Cloud technologies and their application. The use of cloud technologies in business Cloud technologies and services of the modern Internet

Cloud technologies and their application. The use of cloud technologies in business Cloud technologies and services of the modern Internet


The concept of "Cloud technologies"

Cloud technologies- these are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is present here as a metaphor, personifying a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

Cloud (scattered) computing (English cloud computing, the term Cloud (scattered) data processing is also used) is a data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. The user has access to his own data, but cannot manage and should not care about the infrastructure, the operating system and the actual software with which he works. The term "Cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the image of the Internet in a computer network diagram, or as an image of a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, such as personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc. etc."

Cloud data processing as a concept includes the following concepts:

  • 1) infrastructure as a service
  • 2) platform as a service
  • 3) software as a service
  • 4) data as a service
  • 5) workplace as a service

and other technological trends that share the belief that the Internet is able to meet the needs of users in data processing.

For cloud computing main feature is the unevenness of the request for Internet - resources by users. To smooth out this unevenness, another intermediate layer is applied - server virtualization . Thus, the load is distributed between virtual servers and computers.

Cloud technologies- this is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace, etc. Why is all this necessary? most main function cloud technology is to meet the needs of users who need remote data processing.

What is not considered cloud computing? First, it is offline computing on the local computer. Secondly, it is "utility computing" when a service is ordered to perform particularly complex calculations or store data arrays. Thirdly, these are collective (distributed) calculations (gridcomputing). In practice, the boundaries between all these types of calculations are rather blurred. However, the future of cloud computing is still much larger than utility and distributed systems.

Cloud data storage-- an online storage model in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over a network, provided for use by customers, mainly by a third party. In contrast to the model of storing data on your own dedicated servers, purchased or rented specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure of the servers is generally not visible to the client. Data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud, which, from the client's point of view, is one large virtual server. Physically, such servers can be located remotely from each other geographically, up to location on different continents.

In order to understand what a “cloud” is, it is worth starting with the history of this issue. It is necessary to understand whether this technology is really in the category of new ideas or this idea is not so new.

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For many years, information technology has been inextricably linked with business. This is due to the fact that information technology provides opportunities to improve business efficiency. In order to remain competitive, companies need to not only follow trends and new technologies, but also apply them. Such technologies include cloud computing which are gaining more and more popularity in the business world.

Cloud computing is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to the common pool of configurable computing resources, which can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal operational costs or calls to the provider. The essence of cloud computing is to provide customers with remote access to services, computing resources and applications via the Internet.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the use of cloud technologies makes it possible to effectively solve business problems. The introduction of cloud technologies leads to significant changes in the organization, including:

Reducing investment in IT

Reduced IT Maintenance Resources

Productivity increase

Business agility

Disaster recovery

Increasing capacity and increasing availability

Despite the effectiveness of these technologies, many companies do not use them, preferring other ways to deploy their IT infrastructure. Thus, such companies begin to yield to their competitors, because. business efficiency largely depends on the information technologies used. Thus, today the issue of using cloud technologies in business is relevant, because. companies need to know and apply the most effective technologies to improve their business processes that affect the profitability of the organization.

The purpose of this work is to identify how the use of cloud technologies in business is effective. To achieve this goal, I need to perform the following tasks:

1. Define cloud technologies, describe their main characteristics, identify the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies in business

2. Determine the opportunities that cloud technologies provide to companies

3. Explore the features and capabilities of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud by Kaspersky Lab

4. Evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the studied cloud solution in small and medium-sized businesses

This work consists of the main and practical parts. The main part contains 3 chapters, which define cloud technologies, describe models for deploying and maintaining cloud technologies, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of using cloud technologies in business. In the practical part of the work, I explore the cloud solution Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and evaluate the effectiveness of its use in small and medium-sized businesses.

kaspersky cloud business


1.1 Definition

Today, cloud computing is one of the most popular directions in the development of information technology. Modern conditions information world require the solution of many tasks that can be effectively performed using cloud technologies. Many large global IT companies use cloud computing, which is a confirmation of the effectiveness of these technologies.

Cloud technologies represent a universal environment for storing and processing information, which combines hardware, licensed software, communication channels, as well as technical support users. Cloud technologies also mean the ability to obtain the necessary computing power on demand from the Web. Today, large data centers allow not only to store and process data in their centers, but also make it possible to create their own virtual data centers. This allows companies not to waste resources on building their infrastructure from scratch.

The main feature of cloud computing is scalability: these technologies do not have a rigid attachment to the hardware platform, there is no attachment to the geographical area. The use of cloud technologies in companies is aimed at reducing costs and improving the efficiency of business processes.

Cloud technologies are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to an Internet user as an online service. Thanks to this, the user works with cloud services from anywhere and from any device: the main thing is to have access to the Internet. Access to the "cloud" can be accessed not only via the Internet, but also via the local network. In this case, the user's computer is a terminal connected to the Web. Those computers that perform cloud computing are "computing cloud". The load between such computers is distributed automatically.

The cloud has three main components:

Cloud computing. Cloud computing refers to the architecture of computer data processing. Cloud architecture provides opportunities for self-service, scalability and flexible processes. Such an architectural solution replaces fixed costs with variables and provides ample opportunities for data analysis.

cloud platforms. Cloud platforms include tools, software and information models, system software, and other technologies that perform tasks.

Cloud services. Cloud services are models for delivering information services.

The development of cloud technologies has a huge impact on business. In order to have advantages over competitors, companies need to take into account modern trends in information technology. Companies that use cloud technologies in their business processes receive a number of advantages. Cloud computing is a business process management approach that reduces the complexity of information systems. This is achieved through the use of cloud computing, self-managed and available on demand within a virtual infrastructure.

Thus, companies have the following advantages from using cloud computing: reducing IT costs, improving the quality of service provision, business dynamism. The reduction in IT costs is due to the fact that cloud technologies reduce operational and capital costs: thanks to the "cloud", IT specialists of the company can focus on strategic projects without wasting time managing their own data center.

Cloud technology works like this: instead of acquiring, installing and managing their own servers to run applications, companies rent servers (for example, from Microsoft or Google). The user manages these servers via the Internet. Payment includes only the actual use of servers for processing and storing data.

Computing clouds consist of a huge number of servers that are located in data centers. Data centers provide tens of thousands of applications that are simultaneously used by millions of users at the same time. Full automation is a condition for the effective management of an infrastructure of this magnitude.

Thus, the use of cloud computing is on the trend, and companies need to be aware of it and apply it effectively to improve business processes.

1.2 Characteristics of cloud technologies

In order for information resources to be classified as cloud technologies, they must have the following key properties: have high availability and scalability, and be cost-effective for the client. In order to distinguish cloud technologies from other earlier approaches to the provision of hardware and software resources, the following main characteristics of cloud computing are distinguished:

1. Wide network availability

2. Easy scalability, elasticity

3. Ability to monitor

4. Accounting for consumption

5. Self-service on demand

6. Consolidation of resources

Broad network accessibility refers to the fact that software products, resources and services are available to the user over the network, no matter what device is used. The user can use a personal computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone or any other terminal device - the main thing is to have access to the network.

Easy scalability consists in connecting (or disconnecting) additional hardware or software devices. This happens without additional delays with the supplier, in automatic mode.

Clouds are equipped with a monitoring system that allows you to monitor the stability of work and evaluate availability.

The following characteristic is especially important for business, because directly affects the financial resources spent on IT. It is economically beneficial that when using cloud technologies there is consumption accounting. The client does not spend money on resources that are not used. The resources consumed are recorded (for example, the number of users and transactions, the amount of data storage used), and on the basis of this accounting, the provider evaluates the services provided to the client in monetary terms.

On-demand self-service enables the customer to manage their computing needs. These needs include server time, speed of access and data processing, and the amount of data stored. The client can exercise such control without direct contact with the service provider.

Finally, resource pooling means that the provider pools resources to serve a large number of consumers into a single pool in order to dynamically distribute capacity between consumers with a constant change in demand for capacity. Thus, clients only monitor the main parameters (data volume, access speed, etc.), while the service provider monitors the actual distribution of resources.


2.1 Cloud deployment models

As a rule, the following cloud deployment models are distinguished: private, public and hybrid cloud.

The main models are public cloud (public cloud) and private cloud (private cloud). The public cloud provides cloud services and resources to a large number of customers using public data centers. A private cloud provides the organization's own infrastructure. Speaking about the public cloud, it is worth noting that it allows you to convert all relevant costs into operating costs and provides a quick and budget launch of an IT solution. With a private cloud, capital investments are saved, while maintaining full control of the IT infrastructure.

If we talk more about the private cloud, then it should be noted that a private cloud is an infrastructure that is located within the same organization. The private cloud is designed to meet the needs of internal workforce while providing a high level of data security.

Today, businesses are making more and more demands on IT technologies. A private cloud allows you to solve problems such as providing a large number of business services and optimizing costs. By deploying a private cloud, the company reduces the risks associated with information security and ensures the high availability of IT resources, despite the possible high server load.

Speaking about the advantages of a private cloud, we can note the following:

1. Compared to a public cloud, a company has more control over its IT infrastructure, because all its components remain on the side of the company.

2. High level of security. This is ensured by the fact that the service is consumed by one organization, so the infrastructure can be optimally configured to meet the data protection requirements in this organization.

3. High performance. It is connected, in particular, with the fact that all operations take place within the framework of internal firewalls and perimeter protection tools. corporate network. As a result, data transfer is fast.

4. When implementing a private cloud, the efficiency of the IT department is increased - at any time it can quickly deploy desired service. IT professionals only need to “raise” virtual machine from a template and install the required service.

Despite the advantages, private clouds have a number of disadvantages:

1. Significant costs at all stages life cycle clouds. The deployment phase requires investments in hardware and software.

In addition, the private cloud needs to be managed, which incurs administration and staffing costs.

2. Compared to a public cloud, the risks of service downtime or data loss due to physical threats are much greater.

3. A company may run out of space in the cloud when infrastructure resources may not be sufficient.

Analyzing the above, we can conclude that the most significant drawback of a private cloud is the need to spend a significant amount of human and material resources for its creation and further work. This significantly affects the financial condition of the organization.

Turning to the consideration of the public cloud, it is worth saying that the public cloud is an infrastructure designed for free use by several organizations. This cloud model can be owned by multiple companies. Despite this, the word "public" does not mean that user data is available to absolutely everyone. The public cloud implements security mechanisms to control access. Ease of setup and low cost are the main benefits of deploying a public cloud. The provider does all the work related to the creation of the cloud, and the client only configures the amount of resources he needs.

In the case of using a public cloud, the consumer uses the infrastructure of a third-party provider, which creates many opportunities for the efficient use and redistribution of resources. Public cloud services are easy and efficient to use because customers need nothing more than a stable Internet connection to access applications.

Speaking about the advantages of a public cloud, it is worth noting the following:

1. Ease and efficiency of use.

2. Only a stable internet connection is required to access the apps.

3. The use of a public cloud makes it possible to reduce IT costs by eliminating the cost of hardware and software.

4. Flexibility and scalability: the public cloud allows you to pay for exactly as many resources as you need at the moment, and adjust this parameter up or down.

5. Reduction of time for infrastructure maintenance.

6. The risk of downtime of business processes due to server failures is eliminated, since the application servers are located in the cloud. Virtual servers of providers are most often configured on a powerful physical base and located in large data centers, where possible downtime is calculated in minutes per year.

7. The use of public clouds and the absence of user contact with complex computer equipment makes it possible to refuse the services of additional IT specialists.

However, the public cloud model has some drawbacks:

1. The main disadvantage of the public cloud is the lack of control over the organization, since the performance of services is completely subordinate to the service provider.

2. Slow speed: The performance of public cloud services is directly dependent on the stability of the Internet connection, so data transfer may be slow in some cases. When handling large amounts of data, public clouds are inferior to private ones in terms of performance.

3. Weak data security is a common feature of public clouds. Private cloud protection is an order of magnitude more reliable.

In addition to private and public clouds, there is a hybrid cloud (hybrid cloud).

A hybrid cloud is a cloud infrastructure deployment model that provides a combination of private and public clouds and combines the benefits of each. The combination of these two models allows a company that already has a private cloud to use the resources of a public cloud. Thus, the organization has the opportunity, if necessary, to expand its own infrastructure at the expense of the computing resources of the public cloud.

Therefore, by choosing a hybrid cloud, a company gains the control and security of a private cloud with the scale and benefits of a public cloud.

Hybrid cloud features:

1. Empowering the private cloud. A hybrid cloud allows network users to access the applications they need in the private cloud through the public cloud, while maintaining the security of the private cloud.

2. Redistribution of the load. A hybrid cloud allows you to transfer part of the load from a private cloud to a public one, if necessary, which ensures a high level of performance.

3. Data security. To increase the level of data security, the hybrid cloud allows, if necessary, to store encrypted backups from a private cloud in the public cloud.

4. Mobility. With the ability to access certain applications from the private cloud through the public cloud, these applications can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection.

2.2 Cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)

The concept of cloud computing is characterized by service models (levels) that perform certain functions. The cloud provides the following service levels:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Software as a Service (Software as a Service, SaaS)

Fig 1. Cloud service models

Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS is the provision of computer infrastructure as a service based on the concept of cloud computing?. This service model consists of physical assets - network devices, servers, disks, and so on. When interacting with IaaS, the user does not control the underlying infrastructure. It manages data stores, the operating system, deployed applications, and network components.

IaaS relieves the company of the need to maintain complex IT infrastructures, data centers, client and network infrastructures. This reduces the associated capital and operating costs.

Platform as a service, PaaS is the provision of integrated? platform for developing, testing, deploying and maintaining a web application? as services.

PaaS is a service model where the client is given the opportunity to use the cloud infrastructure to host the underlying software and then host applications on it. This platform includes tools for creating and testing application software. These tools are provided by the cloud provider.

PaaS, as an integrated platform for developing, testing, deploying and maintaining a web application?, allows the whole list of operations? for developing, testing and deploying a web application? run in one integrated environment. This approach eliminates the cost of maintaining separate environments for each phase of application development.

Ability to create source and sharing it within the development team greatly improves app building productivity? based on PaaS.

Service as a Service, SaaS is an application deployment model that involves providing the application to the end user as a service on demand. The SaaS concept makes it possible to use software as a service and do it remotely via the Internet. This allows the client not to buy a software product, but only temporarily use it if necessary. In this case, the main advantage of the SaaS model for the client is the absence of costs associated with installing, updating and maintaining the equipment and software running on it.

The SaaS model is characterized by the following:

application can be used remotely

application is charged either as a monthly subscription fee or based on total transaction volume

no additional payment is required for application support

regular automatic updates

Multiple clients can use the app at the same time

SaaS target audience - end users.

To better describe the three service models, Table 1 describes their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and risks.

Table 1. Service models. Characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and risks

Service Models



Disadvantages and risks

1. Typically platform independent;

2. Reduced infrastructure costs;

3. Payment upon use;

4. Automatic scaling.

3. Low implementation threshold;

4. Smooth scaling.

1. Efficiency and productivity depend on the service provider;

2. Potentially large long-term costs;

3. Centralization requires new methods of protection and security.

1. Uses cloud infrastructure;

2. Provides methods for dynamic project management.

Smooth version rollout.

Centralization requires new methods of protection and security that ensure that malware will not be able to exploit vulnerabilities in the software platform.

1. User interface;

2. Interaction via API (Application Programming Interface);

3. Semantic compatibility.

1. Reduced hardware and labor costs;

2. Reducing the risk of losing investments;

3. Regular update.

Centralization requires new methods of protection and security, which are related to the confidentiality of customer data.


3.1 Choosing an IT Infrastructure for SMBs

A company can choose between the following IT infrastructures:

Internal IT infrastructure with own support

Managed services: IT infrastructure functions are transferred to services that are managed by third parties

Cloud IT infrastructure

Where the equipment is owned by a company, the company has an internally managed IT infrastructure. When comparing internal and cloud infrastructure, it is worth noting that cloud infrastructure has a significant advantage in terms of financial performance: when using cloud IT infrastructure, there is no need for capital investments that are necessary for its use.

When using an internal IT infrastructure, the company purchases expensive equipment and pays for the services of people who maintain this equipment. When one of the servers fails, the company needs to bear the financial costs of repairing and replacing equipment.

What happens when IT infrastructure functions are outsourced to third parties is that the organization pays the third party company that owns the servers. The company pays for equipment rental and maintenance.

In the event that one of the servers fails, the third party company that provides this service takes care of its repair and replacement. This company also makes sure that the necessary operating systems are installed on the servers, and manages the network infrastructure in which the servers operate.

Comparative analysis data of IT infrastructures can be carried out by considering the following aspects taken into account when choosing an IT infrastructure:


ongoing operating costs

commissioning time


personnel qualification requirements


Capital investments. The choice of an internal IT infrastructure involves a high capital investment, as the company itself purchases expensive equipment. In the case of managed services, the company has a more moderate capital investment: the company needs to pay an initial fee for using third-party equipment. Cloud IT infrastructure requires a small capital investment: as a rule, organizations do not incur any initial costs and mandatory payments.

Current operating costs. The current operating costs of the back-end infrastructure consist of wages for staff who maintain and operate the equipment, space provided by the hosting provider, and real estate, energy, and utilities.

In the case of managed services, ongoing operating costs vary depending on the terms of the contract. Often services per use third party service can be expensive, but in this case the company usually knows how much it will have to spend each month. This amount usually does not change. When considering cloud IT infrastructure, it is worth noting that it can be expensive or cheap: it depends on the needs of the company itself, because. cloud infrastructure implies that the company pays only for the consumed resources and capacities.

Time to put into use. The internal IT infrastructure is characterized by a long time to bring a new component into use. This is because when using an internal infrastructure, a company wishing to add a new component to its infrastructure must plan in advance this work, place an order for a new component, wait for it to be delivered, and implement it in your data center. When a company uses a third-party service provider, the time it takes to bring a new component into use is usually shorter because such third-party companies pre-purchase equipment. In the case of a cloud infrastructure, a company can "deploy" a new server in minutes if the organization decides it needs it.

Flexibility. The internal IT infrastructure has poor flexibility as this type of infrastructure has severe limitations. There are common cases when there is an increase in resource requirements, and there is not enough disk space. The company can eliminate these needs only through new financial costs. Third party service providers have moderate flexibility. They can offer the company a temporary increase in disk space and resources. Cloud infrastructure is highly flexible. This lies in the fact that such an infrastructure provides the company with resources as needed. A company may not use resources when it does not need them.

Staff qualification requirements. The internal IT infrastructure requires highly qualified personnel. In this case, employees perform the following functions: understand the company's IT infrastructure, maintain and replace equipment, monitor the current state of operating systems, install updates for operating systems and software. In the case when the company uses the services of a third-party service provider, the requirements for personnel qualification are minimal. All issues related to IT infrastructure are handled by a third-party company that is paid for this. When using cloud infrastructure, the requirements for personnel vary and depend on how and what exactly the company uses.

Reliability. In the case of an internal IT infrastructure, reliability depends on a number of circumstances. Whether the information environment is highly fault-tolerant depends primarily on the qualifications of the company's employees and on the investment in the IT infrastructure. Third party service providers provide high reliability. When comparing third-party service providers with cloud infrastructure, it is worth noting that the latter lacks stability and service levels. Thus, the reliability of cloud infrastructure can be both moderate and high: it largely depends on the service provider.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that for small and medium-sized companies, having their own IT infrastructure is not appropriate, because. this type of infrastructure requires large capital investments and equipment maintenance costs. The choice of such an infrastructure is justified only in the case when the company, from the point of view of confidentiality and security, cannot store its data on the side.

Thus, today it is beneficial for companies to use the services of service providers or switch to the use of cloud infrastructure.

3.2 Benefits of cloud computing in business

Cloud technologies have a number of advantages. Next, I will consider each of them.

Availability. Cloud computing makes it possible to access products and services from any computer that has the ability to access the Internet.

client computers. When using cloud services, the company does not need to purchase equipment that has a large amount of memory and disks. The use of programs over the Internet does not require a company to have a large number of such computers. Also, the company does not need a large number of data carriers, because. all programs, services and documents are stored in the "cloud".

Reduce damage from data loss or equipment theft. When data is stored in the cloud, copies of that data are distributed across multiple servers, which may be located in different countries. Thus, in the event of theft or equipment failure, the company does not lose valuable data.

Reliability. Data centers are managed by qualified specialists who provide ongoing support for the operation of equipment and services. This fact indicates a sufficiently high level of reliability and fault tolerance of the system.

Profitability. The company pays only for those services and services that it uses. Cloud computing makes it possible to pay only for the resources actually used.

Resource rental. The need for computing resources is not constant: in some period of time, the company needs additional computing resources, in some period of time they are not necessary, that is, the resources are simply not used. Cloud technologies enable companies to use only the necessary amount of computing resources, thereby reducing the cost of equipment and its maintenance.

Software rental. Cloud technologies make it possible not to purchase software packages for each employee of the company. Instead, the company only buys desired programs in the cloud. Purchased programs are used only by those employees who need these programs for work. It is worth noting that the cost of programs that are available via the Internet is lower than their local counterparts for PC. In the event that the programs are not used frequently by users, then they can not be bought, but rented by the hour. One of the main advantages of renting software from cloud providers is that the company does not need to spend money and time on updating programs and maintaining them in working condition at every workplace.

Service. With the introduction of cloud technologies, there are fewer physical servers, so it becomes easier and faster to maintain them. Considering the software, it is worth noting that it is installed and configured in the cloud. It's being updated there. The company always makes sure that the latest version of the program is used. In addition, there is no need to spend money on software updates.

open interfaces. Clouds usually have standard APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to communicate with existing applications and to develop new ones.

Flexibility and scalability. This implies unlimited computing resources (memory, processors, disks, etc.). Cloud computing is resilient and scalable because resources are provisioned and released based on need.

Productive computing. Compared to a conventional PC, the computing power available to cloud computing users is limited only by the number of remote servers. This means employees can tackle more complex tasks that require a lot of memory and storage space. In other words, employees have the opportunity to work with a powerful computer without actually purchasing it by the company. Scalability manifests itself in the ability to run a large number of copies of the application on many virtual machines. The number of application copies can grow on demand, depending on the workloads.

Data storage. Personal computers have a limited amount of memory. When using cloud technologies, the company has the amount of data storage that it needs at a particular moment. There is no risk of running out of memory, because cloud technologies provide a huge amount of gigabytes of free space.

Technology for a young company. Cloud computing is a financially sound solution for a young company, because there is no need to purchase various expensive equipment and software, as well as to hire people who will support it.

3.3 Disadvantages of using cloud technologies in business

Despite a large number of advantages, cloud technologies have a number of disadvantages, including:

The need for a permanent connection to the network. Cloud computing almost always requires a constant Internet connection. This may cause some inconvenience to the company and affect the continuity of business processes, because. if there is no access to the network, then there are no programs or documents. In addition, it is not uncommon for cloud applications to require a stable and good Internet connection with high bandwidth, which can lead to programs running slower than if they were hosted locally rather than in the cloud.

Data security. When choosing a cloud provider, keep in mind that not all third-party providers can be trusted with their data. The company must be sure that the provider provides high-quality cloud services, has been working in this service market for more than one year and has a good reputation. Otherwise, the company may be at risk of losing confidential data.

The state on whose territory the data center is located may have access to any information that is stored in it. For example, in the United States (the country with the largest number of data centers at the moment), a provider company can disclose the fact of transferring confidential information only to its lawyers. This problem is key in the matter of storing confidential information in the cloud, which can be solved in several ways: encrypt information and not store the most valuable information with the provider. One way or another, companies using cloud technologies should take this point into account.

Functionality of cloud programs. Not all programs or their properties are available remotely. Today, if we compare the functionality of local and cloud programs, the latter are inferior to the former (for example, Google Docs and Microsoft Excel: the latter has more features and opportunities).

Cloud provider dependency. There is a risk that the provider may not back up the data and it may be lost. However, this risk is no higher than the risk that employees themselves may lose valuable data by losing a device or not making a timely backup of data on their PC.

Thus, the advantages of using cloud technologies are greater than the disadvantages. However, before making a choice whether to use cloud computing in its IT infrastructure, a company must correctly build an IT security strategy, taking into account all the risks when using cloud technologies.


4.1 Statement of the problem

In the main part of the work, a definition was given to cloud technologies, their main characteristics were considered, models of deployment and maintenance were studied. In addition, the benefits and risks of using cloud technologies were identified. In the practical part of the work, it is necessary to study a specific cloud solution for business and evaluate its effectiveness.

For the study, I chose the cloud solution Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud from Kaspersky Lab, which ensures the information security of the company. The problem of effective information security always remains relevant, because. the lack of due attention of the company to the protection of confidential data leads to an increased risk of information security incidents that can cause significant damage to the company.

The purpose of the practical part of the work is to determine the effectiveness of the use of cloud solutions offered for small and medium-sized businesses.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

Explore the capabilities of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

Discover the benefits of this cloud solution

Evaluate the effectiveness of this cloud solution in small and medium-sized businesses

The practical part of the work contains a description of the cloud solution under study, its capabilities and advantages, as well as an assessment of its effectiveness in small and medium-sized businesses.

4.2 Problem solving

Today, the number of cyber threats is constantly increasing. Corporate data protection, efficient use of work time and high performance IT infrastructure are vital to the success of any business, regardless of size or location. Information security requirements are similar for companies of any size: protection of confidential data, business continuity, security of working devices. The result of a cyber attack on a poorly protected company can lead to serious consequences:

Loss of valuable data, including information constituting intellectual property

Leakage of confidential information about customers and employees

Violation of business processes, which directly affects the profitability of the business.

Not all companies can hire a qualified full-time IT administrator, let alone an IT security specialist. If large companies have the resources to protect their data efficiently and effectively, then small and medium-sized companies often cannot afford to allocate sufficient funds for information protection. According to Kaspersky Lab, small and medium-sized businesses suffer losses from information security incidents, but despite this, such companies often do not take effective measures to counter cyber threats. This leads to the fact that it is small and medium-sized businesses that become the target of intruders, because. there is no due attention to the protection of data and information of the company. The challenges inherent in small and medium-sized businesses typically include:

limited time for IT security

insufficient resources for administration difficult decisions small (compared to large companies) IT budget

As a result, it is precisely these companies that cannot devote a large amount of resources to information security that need a software solution that does not require significant time and effort to deploy within the company, is easy to manage and does not require additional expensive resources. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud (hereinafter referred to as KES) is just such a product, the main advantage of which is the cloud management console. In this cloud solution, access to all the necessary management functions is in the cloud. For small and medium businesses, it is important that Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is an easy-to-manage product that does not require special technical knowledge. In particular, this is a big plus for small companies, which often cannot have several highly qualified IT specialists on their staff. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud can be customized to the needs of the client using pre-installed scenarios adapted to the standard needs of any company. This includes creating multiple user groups with different access rights, blocking access to entertainment sites, blocking the use of USB drives, linking users' corporate and mobile devices to their accounts, and more. The choice of available scenarios can be expanded, allowing customers to use different functions depending on the number of employees, the number of offices and the company's business processes.

4.3 Product description

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is a solution that meets the needs of small and medium businesses, providing reliable protection for personal computers, mobile devices and file servers from the cloud management console. Choosing such a solution, the company does not need to purchase additional expensive equipment. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud allows you to manage your information security system at any time, from any place and device connected to the Internet. This solution makes it possible to protect up to 250 workplaces.

The product is a cloud console designed for centralized management and client applications. To work with the Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud cloud console, you need an Internet connection and a browser:

Internet Explorer 10.0 and above;

Microsoft Edge 13.0 and above;

Chrome 36.0 and above;

Firefox 35 and above;

Safari 8.0 and up.

During operation, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud uses the following Kaspersky Lab applications:

Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.

Kaspersky Security 10 for mobile devices.

Hardware and software requirements for your computer or mobile device meet the requirements of the programs and browsers listed above.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud supports the following platforms:

Winsows based computers

Windows file servers

Mobile android devices and iOS

Thus, KES is a software solution, the essence of which is to centrally manage and protect devices (PC, Cell phones, tablets, etc.) of company employees.

Fig 2. Architecture of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

Key features of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud include:

centralized installation and updating of Kaspersky Lab applications on PCs and mobile devices of company employees.

manage device settings and protect them with security profiles

managing user data, creating user groups, and assigning rights to users from the cloud.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud has a number of characteristic features:

1. The fastest possible deployment and easy management from the cloud console, flexible cloud administration. The cloud console of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud is always ready for use. Centralized management is supported from the cloud console, which allows the administrator to manage the protection of the corporate network at any time from any device that has access to the Internet. This is convenient if the company does not have a system administrator who can be regularly present at the office. Thanks to remote security, a company can not hire a second administrator if the company has several offices, which saves the organization money. Due to the fact that the console is cloud-based, the company does not need to purchase and maintain additional equipment, which also makes it possible to save financial resources. Initial settings are completed quickly, so deployment of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud does not require a lot of time and effort.

Fig 3. Remote control of company devices

2. High level of protection for all types of devices. Multi-level protection of all devices used in the company is provided regardless of their territorial location. The main requirement is that the device can access the Internet.

Recognized technologies from Kaspersky Lab protect Windows-based workstations, laptops and file servers from a variety of threats, including ransomware and ransomware. Device security is provided on many levels - protecting files from malware, protecting mail servers and Internet traffic. Protection is complemented by such effective technologies of the Laboratory as Firewall, Network Attack Protection and System Monitor. By default, the solution is configured taking into account the recommendations of Kaspersky Lab specialists. Device protection features of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud for Windows-based workstations and file servers, as well as for smartphones and tablets are presented in Tables 2-3.

Table 2. Security features for Windows-based workstations and file servers

Windows based workstations and file servers

Malware Protection


Web protection

Mail antivirus

System monitoring

Blocking network attacks


Web control

Device control

Table 3. Security features for mobile devices

Smartphones and tablets

Malware Protection

Antiphishing / Safe Browser

Call and SMS filtering

Password settings

Setting up corporate mail

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth control

Built-in camera control

Anti-Theft (remote lock/wipe data)

Manage iOS features

Not available

3. Centralized management. All protection functions can be configured and deployed from a single console on all devices - Windows workstations, laptops, file servers and Android/iOS mobile devices. With a simple and user-friendly interface, the IT security officer can quickly set up policies and apply them to all workplaces.

4. Preset security settings. There are preset settings based on the recommendations of Kaspersky Lab employees. Such settings allow you to provide full protection immediately after implementation.

5. A profitable solution for small and medium-sized companies. This solution enables companies to save money by eliminating the need to purchase additional equipment. All company devices can be protected remotely, eliminating the need to hire additional IT professionals. As a result, the protection of geographically distributed offices and company branches is simplified.

The main features of this cloud solution include the following:

1. Access control to devices and the Internet. Device control tools allow you to determine which devices are allowed access to the company's corporate network. At the same time, Web Control allows you to set security policies regarding the Internet, as well as monitor the use of employees' web resources. The administrator can block or restrict access to certain websites or categories of websites (for example, social networks).

2. Rapid deployment from the cloud. Due to the fact that all protection functions are managed from the cloud, there is no need to install the management console on local server. The cloud console is always available on the website, which makes it possible to deploy the necessary software to all company devices (computers, file servers, mobile devices) directly from the cloud.

3. Easy management of mobile devices. Mobile device management tools (MDM, master data management) include functions that allow you to determine the access parameters of smartphones and tablets to the corporate network, set wifi settings and Bluetooth, control the use of the camera and adjust other settings. You don't need to purchase a separate management solution to manage iOS devices, as the iOS device management server is already deployed in the cloud.

4. Protection against mobile threats. Modern security technologies for mobile devices from Kaspersky Lab help protect mobile devices from various cyber threats, including ransomware. Anti-phishing tools (a set of technologies used to protect against online fraud and identity theft) protect against theft of confidential information or credentials on fake sites. Attempts of unauthorized flashing are immediately detected, for such devices access to the corporate network is blocked.

5. Protection of valuable data, including on lost devices. If a mobile device employee is lost or stolen, the administrator can remotely lock the device from the cloud console or delete all corporate data from it, thereby avoiding the loss of important information.

The key functionality of the KES cloud console is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Cloud console functionality


Actions available to the administrator

User Account Management

View user accounts

Create account groups

Changing account information

Moving accounts between groups

Deleting accounts

Deleting account groups

User rights management

Grant a user administrative rights

Revoking administrator rights from a user

Device Management

Viewing a List of Devices and Device Properties

Connecting Windows Devices

Connecting mobile devices

Sending commands to mobile devices

Assigning an owner to a Windows device

Removing a device from the device list

Security profile management

Creating and configuring a security profile

Assigning a security profile to a user account or group of user accounts

Deleting a security profile

Managing files in the Quarantine section

Viewing files in the Quarantine section

Restoring files in the Quarantine and Backup categories

Removing files from the Quarantine section

Setting general parameters Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

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In recent years, SaaS solutions or, in other words, IT services implemented on a cloud platform, have become increasingly popular in the business environment. We can say that cloud technologies have confidently entered our lives and continue to gain momentum. In this article, we will try to find out what cloud computing means and what are its benefits for business?

In a nutshell, cloud solutions are software products that are accessed via the Internet. If earlier people downloaded software exclusively to a computer or server, today cloud technologies have opened up access to programs through a web browser. Such applications are especially popular among small and medium enterprises. And the well-known IT magazine CRN has calculated that today small businesses spend about 100 billion US dollars on the acquisition of cloud tools.

Today, many software developers offer business programs on a cloud platform. Such solutions include office suites, customer relationship management systems, as well as industry-specific applications for managing sales, production, logistics, etc. And, for example, separate products have been developed for each area of ​​logistics: warehouse automation, transport logistics automation and tender automation procurement.

So why are so many businesses moving to the cloud? The answer is simple. Cloud-based tools increase productivity, reduce costs for enterprises, and, in addition, offer the user many other benefits.

So, consider the main advantages of cloud technologies:

1. Flexibility

If the company is actively developing and, as a result, the network of its branches and representative offices is growing, because such services are hosted on remote servers.

2. Disaster recovery

With cloud computing, companies don't have to worry about disaster recovery issues. Suppliers of such solutions take care of all the maintenance of system performance, and problems are fixed very quickly. According to Aberdeen Group research, businesses that used the cloud solved their system recovery problems four times faster than other companies.

3. Automaticsoftware update

According to research, in 2010 UK companies spent 18 business days per month supporting non-cloud systems and managing their security. Cloud service providers are independently responsible for maintaining and updating servers, including guaranteeing the safety of data.

4. No capital costs

Cloud solutions do not require capital investments for the purchase of servers and their support, and since they are implemented very quickly, the customer will need minimal effort to “launch” the project.

5. Scaling up engagement

Cloud technologies allow all employees of the company, regardless of their current location, to synchronize work with documents and applications, working in real time.

6. Work from anywhere in the world

To work with the cloud system, you only need a mobile device and access to the Internet.

7. Document management

According to one foreign publication, 73% of knowledge workers interact with people in other time zones and regions at least once a month. If the company does not use the cloud, employees are forced to exchange files via email, resulting in multiple versions of the same document. Cloud solutions allow you to store all files in one place, and employees can simultaneously work in one central copy, as well as communicate with each other at the time of making changes. Such cooperation increases the overall productivity of the work.

8. Security of information

Tens of thousands of laptops are known to be lost at airports every year. Along with laptops, valuable and confidential information is lost. If the information is stored in the cloud, then if the device is lost, there is no data loss.

9. Competitiveness
Clouds allow companies to act faster in emergency situations than their competitors. Businesses that do not use cloud services, in the event of a system failure, are forced to resort to backup and use complex data recovery procedures, which is slow and painstaking work.

10. Eco-friendly

Research shows that cloud computing reduces carbon emissions and energy consumption by at least 30%, which gives an additional bonus to business.

The answer to the question why cloud technologies in Russia have not yet reached the global scale is quite simple: misunderstanding and a completely normal feeling of extreme caution in relation to all innovations related to such a serious issue as a business enterprise. It can also be said that this technology is considered by many leaders as exotic, of little use in our economic situation.

What is cloud technology

The definition of cloud computing is at first glance very confusing: it is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a common pool of configurable computing resources (for example, servers, applications, networks, storage systems and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. and the need to interact with the provider.

In order to better imagine what cloud computing is, we can give a simple example: earlier, a user used certain software (messengers and programs) installed on his PC to access e-mail, but now he simply goes to the website of the company whose services Email he likes, directly through the browser, without the use of intermediaries.

But this example is more suitable for private clouds. We are interested in these technologies in business. Modern implementation began in 2006. Then Amazon introduced its web services infrastructure, which not only provides hosting, but also provides the client with remote computing power.

Three models of "clouds"

Recall that there are three cloud computing service models:

  1. Software as a Service (SaaS, Software as a Servise). The consumer is provided with software tools - provider applications that run on the cloud infrastructure.
  2. Platform as a Service (PaaS, Platform as a Service). The consumer is provided with the means to deploy on the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or purchased applications developed using provider-supported tools and programming languages.
  3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service). The consumer is provided with data processing, storage, networking, and other basic computing resources on which the consumer can deploy and run arbitrary software, including Operating Systems and applications.

Benefits of cloud services

Last year, the total volume of the world market in the field of cloud technologies amounted to about $40 billion. Some experts predict that by 2020 this figure will reach $240 billion. Russia ranks 34th in the introduction of cloud computing in business with an indicator of $250 million.

There are several advantages associated with the use of cloud technologies.


Access to information stored in the cloud can be obtained by anyone who has a computer, tablet, any mobile device connected to the Internet. The following advantage follows from this.


The user does not have a permanent attachment to one workplace. From anywhere in the world, managers can receive reports, and managers can monitor production.


One of the important advantages is the reduced cost. The user does not need to buy expensive, large computing power computers and software, and he is also freed from the need to hire a specialist to maintain local IT technologies.


The user receives the necessary package of services only at the moment when he needs it, and, in fact, pays only for the number of purchased functions.


All necessary resources are provided by the provider automatically.

High manufacturability

Large computing power that is available to the user, which can be used to store, analyze and process data.


Some experts argue that the reliability provided by modern cloud computing is much higher than the reliability of local resources, arguing that few enterprises can afford to purchase and maintain a full-fledged data center.

Google Apps for Business highlights these same benefits, only adding that by using their cloud computing, the company protects the environment, explaining that Apps services are powered by Google's ultra-low power data centers, so the carbon and energy costs of using them will significantly lower when using local servers.

How much does it all cost?

The cost of Google Apps for Business, according to the company, is $5 per user per month, with 5 GB of free cloud disk space (if you wish, you can buy another 20 GB to 16 TB for prices ranging from $4 to $1430 per month, respectively).

The user can also purchase Google Apps with a safe for $10 per month, which includes a standard package of services plus archiving of important business data, collection of data for legal purposes, search and export of any corporate data. Provision of domains - for a separate cost. It is worth noting that one email account is considered a user.

Give it a try — new customers get 3 months without a monthly fee. Settlement account in Kontur.Bank with built-in accounting and reporting. Corporate card and electronic signature- is free. Up to 5% on the balance.

Microsoft is also fighting for its share of cloud computing. They are based on Office 365. She emphasizes a comprehensive CRM solution, arguing that Microsoft Dynamics CRM includes marketing, sales, and customer service management blocks. That is, with the help of this function, it is possible to solve a range of relationship management tasks, from attracting customers to cross-selling.

Smart analysis, role-playing interface and high mobility also stand out.

The purchase of Office 365 offers several options: Office Professional Plus 2010 - 555 rubles. per month per user. Subsequent tariffs cost 250, 300, 525 and 750 rubles. per month for each user, respectively. By the way, Office 365 is free to try.

Despite all the positive reviews, there is also some criticism of cloud computing.

The main criticism is that when using virtual software, information automatically falls into the hands of the developer of this software. So says Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement.

The problem of data integration with both internal corporate and cloud services of other providers is highlighted.

Experts point to the problem of uncontrolled data: the information left by the user will be stored for years without his knowledge, or he will not be able to change any part of it. For example, on services Google user unable to delete services not used by him and even individual groups of data.

Despite this, most experts are of the opinion that the advantages of this technology outweigh its disadvantages.

The cloud technology market is growing steadily and gaining new users every day. Leading business structures, government services are increasingly coming to understand the convenience of using cloud computing, and by the end of 2014, Russian business ranked 34th in the world in terms of the introduction and use of cloud computing, an indicator that grew by 35% compared to the previous year. The bulk of consumers account for fast-growing small and medium-sized businesses

Is it all cloudy?

Like any other technology, this one has its pros and cons.

Padvantages of cloud technologies:

    All information is available from any device, be it a PC, tablet, smartphone, etc. - connected to the Internet. Here, the plus is that the user is not tied to a specific workplace.

    Reducing the cost of purchasing expensive powerful computers, servers, there is no need to pay for the work of an IT specialist to maintain a local data center.

    The necessary tools for work are provided automatically by the web service.

    The high level of manufacturability of computing power, which is provided to the user, allows you to store, analyze and process data.

    Services are paid only as needed for their use, while payment occurs only for the required package of services.

    Modern cloud computing can provide the highest reliability, and only a small number of organizations can afford to maintain a full-fledged data center.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies:

    To work with the "cloud" requires a permanent connection to the Internet.

    The user cannot always customize the software used for personal needs.

    To create your own "cloud" will require very high costs, which is not advisable for new enterprises.

    The cloud is a data storage facility that can be accessed by attackers using system vulnerabilities.

Leading IT companies and engineers have been arguing for a long time about the pros and cons use cloud technologies. There were also cases of predicting problems and loss of confidential data in the "clouds" due to widespread demand and influx of users. But still, experts note that the benefits and convenience of using cloud computing outweigh the possible risks.

"Cloudy" prospects

The problems with the development of cloud technologies in Russia are quite simple. First of all, this is the imperfection of the legal field. The second reason is the insufficient distribution of broadband Internet access, both in the regions and in the central part.

IDC, Russia Vertical Markets 2013-2018 IT Spending Forecast, 2014

Disadvantages of cloud technologies include and some subjective reasons why a large number of enterprises are not ready to use cloud services. Here and distrust of service providers, and the fear of using several services at once, and the lack of standards that regulate this area.

In spite of cons of cloud technologies and existing problems, in Russia they are already being used, and the prospects for their successful development are favorable.

Sky-high results

Advanced information technologies today often play a major role in the success of an enterprise - the speed with which a business reacts to changes in the market must be the highest and surpass its competitors. Its profitability and success directly depend on this. That's why cloud technologies problems today are widely discussed and resolved. Experts argue that there are a number of tools and capabilities that will allow you to use cloud technologies to their full potential, despite their shortcomings. This is a lot of work, and it concerns not only developers. The concept of cloud technologies is really important, as it can become a turning point in doing business and take it to a whole new level, which means it can bring income not only to the management, but also to the state.

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