Jackson Hole, or secret meeting of central banks. Panorama Jackson (Wyoming)

Jackson Hole, or secret meeting of central banks. Panorama Jackson (Wyoming)


Jackson Hole is a valley in Wyoming, USA, where a ski resort is located.

Jackson Hole Valley, this is a ski resort, extreme skiing, winter holidays, the atmosphere of the Wild West, Jackson Hole Airport, geography, history and infrastructure of Jackson Hole, Jackson Hole Conference

Jackson Hole is, the definition

Jackson Hole - it valley in the US state of Wyoming. Jackson Hole is in active demand among many tourists and just vacationers; there is a ski resort on its territory, as well as a full range of entertainment for outdoor activities and just having fun.

Jackson Hole - it valley formed by a graben. It is 89 km long, 9.7 to 21 km wide and has an average altitude of 2100 m above sea level. The valley has an almost flat relief with a gradual slight increase in elevation in the direction from south to north. The lowest part of the valley is 1940 m above sea level and is located near the southern border of the park. At the same time, there are several remnants at the bottom of the valley, such as Blacktail and hills, such as Signal. In addition to these irregularities, the geological activity of the Snake River has formed terraces in the Jackson Hole valley. There are numerous glacial depressions southeast of Lake Jackson.

Jackson Hole Conference

The Jackson Hole Conference is the largest international annual economic conference, held in the Jackson Hole Valley. Regular guests of the conference are the heads of the Fed, representatives of the world's largest banks, as well as prominent economic figures.

Jackson Hole Conference 2011

After the US Federal Reserve System (Central Bank) completed the program of repurchase from the Treasury bond market (QE2) in June of this year, the S&P index has already lost 17% of its local highs, and the question is becoming more and more acute in the markets: will general growth without government incentives?

The statistics for the United States have been negative for a long time, even with the numerical shenanigans in this area. In fact, the economy practically did not grow, but only another bubble in the stock and raw materials market was inflated. And if such a large-scale stimulus (nearly $1 trillion of liquidity, including reinvestment, was “issued” to the market in less than 1 year) could not start the economy, then where can a recovery come from without additional stimulus measures?

It is these fears that cause the current downturn in world markets and spur speculators' expectations for the start of QE3. An excellent reason for announcing a new stimulus program will be the speech of US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at the annual Fed conference in Jackson Hole, because it was at this event last year that the head of the regulator made it clear that he intended to launch QE2.

However, market expectations in connection with this conference (August 25-27) differ. While some expect the start of a new stage of quantitative easing, others, on the contrary, predict some tightening of monetary policy, or at least the Fed's clear position on the impossibility of QE3 now. Still others do not consider the topic of QE3 as worthy of further discussion at all and hope for "other levers of influence" that Bernanke announced. In particular, experts from Goldman Sachs expect that the general message of the speech will be negative, however, they believe that Bernanke will confirm the existence of conditions for accelerating the economic recovery in late 2011 - early 2012.

By and large, the Fed has no other levers than the easing of monetary policy. It is only possible to change the mechanism of liquidity injection itself, however, no other methods have been invented at the moment. The only question is the effectiveness and expediency of this method. As for efficiency, we have already decided: there were no obvious improvements in the first two stages, and it is extremely dangerous to continue trying to start the economy. Inflation in July in the US amounted to 3.6% on an annualized basis, which is the highest value since 2008, despite the fact that the value of GDP has not yet returned to pre-crisis highs, and its growth rate is constantly declining. Thus, the lion's share of the increase in US GDP from the peak of the crisis to the present moment is due only to rising inflation, and not to a real economic recovery.

In this light, we believe that the likelihood of another round of quantitative easing from the Fed is extremely small, there are enough problems in the American economy, in addition to ultra-high inflation, which, by the way, Bernanke should mention in his speech and outline ways out of this situation.

Nevertheless, the Fed is known for its unpredictability and inconsistency, and that is why such a symbolic speech by Bernanke, a year after he gave the go-ahead for the beginning of QE2, is perhaps the most anticipated event of the current week, and how the market perceives his words , will largely depend on the further dynamics of global stock indices.

Ben Bernanke's speech is scheduled for 18:00 Moscow time on Friday, August 26, in connection with which the Russian market will have time to react to his words before leaving for the last weekend of this summer.

Jackson Hole Conference 2012

The two-day conference at Jackson Hole is culmination of the whole summer. In such a difficult time, when the world economy - as a whole and individually - is on the verge of a new global crisis, decisive and ruthless actions are expected from regulators. Although guests will come from both sides of the Atlantic, all eyes are still on the Fed. After all, in recent years, it is there that Bernanke dictates how and how to help the economy. If Bernanke now launches a bazooka, the real action will begin in the markets.

The imminent fall in the dollar exchange rate will hit the precious metals market like a whip. Gold will start a new rally, probably having mastered the mythical line of $2 thousand per ounce. Although in the medium-term forecast for a year and a half, you can expect local failures below $1,500. Before the beginning of 2014, the "yellow metal" will enter the corridor of $1750-1800. We should also expect a strong reaction in the stock market. Will make itself felt investors' appetite for risk.

The first speech of the head of the US Central Bank will take place on August 31 and is expected to begin at 18:00 Moscow time. Everyone is waiting for Bernanke to announce the start of a new quantitative easing. But if Bernanke's cannon turns out to be unloaded or the head of the Fed, like a year ago, shifts responsibility to the Treasury, the consequences will be very sad.

Now the stock market has the following long-term picture. The triple top in the S&P 500 index is almost formed: it remains to wait for the indicator to collapse to 1000 points, and maybe even lower. And it is him that Nomura analysts are waiting for the most, not believing in the Fed's ability to support the economy.

There is now centrist sentiment inside the regulator. The doves who are in favor of the stimulus and the hawks who are against it are divided almost evenly. Only in 2014 will there be more supporters of the assistance program. But what will happen to the economy then, no one knows.

For example, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) of Atlanta, Dennis Lockhart, is sure that additional stimulation of the US economy runs the risk of being excessive and useless. "There is a risk that monetary policy will be used too aggressively and will not have an impact on economic problems," - said Lockhart. But the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Eric Rosengren, on the contrary, called on the Fed to conduct a third round of QE, while conducting it aggressively, without setting a deadline for the operation in advance.

However, if the Fed does not announce anything new in the coming days, the next meeting of the Federal Monetary Policy Committee (FOMC) will take place on September 12-13. Then it can be declared new program stimulation. Nevertheless, skeptics do not rule out that the Fed will start acting, at best, only in December. Moreover, if QE 3 does not start at the end of the year, it may start in January after the Twist program ends.

Recall that during the first round of QE, which took place from 2009 to the beginning of 2010, the Fed bought $1.25 trillion of mortgage bonds, $300 billion of US government bonds and another $175 billion of bonds of state mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In general, the volume of injections into the economy averaged $115 billion per month. In the second round of QE, which took place in 2010-2011, the Fed bought about $600 billion in Treasury bills, that is, gave the economy about $75 billion per month.

Jackson Hole Conference 2013

Of course, the investment community will closely monitor the course of events, but rather just in case.

In previous years, all the attention was riveted only on the performance of one person - Ben Bernanke, but for the first time in 25 years there will be no head of the Fed.

Some interest could arise in the person of Fed Vice Chair Janet Yellen, who is the main contender to replace Bernanke in January 2014, but her role will be mediocre: she is not listed among the key speakers.

The chances of hearing anything new about the Fed's future policy at Jackson Hole this year are close to zero.

The fact is that the September Fed meeting quite often becomes a place where the Central Bank announces its plans for the near future or even announces a change in monetary policy, and Bernanke used the Jackson Hole meeting to prepare markets for future changes.

Nevertheless, the most discussed topic on the sidelines will most likely be candidates for the post of the new head of the Fed.

US President Barack Obama said that Mrs. Yellen and his former economic adviser Lawrence Summers are the main candidates and he will decide on his choice in the fall.

Note that neither Bank of England Governor Mark Carney nor ECB Chairman Mario Draghi will also attend the annual meeting this year. Of the heads of the largest central banks, there will be only Mr. Kuroda from the Bank of Japan.

Description of Jackson Hole Resort

Arriving in Jackson Hole, you seem to find yourself in a revived western: everything here breathes the aroma of the Wild West and the time of brave cowboys. There are still wooden houses of the 19th century and unchanged saloons where you can drink American whiskey and listen to country music. Ski slopes in Jackson Hole are a real gift for professionals who will undoubtedly be delighted with difficult steep descents and unexpected turns.

The valley is believed to have been named after Edward Jackson, who invented the beaver trap in the area in the early nineteenth century.

Descriptions of the valley and its function were recorded in the journals of John Colter, who was a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. After returning to the Rocky Mountains, Colter entered the region in 1807 at the Togwotee Pass and became the first white American to see the valley. His reports on the valley were viewed with skepticism by the people.

The first people to settle the region were Native Americans, then fur hunters, and then settlers. Since the soil is not suitable for crops, the valley has been used for cattle. Recreation quickly became popular in this valley.

Other communities in the valley include Wilson, Teton Willid, Moran Junction, Hoback, Moose (Moose Wilson Road) and Kelly. On the west side of the valley, Teton Pass crosses the Teton Range providing access to Driggs, in eastern Idaho and Alta, Wyoming on the west side of the Tetons. Numerous pastures are in the range during the winter, and sleigh rides are offered to tourists. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Snow King and Grand Targhee Resort are ski resorts, and Grand Teton and Yellowstone are nearby. National parks are major tourist attractions in all seasons of the year.

Jackson Hole Airport is the largest and most promising commercial airport in Wyoming. Flights in and out of the valley are very beautiful, however, flights are difficult during the winter months.

The annual symposium has been held at Jackson Hole since 1978.

Vine Street Skiing Jackson Hole 2013

Jackson Hole, Wyoming is one of the best ski resorts in the USA, the so-called American Switzerland. Everything in the city is saturated with the aroma of the Wild West (Wild West), there are still wooden houses of the 19th century in the city, in local pubs imbued with a cowboy spirit, you can drink American whiskey and listen to country music.

In Jackson Hole (Jackson Hole) a special atmosphere of a revived western. It's like time has stopped here. Tourists can see the saloons and wooden buildings of the century before last, where country music is played and real American whiskey is poured.

Jackson Hole infrastructure

On the territory there are shops, restaurants, bars, clubs. The ski resort offers ice skating, tobogganing, snowmobile driving, even dog sledding, hot air ballooning, and ice fishing. and skills (even for children from 2 months). A set of activities, including rental of skis and related equipment, costs about $ 200 per day.

Why does Jackson Hole attract professionals so much, attracting like a magnet with its diverse terrain with sheer and steep slopes, and fluffy snow? Not far from Jackson, just a few minutes away by a comfortable bus, is Teton Village, where guests will be greeted by a proud peak - Big Teton. Two wonderful mountains - Apre Vu and Rendezvous (in French they sound like You" and "Date"). A high-speed lift will take you to the top in just ten minutes. The alluring world of difficult and exciting tracks of crazy speed will open before tourists. Here you will also meet the legendary branded descent - the Corbet Corridor. Rendezvous has always been a point of attraction for professionals. Apre Wu will carefully meet those who improve their skills and will strengthen the spirit and physical strength by offering skiing on rather steep slopes. Snow King is also close to Jackson. Only Snow King will offer such charming and calm beauty. Here, as a rule, not crowded, calm and quiet. Grand Targa is about an hour's drive from the town of Jackson, but this untouched paradise is well worth the journey into the unknown. Hunters go there for off-piste skiing and incredible experiences. The slopes of Grand Targa are covered with airy and soft snow, trails are laid on one side of the mountain, while the other beckons with its virgin purity.

Geography of Jackson Hole

The valley is a series of rock formations on the east side of Jackson Hole.

It is formed by Range Teton on the west side and Range Gros Ventre on the east side. Grand Teton National Park occupies the northwestern part of the valley, covering much of the Teton range as well as Jackson Lake.

The average elevation of the valley is over 6,500 feet (2,000 m).

The high altitude and steep mountain slopes on all sides of the valley often cause extreme cold in winter, and radiative cooling from the snow creates cold air near the surface, which then slides down into the valley due to its high density.

In 1993, this effect, during an already severe cooling spell, produced temperatures as low as -56°F (-49°C) in the morning in the valley, officially recorded by the National Weather Service. A low temperature record was also recorded in the valley at Moran at −66 °F (−54 °C) in 1933. Summers in the valley are milder.

The history of the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium goes back almost 35 years. Since 1978, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas has held an annual conference of central bankers, finance ministers, leading economists, and CEOs of the world's largest companies.

Grand Teton Park at Jackson Hole

Some peaks of the Teton mountain range reach up to 7,000 feet above the valley level, making it one of the most prominent geological formations in the Rocky Mountains. The lower folds of the mountain range are practically absent, coniferous forests and alpine meadows with wild flowers are located on the slopes, granite peaks are covered with glaciers. The heart of the range is formed by three peaks - Grand Teton, Mild Teton and South Teton. Nearby are Mount Owen, Tivinot and Mount Moran, just as majestic and beautiful.

At the foot of the Teton Range there is a whole galaxy of mountain lakes fed by mountain streams. Between them stretches the valley of Jackson Hole, in which thickets of sagebrush alternate with low hills and aspen groves. Pronghorns, deer, catch and other animals live here.

The Snake River, originating in the south of Yellowstone National Park, flows along the Teton Reserve towards Idaho. Moose, deer, beaver, trumpeter swans, sandhill cranes and geese, and some species of ducks live in the wetlands off the banks of the Snake.

Teton is an ordinary blocky mountains. About 13 million years ago, a break in the earth's crust formed, subsequently the blocks gradually moved: one rose, the other fell. Currently, the level difference reaches 30,000 feet, as the surface of the Jackson Hole valley continues to subside.

Before the arrival of Europeans on the North American continent, Indian tribes lived in the vicinity of Teton, engaged in hunting and gathering. In the early 1800s, the mountain people lived in the valley, it was they who named it after Davey Jackson, a famous hunter and pioneer (originally the name sounded like "Jacksons Hole", then the last letter was lost). The first Europeans who lived in the vicinity of Teton were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, some buildings have survived to this day. At the time of the founding of the national park, only the mountain itself and glacial lakes at its foot were located on the territory. The valley was included in the territory only in 1950.

Grand Teton National Park has been established twice. In 1926, a nature reserve was created to protect Mount Teton and its surrounding lakes, and a valley was added to the area in 1950, along with the Jackson Hole National Monument, erected in 1943. Since 1972, the park has also included the J. D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Walk, which connects Grand Teton with Yellowstone National Park. Thus, visitors have the opportunity to admire the mountain landscapes of Teton and the volcanic landscapes of Yellowstone.

Currently, the total area of ​​Teton National Park is 485 square miles and includes the Teton mountain range and most of the Jackson Hole valley. The valley is crossed by a hiking trail, along which you can admire panoramic views of the mountains. Most tourists never leave this trail, but true adventurers are unlikely to miss the opportunity to climb the top of Teton. In addition, in the vicinity of the lakes you can see moose, deer and many species of birds.

Skating in Jackson Hole

First, the Jackson Hole ski resort is considered the best place in all of America for professionals. A huge elevation difference, steep slopes, fabulously soft snow - this is what beckons here again and again. Having been here for the first time, aces get a taste, and then go only to Jackson Hole (Jackson Hole). Skiing is possible in three areas, with a special ski pass for each.

Teton Village is a 15 minute shuttle bus from Jackson Township. The Great Teton rises proudly here - a majestic peak. You can ride on two mountains - Rendez-vous and Apres-vous. A nice play on words, since the names of the mountains are translated from French as Date and After You. A high-speed lift will take everyone up to the height in ten minutes. And here the most interesting begins. Difficult, winding tracks, with steep cliffs and crazy speed. And of course, the branded descent known to all masters of snow racing is the Corbett's Couloir Corridor. So Rendezvous is a point of attraction for professionals. But Apre Wu is what you need for those who improve. There is where to try their forces in riding on hillocks and rather steep descents.

Snow King is located near the town of Jackson and the skiing here is just wonderful. Quiet, calm, uncrowded. Just you, snow and mountains.

Finally, Grand Targhee is an hour's drive from Jackson, where hunters go for untouched snow and the discovery of the unknown. This is heaven outside of piste. On one of the peaks, tracks are still laid, but the other one is like a clean sheet, and the snow there is soft and airy.

Technical data of tracks and terrain:

Altitude 1925 - 3185 m

Elevation difference - 1262 m

Guaranteed snow 65 hectares

Lifts 10

Routes 62, of which:

10% for beginners

40% moderate difficulty

50% for professionals

Apres-Ski and other recreational activities in the valley

By choosing this particular resort, you will not miss. After all, the world-famous Yellowstone Reserve with multi-colored hot springs is located very close by. This must be seen - a fountain of yellow, red, green spray, escaping with noise and steam from underground. Also nearby is the Grand Teton National Park, which is definitely worth a visit. It is good to ride snowmobiles through the snowy forest. And if you're lucky, you'll meet furry inhabitants of these places - bison and elk deer. And then it's time to ride in a hot air balloon or dog sledding. You can just wander through the narrow streets of the old town and go shopping in Indian souvenir shops or dine in the Wild West saloon.

Restaurants in Jackson Hole are very different, for every taste and budget. But here are some invaluable tips. You should definitely go to the iconic apres-ski places - the famous Million Dolllar Cowboy Bar, as well as the Silver Dollar Saloon.

Thanks to the steep mountain slopes and the atmosphere of luxury and bliss reigning here, Jackson Hole has become one of the most fashionable ski resorts in the United States. The thriving downtown village, surrounding ranches, numerous restaurants and bars will compete with such recognized centers of active winter holiday like Aspen and Park City. If you don't like staying at one of the many Jackson Hole hotels, head straight to Amangani.

The ultra-luxury six-star hotels of the Aman Resorts chain are located in the most exotic corners of the globe. Amangani is the only Aman Resorts in the United States and sits between heaven and earth atop the East Gros Ventre Butte. The hotel offers magnificent views of the snow-capped peaks of the Grand Teton National Park. The minimalist interior of the hotel is offset by a luxurious kitchen and numerous additional services. Rooms feature oversized double beds and mahogany panelling.

New funicular in Jackson Hole

The legendary red funicular, also known as the "aerial tram" over the years of its existence has become one of the main symbols of the Jackson Hole ski resort, which is located in Wyoming. This lift provided the highest vertical lift of any North American ski resort. Two years ago, the "tram" was stopped after many years of trouble-free operation.

And on December 20, 2008, its successor was presented - the new Aerial Tram funicular. It will carry passengers along the same route as its predecessor. And the vertical climb of 4,139 feet (about 1,260 meters) is still the most for a single lift (some ski resorts in the US now provide more vertical, but it takes several transfers to get to the very top).

During the grand opening ceremony, a spokesman for Jackson Hole Resort said, "We're thrilled to have the largest vertical in the U.S. again, and our wonderful lift is back in action!"

The new Aerial Tram is one of the most expensive and technically advanced lifts available in North America. It is twice the size of its predecessor, its carrying capacity allows it to carry up to a hundred passengers at a time. The ascent to the upper base takes only nine minutes, this is a wonderful result. And the shiny new passenger cabins provide an excellent view of the picturesque surroundings.

Jackson Hole through the eyes of a vacationer

Ah, Jackson, Jackson... What a glorious picturesque place! At the end of the trip, they checked their feelings: everything was fine, but Jackson - unanimously - the best.

We flew to him across the country to the west. Under the wing of the plane, a rather dull plain sang about something, all dotted with rectangles and circles, obvious traces of restless human hands, driving the former free prairies into the geometric shapes of farmland. I got bored… But at the very end of the flight, the mountains magically transformed the landscape, and it became quite interesting to look through the porthole. And when we landed at Jackson airport, it became more interesting with every glance. Everything was completely different from Washington, where we got used to it a bit: everything was different in Jackson: different nature, different horizon, different people, different climate, different air.

On the way from the airport we saw the first bison. It was not possible to write off an optical illusion of vision - it is impossible to confuse a bison with a cow even from afar - I had to believe that this happens: bison easily graze near highways.

The program read: “JACKSON, WYOMING. The population of the city: 8647 people ”(they took it from Wikipedia, the result of the 2000 census, now it has probably exceeded 9 thousand). It was clear why we were being taken there, most tourists get to Yellowstone National Park through this city. But the size of the town was alarming: what to do in such a sparsely populated area?

It turned out that it was not necessary to do something, it was enough just to be there.

The day was spent on working meetings with local environmentalists, from where we took out a strong belief that there are more environmentalists and conservationists per unit area in Jackson than anywhere else ... in the world. They protect their (that is, natural) living creatures, vegetation, purity and pristine nature with amazing enthusiasm, due to which the interests of the human population regularly lose to the interests of wildlife. Building, expanding, doing business in Jackson is very difficult. Ecologists look with an eagle eye so as not to infringe on nature, emphasizing that in addition to moral, ethical and aesthetic factors, this is also an excellent economic project - up to 4 million tourists come to Yellowstone Park a year, and most travel through Jackson, which in this way also becomes part of the tourist cluster (I like this word, that's why I screwed it up).

One of the latest achievements of the victory of environmentalists over the population was shown to us. It was a meadow (meadow) on the outskirts of the city, which was not allowed to be built up, plowed up, or developed. We were taken to this meadow at dawn to see how local and visiting ornithologists ring birds. There are a lot of birds there, ringing - not re-ringing, and we also saw a fox and traces of a beaver - a freshly gnawed aspen. A strange feeling: here it is the city, here it is the road, houses are within easy reach, and in the meadow there is a world of its own, densely populated and independent, and these two worlds, apparently, do not interfere with each other.

It seems that local ecologists know what they are doing and why.

In his free time, you could go to some city event - such as an agricultural exhibition of the achievements of the American national economy, an open-air concert or a farmer's market, or you could go to shops and restaurants. They are so picturesque there, - my eyes ran wide - to consider (and photograph) every detail. Jacksonians decorate their city, their homes and streets tirelessly and inventively, on every square meter you can find an art object of different levels of performance ... but mostly decent.

codywyomingnet.com - travel portal

travelnow.com - travel guide

alpineski.org - ski guide

jacksonholechamber.com - Jackson Hole Reservoir website

aypic.ru - news portal

hotelolympia.ru - winter recreation monitoring

molodejno.ru - youth information

blog.oktogo.ru - blogging portal

kinoturizm.ru - film tourism

prostoextreme.com.ua - extreme sports guide

avtotransport.org - motor transport portal

ski.ru - guide to winter resorts

telegraph.co.uk - news portal

jacksonhole.com - Jackson Hole resort website

skiamericaonline.wordpress.com - Ski America Blog

yandex.ru - search engine

google.com - search engine

youtube.com - video hosting

Jackson (Eng. Jackson, Wyoming) is a city located in Teton County (Wyoming, USA) with a population of 8647 people according to 2000 census statistics. The city is the county seat of Teton County.

General information

Jackson is a major transit point for the millions of tourists who visit Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park and Elk National Wildlife Refuge each year. There are also a number of ski resorts in the immediate vicinity of the city. A few kilometers southeast of the suburban area is the challenging Snow King track, with steep, near-vertical ramps that are illuminated at night. Located 19 kilometers northwest of Jackson is the more famous Jackson Hole ski resort, opened in 1966 and now boasting one of the steepest ski slopes on the continent with a height of 1262 meters. Approximately an hour northwest of the city, another resort is Grand Taree, opened in the early 1970s and now world-famous as one of the snowiest places. Grand Taree is located on the western slope of the Teton Range, from this resort originates a mountain road that runs through the Teton Pass to the village of Drigs in Idaho, which in turn is located on another slope of the mountain range.


As of the 2000 Census, Jackson had 8,647 people, 1,670 families, 3,631 households, and 3,861 residences. The average population density was about 1,173 people per square kilometer. The racial makeup of Jackson was 89.37% White, 0.21% Black or African American, 0.77% Native American, 0.62% Asian, 0.03% Pacific Islander, 1.36% - representatives of mixed races, 7.62% - other nationalities. Hispanic speakers made up 11.84% of all residents of the city. Out of 3631 households, 23.5% were raising children under the age of 18, 34.4% were married couples living together, in 7.1% of families women lived without husbands, 54.0% were single. 29.9% of the total number of families at the time of the census lived independently, while 4.4% were single elderly people aged 65 and over. The average household size was 2.35 people and the average family size was 2.97 people. The population of the city according to the age range according to the 2000 census was distributed as follows: 18.4% - residents under 18 years old, 13.9% - between 18 and 24 years old, 43.7% - from 25 to 44 years old, 18.2% - from 45 to 64 years old and 5.8% - aged 65 years and older. Average age residents was 31 years old. For every 100 women in Jackson, there were 117.5 men, while for every 100 women 18 and over, there were 118.4 men also over 18. The median income for a single household in the city was $47,757, and the median income for a single family was $53,915. At the same time, men had an average income of $ 31,152 ...

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays give the necessary light and warmth. At the same time, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is detrimental to all living things. To find a compromise between the beneficial and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes the degree of its danger.

What UV radiation from the sun is

The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three regions, two of which reach the Earth.

  • UV-A. Longwave radiation range
    315–400 nm

    The rays pass almost freely through all atmospheric "barriers" and reach the Earth.

  • UVB. Medium wave radiation range
    280–315 nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UVC. Shortwave radiation range
    100–280 nm

    The most dangerous area. They are completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone without reaching the Earth.

The more ozone, clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere, the less the harmful effect of the sun. However, these saving factors have a high natural variability. The annual maximum of stratospheric ozone occurs in spring, and the minimum - in autumn. Cloud cover is one of the most variable weather characteristics. The content of carbon dioxide also changes all the time.

At what values ​​of the UV index is there a danger

The UV index gives an estimate of the amount of UV radiation from the Sun on the Earth's surface. UV index values ​​range from safe 0 to extreme 11+.

  • 0–2 Low
  • 3–5 Moderate
  • 6–7 High
  • 8–10 Very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In mid-latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values ​​(6–7) only at the maximum height of the Sun above the horizon (occurs in late June - early July). At the equator, during the year, the UV index reaches 9...11+ points.

What is the benefit of the sun

In small doses, UV radiation from the Sun is essential. The sun's rays synthesize melanin, serotonin, vitamin D, necessary for our health, and prevent rickets.

Melanin creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the sun. Because of it, our skin darkens and becomes more elastic.

Happiness hormone serotonin affects our well-being: it improves mood and increases overall vitality.

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-rickets functions.

Why is the sun dangerous?

When sunbathing, it is important to understand that the line between beneficial and harmful Sun is very thin. Excessive sunburn always borders on a burn. UV radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The body's defense system cannot cope with such an aggressive impact. This lowers the immune system, damages the retina, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet destroys the DNA strand

How does the sun affect people?

Susceptibility to UV radiation depends on skin type. The most sensitive to the Sun are people of the European race - for them, protection is required already at an index of 3, and 6 is considered dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans, this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is affected the most by the Sun?

    people with light
    skin tone

    People with many moles

    Residents of the middle latitudes while relaxing in the south

    winter lovers

    Skiers and climbers

    People with a family history of skin cancer

In what weather is the sun most dangerous

The fact that the Sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather is a common misconception. You can also get burned in cool cloudy weather.

Cloudiness, no matter how dense it may be, does not at all reduce the amount of ultraviolet to zero. In mid-latitudes, cloud cover significantly reduces the risk of sunburn, which cannot be said about traditional beach holiday destinations. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can get burned in 30 minutes, then in cloudy weather - in a couple of hours.

How to protect yourself from the sun

To protect yourself from harmful rays, follow these simple rules:

    Get less exposure to the Sun during the midday hours

    Wear light-colored clothing, including wide-brimmed hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    Stay in the shade more on the beach

Which sunscreen to choose

Sunscreen varies in terms of sun protection and is labeled from 2 to 50+. The numbers indicate the proportion of solar radiation that overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream labeled 15, only 1/15 (or 7%) of the UV rays will penetrate the protective film. In the case of cream 50, only 1/50, or 2%, affects the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream is capable of reflecting 100% of ultraviolet radiation.

For everyday use, when the time spent under the Sun does not exceed half an hour, a cream with protection 15 is quite suitable. For tanning on the beach, it is better to take 30 and above. However, for fair-skinned people, it is recommended to use a cream labeled 50+.

How to apply sunscreen

The cream should be applied evenly to all exposed skin, including the face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe for a long time, then the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before going out and, additionally, before going to the beach.

Please refer to the cream instructions for how much to apply.

How to apply sunscreen while swimming

Sunscreen should be applied every time after bathing. Water washes away the protective film and, reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of ultraviolet radiation received. Thus, when bathing, the risk of burning increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Excessive sweating and rubbing with a towel is also a reason to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under an umbrella, the shade does not provide full protection. Sand, water, and even grass reflect up to 20% of UV rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to protect your eyes

Sunlight reflecting off water, snow, or sand can cause painful retinal burns. Use sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter to protect your eyes.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains, the atmospheric "filter" is thinner. For every 100 meters of altitude, the UV index increases by 5%.

Snow reflects up to 85% of UV rays. In addition, up to 80% of the ultraviolet reflected by the snow cover is again reflected by the clouds.

Thus, in the mountains, the Sun is most dangerous. Protect your face lower part chin and ears are necessary even in cloudy weather.

How to deal with sunburn if you are burned

    Treat the body with a damp sponge to wet the burn

    Lubricate the burnt areas with anti-burn cream

    If the temperature rises, consult a doctor, you may be advised to take an antipyretic

    If the burn is severe (skin is very swollen and blisters), seek medical attention.


Section 1. Basic information about the ski resort Jackson Hole.

Jackson Hole - this valley is located in the US state of Wyoming

Main intelligence about the ski resort Jackson Hole

Arriving in Jackson Hole, you seem to find yourself in a revived western: everything here breathes the aroma of the Wild West and the time of brave cowboys. There are still wooden houses of the 19th century and unchanged saloons where you can drink American whiskey and listen to country music. The ski slopes at Jackson Hole are a real treat for professionals who are sure to be thrilled by the challenging steep descents and unexpected twists and turns.

The valley is believed to have been named after Edward Jackson, who invented the beaver trap in the area in the early nineteenth century.

Descriptions of the valley and its function were recorded in the journals of John Colter, who was a member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. After repatriating to the Rocky Mountains, Colter entered the region in 1807 at the Togwotee Pass and became the first white American to see the valley. His reports on the valley were viewed with skepticism by the people.

The first people to settle the region were Native Americans, then fur hunters, and then settlers. Since the soil is not suitable for crops, the valley has been used for cattle. Recreation quickly became popular in this valley.

Other communities in the valley include Wilson, Teton Willid, Moran Junction, Hoback, Moose (Moose Wilson Road) and Kelly. On the west side of the valley, Teton Pass crosses the Teton Range providing access to Driggs, in eastern Idaho and Alta, Wyoming on the west side of the Tetons. Numerous pastures are in the range during the winter, and sleigh rides are offered to tourists. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, Snow King and Grand Targhee Resort are ski resorts, and Grand Teton and Yellowstone are nearby. National parks are major tourist attractions in all seasons of the year.

Jackson Hole Airport is the largest and most promising commercial airport in Wyoming. Flights in and out of the valley are very beautiful, however, flights are difficult during the winter months.

The annual symposium has been held at Jackson Hole since 1978.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming - one of the best ski resorts in the United States, the so-called American. Everything in the city is saturated with the aroma of the Wild West (Wild West), there are still wooden houses of the 19th century in the city, in local pubs imbued with a cowboy spirit, you can drink American whiskey and listen to country music.

In Jackson Hole (Jackson Hole) a special atmosphere of a revived western. It's like time has stopped here. Tourists can see the saloons and wooden buildings of the century before last, where country music is played and real American whiskey is poured.

On the territory there are shops, restaurants, bars / clubs. The ski resort offers ice skating, tobogganing, snowmobile driving, even dog sledding, hot air ballooning, and ice fishing. ages and skills (even for children from 2 months). A set of activities, including rental of skis and related equipment, costs about $ 200 per day. Why does Jackson Hole attract professionals so much, attracting like a magnet with its varied terrain with sheer and steep slopes, and fluffy snow? Not far from Jackson, just a few minutes away by a comfortable bus, is Teton Village, where guests will be greeted by the proud peak - Big Teton. Two wonderful mountains - Apre Vu and Rendezvous (in French they sound like You" and "Date"). A high-speed lift will take you to the top in just ten minutes. An enticing world of complex and exciting tracks of crazy speed will open before tourists. Here they will also meet the legendary branded descent - the Corbet Corridor. Rendezvous has always been a point of attraction for professionals. Apre Wu will carefully meet those who improve their skills and will strengthen the spirit and physical strength by offering skiing on rather steep slopes. Snow King is also close to Jackson. Only Snow King will offer such charming and calm beauty. Here, as a rule, not crowded, calm and quiet. Grand Targa is about an hour's drive from the town of Jackson, but this untouched paradise is well worth the journey into the unknown. Hunters go there for off-piste skiing and incredible experiences. The slopes of Grand Targa are covered with airy and soft snow, trails are laid on one side of the mountain, while the other beckons with its virgin purity.


The valley is a series of rock formations on the east side of Jackson Hole.

The valley is formed by Range Teton on the west side and Range Gros Ventre on the east side. Grand Teton National Park occupies the northwestern part of the valley, covering much of the Teton range as well as Jackson Lake.

The average elevation of the valley is over 6,500 feet (2,000 m).

The high altitude and steep mountain slopes on all sides of the valley often cause extreme cold in winter, and radiative cooling from the snow creates cold air near the surface, which then slides down into the valley due to its high density.

In 1993, this effect, during an already severe cooling spell, produced temperatures as low as -56°F (-49°C) in the morning in the valley, officially recorded by the National Weather Service. A low temperature record was also recorded in the valley at Moran at −66 °F (−54 °C) in 1933. Summers in the valley are milder.

The history of the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium goes back almost 35 years. Since 1978, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas has held an annual conference of central bankers, finance ministers, leading economists, and CEOs of the world's largest companies.

Jackson Hole is


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