The ssd disk is gone, the computer does not see it. Windows does not see the SSD - a solution to the problem

The ssd disk is gone, the computer does not see it. Windows does not see the SSD - a solution to the problem


Solid state drives have appeared not so long ago and are sensitive devices to BIOS settings and versions, firmware and connection. Often, the systematic problem of the appearance of a BSOD can be fixed on your own.

Common problems and solutions

While the computer is running, idle or running an application, the computer crashes into a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death);

When starting the computer, a message is displayed: "NTDL is missing press Control + Alt + del and restart", although everything worked fine yesterday;

When starting the computer, the SSD does not appear in the lists of visible drives (including in the BIOS).

So, let's start in order.

Step one

This is trite, but quite often the problem may occur due to the fact that the interface cable / motherboard connector has been damaged, or the device has come into conflict with others. Therefore, try to make a list of simple actions:

Check the connection of the interface cable to the motherboard and SSD connector. Connect the device again (newfangled cables with metal latches are far from guaranteeing a 100% connection, even if you hear a click, and ordinary ones even more so);

Use a different SATA cable, (“tested” change to a new one, new to “tested”), especially if it was somehow twisted, wrapped, and so on;

Try connecting the device to nearby SATA ports;

Remove the solid state drive from the 2.5″\3.5” bay;

Make sure that the system board BIOS is set to AHCI mode for the controller to which the drive is connected;

Try disabling third-party SATA\eSATA\IDE controllers in the BIOS menu of the motherboard, and subsequently other drives (hard drives, optical drives) leaving the SSD as the only connected drive;

If the system was transferred to an SSD using special software, which can often be found bundled with some drives, rearrange the system again, from scratch;

Update controller drivers for Windows (Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver or AMD AHCI Driver, or third party controller);

Install Windows 7 (if Windows XP was installed).

step two

Make sure your motherboard BIOS is up to date. Usually the version is specified at computer startup, in shells like UEFI - often written directly into them. In the Windows operating system, you can download, for example, a small and free CPU-Z utility, open the "Motherboard" section and see the BIOS version there.

Attention!: When looking for BIOS updates, download them ONLY from official sites, ONLY for your motherboard model.

Step Three

It is highly desirable that the SSD be connected to the motherboard's native SATA ports. Each motherboard has native ports, that is, those supported by the existing set of logic, and also, on a number of devices, there are additional SATA ports implemented by third-party controllers. Make sure that the SSD is connected exactly to the right ports, they usually differ in colors and have a priority serial number (SATA_1, SATA_2) in case they are implemented by additional controllers or operate at lower interface speeds, on the contrary, they are at the end of the list (SATA_5, SATA_6).

To find out exactly which connectors and what they refer to, look for this information in the user manual of your motherboard, if you do not have a paper version of the manual, you can always download it from the vendor's official website in electronic format.

Step Four

Many users follow new firmware released for solid state drives because they often improve performance, but do not forget that the main reason for the release of new firmware is to fix errors in the SSD controller logic. Therefore, it is also worth making sure that your SSD has the latest firmware installed.

Attention!: When looking for firmware updates for SSD, download them ONLY from official sites, ONLY for your SSD model. Also keep in mind - this can (and most likely) completely destroy all information stored on the SSD.

Step five and final

If you have already done everything from the above, double-checked, rearranged, updated a hundred times, but the problem remains, you should look for information on the SSD manufacturer’s website, after all, who better than him should be aware of all the problems associated with their products. Moreover, it would be preferable to read foreign vendor forums on this topic. The fact is that this situation indicates the following probable causes:

The problem of your computer's incompatibility with a specific SSD;

Some problems known to the manufacturer, on a fix, which, of course, he is working on;

Manufacturing defects.

Despite the fact that all technologies are striving for standardization and unification, SSD is still a young storage system, so cases from the “should work, but don’t work” series are known. The motherboard controller, (especially if it is old) cannot work correctly with the SSD controller, conflicts, which causes failures. In this case, as well as in the case of marriage, it remains only to check the device on a completely different computer or laptop. In those cases when the problem is more or less widespread, the developers try to solve it as quickly as possible, and post specific tips on how to fix problems on their forums.

If the BIOS does not see the SSD, then this problem can have several main causes. Below we will tell you what can lead to the BIOS refusing to recognize the SSD, and also in what cases this problem can be solved, and what needs to be done for this.

SSD (Solid State Drive, Solid State Drive or Solid State Drive) is a device that implements a new technology in the field of long-term storage of information for computers. Unlike a hard drive, a solid state drive does not use magnetic platters to store information, but non-volatile memory cells, for example, NAND memory, which is also used in well-known flash drives. Thus, the SSD drive, in fact, is an advanced "flash drive". Due to its principle of operation, a solid state drive is free from the main disadvantage of a hard drive - low reliability. This is due to the absence of fragile and shock-sensitive mechanical parts in SSDs. In addition, modern solid-state drives have high read and write speeds, significantly exceeding those of hard drives.

However, since the cost of a unit of information on a solid state drive is still several times higher than that of hard drives, SSDs are rarely used as the main storage device. In most cases, solid state drives are installed in computers as system drives, that is, drives that contain the operating system and its service files. In this case, the speed advantages of SSDs are especially useful, as they allow you to speed up the boot and operation of the operating system.

SSD Connection Problems and Solutions

Despite the fundamentally different principle of information storage, in most cases, solid state drives use the same form factors and interfaces as traditional hard drives. Today, as a rule, it is used as an interface for connecting solid state drives to a computer. This means that SSDs can be subject to the same connectivity issues that are common with SATA hard drives. In addition, SSDs have recently become widespread, designed to be connected to special Micro SATA (mSATA), M.2 connectors, or to a high-speed expansion slot.

Suppose you purchased a solid state drive, connected it to a SATA connector, installed it in a computer case, but when you connect it, it turns out that the drive is not detected in BIOS. What could be the reason for such a malfunction?

First, in the BIOS itself. First of all, it makes sense to check the BIOS settings, because it may turn out that the SATA controller is disabled in your computer. If this is the case, then the corresponding option must be set to Enabled. If such an operation does not help, and the disk is still not detected, then you can try resetting the BIOS to the default settings. It is also worth checking if the latest BIOS version is installed on your computer? If not, then it makes sense to update it.

In addition, in many cases, the problem lies in the incorrect or inaccurate connection of the SSD to the appropriate connectors inside the computer. As a rule, the same cables are used to connect an SSD as to connect SATA hard drives, so potential problems when connecting an SSD are similar to problems when connecting hard drives (discussed in the article about the reasons why the BIOS does not see the hard drive).

Well, in the end, the problem may lie in the physical malfunction of the solid state drive itself. Even though it has no moving mechanical parts, that doesn't mean it can't fail. For example, the drive controller may be faulty. However, a significant disadvantage of solid state drives is that the memory modules responsible for storing information are usually located on the same chip as the controller, so repairing the drive in this case may be difficult or even impossible.

It is worth mentioning another specific feature that is characteristic only of solid-state drives. Sometimes there is a situation when the computer's SSD is not an additional device connected to the SATA connector, but is already present on the motherboard as a built-in drive. In this case, the solid state drive may not be visible in the BIOS, despite the fact that it can be detected by the operating system. Since such drives are originally intended to be used as service drives for the needs of the operating system, this situation - when such a solid state drive is not detected by the BIOS, is normal, since such a drive is, in fact, part of the motherboard.


Solid State Drives or SSDs are a promising form of storage devices, and such drives are currently used in a large part of modern computers. Therefore, problems when connecting an SSD to a computer at this time cannot be classified as exotic malfunctions that most users have practically no chance of encountering.

The inability of the BIOS to recognize the SSD drive can be the result of various problems, both with the BIOS settings and with the drive itself. If all attempts by the user to restore the drive to working capacity on their own failed, and it can be confidently stated that the drive itself is faulty, then the only way out in this case is to repair or replace it.

The development of technologies in the field of computer hardware has made it possible to achieve maximum performance and durability from any parts necessary for the operation of the device. Another issue is compatibility. It often happens that a completely new and tested by many users part simply refuses to work properly. Or it is not at all in the system. One of these situations is that the computer does not see the new SSD drive.

It should be noted that this type of parts is often purchased due to the increased level of performance, reliability, low energy consumption and some other parameters. Most often installed as a system drive. However, even that can fail.

This article will explain why this can happen and what to do about it.

Why might this happen?

The computer is a complex system. And therefore, in order to determine what specifically led to the appearance of a particular problem, you need to dig deep inside the system unit or laptop. And then, the answer will not always be received. In the event that the computer does not see the SSD drive, the causes of the error may be as follows:

  • the device does not have a letter;
  • it has not been initialized;
  • there are hidden partitions on the disk;
  • the file system of the part is incompatible with the Windows operating system;
  • often the cause may be incorrectly configured BIOS settings;
  • you should also not exclude the fact that if the computer does not see the M2 SSD, the media itself may be physically damaged;
  • parts of the connection with the motherboard and the device itself may also be damaged.

Let us consider in more detail all the possible causes and ways to solve them.

Drive letter missing

In the "My Computer" section, which displays all the drives connected to the computer, you can always see what letter or name each of them has. However, there are times when the letter is missing and the SSD is not visible in My Computer. To solve the problem, you need to make sure that the device has a name. More on how to do this.

How to assign a drive letter?

In order to perform this operation, you must use the "Execute" function.

  • On the keyboard, press the key combination "Win" and "R". In the window that appears, enter the phrase "compmgmt.msc".
  • This will take you to Disk Management.

  • Right-click on the line of the required SSD. In the context menu, select the option to change the drive letter or path to it.
  • As soon as a new window appears, click on the "edit" button.
  • Select a letter from the list that will not match any other letter already on the computer.
  • Press the "OK" button.

As a result of these actions, the problem that the computer does not see the SSD will be solved.

No device initialization

Sometimes such a problem can also occur: a completely new disk, without any damage, is not visible to the system when connected to a computer. In this case, it may be uninitialized. Thus, to fix this error, you must follow all the steps presented below.

How to initialize a disk?

The solution to this problem again needs to be started by activating the "Run" function.

  • On the keyboard, press the "Win" and "R" keys. In the window that appears, enter "compmgmt.msc".
  • In the Disk Management program menu, in the list on the right, find the required drive and right-click on it. In the pop-up menu, activate the line
  • Make sure the box named "Disk 1" is checked.
  • Put a marker near the item where MBR or GPT is mentioned. But before that, you need to decide. If you have Windows 7 or earlier releases of Windows 10, then you should select the master boot record. If you always update the operating system to the latest version, then put a marker on the table with GUID partitions.
  • Once this procedure is completed, you can create a new partition on the SSD. To do this, click on the disk and activate the Create Simple Volume feature. After that, a specialized wizard will open.
  • Here you need to click on the next button.
  • The volume size is now specified. Options can be as follows: the volume will be equal to the size of the entire disk, or it will occupy a small part of it.
  • Once the desired volume is selected, click the "Next" button.
  • The next step is to assign a drive letter. This is almost the very end of the solution to the problem when the computer does not see the new SSD. It is necessary to choose so that the new letter does not coincide with the already assigned one.
  • Now you need to do the formatting. Leave all recommended values ​​unchanged.
  • Enable the quick format option.
  • Press "Finish".

After executing this algorithm, the problem that the computer does not see the SSD will be solved.

A hidden partition appeared on the disk

The presence of a hidden SSD partition is another reason for this problem. It can occur when the volume was opened using third-party programs in order to deny access to data. To solve this problem, you will need to use the MiniToolPartition Wizard.

How to remove a hidden partition from a disk?

First you need to download this application to your computer. You can do this on the official website or torrent tracker.

  • as soon as the program has been downloaded and installed, it is launched;
  • right-click on the desired disk;
  • in the pop-up menu, select the Unhide partition function;
  • after that, assign a letter to the hidden section and agree to apply the changes;
  • the last step is to check the "Explorer" window to see if hidden sections are displayed.

Disk is missing partitions

Another reason why the computer does not see the SSD after connecting may be the lack of partitions. This can happen with a new drive or one that has not been used for a long time. The reason may be damage to the system file, infection with a virus, or violation of the rules for using the device.

Often, when such a situation occurs, it is recommended to initialize the disk. However, there is a high chance that you will lose all the data that is stored on it.

How to fix missing partition error?

If the computer does not see the SSD M2 due to the lack of volumes, then you should again use the previously mentioned MiniToolPartition Wizard program:

  • After its launch, select the disk you are looking for and go to the "Check Disk" menu, activate the "Partition Recovery" line.
  • Here you need to make a choice of the range for scanning the disk. Among the options "Full Disk", "Unallocated space" and "Specified Range" select the first option and proceed further through the program.
  • Now you need to choose a quick or full disk scan. In the first case, partitions that are hidden or deleted will be restored. The second option will scan all sectors of the previously selected range.
  • As soon as the scan is completed, a list with the results will open, in the form of sections found.
  • Select the ones you need and complete the operation. After you need to confirm the start of the recovery process.
  • As a result of the actions performed, the disk should appear in the Explorer menu.

Error in the BIOS program

Another reason why the computer does not see the SSD (No. 1, 3/4) may be incorrect BIOS settings. In this case, solving the problem involves analyzing several directions at once, since there are many options for why the BIOS leads to such an error.

Wrong SATA mode or its complete shutdown

To fix this error, follow the steps below:

  • Enter the BIOS program. This is done when the computer starts, using a specific key.
  • Activate the advanced settings mode using the F7 button or the "advanced" parameter. Confirm the transition to a specific mode.
  • In the same tab, find the configuration of the built-in devices. Click on the line Serial Port Configuration.
  • In the Serial Port line, check the value of the switch. Must be "on". Otherwise, go to the parameter and set this option.

Misconfigured BIOS settings

This can also be the reason why the computer does not see the SSD. You can check by the value of the system date. In the event that it does not correspond to the real data, then a failure has occurred. To fix the situation, you need to reset all settings:

  • First, the computer is disconnected from the network.
  • If we are talking about a stationary device - remove the wall of the system unit. If the problem arose on a laptop, unscrew the bottom cover.
  • There is a small battery on the motherboard, next to which is the CLRTC toggle switch.
  • Switch it to position 2-3 and wait half a minute. Then return back to 1-2.
  • You can also simply pull out the battery itself and return it to its place after the same period of time.

Cable damage

Another possible malfunction may be a damaged SATA cable. To verify the correctness or invalidity of the guesses, you need to check all connections between the drive and the motherboard. All wires should lie flat and without strong bends. They can cause internal damage to the cable. And if this happens, then it should be replaced.

In order to connect SATA devices without problems, it is recommended to use cords that are longer than one meter.

Damage to the drive itself

In the event that all the above methods did not have any effect and the computer does not see the SSD drive after connecting, you should carefully examine it for any external damage. In the absence of such, it is worth handing over the device under warranty (if it is new). Many stores inspect returned items, and therefore, you can find out if the problem is in the disk or part of your computer.

If the SSD is old enough, you should take care of replacing it as soon as possible.

If after reinstalling Windows 7 or 8.1, as well as after upgrading them to Windows 10, your computer does not see the second hard drive or the second logical partition on the disk (disk D, conditionally), in this instruction you will find two simple solutions to the problem, as well as a video guide for its elimination. Also, the described methods should help if you installed a second hard drive or SSD, it is visible in BIOS (UEFI), but not visible in Windows Explorer.

If the second hard drive is not shown in the BIOS, but this happened after some action inside the computer or just after installing the second hard drive, then I recommend first of all to check if everything is connected correctly:.

Below is a small video guide, where all the steps to add a second disk to the system (turn it on in Explorer), described above, are shown clearly and with some additional explanations.

Make the second disk visible using the command line

Warning: The following way to fix a missing second drive using the command line is for informational purposes only. If the above methods did not help you, and at the same time you do not understand the essence of the commands below, it is better not to use them.

I also note that the above actions without changes are applicable for basic (not dynamic or RAID disks) without extended partitions.

Run the command prompt as an administrator, then enter the following commands in order:

  1. diskpart
  2. list disk

Remember the number of the disk that is not visible, or the number of that disk (hereinafter referred to as N), the partition on which is not displayed in Explorer. Enter command select disk N and press Enter.

In the first case, when the second physical disk is not visible, use the following commands (attention: data will be deleted. If the disk is no longer displayed, but there was data on it, do not do what is described, it may be enough just to assign a drive letter or use programs to recover lost partitions ):

  1. clean(Erases the disk. Data will be lost.)
  2. create partition primary(here you can also set the size=S parameter, specifying the size of the partition in megabytes, if you want to make several partitions).
  3. format fs=ntfs quick
  4. assign letter=D(we assign the letter D).
  5. exit

In the second case (there is an unallocated area on one hard disk that is not visible in Explorer), we use all the same commands, with the exception of clean (disk cleanup), as a result, the partition creation operation will be performed exactly on the unallocated location of the selected physical disk.

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