Algorithm for publishing with SMP in easeus 2.0. Easus mo work with purchases requiring placement in an electronic store

Algorithm for publishing with SMP in easeus 2.0. Easus mo work with purchases requiring placement in an electronic store


EASUZ was created in 2015 to facilitate and automate the work of state and municipal customers in the Moscow region. The system is integrated with the EIS, allows you to plan and place tenders, take into account contracts and agreements.

The main sections of the EASUZ

The EASUZ takes into account the differences in the activities of customers under 223-FZ and 44-FZ. As a result, the chapters are different.

Registers are provided for the work of state customers under 44-FZ:

  • procurement plans;
  • procurement;
  • suppliers;
  • customers and users;
  • contracts.

For those working under 223-FZ, sections are provided:

  • register of procurement plans;
  • register of contracts
  • Job:
    • in terms of procurement, including innovative;
    • with position;
    • in the register of purchases;

The EASUZ of the Moscow Region provides a "Portal for the execution of contracts" for electronic document management and interaction between the customer and the supplier.

As well as the "Subsystem for the Automated Implementation of Property Rights", which provides information about the property of the Moscow Region, intended for bidding.

How to work in EASUZ Moscow Region 2.0

To get started, you need to register with the EASUZ. To do this, the customer sends an official letter to the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, in which he indicates:

  • organization details,
  • data of the head of the organization,
  • Name and contact details of the user.

After that, the user receives a login and password and can work. If you have any problems or questions, you can contact the technical support service of the portal. On the official website of EASUZ

Delivery from 500 rubles.

The system was created on the basis of a document management system together with RTS-tender. With its help, accounting of contracts for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state (municipal) needs" .

PIK EASUZ users:



    control bodies

    PIK operators

To work with PIK EASUZ, a qualified electronic signature issued by an accredited Certification Center is required.

Stages of registration in PIK EASUZ

  1. Get a qualified electronic signature for the administrator who will deal with the registration.
  2. Register an account with the electronic document management operator PIK
  3. Add your organization to the site
  4. Register an account in PIK EASUZ! .
  5. Sign your application through the OED PIK operator
  6. Employees of the organization add their accounts to
  7. Add an organization in your personal account.
  8. Administrator to set appropriate roles for employees.
Registration procedure

Before registration, you must first register in the electronic document management system (EDF) PIK. Fill in all fields of the form at and confirm the e-form address and phone number. It will not be possible to complete the registration procedure without a qualified electronic signature.

After registration, you need to go through the procedure for accrediting the organization in the PIK EDF system. To do this, you need to click the "Add organization" button in your "personal account", fill in the appropriate form fields, sign with your electronic signature and send the application with the corresponding button below.

After completing the above procedures, you can proceed to register the organization in the ECASU PIC. Registration is carried out in two stages. First, the corresponding form is filled out on the page!/reference/registration .



About the subsystem Portal for the execution of contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and amendments to

Government of the Moscow Region


1. To determine the Main Control Directorate of the Moscow Region as the authorized central executive body of the state power of the Moscow Region to coordinate the information content of the subsystem of the Contract Execution Portal of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as PIK EASUZ).

2. To the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region:

until August 1, 2017, together with the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region, ensure the development of the Regulations for the functioning and information interaction of participants in the PIK EASUZ (hereinafter - the Regulations);

until October 1, 2017, together with the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, to ensure the creation of the PIK EASUZ.

3. The Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, by August 1, 2017, in agreement with the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region, the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region, approve the Regulations.

4. To the Ministry of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region together with the State Treasury Institution of the Moscow Region "Moscow Regional Center for Information and Communication Technologies":

until November 1, 2017, to ensure the connection of state and municipal customers of the Moscow region, budgetary institutions of the Moscow region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises of the Moscow region, municipal unitary enterprises to the PIK EASUZ;

ensure the operation, as well as technical support of the participants in the contract system in the field of procurement using the ECASU PIK (state and municipal customers of the Moscow Region, budgetary institutions of the Moscow Region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises of the Moscow Region, municipal unitary enterprises, the Committee for Competition Policy of the Moscow Region , the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region, suppliers (contractors, performers) under state and municipal contracts, civil law contracts of budgetary institutions of the Moscow Region, municipal budgetary institutions, state unitary enterprises of the Moscow Region, municipal unitary enterprises concluded in accordance with the legislation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs).

5. State customers of the Moscow Region, budgetary institutions of the Moscow Region, by October 1, 2017, appoint officials responsible for the exchange of electronic documents in the course of the execution of contracts using the PIK EASUZ, including members of the customer's acceptance committee, responsible persons for signing primary accounting documents upon acceptance goods delivered, services rendered, work performed (its result) in the performance of the contract.

6. Recommend to state unitary enterprises of the Moscow Region, municipal customers of the Moscow Region, municipal budgetary institutions, municipal unitary enterprises until October 1, 2017 to appoint officials responsible for the exchange of electronic documents in the course of the execution of contracts using the PIK EASUZ, including members of the acceptance committee, responsible persons for the signing of primary accounting documents upon acceptance of the delivered goods, services rendered, work performed (its result) in the performance of the contract.

7. Include in the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 "On the procedure for interaction in the procurement for state needs of the Moscow Region and municipal needs" (as amended by the Decrees of the Government of the Moscow Region dated April 2, 2014 N 217/11, dated 02/19/2015 N 62/5, dated 08/23/2016 N 601/30, dated 01/10/2017 N 4/1) (hereinafter - the resolution) the following changes:

1) add paragraph 2_1 with the following content:

"2_1. The contract execution portal is a subsystem of the EASUZ and ensures the exchange of electronic documents during the execution of contracts, as well as monitoring the current fulfillment of obligations by the parties under the contract.";

2) add paragraph 6.1 with the following content:

"6_1. Establish that the Main Control Department of the Moscow Region is the coordinator of the content of the subsystem EASUZ Contract Execution Portal (hereinafter referred to as PI EASUZ).";

3) add paragraph 10_3 with the following content:

"10_3. For state customers, budgetary institutions of the Moscow Region, to exchange electronic documents in the course of the execution of contracts concluded to meet the needs of the Moscow Region, using the PIC EASUZ in accordance with the Regulations for the functioning and information interaction of participants in the PIK EASUZ (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations).".

4) add paragraph 13_6 with the following content:

"13_6. Recommend to the state unitary enterprises of the Moscow Region" municipal customers, municipal budgetary institutions, municipal unitary enterprises to exchange electronic documents in the course of the execution of contracts concluded to meet the state needs of the Moscow Region or municipal needs, using the PIK ECUZ in accordance with the Regulations. .

8. Introduce the following amendments to the Regulations on the procedure for interaction in procurement for state needs of the Moscow Region and municipal needs, approved by the resolution:

1) Clause 1.2 of Section 1 "General Provisions" shall be supplemented with clause 1.2.14_3 of the following content:

"1.2.14_3. Portal for the execution of contracts - a subsystem of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region, which ensures the exchange of electronic documents in the course of the execution of contracts, as well as monitoring the current fulfillment by the parties of obligations under the contract.";

2) section 10 "Conclusion, execution, modification, termination of contracts" shall be supplemented with paragraph 10.5 of the following content:

"10.5. Customers ensure the exchange of electronic documents in the course of execution of contracts using the PIC EASUZ in accordance with the Regulations on the functioning and information interaction of participants in the PIK EASUZ.".

9. Financing of measures to create and ensure the functioning of the PIK EASUZ shall be carried out at the expense of the budget of the Moscow Region within the budget allocations provided for by the state program of the Moscow Region "Effective Power" for 2017-2021, approved by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated October 25, 2016 N 781 / 39 "On approval of the state program of the Moscow region "Effective power for 2017-2021" .

10. The Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the official publication of this resolution in the newspaper "Daily News. Podmoskovye", "Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region", placement (publication) on the website of the Government of the Moscow Region in the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region and on " Official Internet portal of legal information" (

11. This Resolution shall enter into force on the day after its official publication, with the exception of subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 7 of this Resolution.

Subparagraphs 3 and 4 of paragraph 7 of this resolution shall enter into force on November 1, 2017.

12. The provisions of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 8 of this resolution apply to the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, starting with the procurement of goods, works, services provided for in the procurement schedules for 2018.

13. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Vice-Governor of the Moscow Region Gabdrakhmanov I.N.

Moscow region

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Government
Moscow region, 20.07.2017

About the subsystem Portal for the execution of contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and amending the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 "On the Procedure for Interaction in Procurement for State Needs of the Moscow Region and Municipal Needs"

Document's name: About the subsystem Portal for the execution of contracts of the Unified Automated Procurement Management System of the Moscow Region and amending the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 27, 2013 N 1184/57 "On the Procedure for Interaction in Procurement for State Needs of the Moscow Region and Municipal Needs"
Document Number: 610/24
Type of document: Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region
Host body: Government of the Moscow Region
Status: current
Published: Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 07/20/2017

Daily News. Moscow region, N 162, 08/31/2017

Acceptance date: July 20, 2017
Effective start date: July 21, 2017

To start working with the EASUZ MO, you need to type the address (URL) in the address bar of your browser: On the opened page of the Subsystem for unified access to resources of the EASUZ MO, enter the page for selecting subsystems of the EASUZ MO for state or municipal procurement by clicking on the appropriate links: “State procurement under 44-FZ” or “Municipal procurement under 44-FZ” (Figure 1) .

Figure 1 - Unified Access Subsystem

The page for selecting subsystems of the EASUZ MO opens, the view of which is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - The page for selecting subsystems of the EASUZ MO

On the subsystem selection page, go to the Planning Subsystem in the "Purchase Plans" section (using the link Procurement plans ), select and open the required procurement plan in which the planned procurement object will be created. If the required plan does not exist, then it is necessary to create it and fill in the required fields in the prescribed manner (clause 2).

2 Creation of a plan and a planned procurement object

To create a procurement plan, you need to click on the button on the main page of the section (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Main page of the "Purchase Plans" section

Figure 5 - Form "Creating a procurement plan" after entering the main details

Create a planned procurement object by clicking on the button in the Procurement Plan card (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Card "Purchase Plan"

In the opened card "Planned purchase object" indicate the type of purchase “Purchases in accordance with paragraph 4.5 of Art. 93 44-FZ" and fill in the required fields of the blocks in the prescribed manner (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Card "Planned procurement object"

The field "Products by OKPD" is filled in based on the value selected in the "Products by Classifier" field and is not editable.

In the fields "Name of the object of purchase" and "Description of the object of purchase", the name of the product according to the QPC is transferred with the possibility of editing.

The choice of products according to the KOP is carried out from the form "Products by Classifier" (Figure 8).

Figure 8 - Selection of products by the Classifier

Then it is necessary to confirm the readiness of the planned procurement object (by selecting the appropriate command in the button menu (Picture 7)) - the planned procurement object is assigned the status "Prepared", and send the revision of the Procurement Plan for approval by clicking the button (Figure 6). After approval, the Procurement Plan is assigned the status "Under approval" (Figure 9).

Figure 9 - Procurement plan in the "Approved" status

3 Creating a planned procedure in a schedule

To create a schedule, you need to go to the Planning Subsystem in the section "Purchase Schedules" (by the link Schedules ) and press the button (Figure 10)

Figure 10 - Main page of the section "Procurement schedules"

Figure 11 - Form "Creating a procurement schedule" after entering the basic details

To create a planned procedure, you need to click on the button in the "Schedule" card (Figure 12).

Figure 12 - Card "Schedule"

As a result, the card "Procedure in the procurement schedule" will open, in which it is necessary (Figure 13):

Choose how to place an order "Purchasing from a single supplier";

Basis for purchasing from units supplier - "P. 4 hours 1 tbsp. 93 - purchase of up to 100 thousand rubles ";

Fill in the required fields in the prescribed manner (subject of purchase and planned publication date).

Figure 13 - Card "Procedure in the procurement schedule"

Next, you need to add a lot to the procedure. To do this, you need to click on the button in the “Purchase Schedule Procedure” card (Figure 13). As a result, the card “Lot No. of the schedule” will open, in which it is necessary to enter basic information about the lot (Figure 14):

Order type;

Subject of contract;

The term of the contract;

OKVED (by button );

OKVED2 (by button ).

Figure 14 - Card "Lot No. _ Schedule"

Next, you need to add a specification. To add a specification to the lot, you need to click on the button (Figure 14). In the opened window "Creating a specification based on the object of purchase", select the object of purchase and click on the button (Figure 15).

Theoretical lessons

1.1. Structure Unified automated procurement management system of the EASUZ type within the framework of the Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 and the Government Decree of the Moscow Region No. 62/5 of February 19, 2015, as well as its role in the public procurement system of the Moscow Region.

1.2. List of the main regulatory framework.

1.3. Basic terms and definitions according to the Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013, purchases among SMEs, joint bidding, privileges of the penitentiary system, privileges for organizations of the disabled, bidding per unit of production, joint bidding, purchases of the 1st and 2nd levels).

1.4. The procedure for granting access to the EAIST system, obtaining a login and password; basic requirements for the workplace PC data entry operator.

2. Settings for EASUZ integration and the Unified Information System for placing information about placing orders


2.1. Checking browser settings

2.2. Creating a login and password for integration

2.3. Adding an integration account

2.4. Adding Purchasing Data

3. Development of a schedule in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013

Theoretical lessons

3.1. The procedure for drawing up procurement plans

3.2. Procurement Plan Phased Consciousness

3.3. Sending the procurement plan for approval

3.4. List of cases of making changes to the procurement plan

4. Introduction of schedules in the EASUZ system


4.1. Entering information about procedures from the annual schedule in the "Planning" subsystem;

4.2. Search for created procedures in the subsystem "Planning;

4.3. Confirmation of the preparedness of the generated schedules.

4.4. Formation of paper version of plans-schedules.

5. Work with the subsystem "Electronic store"


5.1 Checking browser settings.

5.2. Creating a procedure.

5.3. Sending the procedure to the E-shop.

5.4. Sending changes to the E-shop.

5.5. Deactivation (deletion) of the need in the E-shop.

5.6. View information on the needs and offers of suppliers.

5.7. Contract concluded in the E-shop.

5.8. Contract concluded outside the E-shop

5.9. Contract with an individual

6. Filling in the forms in the register of tenders in the EASUZ (divided into 1 or 2 levels)


6.1 Checking browser settings.

6.2. Creating a procedure.

6.3. Sending procedure in the bidding subsystem.

6.4. Sending information from the EASUZ to the CAB.

6.5. Sending changes to the bidding subsystem.

7. Filling in the forms of the "Contract" subsystem in the EASUZ


7.1 Checking browser settings.

7.2. Create a contract.

7.3. Sending information under the contract from the EASUZ to the UIS.

7.4. Contract execution.

7.5. Sending contract changes.

7.6. Termination of the contract unilaterally and by agreement of the parties.

7.7. Information in the register of contracts


8.1. General overview of the PIK EASUZ system. Interaction of PIK EASUZ with EASUZ, Fintender and UIS.

8.2. Registration of the Contract Card.

8.3. Formation of obligations under the contract.

8.4. Registration of fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

8.5. Exchange of documents with the Fintender system.

8.6. Registration of the Additional agreement under the contract.

8.7. Completion of the contract.

8.8. Working with the TP PIK EASUZ service

8.9. The practice of solving technical problems in the operation of the PIK EASUZ system.

9. Required reports in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013

Theoretical lessons

9.1. Features of the contract performance report

9.2. Features of the procurement report among SMEs


Hours 12 12 12
Form of study full-time full-time full-time
date of 27.05.2019 08.07.2019 13.08.2019
Time 09.30-12.30 09.30-12.30 09.30-12.30
days Intensive Intensive Intensive
Price 13800 rub. 13800 rub. 13800 rub.

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