What is the difference between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung. Which is better: iPhone or Galaxy? Body, dimensions and design

What is the difference between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung. Which is better: iPhone or Galaxy? Body, dimensions and design


When it comes to buying a new smartphone, many people have a very logical question: what to choose - the stylish iPhone 5 or the innovative Samsung Galaxy S III? The answer is, frankly, not easy.

Indeed, it is difficult to make a choice between the leading models of communicators, especially since you will have to use the chosen smartphone for a couple of years until something truly new appears.

It's worth noting that both the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S III are great mobile gadgets, leading the way in the latest technology market. Today we will try to find out which of the two smartphones is right for you.


How big are your pockets? What is the size of the palm? Which phone design do you like best? Here are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself before buying a communicator.

Forget for a minute about the operating system, the capabilities of the gadget, and even what applications can be installed on it. Think about the look of your future phone. Imagine how you would like to see it. Your phone is always with you. Most likely, he is the last thing you see before going to bed, and the first thing you look at in the morning after waking up.

The most obvious difference between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S III is the significant size difference. The dimensions of the Galaxy S III are 136.6 x 70.6 x 8.6 mm, the weight of the device is 131 g, and the screen size is 4.8 inches. The iPhone 5 is lighter, thinner and smaller — 123.8 x 58.6 x 7.6mm, weighing 112g, and displaying a 4-inch screen. If you have small hands, you might want to consider. on the purchase of an Apple phone.

Apple product design is based on clean lines. The sixth generation iPhone is made of glass and metal, however, noticeable annoying scratches quickly appear on the black model. Perfectionists who constantly polish the screen will be very disappointed to see what the phone looked like after a couple of months of carrying it in your pocket.

The Samsung Galaxy S III is also not perfect, although the developers have tried to make it different from other Samsung phones. Scuffs and scratches are not so clearly visible on it. In addition, this phone has a removable back panel: if you wish, you can change it for some other, more interesting one.

If you are used to carrying your device in your trouser pocket, the smaller iPhone 5 will be less disturbing when walking than the Samsung Galaxy S III. However, the iPhone 5 slips out of your pants pocket much more easily. So be prepared for possible losses.

None of the smartphones has as many color variations as the device. Nokia Lumia... And yet, in terms of color solutions, Samsung Galaxy S III communicators are more diverse than monochrome iPhone 5.

Display quality

The 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED Plus screen of the Galaxy S III with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels is able to convey richness and richness of color. The device from Apple, which has a display with a diagonal of 4 inches, does not differ in such splendor and riot of colors, but it has a higher pixel density due to the placement on the screen of a smaller image with a resolution of 1139x640 pixels. The bottom line is: iPhone 5 screen density - 326 ppi (pixels per inch), density Galaxy display S III - 305 ppi.

Perhaps at first the screen of the Galaxy S III will literally dazzle you - it is so bright and rich. Problems start when watching videos or photos - any images that contain red. The screen does not quite accurately reproduce colors, and all the pictures have a bluish tint typical for Samsung gadgets. You just need to transfer your photos to a regular computer, and they will look completely different. With the iPhone 5 smartphone, this problem will not arise.

The obvious and undeniable plus of the Galaxy S III is the use of additional screen real estate. Although the iPhone 5's screen is larger than that of previous generations of iPhones, it is not being used very productively. For example, notifications that appear will still block the top of the smartphone screen. In turn, the Galaxy S III smartphone has an improved notification system of the Android platform: when you receive a software notification, a black bar appears at the top of the screen, where icons (for example, icons Email or text messages).

The large screen of a Samsung phone is great for browsing the Internet, but one-handed operation is difficult. You are unlikely to reach with your thumb to the opposite corner of the screen, and in certain situations this can be a real problem.

Fans of computer games will most likely prefer the deeper screen of the Samsung Galaxy S III rather than the rich colors of the display of the iPhone 5. However, even in this case, it is difficult to give a definite answer: for example, in the game Angry Birds, more is visible on the screen of the Galaxy S III. birds, but they look better on the iPhone display. However, everything changes if you take the phones outside. Almost nothing will be visible on the Samsung Galaxy S III. Even at maximum screen brightness, AMOLED technology is not enough to show bright images in the sun, whereas the LCD screen in the iPhone 5 does a much better job. So if you spend a lot of time outdoors, then this factor can be a good reason to give your preference to a smartphone from Apple.

Making calls

As for the calls, in terms of quality, the iPhone 5 smartphone wins: when the interlocutor speaks, you can hear much better. The secret lies in the large number of microphones transmitting voice, which helps to increase the clarity of the sound. On the other hand, the speakers in the Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone are much louder than those of the Apple device - which is very convenient, especially if you prefer to use a speakerphone or a headset. Both devices support the extended audio profile.

The iPhone boasts a decent image resolution for every contact, taken from sites like Facebook or Twitter. The Galaxy S III has very low resolution images, which makes them look "grainy". As for the pages with information about the contact, here the Samsung phone gives much more information (including from social networks and Google pages).

With your Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone, you can call someone in your address book by simply holding the phone to your ear. At first, this innovation seems very convenient. But chances are, you'll turn off this feature right away as it drains your battery insanely fast. The Galaxy SIII also has the ability to dial a name for quick search contact. The iPhone does not have this convenient feature, so you need to open the notebook contacts and find the name of the person you need.

The verdict is that the sound quality is better on the iPhone, but on the Galaxy S III you will find the right contact to call faster.

Sending email and keyboard

We can safely say that both the iPhone 5 smartphone and the Galaxy S III communicator do a good job of receiving and sending e-mail.

The installation of the mail application in the Galaxy S III smartphone occurs when the device is booted for the first time and data is entered into personal account Google Account. Everything is simple and straightforward. On the iPhone, mail is installed from the mail application and works fine, unless of course you are trying to use mail from other services. In this case, you will have to search for the mail settings yourself.

At first glance, you'll notice that the Galaxy S III's cluttered email app is just a nuisance. True, Gmail helps a little to fix the situation with a great search function and a clean user interface. Using this mail, you can, for example, send images and attachments, and this is easier than sending a picture or a music track from your iPhone. Built-in mail iPhone app 5 is better than the Galaxy S III, but lacks an equally good search engine. But the "apple" application automatically formats the text for the iPhone screen, making it easier to read messages. The lack of a dedicated function to resize messages to fit the screen is the main drawback of Gmail.

Typing email on smartphones is also done in different ways. The iPhone has only one keyboard option. The touch keys are responsive to touch quickly and clearly, but people with large fingers may find it difficult to use the keyboard on a small screen. Android OS allows you to install other keyboards like SwiftKey or Swype if you don't like it standard program for Galaxy S III phone. According to most Android users, changing the keyboard type is a useful feature, as it can significantly increase the typing speed.

Those with movable fingers or those who require little from an email app will be satisfied with the iPhone. But if email is an important part of your smartphone for you, then the Galaxy S III is the model for you.

Using office applications and working with documents

The Galaxy SIII smartphone uses a ready-made suite of office applications based on the Google infrastructure. If necessary, you can download free app Google Drive and get the ability to work with documents of any kind: from spreadsheets to simple text files... They all sync with Google storage. Also, documents can be edited using various devices, including desktop computers and even iPhone smartphones with the Google Drive application installed.

If you want to download applications for processing documents from Apple, or use iCloud storage, you have to shell out a tidy sum. Apple's Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are required for each of the Google Drive-like features. They cost 329 rubles each. After installing the apps, you will definitely appreciate their benefits: they better integrate with iCloud storage (in particular, between a Mac laptop and a smartphone, or an iPad and a smartphone). You can transfer all your notes from the Notes text editor to your desktop computer by synchronizing your PC and communicator.

Both phones support Copy and Paste, but the iPhone system is more reliable than Android. For example, the Android OS program does not allow you to copy text directly from a Twitter post. The landscape orientation in the iPhone 5 also has its drawback: unlike the Galaxy S III, the iPhone screen practically does not show what you are typing.

So, the iPhone 5 is for those who use other Mac programs and don't mind paying for top-notch Apple products.

Photo quality

The camera resolution of both smartphones - Galaxy S III and iPhone 5 - is 8 megapixels, but this does not mean that the process of shooting and the quality of photos will be the same.

As usual, Apple has simplified everything to the limit. In addition to the panoramic shooting mode and the ability to use the AE / AF lock function, the iPhone camera has nothing remarkable. Additional opportunities appear due to the use of all kinds of third-party applications.

On the Galaxy S III, the camera app is much more flexible and feature rich. You can change the resolution, ISO sensitivity, white balance, and select the appropriate shooting mode. In addition, the Korean communicator has such a function as “photo with a smile”: from a number of photos, the very photo in which the person is smiling will be selected.

In turn, the iPhone has a face recognition option, and after installing, for example, the Snapseed program, the iPhone camera will have no less capabilities than the Samsung Galaxy S III camera.

Additional apps aside, the iPhone 5 can take better pictures than the Samsung Galaxy S III camera. The only thing really missing is the variety of settings.

Watching a video

Which gadget is more suitable for watching video files? It is very difficult to give a definite answer. The Samsung phone has a bigger screen, but the iPhone has better picture quality. With this in mind, the experience of watching videos is about the same.

Both iTunes and Google play offer users to download popular blockbusters to their communicator, however Apple undoubtedly the leader in the number of rare films. Plus, iTunes makes syncing much easier and easier than Samsung app Kies.

When it comes to custom recordings, the Galaxy S III supports more formats, and if you already have a large digital library then this device will suit you better.

As for video sharing, then again, Apple's infrastructure has its advantages and disadvantages: in particular, the Apple TV system can be synchronized with any TV, and transferring videos or photos from a smartphone to your TV screen using the AirPlay program will not be labor.

In turn, the smartphone Samsung Galaxy S III has DLNA technology. However, for this technology to work correctly, you need a TV that has the same function, and the program's user interface is not as simple as that of the Apple system. Galaxy S III also allows you to watch / download movies already in your local network... Another bonus: your smartphone has a convenient "pop-up" player, thanks to which you can watch videos while using another full-screen application - for example, Twitter.

Browsing the Internet

The iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 LTE smartphones have the ability to work on 4G networks. However, to all appearances, in the near future in Russia you will still have to use the Internet via 3G channels.

The choice of browsers is wide and varied. By default, the iPhone comes with the Safari browser and the Galaxy S III comes with the Samsung browser, although most users prefer Chrome. In both devices, it is possible to zoom the Internet pages by pinching and spreading the fingers and double-tapping the screen. In addition, the web browsers Chrome and Safari can synchronize the browsing history of the Internet sites with other devices (or stationary computers) on which you are using the same program.

Safari has a built-in browsing function in offline Offline Reading. Reading mode Reader Mode allows you to remove all unnecessary from the page, and leave only the text. Have Chrome browser no such useful option although Samsung's browser does.

The browser Samsung supports the Flash player at the very least, but the developers of the Android system plan to phase out this plugin. IPhone phone does not support flash player at all, but many sites use various tricks to get around this problem.

But there is practically nothing to say about the speed of browsers - it is the same. So which device is better for browsing the Internet? It's a draw here.

Undoubtedly, the Android system is made for those users who like to share the information they have. With most apps, you can send anything from a picture to a text note to any of the social networks or third-party apps installed on your Galaxy S III with a single click of a button.

Both phones have great apps for posting images to social media, including Instagram and Facebook. It is enough just to take a picture, and in a second the photo will be on your page on the net. If you are active google user+, it will be more convenient to work with the Galaxy S III smartphone.


Probably everyone knows how annoying it can be to take a phone out of your pocket and see the result of a discharged battery - a black screen. The good news is that both the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S III have good, powerful batteries. On average, the battery lasts for a day.

It is worth clarifying: the duration of the battery charge depends on how actively you use your phone. Even the Galaxy S III's 2,100 mAh battery will drain very quickly if, for example, you turn on all notifications. The large screen size and quad-core processor can also consume a lot of energy, but if you use your phone wisely, you can get enough power for a full day.

The same applies to the iPhone, although its main consumer of energy is the email application, if it works in background Push. Disconnect it - and the phone will work for a day without recharging.


Today, Google Play and iTunes are on the same stage in terms of applications for a variety of purposes, so from this point of view, both devices are good.

If you like the simple interface of the programs and their compatibility with other devices, then the iPhone is suitable for you, since all the applications available in the online store (except for those intended for the iPad tablet) are great for this gadget. The problem with the Galaxy S III smartphone is that not every application for the Android system is supported by absolutely all phones based on this OS. For example, Nike + is only available to customers cellular operator O2 in the UK. But even if the application can be downloaded, it is not a fact that it will work correctly on a certain smartphone model. In addition, application developers tend to primarily release new items for the iOS operating system. Many companies prefer iOS over Android.

But in terms of application management, the Android system is confidently in the lead. Switching between concurrently running applications is carried out through a simple menu, and not by double-clicking on the "Back" button, as it happens in iOS. Also in the Korean communicator it is much easier to sort applications: they can be arranged in the form of characters or a list. Many applications have widgets that enhance the screen functionality of the Samsung Galaxy S III.

The most important thing is to decide which applications you need and which operating system (Android or iOS) supports them. It is also worth making sure that the capabilities of these programs for different platforms suit your needs, as the functions of the applications can vary markedly.


It's safe to say that none of the phones in question will let you down. If you evaluate them impartially, it becomes clear: both devices are very good. The only question is which gadget is right for you? Which smartphone - iPhone 5 or Samsung Galaxy S III - meets all your needs and requirements 100%?

Which material do you prefer - metal or plastic? Indeed, the question is complex. If you prefer sleek lines, sleek design and sleek looks, then the iPhone 5 is the smartphone for you.

The iOS 6 operating system is simple, fast, easy to use, but lacks flexibility. In turn, the Android platform can be customized "for yourself", give it individuality.

The determining factor is also the cost of the gadgets. The iPhone uses first-class, high-quality materials and parts - this is how the developers justify such a high price for the communicator. For example, a "gray" iPhone 5 with 64GB of storage will currently cost you an average of 38,000 rubles, while a Galaxy S III phone with 16GB of internal memory costs about 22,000 rubles. Agree, not a bad economy.

Summing up, it is worth noting the following: the iPhone 5 smartphone has a great design, a rather high price and a non-standard approach to solving problems. All the advantages of the "apple" communicator can be talked about long and colorfully. But the phone Samsung Galaxy S III can be made truly "your", individual. It is not for nothing that this model is considered the leading device running on the Android platform. In any case, the choice is yours!

Test duel Samsung GALAXY S5 vs. Apple iPhone 5s: battle of the flagships

Not always the one who invented something becomes the one who brought it to mind. Oh, not always.

Compare devices

Operating system iOS 7 Android 4.4
Screen TFT IPS, 4 '', 640x1136 pixels AMOLED, 5.1 '', 1080x1920 pixels
Pixel density per inch (PPI) 326 432

2x1300 MHz, ARMv8 64-bit

Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 MSM8974AC

4x2457 MHz, ARMv7 32-bit

GPU PowerVR G6430 Adreno 330
SIM card type nano-SIM micro-SIM
Built-in memory 16/32/64 GB 16/32 GB (about 5 GB occupied by the system)
Memory cards No micro-SD (up to 128 GB)
Wi-Fi 802.11 a / b / g / n 802.11 a / b / g / n / ac
Bluetooth 4.0 4.0
Rear camera 8 MP, flash, autofocus 16 MP, flash, autofocus
Front-camera 1.2 megapixels 2 megapixels
Additionally GPS, A-GPS, GLONASS, LTE


LTE (not available on all models),

NFC, IrDA, IP67 waterproof, FM

Dimensions (edit) 58.6x123.8x7.6 mm 72.5x142x8.1 mm
Weight 112 g 145 g
Battery non-removable, 1560 mAh removable, 2800 mAh
Price at the time of publication 28,500-38,000 rubles 30,000 rubles

Source: ZOOM.CNews

In general, there are many different variations of the Samsung GALAXY S5. We took the G900F model, which is equipped with LTE, a Qualcomm processor and 16 GB memory - this is exactly what we had on our test and it will most likely become the most popular in Russia.

By the way, about LTE. We had an idea to compare the average data transfer rate by cellular network under the same conditions, but no matter how many tests we ran, in general, the iPhone 5s and GALAXY S5 showed similar results. Is that the reception quality according to the indication of the smartphones themselves in the GALAXY S5 was still worse.

Appearance, design

Many "chips" Samsung implements only because Apple has it. For example, a fingerprint scanner, which we will talk about below. But sometimes you get the feeling that they are setting a high price for their products because Apple does so.

But Apple has high-quality materials (metal, tempered glass), and the replacement of the smartphone with a new one under warranty, while Samsung has plastic, which they disguise now as metal, then under the skin. The question is - why should the new GALAXY S5 cost like an iPhone? However, only the most impatient give 30 thousand for a new product from Samsung. It is worth waiting a couple of months, or even a couple of weeks, and the price for it will traditionally fall by 30%.

But imitation of materials is, in our opinion, somehow not serious. A low-slung tinted nine with a spoiler and vinyl decals is what Samsung's design is all about. Note that this is generally a problem of Korean design - to counterfeit materials and finishing elements. For example, Korean manufacturers of guitars like to "draw" false cogs on the body of the instrument (the author judges from personal experience, since he is related to musical creativity). Imagine: a volumetric bulge repeating the shape of the screw head, there is even a correct slot, but in fact it is a part of the case and you cannot unscrew such a "screw".

In general, the iPhone looks not only better (although this is rather a subjective parameter), but also "more honest". Its body is made of higher quality and more expensive materials, which is already quite an objective fact.

On the other hand, the GALAXY S5 has an IP67 dust and moisture protection. What does this mean? In theory, full protection against dust penetration and protection against short-term immersion in water to a depth of 1m (at the same time, long-term operation under water, like in Sony flagships, is not guaranteed). However, the design of the smartphone body does not seem very secure. Confused by two things: an easy-to-open cover for the micro-USB 3.0 slot and a "detachable" cover.

Even on the brand new GALAXY S5, the cover is easy to open. Too easy.

If the lid is not closed tightly, the phone will sink. Each time you change the SIM-card or SD-card, you will have to carefully check several times whether all latches are fixed. In practice, users often do not notice that one of the latches is not fixed (not specifically for this smartphone, but in general for all smartphones with a similar lid fastening). Well, there is a possibility that sooner or later the latches will no longer hold the lid securely.

The lid is rubberized, but the "mating" part on the body is somehow not worked out.

In general, it is still not recommended to wash your smartphone under running water, to swim with it (even in fresh water) - even more so. As for using the smartphone in the rain, the author of this text got into the rain several times with the iPhone 5s, and even talked on it, and the smartphone is alive and well.

So given more high quality Materials - iPhone 5s wins in design.


Ergonomics, in this case, is how comfortable it is in the hand when using it (the last clarification is important - after all, we need not only hold the smartphone, but also press buttons, slide a finger across the screen, etc.). In principle, here both the iPhone and the Samsung GALAXY S5 are practically the same, except that, because of the large screen, the Korean has a problem with reaching the opposite corner of the screen with his thumb.

Yes, we know that some people like it, but the fact is, it is more convenient to use the iPhone with one hand.

The truth is, pressing the lock / power button is already easier on the GALAXY S5 - it is on the side.

But speaking of buttons, the iPhone has a mute switch. It is strange that manufacturers did not make it a rule to copy this detail as well: it is really convenient.

The bottom line? It's a draw - both smartphones have about equal ergonomic advantages and disadvantages.


It is difficult to objectively compare the screens of different devices. In fact, the only objective parameter for evaluating the screen is the brightness margin in the sun. Or, more precisely, the readability of the screen in direct sunlight. Everything else: size, resolution, subpixel grid, and even color rendition are perceived subjectively. For example, the author of this text immediately noticed PenTile on the screen of Samsung GALAXY S5, but there is Full-HD resolution and a very high pixel density. But there are people who are not bothered by PenTile even on low-resolution screens (and someone just now thought: "What is PenTile?").

Or take the size of the screen: for those who have a tablet, it is not so important to have a large screen. Everything rests on the scenario of using the phone: if you read a lot on it, watch movies and play, then yes, you need a big screen. If you communicate on social networks, listen to music, wear your phone in jeans (of course, “shovels” like GALAXY Note can also fit into a jeans pocket, but this pocket is quickly wiped off, unless it’s some kind of “levays”), you shoot with a camera - then the screen size does not matter, and sometimes even on the contrary, you want a more compact device. That is, with regards to screen sizes, we cannot objectively conclude - more is better or worse.

Resolution: The larger the screen size, the higher the resolution should be. Ultimately, the determining factor is not the resolution itself, but the pixel density. While most manufacturers are competing in the megapixel race (they have already announced screens with 2K resolution), Apple continues to use a resolution of 1136x640, which is even less than HD (1280x720) and, moreover, Full-HD (1920x1080). However, what will the user get from the enlargement of the screen? In theory - a clearer picture, but in practice - iPhone screen 5s is already clear enough, it is almost impossible to see individual pixels at a distance of 20 cm from the eyes. If you look closely, the screen of the GALAXY S5 will not seem sharp enough because of the PenTile (TFT screens with RGB subpixel placement are clearer at the same pixel density). Is the GALAXY S5's screen better because it has a higher resolution? It is unlikely - we are not worried about the bare numbers, but the result. Of course, if Apple decides to increase iPhone diagonal, she will have to take care of the higher resolution. But so far 1136x640 pixels are enough.

Color rendering is an objective parameter in itself, but practice shows that ordinary people prefer bright, acidic colors rather than natural shades. This applies not only to smartphones, but also to TVs, photos, videos. Notice how much brighter and more contrasting modern films have become compared to hits from the 80s and 90s.

However, neither the iPhone 5s nor the GALAXY S5 can boast of perfect color reproduction. iPhone slightly "red", and Samsung GALAXY S5 noticeably "blue". Due to the temporary lack of spectrophotometer data, this parameter will also have to be rejected as determining - some will probably like the color rendering of the GALAXY S5 more, some will like the iPhone 5s.

In general, instead of "acidic" colors in the GALAXY S5 (as in many other GALAXY smartphones), you can choose more natural colors in setting the screen profiles, but few people bother themselves with this. However, the "blue" screen, however, will not stop.

Most natural color reproduction - Standard

As for the readability of the screen in the sun, here Samsung is perhaps a little brighter than the iPhone. Not that it was impossible to read or watch pictures on an iPhone in direct sunlight, there is enough brightness, but the Samsung is still brighter. Conditionally, you can give a victory in the quality of the screen to the GALAXY S5.


There are no questions here - the Android smartphone wins in absentia. If we compare the set of functions in isolation from the implementation of these functions, the Samsung smartphone wins. Of course, the iPhone has a few chips in stock that a competitor does not have (as one example, with the help of third-party applications it can be used as a guitar processor, there are no such applications on Android, and it is far from a fact that they can be made), but in any case, the victory in functionality is with Android. There is even nothing to discuss here. Swype, NFC, free file transfer via Bluetooth, the ability to send both by mail and in instant messengers any files, not just photos, support for SD cards, connecting external storage devices via USB and so on - all this iPhone never dreamed of and is unlikely to even dream in the near future.

One of the software guitar processors on the iPhone. The guitarists will appreciate it, the rest won't care.

The convenience of use

We can say that "usability" (usability, tracing with usability) is the flip side of functionality. Do you know how a geek differs from a regular user? The geek is very important for the set of functions and the technique for "good" and "bad" (or for "buy!" And "for nothing in life") he divides exclusively by the set of functions.

For the common user, the more important thing is how the functions are implemented. And since the market focuses on users, not geeks (there are more users and their ability to pay, oddly enough, higher), it was the insufficiently convenient implementation that actually "killed" some functions, and even entire groups of devices.

For example, tablets on "desktop" operating systems existed before, but they ceased to be produced and sold a dozen years ago due to the fact that they were too inconvenient: with a very inaccurate stylus (it was impossible to work with the screen with your fingers), a weak battery (3 -5 hours of work maximum), heavy, cumbersome. When the iPad appeared, it was (and remains) much less functional, however, thanks to its high usability, it not only became very popular, but also spawned a whole class of devices - tablets on mobile OS.

Another less obvious example: helmets virtual reality... They were invented back in the 90s and they had similar problems - large weight and dimensions, low resolution, high price. Today, helmets are slowly being revived, but solely because they have become lighter, cheaper and received the permission of modern TVs (well, almost). And even then, mass demand has not yet been observed, although the geeks are delighted. But in any case, the implementation of the functionality has improved dramatically.

In short, a poorly implemented feature is unnecessary for the average user. He needs a ready-made device that "out of the box" is good and without unnecessary persuasion does what it can. In this sense, Apple devices benefit - with enough functionality, they can be quickly learned and used easily. Perhaps, if we were comparing the iPhone 5s with some top-end smartphones on Windows Phone, here it would be either equality or even victory for Windows Phone (smartphones on this OS are even less functional, but at the same time, they are simpler).

However, the Android OS could well have made a convenient and simple smartphone. There are even such people, although there are very few of them. Manufacturers themselves overload the interface in pursuit of big amount functions that are then used by a negligible percentage of users. GALAXY S5 is a great example of this: overloaded menus, in which it is difficult to find what you need, a bunch of incomprehensible settings, sometimes exotic, which are "on equal terms" mixed with really useful ones.

After spending an hour or two at the phone, you can select from these shortcuts the ones you need.

A simple example - we needed to find an LTE switch setting. What do you think, which of the group labels " Network connections"Contains this setting?

Some menu items are present in several groups at once, which greatly increases their list without such a rather big one.

The correct answer is "Other networks".

Or take an application. When the GALAXY S5 is launched for the first time, the user will find 47 application shortcuts for various applications in the menu. At the same time, among them there is no office suite, clients of social networks and games. What are 47 shortcuts for? Obviously, this amount is excessive. See for yourself: two browsers (standard and Chrome), two email applications (Gmail and universal), two “Music” applications and one more “ Play Music"," Books "and" Play Books ", two applications" Play Movies "(in the name of one of them - a colon between the words) and one more -" Video ", two photo galleries:" Gallery "and" Photo ", shortcuts" Settings " and " Google settings"(And also separately - just Google). Why does the user need all this? And most importantly, why do we need two or three applications that perform the same function?

This is all installed in the Samsung GALAXY S5 by default. What for?

If you are an Android expert and do not understand the essence of the problem, put yourself in the shoes of a person who does not know how the standard android browser from Google chrome(considering that the former can sync with Chrome data) - how should he feel when he sees all this on his smartphone?

Of course, Android fans will tell you that everything is customizable. But think about how logical it sounds: a person who prefers brevity and simplicity will sit and adjust the smartphone for himself for several hours? Is this brevity and simplicity? Of course no. This person will just buy another smartphone. For example, iPhone 5s.


We added a paragraph on "performance" only because many readers would have searched for it with their eyes, and if they hadn't found one, they would have written us an angry comment. But, in fact, it makes no sense to compare the performance of the iPhone 5s and GALAXY S5. Or rather, aimlessly. Both smartphones perfectly cope with all the most sophisticated games, play Full-HD-videos (including from YouTube) and smoothly render interface animations.

In general, even if we found some adequate benchmark (except for the Futuremark graphics test for mobile devices) that would allow us to objectively compare different hardware on different operating systems and bring the results to a single denominator, there would be no sense in this study ... This is not a PC for you, where you can read a review of a new video card (or a gaming laptop) and conclude whether this piece of hardware is enough for you to run the next Crysis or not.

As for the difference in the "bit" of the processors (64-bit for the iPhone 5s and 32-bit for the GALAXY S5), the comparison is meaningless here too. For iOS, there is a GALAXY Band music application that allows you to create 32 music tracks on smartphones / tablets with a 64-bit processor, while on devices with a 32-bit processor it is only 16 more expensive. But for Android there is no such application, and therefore the GALAXY S5 does not lose anything from the fact that it "only" has a 32-bit processor.

Fingerprint sensor

The fingerprint scanner was installed in smartphones even before the iPhone is a well-known fact. For example, in the Toshiba Portege G900. However, the idea did not catch on - it was inconvenient to use it (remember the reasoning above about usability?). Apple decided to rework the idea and came up with an optical sensor that works quickly and to which you just put your finger on, and not drive along the sensor in a certain direction and at a certain speed.

As a rule, what appears on the iPhone will soon appear on other manufacturers. True, HTC succeeded before Samsung by integrating a fingerprint sensor into the HTC One Max. The sensor, however, was of the old type, not at all like Apple's, and it was located on the back of the smartphone.

Setting up fingerprint in iPhone 5s

In the GALAXY S5, Samsung has placed the sensor in the home button - just like the iPhone 5s. True, here the sensor is not optical, and therefore loses to the sensor in the iPhone 5s in all respects:

- in GALAXY S5, you need to drag your finger along the sensor (and not very quickly, otherwise it won't work), but in iPhone 5s it is enough to apply it;

- if in iPhone 5s you can put your finger in any position, then on Galaxy S5 - only strictly perpendicular to the bottom edge of the phone;

- in the GALAXY S5, it is imperative to swipe the entire pad of your finger over the sensor, if you miss it a little, it will not work;

When you need to quickly unlock a smartphone, it rarely happens the first time.

- in the iPhone 5s, you can memorize up to five fingers, and in the GALAXY S5 - only three (for the author of this article, 4 fingers would be enough: two thumbs and two index fingers).

Setting up work with fingerprints in the GALAXY S5

In general, Samsung could, for example, add the ability to set certain applications to launch on fingerprints, as did HTC, but, alas, Koreans are only spying on Americans. But in vain. It turns out that the fingerprint sensor in the GALAXY S5 loses even to that of the HTC One Max, not to mention the iPhone 5s.


We have already written (and have clearly demonstrated) that the quality of a camera is not measured in megapixels. Actually, Apple does not increase the number of megapixels in iPhones as much as the iPhone 4S, and the quality of shooting, at the same time, is growing. For example, iPhone 5s shots differ from iPhone 5 shots in sharper focus and increased dynamic range.

As for the comparison with the Samsung GALAXY S5, the situation is similar - the pictures from the iPhone 5s are sharper, you can see this below (on the left - iPhone 5s, on the right - Samsung). We reduced the size of the 16-megapixel image from the Samsung GALAXY S5 (which should have increased the sharpness of the picture compared to 100% crop) so that the sizes of objects from the cameras of both smartphones were approximately the same. It is worth noting here that the angle of view of the Samsung GALAXY S5 camera is narrower (again, in theory, this should have brought about a sharper sharpness of distant objects) than that of the iPhone 5s. We have highlighted in red those areas that are worth paying attention to.

Left - iPhone 5s, right - GALAXY S5.

As you can see, even with the lower resolution and wider viewing angle, the 100% crop from the iPhone 5s boasts sharper sharpness. In the pictures from the iPhone, you can see tree branches even where the Samsung has solid soap.

However, the GALAXY S5 has a wider dynamic range. This can be clearly seen in the following photos taken in HDR mode (the first photo with the iPhone, the second with the Samsung GALAXY S5).

Clicking on a thumbnail will open a full-scale image

However, the bad thing is that the GALAXY S5 needs to be forced to HDR mode, while the iPhone 5s does it automatically.

The wide dynamic range of the Korean is clearly visible when shooting in the dark:

Clicking on a thumbnail will open a full-scale image

On the other hand, the iPhone 5s showed exactly the picture that the user is likely to want to see. Hardly anyone will be interested in color noise in the dark.

A few more pictures:

Clicking on a thumbnail will open a full-scale image

Clicking on a thumbnail will open a full-scale image

Clicking on a thumbnail will open a full-scale image

The color rendition of both cameras is a moot point. On the one hand, the GALAXY S5 shows the picture closer to reality (although, I want to remove the green tint from the sky blue, there is too much of it), on the other - have you seen realistic photos in photo albums for a long time? Colors are now "twist" by everyone, even professional photographers. Some of them prefer bright saturated colors, others are muted, like in old films on film. But both this and that - does not correspond to what the eye sees.

In general, the GALAXY S5 camera has a lot of settings. And this is rather bad (see the section on "usability"). The phone is not a professional camera, here you need to do this: aim the lens, press the button, get an excellent (at the maximum of the smartphone's camera) picture.

In our opinion, even the iPhone camera interface is slightly overloaded, they could have made it simpler.

But with the GALAXY S5, things are much more complicated. Try to guess the first time where to switch the video speed here, for example?

Well, below you can see the result of that very slow motion video. The top video is from the iPhone, the bottom video is from the Samsung GALAXY S5.

Video from iPhone 5s

GALAXY S5 porn star videos

There are a few more interesting points to notice here. Firstly, both smartphones downgraded the video resolution from Full-HD to HD without warning. At the same time, the video from the Galaxy S5 shows that in reality the resolution is even lower (most likely 720i instead of 720p).

Secondly, the GALAXY S5 recorded a video without sound, while the iPhone has sound in place.

At the same time, in normal mode, the GALAXY S5 can record video in Ultra HD quality, which the iPhone is not yet available.

Verdict? IPhone is sharper than GALAXY S5 more features, but in general the quality is comparable. But since we're talking about a phone camera, where a large number of functions only get in the way, the victory is for the iPhone 5s.


There is no direct relationship between the frequency of the processor and the performance of the device built on it (once again we will give an example about the PlayStation 4 with a 1.6 GHz processor and PlayStation 3 with a 3.2 GHz processor). That is, if you take a specific processor and overclock it in a specific device, then yes, the performance will certainly increase, although not linearly. But if we are talking about different processors and different devices running on different operating systems - you can forget about the clock frequency altogether.

Why are we talking about processors in the paragraph "autonomy"? But because, unlike performance, there is a direct connection between processor frequency and power consumption. Of course, technologies, a set of instructions, the number of cores - all this also affects, but, as a rule, the higher the clock frequency of the processor, the more electricity it "eats". We specifically emphasize this point to explain why an iPhone with a 1560 mAh battery lasts as long as a Galaxy with a 2800 mAh battery. Of course, with a similar scenario of use.

By autonomy - a draw.

Comparison results

This spring, the release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 took place, which was tacitly called the "iPhone killer" by fans of the Korean brand. Just a month ago, the iPhone 5S saw the light, which has become even more powerful and better than its own previous version... Which one of these phones is better? In fact, making the choice is not easy. Even fans of the apple company are aware of the fact that in some respects the "five" is worse than its sworn rival. Therefore, today we will look at the most striking differences that, I want to believe, will help you make the right choice.


It is pointless to argue about design - each person has his own view of the appearance of smartphones. Nevertheless, the author of this article gives the palm to the iPhone 5 (S). Why? Yes, if only because the design of the phone from Cupertino looks at least more interesting: strict lines, nice cool metal, small dimensions (I will tell you about the dimensions in a little more detail below). And now we pick up the flagship from Samsung and ... Again plastic. Well, how much can you? No, I understand that plastic is cheap, but the Galaxy S4 is the company's flagship and is not much cheaper than the “five”.

However, plastic has a plus. Not to mention the S4, but the S3 is quite good at resisting scratches. If something happens to the case cover, it can be replaced at any time with a similar one, both "native" and made by Chinese masters, the quality of which is at an acceptable level. Alas, it is not protected from falls at all - almost immediately there is a dent or, at least, a scratch. Therefore, if the S4 can be worn without a case, then without it with the fifth "iPhone" I do not leave the house at all. However, you may have a different opinion on this matter, and I share it in advance.

By the way, under the removable back cover on the S4 there is not only a slot for a SIM card, but also a slot for a memory card, as well as a battery that can be replaced. This is really convenient, although in modern reality, when a smartphone "lives" at best for a year and a half and then requires replacement, this condition is optional.

P.S. But the new gold color of the iPhone 5S only makes me smile.

Comparison of displays

S4 is the leader here, you say. Let me disagree. Samsung has a 5-inch display and this one is really a plus to some extent. For example, it is convenient to watch videos, use maps, write an SMS message. However, this is also a minus. For example, I use the iPhone for the most part as a phone and don't spend much time on applications, so the 4-inch screen of the five is enough for me. But this is an individual matter.

As for the image quality itself, our competitors have parity here. In this Samsung models applied an AMOLED panel, as a result of which the colors became vivid and saturated (in the S3 they are dull even compared to the iPhone 4S).


As sad as it is to talk about it, but here the iPhone is clearly behind. For example, the 5S has only a dual-core processor, while the S4 has as many as eight cores and this is almost a world record. On the other hand, the 5S presented the latest A7 processor based on the ARMv8 architecture, which has a lot of advantages. Only a problem arises - in order to appreciate all the advantages of the A7, you need to use at least 4 GB of RAM, while the phone has only 1 GB. Probably, the Apple team did not intentionally increase the amount of "RAM", so that in the future there would be an opportunity for growth.

However, the researchers think differently - the processor does not need a lot of memory, because the performance of the 5S is approximately at the same level as that of the S4. How is this possible? Apparently, competent optimization of the iOS operating system on which they work mobile devices Apple. Specialists from Google are probably physically unable to adapt each version of their Android axis for each phone released. However, this is just an assumption.

By the way, Samsung has many different sensors, most of which the iPhone does not have and is unlikely to ever appear. But do you need them?


As you know, for their Apple devices created the iOS axis. At the moment, its seventh version has been released, which is available for download from the company's official website. She got completely new interface, which has an unusual design in the "minimal" style. As for the S4, it still runs on the Android 4.2.2 axis (a new version is expected soon).

Which of these systems is more convenient for you, I personally do not know. For me, iOS is more familiar, because, in my opinion, it is much more convenient and easier to use. At the same time, "Android" allows you to customize the phone for personal needs. For example, you can even adjust the clock speed of the processor. Only how useful it can be, everyone decides for himself.

IOS7 is not ideal at this time. Despite the fact that it was available only to software developers for several months and was constantly corrected by its creators, there are still many conflicting ideas in it, which are likely to be gradually corrected with the release of new versions. By the way, as for new iOS, then it is not worth waiting for in the near future. Although ... But this does not mean that the Android operating system is perfect. No, I also find many incomprehensible moments in it, besides, it is much less protected from viruses, including because of its popularity.

By the way, as far as applications are concerned, here on the whole there is parity - AppStore and Google Play are worthy competitors. Both stores have tons of apps for every taste and wallet.

Photo and video filming (camera)

It's no secret that most smartphone users love to take pictures and upload their photos to the network. Both smartphones will allow you to do this without any problems, but Samsung is more successful in this regard. So, it has a 13-megapixel camera with autofocus, the ability to simultaneously take photos and videos, the Dual Shot function and a whole bunch of other useful tools.

iPhone 5S looks simpler - there is "only" an 8-megapixel camera with autofocus, support for HDR-effect, face recognition, the ability to record HD video and so on. It would seem that the difference is small, so the pictures, other things being equal, should not differ much. But no - the iPhone 5S does much worse, especially when filmed in the dark. Photos look too "dirty" and "hazy". Photos from the S4 are much better quality, and on the phone itself they look absolutely great. But this is only until the moment when you transfer the images to the computer - they look a little worse on the monitor screen. Better than the 5S anyway.

Battery life

The Galaxy 4 uses a 2,600mAh battery. Not bad? More than! However, do not forget that this device contains a huge screen, which is happy to "eat" energy. The 5S battery is much simpler - "only" 1440 mAh. However, the screen is smaller here. According to the results of numerous studies, a strong difference in operating time was not found, that is, with an average load, both devices work for about one day.


iPhone 5S is more expensive than its competitor. For example, a 16-gigabyte version will cost 30 thousand rubles at the moment, while a similar S4 costs only 17-20 thousand rubles. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that the new Apple phone has appeared quite recently, therefore, the price for it is too high. Once the hype subsides, prices will bounce back.


So why is the iPhone 5S better than the Samsung Galxay S4? What's worse? Read and compare. As for my opinion, I choose iPhone for a number of my own reasons.

Now, after the official announcement, we know the whole truth about the Samsung Galaxy S5 - the new flagship of the Korean manufacturer. If so, then it's time to compare it with its main competitor - the iPhone 5S.

Why exactly the iPhone 5S, released last fall? Why not wait for the official information about the iPhone 6?

Because the iPhone 6 will not appear soon - in more than six months, and the Galaxy S5 will start selling on April 11. And it really has to compete with 5S. It is difficult to say what goals Samsung pursued (and whether it pursued it at all), taking its flagship outside the update cycle of its main competitor.

But now is not about that - let's compare. Of course, we have not yet held the Galaxy S5 in our hands, and are based only on information from the official announcement - but this is perhaps quite enough.

Body, dimensions and design

In this respect, the Samsung Galaxy S5 differs little from its predecessor. Most notably, the Galaxy S5 is an IP67 dust and water resistant smartphone. However, that doesn't mean it's waterproof and you definitely can't use it as an underwater camera. However, rain or sand is not too scary for him.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 weighs 145 grams and is 8.1mm thick, which means it is slightly heavier and thicker than the Galaxy S4 was (which weighed 130g and was 7.9mm thick). Galaxy smartphones will always be bigger and heavier than iPhones - after all, they have a bigger screen. Galaxy - large devices that catch the eye, have a large screen, but may not be very comfortable to use and carry. A matter of taste.

iPhone 5s has the same size, shape, design and weight as iPhone 5. It is a slim, ergonomic smartphone: one that you can easily operate with one hand. The iPhone 5S weighs 112g and is 7.6mm thick.

A few words should be said about the design and build quality of both devices. We prefer the aluminum bumper of the iPhone over the plastic and streamlined design of the Galaxy S5. But if you want to keep your Apple smartphone, you shouldn't neglect the protective case. We expect the Galaxy S5 to be more durable than the iPhone 5s thanks to its water and dust resistance.

As expected, Samsung has released several color-coded variants of the Galaxy S5, but they are all made of plastic - although there were rumors that there would be a metal version similar to the iPhone. The smartphone is available in the following colors: blue, black, white and copper-gold. The back covers are perforated.

Fingerprint scanner and other sensors

Like the iPhone 5S, the Galaxy S5 now has a fingerprint scanner. Samsung says it will provide a secure biometric screen lock function and ease of payment. Also, using this scanner, you can restrict access to files on the device

The Galaxy S5 also has a window located below the rear camera. This is not a flash or a flashlight. It's actually a heart rate sensor that measures your heart rate when you place your finger on it. Apple does not have anything like this yet, but is such a function of great practical benefit?

WiFi and 4G

The Galaxy S5 supports LTE and Wi-Fi MIMO (802.11ac), which Samsung says makes it unique. The Galaxy S5 also features a download accelerator and technology that boosts data transfer speeds by simultaneously connecting via Wi-Fi and LTE.

The iPhone 5s offers 802.11n Wi-Fi connectivity, and full 4G support. Including, recently, in Russia.

It looks like the Galaxy beats formally, although it's clear that 802.11ac is only useful when you have the right router, and 4G networks aren't available everywhere.


Rumors before the release of the Galaxy S5 were about a 5.2-inch screen with a whopping 2560 × 1440 resolution. However, in reality, the display is 5.1 inches and has a resolution of 1920 x 1080. This means that the Samsung flagship has even a slightly lower pixel density (430 ppi) compared to the 441 ppi of the Samsung Galaxy S4.

iPhone 5s has a 4-inch display. You get a resolution of 640 x 1136 pixels, with a density of 326 ppi. This is more than a decent screen - but, nevertheless, compared to the large FullHD-displays of competitors, it already seems outdated.

Not everyone appreciates full-blown color Galaxy phones... For example, the photos in them may look too oversaturated. And while the large, high-resolution display “on paper” is better than the iPhone 5s screen, it's unlikely your eyes will be able to tell the difference. And a bigger screen means bigger dimensions. There is something to think about.

Battery capacity

Samsung says the Galaxy S5's battery provides 390 hours of standby time and 21 hours of talk time. The iPhone 5S battery lasts up to 10 hours of talk time (on 3G networks), and up to 250 hours of standby time. Of course, the Galaxy S5 battery still needs to be tested.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 has a special Ultra Power Saving Mode that switches the display to monochrome and disables many features to reduce battery drain. Samsung says this mode provides an additional 24 hours of battery life.

Processor and performance

We know the Galaxy S5 is powered by a 2.5GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 quad-core processor. Contrary to rumors, this is not an x64 processor.

We also counted on an impressive 3GB of RAM, but according to Samsung specifications, the amount of RAM is 2 GB.

iPhone 5s has a 64-bit A7 processor that works with clock frequency 1.3 GHz. It is a dual-core processor paired with 1GB RAM DDR3. The iPhone has never had a performance issue, but Apple claims this processor is twice as fast as the previous model, both in terms of CPU and graphics performance.

The flawless operation of 64-bit iOS 7 is definitely the main merit of this chip. You will not notice any freezes or lags when moving between desktops, or when exiting an application. Apps launch and web pages load faster than ever: iPhone 5s is a pleasure to use.

The A7 also has the M7 coprocessor, which takes over a number of background functions and seriously affects the performance of the gadget.

Benchmarks show just how fast the A7 processor makes the iPhone 5S. In SunSpider 1.0, the Apple smartphone completed the test in just 417ms. At the same time, the iPhone 5 (running on IOS 7) completed the task in 721 ms, and the Samsung Galaxy S4 in 922 ms.

A similar gain is observed in the graphics tests. In Geekbench 3, the predecessor of the current flagship, the iPhone 5, earned 721 points. And the iPhone 5s is almost 1.5 times larger - 1,076! In GLBenchmark 2.7 (Egypt HD), the iPhone 5s achieved 53 fps, while the iPhone 5 only had 41 fps. However, the biggest difference in performance was achieved in the popular T-Rex HD benchmark, where the flagship showed 37 fps and its predecessor only 14 fps. More than double the advantage.

However, benchmarks are always rather arbitrary. Plus, we can't test the Galaxy S5 yet.

Built-in memory

iPhone 5s is available in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB storage options, and does not have a memory card slot.

The Galaxy S5 offers 32GB and 64GB models, and with a microSD card, the owner can add up to 64GB. So Galaxy wins in this regard.


The choice between Android and iOS is still the subject of fierce controversy.

iOS now comes with a very handy feature quick setup- called "Control Center". There are other important changes compared to older versions, for example - blocking access to the notification center.

Apple also has a strong point in the form App Store, but iOS is clearly inferior to the competitor in customization options, which is one of the main advantages of Android.

Galaxy S5 works under Android 4.4 KitKat. It is Google's most sophisticated and easy-to-use mobile operating system, even with Samsung's TouchWiz interface. Surprisingly, this time around Samsung didn't overload the phone with too many of its proprietary features. Perhaps because of the agreement between Samsung and Google, but also likely because the Galaxy S4 has been criticized for duplicating features in apps and settings.

If you have previously used smartphone Samsung then you know what to expect. This smartphone may not have the Apple polish, but it does provide you with the ability to purchase content from a variety of sources. However, Android may also be less secure than iOS.


Naturally, we haven't tested the Galaxy S5's camera yet, and we only have confirmation that the main camera has a resolution of 16MP, autofocus of 0.3 seconds (dubbed "fastest autofocus" by Samsung), and an LED flash.

Other innovations include advanced High Dynamic Range (HDR). This means you don't have to hold the camera still for long periods of time while it takes multiple shots and merges them into one.

There is also a focus mode selection that allows users to focus on a specific area of ​​the subject while blurring the background to create an effect of depth.

The Galaxy S5 also offers an improved interface that makes it easy to capture, edit, and share.

The front camera will have a resolution of 3.2 megapixels. You can shoot video in 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second.

The iPhone 5s also has two cameras: a front one for apps like FaceTime and Skype, and a main rear one called iSight. Below are their characteristics.

iSight has a modest 8 megapixel sensor with 1.5µ (UltraPixel technology for better low-light shots). The aperture size is ƒ / 2.2, and the True Tone flash has two LED elements, one of which is yellow. The front camera can take pictures with a resolution of 1.2 megapixels, and record videos in 720p HD.

Importantly, the iPhone 5s no longer uses wide mode in low light conditions (like the iPhone 5 did), so photos taken in the dark are much sharper.

Prices and availability

iPhone 5s is on sale right now at prices starting at 24,000 rubles if you buy the phone in the online store. The Galaxy S5 will go on sale on April 11, but pricing has yet to be announced. We expect that the Galaxy S5 in Russia will cost in the range of 28,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Our verdict

If you're an iPhone user and you're completely happy with iOS 7, it's unlikely any Galaxy S5 features will convince you to jump into the Android camp.

Galaxy S5 will have a big and bright screen, good cameras, various connection options and a large amount of memory. But all of the above is also true for the iPhone 5S.

The days when Apple was way ahead of other smartphone makers are over, but the iPhone is still at the top.

The exact answer to the question that better iPhone or Samsung does not exist - if only because much depends on the compared models and parameters, which are most important for a particular user.

However, in order to still partially deal with the problem that arises for those who want to get at their disposal one of the best modern smartphones, it is worth comparing the two flagships.

At the moment, the flagship models are considered to be the iPhone X, the "younger" version of which will cost about 70,000 rubles, and with a price of a similar 64-gigabyte modification of about 67,000 rubles.

Comparison of top models

The main reason for the emergence of difficulties with the answer to the question of choosing a flagship brand is the personal preferences of the potential buyer.

Someone has long decided for themselves that they are buying only Apple brand products, and in any case they will choose the iPhone X.

Another user considers the presence of 2 SIM-cards, the possibility of expanding memory and - and, most likely, will buy Samsung as the most important quality of a smartphone.

However, a situation may arise when a person does not have special preferences, and the main task is not to buy a gadget from a certain manufacturer, but to objectively compare the parameters.

The results of this choice may vary.- especially since the flagship of each brand has its own characteristics.

Appearance and dimensions

The design and dimensions of a smartphone are some of the first parameters that most users pay attention to.

Naturally, they are not always decisive for choosing the right option.

However, if we are talking about such an expensive purchase, it can hardly be called superfluous to compare the diagonal, thickness and level of security of the gadget.

The difference between the cases of the two gadgets is the presence of glass in the Galaxy model, which increases the level of screen protection.

The iPhone is less protected from external influences, but it is more compact and convenient, moreover, the difference in screen sizes is not so noticeable and does not give any special advantages.

The iPhone X wins by a narrow margin due to the thinner and more comfortable fit in this category.

Screen characteristics

The display parameters of gadgets are not much different from each other.

With a diagonal of 6.2 ", the Samsung screen received a resolution of 2960 x 1440 pixels, while the 5.8-inch iPhone has the same figure of 2436 x 1125 pixels.

This feature allows the owner of a Samsung smartphone to use the services of two operators at the same time or, for example, put two numbers on one phone - work and home.

The Apple model does not have such an advantage - the first iPhones with 2 SIM-cards are not expected on the market until the end of 2018.

Another advantage of the Galaxy S9- the ability to transfer information at a speed of up to 1200 Mbit / s. The iPhone has a similar figure in half (up to 600 Mbps).

However, this feature cannot be called a real plus - none mobile operator does not yet provide such speed, and modules for working with wireless networks the phones are the same.


The level of autonomy of smartphones can be compared in terms of battery capacity - however, such a comparison would be incorrect.

The presence of a 3500 mAh battery allows Samsung to work with an average load up to 8.5 hours.

Flagship iPhone equipped with a 2716 mAh battery works in the same conditions 1 hour longer.

When you turn on resource-demanding games, both models are able to provide no more than 3-4 hours of continuous work, in standby mode and normal telephone communication (with sending and viewing), each works more than a day.

On the Internet from the flagships you can be up to 6 hours, depending on the brightness of the screen and the type of connection (mobile or Wi-Fi). Each gadget has wireless and fast charging capabilities.

Apple Pay, which is more user-friendly than or Samsung Pay.

Most of the other flagship indicators differ little or are not important enough to pay attention to when choosing the right smartphone.

Neither emoji, nor transferring settings, or frequency are decisive factors.

And the operating time of gadgets mainly depends on the tasks being performed.

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