How to renew on aliexpress. Buyer protection on Aliexpress: how to prevent the cunning Chinese from deceiving yourself

How to renew on aliexpress. Buyer protection on Aliexpress: how to prevent the cunning Chinese from deceiving yourself


Aliexpress - Extend Delivery Time

When placing an order for Aliexpress the time of delivery / receipt of the goods is set. This is done to protect the buyer. Until the time has expired, the seller will not receive your money. Theoretically, during this time, the parcel should reach the addressee and the buyer must confirm receipt of the goods. does not spare anyone and makes its own changes on delivery.

If the set time has expired and you forgot to confirm the order, then the seller receives the money. And rightly so. After all, the seller cannot always send the goods at his own expense (if no one confirms receipt).

Sometimes, due to slow mail, the parcel does not have time to reach the addressee in such cases, the buyer must write a message to the seller:

Conscientious sellers check on the track whether the client has received the goods, if not, then they extend the delivery time. This should be taken care of in advance, especially if the weekend is coming soon.

Now Aliexpress has improved the interface and it has become much easier to renew the order. To do this:
1. Authorize on Aliexpress.
2. We go to My AliExpress> We are looking for the desired order> Click View Detail

5.Leave a reminder message to the seller:
— Pls extend the delivery time.Thx you.

If you need urgent help on Aliexpress, you can use .

So, you are waiting for a purchase from Aliexpress, but there is still no parcel, as a result, no money, no goods. In order to minimize such unpleasant situations, order protection is organized on the trading platform. This feature allows the buyer to return the money if the goods were not delivered within a certain period.

It is important not to miss the moment when this period comes to an end in order to open a dispute on time and not lose the paid amount. If necessary, buyer protection can be extended - let's see how this happens.

Order protection is a mechanism that ensures the security of a transaction on Aliexpress. The seller will not see their money until the customer confirms that the item has been received, is in working order, and is as described. Until then, the payment amount will be “frozen” and can be returned to the buyer in one of the problematic situations:

  • receipt of a defective or non-conforming product;
  • the order was not delivered due to a reason beyond the control of the buyer;
  • open dispute on the transaction resolved in favor of the buyer;
  • The item has been returned to the seller by customs.

However, the opportunity to challenge the transaction is limited by the deadline set by the seller for this order. Within the agreed time, the seller undertakes to deliver the goods to the customer. In turn, the buyer, having received the parcel, must confirm this fact in the "My Orders" section. After that, the transaction is automatically closed: it is considered that the client has no claims, and the seller receives his money.

But what if the delivery deadline is past and the order is still on the way? Option two:

  1. Open a dispute and request a refund.
  2. Extend protection and keep waiting for the goods.

Note! After the expiration of the protection period, the transaction is completed automatically! If you did not have time to open a dispute, your money goes to the seller without the possibility of a refund!

Do not forget to periodically check the protection periods on the Aliexpress website and read the notifications in your email.

When is an extension required?

The main goal of protecting the buyer on Aliexpress is to fight unscrupulous sellers. A scammer may simply not send an order in the hope of cashing in on gullible buyers. If the seller behaves suspiciously, does not send a tracking number for the parcel or gives a "left" track, persuades not to open a dispute - most likely, the matter is unclean. In order not to lose your hard-earned money, do not follow the lead of such a “muddy” seller and feel free to apply for a refund.

Another thing is if there is no doubt about the honesty of the transaction: the parcel is tracked, but delayed on the way. Then it is advisable to increase the delivery time. So the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be full: you, albeit with a delay, will receive your long-awaited parcel, and the seller will receive your money.

Important! The seller fixes the deadline for a specific order on his own, as a rule, with a margin upwards. But no less than installed in the system!

If the order protection ends and you still have not confirmed receipt, the seller may, on its own initiative, extend the timer. However, in this case, you, as the buyer, still have the right to open a dispute if this option does not triple you.

But the client does not have the opportunity to extend the protection himself. You can only make a request to the seller, and he either accepts it or rejects it. After all, it may not only be that your package is lost somewhere. It is likely that you simply do not have time to run to the post office for an order or have already received the goods, but did not find the time to check its performance. In such a situation, the seller, although he is interested in receiving the money as soon as possible, can meet you halfway and increase the delivery time.

If the order is still “walking” somewhere, the time is inexorably approaching, and on the other side they are silent for more than 2 days - do not delay, open a dispute. In any case, you should not wait until the last day - make a request in advance, 5 days in advance.

There is a special form for requesting an extension on Aliexpress, so knowledge of English is unlikely to be useful to you. Well, only if you do not start a correspondence with the seller.

How to extend protection: step by step instructions

So, order protection on Aliexpress is extended as follows:

This is where your actions are over, it remains only to wait for the decision of the second participant in the transaction. Continue to follow the deadline: if there is no answer, open a dispute.

Important! If you are using the Aliexpress mobile app, the automatic renewal form may not be available. If you need delayed order protection, write a private message to the seller.

Do not forget that the safety of shopping on the Internet, in particular, on Aliexpress, largely depends on your attentiveness. Try to regularly track shipments and delivery times so that shopping does not turn into disappointment and financial losses for you.

Buying in online stores is sometimes very scary, especially when you pay in advance. I myself once "flew" $ 200, and after that I am very careful in choosing stores. But do not worry too much: aliexpress has good buyer protection. What is it and how to use it wisely?


When you order a new product, the seller sets you a deadline during which he undertakes to deliver the goods. If during this time the goods do not reach, then you can safely DEMAND. This is exactly what is written on the aliexpress website in the section BUYER PROTECTION :

Of course, the seller will not like it, but know that it is your right. But on the other hand, you need to understand that if the goods are already on the way, then you can simply extend the protection period.

How to extend protection on aliexpress?

This is a very popular question, how to extend protection for aliexpress, and the answer to it is very simple:


And that's all. You cannot extend this period yourself, this function is available only to the seller. What if he doesn't respond, the order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way? Then you need to act according to this scheme with aliexpress:

To put it quite simply -. It is possible that after that the seller will offer to extend the protection time of the order for aliexpress, agree, but do not close the dispute so that the transaction does not close.

As you can see, nothing complicated, by acting in this way you will not lose your money, if only time ...

To do this, you need to understand what protection of an order for aliexpress is.

What is the order protection period on Aliexpress?

I'll tell you everything with a specific example, since my order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way. In the beginning, it is important to understand a simple thing: for each of your orders, the seller determines the DEADLINE for which he undertakes to deliver the goods:

As you can see, the timer for my order is already ending, and about 3-4 days before the deadline, you should receive an email with the following content:

If you see that the order is closed for aliexpress, what does this mean? This is such a wake up call that you need to go to aliexpress and do something.

If you do nothing, then you will most likely lose money and will then blame the seller, since the transaction will AUTOMATICALLY CLOSE after the expiration of the protection period. It's not his fault, only you will be to blame.

What to do if the protection of the order for aliexpress ends?

What to do if the order processing time expires on aliexpress? There are several options for the development of events, and it is important to follow the advice of aliexpress. What does he advise?

1. If the confirmation time for aliexpress has expired, and the goods have not arrived, or you are unhappy with the goods received, You can click " ". Please note that after the expiration of the Buyer Protection period, the order will be closed automatically and the money will be transferred to the seller.

If you are sure that the seller did not send the goods to you, or you doubt it, since the track is not tracked, then it is better to open a dispute.

Be prepared for the seller to WHINE that the dispute is hurting him, asking you to close the dispute and BELIEVE IN A MIRACLE. There will be no miracle, most likely, only sometimes the package still arrives very late and then I'm honest.

You must understand that if you close the dispute and the package does not arrive, you WILL NOT RECEIVE ANYTHING. And the fact that the seller did not make a track number for the parcel is his own fault, the greed of the fraer ruined, as they say.

2. You can also extend Buyer Protection. To do this, contact the seller directly or click "Request Buyer Protection Extension" to request an extension.

If you see by the track number that the package is already on its way, then you can write to the seller and ask him to extend the order time. If there is no parcel later (they may lose or steal on the way), then open a dispute.

As you can see, my order arrived in Belarus and most likely the goods will arrive in the mail soon. I wrote to the seller and asked to extend the time of the order, if he does not answer me in a couple of days, then I will open a dispute.

Nothing complicated, the main thing is to indicate your work mail and periodically look there so as not to miss the treasured letter.

Buyer protection on aliexpress is very well set, and if you yourself don’t clap your ears, you will never lose your money. I have never lost...

I hope that this article was able to help you and now you know what aliexpress order protection is. Also, do not forget that when shopping online, you can.

An order is placed in several stages: payment, order processing and dispatch of goods. The status "The seller has sent your order" indicates that your package is already on its way, and the tracking number already appears in the order profile.

At this stage, a countdown timer is automatically activated, which indicates how much time is left before the end of the action. Until the time has expired, the seller will not receive your money. Theoretically, within the specified time, the parcel should reach the addressee, who, in turn, must confirm receipt of the goods. However, there are a number of reasons why the package may be delayed. In this case, for the protection of the buyer, the possibility of extending the protection period is not provided.

Extension of protection is possible at different stages until the completion of the order, including during a dispute.

Extension of protection

If there are 4-5 days left before the expiration of the protection period, and the package is still on the way, there are 2 ways out:

  1. Open a dispute (dispute);
  2. Request an extension of order protection.

Of course, if the parcel is not tracked or stuck somewhere in China, you can safely open a dispute. And if the goods have already passed the customs control in your country, there is nothing to worry about. Just request an extension of protection in order to reserve the right to take advantage of the seller's warranties.

Conscientious sellers monitor the timer and extend the protection on their own, without waiting for the buyer's request. You can contact the seller with a request to extend the protection of the order through personal correspondence or by clicking "Request protection extension".

Be sure to make sure that the time in the order has changed, as the seller may ignore you or simply not notice the request.

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