Samsung Vs Iphone. "Samsung" or "iPhone", what is better to choose, what is better and in what? Which is Better iPhone or Samsung Why Comparing iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Hardware Specifications Doesn't Make Much Sense

Samsung Vs Iphone. "Samsung" or "iPhone", what is better to choose, what is better and in what? Which is Better iPhone or Samsung Why Comparing iPhone and Samsung Galaxy Hardware Specifications Doesn't Make Much Sense


Many people regularly ask the question: iPhone or Samsung, which smartphone should you buy? And if in the early 2010s the answer was known in advance, now the situation has changed. Now it is impossible to recommend a South Korean or American product right off the bat. Let's do a little research and decide whether the bitten apple or the green robot will win?

Briefly about iPhone and Samsung brands

First you need to understand that the iPhone is manufactured by Apple(not to mention Chinese copies, which some narrow-minded people also mistake for an iPhone for some reason). The head office of this corporation is located in the United States, and more specifically, in Cupertino. The very first iPhone was invented by Steve Jobs, a legendary executive about whom several feature films have already been shot and a biographical book has been written. There is an opinion that after the death of Steve Jobs, their magnificence, some great spirit, disappeared from Apple products. But this is just an opinion - in fact, new devices are the result of the work of a mass of engineers, designers and Tim Cook himself, who is now the president of the company.

Smartphones are assembled at the Chinese Foxconn factory. Believe me, similar devices from many other companies are also assembled there. So the iPhone does not stand out in this regard. These Siemens mobile phones were once assembled in Germany. Apple products have not been produced by the Americans for a long time, because they demand a huge salary. And in terms of build quality, Chinese products no longer cause negative emotions.

The history of the South Korean company Samsung Electronics is no less eventful. But basically this brand became known due to TVs, DVD players and other similar equipment. In the early 2000s, South Koreans began to produce simple mobile phones. And no one then expected that in the future it would turn into a multi-million dollar business. With the development of smartphones based operating system Android was formed by a sort of sub-brand Galaxy. It is under it that almost all smartphones are now produced and Samsung tablets. And if Apple releases only a few models a year, then the range of South Koreans is much wider - from very cheap devices to flagships. As they say, you can choose a smartphone for any wallet thickness.

Software for Samsung and iPhone smartphones

If you forget about appearance smartphones, what else makes them different the most? Of course, the operating system. South Koreans install while the iPhone is running iOS. In terms of the number of applications, both of these firmware are approximately equal.

Samsung at one time also produced smartphones without a slot for a memory card. But this period was very short. If South Koreans produce their own memory cards, then why deprive consumers of the need to buy such an accessory? Yes, and operating android system Recently works with memory cards without failures. You can even transfer many applications to it. In theory, with the help you can bring the amount of memory up to 300 GB. This is happiness for a music lover who collects music only in FLAC format.

For support for memory cards, we give a point to Samsung.

iPhone or Samsung. Calls, communication and messengers

In terms of the quality of the built-in microphones, Apple and Samsung technology is approximately equal. If you are in a large city, then the interlocutor is heard well, as well as you. The noise reduction system is well implemented - ambient sounds are muffled by a smart system. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on choosing the iPhone 7 or Samsung 7 according to the speed of the Internet connection. But even here the devices are approximately equal. They have been supporting LTE-Advanced for a long time - thanks to this technology, speeds can reach 300 Mbps, and in some models even 600 Mbps.

It would be possible to focus on social media. But now they are all ported to both platforms. Gone are the days when Instagram only existed on iOS, considered an app for the elite. Now on Android there are a lot of various messengers.

Of course, you can recall the famous Apple ecosystem. For example, many owners of "apple" products use iCloud and similar services. Samsung has such services, if they exist, they are not popular. But we will not bring this fact into shortcomings. In the end, only the owners of at least a few Apple devices notice the existence of such an ecosystem. And there are many such people only in the United States. In our country, people most often are not able to buy, in addition to the iPhone, at least a MacBook.

We will not give our preference to any of the companies.


The Chinese have long established mass production of all kinds of cases designed for smartphones from different companies. But let's talk about official accessories. Cases are made by both Apple and Samsung. At the same time, South Korean products are more interesting. They can be made in the form of a book, while on the lid they have a window. When you take your smartphone in your hand, this window displays all the most important information. In the iPhone, this is not yet possible to implement, since it is not equipped with an AMOLED display.

If we talk about headphones, then Apple has both a wired headset that comes with the kit and a wireless one. Samsung, on the other hand, produces mainly wired headsets that are part of the Level series. And I must say that in terms of their sound quality they are inferior to the creations of third-party companies. But flagship smartphones Samsung can be connected to the proprietary DeX docking station, as a result of which the device turns into a kind of computer! We will not explain how to use the docking station in this article, as it will take too long. We only note that Apple has nothing of the kind.

If you think about it, then for smartphones on Android based released a huge number of accessories. If you are buying external battery, then it will definitely recharge your device. But in the case of the iPhone, everything is much more complicated - it all depends on whether the power bank has passed Apple certification. This also applies to third-party headsets. And many Samsung smartphones have OTG support. This means that almost any peripheral can be connected to them. It can be an external drive, a mouse, a keyboard, or even a printer - in a word, anything.

The range of accessories for "androids" is wider, so Samsung deserves another point.

Samsung or iPhone. And who won?

So, Samsung S8 or iPhone 7? More specifically, South Korea or the United States of America? Who scored more points? The South Korean company wins with a score of 5:4. At the same time, you need to understand that it is the flagships that provide it with victory. Budget devices do not have a number of some advantages, which are indicated in today's material. However, on the other hand, they are cheaper than any iPhone, and for many people this will be the main plus.

In fact, the victory turned out with a not very big advantage. Therefore, do not assume that South Korean devices are much better than "apple" products. If you are already using an iPhone, then you are not obliged to change it to any samsung galaxy Note 8. It is possible that the transition to Android will cause you negative emotions. If you can easily switch to another platform, then not everyone can leave the Apple ecosystem as a whole. It is quite possible that you will constantly think about and iCloud, which you have already become accustomed to for several years.

The reverse situation is also true - there is no point in switching from the flagship South Korean device to the iPhone now.

And we are well aware that each brand has its own fans who will find their pros and cons for both Samsung and iPhones. Share your opinion in the comments. Help readers decide which smartphone to buy.

Which is better: the newfangled iPhone 7 or the stylish Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - the eternal dispute between iOS and Android has entered a new stage, in 2019-2020 it has in fact turned into a confrontation between the two flagships of the most popular high-tech companies.

Both devices stand out among other phones in almost all respects: design, camera, screen, processor. And even the additional features that gadgets offer are extremely difficult to find in other devices. Only by comparing each side of both phones in detail, you can find out which smartphone is better to choose from the two presented flagships.


The question of which is better to buy, iPhone or Samsung, most often rests on the cost. It's no secret that "apple" devices are much more expensive. Of course, Apple's pricing policy is justified: for the unique characteristics, the manufacturer has every right to set high price tags on their devices. As a result, according to Yandex.Market, the cost of the iPhone 7 128Gb starts from 43 thousand rubles, while the minimum price for the Galaxy S7 Edge 32Gb is from 32 thousand rubles. Agree, the difference of 11 thousand is very significant. Another thing is how the price-quality parameters are combined for each of the smartphones.


According to this indicator, the South Korean flagship is head and shoulders ahead of its eternal “apple” rival. Apple's stylish device comes with a fairly standard 4.7-inch 1334x750 (HD-optimized) IPS screen. The Samsung smartphone received a 5.5-inch AMOLED display with QuadHD resolution, for those who don’t know it’s 2560 pixels by 1440. Devices with a large good screen are highly valued by buyers, therefore Galaxy S7 has a serious advantage in this indicator.
Both displays are covered with high-quality tempered glass, which not only creates a 2.5D effect, but also helps protect smartphones from scratches, other mechanical damage and water. However, the Korean has another advantage - it has a curved screen, which creates a kind of 3D effect and improves the quality of the image. Therefore, in this comparison, Samsung clearly wins.

Operating system

The debate about which OS is better has been going on ever since smartphones appeared on both platforms. It was possible to answer unequivocally a couple of years ago in favor of Apple's iOS. But today, Android 6.0 is a perfectly developed system. Moreover, at the beginning of last fall, for the first time in its history, it was recognized as more stable than the latest build of iOS 10. Both OSes look very nice and work quickly, so the choice depends solely on the taste of the buyer.


Now consider which phone is better, iPhone or Samsung, in terms of performance. The question is very controversial. The Apple gadget received a high-quality 4-core Apple A10 Fusion chip with a frequency of 2340 MHz, a PowerVR GT7600 video accelerator and 2 GB of RAM. Thanks to excellent optimization, this set of parameters allows you to use the device with the highest possible performance. As for the South Korean flagship, it got an 8-core Exynos 8890 chip with a frequency of 2300 MHz, a Mali-T880 MP12 video accelerator and 4 GB of RAM. According to Geekbench, this processor is by far the most powerful, so the seventh generation iPhone is somewhat inferior in performance to the brainchild of Samsung.


The best optics for smartphones according to reviews is built into the iPhone 7. A 12 MP camera with optical stabilization and F / 1.8 aperture is able to shoot like a professional camera. There are even exhibitions of photographs taken with the help of such optics in the USA and Europe. However, it is strange that experts do not pay attention to an excellent camera with the same parameters, but with an aperture reduced by 0.1. The photos are about the same quality, so it is difficult to identify the winner in this indicator. As for front cameras, then the iPhone has a 7 megapixel matrix, and the Galaxy S7 Edge has 5 megapixels, and with other approximately equal parameters, “apple” selfies will be somewhat clearer, richer and brighter.

Additional features

Make a choice in iPhone favor 7 or the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is possible by exploring the various features that both smartphones offer.

  • Advantage of SIM cards. One of the most important components is a SIM card. The iPhone traditionally has one connector built in, while the Galaxy has two ports at once. Both phones work with VoLTE networks, so everyone chooses based on the need to work with 2 SIMs.
  • Capacity comparison. If we take into account the volume internal memory It's hard to say which smartphone is the best. On the one hand, the iPhone has got a whopping 128 GB, while the Galaxy S7 Edge has only 32 GB. However, Samsung has provided a microSD port that supports cards up to 200 GB. Thus, in terms of total memory, the Korean is better, but to achieve this result, you will have to spend a certain amount of money.
  • Comparison in autonomy. The batteries of the devices are different in volume, but they hold the charge in fact the same. The iPhone received a 1960 mAh battery, which, thanks to the perfect optimization of the smartphone itself (mentioned above), can last up to 2 days without recharging with average use. The Samsung flagship hides a 3600 mAh battery under the cover of the case, which, due to the notorious energy efficiency of Android, keeps charging about the same as an “apple” device.
  • Wireless charging function. However, the South Korean smartphone is favorably distinguished by one function - wireless charger, which saves the owner from unnecessary and constantly interfering wires.
  • Fingerprint scanner. Naturally, both smartphones have a fingerprint scanner on the central button. Nevertheless, Samsung experts have found something to surprise here. The device can measure the pulse, which is very popular with many owners who monitor their health.
  • Always-On Display Capability. Also in the Galaxy S7 Edge, the Always-On Display function appeared, which displays information about the time, date, weather and upcoming events marked on the calendar during the lock and turn off the screen.

Which is better iPhone or Samsung?

So, which is better: iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - in fact, these are two approximately equal good smartphone, which are equipped with beautiful screens, high-performance processors, high-quality optics and many different features that make the life of device owners convenient and interesting. If we take the technical side, then the advantage should be given to the Galaxy S7 Edge, if we consider the aesthetic component, then buyers value the iPhone more. In fact, everyone can choose which one is better for himself: you just need to know what the future owner of the gadget appreciates in it.

Some iPhone time 7 was unmatched. But finally, he has a worthy competitor - Samsung Galaxy S8. And despite the fact that the iPhone 8 has already been released, the 7 version of the smartphone is still relevant. So which is better: iPhone 7 or Samsung S8? This question is often asked by buyers. Consider both smartphones and try to answer this question below.

Unlike the iPhone 7, Samsung S8 started selling six months later. Therefore, the novelty from the Korean manufacturer should be more technologically advanced. Is it really?


Both smartphones are very beautiful and concise. But with 7 and Samsung Galaxy S8, you can find serious differences. Let's figure out which ones, because many people choose their smartphone based only on its appearance.

The absence of a front bezel and the Infinity display emphasize the design of the Samsung smartphone. Outwardly, the Samsung S8 attracts the most attention. iPhone 7 looks very similar to previous version smartphone from the same company, so it does not look so modern. has a screen with a resolution of 6.7 inches. However, due to the lack of frames, it does not seem too bulky. The back of the smartphone is made of glass and has a metal frame. This solution visually makes the device more luxurious. Samsung launched smartphones with a glass back surface 2 years ago. However, due to the change in color new model doesn't look dated.

Who will win in the fight "iPhone 7 vs Samsung S8"? We continue to investigate further. Both devices are protected from moisture ingress under the case, but there are nuances. Samsung can be kept in water for up to 30 minutes, while the depth should not exceed 1.5 meters. The iPhone, on the other hand, can be under water without incident for no longer than 15 minutes, at a depth of no more than 1 meter. As you can see, Samsung is more reliable in this regard.


What could be more important than headphones for music lovers?! And the quality of headphones and sound is also a very important aspect when choosing a smartphone.

Almost immediately after the release of the iPhone 7, many began to resent the lack of a headphone jack. The company made this decision in order to make the smartphone thinner, and there was more space inside. Thanks to this move, it was possible to place more useful components inside the device. It also made it possible to additionally protect the smartphone from moisture getting inside it. However, because of this, the headphones on the iPhone 7 are now wireless, which is not very convenient. At any moment they can fall out and get lost. The sound of the headphones has not changed. Their body remains the same.

Not all users liked this solution, and they prefer to use wired headphones. Especially for such smartphone owners, the company supplies a special adapter with the device that connects to the charging connector, and from the other end to the headphones. In this way, you can listen to music using ordinary headphones, as well as connect an AUX wire, which is also popular.

Of course, in the future, many smartphones will be just like that, but now it is superfluous, the public was not ready for this. Samsung did not dare to do this, and the Galaxy S8 has a headphone jack. This was not done in vain, because most users use them.


The S8's infinity display and bezel-less accentuate image quality that's significantly better than the iPhone's. has a display with curved edges and a resolution of 2960 x 1440. The display size is 5.8 inches. The smartphone is convenient to use by launching several applications on the screen at once, but at the same time, all this can be controlled with one hand, which is quite convenient. The Samsung Galaxy S8 display is made using Super AMOLED technology and has been rated by the reputable DisplayMate as the best display ever installed in a smartphone. The display can be configured according to standard parameters, but it also has Dolby Vision technology.

iPhone 7 features an IPS LCD Retina display. The screen size of the smartphone is 4.7 inches, and the resolution is 1334 x 750. It conveys the picture quite colorfully and has good viewing angles. DisplayMate said the iPhone 7's display is one of the best LCDs out there. But despite this, the fact that the Samsung S8 has it better remains.

In the past, AMOLED displays were worse than LCDs. However, Samsung has done a great job and achieved a different result. Apple is now working on developing an AMOLED display for next version your smartphone.

The only advantage iPhone display 7 is 3D Touch technology. Thanks to it, the user becomes much more convenient to use a smartphone. It determines the level of pressure on the screen and, depending on this, reacts differently to pressing.


Samsung Galaxy S8 hides a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset under its body. The eight-core processor operates at a frequency of 2.35 GHz. GPU here - Adreno 540. It works on big.LITTLE technology, thanks to which it was possible to achieve high performance and long-term operation of the smartphone without recharging.

The iPhone 7 has a quad-core Apple A10 Fusion chip. Two of them work for high frequency, and the rest - on low. This was done in order to increase the performance of the smartphone and its operating time without recharging.

The iPhone 7 undoubtedly wins in this matter. The Apple A10 chip is much more productive than the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835. It has practically no equal competitors. However, Apple has always installed high-performance chips in its smartphones that do not consume much energy.

Almost all modern smartphones degrade performance after a certain period of time. On the iPhone 7, this is much slower than on the Samsung Galaxy S8.


A very important characteristic when choosing a smartphone is memory. And here, too, you can find a significant difference between these smartphones. After all, the RAM of the iPhone 7 is only 2 GB, while the Galaxy S8 has 4 GB. However, due to the smaller screen size and features iOS iPhone in some moments it even works “faster” than Samsung. The thing is that Android consumes more resources.

When multitasking, the S8 feels better and handles it without a hitch. The iPhone 7 has little problem with this.

The iPhone 7 is available for purchase in 32GB, 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB versions. Samsung Galaxy S8 is only with the 64 GB version. Such a decision on the part of the company is not entirely clear, because some users will have too much of such a space, and not enough for others.


Continuing iPhone comparison 7 vs Samsung Galaxy S8, let's discuss the rear camera. Both the first and the second device have 12 megapixels. However, this is their only similarity. was developed for a long time and is equipped with an optical stabilizer, and the size of each pixel in it is 1.22 microns. Samsung has the same camera as the previous model - S7. It is made using Dual Pixel technology, and the pixel size is 1.4 microns.

The smartphone camera shoots better than the iPhone 7, only in low light. It is designed in such a way that when shooting a video, it combines 3 shots in a row quite quickly, while eliminating noise and drawing all the elements in more detail.

The cameras of both smartphones shoot video in 4K resolution. At the moment it is the highest. It's hard enough to decide who will win in the iPhone 7 vs Samsung Galaxy S8 battle. Their cameras convey all the colors and fine details when viewing photos taken with these devices.

The front camera of the iPhone 7 has 7 megapixels. It was created using Retina Flash technology. Thanks to this, it shoots well in low light conditions. The Samsung S8 has an 8 megapixel camera with autofocus capability. Thanks to this, selfies on this device are more detailed, but it is better not to take pictures in low light.


Samsung Galaxy S8 has a function to change the layout of the buttons in the navigation bar. You can also change the background color here. You can also customize Always On Display. But even after such convenient innovations, some owners this smartphone resent the impossibility of reassigning the Bixby button to other processes. It is strange to hear this, because this has never happened on previous devices from Samsung. Why then be angry? After all, the company could do without the introduction of such a function.


Both smartphones have a fingerprint scanner, accelerometer and other sensors. However, Samsung S8 also has a face recognition function, as well as an eye shell scanner. The company started installing the scanner on previous devices and has been improving it all this time. Facial recognition is not yet fully developed, as some users have been able to trick this feature. The Galaxy S8 also has a heart rate sensor, but so far there has been no application for it. These features are not available on the iPhone 7.


The battery capacity of these devices varies greatly. The Galaxy S8 has 3000 mAh and the iPhone 7 has 1960 mAh. In that case, have samsung time there should be more work without recharging, but this is not so. The iPhone 7 has a smaller screen, which means that the smartphone consumes less energy. Also, the iOS platform is not energy-consuming. Therefore, it is difficult to say which device will last longer without recharging.

Although in some cases the S8 discharges faster, but it can be quickly charged. The smartphone fully replenishes the battery capacity in just 60 minutes. It can be charged with or without a wire. Moreover, the time of a full charge does not differ from this factor. The iPhone 7, on the other hand, cannot boast of such fast charging, since its factory wire is only 5V.

It is also worth noting that both smartphones-Samsung Galaxy S8 and Iphone 7 are non-removable batteries. Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, an independent replacement will not work. To do this, you will have to contact the service center.


So, one of the main questions of choice is the cost of smartphones. The Samsung Galaxy S8 is only offered with 64GB of storage, so it's priced at $724. iPhone 7 comes with various options memory, which is why its price depends on the number of gigabytes. The cheapest option is the iPhone 7 with 32 GB of storage. Its cost is 649 dollars. The version with 128 GB of memory will cost the buyer already $ 749. The most expensive option is the 256GB version, which costs $849.


It is quite difficult to choose one of these two smartphones. The iPhone 7 and Samsung S8 have both advantages and disadvantages. The Galaxy S8 looks very solid, has expandable storage, and has excellent cameras. iPhone 7, on the other hand, runs smoother and consumes less power. It is also protected from viruses and hacking. Perhaps that is why many famous people choose Apple products.

Iphone 7 Plus and Samsung S8 Plus also have some differences. Iphone nighttime photos are clear, even moving objects come out clear. Samsung has problems with this, the pictures are blurry and fuzzy. The Galaxy S8 Plus has distorted corners of the frames. Also, in addition to the camera, there are differences in the size of the display, compared to the Samsung S8, the Iphone 7 has a smaller screen. The differences between these smartphones do not end there. There are differences in random access memory smartphones: Samsung has 1 GB more. The battery, compared to the Iphone 7, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has 600 mAh more.

This concludes the comparison of our smartphones. Summing up, it is impossible to say with accuracy which smartphone is better to buy. It all depends on the desire of the consumer and financial capabilities. After analyzing the information received, in the future you can make the right choice. What S8 or Iphone 7 is up to you and only you.

Today, the most popular mobile devices are produced by companies such as Apple and Samsung. Before choosing a particular brand, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages and determine what better samsung or iPhone.

Which is better iPhone or Samsung

When choosing a new smartphone, everyone prefers certain parameters. But in any case, stability, safety and appearance are important.

Apple is an American manufacturer of mobile gadgets. They are directly involved in the release in China, but the quality does not suffer from this.

Samsung Corporation of South Korea engaged in the production of mobile devices a little later than its competitors. At the same time, there are no significant lags. Not only wealthy customers, but also budget buyers can purchase Samsung brand products.

Both gadgets have interesting features and capabilities.

Table: comparison of iPhone and Samsung

Indicators iPhone Samsung
Cost There are no budget models.You can buy both cheap models and expensive smartphones.
Quality Apple products more High Quality. Works almost flawlessly.Expensive models are high quality, which cannot be said about Samsung's budget range.
Design The lines of the case in the latest model provide additional convenience in using the device even with one hand.The appearance of the latest model is no different from the competitor.
Display The display size in older models is slightly smaller than that of the competitor. At latest iPhone 10 display, like in Samsung, is 5.8”. The screen resolution is inferior.
The color rendering is somewhat softer and warmer as Apple adds more red tint to the picture.
Display Size 5.8”. It has great resolution.
The picture is more realistic. Colors are rich, vibrant and crisp.
Ergonomics All models fit comfortably in the hand. The size of the display makes it easy to reach anywhere on the screen.In terms of convenience, early release smartphones are inferior to Apple products.
Interface Understandable and familiar.Individual settings are possible.
Buttons and connectors There is an external button to mute the sound. The fingerprint scanner allows you to enter up to 5 fingers into memory. Model 7 does not have a headphone jack.The scanner is more sensitive, you need to place your finger on the reading button correctly.
Camera The best pictures are taken in the light. The video shooting speed is 60 frames per second.Shooting is perfect even in low light. The speed of the video is inferior, it is less than 2 times.
autonomy Holds a charge longer despite the lower battery capacity.Time battery life almost the same as competitors.
Memory Almost all models have 2 GB OP. Starting with the iPhone 7 Plus, RAM has increased to 3 GB.The amount of OP starts from 2 GB for cheap devices. Expensive OP is 6 GB. You can install a memory card.
Operating system iOS. There are regular updates.Android. Updated less often than competitors.
Applications All applications are downloaded via App Store. There are no complaints when working with them. Most of the apps offered are paid.Applications can be installed from the Internet. Most of the apps are free.
Accessories Ability to use both wired and wireless headphones. Model 7 requires an adapter.There are a variety of cases, headphones and a wireless headset.

Determine exactly what mobile device better, impossible. For those who value security and stability more iPhone, for lovers of individuality - Samsung.

Our large-scale study was replenished with the latest Samsung and iPhone. Leadership - again Samsung models. Why did the iPhone XS Max and iPhone XS fail to take first place? Details are below.

In the overall standings for more than a year and a half, the 1st and 2nd places were occupied by Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8+. When the Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ came out, they took the lead. However, these flagships did not last long there - the leader changed again with the release of new products. So, now the first place in the ranking is again Samsung Galaxy - Note 9. And this means that Apple's new products - iPhone XS Max and iPhone XS - lost a little to this smartphone. They took 2nd and 3rd places respectively.

The top ten also includes Samsung Galaxy S9, S9+, S8, S8+, iPhone 8 Plus, Huawei P20 Pro (CLT - L29) and Samsung Galaxy Note 8. As you can see, the "smartphone of the decade" iPhone X flew out of the top. It is inferior to the iPhone 8 (11th line) and is only in 12th place.

Thus, today the top 10 best smartphones looks like that:

Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

Samsung Galaxy S9.

Samsung Galaxy S9+.

Samsung Galaxy S8.

Samsung Galaxy S8+.

Huawei P20 Pro (CLT-L29).

Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Why did the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 overtake the iPhone XS Max and iPhone XS in the ranking?

The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 scored higher than the new iPhones in the durability test, battery test, music quality test, as well as in terms of phone capabilities (signal sensitivity, antenna strength, etc.). In an important indicator of the quality of photo and video shooting, he lost, but only hundredths of a point. Also at samsung display The Galaxy Note 9 has a drawback: reading from it can be hampered by a slight mirror effect due to the curved screen. But, of course, this minimal gap in some indicators did not allow the iPhone XS Max or iPhone XS to break into the first places in the ranking.

1. STRENGTH. New iPhones actually failed the durability test (drum test). After 50 drops, the iPhone XS broke the camera and the screen stopped working, and after 50 drops, the iPhone XS Max had white and green stripes on the screen, the case was scratched, and after 100 drops, the case of one of the samples crashed. Definitely, these phones should not be dropped: there is a high probability that they will break, and repairs will cost you dearly. In turn, the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 did an excellent job with the durability test - after 100 drops, it had only small scratches in the corners.

2. BATTERY. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is very similar in performance to the Note 8, but has a higher battery capacity and therefore holds a charge longer. The battery life of the iPhone XS Max or iPhone XS has improved markedly, but they still fall short of the best results in this test.

3. MUSIC. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 scores higher for music quality. In particular, experts liked listening to classical music with the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 more than with the iPhone XS Max and iPhone XS.

4. CAMERA. In the ranking for the quality of photo and video shooting, five leading positions are occupied by Apple smartphones. The first place is now occupied by the iPhone XS Max, the second is the iPhone XS. However, the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 lost hundreds of points to Apple products in this indicator and took 6th place. In particular, it received 0.5 points less for and for shooting with flash (photos on the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 come out a bit dark).

What improvements do the iPhone XS and XS Max have over the iPhone X?

As the test results show, the new iPhone XS and XS Max do have small improvements over the iPhone X. For example, the new A12 Bionic processor is slightly faster. The battery life of the smartphone has also improved markedly. Although they take as long to charge to 100% as before (3 hours 15 minutes - XS, 3 hours 30 minutes - XS Max; iPhone X - 3 hours 15 minutes), the batteries of both models last longer than the batteries their predecessors. Compare: the charge of the iPhone X lasted for 19 hours and 30 minutes, while the charge of the XS lasted for 24 hours and 30 minutes, and the XS Max for 26 hours. But still, these models do not yet reach the best results in the test for this indicator.

The presentation video of the iPhone XS and XS Max states that the camera in these new products has become better than previous iPhones. Our tests have confirmed this. In particular, when shooting with a flash in the photo, the color rendition has become better: brighter and more intense. Depth of focus and field of view can be changed after the picture has been taken. The iPhone X, which took 3rd position, and the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, which are located in 4th and 5th places, respectively, turned out to be pushed aside. In addition, the sound of videos shot on new iPhones has become better: almost no extraneous noise is heard. Compared to the iPhone X, the new products have higher marks for voice-activated GPS navigation in cars.

The biggest improvement to the iPhone is dual-SIM support: a Nano-SIM card and a digital eSIM card. However, it is not yet possible to take advantage of the innovation - an appropriate update of the iOS operating system is required. Apple should release it before the end of the year. But even after that, it will not be possible to use the second SIM card in our country - the use of eSIM is currently prohibited at the legislative level and is not supported by Russian operators.

As for the design of new iPhones, it has not changed much compared to the design of their predecessors. The iPhone XS is very similar in appearance to the iPhone X. Only the location of the camera has changed - it has moved a few millimeters, so the iPhone X case will not fit the XS.

But the cost of smartphones has changed. For the first time in the history of iPhones, new items have not a five-figure price tag, but not a six-figure one. So, when the iPhone XS was released, it cost about 100 thousand rubles, the iPhone XS - about 109 thousand rubles. As mentioned above, you will have to purchase a protective case separately. Also, there is no headphone adapter included, so if you want to use headphones that are not included in the kit, you will have to purchase an additional adapter.

Why did the iPhone XS Max score higher than the iPhone XS?

Recall that the iPhone XS Max in the top 10 best smartphones is in 2nd place, gaining 4.057 points, iPhone XS is in 3rd place with 4.048 points. Why this small gap? The XS Max scored higher than the iPhone XS when testing metrics such as:

Internet. Page loading and download speeds are slightly faster on XS Max than on XS.

Camera convenience. In particular, shutter speed, etc. According to experts, shooting on the XS Max is more convenient than on the XS (note: we are not talking about the quality of the resulting photos).

Strength. Even though both phones failed the durability test, the XS Max performed slightly better than the XS.

GPS navigation. The XS Max performed slightly better than the XS in peer review of the quality of a single GPS receiver without voice guidance, as well as in testing the volume of GPS commands.

Very soon, the study of smartphones will be replenished with the results of testing a new batch - the latest innovations, including the iPhone XR. We will definitely evaluate whether the new iPhone Liquid Retina LCD display is really as “advanced” and the glass front panel is as durable as the manufacturer claims. Expect information on the Roskachestvo website in December 2018.

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