How to enter the public services portal for a legal entity. How is the process of registering a legal entity for public services

How to enter the public services portal for a legal entity. How is the process of registering a legal entity for public services


Public services - registration of a legal entity using this resource is quite simple, although it has its own nuances. In our article, we will tell you how to register a company using the public services portal (note that the procedure for registering a legal entity using the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation will not be affected in this article).

Registration of a legal entity on the public services portal: instructions

In order to register a legal entity using the public services portal (portal address:, you must adhere to the following scheme of actions:

  • The head of the legal entity or another person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney, register on the site as an individual. To do this, you need to create an individual account and confirm the identity of the citizen using one of the available methods.
  • Go to the personal account of an individual and select the "Authorities" tab. In the window that opens, click on the icon "Federal Tax Service".
  • Select the necessary option "Registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs" in the tab that opens.
  • In the next window that opens, select the link "State registration of a legal entity upon its creation".
  • Choose from the proposed methods to register a legal entity on the portal of public services necessary for the user. In this case, "Send the completed application electronically."
  • Pay the state fee before submitting the application. The amount of the state duty in our case is 4,000 rubles. (subclause 1, clause 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
  • Download the necessary software (the download link will be automatically offered on the portal) and upload an electronic archive with documents for registering a legal entity.
  • Wait for a message from the Federal Tax Service in your personal account about the receipt of the application and a package of documents in electronic form.
  • Receive within 3 business days after sending an electronic application and a set of documentation from the registration authority in electronic form, papers confirming the state registration of a legal entity, or a decision to refuse state registration.
  • Receive on paper from the registration authority documents confirming the content of electronic documents - if necessary.

What documents are needed to register a legal entity on the public services website

To register a legal entity on the website of public services during its creation, all the same documents are required as for registering an organization when the applicant personally visits the registering authority, namely (Article 12 of the Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 No. 129 -FZ, hereinafter - the law "On state registration"):

  • Application of the established form for state registration of a legal entity (form P11001, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]). For information on how to fill out such an application correctly, see the article Compiling an application for opening an LLC - sample.
  • The decision to create a legal entity in the form of a protocol or in other forms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. See our article We draw up the minutes of the meeting of founders on the creation of an LLC.
  • Constituent documentation of the registered legal entity. Our articles on this topic will be useful:
  • An extract from the register of foreign legal entities, if the founder of the registered organization is a foreign legal entity.
  • Document confirming the payment of state duty. Such a document is not required to be submitted by the applicant himself, since it can be requested by the Federal Tax Service in the manner of interdepartmental cooperation (clause 47 of the Administrative Regulations ..., approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 30, 2016 No. 169n).

To send the prepared set of documents, the user needs to download special software. A link to download it will be offered automatically after the user switches to the electronic submission mode. Next, the documents must be sent to a folder with a zip extension. The maximum file size for sending is 5,120 KB.

How to create an account (personal account) of a legal entity

In order to create an account of a legal entity on the public services portal, you must perform the steps in accordance with the scheme below:

  • Create an account for an individual - the head of the organization or another person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney. Next, this account must be confirmed in one of the possible ways.
  • Log in to a verified individual user account.
  • Select the "My data" tab and click on the "+Add organization" icon.
  • Select the "Legal Entity" icon.
  • Connect the token containing the electronic signature tool and start searching for the certificate of the electronic signature tool (for this you need to click on the "Continue" icon). The mentioned token must be ordered in advance at one of the accredited certification centers (their list can be found at this link). Including it can be used to verify an individual's account. However, it must be remembered that it can only be ordered in the name of a citizen who will either be the head of a legal entity, or will have the right to act on behalf of such a legal entity without a power of attorney. The token must not be disabled until the end of the registration of the legal entity on the portal.
  • Fill in the data of the legal entity in the registration form on the portal and wait for their automatic verification.
  • Wait for a notification to your personal account about the successful registration of a legal entity account on the portal.

Ways to confirm an account on the public services portal

Registration of a legal entity on the public services portal can only be initiated by citizens whose account is verified.

There are 3 ways to verify your account:

  • Through a personal call to the service center. Such service centers in the desired locality can be found using the map on the public services website. Usually these include multifunctional centers, branches of the Russian Post, branches of large banks, etc.
  • By entering an identity verification code received by mail.
  • Through the use of a user's enhanced qualified electronic signature received from a certification authority. If a citizen who confirms an account on the portal plans to register an organization in the future, this method of confirmation will be the most convenient.

So, for registration of a legal entity, public services offer a convenient and fairly simple electronic service. To use it, an individual who will act as the head of the organization or have the right to act on its behalf without a power of attorney must create an account on the portal, and then confirm it in one of the possible ways.

To register a legal entity through the public services portal, you need all the same documents as for registration in any other way, which are uploaded to the site using special software.

Registration of a legal entity on the portal www. gosuslugi. en

Terms and abbreviations

4. Create a legal entity account

4. Features of registration of legal entities subordinate to the Management Company

5. Installing the plug-in for working with the electronic signature tool

ESIA supports authentication using the following types of digital signature verification key certificates:

a certificate issued to an individual;

a certificate issued to an official of a legal entity or public authority.

For successful authentication, it is necessary that the SNILS of an individual - the owner of this certificate - be indicated in the certificate.

3. Create a legal entity account

Procedure for registering a legal entity from a verified user account includes four main steps.

1. You should enter the ESIA and go to the tab "Organizations"*. Next click on the button "Register an organization" located on the information banner (see Figure 6).

Rice. 6. Page "Organizations"

*If the entry was made through the Unified Portal of Public Services, to go to the ESIA profile, in the Personal Account, in the tab "My data" press the button "Go to edit"(See Figure 6A).

Rice. 6-A. Personal Area

2. ESIA will display instructions for registering a legal entity in the ESIA. After reading the instructions (see Figure 7), you need to connect the electronic signature tool (if it has not been connected before). It should be remembered that in order to register a legal entity, it is required to use a qualified electronic signature issued in the name of the head of the legal entity or to a person entitled to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney.

The following steps must also be performed in advance:

– For some electronic signature carriers, it is required to install a special program - a cryptographic provider (for example, CryptoPro CSP).

– Install a special web browser plug-in. The presence of the plugin will be checked automatically when you click on the button "Proceed".

To continue the registration of a legal entity, click on the button "Proceed".

Rice. 7. Information on the procedure for registering a legal entity, reading electronic signature data

If the user has multiple certificates, a window will be displayed "Certificate Selection"(See Figure 8).

Rice. 8 - Certificate selection window

Select the required certificate, and then a window for entering the pin code will be displayed. Enter the correct pin code value and press "OK"(See Figure 9).

Rice. 9. Entering a pin code

3. After checking the possibility of registering a legal entity using an electronic signature, the ESIA will offer to fill out a form with data on the legal entity and data on the head of the organization (a person who has the right to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney).

The main fields are filled in because they were read from the electronic signature certificate and cannot be changed. It is only necessary to provide a number of additional details about the organization (see Figure 10):

ATTENTION! All fields are required.

1. Email address of the organization;

2. If the TIN was not indicated in the personal data, then the TIN of the user as an individual should be indicated;

3. Office phone;

4. Business e-mail address;

5. Choose the organizational and legal form;

6. Press the button "Proceed".

Rice. 10. Filling in the organization's data

1. You should wait for the automatic verification of the data of the organization and the head of the organization in the Federal Tax Service. If no errors occur, the legal entity will be registered (see Figure 11). Until the end of the checks, you can close this page: the progress of the checks can be viewed through the personal page of the ESIA.

Rice. 11. Results of verification of the application for registration of a legal entity

If you need to go to any system on behalf of this legal entity, you need to log in to your ESIA account again. After that, when you access a system that allows you to log on as a legal entity, you may be prompted for a role. In this case, you must select the organization on behalf of which you are supposed to work in the system (see Figure 12).

Rice. 12. Role selection

After registering an account, the head of the organization has the opportunity to invite employees, regulate their access to information systems, etc.


Only the head of the organization can register any organization in the ESIA. When registering a managed (subordinate) company, a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key must be obtained for the head of the Management Company, provided that the managed company does not have appointed (and registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) managers or persons entitled to act without a power of attorney.

If a qualified certificate is received by the direct head of a subordinate legal entity, then registration in the ESIA of this legal entity using this electronic signature tool is possible.

Thus, the registration of all its subordinate organizations must be carried out by their head. In cases where the head of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is not explicitly appointed, the registration of a legal entity can be carried out by the head of the Management Company. For each subordinate organization, it must have its own qualified electronic signature verification certificate. All of these qualified certificates must contain information about him as a manager, as well as information about the relevant legal entity.


To confirm your identity using an electronic signature or register a legal entity, you must install a special program - a plug-in. To start installing the plugin, follow the link "Plugin for working with electronic signature" in the corresponding pop-up window (see Figure 13). The plugin installation page will be displayed.

Rice. 13. Plugin installation page

Rice. 14. Plugin loading window

You must click on the button " Launch". The plugin installation wizard will be displayed (see Figure 15).

Rice. 15. Plugin installation wizard

You must follow the installation wizard instructions. After installation is complete, you need to restart your browser.


For correct work with the electronic signature in the browser Internet Explorer you need to add the address to the list of trusted sites. For this you should:

· go to "Internet Options";

select a bookmark "Security";

Select a zone to configure security settings - "Reliable nodes", press the button "Knots";

· in field "Add the following node to the zone" enter the address and click "Add";

close this window.


To register a branch account, you must first register a parent organization account. Branch registration can be carried out:

− leaders of the organization;

− employees included in the group Organization Profile Administrators.

Branch registration must be initiated from the profile of the relevant organization (tab "Common data"), to do this, click on the button "Add branch"(See Figure 16).

Rice. 16. General data

After that, fill in the following data (see Figure 17):

− branch name;

− checkpoint of the branch;

− organizational and legal form;

− e-mail address of the branch.

Rice. 17. Create an affiliate account

After that, the system will check the uniqueness of the combination of the TIN of the parent organization and the KPP (one organization cannot have several branches with the same KPP) and a branch account will be created.

After the branch is created, the employee who performed this action will not be attached to the branch as an employee. To add employees to a branch, as well as to manage these branches, go to the profile of the corresponding branch by clicking on the link "Go to profile"(See Figure 18).

In section "Branches" head organization profile (tab "Common data") all branches created by this organization are displayed.

Rice. 18 - View the list of branches and go to the branch profile

If a branch-joined user authenticates to one of the systems that support organization employee logins, they will be prompted to log in as a branch employee as well (see Figure 19).

Rice. 19. Login with the role of a branch employee

In case of problems, you can contact the User Support Center .

When opening your own, commercial business, a citizen is required to be entered into a single database of the Russian Federation as a legal entity - an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The site of public services for legal entities is very convenient.

No visit required. instances. A personal account is created on the portal, after which you need to follow the instructions that pop up on the computer screen.

Registration of a legal entity on the State Services portal

Authorization on the state portal can be completed in a few minutes - you need to enter the site, go to the "registration" section, add personal information and check the box "consent to data processing". Registration for public services of a legal entity is carried out online on the service

The entrance to the site is carried out using the password entered at the very beginning. The public service will be provided to the citizen only after sending the relevant request.

Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

Commercial organizations (legal entities), according to the type of activity, issue permits, licenses and register transactions. All this can be done online if you register in the esia service - an information system in the Russian Federation for authentication and identification.

Transactions can be registered only after the submission of documents to government agencies.

For this, earlier it was required to make an appointment and wait in line, after which, on the appointed day, important papers were handed over to the official. Today, the easiest thing is that documents can be added to the system in scanned, electronic form, and they will be transferred to the state. authority.

It is necessary to register a legal entity on the State Services portal in order to:

  1. Make entries in Rosreestr.
  2. Submit annual returns.
  3. Submit tax and financial statements.
  4. Register contracts and transactions.

Public Services is a convenient and multifunctional platform for entrepreneurs. You can start working after the personal account of the legal entity is created.

How to register step by step

Registration of an entrepreneur on the website of the State Service may have differences at different stages in terms of functionality, depending on what a personal account is created on the portal for. To submit tax documents or apply for a tender, you must obtain an enhanced account.

Step-by-step instructions for registering on the portal:

  1. Log in to the website as an individual. This is the first stage.
  2. Through the official account on the portal, a transition is made to the section "Business, Entrepreneurship, NPOs". It can be found on the tab listing all available services.
  3. Filling out the form for entering data of a legal entity into the database. Be sure to check the "registration online" field. To complete the procedure, you will need to confirm the identity of the citizen - enter the data of the Russian passport, information about the date and place of birth and the SNILS number.
  4. Submit the form for verification.

The system sends information to the FIU of Russia and the NFS, where the submitted data is verified. If all the information matches, an offer to identify the applicant's identity is sent to the e-mail.

Registration on the State Services website is required to create an account and a personal database of a legal entity.

  1. Only the person to whom it will belong can create a personal account. You should select the section "individual entrepreneur" in the list.
  2. To submit declarations to the FSS, when authorizing on the site, you must specify the citizen's personal data - full name and TIN number. OGRNIP is also indicated.
  3. A bookmark appears in the office with the inscription "Organization". The attached application form is filled out. All specified data are checked by the tax service.
  4. Upon completion, the IP will appear in the list of the organization. In order to familiarize yourself with your personal account, you need to click the "Details" button.
  5. This completes the authorization process. A legal entity can invite employees, specify their data and make 2-4 people administrators of the company profile.

Confirmation of OKVED through public services

Several services are available to a legal entity through a personal account:

  • Submission of tax returns.
  • Registration of the RF Patent.
  • Registration of quality conformity certificates.
  • Obtaining the necessary information from the state register.

Ways to go through the procedure for registering a legal entity:

  • Creation of online electronic - digital signature. It is needed when confirming your identity to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service of the city of Moscow or regions of Russia, and other organizations. You need to order an electronic signature from a licensed company.
  • Verification of information through the MFC. You will need to present your own ID. When choosing this method, a legal entity gets the opportunity to open the website of the tax service and submit reports without additional authorization.
  • Presentation of documents and applications through the Russian Post office. The applicant receives a registered letter with confirmation information. Using it, a legal entity can view information important for its activities on the State Services portal. But there is no possibility to transfer tax reports, register transactions, participate in tenders.

You can also go through identification through a specialized point on the portal of public services. The applicant may appear in person, or send a representative who has a certified power of attorney in his hands. The procedure is lengthy - the result will be achieved in 2-3 weeks.
electronic signature

To obtain a personal identifier, a representative of a legal entity or the founder of a company needs to contact a single certification center. You should take a Russian passport and SNILS with you to the reception.

After the registration procedure is completed, the applicant will receive a flash drive with a key and a certificate that can be used on

When using the key, be sure to comply with all requirements for saving data and their confidentiality. Transfer to individuals is prohibited. An official institution must also have an electronic signature in order to register transactions and send tax returns through the State Services portal.

Types of electronic signature:

  1. Simple. Password and login are used. When accessing the service, an identification code is used, sent via SMS or e-mail.
  2. Reinforced (unskilled). The use of this type of signature allows not only to identify the sender of the document, but also to record all changes made to it.
  3. Reinforced (qualified). Protection of the highest degree is provided at the legislative level.

Registration of an individual on the State Service portal

Through the portal of the State Service, you can submit an application to the center that draws up electronic digital signatures.
registration of a legal entity

After the preliminary steps to create a personal account have been taken, you should proceed to the second stage - directly to the registration of a citizen who opens his own business.

The algorithm of steps for an entrepreneur to create a personal IP account on the State Services portal:

  1. Only the founder, head of the enterprise can register a legal entity, he also submits reports until an administrator is appointed. All data is verified through government agencies - the FIU, the Federal Tax Service, the bailiff service. In the previously created personal account, you must select the item "IP registration".
  2. All sections of the questionnaire displayed on the computer screen are filled in stages. Only a manager who has been given an electronic signature can receive a certificate of a legal entity.
  3. The last stage is the appointment of an administration for a personal account from among the employees of the organization.

If you need to edit the previously specified data or enter additional information requested by social insurance or another government organization, you need to enter the "editing" section, change information about the legal form of the enterprise, personal data of the founder, email address. If the editing was successful, the "next" icon becomes active.

How to work with the program for preparing documents for state registration

The last stage of registration is the introduction of data for transferring funds to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and payment of the state duty. At this point, the procedure is considered completed, and the documents are submitted to the department for consideration.

Terms and amount of state duty

The amount charged for actions on the state portal may differ depending on whether Moscow or another region was specified when registering a legal entity.

Payment on the State Service Portal:

The sizes of state duties are given when paying through the State Services portal.

Post navigation

The website of the State Service has an extensive interface, however, the management is simple and clear. To get started, you need to create a personal account using the button in the upper right corner.

To go to the service catalog, you should also click on the corresponding menu item at the top of the page.

The main menu item of the site for legal entities is business and NPOs. It is divided into two main subsections:

  • Registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs.
  • Rospotrebnadzor notification.
  • Registration of entrepreneurial activity - making entries in the USRIP, state registration of a person as an individual entrepreneur, systematization of information on the interim liquidation balance sheet of the enterprise.
  • State duty for registration of a legal entity.
  • All services of the Federal Tax Service - informing taxpayers, information about the TIN, filing tax returns, maintaining a register of cash registers.

The activities of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are subject to mandatory state registration. The executive authority responsible for the execution of this procedure is the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Previously, in order to formalize their right to conduct business, a business entity had to personally contact the representatives of the service and make frequent visits to the inspection. Since it became possible to register a legal entity on the State Services portal, this need has disappeared. Now you can send an application to the Federal Tax Service remotely.

First steps on the e-government portal

Registration persons on public services - an operation available only to registered users who have confirmed their account. The recipient of the service can be the head of the organization, one of the founders or an authorized representative (trustee).

So, the first step towards registering a legal entity is creating an account on the State Services (see,). Moreover, it is initially necessary to make a personal account for an individual. For this you should:

  • go to;
  • on the right in the block "Entrance to the State Services" select "Register";
  • in a new window, enter the last name and first name of the user, as well as the cell phone number and e-mail address;
  • if you wish, read the terms of use of the site and the privacy policy by clicking on the active links;
  • click "Register";
  • on the next page, enter the confirmation code and click "Continue";
  • create a password using the algorithm offered by the system, enter it in the appropriate field and click "Finish";
  • edit the user's data by entering additional information into the appropriate fields of the screen form (patronymic name, date and place of birth, citizenship, details of the passport and insurance certificate);
  • click on the "Save and continue" button.

After completing all these steps, the user becomes the owner of a simplified account. This is followed by the process of checking these documents, which can take from 15 minutes to 5 business days. If the details were entered correctly, according to the results of the check, the status of the record changes to "Standard".

Completing Registration - Identity Verification

The next step is to verify the user's identity. This is necessary in order to gain access to all portal options, including registration on the website of the "Gosuslugi" legal entity. There are three ways to complete registration: order a special confirmation code by mail, visit the nearest My Documents center with your passport, or make an electronic signature (ES). It is allowed to use a universal electronic card (UEC) instead of an ES.

Important! If the user is given several options to confirm the data, then in order to register a limited liability company (LLC) or an enterprise of another organizational and legal form through the State Services, an ES will be required in any case. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately order a qualified key certificate for legal entities. persons and individual entrepreneurs. The cost of services for its manufacture in different agencies ranges from one to two thousand rubles.

To work with the ES, you need to install a special plug-in from the portal on the device used, reload the browser and connect the cryptographic key carrier. Next, add the site's email address to the list of trusted nodes (if necessary) and allow the plugin access. Then you need to specify the appropriate key certificate, enter the code and wait for the verification results.

This completes the registration of an individual as a user of the portal, and his account will receive the status "Verified". As a result, all e-government services presented at the State Services will become available to him, including the services provided by the tax service.

The procedure for registering a legal entity should be started when an official decision on its creation has been made, constituent documents have been prepared and a state fee of 4,000 rubles has been paid.

You can find document templates on the Internet, but it is better to entrust the drafting and execution of the charter, memorandum of association, and the decision to establish an organization to a qualified lawyer. Finished documents will need to be scanned and saved on a computer. As for the state duty, you can pay it yourself online on the portal of the Federal Tax Service. However, first things first.

In order for the registration of a legal entity on the State Services portal to be successful, you should use the proposed step-by-step instructions.

Step 2. In the top menu of the site, find the heading "For citizens", click on it and select "For legal entities" in the drop-down list.

Step 3. On the page that opens, find the category "Registration of a legal entity", then the subcategory "State duty for registration of a legal entity" and follow the active link.

Step 4. An additional tab of one of the services of the tax service will open - "Payment of state duty". In the table with the types of payment, select "State duty for registration of a legal entity". A list with subtypes of operations and codes will open. You need to select the first line and click on the "Next" button located under the table.

After that, a form will open in which you need to enter the payer's data and the legal address of the organization. Please note that payment by bank transfer is possible only if the applicant's TIN is indicated.

After filling out the form, you should click "Next", check the information and click "Pay". The system will automatically determine the details of the inspection to which you will need to send money and prompt you to select a payment method. You need to select "Cashless payment" and in the list that appears, find the name and logo of the credit institution through which the payment will be made. Then all that remains is to log in to the “bank-online” and confirm the transfer of funds. The electronic receipt must be kept.

Step 5. Return to the State Services and in the category "State registration of a legal entity" select the subcategory "Registration of entrepreneurial activities".

Step 6. In the list of services, select "State registration of a legal entity upon its creation."

Step 7. On the page that opens, select the type of service receipt - "Send the completed application electronically." Click on "Get Service".

Step 8. The registration form will open. In the first paragraph there will be an active link for downloading the software. You need to click on this link. There will be a transition to the portal of the Federal Tax Service. You should download the installation file, following the prompts of the system.

Step 9. It is necessary to open the document preparation program and create a new document under the code P11001 (application form). Consistently fill in all the sheets (if necessary, they can be added). When filling out the application, you need to be very careful. Often it is errors in the documents that cause registration denial.

Step 10. Upload the prepared archive to the State Services page with the registration form. This can be done manually by specifying the path to the file or simply by dragging the archive into the required field. Then click on "Submit Application".

Upon completion of the procedure, if everything is done correctly, a message will be sent to the user's personal account with a file from the tax authority, which will contain a receipt for receiving documents.

After five days (maximum), a message from the Federal Tax Service about the results of the procedure will be sent to your personal account. If, following the consideration of the application, a positive decision is made, the applicant will need to come to the branch of the Federal Tax Service and pick up the registration documents.

As can be seen from this article, registration of legal entities. faces on the State Services website is a simple operation that can be performed quite quickly if you have an electronic signature, especially if you follow the instructions provided.

For several years now, the unified portal of public services of the Russian Federation has been providing citizens with a convenient opportunity to solve household, family and business issues electronically. Creating an ESIA account on the official website and entering the personal account of the State Services of the Russian Federation allows you to subsequently apply for certain state, municipal and city services online via the Internet, without the need to additionally contact the territorial offices and waste time in queues.

In this article, we will talk in detail about how to enter the personal account of public services for a registered individual and how to contact technical support in case of difficulties.

After registering on the portal and confirming your identity, you can enter the site from the main page or via the direct link Entrance to public services through a login and password is carried out using the ESIA - the Unified Identification and Authentication System. This is a convenient single service for gaining access to the online resources of government and commercial organizations, without the need to register separately on their websites.

An ESIA account is created for each registered user of the state portal who has confirmed his identity. To log in using this system, you will need a login and password received when creating an account. To log in as a login, use your phone or mail address (email).

For the convenience of citizens, alternative options are also provided:

  • through SNILS;
  • using an electronic signature.

By phone number

The easiest way is to use a mobile phone - this is the most popular method among the population. And it is not surprising, because we, as a rule, remember our mobile by heart. It won't take long to enter. Moreover, if you have already used the portal before, then, most likely, the system will automatically insert your login into the authorization form.

Before entering a password, check the correctness of the login. If it doesn't match yours, click on the "Other User" link and enter the correct one. This is especially true if several family members use the computer.

If the number was not determined automatically or was determined incorrectly, enter the one you specified during registration in the appropriate field of the authorization form. Please note that the number must start with +7 (for Russian cellular providers), and not with eight. Then enter your password and click on the "Login" button.

Through SNILS

If you already have a standard or verified account, then you can enter the portal using the insurance number of an individual personal account instead of a login. To do this, in the authorization form, switch to the appropriate tab by clicking on the link "SNILS"

It is impossible to enter public services using SNILS if you have a simplified account. In this case, we advise you to log in using your phone or email address, and then specify the information about the document in the settings and wait for the changes to be verified by the relevant department. After successfully passing the test, you can use this method to connect to public services.

If you are going to use the public service portal service personal account from an unfamiliar computer or device, do not forget to check the Alien computer box.

What to do if you can't log in?

It will not be difficult for a registered user to enter public services - the main thing is not to forget the login and password specified when creating an account. However, there are situations when additional advice from a technical specialist is required. If you encounter difficulties or errors during authorization, you must contact the support service:

  • by calling 8 800 100-70-10 (toll-free in Russia)
  • +7 495 727-47-47 for calls from abroad (according to the operator's tariffs)
  • for calls from mobiles, it is recommended to call a short number (free of charge in the Russian Federation)
  • send a message to an email address [email protected]

If you have not used the state portal before, you do not have a login and password and you are just going to register, then use the instructions for.

Public services for legal entities

To add an individual entrepreneur, LLC or a company with another form of business to the portal and activate a personal account for legal entities, you need to have a verified account of an individual who has the right to act on behalf of the organization (director or other representative of the company with the appropriate rights), i.e. first go through the registration procedure and verification of personal data.

If an authorized representative of the company has an electronic signature, the verification key certificate of which contains personal data (full name and SNILS), then this ES can be used to confirm the identity of an individual and register the corresponding legal entity. To do this, you need to install a special plug-in program.

A legal entity can also use a number of services via the Internet, for example:

  • submission of documents for the payment of insurance premiums;
  • issuance of a permit for the transportation of heavy cargo;
  • confirmation of the type of activity in the FSS;
  • payment of traffic police fines;
  • issuance of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions;
  • and other services.

You can also add an organization from an existing individual account. To do this, go to view all personal information in the "Personal Information" section.

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