The glued glass comes off at the edges. Protective glass peeling off

The glued glass comes off at the edges. Protective glass peeling off


No one needs to talk about why you need a protective glass or a film on a smartphone. Everyone already understands that scratches can be avoided by installing a protective accessory in a timely manner. And if the glass is also impact-resistant, then you can even avoid expensive repairs to replace the display after an unsuccessful fall.

Of course, everyone wants to save money and many install protection with their own hands. True, not everyone succeeds the first time. And very often dust particles and small rubbish stick to the glass or film during the installation process. What to do in this case? In our article, we will talk about an alternative to buying a new accessory. That is, what to do if the first attempt fails.

So, you suffered for a long time - and, lo and behold! Finally, the film was on the screen. And the cutouts all happily fell into place, and there are almost no bubbles. But what is it?... In some mysterious way, a large mote appeared right in the center of the screen. "Oh no!" - you think and, not knowing how to re-glue the protective film on a touch phone, give up this idea and go for a new protection. And even if it seems that nothing can help the cause, we will try to reassure you and set you on the right path.

In order to remove dust from under the protective film with your own hands, you will need ordinary adhesive tape. You should start by sticking a piece of tape on the edge of the film, to which the mote is closest. With it, you will lift the film. The second piece of tape should be ready. Once the mote is peeled off the screen, apply the tape to the adhesive side of the film. The debris will move from one adhesive surface to another - and the film will be clean again. Just be careful not to accidentally bring in other motes. Otherwise, the procedure will have to be repeated.

And if you want to completely re-stick the protective film on the phone, then you should use another method. For these purposes, you will need an alcohol-containing solution. Wipe the screen of the device with it, and then the film itself on both sides. Surfaces must be free of debris or dust. Before they dry, apply the film to the screen and squeeze the liquid out of the display using a plastic card. It remains only to wait until the film is completely dry - and use the protected gadget.

phone glass plywood

The situation is similar with protective glasses. Only to remove dust from under the center of the accessory, you will have to completely carefully remove and re-glue the protective glass, and not peel off a piece, as you can do with a film. In this case, you need to be careful and keep the glass with the adhesive side down at all times. Otherwise, dust can instantly settle on it - and then you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

And again, scotch tape will come to the rescue. Hold the glass with one hand, and with the other, attach a piece of tape to the mote. After removing it, carefully aim at the screen so that all glass cutouts accurately hit the right places. After you make sure that the accessory lies correctly, you can release it. If dust has got somewhere from the edge, then you can only partially lift the glass, and not peel it off entirely.

Here is the answer to the question: is it possible to stick the protective glass a second time. Yes, you can, if you're careful. The main thing is that when uninstalling the glass, you do not overdo it and do not break it.

We recommend that you stick a protective accessory on your own only if you are really confident in your abilities. If you don’t know for sure whether it will work or not, it’s better to contact a specialist who will help you carefully install the glass or film and not spend money on a new accessory if the film suddenly turns out to be damaged as a result of non-compliance with the gluing procedures.

Protected devices for you, dear readers!

Today we will tell you whether a smartphone really needs a protective glass and whether it can protect the gadget when it falls. We will also tell you which glass to choose and how difficult it is to install.

The need for glass

When buying a smartphone, sellers often offer to glue a protective glass as an addition, while assuring that it is absolutely impossible without it. If the display breaks, they continue, it will be easier to buy a new phone, plus scratches.

They are right that the price tag for display replacement can be up to 60% of the cost of the device. But otherwise there are nuances. If the device is budget and it does not have the so-called protective tempered glass, then yes - it is better to stick protection on it, otherwise scratches cannot be avoided, and even when dropped, the glass absorbs a little.

But devices of the middle price category with a screen made using Gorilla Glass or Asahi technology do not need a piece of plastic 0.33 or even 0.22 mm thick, such a device is not afraid of scratches. Displays with Gorilla Glass are practically not scratched.

Impact on sensor performance

A persistent myth is that glass impairs sensor performance. Actually, it is not. The only thing is that there may be no oleophobic coating on the protective glass, and just a bunch of fingerprints will remain on the display, and the finger will slide worse than on a “bare” screen. The smartphone sensor may not respond well if the glass is poorly glued.

Glass or film

Glasses are a relatively recent phenomenon. At first they were popular on iPhone and Sony devices, but later the trend spread to all other models.

Of course, it is better to stick glass. Firstly, it is much easier to glue than a film, especially on a new device. Secondly, it gives, though small, but still additional protection.

But there is an important clarification here. If you have a 2.5D display with rounded edges, then a regular screen protector will not stick around the edges or cover the entire screen. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify whether the glass will accurately cover the entire screen.

Real cost

Prices for glass sometimes reach up to 2000 rubles, which is not very cheap. Is the high price justified?

Not really. There are really expensive glasses from manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, etc. They are made for curved displays, there are also glasses with colored frames to match the color of the device. Their price tag can reach up to 1000 rubles. The purchase price of simple transparent glasses from little-known manufacturers is 50-150 rubles per piece.

Which glass to choose

There are a huge number of glasses from different manufacturers on the market, which one to choose?

curved screen

If you have a smartphone with a curved screen, then it is advisable to buy a special glass with a 2.5D, or 3D effect. Otherwise, it will not stick around the edges or cover not the entire screen. Moreover, the inscription “2.5D” on the glass packaging does not mean anything. It is better to ask the seller whether it is accurate to full screen or not.

colored frame

It is best to avoid glass with colored frames. If transparent glasses are glued over the entire surface, then in colored glasses there is glue only at the edges. Also, they very often have a “gasoline stain” on the screen, which cannot be eliminated .

Oleophobic coating

A good oleophobic coating prevents finger grease from remaining on the screen. The screen on such devices is always clean. For protective glass, such a coating may be worse than that of a smartphone, or completely absent. Therefore, before buying glass, it is better to move on it and see if prints remain and how easily your finger slides.

Matte or glossy

This is of course a matter of taste. In our opinion, glossy glass is better. Although it glares in the sun, but with it you do not need to twist the brightness to the maximum in order to see the image.


In fact, it is not particularly important how thick the protective glass is - 0.22 or 0.33 millimeters, you will not notice the difference.


Many people think that there is some kind of special adhesive for installation or that it requires special equipment. In fact, there is nothing complicated in gluing, and on the packaging of glass, as a rule, there is an instruction with pictures.

1) First you need to degrease the surface of the screen and remove all rubbish from it. To do this, complete with glasses, the manufacturer puts alcohol and dry wipes.

2) After cleaning the screen, we apply the glass, after removing it from it protective layer. There is a special sticker on the glass for this.

3) Gently apply the glass to the screen so that it does not go beyond the edges. That, in fact, is all. Glass is glued on.

If it doesn't work the first time, don't worry! Glass can be picked up with something, such as a toothpick, and try to re-glue it. If rubbish has managed to get under the screen, then the glass can also be lifted and the mote removed using the adhesive side of the adhesive tape.

Protective glass. What and why?

The main purpose of protective glasses is to protect the smartphone screen and reduce the likelihood of damage. A good safety glass is a laminated construction that includes a polymer that resists scratches and light impacts and a thin layer of real tempered glass. Nillkin and DiGi safety glasses use a high-quality Japanese Asahi Glass tempered glass layer.

A layer of tempered glass allows you to redistribute the impact momentum during a strong fall. It is the presence of this component that explains the "cobweb" when the protective glass breaks.
To use protective glass or not is up to everyone to decide.

But, given the cost of replacing the display and the difficulty of finding original parts (in the case of the iPhone), buying a protective glass becomes one of the very first steps to protect your smartphone.

What is a 2.5D screen?

Smartphones with slightly domed screens have been around for a long time, although it still feels like it was just a couple of years ago.

This effect is achieved by rounding the edges of a flat "2D" display in the z-axis. This effect can be more or less extreme, depending on how much curved edges are required. Even a slight curve can be used to make the edges of the glass feel smoother, while a larger curve will make the device look more stylish.

2.5D glass is produced in much the same way as flat glass panels, only with additional shaping when it comes to cutting the glass to size.

The advantages of 2.5D glass are purely ergonomic and aesthetic.

2.5D screen and protective glass.

The 2.5D screen is beautiful, comfortable and stylish. But, unfortunately, it does not add strength to the smartphone display and does not eliminate the need to use a protective glass.

Unfortunately, there are a number of difficulties here.

The specificity of the rounded edges makes it impossible to make a protective glass for the entire display and leaves the edge unprotected.

For many display manufacturers, the physical rounding starts at the visible part of the display. And although it is not visible, it is it that does not allow high-quality sticking of the protective glass.

As a result, if you stick a protective glass on such a display, the edges of the glass will hang in the air and will not stick.

This specificity is not a marriage, which must be told to the end buyer before gluing the glass!

Solutions to the problem

There are only 4 basic solutions to the problem of gluing glass on a 2.5D screen:

1. Many manufacturers make protective glass in a smaller size.
The advantage is that this glass is completely adjacent to the screen.
A noticeable disadvantage is that the glass does not cover the entire visible area of ​​the display.

2. The second solution is also very popular and can often be found in quality glasses. Glass is produced in the largest possible size up to a perceptible rounding area. The main plus is that the glass completely covers the display. It is convenient to use and when the screen is on, the non-glued area is practically not noticeable. Minus - the edges of the glass are not glued, and when the screen is off, this effect is noticeable.

3. For the Apple iPhone, Full Cover and Full Cover 3D protective glasses are made, which have filled frames around the display. The glass is glued to the entire screen. The protective frame perfectly follows the shape of the smartphone and completely protects the screen.
In the South-Contract catalog, this type is represented by models:
DIGI Glass Screen (3D Silicone Edge) for iPhone 6/6s,
DIGI Glass Screen (Full Cover) for iPhone 7 and 7 Plus,
NILLKIN Glass Screen (AP+) for iPhone 6/6s and 6/6s Plus, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus.

4. Unfortunately, protective glass manufacturers make this type of glass only for iPhone. For many popular positions on Android, there is Full Cover glass, but made using a different technology. Outwardly, it is very similar to Full Cover for iPhone, but there is no adhesive layer on the visible part of the display.

Glass is glued only along the perimeter and is held along the edge. This negatively affects the responsiveness of the display to touch. In addition, the glass is very easy to peel off and dust gets under it. Due to the specifics of the design and a large percentage of negative feedback from end users, this type of glass is not in the range of Yug-Contract.

Replacing the protective glass can be a simple matter if you follow a few rules and use the right tool, otherwise you will end up with an uneven coating with bubbles.

First you need to carefully remove the old glass. It is important to remember here that the glass is attached to the screen not with glue, but due to static. And all attempts to pry it somehow will end in scratches on the case and display.

A special suction cup can be both a helper and your nightmare. If Velcro is used incorrectly, you can damage the sensor, cables and screen module. You need to act smoothly and carefully.

To install glass, you need to prepare:

  • plastic card or mediator - it is better to take 2 pieces;
  • silicone suction cup (if you changed the glass, you can do without it);
  • a napkin or lint-free cloth;
  • alcohol glass cleaner;
  • rubber medical gloves.

With all of the above, replacing the protective glass will not take much time.

Step by step work

Before work, you need to make sure that there are no dust, lint and wool on your fingers, but it is better to just wear thin gloves.

Then install a special suction cup on the part of the screen that is less damaged. It needs to be pressed down and glued to the corner of the screen. Taking a plastic card or pick, begin to gradually pull the Velcro towards you, this must be done smoothly and gradually increasing strength. As soon as the glass starts to separate, use a card to peel it off. When most of the glass has separated, you can tear it off with a quick movement.

How to glue protective glass on the phone

Gluing new glass

Before sticking a new glass, make sure that there are no fingerprints or dust on the screen. To do this, wipe the screen with a napkin and an alcohol solution.

Further actions:

  • Grasp the protective glass by the edges with gloved hands.
  • The protective film must be removed as close to the screen as possible so that dust does not stick to the glass.
  • Try on the protective glass above the screen so that all the cutouts are in place.
  • Slowly lower the glass onto the screen, pressing down and smoothing from the center to the corners at the same time. A napkin or a plastic card will help you here.

If dust or lint still gets in, peel off the glass to the “dirty” place, blow out the excess or remove it with tweezers and glue the glass in place.

Such simple manipulations will help you stick the protective coating on your own.


How to stick glass on a smartphone?

Every smartphone owner understands that the screen is the weakest point in the phone. It is with the screen that most often there are problems. If the phone is dropped, the chance of the screen being broken or cracked is close to 100%. And any phone falls sooner or later, since this is the thing that a person uses all the time, you can say - from morning to evening.

See also: How to stick a film on a smartphone yourself

To protect the screen of your favorite smartphone, protective glass was invented by smart people. It is sold in any salon or store where you can buy a smartphone, and costs around 10-20 dollars.

How to stick a protective glass on the phone

It is much cheaper to order protective glass in China.

You can stick it with your own hands, right at home, for which you must strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer. In general, sticking protective or bulletproof glass on your own for the first time is not as difficult as it might seem right away. Properly glued screen protection will protect your phone from many troubles.

How to self-stick glass without bubbles on a smartphone

To properly stick the second glass on the screen, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. The screen must be wiped with a special cloth, removing fingerprints, grease and other traces.
  2. Using a stream of air, before sticking, (you can use a medical pear), blow off all the dust.
  3. Degrease the screen with a special liquid that manufacturers usually put in a box with tempered, armored or other protective glass. Bubbles under glass are the result of poor cleaning.
  4. Glue the second glass with your own hands so that there is no dirt, dust, or air bubbles under it.

To glue the shockproof glass on your smartphone yourself, you will also need scissors and adhesive tape, which will facilitate the work process.

We take the purchased glass and see which side it has a sticker on. By pulling this sticker, we remove the protection. But you do not need to remove it immediately, as there is a way by which the process of even gluing will be facilitated. For this we need tape.

We cut off three small pieces of adhesive tape, apply the glass to the phone, and on one side glue the glass to the back of the phone. The glass will be fixed with adhesive tape on one side so that it can be opened like a door. And the adhesive tape plays the role of loops. This makes it much easier to stick the glass evenly.

We apply a protective glass and see if it lies flat. If it fits in size, then it should follow the shape of the screen.

If everything is smooth, pull the sticker and remove the protection. If the protection is not removed, then you can use a thin sheet of paper or nails to pry off the protection and release the overlay glass. Once again we wipe the screen and close our book from the phone and shockproof glass. We lightly press our finger into the center, and admire how the second glass sticks to the screen on its own without bubbles. If air bubbles appear under it (which should ideally not be), we drive it to the edges with a soft cloth and get rid of them. It is possible to glue glass ideally only if you act carefully and slowly.

We remove the adhesive tape, peel off the glue. Gluing or glass replacement is completed.

How to re-glue a cracked overlay glass to a new one

Plywood glass, if it is cracked, begins with the removal of the old protective glass. How to remove it? Very simple. You will need a sheet of paper or plastic, and preferably thinner. We are trying to drive him from the corner under the old protective glass (any, even 3d, even ordinary armored). As soon as possible, you need to try to lift the glass up. Do not press too hard, otherwise you can simply break off a corner instead of replacing it - the glass, if already cracked, will be extremely unreliable.

Removed the old glass, and before sticking a new one, it is necessary to clean the screen again. Further gluing of tempered glass will take place as we described above. It is better to immediately stick the glass neatly than to re-paste, so be careful.

How to stick a protective glass on a smartphone at home if the size does not fit

If you ordered a second glass from China, there is a good chance that it will not fit. If it is slightly less than necessary - it's okay, in principle - it will perform its function. If the glass is slightly larger, this is worse, as there is a risk of peeling off at the most inopportune moment. Yes, and using a smartphone with a protruding screen is inconvenient, so in this case it is better to replace the glass and stick another one on again. You can peel off old or broken glass yourself.

What kind of glasses are there that can be glued to a smartphone?

  1. 3d - such a protective glass not only protects the screen, but also makes it more attractive, rounding the corners. You can stick it yourself or in the salon.
  2. Armored glass is strong enough to protect the screen from cracks when dropped even on stones and tiles. Many manufacturers produce just such glasses. It is better to buy and stick such glass right away, especially if you often drop your phone.
  3. Tempered glass (or tempered) has high strength, protects the screen from breaking.
  4. Shockproof is suitable for those who often drop the phone or have a habit of throwing it on the table. Sticking it is just as easy as other types.
  5. Liquid - applied as a spray, provides an oleophobic, hydrophobic and antibacterial coating. Saves from small cracks. May be reapplied.

The first four types are overhead and have a lot in common. Before you buy overlay glass, you need to find out the exact dimensions of the screen of your smartphone. Liquid protection is suitable for any device. Even if you handle your phone carefully, it is better to stick glass with an additional oleophobic coating.

What to do if the glass pasted on the smartphone peels off

If the additional glass, recently pasted on the smartphone, peels off, then it was most likely defective. This happens if you bought it from a Chinese manufacturer. Nothing can be done here, so you just have to get rid of low-quality goods and buy new glass.

If the reason is not in the additional glass, then you can try to clean the screen again - after all, the second protection will fall perfectly only if grease, dust and dirt are completely removed from the smartphone.

Important: The Glass (Gorilla) screen, which is considered extremely durable, also needs additional protection. Therefore, even for such smartphones, it is important to choose glass. In addition, you can pick up the rear glass to protect the case.

The main purpose of a protective glass for a smartphone is to protect the screen from drops, bumps, scratches. Such glass can serve for a very long time, but over time, chips, cracks, scratches still appear on it and not only the appearance of the phone deteriorates, but also its functional abilities - the viewing angle of the smartphone decreases, the sensor may not work correctly. In this case, it is necessary to remove the old glass and stick a new one, but the removal process is not the easiest task if you do not know all the nuances.

What you need to remove the old protective glass from the phone

It is almost impossible to remove the glass without having anything at hand. And if an ordinary film can be picked up with a fingernail and peeled off, then such a number will not work with glass. You will need:

  • medical gloves - desirable, but not required;
  • a flat object, such as a plastic card or pick;
  • alcohol-containing glass cleaner or other alcohol-containing substance (vodka, cologne, perfume, etc.);
  • lint-free napkin;
  • silicone suction cup - desirable.

With such a set, it will not be difficult to remove the protective glass from the smartphone screen, and the whole process will take 5 minutes. Often, a set with a protective glass already has all the necessary accessories.

How to remove the protective glass from the phone - precautions

Protective glass and a smartphone screen are two perfectly flat surfaces that are very firmly glued to each other, and the reason for this is electrostatic forces (glue in rare exceptions). It is almost impossible to unstick them from each other using a flat object (for example, a knife), but there is a chance of serious damage to the smartphone.

It is also unlikely that it will be possible to remove the protective glass with the help of a suction cup alone, although there are more chances than in the case of a knife. If the glass is damaged, it is more likely that the suction cup will simply bounce off without any effect. This is at best. In the worst case, the sensor will move away from the body, and then you will have to change the entire matrix of the phone, which will be very expensive.

Removing the old protective glass from the phone

  • Put on gloves first, or if you don't have them, wash your hands clean with soap and water and wait until they dry. This will save you from unnecessary streaks on the screen.
  • Find the most complete corner on the glass, if it is damaged, away from chips and cracks, and attach a suction cup there.
  • Under the glass in the corner where the suction cup is located, insert a card or pick. In order to do this, pull the suction cup slowly and smoothly, but not sharply, otherwise you can rip off the sensor or the entire screen. If there is no suction cup, then try to carefully make a gap with a card.
  • Next, you need to smoothly move the card inward, peeling off the glass. You need to do this slowly, if the screen is very large (for example, on a tablet), then it is better to work with two or three cards at the same time.
  • When the glass is almost completely peeled off, pull the suction cup towards you and it will move away.

As you can see, this is not a very complicated procedure, the main thing is to follow the rules.

We glue new glass on the phone screen

  • When the old glass is eliminated, you can begin the process of gluing a new one. This should be done with clean hands in a non-dusty room. Wash your hands thoroughly, clean your phone screen with alcohol-based liquid, and get a new screen protector.
  • Remove one film from the side that should stick directly to the phone. Keep the glass as close to the surface of the phone as possible. Carefully align it, make sure that all the holes match, and only then lower the glass completely onto the screen.
  • If bubbles appear, they can be easily displaced by running a dry cloth over the glass. The last step is to remove the second film and your phone is protected.

And removing and sticking the protective glass is quite simple, and for this it is not necessary to contact mobile communication salons, you can quickly do everything yourself.

Technological progress does not stand still: phones, which could only make calls before, today combine a huge number of functions, without which we can no longer imagine our lives. A huge variety of accessories are sold to our "favorites": covers, protective glasses and films, plugs for the headphone slot, pendants - you can't list everything. Some of this is just decoration, some is a necessity. The latter also includes protective glass on the phone. How to glue and what functions does it perform? And is it really necessary?

Why is it necessary?

Before you figure out how to properly glue the protective glass on the phone, you should understand why it is needed at all. In terms of its functions, glass is the same as a film, but the latter can only protect the screen from scratches, in case of a fall, the probability of a happy outcome is very small. Those glasses that are widely available are tempered, so if the phone is in danger of being broken, it will take all the blow.

It may crack, individual pieces may break off, but otherwise everything will be fine - it is much cheaper to replace it than the entire display. There is another type of protection available so far only in China - liquid glass. It is applied to the screen like a regular varnish, and after drying, according to the manufacturers, it will be able to protect the screen from water ingress. In fact, such a coating increases the sensitivity of the sensor, and also visually increases the brightness of the display, but does not perform protective functions at all. This type of protection is not visible on the display. That is why more and more people today are wondering how to glue a protective glass on a phone, iPhone, or device of any other company in order to save money on repairs.

Where to glue?

So, how to glue the protective glass on the phone screen? Firstly, it is better not to improvise, but to follow the instructions that are placed on the package. In addition, often at the points of sale of such accessories, gluing is offered as an additional service (most often for a fee). If you decide that this is too simple, then proceed to self-sticking.

Necessary equipment

So, we have a protective glass for the phone. How to glue it yourself? First, you need to stock up on everything you need for this simple operation. Complete with glass, there must be wet and dry wipes - one degreases the surface, and the other removes dust and small debris from it.

You will also need adhesive tape or adhesive tape to remove dust, they can also pre-fix the glass, fitting it to a specific smartphone (most often the glasses are universal, so it will still need to be correctly positioned on the display, taking into account the features of a particular model).

Display preparation

How to glue a protective glass on a Samsung phone, iPhone, Lenovo and others? Before starting work, wash your hands with soap and water - this will help get rid of excess fat. In addition, you need to clean up your workspace.

Next, the display is degreased (for this you need to use one of the napkins from the kit, if they are not available, it is enough to moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or perfume) - you need to wipe it very carefully, without leaving a single divorce. Excess alcohol is removed with a dry cloth, dust particles are brushed off with it (the most persistent ones will have to be removed with adhesive tape, simply pressing it to a dusty place) and the remaining stains are wiped off.

And gluing

So, we have prepared the display. And how to glue the protective glass on the phone? First, it, if it is dirty, is wiped in the same way as the display. After that, you must, holding the glass by the edges so that it does not get dirty again, remove the film covering the adhesive layer from it.

Keeping the glass as close to the screen as possible, you should find the optimal position for it (you need to align with the main button and the speaker), while you can help yourself with the help of narrow strips of adhesive tape that can be glued along the intended border of the glass. After the correct position is selected, the glass is pressed against the display.

Elimination of defects

So, we figured out how to glue a protective glass on a Lenovo phone or any other smartphone. But what if there is an air bubble under it? In this case, you need to firmly press the cloth to the glass and hold it up and down, as if squeezing out excess air. As for dust, which can also get under it, it is enough to pick up the edge of the glass with something flat (for example, a credit card), and then carefully remove it.

If you remove it too quickly and without special care, you can damage the plastic, as well as the adhesive layer, that is, in any case, you will have to buy a new one. After removing it and holding it with the adhesive side down (if the glass is turned over, dust and specks will instantly fix on the glue, and cleaning it is not easy at all), you need to wipe the display from debris that has fallen (you can also use adhesive tape, small pieces of which will easily remove dust), after which, following all the instructions, the glass is glued again.

Doesn't hold up!

But what if you bought a protective glass for your phone, you know how to glue it, but it still does not stick to the screen? In this case, there are two options for such a “rebelliousness” of the accessory: either the protection and / or the display were poorly prepared (it is clear that in this case you will have to repeat the entire operation, clearly following the instructions), or the glass does not fit a specific smartphone model and does not stick due to the fact that its edges touch the protruding parts of the phone (the same start button).

In any case, if for some reason it does not stick immediately or peels off, you need to start all over again, try again, and then, in case of failure, if possible, consult with a specialist who can point out errors if they there is.


So, protective glass is not just an alternative to film. It will not allow the display to break when dropped, even from a height of human height - the protection itself may crack, but the main thing is that the smartphone will not suffer. Special tests were carried out, which showed that the protective glass could not withstand only a direct blow with a hammer - but a collision with such a force is very unlikely in real life. Replacing the entire display (and most often it is he who is replaced, since it is usually impossible to separate the glass and the sensor itself) will cost almost half the cost of the phone, while the protective glass is many times cheaper, and you can replace it yourself without overpaying specialists. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, use this type of protection that will save your smartphone and your nerves.

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