Configure automatic switching. Automatic Keyboard Switch - Punto Switcher

Configure automatic switching. Automatic Keyboard Switch - Punto Switcher


Well, hello again. You may have guessed from the title what it is about. Yes, exactly how to do automatic switching keyboard language layouts. You may remember that in a recent article we looked at the hotkey combination in detail. But, have you counted how many characters and words you type on a computer keyboard per day and it is very unpleasant when you look up and lead a similar picture:
"Hello, shall we go to the KinoFresh cinema today? nfv bltn jnkbxysq abkmv ... "
Is this a familiar situation? And you have to retype the text, like a trifle, but not nice. And all due to the fact that they forgot to switch the language in time. So let's talk about how to set up automatic keyboard language switching.
Yes, in our time, when almost any process is automated, even those related to finances, making the language change automatic will not pose any problems. So, and let's talk about how to do this, of course, you will have to install additional software called from the well-known company Yandex, as standard Windows tools 7 or 8 it is impossible to do this. You can download it via a direct link absolutely free and always the latest version.
So, after you download and install this program, another icon will appear in your taskbar:

It, like the standard language panel, notifies you about the keyboard layout, and if necessary, automatically switches the layout, accompanying this process with a characteristic sound signal. The program also has the ability to switch the layout manually. All this and much more, you can additionally configure in the program, including the rules for switching the language, exclusion programs where you do not need to automatically switch keyboard layouts:

How to turn off automatic language switching
After you have downloaded and installed the program, "Auto switch" is enabled by default - this means that the program will change the layout itself if necessary. But, sometimes we do not need it at all, for example, in some programs. In this case, you can easily turn off this function. for this, in the taskbar, click on the icon with the right mouse button and uncheck the box:

Or you can add the desired program to the list of exclusion programs in the settings.
With this program, you can type text without thinking about whether you switched the language or not, because it will do everything for you! The interface is extremely simple, convenient and understandable, and I think that there will be no problems with it, but if they do happen, I will definitely answer all your questions in the comments to this article.

Download Punto Switcher free


Caramba Switcher - new program to automatically switch keyboard layouts, developed by the author of the legendary. The project is currently in beta testing.

Automatic switching of keyboard layouts is a very useful feature. Any user can accidentally type text in the wrong layout and get the nonsense "NEZ .. A smart program makes sure that this does not happen and, seeing the inconsistency, switches the layout, correcting all the incorrectly typed text. They say that automatic layout switching can save 5 minutes of working time per day. Not so much. But hundreds of nerve cells that can be saved, avoiding the feeling of annoyance after entering a couple of sentences in the wrong layout, seems to be a more weighty argument.

The Caramba Switcher is essentially the new Punto Switcher. Everyone remembers the good old keyboard layout switcher that has been popular since time immemorial. So Caramba Switcher is a project by the same author. For many years, the developer has been developing Punto independently and as part of Yandex, which acquired the rights to the program. Now, due to Yandex's lack of desire to actively work on Punto, the author has created a completely new project.

This is a completely new program. The key difference from the previous project is the absolute simplicity of Caramba Switcher and the complete absence of settings - it just works and that's it. The only setting available to the user is to enable or disable the automatic switching function. There are 2 ways of interaction: automatic correction of incorrect layout or manual. Manual mode works by double-clicking the "Shift" hotkey, which will magically change the layout of the last typed word or all selected text.

The Caramba Switcher learns itself from practical examples during operation and adapts to the user's habits. If the program does not know any special words, when typing which it is not necessary to change the layout, then it will learn them in the process. Another advantage of Caramba Switcher is that it supports not only Russian / English, but also Russian / German. It is anticipated that support for other languages ​​may be implemented in the future.

Caramba Switcher Lab - Special Edition for Enthusiasts

And the developers also ask for help from active users who are interested in the success of the project. To do this, they released a special version with the Lab prefix, which will send user-used exceptions to developers (the regular version does not send anything anywhere). This will help the program become even smarter and less erroneous.

Forgetting to change the language when typing on your computer? Having expounded your thoughts in a structured written speech at the peak of mental activity, suddenly you notice that an abracadabra is displayed in the editor window from symbols in another language? This problem is often faced by those who work with typing in different languages. Users don't always get into the habit of double-checking their current input language before starting to write.

To solve this problem, there is a special type of program for Windows - keyboard layout switches. This kind of software, in addition to this function, can usually offer a lot additional opportunities to optimize work with text. Consider four such programs below. Three of them can automatically change the input language, and one will do it only at our request. We will consider only offers from the number of free software.

Product Yandex- this is, perhaps, the most famous solution in Runet for automatically changing the Russian-language and English-language layouts. When it detects data input in one language, while a different language is set, it instantly corrects the typed text and changes the layout to the desired one. In case of undesirable operation, a hotkey for reverse conversion and language change is provided.

Being the brainchild Yandex among additional options offers the search for selected words in Wikipedia and search engine services.

From the functionality of the program:

Transliteration, case change, writing numbers in words;
Setting custom rules for automatic layout switching;
Autocorrect words according to pre-prepared templates;
Diary - saving typed text in a special software environment in all Windows applications or only in some;
Tracking the clipboard;
Sending text to Twitter;
Purpose of programs-exclusions.

It can also check spelling, but only if the spelling checker is installed in the system Microsoft Office.

More ascetic than the previous one, the program also serves for auto-switching of layouts and auto-conversion of typed text. She has more modest potential than , but a larger list of language support. Supported 24 language. From its functionality:

Correction of typos, double capital letters, incorrect case;

Converting previously typed text;

Auto-switching the layout to the desired language when entering certain characters from the number of previously specified templates.

Another tool for auto-switching layouts and auto-correcting text as you type it -. This is a multifunctional product, but not all features are available for free. At startup we will see a form for translating the text. Learn more about the free features of the program in its settings.

Those that are not available in the free edition are marked with a mark "Only in Pro version". What is available to us for free? These are, in particular:

Translation with the participation of web services Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translator;
Spell checker;
Cancellation of unwanted activation;
Converting the case of letters and selected text;

Auto-switching of layouts according to the specified templates;
Autocorrection of two capital letters;

Adding exception programs for which EveryLang will fire only in part of the functions or will not fire at all.

After activating the paid version Pro functions such as autocorrect words, tracking the clipboard, keeping a diary, converter of dates and numbers into their uppercase values ​​will become available to us. And we can also use the function SmartClick that allows you to copy text and perform program operations using the mouse buttons.

Have there is a portable version.

The latest program to replace text with the desired layout is. Very simple, with a primitive interface, with a minimum of functions. Unlike the previous reviewers, it will not be able to transform the text as it is written, but it will perfectly cope with the correction of already typed words and phrases at our request. To do this, you need to select the desired block of text and press hotkey transformation. Among other possibilities :

Reverse spelling of words;
Converting the case of letters;
Search for words and phrases on Google;
Translation with the participation of the Google Translate web service.

One of the functions of the program is worth highlighting - it is sending the typed text to mobile devices by using QR code... We can type on a computer a document, message, to-do list, etc., and a program will generate for this information QR code... Which, accordingly, will be able to read our smartphone or tablet.

Back in September 2001, a unique of its kind at that time was released computer program... She knew how to do an amazing and fantastic thing - automatically switch the keyboard layout to the desired language, understanding in which you want to express thoughts in the text.

Seven years later, this autoswitch became wildly popular among users and Yandex Corporation decided to secretly tidy it up with its greedy little hands for itself, which it easily did (the deal was officially announced only six months later).

Ten years later, the rating of Punto Switcher fell noticeably due to, I think, reasonable suspicions of spying on users in favor of various special services by collecting and transmitting data about typing. Some countries have even banned its distribution.

Apparently, therefore, the first developer of this useful utility, Sergey Moskalev, created a fundamentally new, also free, analogue with a self-learning algorithm that supports as many as three languages ​​at once (English, German, Russian) and at the same time without tracking users under the name Caramba Switcher.

The uniqueness of Karamba is not only in the understanding of three languages ​​at the same time and the built-in self-improvement algorithm. This program from the category "set-forget" absolutely does not "knock" to its creators and to anyone else transferring the text you typed to the secret servers.

And in Caramba Switcher there are no intricate as many as 96 pieces of settings, like the main competitor ...

Caramba Switcher or all ingenious - simple

After downloading the installer of the program (by the official link at the end of the article), you simply cannot fail to notice it in your ...

... he screams about himself in a big orange spot.

Instant installation is slowed down only by the license agreement ...

... no need to install additional useful software and stupid unnecessary questions.

In the only window of the automatic switch of the language keyboard layout (double click on the tray icon) ...

… You can temporarily disable the algorithm, check for an update for the program, or write to the author. On one's own Caramba Switcher does not connect to the Internet in background .

By the way, do not worry - the program will already and automatically start when you start your computer.

Just a few minutes after the installation, I was personally able to make sure of its effectiveness and the operation of the self-learning mode - when typing three points in a row for the first time, she corrected them for me to exclamation marks, and after my editing, there was never such a replacement on the part of the utility.

I almost forgot, if you decide to play a game on your computer, then Caramba Switcher will understand this and temporarily stop responding to keystrokes (hides 🙂).

How to hide the stock language layout icon from the tray

After you install the automatic switch of the Caramba Switcher keyboard layout, you will most likely have two icons in the tray (near the clock) with the display of the text input language. If you want to hide the extra standard language layout icon from the Windows 10 tray, then just look in the Settings operating system(Personalization - Taskbar) ...

Download Caramba Switcher

The installer size is only 3 MB. There are no viruses. Works in all Windows versions.

Versions of the Caramba Switcher program

In addition to the main version (so far in beta status, but completely workable), there is a corporate version (for defense enterprises) ...

How often, forgetting to switch the keyboard layout, many users type a large amount of text, despite the monitor screen. After all, the eyes are busy with a more important matter. They search for the right keys on the keyboard, trying to type the necessary words as quickly as possible. The result seen on the screen will make any user think about which is able to control the input of text and, in case of incorrect input, to produce visual and sound notification, and ideally to independently correct the error and switch between languages. The topic of this article is the keyboard switcher, as well as an overview of programs worthy of installation that can solve user problems.

At the height of glory

The Punto Switcher keyboard switch is considered the most popular among analogs. It is a fact. After all, as you know, the program was bought by the Russian search engine Yandex several years ago, so any Russian-speaking person fell under the influence of hidden and open advertising of the world's best keyboard switch. The most important benefit of Punto Switcher is that it is free. The functionality of the keyboard switcher is impressive.

  1. Automatic switching of layouts with instant correction of already written letters.
  2. Setting the rules for switching layouts, such as abbreviations and abbreviations.
  3. Having a dictionary for entering exclusion words that do not need to be switched is very convenient when entering passwords.
  4. The ability to keep a diary of printed text, which has a breakdown by dates, and can also be closed with a password.
  5. Sound warnings about incorrect input for those who do not want to use auto-switching.
  6. Frequent updates and bug fixes, which means full software maintenance.

Disadvantages of the Punto Switcher

Judging by the numerous user reviews, along with the advantages, the program also has many disadvantages, due to which it is very often removed and replaced with an alternative one. It is clear that the developers constantly monitor such reviews and try to fix bugs, but very often new problems appear.

  1. Professional photo, audio and video editors, which take away all the system resources of a computer, often stop their work when another application tries to change active resources by unauthorized access. When creating menus using the Text effect, very often the keyboard layout switch does its job and can harm a long unsaved project.
  2. Strange program behavior during games. By controlling the movement of the player during the game in the speakers, you can clearly hear the sounds of the Punto Switcher, which signal an incorrect input.
  3. "Gifts" from the developers. When installing frequent updates, the program tries to impose the installation of unnecessary "Yandex" panels and all sorts of utilities. And then complete removal programs through the control panel after a restart, it is found that the Punto Switcher process continues to be in the task manager.

About analogues on the Internet

It is unlikely that the author of the popular program Punto Switcher and the little-known brainchild of Keyboard Ninja at the beginning of the 21st century guessed that a profitably sold project, which would undergo many changes over the decades, would become an analogue of entertainment software forgotten in 2003. And so it happened. If you test and compare these two programs, you will find that in one decade nothing new and perfect has appeared in the popular and beloved by many users Punto Switcher. Only the rules became more and the dictionaries were replenished.

It remains to determine for yourself which is better, the keyboard switcher for Windows 8, which is constantly advertised by a well-known search engine and requires a lot of system resources in its work, or a small utility that can perform a range of the same tasks. Even if the program sometimes requires user intervention.

A program built to last

The free Ninja language switcher, created by Russian amateur programmers, is unknown to a wide range of users. It is not advertised anywhere and it is not easy to find it in reviews. But it exists and is quite popular among administrators and programmers.

It honestly fulfills its intended purpose - it switches the keyboard layout when needed, without affecting the program code, which the famous Punto Switcher likes to change so much. No annoying ads and tips. Small amount of system resources are used and there are no problems in working together with other applications. It is a pity that the project is not supported, new users often have to create rules and replenish the dictionary on their own when working with Keyboard Ninja.

2-in-1 utility

Another Russian developer's keyboard switcher deserves the attention of users. The Orfo Switcher application is positioned as a utility for checking text for errors, as well as in the form nice bonus there is the ability to automatically switch keyboard layouts. The principle of the program is slightly different from its counterparts.

The program has several built-in dictionaries, with which a word is compared when typing. If it is in the dictionary, the input is correct, otherwise the keyboard language switch is triggered. Apparently, the developer was not doing very well, since he, distributing his product for free, collected donations from users on a voluntary basis.

As a result, the project split into two directions. Orfo Switcher exists as a free download application with no technical support. And the VirtAssist project requires payment for using the utility.

An alternative with a nice touch

An automatic keyboard switch called "Anetto Layout" will suit those users who accidentally hit the "Caps Lock" button. You no longer need to rewrite text typed with incorrect case of letters. Like the previous programs, the utility is able to independently detect the incorrect input of letters and words. Having automatically corrected the error, the application will change the keyboard layout to the desired language and notify the user of its action with a sound signal.

The application is completely free of charge, easy to install and use, the ability to fine-tune and additional functionality should attract the attention of many users to this program. There is only one drawback in this program, but for many owners of modern computers it is significant. The application does not work on 64-bit systems, and in compatibility mode it issues a message about incorrect data and terminates its own process.

"Semi-automatic" at the service of users

An interesting keyboard switcher for Windows 7 is offered by the Arum Switcher utility. You should not expect something supernatural from her, and appearance it looks somehow childish. It will interest those users who do not want the computer to independently change the keyboard layout at its discretion.

Arum Switcher constantly monitors and remembers the text entered by the user. And only at the request of the computer owner, who discovers that he is making an incorrect input, the program can switch the language and correct the previously incorrectly entered text. Moreover, the user needs to press the desired key combination to send a signal to the program. That is, it is not an automatic USB keyboard switch.

Also, using this program, the user will not be difficult to reassign to change the language layout. This solution will appeal to the owners on which the control buttons are far from each other and it is not always possible to pinch them with the fingers of one hand.

For Mac OS X owners

The owners of Apple products did not go unnoticed. There is a free automatic keyboard switch for them called RuSwitcher. The program runs in the background. Tracks user input from the keyboard. If a mismatch is found, it corrects the error and changes the keyboard layout.

If you make a comparison, you will find that the appearance and functionality very similar to the popular among Windows owners the Punto Switcher program. In addition to the automatic mode, the user is given the opportunity to independently switch by pressing the buttons on the keyboard set earlier. Laptop owners will definitely love this application. After all, the developer made it possible for the service button "Fn" to participate in changing the layout, which affected the convenience of using the switch.

Open operating systems

There is a keyboard switcher for Linux and Unix people too. It's called the X Neural Switcher. And here it was not without Russian developers who have created a masterpiece of their own kind. The application became so popular that it was placed in all popular repositories and is available for download under the name Xneur.

In addition to automatic mode, the program can also operate with manual switching. Accordingly, the user chooses the purpose of the active buttons independently. A feature of this program is the ability to install in two ways - graphical and console.

For the graphical mode to work, the X Window visual interface is required; convenient menu management. Console users only need to run demon and configure its configuration file.

The most popular system did not go unnoticed

It is very difficult to find a keyboard switcher for Windows 7, because, apart from the promoted Punto Switcher application, there is little information on the network on alternative programs. Quite the opposite is true for the world's most popular operating system, Android. After all, as you know, many users use an external keyboard connected to a tablet or mobile phone with a wide screen. Naturally, they also face the problem of language switching.

Choice free apps with a huge number of additional features is so great that it can take more than one day to test all programs. Judging by the reviews of many owners, several decent applications deserve attention. One of them is called SmartKeyboard, which works only mechanically, after pressing a certain combination by the user, configured earlier.

But External Keyboard Helper Pro can work in automatic mode and is somewhat remotely reminiscent of the most popular application for Windows. In addition to switching functions, the Android program can remap buttons on an external keyboard.

The theory of a breach of one's own security

It may sound like paranoia, but what about any application that monitors every keystroke from the keyboard and has constant communication with your own server on the Internet? And given the fact that any keyboard layout switch has a considerable size in relation to the small functionality of the program itself, the presence of hidden features is quite real.

  1. Collection and transmission of data to the developer's server about the interests of the user for statistics.
  2. Collecting information and compiling a dossier for each Internet user.
  3. Creation of a database of usernames and passwords for access to all kinds of resources. After all, somehow Google found out the personal information of people by presenting the rating "Most Popular User Passwords" for everyone to see.


Having figured out which automatic and mechanical keyboard switches are available for installation, we missed one important factor. Any software you need to take only on the developer's website. This applies to both paid programs and free ones. By downloading software from alternative and little-known sources, the computer owner runs the risk of becoming a victim of scammers.

It is up to the user to decide whether to make it easier for himself to work at the computer by setting the automatic switch of the keyboard layout, or not, but the main thing is to remember that laziness is not always the engine of progress. Sometimes, mindfulness alone is enough to solve a variety of problems. On the other hand, the nonsense of paranoia turned people into conservatives, preventing them from developing and keeping pace with the times. In any case, everyone chooses their own path.

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