How to install a bluetooth program on a laptop. Installing Bluetooth on your computer

How to install a bluetooth program on a laptop. Installing Bluetooth on your computer


The number of various digital devices is growing every day. Many of them can and should interact with each other. Some do it less often, while the rest require an almost permanent connection to exchange information, files, commands. The most widespread and high-speed protocol for convenient, and most importantly - wireless, connection is the Bluetooth protocol.

If your device does not have a built-in Bluetooth module, you can use alternative connection options

It is this protocol that any smartphones, tablets, laptops, almost all televisions, multimedia centers, acoustics and even some types of kitchen appliances are equipped with today. That is why for efficient work and management of various gadgets or office, you may need to install Bluetooth on your computer. We will tell you how to choose a Bluetooth adapter for your computer, as well as how to install Bluetooth on your PC.

Bluetooth technology is the most widely used wireless data transmission system after Wi-Fi. While Wi-Fi is used more for organizing local wireless Internet access, Bluetooth technology has established itself as the most efficient way to exchange information over short distances.

The range of receivers and transmitters operating under this protocol is gradually increasing, but today it does not yet exceed 60 meters. The technology can be used to transfer files, receive and transmit an audio signal, send and receive various kinds of commands. By connecting a computer and another device using this protocol, you can, for example, easily manage the internal memory of smartphones, take ready-made pictures from the camera, control a TV, connect wireless speakers or headphones to a PC, and so on.

While a large number of modern devices are initially released with a pre-installed Bluetooth module, Windows PCs remain the least equipped with such modules. The main reason is that most computers are assembled from different components, and most often an adapter supporting this data transfer protocol must be installed separately.

Bluetooth adapters are of two types: internal (motherboards) and external (plugged into the USB connector - "whistles", visually similar to a classic USB flash drive). If your computer does not have such a communication channel with external devices, but you feel the need for it, you can purchase an external adapter separately. Even a novice user can install, connect and configure it. We will describe below how to choose such a device and how to connect it to a PC.

When choosing a Bluetooth adapter for your computer, we recommend that you pay attention to several key parameters. One of the most important is the range of the wireless signal. Depending on the distance from the PC there are or may be the devices to which you want to connect, choose an adapter with the appropriate range. The maximum distance at which the adapter can establish a connection with devices directly depends on the version of the Bluetooth protocol that it supports. The higher the index of this version, the greater the range.

Also, pay attention to the additional capabilities of the adapter and its functionality. If you need, for example, a connection with audio devices, headphones or speakers, a prerequisite will be the adapter's support for the A2DP protocol. It is specially designed for high quality audio transmission, but not supported by all adapters.

Features of Bluetooth versions and additional features

With the gradual development and refinement of the Bluetooth protocol, the developer of this technology continues to release newer and better versions. When choosing an adapter, you should definitely pay attention to the protocol version it supports. The higher this value, the more functionality, range and energy efficiency the adapter has.

The maximum version for today has an index of 4.1 and allows you to establish a stable connection with devices located within a radius of 60 meters. This version has the most economical system of energy use, which is very important when connecting to mobile devices running on battery power. Important advantages of the newest versions of Bluetooth are gradually increasing data transfer rates and automatic reconnection of lost connections.

If an adapter is purchased that supports the most current version of the protocol and an appropriate program is installed on a Windows-based PC to communicate with a specific device, the Bluetooth functionality increases significantly, and it can be used for a variety of purposes. The program for connecting with a smartphone or tablet will allow you to wirelessly connect Windows and iOS or Android to transfer photos and access the Internet. A program compatible with your audio system will allow you to play music, control its playback and volume.

If your apartment is equipped with a "smart home" system, there is a special program that will allow you to adjust the brightness of the lighting or remotely turn on various household appliances. The functionality that you will have when using this data transfer technology is limited only by the number of devices in your home or office that support a Bluetooth connection.

How to choose the right adapter

Based on all the information described above, you can draw several conclusions that will help you make the right choice and purchase the Bluetooth adapter that best suits your needs. If you need to equip your desktop PC with this protocol, both an internal board and an external USB adapter will do.

Note that the inner version may be more powerful and capable of serving a wider radius than the outer whistle. Please check this point before buying. As for the rest of the parameters, there is not much difference between internal and external solutions. Their design will not affect the Bluetooth configuration process in Windows in any way, nor will they affect the data transfer rate.

Connection and configuration

When the adapter is selected and purchased, it remains to make the necessary settings for Windows and the computer in order to enable data transfer, as well as find and connect all the necessary devices. As a rule, regardless of the manufacturer of this PC component, after the first connection or reboot, the Windows system automatically recognizes the type of the new device, its manufacturer, independently downloads and installs the necessary driver that allows you to enable Bluetooth. However, this will only allow you to find and connect to your gadgets. Some of them may require you to enter a security pin code to confirm the connection. In Bluetooth 4.1, the default password is “0000” (four zeros). However, after establishing a connection, you will need a program that will allow you to work with the connected device.

The website of the manufacturers of some of these adapters may contain a proprietary program that activates the basic functions of this PC component. To connect to specific gadgets (smartphones and tablets), you may need a program or utility from the manufacturer of the devices themselves in order to use their functionality to the fullest.

For example, to enable contact synchronization between your phone and Windows, you need a software program released by your phone manufacturer. In order to use the mobile Internet on the computer, which is accepted by your smartphone or tablet in modem mode, you may need modified drivers for the PC network card. To clarify all the capabilities of your devices and install specialized software, visit the official websites of the manufacturers.


If your computer still does not have a Bluetooth adapter installed, we definitely recommend that you think about buying one. With it, you can get rid of many cables and make it much easier to manage, use and configure many devices already in your office or apartment.

Tell us in the comments what you use Bluetooth for in everyday life and which adapter you have chosen.

On a stationary PC, the presence of bluetooth will also be indicated on the motherboard. But for this purpose, it would be foolish to open the system unit (besides, if the computer is still under warranty).

Here's a harmless way to check for bluetooth on your PC.

  1. Open the context menu of the shortcut "My Computer" (right-click on it)
  2. - "Properties"
  3. - "Hardware" (if Windows XP is installed)
  4. - "Device Manager".

Next, in the list that appears, look for bluetooth. If it is absent in the list, it is also absent on the PC. In this case, you can simply purchase an additional USB-bluetooth adapter and the absence of bluetooth on the computer will be compensated.

How to install bluetooth on a computer?

Now let's figure out how to install the bluetooth adapter on your computer yourself.

  • Install the drivers (they come with the device on a disk).
  • Connect the adapter via USB.

The device is automatically detected by the computer. If there are no drivers, you can use the BlueSoleil utility. Download it from the Internet and install it on your PC. So, the adapter is installed, now. How to do it?

Usually, after installing bluetooth, an icon in the form of a blue tooth appears on the taskbar. The device is controlled through this icon. If after installation such an image does not appear, then do the following:

  • "Start" - "My Computer" - "Control Panel".
  • In the list, you find the bluetooth control and turn on the device.

In a laptop, everything is much simpler. To control bluetooth, there is a separate button on the body of the device.

Economy versions of laptops may contain only a button, while the adapter itself may be missing. After it became clear how to independently install a bluetooth adapter on a computer, let's move on to the features of its configuration.

  • Run a scan to identify devices in the module's area.
  • - "Control Panel"
  • - "Devices and Printers"
  • - "Add device".

Upon completion of the scanning phase, you will see a list of found devices. Select the device you want to connect to. Basically, that's all.

On a subject for a note! I still have a couple of articles about bluetooth in stock, so I invite you to read. I told where, and also said. There is also an article and.

From Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Bluetooth is a very common standard for transferring data between computers. Its advantages include completely wireless technology, fast transmission speed and operation up to 10 meters away. Thanks to Bluetooth, many devices are now connected, such as keyboards, mice, headphones, speakers, etc. In addition, through it, you can transfer files from one device to another.

Bluetooth can be configured on computers, but this requires a number of steps. Installation is not difficult for advanced users, but ordinary people may find it too complicated. But in reality, nothing incomprehensible, most of the actions are already automated.

Not all PCs have Bluetooth, but it is possible to connect it without any problems using an external adapter. In most cases, you have to buy a bluetooth adapter for your computer in order to use wireless technology from your PC. But in almost every laptop it is already built-in and to connect it, you just need to go to the settings for the adapter.

How do I check for availability?

In order to check the availability of wireless technology, just open the list of devices. To do this, you need to do:

  • Open the properties of My Computer (right-click on it, then select "Properties") and select "Device Manager" at the top left. You can also open Start and enter "Device Manager" in the search;

  • Find Bluetooth in the window that opens;

  • If there is no icon, then, accordingly, this technology will have to be implemented separately.

How to install?

To install Bluetooth, you need a special adapter that plugs into any USB socket on your computer. It's like a USB flash drive, only smaller. You can buy such an adapter in almost any hardware store for $ 3-6. The literal name "Bluetooth adapter".

Before buying, be sure to pay attention to the version. You shouldn't buy versions 2.0, 3.0 and below, these are outdated options. Better to look for something on version 4.1, 4.2 or even 5.0.

After purchasing the adapter and installing it into the connector, Bluetooth will appear on the PC.

Now this thing cannot be removed from the computer, it must always be there for the technology to work correctly. Therefore, it is better to install it in the back of the case, where there are more USB connectors. But before using it, you still need to install the drivers.

How to turn on?

How to turn on and offBluetooth adapter on a laptop, you will learn in the following video:

We figured out the presence of the technology, now it needs to be configured correctly. To set up Bluetooth in Windows 7, you need to take a number of steps, namely:

  • Turn on the Bluetooth service in the manager;
  • Install the required drivers;
  • Connect gadgets.

To activate Bluetooth on Windows 7, you need to open the "Service Manager". This menu is easily found through the search in Start. A window will open where there will be many incomprehensible lines - these are all services. Among them you need to find "Bluetooth Support Service".

Then right-click and select Properties. The control menu will open, where opposite the line "Startup type" select "Automatic".

You also need to open the "Login" tab, check the "With system account" item and check the "Allow interaction with the desktop" checkbox.

Installing drivers

The driver installation issue is described in the following video:

Installing drivers is the most difficult process unless the manufacturer initially provided a special installer. But in most cases, the drivers are already included. They are preinstalled on a laptop, although sometimes they need to be updated.

If you connect an external Bluetooth to your computer, it will most likely install the necessary drivers by itself, but not always. Therefore, for the system to work correctly, it is better to install or update the drivers using one of the methods below.

Manual installation

For manual installation, you need to find out the manufacturer of the motherboard or external device distributing Bluetooth. The device name is written on the box.

If there is no way to check the name, then there is a universal method:

  • Open Start and enter "CMD";
  • At the command prompt, enter the following command: wmic baseboard get manufacturer;
  • Then enter another command: wmic baseboard get product;
  • The manufacturer's name and device model will appear. Under the word "Manufacturer" is the manufacturer, and under "Product" is the model;
  • Copy the name and model, then find drivers for this board on the manufacturer's website;

  • After downloading the drivers in the .exe format, install them following the instructions.

Automatic installation

Windows 7 has a feature for unattended installation. She is on the way:

  • Open Start and enter "Device Manager" in the search;

  • Find Bluetooth among the list of devices;
  • Click on the model with the right mouse button and select "Properties";
  • Go to "Drivers" at the top;
  • Click on "Update";

  • Select "Search automatically for updated drivers."

Special installation program

There are special utilities with automatic installation of drivers on devices that do not have them. For example, DriverPack Solution will automatically detect that a driver is needed, find it, and install it.

Connecting devices via Bluetooth

We figured out how to install Bluetooth on a computer with Windows 7, it remains to directly connect some gadget to a PC for interaction through a connection.

To connect any Bluetooth device, you need to open the "Devices and Printers" tab in the control panel via Start.

After opening the window, click on "Add device" and wait for the scan of new devices. After a successful scan, select a device to connect.

The newly added peripherals will now be displayed in the hardware list. After turning on the device, it will automatically connect to the computer. To remove this, you need to remove the device in this menu. However, you can add it back at any time.

The most difficult thing that an inexperienced user will have to face is installing drivers. Although I am sure that if you do this once, the next time there will be no problems at all.

So don't be afraid to install and configure your Bluetooth adapter yourself. And if something does not work out, write to us, we will definitely help! Thanks!

Bluetooth is a method of transmitting data and exchanging information in a wireless network; it works at a distance of 9-10 meters, depending on obstacles that interfere with signal transmission. The latest Bluetooth 5.0 specification has improved bandwidth and range.

Let's consider the main ways of connecting a Bluetooth adapter to a PC and the difficulties that may arise. If you already have a built-in bluetooth module, but you do not know how to enable it or are having difficulties with it, this will be discussed in methods 2 - 4.

Method 1: Connecting to a Computer

Bluetooth adapters come in two flavors: external and internal. Their difference lies in the connection interface. The first is connected via the USB port like a regular flash drive.

The second requires disassembling the system unit, since it is installed directly into the PCI slot on the motherboard.

After installation, a notification about the connection of a new device will appear on the desktop. Install the drivers from the disk, if available, or use the instructions from method 4.

Method 2: Windows "Settings"

After successful installation of the module, you need to enable it in Windows. This method will not cause difficulties even for the most inexperienced users, it is distinguished by its speed and availability.

Method 3: BIOS

If the previous method did not work for some reason, you can enable Bluetooth via BIOS. This method is more suitable for experienced users.

If for some reason you cannot enter BIOS, use the next article.

Method 4: Installing Drivers

If, after following the previously described actions, you did not achieve the desired result, the problem may lie in the drivers of the Bluetooth device.


We examined the main ways to install Bluetooth on a computer, turn it on, as well as possible difficulties and ways to eliminate them.

The Bluetooth wireless interface is by far the most popular and widespread standard for wireless data transmission after Wi-Fi. This technology is used exclusively for transferring small data over short distances, but Bluetooth does its job perfectly well. That is why now almost all gadgets on the market: phones, laptops, smart watches, some household appliances, are equipped with this technology without fail.

It is not surprising that today ordinary PC owners also want to start using this technology to exchange data between devices or to connect various useful devices to a computer. For example: joysticks, watches, headphones and so on.

In almost all ordinary stationary computers, there is no way to connect bluetooth without additional manipulations.

Note! Some expensive motherboards still support this technology, but they are usually installed only on very expensive devices, and even then quite rarely.

Laptops are another matter. All modern devices of this type necessarily support Bluetooth. Old devices may be an exception.

It is very easy to do this:

Choosing and buying an adapter

So, if you did not find an adapter on your computer, then you need to buy it and insert it into the USB port of your system unit. When buying, the question immediately arises: how to choose a good module?

This is quite easy to do. Fortunately, modules do not differ in many important parameters. The first thing you should pay attention to is "Bluetooth standard". Everything is simple here. The higher it is, the better. The value of this indicator directly affects both the speed and the range of the module. At the moment, the maximum standard is 5. But you can usually find standard modules 3 and 4 on sale.

There are also external and internal modules. That is, the former are inserted into an external USB port, and the latter are installed inside the system unit. More common are external adapters that look like a USB flash drive. They are a little easier to install, for their installation you do not need to open the lid of the system unit and look for a place to install. At the same time, it is these modules that most often differ in greater power and coverage area. That's why:

  • for home use, it is better to choose small external adapters;
  • for a corporate network - massive internal devices.

Connecting and configuring the adapter

After purchasing the previously selected module, you need to connect and configure it. For this:

Installing the required drivers

Method one, from the supplied disc

Usually, the module comes with a disk with all the programs necessary for its normal operation.

You can find it in the box from the module. To use it you need:

If for some reason you did not succeed in doing this or the disc was lost, then proceed to the next method.

Read the practical methods of problem solving in the new article -

Second method, via the Internet

You can download the drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of your device.

The third method, through the device manager

After this procedure, the adapter should begin to fully function.

Important! Similarly, you can install the necessary drivers for a laptop, provided that it is equipped with the required module.

The adapter is purchased and configured, how to enable it?

Enabling a working adapter differs significantly depending on the operating system installed. For example, on windows 7 it will look like this:

As we said, in windows 10 this process will be different.

To turn off the wireless interface - just click on this rectangle again.

Important! Regardless of the operating system, on some laptops, bluetooth can be turned on using a button on the keyboard. This button may differ from device to device, but it is not difficult to find it. On it you will see the distinctive Bluetooth logo.

Connecting headphones to a computer

After setting up, the question immediately arises about adding devices and how to start working with a wireless network. Let's take a look at the process of connecting headphones to a computer. So, we need:

Phone connection

As you can probably guess, the smartphone will connect to our computer a little differently. This will be done as follows:

The same process, only now on windows 10.

The process of choosing a good adapter, purchasing it and further customizing it is quite simple. In these actions, everything is pretty clear and consistent. If you have not yet had time to configure Bluetooth on your computer, we strongly recommend that you do this. You will be able to connect various useful devices and use them successfully.

Video - How to install bluetooth on a computer

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