Technical support of the UIS, or how they mock us! Problems with the EIS - what to do? How to get through to the purchase support service gov.

Technical support of the UIS, or how they mock us! Problems with the EIS - what to do? How to get through to the purchase support service gov.

Request form to the technical support service of the EIS official website ( [email protected])



Full name contact person, position

Contact details(telephone, e-mail, fax)

Territorial body of the Federal Treasury, where the EDS was obtained

  1. Organization details ( Name, TIN, checkpoint);

  2. Organization code in the Consolidated list of customers ( SDR)



Description of the call.

  1. Specify on what law appeal

  2. Specify the type of appeal (question / suggestion / problem);

  3. The function of the EIS Official Website (what function of the EIS Official Website did the user try to use, what actions did he want to perform?);

  4. Brief description of the appeal

Date and time the problem occurred

User workplace settings (name operating system, Internet browser and their version numbers, version number of Crypto Pro CSP, antiviruses)

    1. Authority of the organization;

    2. User permissions;

    3. user login(to enter the EIS LC);

    4. file certificate (*.cer) in archived form

Detailed description of the appeal (screenshots, exact sequence of actions, description of system errors, suggestions for improvement).

If you contact support with any problem or error, be sure to attach screenshots ( screenshots) with the actions that led to the problem or error, and screenshots ( screenshots) with the manifestation of an error or problem


Additional information at the discretion of the user (if there are problems with Crypto Pro CSP, if the problem is repeated by other users in your organization, etc.)

In case of inquiries regarding the procedures for placing an order and contract details, additionally indicate:

  1. Notification number for published notices or contract number for a published contract.
(19-digit registry number);

  1. Subject of the contract (only if the notice is not published);

  2. Method of placing an order;

  3. Type of information to be published (notification, change, clarification, refusal to place an order, record of opening envelopes, etc.);

  4. Date of publication of information or planned date of publication of information);


Server detection and playback time:

To do this, in the current session in your personal account in the browser (Internet Explorer), on the “Service” tab, select the “Developer Tools” item (F12 button), then, in the window that opens, select the “Cache” tab - “View information about the cookie file” ".

After completing these steps, a new tab will appear in the browser with information about the cookie file in the form of a table. To determine, you will need information from the 3rd block from the bottom, for example:





Date and time the error was reproduced:
EIS server:

If your request is related to work Official website of the EIS in part 223-FZ, then after filling out the request form, you will need a file that can be saved as follows:

  1. Call the command line (Start - All Programs - Accessories - Command Line);

  2. At the command line, run the dxdiag command;

  3. Press "Enter";

  4. Save to file (by clicking on the "Save all information" button).

Dear users, be careful! In bold elements are highlighted, without which a full analysis of the appeal is not possible, and, therefore, an additional request for information will be required.

The completed form should be sent to [email protected]

Screenshots step-by-step actions for convenience can be attached to the request form file below.

Hello dear colleague! In today's article we will talk about a unified information system in the field of procurement. Figuratively speaking, this is one of the “pillars” on which the public procurement system in our country rests. Therefore, in order to successfully work with public procurement, every specialist whose activity is somehow connected with the state order should know about this system, and even more so be able to use it. We will not go into the details of working with this system in this article, but will consider only general questions, namely: what is the UIS, what is it for, and what functions and tasks does it perform? The material of the article will be useful to both suppliers and novice customers. I suggest not to delay much and start studying the article. Go…

1. What is an EIS?

As already mentioned in the water part of the article, UIS stands for unified information system.

According to paragraph 9 of article 3 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as 44-FZ)unified information system in the field of procurement - a set of information contained in databases, information technologies and technical means that ensure the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of the unified information system on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

2. Official website of the EIS

Since January 1, 2016, the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services has been replaced by a unified information system in the field of procurement.

The main goal of creating such an information system was to increase the transparency of public procurement so that all processes within the contract system from the stage of procurement planning to the completion of contracts become more public.

All information contained in the UIS is public (with the exception of information containing state secrets) and is provided free of charge. In addition, such information must be complete and reliable.

The responsible state body for developing the concept and defining the functional requirements for the UIS is the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (MED). And the Federal Treasury is responsible for the development and operation of the system.

At the initial stage of creating a unified information system in the field of procurement, two options were considered:

  1. creation of a system based on the existing public procurement website;
  2. building a system from scratch.

In view of the fact that the second option turned out to be more resource-intensive, it was decided to create a system based on the existing site. For this reason, the EIS address remained the same -

The old version of the EIS is located at -// .

According to part 7 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a single information system. However, if there are discrepancies in the information posted on the website of the subject and the UIS, the information posted in the unified information system has priority. Those. For suppliers, this suggests that to search for information on ongoing public procurement, both within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, the functionality of the UIS will be more than enough.

3. What information is contained in the unified information system?

According to part 3 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the UIS should contain:

3) information on the implementation of procurement plans and schedules (since January 1, 2017);

4) information on the conditions, prohibitions and restrictions on the admission of goods originating from a foreign state or a group of foreign states, works, services, respectively, performed, provided by foreign persons, a list of foreign states, groups of foreign states with which the Russian Federation has concluded international treaties on mutual application of national treatment in procurement, as well as the conditions for the application of such national treatment;

5) information on procurement and execution of contracts;

6) register of contracts concluded by customers;

7) ;

8) a library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts;

9) register of bank guarantees;

10) register of complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, their results and orders issued;

11) a list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international agreements;

12) the results of procurement monitoring, audit in the field of procurement, as well as control in the field of procurement;

13) customer reports provided for by 44-FZ;

14) catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

15) normative legal acts;

16) information on the prices of goods, works, services procured in the commodity markets to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, services placed by customers;

17) other information and documents, the placement of which in a single information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities” (hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with them and other regulatory legal acts.

4. What does the EIS provide?

EIS provides:

  • formation and placement of information through the information interaction of the EIS with other information systems without the need for additional entry into the personal account of the EIS;
  • control of information and documents to be placed in the UIS, in cooperation with other information systems;
  • transition to the use of OKPD2 and OKVED2;
  • implementation of functionality for the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises;
  • implementation of enhanced functionality for control and audit bodies;
  • use of enhanced unqualified electronic signature for signing electronic documents;
  • filing applications for participation in the determination of the supplier (contractor, performer) in the form of an electronic document.

5. Benefits of the ENI

The main and fundamental difference between the unified information system and the previously existing public procurement website is the maximum automation of the procurement process from posting a notice to summarizing and executing the contract. All data entered into the system is processed automatically, and the required reporting is generated based on this data. The entire document management system is on the site in the public domain.

The UIS is closely connected with other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which together creates a single information space.

Also, an undoubted advantage is the fact that all procurement plans, as well as schedules, will be posted in the EIS (from January 1, 2017) only in a structured (machine-readable) form. This innovation will significantly expand the ability to search for procurement information using simple search queries, such as in the Yandex or Google search engine.

I note that on the old public procurement website, these documents were posted in scanned form, which did not allow suppliers, and other interested parties to fully search for information. Now, this innovation will allow suppliers to predict in advance the demand among customers for their goods, works or services and draw up a long-term plan for participating in purchases.

In addition to functional changes, the developers also performed technological work to improve the performance and fault tolerance of the UIS, improved search functions, a search parameter constructor appeared, and the user interface of its open part was optimized. The system has acquired a more modern and beautiful interface. However, the full set of features will become available to users from January 1, 2017.

6. Legislative regulation of the work of the EIS

The requirements for the creation and supervision of the UIS are described in Federal Law No. 44-FZ as well as in Government Decrees dated September 30, 2014 No. 996 “On the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Treasury when creating the UIS” and dated January 23, 2015 No. 36 "On the procedure and timing of the commissioning of the UIS".

This concludes my article. I hope that the information was useful to you. See you in the next editions.

P.S.: Like and share links to the article with your friends and colleagues on social networks.

Instructions for the formation of an appeal to the EIS
In order to avoid penalties for the delay in posting data in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the UIS), it is necessary to fix the failure of the official website. To do this, you need to correctly issue an appeal to the technical support service. Submit a problem request through one of the three official communication channels:

  • by email: [email protected]

  • fax: +7 (499) 811-03-33 ;

  • via call center phones: 8 (800) 333-81-11 .

The appeal includes:

When submitting data, it is important that the letter contains the required information about the problem:

  1. Required request form.

  2. Run Server Definition UIS, add to the request the date, time the error was reproduced, and the received server value.

  3. When contacting the official website of the EIS (in part 223-FZ) you need to generate a file dxdiag.

  4. Attention! If you contact support with any problem or error, be sure to attach screenshots ( screenshots) with the actions that led to the problem or error, and screenshots ( screenshots) showing the error or problems, as well as a screenshot of the time zone.

  5. The completed form should be sent to [email protected]

When filling out the request form, be sure to indicate:

1. Name of contact person- indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee who encountered the problem and created the appeal.

2–3. Contact email, telephone and fax- enter the details of the responsible employee.

4. TOFC, in which the EDS was received - write down the official name of the territorial body of the Federal Treasury.

5. Name of the organization- indicate the name of your organization exactly as in the EIS.

6. TIN of the organization (KPP)- write down the taxpayer identification number (TIN) that the organization was assigned when registering with the tax office to which it is assigned. Also take the registration reason code from the registration certificate of the organization.

7. Organization code:

Organization Unique Account Number (SDR)

SVR code

8. The system in which the work takes place- indicate "44-FZ" or "223-FZ". This mark determines whether an additional file needs to be attached to the request. In the event of a failure to work with the procurement system through the EIS according to Law No. 223-FZ, create a file: dxdiag.

9. Type of appeal- There are four options in the request form:

  • consultation;

  • mistake;

  • complaint;
10. UIS functionality- select the option of the subsystem for working with UIS from the list of possible ones:



Procurement Register

Procurement Register

Register of Schedules

Register of Agreements

Register of Bank Guarantees

Register of Procurement Plans

Consolidated List of Customers

Register of Procurement Regulations

Register of Reports

Organization Information

Register of Complaints, Inspections, Control Results

References and Reports

Register of Procurement Plans

FTP upload

FTP upload

Search in the Public Part of the EIS


11. Date and time of occurrence of the error according to Moscow time– Specify the date and time in the following format: day of the week, day, month, year, hours:minutes.

12. Information about the parameters of the workplace– indicate the information about the software from the options offered in the form:

Operating system


Protection version (CRYPTO CSP)


Windows XP or earlier

Internet Explorer 7 and earlier



Windows Vista

Internet Explorer 8



Windows 7

Internet Explorer 9


Dr. Web

Windows 8

Internet Explorer 10



Windows 10

Internet Explorer 11



Other OS

Other browser

Other antivirus

Antivirus not installed

To find out the version of Windows, right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop. Select "Properties" from the context menu that appears.

You will find out the version of Internet Explorer if you click on the "About" button in the browser settings:

Information about the installed version of CRYPTO CSP and antivirus can usually be viewed in the taskbar.

13. Authority of the organization– write down one of the following statuses:

  • "customer";

  • "authorized body";

  • "authorized institution";

  • "specialized organization";

  • "supervisory body in the field of procurement";

  • “a body authorized to exercise control in accordance with Part 5 of Article 99 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ”;

  • "internal control body";

  • "audit body in the field of procurement";

  • "the body that places the rules of regulation";

  • "a body that establishes requirements for certain types of goods, works, services and (or) standard costs";

  • “a body that develops standard contracts and standard conditions of contracts”;

  • "a customer making purchases in accordance with Part 5 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ";

  • “an organization exercising the powers of the customer to make purchases on the basis of an agreement in accordance with Part 6 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ”;

  • “a body authorized to maintain a library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts”;

  • “body monitoring procurement”;

  • "a body for regulating the contract system in the field of procurement";

  • "an organization that monitors compliance in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ";

  • "an organization that performs conformity assessment in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ".
14. User permissions- take on the page "Registered users of the organization".

Possible options:

  • the head of the organization;

  • organization administrator;

  • a person authorized to post information and documents;

  • a person who has the right to sign documents on behalf of the organization.
15. Certificate file (*.cer)- attach the archive with the file to the request letter.

16. Brief description of the appeal. For example, "Failed to post a purchase notice."

17. Detailed description of the appeal- specify in the application the exact sequence of actions, step-by-step screenshots, a description of system errors and suggestions for improvement.

18. Additional information- the presence of problems with Crypto Pro CSP, the repeatability of the problem for other users of the organization, the reproduction of the error in another workplace or under another EPC, etc.

19. Register numbers of all notices/contracts with which errors occurred– in case you contact us for problems with the procedures for placing an order or information about contracts.
Instructions for determining the server.

For Internetexplorer versions 10 and before:

1. In the current session in your personal account in the browser (Internet Explorer), on the "Service" tab, select the "Developer Tools" item (F12 button);

2. In the window that opens, select the "Cache" tab - "View information about the cookie file";

3. After completing these steps, a new tab will appear in the browser with information about the cookie file in the form of a table. Information about the OS server is indicated in the 3rd block from the bottom.

4. A screenshot of the table from the "cookie" file with information about the server, as well as the date and time the error was reproduced, must be attached to the request.

For Internetexplorer versions 11 :

1. Open Developer Tools (F12);

2. Select Network (Ctrl+4);

3. Click "Enable network traffic collection (F5)";

4. Perform the necessary actions to reproduce the error (developer tools can be closed);

5. Open developer tools (F12);

6. Select Network (Ctrl+4);

7. Select "DETAILS" (second line from the top);

8. Select "Cookies" (in the third line from the top);

10. Screenshot of the table from the "cookie" file with information about the server, as well as the date

and the error reproduction time must be attached to the request.

How to confirm the time zone

To confirm the time zone you are working in, click on the time widget in the taskbar in the lower right corner of the screen. In the window that appears, select the item: "Change date and time settings."

Save the image in jpeg format and attach it to your application letter.

After changing the technical functionality of the official site of the unified information system (hereinafter referred to as the Site), many customers, people who directly work on the Site, are faced with problems that they cannot solve on their own.

So we ran into the following problems:

The OKTMO code is incorrectly indicated in the consolidated register (the relevant documents were sent a month ago);

There is no integration of the regional system with the ENI system.

By force of will, bondage, you have to contact the technical support of the Site, the phone numbers are posted on the main page:

But! It is not possible to reach this service!

I have to listen to an answering machine for hours, repeating the same phrases " All operators are busy at the moment», « ', then followed by ' The predicted waiting time for an operator response is 1 minute", then again time goes down" The predicted waiting time for an operator response is 50 seconds», « Please stay on the line, the first available operator will answer you"... These phrases are repeated for half an hour, an hour ... endlessly!

At the end, the call is dropped and there are short beeps...

Here is a recording of one of the unanswered calls:

After sending requests to the technical support service of the Site by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. using a special request form, the situation does not change...

After sending 4 requests by e-mail, not a single answer confirming any information was received!

The next day, a response came to the appeal, which was allegedly sent on our behalf, but not on our issue. This letter contained the following information:

By calling the contact number indicated in the letter (also after a half-hour wait), indicating that this appeal was not sent by our organization, that we sent information about a completely different problem, we were told that we had contacted the wrong address, and we should contact the technical support service of the official website of the unified information system in the field of procurement ...

At the same time, the contact details of our institution were indicated correctly.

Based on this, we can only conclude that, most likely, some kind of failure occurred in the support service system of the official website ... But this does not make it any easier for us!

To get through to the support service of the Site again does not work for the second day. The problem still remains unresolved!

On the Site, in addition to the phone numbers of the technical support service, there is not a single phone number that you can call ... There are no contacts of the organization supervising this Site, nor phone numbers of the management to whom one could “complain” ...

No contact details...

I, like a thousand, and maybe tens of thousands, contract managers have questions:





But on the Customer, for failure to fulfill certain obligations, certain sanctions are imposed, and with no small sums ...

And the next question, perhaps in such a short period of time, is already rhetorical:


I hope that the information presented in this article will be read by the “necessary” people who can at least somehow contribute to solving our problems.

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