Smart home control. How to control heating in a private house from a smartphone Smart home control from a phone

Smart home control. How to control heating in a private house from a smartphone Smart home control from a phone


Modern mobile devices work for you. With their help, you can pre-heat a country house or water the lawn without leaving your office in the city, as well as much more.

Mobile devices to control your home.


To work with these applications, you need to have a GSM cell phone and a Cybrotech GSM-SA module.

Standalone GSM module GSM-SA provides the following functions:


Before inserting the SIM card into the module, make sure that the PIN code is disabled. To do this, install a SIM card in your phone, go to the menu in Settings, Security, PIN code request and disable. Turn off the phone, remove the SIM card and install it in the module. To install the SIM card into the module, use a small screwdriver to remove the module cover, insert the SIM card and gently close the cover until a characteristic sound is heard.



Call the garage to open the doors for you!



Cool factor:

Tall (watch your neighbors turn green with envy)

What is necessary:

Garage with motorized door drive, GSM-SA module, SIM card

How to connect:

How to use:

Start dialing with the SIM card installed in the model and put the phone down. Can be configured for voice control. The garage door will open by itself after a few seconds. The module will automatically reject your call after it has been processed.


High. Once the module is configured, no one will be able to access it and change the settings.

Take care of a comfortable temperature in the house in advance!



Cool factor:

Tall (it's far from cool to spend the weekend in a frozen house)

What is necessary:

Heating system with thermostat, GSM-SA module, SIM card

How to connect:

How to use:

Send SMS to activate or deactivate heating

Other ideas:

You can similarly connect the module to the heater power supply system


Protect your property from thieves!



High (we hope you don't have to test this by experience)

Cool factor:

Low (a good security system is always needed)

What is necessary:

A few meters of very thin wire, GSM-SA module, SIM card

How to connect:

How to use:

Create this system and leave it. Check the status from time to time via SMS.

Other ideas:

Add a motion sensor to another input.

No matter what spills!



High (especially for hard-to-reach areas)

Cool factor:

Low (but rises sharply as more controlled stations increase)

What is necessary:

Level sensor 0-10 V, GSM-SA module, SIM card

How to connect:

Connect the sensor to the analog input.

How to use:

Connect all the wires, set up the system and leave it. Constantly check the status.

Other ideas:

For more serious solutions, you can use the Cybro2 PLC and the GSM-1 module.

You can irrigate crops without a trip to the dacha on Friday evening!



Cool factor:

High (Your site will be the most modern. And without traffic jams...)

What is necessary:

Well or well, submersible pump, GSM-SA module, SIM card

How to connect:

How to use:

Send SMS to start or stop watering your plants

Other ideas:

You can use a flow switch for pump safety and a time switch for automatic shutdown after a set period of time.


1. Significantly increases the level of your comfort.

2. Simplicity and reliability in operation.

3. Eliminates unnecessary trips out of town.

4. High degree of protection.

5. At any time, you can check the security systems of your home.

6. You can implement any of your ideas for remote control.

Smart home control from a smartphone wide opportunities. Recently, developers have been trying to offer all new solutions based on common standards in order to avoid incompatibility of installation and installation difficulties. Thereby mobile device can control almost any option and control everything that happens in the house. In addition, there is no need to search for a remote control, a special panel, or go into the room to press a button on a lamp.

What can "smart home" from the phone

Using the downloaded application for purchased equipment from a specific manufacturer, it becomes possible to control such devices and systems:

  • lighting with parameters: on-off, adjusting shades and brightness;
  • turning on/off electrical appliances, carrying out activation by timer;
  • temperature control by means of radiator or air conditioning control);
  • security complex (operation of surveillance cameras, operation of sensors and signal transmission from them to an Android-based smartphone).

To issue a command, you only need perform simple movements using the smartphone keyboard and the system will take care of your comfort:

  • turn on floor heating at the right time;
  • turn off, if you forgot to do this, the climate system;
  • open-close blinds and other interior items;
  • heat up lunch in the microwave for your arrival, etc.;
  • fill the pool with water and perform many other operations.
Using a smartphone, you can analyze the consumption of electrical energy, temperature parameters, humidity both in one room and in the whole house.

Control Master

Developers create many smartphone apps for major operating systems such as Android and iOS.

You can control the smart system using Android using the control wizard, and here you will need to compose the code. Through the wizard, you will connect the operating system of the mobile device to the remote control modules operating at a given frequency.

The following devices can be installed:

  • timer;
  • radio receiver-transmitter;
  • Bluetooth module for communication with the Android gadget.

You will also need to buy or write an application to ensure the functioning of all devices. Then you will need to connect to the master. This can be done through Bluetooth wireless system. After that, on the main page of the application, you will need to add new devices, for this you need to long press on each of them.

Management with the Proxi app

With this application, the smartphone becomes a smart home control panel. Available control devices are automatically detected when the user enters the room. For effective control, the application makes it possible to combine devices, customize the interface.

In addition, it has:

  • Clear menu and simple for intuitive perception.
  • Instant access to control.
  • Determination of devices that are controlled in automatic mode.
  • Analysis of the state of devices.
  • Function of simultaneous access to a group of users.

The program consists of the following parameters:

  • remote control. It manages a large number of devices without the participation of the main controller.
  • Wireless. Transmits orders and other messages between the device and the smartphone.
  • Alert service. Shows the current status and other diagnostic information related to devices.
  • Non-contact features. Performs automatic host presence recognition using Apple iBeacon technology.
  • Access control. Configures public and private modes of operation.
  • Personal settings and other features.


A significant number of smartphones running Android 4.3+ and iOS7 are equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy

How to download You need to find the Proxi application in the App Store or Google Play, install it on your smartphone (the above operating systems are required). And you can control the smart home.


"Smart home" from a smartphone when installing the appropriate application is very user-friendly. Easy setup and the ability to manage from anywhere in the world with the Internet - this is only a small part of the benefits. The system itself is able to find new devices connected to the smart home and control it. It is possible to independently update the software. You do not need a whole set of remotes for every room in the house, they will be replaced by a smartphone.

Everything is simple. Any action can be done via phone or computer: control lights, curtains, taps, video cameras, music, TV, water.

Smart homes are very popular today, they are able to provide people with all the amenities, and this is very simple to implement.

A smart house is a modern-type residential automated house, which is organized for the comfort of people living with the help of high-tech devices.

The owner of the house with his guests will always be able to provide himself with a comfortable environment, and you can control all kinds of processes in the house with the help of a remote control or a switch with a screen that can handle both turning on the light and adjusting video and audio.

Remote home control

The house can be controlled using a computer, it is only necessary to have a smart home system server. On the one hand, the server is connected to the information management system, on the other hand, it is integrated into the local network at home. After that, the server becomes an intermediary and forwards commands to the control devices in your house that it receives from you, and vice versa, accumulates information from the systems of the house and transmits it to you using the local network.

You do not need to use a new interface, the server of the smart home system is represented by a web server, so a normal web browser is enough for contact. In order to be able to remotely control your home, you must have a local network connection to the Internet. An intermediary between the house and you can be a desktop computer located at your home or elsewhere, a laptop computer or a communicator phone.

If you do not have any of these devices at hand, you can use a mobile phone.

Remote apartment management

A similar system is provided for the apartment, which allows you, wherever you are, using the Internet to perform complete remote control of the apartment, you can turn on the heating the day before you arrive home, or monitor the life of the aquarium from a distance, the house will be able to water the household after your instruction. plants. Also, you will not worry if you turned off the water and gas, your apartment will handle all the affairs.


If we talk about lighting, then he will fully understand all the wishes of the owner: according to the scenario that the owner sets, lamps and bulbs will turn on and off, evening lighting will also turn on at a certain time, and at night the house will turn off the lights in all rooms.

electrical appliances

The house itself will manage all your electrical appliances. Iron, TV, dishwasher and washing machine, refrigerator, oven, electric heater - absolutely all electrical appliances in the house will be able to obey just one click on the control panel.


Now it will be completely indifferent to you what the weather is outside your window, because you yourself will be able to determine the weather in your house. Thanks to the climate control system, you can create a Mediterranean climate in the winter without even getting up from your own sofa, and add a chilling coolness in the summer. This system will maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms throughout the year. In addition, you can give the house a command: raise or lower the temperature, ventilate the room, fill your bath with warm water. You don't even have to worry - everything will be done on time.


Smart House always breathes clean and fresh air, and all thanks to the fact that ventilation control is already provided for in its system. And this means that you will not know what harmful air and stuffiness in the rooms are. Enjoy the cleanliness, freshness and coolness of your own home.


Now you will be able to sleep exceptionally sound sleep, because you will have a very reliable security system, its sensors, like your personal bodyguards, will guard your home. The security of the local area and the premises of the house will be under the strict control of the security system. And, therefore, you will always be aware of what is actually happening in your home.


Able to capture your visitors, record messages and, of course, photos of guests. It will notify you of the visit with your favorite melody, and you can answer this signal from anywhere in your home. Energy saving of the room is also provided by this system.

Today it is impossible to imagine a smart home without control from mobile devices. When I just started my epic with a smart home, the ability to control from the phone was one of the main ones, and to be completely honest, in my list of answers “why is this even needed?” control from mobile devices was in the first place.

So, when all the wires are wired, the program for the controller is written, it's time to start integrating with mobile devices.

The first version of the mobile interface for my smart home was made using Iridium Mobile. Taking advantage of my official position, I received a demo license for Iridium Mobile for my mobile devices and the process began. The reason why I chose Iridium Mobile is not only because of the free demo licenses, but also because it supports the Modbus protocol and this allows you to connect directly to the controller without any additional tricks.

In my PLC, I created a Mobdus Slave module with input and output registers and wrote a synchronization block, and then I sketched a simple interface in the iridium environment.

I can’t say that the graphic editor is very convenient, but I figured it out quickly enough and the first interface for my smart home was ready in about an hour. I must say that there are a lot of opportunities there, and I have seen very beautiful solutions made on iridium - climate control, control of lighting scenarios, sip-intercom, integration with a media center, etc. But my task was much simpler - controlling the light, so I didn’t even explore all the possibilities.

You need to install the i2 Control application on your mobile device. It is free, but in order to upload the created project to it, you need to buy licenses. In my case, these were free demo licenses.

This is what my smart home interface looked like in the i2 Control app on iPhone. I installed the application on all mobile devices available in the family and then I stumbled upon the first problem. When you work on a laptop, but there is no phone at hand, it would be more convenient to control the light directly from the laptop.

You can do this on Iridium Mobile, but you need to install the i2 Control program for Mac (or for Windows) and connect the license. Firstly, I ran out of free demo licenses, and secondly, running the program only to turn the light on or off is not very convenient. With the same success, I can go through a remote desktop to a server where CoDeSys is usually running all the time with visualization. In fact, I've found myself doing this more often than running a dedicated app on my phone or tablet.

Visualization in CoDeSys. Unfortunately, my version of the PLC (the programmable logic controller on which my smart home is built) does not have a built-in web server - otherwise the task would have been solved much easier.

I refused to install i2 Control on my Mac and was content with control only from my phone and tablet.

After some time, a second problem surfaced. Launching the i2 Control application takes quite a long time. For example, on my iPhone 6 it starts in about 9 seconds. Probably, if the task was to control the media center, then this time would be acceptable - until you find all the remotes, turn on all the equipment, set up the desired combination, then obviously more time will pass. However, to control the light, these 9 seconds turned out to be unacceptably long and often I preferred to get up and turn off the light than launch the application (Iridium server has now been released, which, in theory, solves this problem, but I still don’t get around to testing it).

Living with a smart home and not controlling it from the phone was somehow wrong and so I decided to saddle up one more attempt. The idea was this - to raise a web server in the home north and transfer all control to a web page. Friends advised Node JS - they say, a fashionable and promising platform, and since I didn’t care what to study (I didn’t know anything), I settled on Node JS. The only thing I didn’t want to do was understand HTML, so I ordered a frontend from a freelancer, and on Github I found a library for working in Modbus and very quickly (I’m surprised myself) did my plan.

This is how the interface of my smart home on Iphone looks now. The interface is responsive so it looks good on any device. For example, this is how it looks on my macbook:

On the iPhone desktop, I have made a link to this page, which loads quite quickly 1-3 seconds. I also bookmarked it in browsers and now the light control is always at hand. The Node JS server also plays the role between the PLC (smart home controller) and the z-wave controller, which is used to wirelessly control different lamps (I will talk about this in the future).

Traditionally, at the end of the pros and cons of the decision.

Pros: Fast responsive interface that works on any device, price (I only paid for fronton development).

Minuses: The need for programming. And if adding switches is quite simple (for example, before the New Year I added a Christmas tree control), then, for example, the interface to the media center is a whole and big project.

Smartphone lighting control- this is the last step in intelligent systems "smart home" after control using remote controls and panels. Let's see why this function is needed and how it works.

Why do you need to control the light through the phone?

We are used to turning on and off the light with ordinary switches. In "smart home" systems, more "advanced" methods have long been used - remote controls and panels. They allow you to control the lighting throughout the house at once from one point. With the advent of the light control function via Wi-Fi, home and apartment owners can control lamps outside the home.

There are several reasons to control the light through a smartphone:

  • You can use your own smartphone inside the house without having to search for the remote control;
  • You can create a "presence effect" in the house, being outside it - for security purposes;
  • You can set the desired light scenario when leaving work to come to a lighted house.

This feature is especially convenient for those who have health restrictions in movement. It will also provide comfort to parents - for example, when a small child woke up at night and was afraid of the dark.

How it works?

Lighting control in this scheme is performed via a Wi-Fi signal. To set up light control via a smartphone, you will need devices:

  1. The smartphone itself, in which a special application is installed;
  2. Actuating device - lamps are connected to it;
  3. Wi-Fi router that transfers data between a smartphone and an executive device.

Everything is simple. The user sets a command through an application on a smartphone - turn on or off the light, change the brightness, color temperature, etc. The signal via Wi-Fi is received by the executive device, which implements the user's command.

If almost everyone has a smartphone and a router, then the executive device has to be purchased separately. As a rule, controllers become such devices. They are selected according to the type of lighting fixtures that are used in the room. For example, it is designed to control color RGB lighting based on LED strips. It comes immediately with a remote control included, and can work both from the remote control and from a smartphone or tablet on which the application is installed.

A very interesting gateway controller is a gateway between the Wi-Fi network and the RF signal for controlling Arlight's SMART series controllers.

If you are interested in creating such a lighting system in your own home or office,. We will help you calculate and select all the components necessary to create a backlight controlled via a Wi-Fi signal.

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