How to make a table in Windows 8. Windows Easy Transfer

How to make a table in Windows 8. Windows Easy Transfer


WordPad is a text editor that is installed by default on all Windows operating systems. Unlike notepad, this program can not only edit, but also format text. In addition, WordPad supports graphic objects, and also knows how to import objects from other programs. But compared to other text editors, this is a fairly simple application with limited features.

Creating a table in WordPad

In order to insert a table into WordPad, you need to have one more software that can create tables. For example Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word. First you need to launch the text editor WordPad. The easiest way to find it is by opening the Start menu and typing the name of the program in the Find Programs and Files item. Next, you need to indicate the place in the document where the table will be located (by placing the mouse cursor in a certain place).

To insert a table into WordPad, you must select "Insert" and "Insert Object" in the menu bar (at the top of the document). A new dialog box will open, on the left side of which you need to select the "Create new" item, and then in the "Object type" field select a program that can work with spreadsheets. For example, select "Microsoft Excel Sheet". After clicking the "OK" button, processing of the insert object will start and a new Microsoft Excel window will open.

In the Excel window that opens, you can create a table of the required size, fill it with data, format it here, etc. In this case, all changes in Excel will be instantly displayed in the text editor WordPad - draw a table, it will be displayed immediately, write one word - and it will appear immediately.

The table will be saved as a drawing and can be moved anywhere in the document. And if there is a need to edit some data, just double-click on the table and the MS Excel window will open again, where you can make changes.

Importing a table from MS Word into WordPad is also easy. You must again select the "Insert - Insert Object" item in the menu bar and select "Microsoft Word Document" in the "Object Type" field. In the opened MS Word window, you can draw a table in two ways. The first is to select "Table - Draw Table" from the menu bar and draw the table manually. The second way is to select "Table - Insert - Table" in the menu bar, specify the required number of columns and rows, and the program will draw the table itself. You do not need to cut or copy it, as all changes are automatically saved in WordPad.

Application programs included with Windows

With a standard system installation Windows some software applications are installed on the computer. In order to go to the list of applications, right-click on an unallocated space on the home screen. A button will appear at the bottom of the screen. All applications.

Click on this button and a list of programs will appear. First there is a list of programs installed by the user, then there are three foldersService, Special Opportunities and Standard.

In the Service section the following programs are available:Windows Defender. Windows PowerShell, Run, Task Manager, Command Prompt, Computer, Data Transfer Tool Reports, Control Panel, Explorer, Default Programs, Right and Support, Data Transfer Tool.

In chapter Special abilities there are: Windows Speech Recognition, On-Screen Keyboard, Magnifier, Narrator.

The Standard section contains: Paint, WordPad, Notepad, Windows Journal, Sticky Notes,Sound Recorder, Calculator, Scissors, Math Input Panel, Remote Desktop Connection, Player Windows Media , Activity Recorder, Viewer XPS , Symbol Table, Fax and Scan.

Section Standard

Paint program

This program is designed to work with drawings. The mode window is shown below. The drawing is applied using the mouse. You need to click on the button with a pencil () in the tools field, then move the mouse pointer to the main window, press the left button, and, without releasing it, draw a line, and then release the button. At the top of the screen is a palette for specifying colors. Click on the desired color and draw another line with a new color. You can draw with the left mouse button (foreground color) or with the right mouse button (background color). Other modes are described below.

Top line Nameless. This means that the picture is only in RAM. You can save it later in the file or not save it on exit (the image will disappear in this case).

On the left side of the top line is the quick launch bar (), which contains the mode buttons that are most often used. In order to change the set of buttons, you need to click on the triangle (), which is located to the right of the panel and select the necessary buttons in the panel that appears. The () button is for canceling the previous operation, and the button is for canceling the previous operation.

Below is the name of the File tab, by clicking on which the main modes for opening, saving a picture, printing and exiting the program will appear.

The line on the right contains ribbon modes of the program and includes sections with the main commands of the editor, the description of which is given below. The titles of the sections are displayed in dim colors to show that these are not active modes, but only titles. If the window is maximized to full screen, then all modes will be displayed, if it is not maximized to full screen and there is a low screen resolution, the main modes will be displayed. Below is main window, in which the drawing process is carried out. The picture may not fit on the screen, so there are scroll lines on the left and bottom to view parts of the pattern that are not displayed on the screen.

In field Instruments are buttons with modes for drawing... In order to set the mode, click with the mouse cursor on the button, and it will become as if depressed. After that, the mode can be applied in the main window (for example, draw a line). On the right, there is a field Thickness for the selected tool. Click on the line, the thickness of which suits you, and the arrow on the table will move.

In the Colors box located palette... For selection current color highlight the field Color1 by clicking on it with the mouse, place the mouse cursor on the desired square with the color and left-click, the color in the selected field will change to the selected one. For selection background colors highlight the field Color2 by clicking on it with the mouse, place the mouse cursor on the desired square with the color and left-click, the color in the selected field will change to the selected one.

Home tab.

Clipboardcontains basic operations:Paste, Cut and Copy.

Imagecontains the command on the left panel Highlight (). If you click on the triangle at the bottom of the inscription, a panel with modes will appear, as shown in the figure.

Rectangular area() - allows you to cut out a rectangular area of ​​the picture. To do this, move the cursor to the initial point, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move it to the opposite corner of the rectangle that you want to form. When you release the mouse button, the selected rectangle remains on the screen. Then this area can be cut, copied and other operations (see the description of the previous operation).

Allows you to cut a free-form part of a picture. To do this, move the cursor to the initial point, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, draw along the contour that you want to form. When you release the mouse button, the start and end points of the contour will be connected. You can select a selected shape Cut (panel of the right button) or Copy to the clipboard. You can transfer data from the clipboard to another application (for example, a text editor), or Insert into the drawing. When inserting, a part of the picture will be positioned in the upper left corner, after which it can be moved. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the fragment, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, drag the selected part to a new location. If you do not need to transfer, then left-click. Other actions: a) If you select a shape using this mode, then you can move it to another place. To do this, place the mouse cursor on the fragment, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, drag the selected piece to a new place; b) If at the same time hold down the key Shift, then a trace of the figure will remain on the transfer path, which depends on the speed of movement of the fragment; c) If you hold down the key Ctrl, then there will be no transfer, but copying of the fragment

Select all () allows you to select the entire drawing. It can also be placed on the clipboard or dragged to another location. In this case, where there was no picture, there will be a background color (white in the picture). If you release the mouse button, a frame will appear around the selected area. If you drag on the square, then the selected area will shrink (or stretch). The principle is the same as for increasing / decreasing the program window.

Invert selection() allows you to make the selected area not selected, and not selected - selected.

Delete () allows you to delete the selected area.

Transparent selection() lets you superimpose one drawing on top of another. Let's say you selected two circles, copied it to the clipboard and pasted it into the window. Next, let's move the area of ​​two circles to the original area. Then two circles will appear above the two original ones, as shown in the figure.

Trim () allows you to keep only the selected part of the drawing.

Resize () allows you to compress, stretch the drawing. In this case, a window will appear on the screen in which you need to specify the parameters.

Turn () displays a panel with the modes shown in the figure.


Pencil () allows you to draw different lines. To do this, move the cursor to the desired location, press the left mouse button and draw a line with the mouse, and then release the left mouse button. You can draw freeform lines using the left mouse button with the foreground color or the right mouse button with the background color. The line width is indicated in the field Thickness , to the right of the mode.

Fill () - inserts a color into a specific contour (the contour must be closed in this case). To insert the current color, you need to move the cursor to the area inside the contour and left-click (in the figure on the right, an orange color is inserted inside the oval). To insert a background color, you need to right-click.

Text ( ) - inserts text into the picture. Place the mouse cursor in the upper left corner where the text will be located, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move it to the opposite corner. This will highlight the rectangle into which the text will be entered. When entering text, use the key Backspace(to delete the last entered character) and Enter(to go to the next line).

When this mode starts, the tab will open. Text with modes (figure below). These modes allow you to insert text from the clipboard into a field, set the type of font, its size, set the field where the text will be located, will be transparent or opaque, and also set the font and background color of the symbol.

Eraser () - erases a specific color (or replaces the current color with the background color). If you press the right button, only recently performed operations will be erased. Below the mode panel there are several squares, the view of which is shown on the right, and which allow you to select the size of the eraser. The line width is indicated in the field Thickness , to the right of the mode.

Palette () - inserts a color from the program window. After entering the mode, you need to click on the area in the working window where the desired color is located. If you left-click, the base color will change to the color you clicked on. If right, the background color will change.

Scale () - change the scale of the picture. Select an area and click on the button of this mode. A rectangle will appear; if you left-click, the area will increase, if you right-click it, it will decrease.

Brushes allows you to draw lines with brushes. If you click on the triangle at the bottom of the label Brushes, then a panel with different types of brushes will appear.

The picture on the left shows how different types of brushes of this mode are drawn. Remember to use the mode Thickness , which is to the right of the mode.


Lets you draw shapes as shown below.

Since not the entire list of figures is usually displayed, you can use the three buttons to the right of the panel. A triangle with a point up () allows you to show the upper figures that are not included in the panel, with a point down () - the lower figures, and the third () - displays the panel with all the figures (figure below).

On the right is the button Circuit (), which has several different modes of how to draw it (picture on the right).

Fill button () defines that the type of fill is inside the shape and has several modes, which are shown in the figure on the left.

There are a few things to keep in mind when drawing shapes. If the figure is installed while the left button is pressed, then the inside of the figure will be empty, if with the right button, then what is indicated in the mode Fill ... If you hold down the key during installation Shift, then when drawing a straight line, the angle of inclination of the line will be a multiple of 45 0 (0 0, 45 0, 90 0, 135 0 and so on). If there are other shapes, then the original shape will be drawn, for example, a circle, not an oval. Let's describe how to create some shapes, others are created as well.

Creates a curved line. First, a straight line is created, then, choosing an arbitrary point, change the line to a curve, pulling the line to the side. After that, draw out the other part of the line. To make a simple arc, after the first step, left-click. Below the toolbar are the line widths, examples of which are shown above.

Create a rectangle. Place the mouse cursor in the upper left corner, where the rectangle will be located, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move it to the opposite corner. In this case, the rectangle will be highlighted with dotted lines. When the left button is released, a rectangle appears. If you hold down the key Shift, then a square will be created.

Creates a polygon from straight line segments. Place the cursor at the vertex of the polygon being created and left-click. Then move the mouse to another vertex, click again - and so on until a closed shape appears. If you hold down the key while creating a polygon Shift, then the straight lines will be at an inclination of 45 0.

Creates an ellipse. Place the cursor on the leftmost or rightmost point of the ellipse being created, click the mouse and, without releasing the left button, move the cursor to the opposite point of the ellipse. If you hold down the key during the operation of this mode Shift, then a circle will be created.

Creates a rounded rectangle. Place the mouse cursor in the upper left corner, where the rectangle will be located, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, move it to the opposite corner. In this case, a rectangle will be highlighted with dotted lines. When you release the left button, a beveled rectangle appears. If you hold down the key Shift, then a square will be created.

Thicknessallows you to set the thickness of the selected tools. For example, if a brush is selected, then the thickness is set for the selected brush shape, if a pencil, then the thickness is set for a pencil, etc.


There is a button on the right called Color1 which defines the color of the lines, that is, the foreground color and the button Color 2 which defines the background color. The color in the button indicates which color is currently set. To change the color, you must first select the button where you want to change the color ( Color 1 or Color 2), then click on the desired color in the palette. The color on the button will be set to the desired color.

Color changeallows you to change or add colors to the palette. Upon entering the mode, a window will appear as shown below. Select a color on the right side of the window by clicking on a color in the main window. You can use the grayscale to the right of the screen. Or by setting the values ​​to the fieldsHue, Contrast, Brightness or in Red, Green, Blue... After selecting the desired color, click on the buttonAdd to set.

View tab .


Allows you to zoom in or out display the picture on the screen or set the scale to 100% .

Can be installed Rulers above and to the left of the picture, Grid lines in the figure for ease of drawing (figure on the right), and also setStatus bar, which is at the bottom of the window.

The status bar contains: coordinates of the current position of the mouse cursor (), size of the picture ( ) in pixels, scale scale ().

WordPad text editor

The text editor has limited capabilities compared to the Word package, is suitable for small texts and is convenient when working with low-speed computers. After calling the program, a window will appear on the screen, the view of which is shown below.

You can read about what elements the window contains, about the title bar, menus, mode buttons, text selection, working with the mouse and keyboard in the section about the Word editor. Below we briefly describe the operation of modes with the buttons of the top menu.

Top linecontains the name of the file with which the work is carried out. If no name was specified when first entering the package, then it will be - Document. This means that the document is only in RAM. You can save it later in the file or not save it on exit (the text will disappear in this case).

On the left side of the top line is the quick launch bar (), which contains the mode buttons that are most often used. In order to change the set of buttons, you need to click on the triangle (), which is located to the right of the panel and select the necessary buttons in the panel that appears. The () button is for canceling the previous operation, and the button is for canceling the previous operation.

Below is the name of the tab File by clicking on which the main modes for opening, saving a picture, printing and exiting the program will appear.

The line to the right contains ribbon modes of the program and includes sections with the main commands of the editor, the description of which is given below. The titles of the sections are displayed in dim colors to show that these are not active modes, but only titles. If the window is maximized to full screen, then all modes will be displayed, if it is not maximized to full screen and there is a low screen resolution, the main modes will be displayed. Shown above main window where you can enter text. If the document does not fit in this window, then scroll lines will appear on the left and below to view parts of the document that are not displayed on the screen.

Editor modes (buttons)

Below are the buttons that are visible when the program window is fully open.

Home tab.

Clipboardcontains basic operations:Paste, Cut and Copy (picture on the right).

In field Font are mode buttons to select font options... On the right are:

The choice of the type of font;

Choice of font size;

Increase the selected text by 2 points;

Decrease the selected text by 2 points;

Character output in bold style;

Character output in italics;

Character output underlined;

Strikethrough text;



The background color of the text. When you click on the triangle to the right of the name, a color table will appear on the screen (picture on the right);

Text color. When you click on the triangle to the right of the name, a color table will appear on the screen (picture on the left). If you select the mode Other colors and then click on the buttonDefine color, the window for setting the color will appear on the screen, which is shown in the figure.


Decrease left indent of selected text;

Indent the selected text to the left;

Marking the selected text. If you click on the triangle to the right of the button, a list of paragraph markings and numbering will appear;

Setting the line spacing. If you click on the triangle to the right of the button, a list of paragraph markings and numbering will appear;

Align text to the left border;

Center alignment of text in a paragraph;

Right alignment of text;

Alignment of text in width;

Set paragraph options. A window for setting parameters will appear on the screen.


Allows you to insert a picture into the text of the document, as well as change the size of the picture;

Calls the Paint program, in which you can create a picture to later insert into the document;

Allows to insert date and time in the selected format;

Lets you insert an object, mostly a picture or text. You can insert another object, for example, a music clip, which will be installed as an icon. If you double-click on it, the program will be called to listen to this fragment.


Search () allows you to find a string of characters (word, multiple words) in the text of the document. You can searchOnly the whole wordCase sensitive

Replacement () allows you to replace one character string with another (picture on the right). You can searchOnly the whole wordthat is, the word is surrounded by spaces or punctuation marks. You can searchCase sensitive, that is, uppercase (large) and lowercase (small) characters are perceived by the program as different characters;

Select all () allows you to select the entire text of the document.

View tab .


Allows you to zoom in or out display the picture on the screen or set the scale to 100% .

Can be installed Rulers top and left of the picture, and setStatus bar, which is at the bottom of the window. This line contains the scale scale ().

Can be installedWord wrapand also installUnitsto be used in the rulers. The default is centimeters.

Note that on the top right there is a button for calling the help system ().

Text editor Notepad

Text editor Notebook has more limited capabilities compared to the package WordPad and especially Word... It works with text files (.txt), has no special formatting characters, so it can be used to edit system files such as Autoexec.bat and Config.sys.

You can read about what elements the window contains, about the title bar, menus, mode buttons, text selection, working with the mouse and keyboard in the section about the editor. Word... Below we will briefly describe the operation of the modes with the commands of the top menu.

Top Menu


Create -allows you to create a new document. If there was a document on the screen, you will be asked whether to write the changes to the file. When answering Yes there will be a request for the name of the file where the document should be written; it is similar to the mode File → Open; No - you can create a new document.

Open ... -allows you to open a new file.

Saveallows you to save a document in a file with the name specified in the top line of the application window (if the document was not created, then the name will coincide with the name of the file from which the document was taken by mode File -> Open ...).

Page settings… - allows you to set the size of the sheet, the paper feed mechanism, print output along or across the sheet, the distance from the document to the edges of the sheet, select the printer to print. In the fieldsPage header and footercontrol characters can be set. For example, & p is to insert a page number. A more complete list of such parameters can be viewed in the help system.

Seal... -allows you to print a document on a printer. The window contains a request for which pages to print, the number of copies, and so on.

Output -allows you to exit the editor. If there is a corrected document, a window will appear on the screen in which click on the button Yes in order to save the changes that were made in the current session, click on the button No so that all changes are gone. Button No often used if you are learning to work with the program and the changes do not need to be saved or the current changes are unnecessary.


Undo Ctrl + Z- allows you to undo the last performed operation (when pressed again, the previous action will be canceled, etc.).

Cut Ctrl + X -moves the selection to the clipboard (for later transfer to another document or application).

Copy Ctrl + C- allows you to copy the selected part of the document, that is, the selected part will remain in the document, and its copy will be placed on the clipboard.

Paste Ctrl + V -inserting a fragment from the clipboard into the document.

Delete Del- allows you to remove the selected fragment of the document.

Find ... Ctrl + F -allows you to find a word placed in a field What , after pressing the button Find next. You can search Case sensitive, that is, uppercase (large) and lowercase (small) characters are perceived by the program as different characters. Can be installed Direction search that can be Up to the beginning of the document or Way down towards the end of the document.

Find Next F3- allows you to continue searching for text that has already been typed using the mode Find .

Replace- allows you to replace a string of characters. The window view of this mode is shown on the right. In field What put the characters to be replaced in the field How enter the characters to replace the one entered earlier. You can search for a string Case sensitive, that is, to match uppercase characters with uppercase characters, and uppercase characters with uppercase ones. If you press the button Find Next , then a search will be performed without replacing characters, Replace - replace the next found chain, Replace all - find all the character strings to be replaced.

Go to- allows you to jump to the desired line number.

Select All Ctrl + A - selects the entire document.

Date and time F5 -sets the current date and time to text.


Word wrap - allows you to organize the transfer of text within the window, that is, upon reaching the right border of the window, the text will be transferred to a new line. Otherwise, each paragraph of text typed in Word will occupy one line, that is, the end of the line is the place where the key is pressed Enter.

Fontallows you to setFont :, Style :, Size: and Character set ( Cyrillic or other).

View - allows you to insert a status bar.

reference - contains the entry to the help system, which is similar to the Windows help system described above.


Allows you to create notes about current affairs. When the program is called, the program icon () will appear in the bottom line and an empty note will appear on the screen. Let's enter the text into the note using the keyboard. Notes can be removed from the screen by clicking on the program icon. If you click the icon again, the notes will reappear on the screen. On the left is the plus sign (), when you click on it, you can create the next note and the cross icon () to destroy the current note.

Sound recording

This program allows you to record sound through a microphone.After entering the program, a window will appear on the screen.

There is a field in the middle of the window; during playback, a green horizontal bar will appear, representing the sound waves. If you press the button Start recording then it will start through the microphone. After the end of the recording, a new window will appear to save the recorded.


This program allows you to perform calculations.

You can enter data using the mouse, clicking on the buttons in the window or entering data from the keyboard (for example, you can enter: 5 * 6 Enter, where Enter is equivalent to “=“. The result will be 30). At the top there is an indicator, which shows the entered values ​​of numbers and displays the resulting values. To write information from the indicator to the clipboard, click on Ctrl + C, on the indicator - Ctrl + V... The calculator has memory... When entering a value there, the symbol “M” will appear in the square on the left.

Below is a description of the keys: "0 » , « 1 » , « 2 » , « 3 » , « 4 » , « 5 » , « 6 » , « 7 » , « 8 » , « 9 » - numbers, " . "- a point separating the integer and fractional parts of the number," +/- "- change the sign of the number," / "- division operation," * "- multiplication," - "- subtraction," + "- additions,""- extraction of the square root," % "- calculating the percentage,"1 / x"- the reciprocal,"= » (Enter) Is the final result, "MC» - erase all information entered into the memory, "Mr» - the number in memory, "MS"- writing a number to memory,"M +"- adding the number on the indicator with the number in memory, and placing the result in memory,"M-"- subtraction of the number on the indicator with the number in memory, and placing the result in memory,"» - destruction of the last entered character, "WITH» and« CE"- erase the contents of the indicator.

If you click on the menu View , then a panel with modes containing several types of calculators, which are discussed below, will appear in it.

Engineering view- allows you to carry out additional operations compared to a conventional calculator. You can calculate trigonometric functions in Degrees, Radians, Grad.

As you can see, the following have been added to the standard buttons:Inv- usually denotes the inverse operation (used for sin, cos, tan, ln, log, pi, x ^ y, x ^ 2, x ^ 3, Ave, Sum), ln- logarithm; (- left parenthesis;) - right parenthesis; Int-the integer part of number; Sinh- hyperbolic sine; Sin- sine; x 2- number squared; n!- n-factorial; dms- converting a number into the "degrees-minutes-seconds" format; cosh- the cosine is hyperbolic; cos- cosmnus; x y- x to the power of y; - x to the power of 1 / y; "- the value of the number pi (3.14 ...); tanh- hyperbolic tangent; tan- tangent; x 3- x in a cube; - cubic root of x; F-E- transition from a fixed form of representation of a number to an exponential one and vice versa;Exp- exhibitor; Modcalculation modulo; log- calculation of the decimal logarithm; 10 x- ten to the power of x.

Statistics... Contains additional buttons:CAD- deleting all entered numbers ; WITH- erase the current number; F-E- transition from a fixed form of representation of a number to an exponential one and vice versa; - mean; - root mean square; - sum; -sum of squares; - standard deviation; - filling in the standard deviation; - change the sign of the number; ADD- allows you to add a new number to create a series of numbers.

How to create a table in Word? Now I just can't imagine how you can work without such a necessary and useful program as the Word text editor. How much easier our life has become. How did we live without a computer and such useful programs?

Reports can be made literally on the fly. Almost any report contains a table and. Creating a simple table in Word is quick and easy. But there are also very complex tables, looking at which many are simply lost. It seems difficult at first. In fact, creating such tables is not difficult, but even interesting. You will see for yourself in this.

Today we will consider:

  • how to create a table in word in its simplest form,
  • how to create a complex table header,
  • how to merge cells,
  • how to split a cell,
  • how to color cells.

How to create a table inWord

A table is made up of columns and cells to help you organize your data. A table can contain text, numbers, graphics, etc., but cannot contain another table.

But if you want, you can draw a small table inside the cell.

How to make a table inWord 2003

If you need to insert a table into the document, then place the cursor in the place where it will be located, and select the item Table - Insert - Table.

The window “ Insert table».

In the text box " Number of columns"Set the required number of table columns, and in the" Number of lines"- the required number of lines.

In the area of ​​" AutoFit Column Widths»Select one of the options described below:

  • Constant + Auto- columns of equal width.
  • Constant + required size(in the window where "Auto" was originally displayed) - the columns will be the width you specify.
  • By content- the width of the columns will fit the largest content of the cell.
  • Fit to window width- the width of the table will fit the entire page with columns of equal width.

Using the button " AutoFormat"You can choose the format of your future table and click" OK».


In order to quickly insert a table, click on the "Add Table" button in the standard toolbar, select the required number of rows and columns with the mouse and click once.

How to make a table inWord 2007-2010

Go to the tab Insert, and click on the icon table.

In the drop-down window, place the cursor on the upper left cell, press the left mouse button, and without releasing it, select as many cells as you need to make columns and rows. Now release the mouse button and the table frame is ready.

If you need much more lines than shown, then you can do this later or select below the item " Insert table", And in the window that opens, specify the number of rows and columns you need.

If you will often create tables, you can set the initial parameters and check the box next to the item “ Default for new tables". Then all these settings will be saved, and next time you will only need to press the button " OK».

If you select " tableExcel”, Then you will have exactly the same table as in Excel.

Can choose Draw table, but for tables that will span multiple sheets, I would not recommend doing this. This method is only good for small labels inside a table.

Therefore, the item " Draw table", I do not advise you to choose. This is for very advanced users, and often such a table is very poorly edited, and if you want to transfer it to another computer, then "hemorrhoids" will be provided for you.

The item “ Express tables“, But we will consider it in a separate article, since this is a very big topic.

The most difficult thing in the table is creating a header like this:

But we will do it quickly.

In more detail about editing and creating complex tables, I have described in the article.

How to merge table cells?

Select the required number of cells, and right-click on the selection.

How to split a cell into multiple cells

Right-click the cell you want to split and select from the drop-down menu Break cells.

In the window Splitting cells, specify the required number of columns and rows, and click OK.

How to color a table cell

Right-click on the cell you want to color and select from the drop-down list Borders and shading.

This is how you can create a table in Word.

How to create a table in a word processing document

To create a table, place the text cursor where you want it to be in the document. Further:

1. From the menu bar, select Table> Insert> Table.

2. In the Insert Table window that appears, specify how many rows should be in the table - the Number of rows field, and how many columns - Number of columns.

3. Click OK and the table in the document will be created.

How do I enter data into a table?

To enter data into any of the table cells, click in the area of ​​this cell with the mouse, and a text cursor will appear inside it. Next, make a set in the usual way. Moreover, if the entered text does not fit into one line in a cell, the cell (and the table as a whole) will be enlarged automatically.

You can sequentially move from one cell to another by pressing the "Tab" key. If you need to get into a certain cell at once, then click on it with the mouse.

How to quickly draw up a table in worde?

The table can be drawn manually. To do this, select any fragment of the table or all of it, and then right-click on the selection and select the item corresponding to your intentions in the context menu that appears (Borders and fills, Alignment in the table, etc.).

You can choose the automatic layout of the table. To do this, select the entire table and select Table> AutoFormat Table. As a result, a window will appear on the screen in which you can select one of several dozen possible table designs.

Creating tables is a very convenient way to present information. In it, you can structure all the data in such a way that the other person, looking at it, can easily perceive the information. If you are a schoolboy, student, accountant, secretary, or an office worker who regularly submits reports, then the knowledge of how to make a table in Word will definitely come in handy.

To write this article, I used Word 2010, but you can create it in Word 2007 in exactly the same way.

To get started, go to the "Insert" tab and in the "Tables" menu click on the button of the same name. A drop-down list will open, which presents the various ways to create them in Word. Let's consider them all in order.

An illustrative option

The fastest and most visual way is "Insert ..." by selecting the required number of blocks. Move the mouse over the squares, the top will display the size of the table being created. To add it to the document, click on the lower right square. As a result, it will be created to fit the width of the entire sheet, with the selected number of rows and columns.

Setting the number of rows and columns

The second way is "Insert Table"... To do this, select the appropriate item from the list and click on it with the mouse. A window will appear in which you need to specify the required number of rows and columns. Use a marker to mark the width for the columns:

- constant - the width of the columns will not change;
- by content - will depend on the printed text;
- by the width of the window - the table will correspond to the area that is allocated for the text on the sheet.

Drawing borders

The third way is "Draw ...". When you click on the corresponding item, the "Pencil" tool appears. If you drive it outside of existing blocks or just on a blank sheet, you can draw a rectangle - it can be both the borders of the main table and one cell. If you drive with a pencil in a rectangle, a line is drawn - this way you can break the drawn rectangle into rows and columns.

Converting text

The fourth way is to convert the text to a table. If you have text that needs to be placed in cells, then this is not difficult to do. First, let's format it as needed.

To make Word understand when you need to create a new column, separate the text using the "Tab" button on the keyboard, arrows are drawn on it in different directions. To create a new line, put "Enter" at the end of the previous paragraph. To skip the required number of columns, put in a row the corresponding number of "Tab". For a more descriptive presentation, it is best to include non-printable characters. Instead of "Tab" you can use ";" , "%", Or another sign.

Now select the edited text, and select from the menu item "Convert to Table".

A window will appear. At the bottom put the separator you used: "Tab", ";" , "%". The Word itself will determine how many columns should be. You can set the desired column width.

My table looks like this. All empty cells have been preserved in it, a new row has been correctly created.

Like in Excel

The fifth method is Excel Spreadsheet. Click the appropriate item in the menu.

An area will appear for working with them, as in Excel. Rows and columns will be numbered accordingly. It will be possible to insert formulas, diagrams and more.

Click on this area on the document sheet, and only the table will remain.

Express table

The sixth way is to add "Express Tables"... This is a kind of ready-made templates. You can insert the one you like. Then just change the data.

As you can see, there are various ways to create a table in Word. Choose the right one and the job will be done!

Read other articles on the topic "Working with tables in Word":
How to delete a table in MS Word
How to delete a row, column or cell in a table in MS Word
How to combine or split tables in MS Word

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