What should I do if my laptop beeps when turned on? Computer beeps - BIOS signals BIOS signals - introductory.

What should I do if my laptop beeps when turned on? Computer beeps - BIOS signals BIOS signals - introductory.


Each of us, when turning on the computer, heard a characteristic squeak that it emits at the very beginning of the boot. As a rule, we all hear only a single signal. Why? It means that everything is in order with the PC.

This phenomenon is called BIOS POST signals, they are designed to notify the user about what is happening with the computer. Therefore, if something goes wrong, then you will hear not one, but several characteristic squeaks emitted by the built-in speaker of the system unit.

It turns out that each combination of such “squeaks” has its own meaning and directly indicates what is wrong with your technique. Therefore, if you are faced with the fact that the computer beeps when turned on, and does not do it the way it always does, do not panic.

The BIOS informs the user about the status of the personal computer using POST signals.

The following information will help you understand what happened and what part you need to check to restore the device to working order.

From what company you have a BIOS system, how the computer beeps directly depends. If you don't know the manufacturer's name, this information is available on the first screen during power-up - usually AMI, Award, or Phoenix. In extreme cases, the name can be seen by directly going into the BIOS menu itself.

So, if you know which manufacturer your BIOS is from, let's move on to deciphering the sounds made by the component and find out how many times it beeps in a given situation.

What do the sounds mean if I have an AMI BIOS?

When the PC turns on, you may hear the following sounds:


  • 1 - everything is normal.
  • 2 - you did not turn off the printer/scanner or a RAM parity error occurred.
  • 3 - error of the first 64 KB of RAM.
  • 4 - you need to set the time in the BIOS or the Windows system itself.
  • 5 - processor problems.
  • 6 - problems with the input tool.
  • 7 - problems with the mother card.
  • 8 - problems in the memory of the video adapter.
  • 9 - BIOS checksum is incorrect.
  • 10 - problems with writing to CMOS
  • 11 - the cache on the motherboard contains errors.

Combinations of long and short sounds:

  • 1 long, 1 short - problems in the power supply.
  • 1/2 - Mono-CGA video adapter error.
  • 1/3 - EGA-VGA video card problem.
  • 1/4 - the video card is missing.
  • 1/8 - video card or display is not connected.

Other meanings:

  1. When you hear three long beeps, the RAM text was not completed correctly. It needs to be reinstalled, if it does not help, replace it.
  2. The computer beeps with short beeps and does not turn on, does this situation continue continuously? Check the power supply - it does not work or the PC has overheated. Although, often one reason is directly related to another, so most likely you will have to replace this part in order to avoid equipment breakdown.
  3. If the system unit is silent, the screen does not light up, it means that the processor has broken down or, at best, its contact leg has moved away - first check it, and only then run to buy a new component, because it costs a lot.

Decryption of POST combinations of the Phoenix system

This manufacturer, when turned on, sounds several times in a combination of three signals, there are pauses between them. Therefore, we will submit the transcript in this form - for example, 1.1.2 means one signal, pause, one more, pause, two signals.

1.1.2 Processor test failed/defective/replace part
1.1.3 Error writing or reading CMOS memory data
1.1.4 BIOS checksum calculation error
1.2.1/1.4.1 Initialization errormotherboard
1.2.2/1.2.3 DMA controller
1.3.1 RAM regeneration schemes
1.3.3/1.3.4 First 64 KB of RAM
1.4.2 Random access memory
1.4.3 System driver
1.4.4 Error reading or writing one of the input or output ports
2.1.1 Error while reading or writing a bit of the first 64 KB of RAM0th bit
2.1.2 1st
2.1.3 2nd,
2.1.4 3rd
2.2.1 4th
2.2.2 5th
2.2.3 6th
2.2.4 7th
2.3.1 8th
2.3.2 9th
2.3.3 10th
2.3.4 11th
2.4.1 12th
2.4.2 13th
2.4.3 14th
2.4.4 15th beat
3.1.1 Initialization errorChannel One DMA
3.1.2/3.1.4 Second channel DMA
3.2.4 Keyboard controller
3.3.4 video memory
3.4.1 Serious difficulty accessing the monitor
3.4.2 Mistakevideo card BIOS initialization
4.2.1 system timer initialization
4.2.2 Testing completed
4.2.3 Keyboard controller initialization error
4.2.4 Critical error when switching to protected mode of the CPU
4.3.1 Initialization errorRandom access memory
4.3.2 first timer
4.3.3 Second timer
4.4.1 One of the serial ports
4.4.2 parallel port
4.4.3 Math coprocessor

Also, endless long sounds make it clear that the motherboard is broken, and when loud and quiet POST signals alternate in a similar way with a siren, this indicates a failure of the video card. In a situation where the computer beeps constantly, you should check the CPU cooler - it is not there, or it is broken.

Sound values ​​in Award BIOS

There will not be many decryptions here. The main BIOS POST signals that can be heard in the system from this manufacturer are as follows:

  • 2 short "squeaks" are not terrible, because they mean minor problems. As a rule, after them you will be asked to use the CMOS Setup Utility application to eliminate all the troubles. We also advise you to check whether the hard drive is well attached to the motherboard.
  • Long beeps that sound three times indicate problems with the input tool.
  • Combinations:
  • Long and short beeps notify you of a RAM error.
  • A long and two short beeps indicate a problem in the video card, another short beep is added - in the video memory.
  • If a long sound is heard, followed by as many as nine short beeps, there is a problem in reading data from the ROM.
  • Repeated short beeps indicate incorrect operation of the power supply or RAM.
  • Repeating long sounds when turned on means problems with the RAM.
  • If the frequencies change from high to low notes, there is a problem with the processor.
  • A continuous beep indicates a problem with the power supply.

So we learned how the decoding of BIOS sound signals is done. Use this data to always be able to understand what is happening with the computer and what part needs to be checked, repaired or even replaced. As you can see, the technique is smart enough to independently give you a signal about which component is out of order, and such tips will definitely come in handy for a quick solution to the problem.

A rather rare malfunction among users - the laptop began to squeak. If an unexpected squeak is heard when you turn on the laptop, read the article to figure out what to do.

Information about computer hardware malfunctions can be displayed in the usual way during boot, or can be transmitted via sound signals, so it is important to learn how to decipher them.

Why is my laptop beeping?

One of the most common causes of squeaking is the sinking of one or several buttons on the keyboard at once. The laptop will also squeak if contacts are opened somewhere on the motherboard due to the fact that someone spilled tea, juice or other liquid on the keyboard. Overheating of the processor, stopping of the cooler blades or drying out of the thermal paste - all this can trigger the appearance of sound notifications.

It will not be superfluous to contact a service center, since an attempt to fix mechanical damage with inexperienced hands can lead to a critical breakdown of the device. It will also happen if you misdiagnose a problem that causes the laptop to beep when turned on.

1. RAM malfunction

You can try to clean the RAM yourself. Unplug the device from the outlet and remove the battery. Then remove the cover from the compartment at the bottom of the case called Memory and remove the RAM modules. Clean them of accumulated dust and insert them back. If after switching on the problem does not disappear, then the reason is the failure of the motherboard, you cannot fix it yourself.


The POST chip, which stores the BIOS code, controls the launch of all computer components and checks their performance. Therefore, if the POST (self-test program) finds a problem, it will beep the user.

All components are checked, including RAM modules, processor, video card and computer motherboard. If the squeak emitted by the laptop is short, this is just a signal that the check has been successfully completed and control has been transferred to the operating system installed on the laptop.

3. BIOS replacement

If the error in the system is critical, in some cases only flashing or replacing the BIOS chip helps.

The laptop beeps - what to do?

Inspect the device for visible external damage. If you dropped something heavy on the laptop or itself, a squeak indicates the presence of breakdowns in the hardware.

If the sound notification is short, this is a sign of a successful test, as mentioned above. However, if after that the operating system does not start, and the screen remains dark, the video card has failed. The combination of one long beep and two short beeps also speaks of fatal video card errors.

Two short beeps indicate minor problems: contact oxidation or incorrect system settings.

Three signals are malfunctions with the keyboard panel.

The most difficult case: a long signal followed by nine short ones. They indicate that the system was unable to read the ROM.

If you are going to fix the problems yourself that appeared after liquid got into the case, the laptop fell, etc., and you plan to open the case, be sure to disconnect the device from the mains and remove the battery. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact the service center so that specialists can identify and fix the problem. Inexperienced actions of users may not improve, but only worsen the condition of the computer.

But did you know that the sounds that a laptop produces in one case or another signal the user about various kinds of problems? For example, if laptop keeps beeping while working this may indicate that the system has diagnosed a problem that it is not able to solve on its own. Perhaps one or more keys are stuck, or one of the contacts is closed after moisture has entered. If the first trouble is easily fixable, then the second can cause serious damage. That's why laptop squeaks need to be taken seriously.

Laptop beeps when loading

When booting up, the laptop should somehow make sounds. But we can easily decipher the nature of these sounds if we know what each sound signal means. So, laptop beeping on boot once, while the sound is short - this means that no errors were found in the system.

Two short beeps indicate that a RAM parity error has occurred, or you did not turn off the scanner or printer. Three short beeps - an error in the first 65 KB of RAM. Four beeps (short) indicate the need to replace the motherboard, as well as that the system timer is faulty. Five signals - a faulty processor. Six signals indicate an error in the initialization of the keyboard controller. Seven - the motherboard is faulty. Eight signals - problems with the video card.

The laptop can give not only short, but also long signals, as well as combine long and short ones. For example, one long and one short beep indicates a power problem. In this case, a situation may arise when One long and two or three short signals are video card errors, and one long and four short signals indicate its complete absence. Three long beeps tell us about problems with RAM. But a continuous beep indicates a power failure or overheating of the laptop processor.

Now you can diagnose the breakdown yourself if your Laptop beeps and won't turn on. Even if the radiator was clogged with dust, the fan stopped, the thermal paste dried up, the laptop can overheat and notify you of this with a long continuous squeak. This problem also happens after a fall or impact. In rare cases, she talks about a factory marriage.

If the video card, which is based on the motherboard in the form of a small chip and is cooled by the same system as the processor, has overheated, the laptop may give you the same signals. By the way, if the RAM fails or the motherboard simply “does not see it”, the computer will give you a beep.

Now you understand that the squeak of a laptop when turned on can mean a complex of causes and problems - from problems with power controllers to a malfunction of the motherboard and video card.

Even in cases of incorrect settings, your laptop will beep. And which module is causing this unpleasant ear squeak?

The small element placed on the motherboard is called a speaker and is a small tweeter. It is he who beeps when certain malfunctions are diagnosed in the laptop.

One way or another, having determined the nature of the laptop squeak, you can make an operational decision - continue to use the laptop or carry it to a service center for diagnostics and repair. Be sure to find the documents for the laptop before contacting the service center - the warranty card and service book, if any. Thanks to this, you will be able to repair the laptop under warranty if the breakdown turns out to be a factory defect.

Every time the computer boots up, the system unit emits a squeak. Not everyone knows that this is a signal indicating the health of the system unit. And only a few know the decoding of these signals from the "system unit".

That's what we'll talk about. If you are reading this material, I recommend printing it now. When decryption is needed, it will not work to get out on the Internet. :)

So what is the "sistemnik" beeping about. These signals are the result of testing the computer hardware (there is a cooler, RAM, vidyuha, etc.). Every time you boot your computer, it tests the hardware, and reports the results with this very squeak. Deciphering the squeaks of the system unit below.

* One short beep.
Everything is fine. Test passed successfully. You can continue to work. It happens that some system units do not squeak at all at this moment.
* No squeak, no image on the computer screen.
Malfunctions in the power supply, or processor.
First, check to see if the power cord is plugged into an outlet. If everything is in order, try connecting a known working device to the power filter (such a cord with a box in which there are many sockets, there is also a switch button, usually red). A phone charger is suitable, of course, with a phone connected to it. You need to check all the outlets of the power filter. If the outlet is working, the phone will charge. Next, we check if the power supply starts up when the computer start button is pressed. In this case, the cooler (fan) of the power supply should at least twitch. If there is movement - look for a new processor, otherwise - a new power supply. You also need to check the motherboard power cable. It may happen that he moved away.
* One long continuous beep.
Power supply defective.
Purchasing a new power supply.
* Two short beeps.
Minor bugs in BIOS settings.
Go into the BIOS and set the optimal parameters. Exit to the BIOS is usually done with the key. If you don't know what to change, then set the default values. To do this, press the button. To exit and save - , . Some versions of the BIOS themselves prompt conflicting settings items with backlighting. Also, you can reset the BIOS settings by removing the motherboard battery for a few seconds.
* Three long beeps.
The keyboard is missing.
Plug the keyboard into the PS/2 socket. If this does not help, you will have to change the keyboard.
* Three short beeps.
RAM error.
To do this, you need to check if there are memory strips on the motherboard. Don't laugh, it happens. Then you need to take out all the memory sticks, gently sweep away the accumulated dust, and stick the memory stick in turn, and start the system unit. If on some bar the "system unit" squeaks, then this may mean that the bar is faulty.
* One long and one short beep.
RAM is not working properly.
It is possible that one or more memory sticks are conflicting with each other. You need to alternately stick one stick of memory and try to start the computer.
* One long and two short beeps.
The video adapter is not working properly.
Fix settings in BIOS.
* One long and three short beeps.
The video adapter does not work.
Check the performance of the video card. To do this, you need another, obviously working video card. You can also try to remove the card, remove dust from the slot, and stick the card in place. And do not forget to check if the card has additional power plugs. Power to such video cards must be given by a separate cord to which no device is connected. I also suggest checking if the monitor is connected and working. Try blowing out the plug connecting the monitor to the computer.
* One long and eight short beeps.
The video adapter is not working or the monitor is not connected.
Same as written above.
* One long and nine short beeps.
Error reading BIOS data.
Try resetting the BIOS settings by removing the battery. If that doesn't help, then flashing the BIOS. But that's another story, requiring a separate article. I will try to write it as soon as possible.
* Four short beeps.
The system timer does not work.
You can try resetting the BIOS. But, unfortunately, it rarely helps. There is only one way out - to change or repair the motherboard.
* Five short beeps.
The processor is not working properly.
Try to clean the dust from the processor slot, make sure the heatsink is clean and the processor temperature is low.
* Six short beeps.
Keyboard defective.
* Seven short beeps.
Motherboard malfunctions.
Send the motherboard in for repair, or purchase a new one.
* Eight short beeps.
Faults in the video memory.
Take the video adapter in for repair, or purchase a new one.
* Nine short beeps.
Incorrect BIOS checksum.
Usually it is proposed to reset the BIOS settings and allows you to work further. In which case, you can reset the BIOS by removing the battery.
* Ten short beeps.
Error writing data to the CMOS chip.
This error can occur when flashing the BIOS. Therefore, we will describe this part in another article.
* Eleven short beeps.
The cache is not working properly.
Reset BIOS. If this does not help, we carry the computer for repair, or install a new processor.
* Repetitive long beeps.
Faulty or incorrectly connected RAM.
Reconnection of memory sticks. Calculation of the faulty, by connecting in turn and starting the computer. Dust cleaning.
* Repetitive short beeps.
The power supply is not working properly.
Checking the performance of the power supply, checking the cords for breakage, checking the surge protector, and, last but not least, replacing the power supply.

That's all. There will be questions - ask.

PS: To reset the BIOS, instead of removing the battery, you can use a special jumper - a jumper. Its location can be found in the motherboard documentation.

Addition: BIOS signal encodingsif the computer died.

Continuous signal. Power supply defective.

2 short. Minor bugs found.
3 long. Keyboard controller error.
1 long + 1 short. Problems with RAM.
1 long + 2 short. Video card problem.
1 long + 3 short. A keyboard initialization error has occurred.
1 long + 9 short. An error occurred while reading data from the permanent memory chip.
1 long repeating. Memory modules are installed incorrectly.
1 short recurring. Problems with the power supply.

AMI BIOS Signals
There are no signals. The power supply is defective or not connected to the motherboard.
1 short. No errors found.
2 short. RAM parity error.
3 short. An error occurred during the operation of the first 64 KB of main memory.
4 short. The system timer is faulty.
5 short. Faulty CPU.
6 short. The keyboard controller is faulty.
7 short. The motherboard is faulty.
8 short. Bad video memory.
9 short. BIOS chip content checksum error.
10 short. Unable to write to CMOS memory.
11 short. External cache-memory (installed in slots on the motherboard) is faulty.
1 long + 2 short. Bad video card.
1 long + 3 short. Bad video card.
1 long + 8 short. Problems with the video card or the monitor is not connected.

1-1-3. CMOS data write/read error.
1-1-4. BIOS chip content checksum error.
1-2-1. The motherboard is faulty.
1-2-2. DMA controller initialization error.
1-2-3. An error occurred while trying to read/write to one of the DMA channels.
1-3-1. Memory refresh error.
1-3-3. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.
1-3-4. Error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM.
1-4-1. The motherboard is faulty.
1-4-2. Memory test error.
1-4-3. System timer error.
1-4-4. Error accessing I/O port.
3-1-1. Error initializing the second DMA channel.
3-1-2. Error initializing the first DMA channel.
3-1-4. The motherboard is faulty.
3-2-4. Keyboard controller error.
3-3-4. Video memory test error.
4-2-1. System timer error.
4-2-3. Line error A20. The keyboard controller is faulty.
4-2-4. Error while running in protected mode. The CPU may be defective.
4-3-1. Error while testing RAM.
4-3-4. Real time clock error.
4-4-1. Serial port test error. The error may be caused by a device using this port.
4-4-2. Parallel port test failed. The error may be caused by a device using this port.
4-4-3. Error while testing math coprocessor.

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