How to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows laptop. How to connect to Wi-Fi on a laptop

How to set up Wi-Fi on a Windows laptop. How to connect to Wi-Fi on a laptop


Wireless wi-fi networks are widespread not only in offices and Internet clubs, but also in ordinary city apartments. With the help of such a connection, you can access the Internet through personal computers, tablets and smartphones, yes, in general, using any device equipped with a wi-fi module. Despite the abundance of such devices, laptops have the largest number of such wireless connections. How to connect a laptop to wi-fi and what problems may arise in this case will be the topic of our publication.

Access point creation

The process of creating a wireless Internet access point consists of several steps:

    Router connection

    First of all, connect the existing RJ 45 connector of the cable through which the provider connects the equipment to the network to the wan connector of the router. As a rule, such a connector is located separately from the others and is painted in a different color. Use the instructions for the router that came with the device. Now you need to connect the adapter of the device to a 220V outlet and a laptop, after which you need to turn on the router itself.

    Configuring the router.

    It makes no sense to describe the setup process, each manufacturer has a setup menu and a different operating principle. It is best if professionals are involved in these issues.

  1. Setting up wi-fi and then connecting the laptop to the intended access point. And here we will dwell in more detail.

Connecting the laptop to a wireless network

In this section, you will learn how to set up wifi on the laptop on which you decided to install Windows 7, as well as how to connect it to your home network that has an appropriate Internet connection.

After turning on the laptop and waiting for the OS and all necessary services to be fully loaded, you should pay attention to the taskbar. If the laptop has a wi-fi connection, a special icon is displayed in the corner of the screen. By the way the icon looks, you can see whether the laptop is connected to the network or not.

If you need to check if there are available connections, you need to left-click on the mouse on the icon, and then select the network you need.

You may be required to authenticate, i.e. introducing the security key. After entering the correct password, your device will be connected to the Internet.

In some cases, when the laptop is turned on, the wi-fi connection icon is not displayed. This indicates that the wi-fi module on the laptop is not working or is turned off. On some laptop models, you can turn it on by simply pressing the appropriate button on the device case, and in some cases, the module must be turned on programmatically.

To programmatically enable the wi-fi module, you need to go to the Control Panel, where you need to find Network and Internet and Network Connections. Next, we see the wireless network connection icon, on which we right-click on the manipulator and select “enable”.

After these manipulations, the wi-fi connection icon in the taskbar should appear. If this does not happen, then you need to check the installation of drivers on the wi-fi module. This can be done by installing the drivers from the disk that comes with the laptop or by downloading the drivers from the Internet, referring to the developer's website.

After installing or updating the drivers, the module should turn on, as evidenced by the appearance of its icon in the tray.

Now you should select the Network and Sharing Center category, for which you use the control panel and configure the automatic obtaining of an IP address.

Then you need to find and select the following item in the menu: Changes to the adapter parameter.

Select the required network, then move the cursor over Properties and confirm the selection by clicking the mouse. In the newly opened window, select Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and click Properties.

After this procedure, the next category opens, where you already select the item to automatically obtain an IP address and automatically obtain a DNS server address. As before, we confirm our actions with the help of "Ok", which is located at the bottom of the window.

Now it remains to connect to the wireless network, as described earlier, and check the Internet connection.

Setting up wifi on a laptop with Windows XP

The Windows 7 operating system is quite well optimized for maximum ease of setting up communications. In Windows XP, the setup process and other tasks are much the same.

  1. Turn on the wi-fi module in your laptop.
  2. When the icon appears in the tray, double-click on it with the left mouse button. A window will appear in which you should click Search for wireless networks.
  3. As a rule, a list of available points appears next to which you could connect.
  4. If it was not possible to connect in this way, then you should enable the wireless network connection through Start - Control Panel - Network Connections.
  5. The next step is to view the available wireless networks.
  6. As in the seven, you should select the line Change the order of preference networks.
  7. In the newly appeared window, select Network by access point and check the box next to "Automatically connect to the network".
  8. The next thing to do is go to Wireless & networks again and click Refresh List.
  9. Then specify the required network, click Connect and enter the access key.

Major connectivity issues

In truth, we have already covered the main problems with connecting a laptop. So why the laptop does not see wifi, despite all the operations performed. There are many reasons for this, and the first one that few people pay attention to is a weak transmitting signal. That is why the location of the router was mentioned in the first part of the article.

Often a problem with wireless access is due to a failed wi-fi module. Any “dancing with a tambourine” is useless here. Only a service center or the use of an external wi-fi module can help.

One of the most common problems that can occur when connecting a laptop to a wireless network is incorrect router configuration.

Configuring an access point yourself and connecting your equipment to it requires certain knowledge. The best way out would be to call a specialist from your provider's support service or contact a specialist at home.

The laptop, due to its small size and the power of desktop computers, has become one of the most widespread types of portable electronics. Its compactness and portability allows you to connect to the World Wide Web absolutely everywhere. Therefore, every modern laptop is equipped with a special chip for connecting to Wi-Fi Internet. But when the owner is inexperienced, he probably does not know how to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, and when something goes wrong, he can get confused. This manual is intended for such a user.

Turning on Wi-Fi on your laptop

Option 1. Function keys or mechanical power button

Before connecting your laptop to the Internet, you need to turn on the Wi-Fi module. To this end, you will have to perform a couple of simple steps.

Function key combination on laptop

All state-of-the-art laptops are equipped with an Fn key on the keyboard. Using it in conjunction with the F1-F12 keys, you can control features such as adjusting the volume and brightness, turning off the touchpad and screen, and turning Wi-Fi on / off. The models of different developers use their own combinations:

  • ASUS - FN + F2.
  • Acer - FN + F3.
  • HP - FN + F12 or touch or mechanical key with an antenna image.
  • Lenovo - FN + F5, sometimes a dedicated switch.
  • Samsung - FN + F9 or

More details on how to connect a laptop to the Internet can be found in the user manual for a particular model, or you can aim at a button with a drawn antenna. It may be that on older models, Wi-Fi is turned on by a physical button. If your device is not new, inspect it, the button may be on the front panel, side or even near the back cover.

Option 2: Device Manager and Network Center

If your attempts to configure Wi-Fi on a laptop with the previous method were unsuccessful, this means that the Wi-Fi module is probably disabled by default. It should be connected in the "Device Manager" or "Network and Sharing Center".

Device Manager

  • Enter "Device Manager".
  • In the line "Network adapters" click on the wireless adapter. When disabled, there will be an exclamation mark next to his name.
  • Right-click - "Engage".

If you cannot find the wireless module in the list of devices, you will most likely need to install additional software.

Network Control Center

  • To get to the "Network and Sharing Center", in the taskbar, right-click on the network icon.
  • Find the "Change adapter settings" section.
  • Select "Wireless network" - "Turn on network device".

Installing drivers for Wi-Fi

If you bought a laptop with pre-installed Windows, then there will be no difficulties such as the lack of drivers. But sometimes, for various reasons, you have to install them, otherwise Wi-Fi will not work.

If the adapter is not detected or there is an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle opposite its name, you will need to install the driver. Its download is performed on the website of the laptop developer company, after which it is installed, like a regular application. If the Wi-Fi module is connected correctly, its name will be displayed in the "Device Manager".

Network connection

If the Wi-Fi module is working as expected, connect to the network. This is not difficult. Click on the Internet connection icon on the taskbar, select a network from the available ones, enter the password and connect. Also, if you don’t want to type the password every time, mark “Connect automatically”.


In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of connecting a laptop or computer on Windows 7 to the Internet via Wi-Fi. I think that the article will be useful to many, since the first time you connect to Wi-Fi, there are always a lot of questions. As a rule, they are associated with installing the necessary drivers, enabling a wireless adapter on a laptop, etc. More on this later.

The laptop is generally a great thing. I don't really understand the people who buy desktop computers now. Except for serious games. Well, you must admit that it is much more convenient with a laptop. If you want a big screen, you can connect it to a monitor or TV. It is quiet and you can take it with you if necessary. And yet, all modern (and not so) laptops have a built-in Wi-Fi module. A receiver that allows you to connect your laptop to the Internet via a wireless Wi-Fi network. In the case of a desktop computer, you will need to buy.

All you need is to buy and install (if you don't have it yet), it will share wifi that you connect your laptop to. You can connect your computer to a free Wi-Fi network in cafes, shops, etc. Or, to your neighbor's unsecured network 🙂 It's much more convenient than laying a network cable. If for an ordinary stationary computer this is still normal, then for a laptop it is no longer the same. And it is not convenient to move around the house all the time with this wire.

It is not difficult to connect a laptop to the Internet, but provided that the Wi-Fi driver is installed. Many people have a lot of problems precisely because of the driver. If you simply did not install the driver on your Wi-Fi receiver, or you yourself installed Windows and did not install it, then you will not be able to connect to Wi-Fi. But, perhaps you already have everything installed and configured, therefore, first, let's look at the process of a normal connection to a wireless network. If you do not learn, there will be no wireless connection, etc., then read the article to the end, we will consider possible problems.

We connect the laptop to Wi-Fi

Let's first look at the connection process without any settings and checks there. Why complicate things, maybe you already have everything set up. If all is well, your laptop sees a wireless network and is ready to connect, then the Internet connection icon in the notification bar will look like this:

Connection status that looks like the network layer with an asterisk (as in the picture above) indicates that the laptop sees available networks and is ready to connect to them. Click on this icon, then select the Wi-Fi network to which we need to connect and press the button Connection... In Windows 10, the process for connecting to Wi-Fi is slightly different. If necessary, detailed instructions.

If the network is protected by a password, a window will appear in which you need to specify the password and confirm the connection by clicking the button Ok.

That's it, your laptop should be connected to the Wi-Fi network. The connection status will be like this:

You can use the internet.

If you see the connection status, it looks like this:

This means that everything is most likely configured on your laptop, but the laptop simply does not see the networks available for connection. Perhaps there is simply no coverage in this place. If you are connecting to your network, then check if the router is turned on. If enabled, then.

I wrote about the solution to this problem in a separate article:.

This is how the connection will go when you have the driver installed on the Wi-Fi adapter and the adapter itself is turned on. But very often the adapter on the laptop is turned off, or no one has installed the driver on it at all. In such cases, many questions arise. Now we will analyze in detail both cases, due to which you may have problems connecting your laptop to a wireless network.

Turn on the "Wireless Network Connection" on the laptop

If your wireless connection is disabled, or the driver for Wi-Fi is not installed, then the connection status will look like this:

This means that there is no way to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and there is no connection via a network cable. As I wrote above, this happens due to a disabled adapter, or due to the lack of a driver. Let's first check if your "Wireless Network Connection" is turned off. This, of course, is unlikely, unless you turned it off yourself, but you need to check it.

Click on the internet connection icon, and select Network and Sharing Center.

Then we choose Change adapter settings.

We look at the adapter "Wireless network connection", if it is disabled, then right-click on it and select Turn on.

After that, the connection status "There are available connections" should appear (if there is a Wi-Fi network in the radius).

Turning on wireless connections with the buttons on the laptop

It seems to me that now manufacturers do not install separate buttons to turn on the Wi-Fi adapter. But, if you are having problems connecting to Wi-Fi, then charmingly check if there is a dedicated button to disable / enable wireless connections on your laptop. I know for sure that Toshiba loved to make such switches.

Now, on laptops, a keyboard shortcut is used to disable / enable the wireless network. As a rule, different manufacturers have different keys. But usually it is Fn + F2... So on Asus laptops. You can see for yourself that there should be a network icon on the key that is pressed in conjunction with Fn. Something like this:

True, my combination of these buttons is responsible for turning off Bluetooth. It doesn't seem to react to Wi-Fi. But, you may be different. It is definitely worth checking.

If there is no "Wireless Network Connection" adapter at all in the adapter management window, but there is definitely Wi-Fi on your computer / laptop, then this means that the driver is not installed on the Wi-Fi adapter.

Now we will check everything and try to solve this problem.

Checking and installing the driver on Wi-Fi

I have not yet seen a case that after installing Windows 7, the system itself installed the driver on the Wi-Fi adapter. Windows 8 is much better at this. Windows 10 often installs the necessary drivers by itself. So, after installing Windows, in order to use Wi-Fi, you need to install a driver specifically for your laptop, or adapter (very often, adapters from different manufacturers are installed in the same laptop model. It is because of this that you can see several drivers on Wi-Fi, on the manufacturer's website).

We go to the device manager.

In the device manager, open the tab Network adapters, and we are looking for a driver for Wi-Fi. I have it called Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter, it is installed. You should also have something like Wireless Network Adapter.

If you do not have a wireless connection, then most likely you will not find an adapter either. You need to install the driver, then Wi-Fi will work. And yet, if the driver is not installed on the Wireless Network Adapter, then in the device manager there will be at least one unknown device with a yellow exclamation mark. It looks something like this:

This is most likely the same Wireless adapter with which the laptop does not know how to work.

Driver Installation

All you need to do is download the correct driver and install it. It is best to download the driver from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop / adapter, and for your laptop model (or adapter). Best of all, search through Google for the official website of your laptop, for example Asus, then use the website search, indicating the model of your laptop. Most likely, your computer's page will be found, open it and look for downloads of utilities and drivers there. Find the Wireless driver and download it for the operating system you need.

Most likely, the driver will be in the archive. To install, run the .exe file from the archive. For example, an archive with a driver for my laptop:

After installing the driver, restart the laptop and try to connect to the wireless network, according to the instructions. I wrote in more detail about installing the driver in the article about.

If some points from the article remained incomprehensible to you, or you still did not manage to connect your computer to Wi-Fi, then write about it in the comments, we will try to solve your problem.

Wi-fi today allows millions of devices around the world to get fully wireless access to the Internet. This network made it possible to reach a new level of Internet access, because now you do not need meters of wires for this.

It is not surprising that all global manufacturers of laptops or phones complete their devices with special modules that allow you to connect to wi-fi and take full advantage of this technology.

Despite the presence of such a module in most modern devices, some users still cannot get high-quality and wireless Internet access. The point here is in problems with drivers or setting up Lenovo computers, let's take a closer look at wi-fi malfunctions and their causes.

The activation method is very simple. This is a mechanical method, using a special switch or characteristic key on an existing device. We will help you turn on wi-fi and analyze the example of how to turn on this popular interface.

There is an instruction to quickly and successfully enable this wireless network on Lenovo devices. The activation process differs significantly not only on devices of different brands, but also on similar Lenovo devices. Some models have a mechanical switch, and on some it is necessary to start wi-fi by any other means. But first, you must be sure that your particular laptop is capable of working with Wi-fi. Otherwise, all the following manipulations will be absolutely useless. So, to find out for sure about interface support, you need:

Otherwise, all further actions are useless and will not lead to success. If your device is not too old and has already received all modern wireless interfaces, but still cannot use Wi-fi, then use the following instructions.

Method 1. Power on using the keys

On certain models, to use the interface we need, it is necessary to simultaneously hold down several keys. Take a closer look, the keys "F" may show their additional purpose. This will be done with a small image or an inscription on the button itself. For Lenovo laptops, you usually need to press the combination "Fn + F5".

Method 2. With a special button

On many models, the manufacturer has installed a special button that turns on Wi-Fi. It is located, as a rule, a little separately from the rest and has an antenna pattern on it. Such a button may well be located on the side of the laptop. You just need to press such a button.

Important! Lenovo's new laptop comes with all the software it needs to run it. No additional manipulations with it are required from you. Another case is a complete reinstallation of the system. Then drivers will have to be searched for and installed manually.

How to connect a device to a router

So, after we have finished with all the previous points, you can connect the device to the router and start using it. For this:

How to connect Wi-Fi in the absence of a connection sign

In place of the connection icon with an asterisk, there is a sign of no connection.

Windows could not connect to problem

Sometimes users are faced with problems of inadequate work with the router. This problem is not uncommon, and in order to solve it, we need to first understand which device is the problem.

To do this, you need to perform just one simple action - connect any other device to the router. For example, a smartphone. In the case when it is impossible to access the Internet from the phone, the router is definitely to blame. And if everything is in order and a stable Internet connection is created, then the problem is in the laptop.

How to solve the problem

The first thing to try is restarting both your laptop and router.

What to do if the problem persists

If these simple procedures did not help, then update the computer drivers. Instructions on how to do this are below.

After completing all these simple operations, your Lenovo laptop will work fine with wi-fi networks. You can fully enjoy the comfort of working in fast and modern wi-fi networks. It's easy to set up this wonderful wireless technology on a laptop.

Video - How to connect Wi-Fi on Lenovo G580 laptop

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In this article, we will analyze such a question - how to set up wifi windows 7. The setup process itself requires special knowledge of a personal computer.

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So, let's begin.

Introduction to wi-fi setup

In addition to the device itself with wi-fi, there must be an access point to access the Internet via wi-fi. It's just that the Wi-Fi itself is a wireless network for data transmission, by itself it does not provide access to the Internet.

So, first we need to take care of the availability of an Internet access point, to which we will connect via our wi-fi connection.

How are things going with wi-fi setup in public places?

We have opened the main window about the settings of network connections. Here we can configure and change all network connections such as a simple local network or wi-fi connection. In our case, we go to the "Change adapter settings" submenu in the left column of this window.

In the window that appears, there is a shortcut "Wireless Network Connection". Right-click on it and select "Connect / Disconnect". So we turned on the search for available wi-fi networks.

Now in this window you need to select the desired wi-fi network. All these networks have their own names. So, choose either your home name which you gave or choose a public network whose name you also know.

Why choose only a known one, but because usually to enter you need a password that you know either from your network, or it is a public network and there is no password on it, usually there is no password in cafes, libraries, McDonald's and other mass public places.

And so with the left mouse button, click from the list of networks to the one you need, in our case it is called "berlazar":

After that "connection", the connection will start and after a couple of seconds you will be prompted to enter the password (if any). Enter your existing password. Click Ok. And after another couple of seconds you will be connected to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.

If everything is done correctly and the connection was successful, then you will notice the word "Connected".

Pros of wireless wi-fi

Of course, an important feature and at the same time a big plus of such a connection is that you do not have to sit in one place (if you are working on a laptop or other portable device), but you can easily go, for example, to another room. The range of the wi-fi network from the point of connection to the Internet is somewhere up to 100m (but this is without obstacles, such as walls, but in reality it is about 10 meters).

But this distance depends on various partitions, walls and other physical obstacles. So, you can experiment with the connection range.

This is how, in general, the question of how to set up wifi on windows 7 is easily solved, if you have any difficulties, then we will help you, our masters will set up the connection quickly and inexpensively.

What are modern laptops?

Modern laptop models equipped with a WiFi radio module have (in front or on the side, depending on the brand and model) a lever for switching its state (on / off). Before setting up WiFi on a laptop, make sure that this function is enabled on your device (the panel should be lit

indicator light). If this did not happen even after turning it on, press the Fn + F key combination (for some laptop models it may be different, and you will have to refer to the description). Thus, we forcibly launched the software responsible for the operation of the WiFi module. If it works correctly, a list should appear. You just need to select the desired network and connect to it (if there is a lock icon next to its name, then you will need to enter a password). In order not to enter an IP address every time you connect, you must set it to automatically receive. To do this, in the "Network and Sharing Center" section, we find the line "Connection properties", then select "Internet Protocol TCP / IP", where we put a "tick" in front of the line "Receive IP automatically". That's all. We figured out how to configure WiFi on a laptop. Enjoy surfing the net!

How to use WiFi on a laptop

Day-to-day use of a wireless network is easy.

The hotspot settings are saved in the laptop's memory, and the next time you log in, the connection is automatically established. But for this you will need to make a number of additional settings. In the lower right corner we find the wireless connection icon (usually this is an image of a computer with waves emanating from it or an antenna icon). It is necessary to "click" on it with the left mouse button. In the issued list, select "Connection Properties" and tick the "Connect to the network automatically" item. If you need to change the network, you can simply disconnect from the used one, and then establish a connection with another.

User wishes

Every happy owner of a laptop wants his iron friend to help solve complex mathematical or design problems, to serve as a source of entertainment. We hope that this article has provided answers to your questions regarding how to set up WiFi on your laptop, and your assistant will work even more efficiently.

A laptop with wi-fi configured allows you to access the Internet, connect to game consoles, a TV and a projector. With the help of a wireless network, it is possible to create a local network and exchange information between various devices.

Modern laptops come with a wireless network card as standard. Notebook models manufactured before 2008 do not have this component. In this case, you need to install a network card in the expansion slot. Setting up wi-fi consists in checking for the presence of a driver and its connection. If the laptop has Windows 7 or higher installed, then all drivers are connected automatically. You can verify this by going to the "Control Panel" - "Device Manager". In the "Network adapters" tab there is an entry about the wi-fi adapter.

If a different OS version is installed or there is no adapter recording on the laptop, you need to install the driver for further work with wi-fi. Drivers can be downloaded from the laptop manufacturer's website if the disc with them is not included in the kit. The program is installed by running the exe-file.

After the driver is connected correctly, it is necessary to enable wi-fi by using the "Fn" key in combination with the function keys from "F1" to "F12". For a specific beech model, the combination is described in detail in the attached instructions. On some models, wi-fi is turned on by holding the button with the antenna symbol depicted, which is located on the side of the bottom of the laptop.

To activate wi-fi, go to the "Control Panel" and select "Network and Internet", where "Network Connections" are located. In the dialog box, enable "Wireless Network Connection". In the wi-fi icon that appears on the taskbar, right-click on the network management window and select the network that appears. If there is no login password, the connection will be made automatically. If the network is closed, you will need to enter the password for the access point.

As a result of observing all the steps, it will be possible to set up wi-fi on a laptop. With the subsequent activation of the same access point, the process occurs automatically when you press a key combination. It is worth knowing that connecting a wireless network decreases the battery charge of the device.

For a high-speed and high-quality Wi-Fi connection, it is recommended to purchase a router that supports the 802.11n standard with a data transfer rate of up to 300 Mb / s. In addition, it is better to purchase a router from a well-known and reliable manufacturer (Asus, D-Link, Netgear, TP-Link). You can also use devices that support the newer 802.11ac standard.

A common mistake many people make is not a misconfiguration, but an incorrect location of the router. As a result, Wi-Fi speed and reliability are reduced. To properly position the router, select locations away from electronic household appliances such as microwave ovens and cordless phones. The fact is that these devices, like the Wi-Fi standards, operate at 2.4 GHz. And it is the proximity of the router to them that creates interference and slows down the speed of the Internet.

In addition, walls, metal structures, furniture, and even the person himself can be obstacles. As a result, the device is best placed as high as possible on the wall, away from various obstacles.

Setting up Wi-Fi for a local network

First of all, before setting up Wi-Fi, you need to connect a computer running Windows 7, 8 or 10 to the router using a network cable. Before starting the configuration, you should make sure that the connection has been established. To do this, you need to find the corresponding icon on the taskbar on your computer next to the clock. Following this, you need to start setting up the connection. This setting will require entering the following data into the connection properties:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default gateway:
  4. DNS:

If there are other data specified in the manual, they should be entered. Next, to configure Wi-Fi, you should open a command prompt. This can be done through "Start" by specifying in the search box "Cmd" ... After that, a command line will open, in which you will need to enter "Ping".In case of a positive result of the setting, packets from192.168.0.1 ... If a notification about the waiting time exceeded appears, then you should find out which IP address the router receives on the internal interface. This can be done by looking at the relevant information in the manual that came with the device.

If you cannot solve the problem, or the manual itself is missing, you can try to configure Wi-Fi by changing the IP and to and And then, check the address

To set up a wireless network, you need to go to the section"Wireless Settings"(wireless network settings) and name your own Wi-Fi network. This must be done in the lineName (SSID)... Then you should select a region and indicate in paragraphChannelvalue "Auto". This will allow the Wi-Fi router to analyze and identify the most interference-free channel. Complete the setting by clicking on the iconApply.


The security of a Wi-Fi network is one of the main conditions for its reliable and fast operation. Unauthorized connections to the network by a third-party user can significantly reduce the speed of the Internet. Therefore, you should choose your password very carefully. There are three main types of encryption - WEP, WPA, and WPA2. They differ, including the possible number of characters for creating a password. At the same time, it is WEP that is considered more unreliable and weak. Therefore, it is better not to use this encryption method. WPA and WPA2 are much more reliable. Despite the fact that these encryption methods cannot protect the user from unauthorized connections, their use will greatly reduce such risks. In order to configure them, you must activate "WPA-PSK (TKIP)" or "WPA2-PSK (AES)" in the "Wireless Settings" tab. Next, you need to set a password (in "Security Encryption"), which is better to create from the maximum number of characters allowed by the encryption method.

Additional settings

In order to more reliably set up a Wi-Fi connection, you should use the ability to specify in the router the network addresses (MAC) of all computers that can connect to the network. To do this, you need to go to “Wireless Settings”. Next, you will need to click on “Setup Access List”. This will make it possible to see all devices connected to Wi-Fi.

In order to find out the modules of specific devices, you need to type “ipconfig / all” in the command line on a computer or laptop, then select the devices for which the Wi-Fi connection will be available. After selecting them, you must click on "Add" and check "Turn Access Control On". Next, you need to click on “Apply”.

Setting up Wi-Fi for an external network

To set up the Internet, you need to connect the appropriate network cable to the Wi-Fi router. The interface for connecting such a cable is called WAN. Then, you need to specify the settings of the provider used in the router, which can be found by calling technical support. In addition, they can be viewed in the concluded agreement. Don't forget about DNS, which is also worth configuring. You can check the presence of the Internet in the local network by finding out whether the exchange of packets between interfaces is allowed.

Errors in configuration and incorrect operation of the Wi-Fi network

  1. Potential overlapping of the Wi-Fi network by a third-party router. Very often the cause of a weak signal is the influence of a neighbor's router. This is because, as a rule, routers use the same default data channels (13 channels). In order to determine which channel is better to use, you can use a program downloaded from the Internet. There are quite a lot of such programs and, as a rule, they are free. After that, you can set up a suitable (free) channel.
  2. Insufficient Wi-Fi coverage. To increase the range of Wi-Fi, you can use several access points that will interact with each other and spread the signal further. However, in addition to the cost of new equipment, a significant negative factor of this method is a noticeable decrease in Wi-Fi speed.
  3. Interrupting the router. The likely cause of frequent Wi-Fi signal loss is power grid instability. At the slightest power outage, the router may stop operating. To solve this problem, you can use a special uninterruptible power supply (often used for a computer), through which the router should be connected to the mains.
  4. Disconnect Wi-Fi. This is due to the fact that the network adapter on the computer and the router are manufactured by different companies. To fix such problems, it is enough to update the device software to the latest version.

Every modern laptop, netbook or ultrabook has a built-in WiFi adapter for connecting to a wireless network. With the modern development of technology, this is no longer a fashionable trend, but a mandatory requirement for a mobile computer. To set up Wi-Fi on a laptop- you just need to do a few simple steps. Despite all the seeming simplicity of manipulation, there are still users for whom this is a "dark forest". Especially for them, I will tell you in detail how to set up WIFI on a laptop operated by popular operating rooms

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