How to install Kaspersky on a new computer. Free antivirus Kaspersky Free: overview

How to install Kaspersky on a new computer. Free antivirus Kaspersky Free: overview


Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a reliable and powerful anti-malware program. It will provide high-quality protection for your computer from various types of viruses and spyware. The user is given the opportunity to determine how much it suits you.

Immediately after the installation of Kaspersky is complete, you will be prompted to enter the product activation key. If you do not have one, you can use it for free for a duration of 30 days. The program will delight you with a simple and pleasant interface. Typically, the default is medium security settings. At the initial launch of the program, outdated virus databases are used, which you can update manually immediately or wait for the subsequent automatic launch.

Note: Kaspersky antivirus 2018/2019 is already available for download, so you can install the antivirus for free.

We highly recommend scanning all hard drives. This verification can take a long time, but it is really necessary. In the future, Kaspersky will independently monitor the security of the entire system as a whole, new downloaded files and all removable media connected to the PC. The program also has special modules for controlling IM traffic (all data from instant messengers), web protection and e-mail. To scan the file system, Kaspersky AntiVirus uses both signature and heuristic methods. Thanks to this, it can detect suspicious activity of any program, even one that is not in the virus database, thus providing round-the-clock protection against new viruses and threats.

Kaspersky antivirus has 3 protection levels: low, recommended, and high. You can select and set the optimal level for you by going to the settings of all antivirus components. Also, "Kaspersky" allows you to find weaknesses in the system, so you can make your PC less vulnerable to virus attacks. Moreover, the antivirus will help to eliminate the consequences of activity, and after infection - to restore the system (you can still use it to cure your computer after a virus attack, it will come in handy in case if Kaspersky does not help or it has run out of license).

So, if you are looking for a quality way to protect your computer from viruses, pay attention to Kaspersky Anti-Virus. You can download and then install Kaspersky antivirus for free thanks to our website (link to the program at the bottom of the article).

You can configure the threat neutralization option that is convenient for you by making decisions on your own or by giving this option to your computer. The disadvantages of this program include a somewhat "dryish" interface.

If you do not know how to renew Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2018/2019 for free, then write about it in the comments, we will try to provide a legal way on the site.

Distinctive features and features of the antivirus are:

  1. high-quality PC protection thanks to heuristic analysis;
  2. detection of programs vulnerable to viruses;
  3. clearing the history and log of site visits, including deleting activity;
  4. the presence of a game mode and the ability to control the performance of the PC.

Trial version limitations:

  • 30-day service life.

If you want to uninstall the software, then you do not need any program to uninstall the antivirus; this can be done through the Add or Remove Programs control panel.

PC Requirements:

  • processor frequency for 32-bit OS is 1 GHz and 2 GHz (64-bit OS);
  • the required amount of RAM - 1 GB (minimum 512 MB);
  • Intel Atom processor with a frequency of 1.6 GHz and Intel GMA950 graphics card (for netbooks);
  • the required free space for the virus databases is at least 480 MB;
  • Internet is required to activate the software, as well as to regularly update the virus databases;
  • Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0;
  • 8 and up.

When buying a computer, when starting to use it, or after hearing enough of their friends' conversations about the extremely harmful effects of viruses, they thought about installing an anti-virus program.

And you decided to install an antivirus. This raises a reasonable question: How to install an antivirus?

If you yourself have never done this, then there are three options for the further development of events:

In this article, we will learn how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 (at the time of this writing, the latest version).

First of all, before installing, we need the installation package of the required antivirus. You can ask your friends, buy it on disk or download it over the Internet. If you are going to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010, you can download it for free here:

So, the antivirus is downloaded. We launch it (in my case, the file kav9.0.0.736ru.exe) and see the following window:

A license agreement appears, read it and, if you agree with the proposed terms, click "I agree".

Then put a tick in the box "I accept the terms of participation in Kaspersky Security Network" and click "Install".

Then a window appears, which displays the installation process of the antivirus.

After the installation is complete, the Program Activation window appears. Select "Activate trial version" and click "Next". The computer at this moment must be connected to the Internet.

Activation in progress ...

The installation of the antivirus is complete, click Finish.

An icon of the running Kaspersky Anti-Virus appears next to the clock (capital letter "K"). We launch it ...

And we see the main window of the program. On the left, click on the "Update" button.

After that, the anti-virus databases are updated.

After the update is finished, on the left, select "Check".

And depending on what we want to do, select "Run a full check", "Run a quick check" or "Check objects" (in this case, you must specify below what exactly you want to check). For the first time, I recommend doing a full scan.

A full system check has begun. It can take quite a long time the first time.

After the end of the check, we need to view the check results. To do this, click on the inscription that appears at the top: "Computer security is at risk."

The "Status" window displays the results of the check.

The Detected Threats window displays all the actions performed during the system scan.

In the "Report" field, the results of the anti-virus program operation are presented graphically.

As a result of our actions, we downloaded and installed the anti-virus, updated the anti-virus databases and performed a full system scan. In the future, if you do not touch the settings, the antivirus will work completely in automatic mode: it will start with the system, automatically check all running services and processes, download updates, scan newly connected devices (flash drives, disks, floppy disks, etc.), protect e-mail, monitor Internet traffic. You can also run a full system scan at any time, or configure it to run automatically.

It remains to consider one more aspect - this is the registration of the antivirus, since if you do not register it, then it will work for you for only 30 days.

Here again, there are two options:

1. Buy a license over the Internet and become the legal owner of this antivirus with all the rights and obligations arising from this, which are stipulated in the license agreement accepted by you at the second and third installation steps;

In the name of the free antivirus from Kaspersky Lab -Kaspersky Free- the main rule of the game lies: you can always use the generosity of the developers. Free activation of the program lasts 365 days, then you can simply reinstall the antivirus and use it for another year and so on ad infinitum. Download Free AntivirusKaspersky Free can be found on the Kaspersky Lab website.

Below we will consider the work of Kaspersky Free antivirus in detail: what functionality is offered for free use for a whole year, how to install the program, what can be configured in it, etc.

Free antivirus Kaspersky Free: overview

What does Kaspersky offer for free?

Free does not mean defective in this case. Kaspersky Free is based on the same anti-virus engine as the paid products of Kaspersky Lab. The difference between Kaspersky Free edition is in functionality: this product is designed to provide basic computer protection. However, this is exactly what is needed for the majority of users who use a computer for non-commercial purposes and who have not once crossed the path of vindictive programmers.

The following are available for free use in Kaspersky Free:

  • Complete anti-virus module;
  • Real-time computer protection;
  • Web protection (checking incoming Internet traffic and blocking malicious scripts);
  • Checking software messengers to block malicious and phishing links in incoming messages;
  • Checking mail;
  • Auto-update of anti-virus databases;
  • Cloud protection of Kaspersky Security Network.

As you can see, Kaspersky Free offers more than many other free antivirus products. Few of them will offer something more of the classics of the genre - antivirus module and real-time protection. And for sure, rare security software will tinker with spam in ICQ or Skype for free.

Installing Kaspersky Free

The installation process is very simple. We start the installation.

We agree with the developer's license.

The next choice is whether or not to participate in the cloud protection of Kaspersky Security Network. Working with a product like Kaspersky for free, it would be more honest to take part in cloud protection and enable Kaspersky Lab developers to use their experience in dealing with threats. Perhaps this will help someone someday and prevent problems. Helping software developers or not is everyone's personal business.

After installing the program, click "To complete" and put a check mark on the launch.

First launch of Kaspersky Free

At the first start, the program will offer to go through a free registration via e-mail. For the bun in the form of technical support for the antivirus, we will from time to time receive email marketing masterpieces from Kaspersky Lab in the mail. But for now, let's postpone this matter.

Having got into the main window of Kaspersky Free, first of all we will pay attention to the countdown of the license term in the lower right corner.

By clicking on this countdown, we will move to the licensing window, which will contain detailed data on activation, as well as the possibility of moving on to extended protection in the future - functional edition Kaspersky Internet Security.

Updating anti-virus databases

Returning to the main window, the next step is to update the anti-virus databases. Already in the main window of the program, we will see the status of the update module - "The databases have not been updated for a long time"... Let's fix it - press "Update".

And we update the anti-virus databases.

Anti-virus scan

In addition to the update module, in the main window, we will see another one available in the free edition of Kaspersky Free - anti-virus scan.

In the anti-virus scan section, we will find the traditional scanning modes:

  • Full scan covering all areas of the computer;

  • Quick scan, which checks programs and startup services, objects in system memory;

  • Selective scan - scan mode for individual files;

  • Checking external devices - the anti-virus scanning mode of storage devices connected to the computer (flash drives, external hard drives, SD cards).

Real-time protection

If threats are detected, Kaspersky Free will notify you in the information window in the lower right corner of the screen and will quarantine the files.

The red color of the program interface will also indicate a security threat.

The preset settings of Kaspersky Free provide for launching a search in the rootkit system after detecting and neutralizing viruses.

Quarantine and other additional tools

Additional tools of free Kaspersky Free

we will see little. This is a monthly report on the work of the antivirus, a section for switching to paid versions of Kaspersky products, a section for enabling and disabling cloud protection of Kaspersky Security Network, as well as quarantine.

It is in the additional tools that the quarantine is hidden, where you will need to go to restore controlled files that the antivirus may mistakenly regard as dangerous. You can also visit the quarantine to remove detected threats, if these are unnecessary files.

Kaspersky Free settings

Access to the settings is realized by the button in the lower left corner of the main window.

Antivirus is preinstalled already optimally configured. As you can see in the first tab "General", Kaspersky Free is configured to start automatically together with Windows and provides for quarantine before removing detected files.

In the second tab "Protection" if necessary, we can temporarily abandon some of the Kaspersky Free protection modules.

Next tab "Performance"- a rare occurrence, even in antivirus, at least in any other program. However, if we are talking about products from Kaspersky Lab, which are famous for the gluttony of computer system resources, such a setting tab is very useful. It provides pre-installed options:

  • Refusal from scheduled antivirus scans for laptops in power saving mode;
  • Performing scheduled scans while the computer is idle;
  • Low priority for the use of system resources during Windows startup;
  • Automatically start searching for rootkits after detecting malware.

It is not preinstalled, but it is possible for manual installation to give the priority of the use of system resources to other computer programs with a high load on the processor or hard disk. This option can be used on older or low-powered devices.

In the tab "Examination" instead of the predefined automatic selection of Kaspersky Free actions upon detection of threats, we can set one specific one for all cases in a row - only informing about the threat, only treatment, disinfection and, in extreme cases, deletion or removal in each case. The preset automatic selection is the best option, and it is hardly worth changing these specific settings for users with little computer experience. But you can refuse to check external connected devices. If flash drives, SD cards or other storage media are connected only to proven other devices, why be distracted every time by refusing to scan. If you intend to work in a dangerous environment - visiting sites with a questionable reputation, installing and testing third-party software, you can move the security level slider from recommended to high.

In the last tab "Additionally" we will find partitions with other program settings.

We will consider some of them in a separate order.

Adding files to exclusions Kaspersky Free

In order for the antivirus to leave alone and not terrorize the controlled file, which is mistakenly considered malicious, this file must be added to the exclusions. In the settings tab "Additionally" select a section Threats and Exceptions.

By clicking the option "Configure Exceptions", in the appeared window of exceptions at the bottom we press the button "Add".

In the first field, using the browse button, specify the path to the file. This file will not participate in anti-virus scanning in the future, nor will it be pulled by other Kaspersky Free modules, the checkboxes of which are pre-installed in the column "Components of protection"... Press the button "Add" at the bottom of the window.

By the same principle, you can add executable program files to the list of exclusions by clicking in the section " Threats and Exceptions " option "Specify trusted programs".

Storing quarantined objects

By default, Kaspersky Free provides a monthly storage period for files in quarantine. You can change this period in the settings tab "Additionally" by selecting the section "Reports and Quarantine".

In addition to choosing a more or less long period for storing objects in quarantine, we can configure its cleaning not in time, but as it is filled with data. To do this, uncheck the option for storing objects by time and select the option to limit the quarantine size by specifying the allowable size in MB in the field.

Refusal to animate the interface

Where animation of the software interface is certainly useless, it is the case with antiviruses, and especially with Kaspersky Lab's antiviruses. On weak devices, it is better to abandon effects for the sake of performance. In the settings tab "Additionally" select a section "View" and remove the preset animation checkboxes.

Suspending protection for Kaspersky Free

In case the vigilance of the protection modules needs to be temporarily put to sleep, for example, in order to install questionable software without obstacles, Kaspersky Free provides a convenient tool for suspending protection. In the context menu on the Kaspersky Free icon in the system tray, click "Suspend protection" and select one of the options offered - suspend for a certain time, indefinitely, or until the first reboot.

To find out the answer to the question of how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus, we have to go through four stages. Each of them should be performed as prescribed in order to avoid confusion.

Downloading the installer

In order to download the installation package of the application, you need to go to the developer's official website at and select the appropriate version. We advise you to download the file from here, so that no one slipped the virus into the archive. The file weighs in the range of 120-150 megabytes. Next, the process of installing the anti-virus is carried out.

Removing old versions

Now you need to remove all old versions of antiviruses previously installed on your computer. This can be done through the Control Panel, which is located in the Start menu. There you need to select the item "Add or Remove Programs", where you can remove old programs. Kaspersky does not transfer other packages of antiviruses and all sorts of security programs, so this item must be completed. You can view a list of applications that are not compatible with Kaspersky Anti-Virus at this link

Installing an antivirus

We proceed directly to the installation of the antivirus. This stage can be divided into several more steps.

Step 1: Launching the downloaded file will open the Kaspersky Anti-Virus Installation Wizard. In order to start the standard installation, click on the "Next" button.

Step 2: Be sure to read the license agreement that appears in the next window. If everything suits you, click "I agree" and proceed to the next step. If not, there is a Cancel button at your service, which will immediately complete the installation.

Step 3: Now the application will offer you to take part in Kaspersky Security Network. If you agree to the proposed terms, the anti-virus will be able to send data about viruses detected on your PC, as well as information about new possible threats to Kaspersky Lab. In addition, information about the system and a special identifier are sent, which the antivirus assigns to your computer. The program does not send any personal data. So if you agree with all the points of the agreement, click "I accept the terms of participation", and then click on the "Install" button.

Take note that when installing the antivirus on the Windows 7 operating system, a message from the UAC service - User Account Control may appear. In this case, to proceed with the installation, you will need to enter the administrator password and click the "Yes" button.

Step 4: Check the box next to "Start Kaspersky Anti-Virus" in the next window and confidently click on "Finish" to complete the installation of the application.

We activate the application

You can activate the program in three different ways, and in what way you choose, of course.

Option 1: You can first activate the trial version of the antivirus for 1 month. When 30 days have passed, you can download a program called "Registry Key" on the Internet, with the help of which the counter in the antivirus is reset. Thus, this operation with the program will have to be performed monthly.

Option 2: You can also use a special key downloaded from the Internet for activation. Often there is a lot of trouble with the keys, as they fly out. However, this is one of the ways how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus for free.

Option 3: If you don’t want to waste time looking for keys and registries, buy a license. It costs about $ 25 per computer, so about $ 2 per month. Agree, not that much money. The security of your files stored on your computer is more important.

After activating the program, you will see a window in which the antivirus will quickly analyze all installed applications on the computer. After analyzing, you will be prompted to restart the PC, which should be done. After that, be sure to:

  • update the anti-virus databases (this can be done through the program itself or downloaded from another place, for example, on the local network).
  • carry out a full scan of the computer (in the main window of the program, find the item responsible for checking all files stored on the PC). This can take a long time, depending on the number of files being scanned.
  • check the status of computer protection - this is also done in the main window of the antivirus.

So, let's summarize. Now you know how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus on your computer. You know there are two ways. One is simple, which boils down to paying for a software package, the other is more complex. Remember that by trying to find the answer to the question of how to install Kaspersky Anti-Virus for free, you are putting your computer at risk. Indeed, along with the same keygen, you can catch a virus.

In the last article, we figured out which of the antiviruses is better, now we turn to the practical part and learn how to download, install and pay for the licensed antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security.

Therefore, we sit comfortably and carefully read the article, and at the end do not forget to leave your comment with a positive or negative assessment.


Hello everyone, from the announcement of the article you already understood perfectly well that today we are considering Kaspersky Anti-Virus, before moving on to the practical part, I would like to remind you why it is needed at all and what functionality it has. After all, the acquisition of such a program, let's say, is not a cheap pleasure, so every person would like to have an idea of ​​what he is giving money for.

How much safer and more comfortable it will be to use your computer after installing the antivirus.

So, friends, I present to your attention one of the best antiviruses for protecting your computer from malware, right, mostly viruses.

Kaspersky Internet Security

I think it is obvious that any antivirus is installed to protect the computer from viruses and everyone understands this perfectly well, but for us they all seem to be about the same, which is a common mistake.

Most users install free antiviruses on their computer, expecting an excellent result from them, but for some reason they get upset after a while and remove bad programs in their opinion, and they also say that they say that the developers wrote in the description of their application they say it perfectly protects against viruses, and they themselves deceived.

Friends, please do not rush to draw such conclusions, speech may again return to your illiteracy and not fully understanding the situation. Let's remember, when you installed the antivirus, you read only the first few lines, where it says we protect against viruses well and that's it. I’m sure that most of them didn’t read it any further, scrolled to the end of the page and downloaded it. And then you start screaming - everything is bad, it doesn't help, I delete it, it sucks.

But viruses come to us from different sources and each antivirus has certain capabilities and separate scanners. For example, one antivirus can only protect your file system, and the second only makes sure that you do not catch a virus while surfing the Internet. But if you carefully read the description of the downloaded programs, the situation would be much better. You would know in advance which directions the installed antivirus can protect.

Here some will say, we do not understand anything at all, so why should we waste time and read it anyway we will not understand anything. If you are one of these people, then I recommend reading twice more and more attentively, because if you do not read anything, then, accordingly, you do not know anything.

If you do not want to study at all, then forget about your personal opinion altogether and trust only professionals, consult with loved ones who are well versed in this direction. In the end, subscribe to my blog and get new articles directly to your mail, I don't write often, so this shouldn't bother you, but you will grab useful information about the "computer world" in full and I promise you that.

And today I recommend installing the Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus on your computer, of course, on condition that you are willing to pay for your security, because you need to pay for antiviruses at least once a year. Well, okay, okay, I'll show you how to download an antivirus for free.

Now let's figure out what Kaspersky Anti-Virus can do:

Most likely, now you understand why this particular antivirus is chosen by thousands of users every day. We have gone through the theoretical part, and we can move on to practice.

Download Anti-Virus Kaspersky Internet Security official

So we come to one of the most important points, namely, to securely download the antivirus to your computer. Many people download installation files from different sources and very often find a virus instead of an antivirus. So be careful before you start "scouring" the Internet and download anywhere. I work with official representatives and online stores and therefore I am always confident in my safety. For you, I have also prepared my partner link for installing Kaspersky Anti-Virus. By clicking on it, you have nothing to fear, feel free to download or buy, in general, do what you are interested in, the main thing is it will be safe.

In this case, I give you a choice and you can download a free trial version of Kaspersky for 30 days or immediately purchase a license, this is your choice. But I want to add right away that I will definitely help everyone who makes purchases using my links with the installation and activation of the antivirus, without queuing. Together we will configure the antivirus to work optimally for your computer.

As well as detailed instructions for installation and activation can be found at the end of this article, there you will find a video instruction with practical examples.

Instructions on how to buy Kaspersky Anti-Virus?

Then you should choose the type of license, there are quite a lot of options, but I recommend the first two, or buying a license for 1 year for two devices, this is the standard. Or, if you already have Kaspersky Anti-Virus, just buying an extension key will save you money. After you have made your choice, you need to click the "add to cart" button opposite the version of the product you need.

This is where the hardest part ends, we just go up the page and go to the order page, it is marked as a basket. Going into it, fill in the required fields and pay for the purchase, you can see the details in the video at the end of the article.

If you are not sure of your decision, you should return to the download page and select the "Free trial version" button, after which you can install a trial version of Kaspersky antivirus for one month on your computer to appreciate all the delights of this product.

Getting to know the antivirus Kaspersky Internet Security

Upon successful installation of the program, you should see a standard program window in front of you:

Where you can immediately start scanning your computer for viruses. The scan can be run both in certain folders on and on the entire computer at once. Through the same window, you can update the antivirus and set the update frequency. One of the most important features is the free payment functions, through which you can make purchases on the Internet safely and intruders will not be able to intercept your data. And if you have a small or stubborn child at home, then you can restrict his access to a computer, certain programs, websites, or completely prohibit the use of the Internet.

You can find a video with practical examples at the end of the article, by watching it you yourself will be able to configure the parameters you need.

Where to download Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus for free, officially?

Now let's talk about freeloaders who think how to install a good antivirus for free. As soon as the guys do not wriggle to get a license for free, I cannot ignore this and give you an official, free loophole for installing Kaspersky antivirus absolutely free with all the bells and whistles and add-ons.

In this case, you will need to spend your time. But it will be justified. I suggest you join the apprentices of the Kaspersky Lab, where you will be given a huge amount of useful knowledge. In addition, you will be motivated by the fact that with the successful completion of each lesson, special points are awarded, points of the knowledge you have accumulated. And now, with these points, Kaspersky Lab offers to purchase a huge number of rewards.

In the prizes, you can find the keys to activate the version of the antivirus you need. For those who have already bought an antivirus, they will be able to choose as a prize a flashcard for a computer with an interesting design or a whole hard drive (external). Multiple mood prizes such as mugs and t-shirts. You can see some of the prizes in the pictures below:

And this is only a small part of the prizes, so if you have free time, but no free money, then this method is perfect for you. Agree, it's very cool to get new, useful knowledge and also choose gifts for this. In general, I think this is a super free option. There is only one drawback - these opportunities are provided through the application on the VKontakte social network, which means you need an account on this social network, but I don’t think this is a big problem. In general, everyone who has an account in contact - you are in chocolate, go for it. Link below:

Video instruction on the correct installation and activation of Kaspersky Internet Security antivirus

I hope that I did not waste my time, and you found something new or interesting for yourself in this article. Do not forget to share your thoughts in the comments - this is very important to me. This is the only way I can conclude that you have deliberately read the entire article.

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