, so to speak, to get rid of the problem with the simplest and most accessible methods.

We launch the command console as an administrator (cmd in the Run menu or manually launch a file in the System32 directory through the right-click menu), after which we enter the configuration reset commands.

The sequence looks like this: first - ipconfig /flushdns, then - nbtstat -R and nbtstat -RR, after that - netsh int reset all and netsh int ip reset, and finally - netsh winsock reset. Their use clears (resets) the system settings, after which it will be possible to reboot and try to access the desired resource or establish a network connection.

Command line and ping

But this method is the simplest and, depending on the root cause (which, by the way, so far no one can accurately indicate), it does not always help. After all, again you may receive a message stating that the timeout period for the request has been exceeded. What to do in such a situation?

You will have to use special ping commands that allow you to accurately determine whether there is a response to an outgoing external request from your computer terminal.

For example, if you use a router and a wireless WiFi network, you need to write the ping procedure on the command line, indicating the computer's internal address (usually ping After that, the exchange of packets should begin. The screen will show that so much has been sent, so much has been received.

But here's the problem: ping seems to be working, but there is no connection. Why? Yes, only because the packets were sent to the internal address, and the loopback function worked. For a more accurate check, you should check another arbitrary address. And here the exact statistics on sending, receiving and losing packets will appear.

Configuration check

Another widely accepted technique for correcting the request timeout problem is to use the IP configuration commands. The fact is that the previous method is still more informative, and not instrumental. And this is even if the ping command is used. “Request timeout exceeded” is far from the worst message that the system can issue.

To configure, and with the correct check of options, you must use the ipconfig command entered in the console. It is with its help that you can find out all the parameters installed in the system. If you want to know the parameters and settings of all users registered in the system, a special suffix (ipconfig / all) is added to the main command through a right slash.

After that, it makes sense to ping the address of your own router (either 192.168 with a dotted 0.1 ending, or 1.1). If it is not defined, the problem lies precisely in it. If everything is fine, we move on.


In some cases, one of the options for checking and fixing the problem that the request timeout has been exceeded (Trove, for example, when accessing online games), it makes sense to check the trace. It is the transmission of packets from your computer terminal to the outside world. To do this, you can use it with the addition of suffixes (for example, in the simplest case, the trace is checked using the tracert combination).

The command itself allows you to determine the source of the failure or the stage in which the packets pass, at which it occurs. Typically, the TTL trace metric looks like a positive integer. However, the router can decrease it by one unit. If such an indicator is set to zero during the exchange of packets, the trace ends. You'll have to use the route print command to view it, but that's another topic.

For cases where you receive a message that the Trove request timed out, you can use specific remedies in the form of the Glyph utility, run as an administrator. If it does not help, you can use any optimizer program like CCleaner, which can clean and defragment the Windows system registry. As a rule, an error of this type is almost always associated with the presence of erroneous or obsolete entries and keys in the registry. It’s better not to go into the registry yourself, otherwise the entire operating system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability. And even tracing won't help here. Request timed out - what to do now?

Configuring the Ethernet Interface

If the above options do not give a positive effect, and the message that the request timeout interval has been exceeded appears again and again, you will have to set up network connections, but not in the standard way of changing the configuration of the network itself or the adapter used, but using the command lines. Note that the command line almost always helps to solve most problems on the computer, if you know which commands to enter for certain purposes.

First, we look at the list of settings that is called by the netstat command, to which you can add the suffix "-n", "-na" or "-nb" to display data not in the form of a numeric code.

Now you need to enter the lookup line for your own address, and then use the combination presented above (as a rule, this works on all systems).

Enabling Nodes

Try calling the settings of the same Internet Explorer or any other browser you are using. Here you need to delve into the parameters of resources that are trustworthy. Their addresses must be entered in a special list.

If this procedure does not work, the message will appear again ("Query timeout exceeded"). What to do? Just add sites that cannot be entered to the list of antivirus exceptions, and also create a new rule for the system firewall with the full path to the executable file of the browser program.


That, in fact, is all that concerns the failure, when there is a situation related to the fact that the timeout for the request has been exceeded when trying to access some Internet resource or making a communication session. The easiest solution, short of reinstalling the system, would be a normal factory reset. But this may not be the case, so you have to delve into the network connection settings. But it is recommended to set the parameters from the command line, and not by the standard methods provided in the system. This option is much more preferable only because the command line uses tools hidden from the user's eyes that are not available in normal mode when they are accessed using standard tools.

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions when working in the Unified Information System, about system errors when sending, making or generating changes, as well as answers and explanations to them.

Error "The organization *** has not established a connection with the control body. Information cannot be posted.

We recommend contacting the organization (control body under Part 5 of Article 99) to establish communication and correctly post information.

The information is sent for control, but the LC of the Authority authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ does not display information, or a “Notice on the compliance of controlled information” or a “Protocol on non-compliance of controlled information” has been formed.

To provide you with qualified assistance, you need screenshots from the personal account of the control body, which show the name and TIN of the control body, screenshots of the list of subjects of control in accordance with Part 5 of Art. 99 of Law No. 44-FZ and screenshots that show that a notice of compliance or a protocol of non-compliance has been generated and posted / or the information is not displayed in the personal account. We also need screenshots from the Client's personal account, where you can see that the information is under control, the information event log and screenshots of the "Documents" tab.

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

When drafting changes to the procurement plan, the error "The first year of the planning period must be one more than the fiscal year of planning the procurement plan" occurred.

With the release of site version 7.0.9, the problem has been fixed.

When generating information, the error “The requested page is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."

Start - Control Panel - Internet Options - Advanced - Reset - Delete personal settings.

  1. Service - Internet Options - Security - Trusted sites - Sites - Add the site http://*, https://* to the list of trusted sites
  2. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Block pop-up windows" set to "Disable"
  3. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Access to data sources outside the domain" set to "Enable"
  4. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Do not request a client certificate when it is missing or there is only one" set to "Disable"
  5. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Active Scripting" set to "Enable"
  6. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Enable XSS Filter" set to "Disable"
  7. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Execute Java application scripts" set to "Enable"
  8. Service - Internet Options - Security - Other - "ActiveX controls and plug-ins" set to "Enable" (in all paragraphs of the block)
  9. Tools - Internet Options - Security - Other - "Allow scripts" set to "Enable"
  10. Tools - Internet Options - Privacy - Advanced - "Override automatic file handling" - First and Third party cookies "Accept"
  11. Tools - Internet Options - Privacy - "Enable pop-up blocker" set to "Disable" (uncheck)
  12. Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - Enable SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0
  13. Tools - Internet Options - General - Browsing History - Delete - Mark temporary internet files and cookies

After completing the settings, you need to restart the browser.

We also recommend that you delete the information project and rebuild it. If the recommendations do not help, you need step-by-step screenshots of the actions with the date and time leading to the error and a screenshot of the server definition.

To determine the server in Internet Explorer (9, 10 versions), you must:

  1. Press F12. A window will appear
  2. Menu item cache -> view cookie details.
  3. The browser will display a list of tables. You need to take screenshots of all tables.

To display UIS server information in Internet Explorer 11, you need to:

  1. Clear browsing history or open a new browser window in private mode (Press: Ctrl+Shift+P).
  2. Go to browser developer tools, you can press F12.
  3. Go to the "Network" section, enable the collection of diagnostic information (press the Play button).
  4. Reproduce the error.
  5. Press the Stop button and go to the "Details" page.
  6. Click on the "Cookie" field.

A screenshot of the timezone is also required.

If it was not possible to determine information about the server at the current workplace, you need to reproduce the problem and determine the server at another workplace.

If there is no item "Register of schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services starting from 2017" in the personal account.

To edit the access rights of the Authorized Specialist of the Customer's organization, authorize on the site as an administrator of the Customer's organization, click the "User Access Rights" button in the context menu of the corresponding user (next to the login) in the list of users (Organization Users in the Administration section). The page for editing user access rights will be displayed on the screen.

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Probably every user is faced with problems accessing the necessary sites. So, the most common connection failure is the error “Timed out waiting for a response from the site”, which can also be encrypted with the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT code. We analyzed the main causes of this failure and, accordingly, their solutions.

What does it mean?

So, first you need to understand why there is a failure. The fact is that when you go to a site, the browser sends a series of requests there. Each browser has a time limit set during which it waits for a response. If feedback has not been established within the allotted time, you will receive such an error.

There are several main reasons for failure:

  1. Lack of connection to the site due to failures of its servers;
  2. Cluttered browser, or its downed settings;
  3. Lack of Internet on the part of the user, or incorrect settings;
  4. Resource blocking by region.

What to do to solve?

In general, let's go over the main points to solve the connection problem. But first, it should be said about the moment when the failure is single - in this case, you just need to reload the page multiple times with CTRL+F5. Also, let's immediately discard the obvious - your internet is off.

Network Settings

Checking the browser

Other reasons
  1. Other, less frequent reasons are the work of the web resource. In this case, just wait, or ask the Hosting what's the matter.
  2. Do not forget about the currently relevant sanctions and blocking by region - perhaps this is the case for you. Try to apply an IP address change and connect to the site. About all the best VPN services to bypass, we have already

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