How to enter your personal account for the purchase of gov. How to register in the EIS: step by step instructions

How to enter your personal account for the purchase of gov. How to register in the EIS: step by step instructions


The public procurement system was created to ensure that all organizations have the right to compete in conditions of fair competition for contracts for the supply of goods and services offered by state and municipal structures.

In addition, this mechanism allows any third parties to control the process by which these departments acquire what they need. This opens up the possibility of public control over this activity.

What is EIS

EIS is unified information system(the abbreviation was formed by the first letter of the three previous words) in the field of procurement. This mechanism is a portal located at This network resource contains all information related to the acquisition by state authorities and local governments of various services and goods.

The development of this site was intended to eliminate abuse (corruption) in the process of spending public funds on such goods and services. In addition, the creators were aimed at making the procurement process more transparent. The task was to give all citizens of the Russian Federation access to data related to this type of activity.

In other words, customers (those who buy) and suppliers (executors) can find out all the necessary data in the EIS, that is, both potential parties to the contract, but also all other interested parties who are not going to enter into transactions, but only want to control processes. Such stakeholders are access to all data and it is provided to them completely free of charge. The only exception is data from the hidden part of the UIS, and, in addition, information that constitutes the state secret of Russia.

Among the information that is placed in the EIS:

  • procurement plans, as well as related schedules, require customers to post these materials on the portal in machine-readable form;
  • information on the implementation of plans from the previous paragraph;
  • a list of contracts that are drawn up in accordance with the established rules;
  • notifications of ongoing purchases and all required documentation;
  • a list of suppliers that violate their obligations;
  • a list of standard contracts and contract terms that customers need to apply when concluding agreements;
  • list of types of bank guarantees;
  • a register of inspections, both carried out according to the plan and extraordinary;
  • list of complaints;
  • results of order monitoring and audit;
  • reports compiled by customers;
  • catalogs covering services and goods that are recognized as necessary to meet the needs of both the state and municipalities;
  • information regarding the average cost of goods and services according to the market;
  • other data on public procurement.

Requirements for suppliers and contractors

Suppliers and contractors must meet a number of requirements in order to be allowed to put forward their own procurement proposals addressed to the customer. Such requirements are established by Art. 31 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 05, 2013 and include:

  • first of all, the compliance of this organization with the criteria that are put forward in the legislation for the structures that perform these works and supply these goods, including the availability of licenses and presence in SROs;
  • the absence of liquidation procedures in relation to this organization (accordingly, its presence is a factor that excludes access to procurement);
  • the absence of an arbitration court decision, according to which this company is declared bankrupt and bankruptcy proceedings are opened against it;
  • the absence of the fact of suspension of the activities of the applicant for participation in procurement in an administrative manner;
  • the absence of excessive debt of this legal entity for various types of mandatory payments to the budget, including taxes, fees and others, while the presence of such debt in the amount of 25% of the total assets of the company becomes an exclusionary circumstance (but it is stipulated that a number of types of debt are not taken into account, including those for which the company received an installment plan or a deferment, or if they were restructured, and also if the debtor himself does not agree with this debt and filed an appeal, on which there is no decision yet);
  • the absence of the head of the organization, as well as its chief accountant or the purchasing individual (individual entrepreneur) of liability under a criminal article of an economic profile, including giving or receiving a bribe, mediation in its transfer, participation in entrepreneurial activities carried out illegally;
  • also, in relation to all persons from the previous paragraph, by the time of the procurement, there should not be a valid criminal penalty related to the inability to carry out certain activities that are related to the supply of products or the provision of services, as well as an administrative sanction in the form of disqualification;
  • lack of legal entities (this requirement applies specifically to them) of the facts of bringing to administrative responsibility under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for punishment for receiving illegal remuneration on behalf of a legal entity for the previous two years;
  • no conflict of interest;
  • finally, offshore companies are not allowed to purchase.

Do I need to register with the EIS?

The unified information system is subdivided into two main parts i.e. open and closed. Open includes the bulk of information, access to it is possible for everyone. In other words, registration is not required, any person, even not carrying out any transactions, has the right to familiarize himself with the information from this part. It is through it that public control over procurement is exercised.

Registration with the creation of your own personal account is certainly required for customers.

In its process, they need to enter into the virtual form all the details provided for in it, as well as certify the recorded with an electronic digital signature. Only after that they get access to the closed part of the system, which includes procurement plans and their schedules.

How to register on the electronic platform

To register on the electronic platform, the customer or another person who has such a need must enter information about himself in the Consolidated Register of this system and write what powers he has in the field of procurement (for example, the customer).

Next, the EIS will take the information from this Consolidated Register and create an identification code for this person, which will be sent to him by e-mail. Such a code includes 22 digits, the first twenty are numbers used for identification, and the last two indicate the authority of this participant. If he has several powers, then he will need to obtain several codes.

Upon receipt of this requisite, registration will be carried out automatically.

  • go to the site;
  • on the start page in the upper right corner, find the "Personal Account" button and click on it;
  • a submenu of two items will appear below with links to two personal accounts, you need to click on the item you need;
  • Next, two windows will appear on the screen that will read:
    • entrance for representatives of an organization whose registration was carried out according to the third section of the procedure approved by Order of the Treasury of Russia No. 27n dated December 30, 2015;
    • entrance for representatives of organizations whose registration was carried out under the third section of the same procedure;
      the customer selects one of the options and clicks on the "Login" button on the window;
  • next, a personal account will open, which refers to the person who heads this company, there will be a form of his personal card, which he will need to fill out, entering data on:
    • surname, name and patronymic;
    • positions;
    • your contact phone number and e-mail;
    • date of registration and last changes.

Since the head of the company in most cases does not directly perform actions within the EIS, he will need to give access to this service to another person who will become the administrator of the company. To do this, in the manager's personal account, click on the link "Register a user".

Next, a form opens in which the head of the company enters all the information about this person. They coincide with the list that he needs to indicate for himself, namely, full name, position and phone number. It should be noted that the service asks you to specify two e-mails - your own employee and the one to which he will receive notifications sent by a single information system.

Also, this data must be accompanied by a certificate issued to this person, generated in the form of a file. Finally, the form is approved by the electronic signature of the head himself. The system checks the certificate and signature, and if it finds that they are authentic, it assigns a login to the administrator, and in the future he has access to the system.

How to find a contract on the public procurement website

To find a contract in the EIS system, you need to know the region of its conclusion, the date and the customer. These parameters are entered into the search form on the portal of this service, after which the system displays the results.

Also, it is possible to free phrase search, by entering in the search bar on the main page the name of the product or service, the search for contracts for which you want to perform. The resulting issue can be refined using an advanced search, as well as sorted in the required order.

How to add a user to the EIS - see the video:

After analyzing the search queries related to the subject of procurement, we noticed that quite a lot of questions are raised by the process of registering customers in the EIS. In fact, most of the information about the registration process is located directly on the EIS Official Website in the "Training Materials" section, however, many are most likely confused by the fact that this is not some kind of social network where you can register in a couple of minutes by entering the minimum amount of data , but a tool for professional work in the field of procurement.

We will use the established one and try to disclose the registration procedure in the EIS in a more accessible form.

Obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS).

To carry out all legally significant actions in the Unified Information System on the website, you will certainly need an electronic digital signature (EDS). In particular, according to clause 3 of part 1 of article 4 of Law No. 44-FZ, in order to sign documents in the EIS, we need enhanced unqualified electronic signature (hereinafter EDS).

In our case (customer under 44-FZ), it is allowed to use only certificates issued by the certification center of the Federal Treasury. Therefore, in order to obtain an EDS, we need to contact the nearest FC certification center.

The certificate issued by the Federal Treasury contains:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the user to whom the signature is issued;
  • user's SNILS;
  • unique account number (SDR code) of the organization;
  • authority of the organization;
  • user permission.

After receiving an electronic digital signature certificate, you can proceed to the registration procedure, which we will conditionally divide into two stages - software setup and direct registration in the EIS.

Software setup.

The most difficult, perhaps, this stage seems to most, since it is associated with the use of specific software that no one encounters in everyday life.

However, not everything is as scary as it seems - there is in the EIS, where both the minimum system requirements for PC hardware and the requirements for installed software are indicated.

Hardware requirements:

  • processor with a clock frequency of at least 1.3 GHz;
  • RAM - at least 1 GB;
  • Internet channel bandwidth - at least 256 kbps

Requirements for the installed software to work with the EIS Official Website:

  • Installed internet browser Internet Explorer (version 10.0 and higher), or any other browser that supports Transport Layer Security (TLS v.1.1 and higher RFC 5246), using Russian cryptographic standards;
  • CryptoPro CSP software.

Note that, in essence, the most correct work in the UIS is possible only through the Internet Explorer browser, work through other browsers does not guarantee the desired results.

Setting up a browser and installing specialized CryptoPro CSP software is unlikely to raise questions that are not answered in the instructions, but there is one caveat, if you are using Windows 8.1 and Internet Explorer has been updated to version 11 in it, you must use this browser in compatibility mode in Internet Explorer 10. The fact is that in Windows 8.1, the browser is part of the operating system and its separate installation or removal and subsequent reinstallation of a younger version of the browser are not possible, you have to use a "crutch" in the form of compatibility mode. Detailed instructions for setting this mode are described in the instructions indicated above.

After we have received the EDS, set up the workplace (PC) under the requirements indicated in the instructions, we can proceed to the registration process in the EIS.

To register an organization in the UIS, it is necessary to have information about the organization in the Consolidated Register indicating the organization's powers in the field of procurement. After receiving information about the organization from the Consolidated Register, the System generates a customer identification code (CIC), the organization is automatically registered in the UIS, information about the organization is stored in the register of organizations of the UIS. A notification about the registration of the organization in the EIS is sent to the e-mail specified in the record of information about the organization in the Consolidated Register. A corresponding entry is generated in the event log of the organization's card. To ensure the work of users of the organization in the Personal Accounts of the UIS, the administrator of the organization needs to log in to the UIS in order to confirm the registration of other users of the organization.

When pressed, a form for authorization is displayed with a choice of options. You must select the option " Login for users of organizations registered in accordance with the section III The procedure approved by the order of the Federal Treasury of December 30, 2015 No. 27n, and the Procedure for registration in the EIS, approved by the order of the Federal Treasury of March 25, 2014 No. 4n ».

Click the "Login" button on the appropriate item.

After clicking, we will see a message explaining the need for the mandatory use of an electronic signature when working with the EIS, and there is also a button " registration"That's what we need.

In this case, the system will prompt you to select one of the unique logins provided automatically. Otherwise, you can create a login manually.

After filling in all the required fields, you must click the " Register". After that, the system will register the user in the UIS and display the Personal Account of the Administrator of the organization. This completes the registration process.

We have received an electronic digital signature, set up a workplace in accordance with the established requirements, have been registered in a single information system, and you can get to work!

Material prepared: Skulbin Georgy, Baltic Tender Center LLC.

Is openness and transparency in these areas of activity. For this, it was created. To obtain the status of a customer and the possibility of organizing and conducting bidding, a legal entity must register a user in the EIS.

Registration under 44-FZ and 223-FZ is different. If you want to act as a customer in accordance with both the first and second laws, you must register twice (that is, separately under one and separately under the other laws).

How to register in the EIS according to 44 FZ

In order for an organization to be considered registered on the public procurement website and be able to conduct auctions, it is necessary to have information about it in the above register of organizations. After receiving information about the organization from the specified register, it generates an identification code of the customer, while the company is automatically registered in the system, and information about it is stored in the consolidated register.

The personal account of the head of the registered organization will open.

Below you can see an example of a completed card of the head of the company (if necessary, the head can set administrator rights).

For this purpose, in the manager's personal account, click the "Register user" link.

A form to fill out appears (picture below).

After that, the EIS will verify the electronic signature certificate. If the user has already been registered, then you need to unbind the certificate.

Based on the results of the check, an image will appear about the need to sign the registration form.

When signing, the system registers users, assigns a unique login and password, which is sent to the email address.

Registration in the EIS under 223-FZ

Registration under 223-FZ goes through the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA), in other words, through the Gosuslugi website ( You must first register with the ESIA, this must be done by the head of the company.

You will need a qualified electronic signature (EDS), which is issued in the name of the head of the legal entity. Such certificates are issued

Very, very often, I come across the fact that users who are forced to independently configure access via EDS to the procurement site of public procurement, have a whole bunch of different problems. There are even so desperate ones who don’t even have the Instructions for setting up this business.

Purchasing Unable to display page

On the Internet, if you search, you can find many instructions on how and what to set up, how and what to do with what problems. I would like to tell you only about the possibility of simplifying all this setup and preparation a little. How long this option will continue to work is hard to say. But I use it often =P. Because it really is much easier.

This option is to use automatic configuration through the Contour website. Let's go to the site itself. We are looking for a link in the upper right corner Support and at the bottom left is the link Installing a certificate. Or go straight to this link. I advise nevertheless, for these affairs, to use IE. So we went to the site. Selected link Configure for work on the portals of State procurement and State services ("").

We press RMB and run this add-on for all nodes, 4 times, until it stops appearing. Next, download the utility AddToTrusted, which instead of us, will add all the necessary sites to the list of safe ones and configure IE. How to download launch. And we update our page either on F5 or with the mouse 🙂 In fact, this is the whole setting, then it only makes sense, after checking the system, to press the button select components to install and remove if not necessary, such checkboxes are acceptable as installing Mozilla Firefox.

AVAST blocks HTTPS and purchases do not open

Why did I start telling you all this? Well, yes, after all, as usual, they brought a laptop, from which it is urgent to go to the public procurement website. But when switching to 223 FZ, our favorite crashes The page cannot be displayed. The case this time turned out to be AVAST antivirus. Although it fails once again, but I love it 🙂 After a recent update, it has a function HTTPS scanning, which became the reason for blocking the work of the procurement portal, and I suspect that not only him. In general. For now, turn it off.

Six months after the Unified Information System for Housing Construction, the UIS ZhS, was launched, rules appeared according to which developers are required to open a personal account in the UIS ZhS. They are valid from June 18, 2018.

The question immediately arises: do these rules apply to developers who have received a conclusion and registered a DDU before this date?

Answer: such companies are required to post information in the UIS ZhS within 15 calendar days from the start of the rules, that is, until July 3 (clause 20 of Regulation No. 275 / pr).

Where and how to post information

The developer enters information on the site our.dom.rf in electronic form through the personal account of the developer. To do this, you need to register in the system and issue an enhanced electronic digital signature. To enter information, you need to fill in the appropriate fields in your personal account, as well as place files in the established format.

What kind of data to reflect in a particular situation is determined by Regulation No. 275 / pr.

For example, in the information on the payment of contributions to the compensation fund, it must be indicated that the developer attracts money from equity holders, provided that such payments are transferred to the nominal account of the special fund. It is also necessary to provide the date of submission for state registration of the agreement with the first shareholder or data that the document was not registered.

In the information about the conditions for raising money through escrow accounts, you must indicate that the developer has been issued a targeted loan for construction. In addition, it is necessary to provide the full name and location of the bank where the escrow accounts will be opened, the date and number of the loan agreement, the term for the escrow of money from equity holders.

As it was before. It was not clear exactly what data would be needed in a given situation. Companies could easily miss the required information, as a result they would pay a fine.

For each house, the developer is obliged to place the following documents in the EIS ZhS:

  • permission to put the facility into operation;
  • building permit;
  • conclusion of the examination of project documentation;
  • documents confirming the rights to the land;
  • project declaration;
  • conclusion on the compliance of the developer and the project declaration with the requirements of Law No. 214-FZ;
  • information about the payment of contributions to the compensation fund or information about the conditions for attracting money from equity holders through escrow accounts;
  • draft agreement for participation in shared construction;
  • photographs of the object under construction, reflecting the current state of its construction;
  • annual and interim accounting (financial) statements and an auditor's report.

How to add information to the EIS ZhS

Information is placed in the EIS ZhS in the form of electronic documents or in the form of electronic images of paper documents. Paper documents must be scanned into a PDF file with all the details.

The electronic image of the document must visually be identical to the paper original on a scale of 1:1. The quality of the placed electronic images should allow to read the text of the document in full and recognize its details. If a paper document consists of two or more sheets, the electronic image of the document must be generated as a single file. The maximum quality of placed documents is 300 dpi.

There are technical requirements for photographs. Photos must be placed in the form of JPEG, PNG, TIFF files. The size of each file must not exceed 3 megabytes. Image size must be at least 3 megapixels (1200 pixels on the short side). The minimum resolution of the attached photo must not be less than 450 dpi.

For each object specified in the project declaration, there must be at least two photographs and at least two angles. The position of the unfinished object in the photo should allow unambiguous identification of this object.

It is important to comply with all these requirements, otherwise the company will be fined for incomplete information or its absence. The amounts of fines are in the table.

As it was before. There were no detailed requirements for information and scans of documents.

Table. What will happen for violation of information requirements in shared construction

What was violated

What is the penalty

Where is it written

For the company

for director

Posted incomplete or inaccurate information in the project declaration and other mandatory information, posted information at the wrong time

200,000–400,000 rubles

5,000–15,000 rubles

P. 2 Art. 14.28 Administrative Code

Reporting late or providing false or incomplete information

50,000–200,000 rubles

5000–5000 rubles

P. 3 Art. 14.28 Administrative Code

Did not provide controllers with the information necessary for control, or provided incomplete or inaccurate data

50,000–200,000 rubles

5,000–15,000 rubles

P. 4, Art. 14.28 Administrative Code

How to fix bugs

If changes have been made to the documents, new documents must be placed in the system. There is no need to delete the previous data - be sure to save them.

The information in the system must be not only up-to-date, but also complete.

If you find that you previously posted false or incomplete information or found errors, you need to mark "incorrect information". And then place reliable information and indicate that it is being placed instead of the previous one. If a document has ceased to be valid, you need to make a mark "document is invalid" and indicate the reasons.

Let's say you need to change information about a developer or a project. If these data correspond in content to the sections of the project declaration, fill out the appropriate forms in your personal account again.

As it was before. It was not clear how to make changes to the system. On the websites, developers published information at their discretion: some only relevant, some - both current and former.

What deadlines must be met

Information in the EIS ZhS must be placed no later than seven working days from the date when the developer received a conclusion on compliance with the established requirements. Photos of a house under construction should be posted monthly from the date you posted them in the system for the first time.

Interim accounting for the 1st quarter, half a year and 9 months must be posted quarterly. Deadline - no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period. The annual reporting and audit report must be posted no later than 120 calendar days after the end of the year (clause 22 of Regulation No. 275/pr).

If changes are made, the updated documents must be placed in the system within three working days from the date of the amendments. For example, in the design declaration.

The company also has three working days to post information that the document has ceased to be valid or has been declared invalid. Inaccurate information must also be corrected within three working days if you have found the errors yourself. If controllers, then you need to focus on the deadline in the prescription.

All documents have a date, so controllers can easily check whether the developer complies with the requirements and deadlines or not. If it does not comply, both the director and the company will be punished.

As it was before. There was no clear deadline for correcting errors. But now it will be easier for inspectors to keep track of key dates and demand fines.

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