"Social networks: pros and cons". Social networks in our lives

"Social networks: pros and cons". Social networks in our lives



The Internet has become a part of our life. Today, many netizens devote a lot of attention to popular social networks. Such web services have many supporters, but also many opponents. Each of which leads the masses of arguments in favor of their point of view. In relation to us, teenagers, this problem is especially relevant. But whether this phenomenon is a problem is a moot point. Is it worth paying attention to the whole society, or should everyone make decisions for themselves: succumb to the influence of social networks, or not pay attention to them?

Under the influence of the environment, in the process of upbringing, a person is socialized. The development environment of a modern person, in which upbringing takes place, has changed significantly. In the world, the media, especially the Internet, are having an increasing influence. In Russia global network more and more included in the life of society and adolescents are no exception. Some people think the internet is good, some are bad. Social media today is business. They are attracting more and more massive audiences. I propose to understand the essence of the stated problem - who is right?

Research object in my work are social networks as a tool to influence the minds of a teenager - young people aged 12-17.

The purpose This work was to study the aspects of the influence of social networks on the consciousness of a teenager.

In the practical part of the study, I will try to prove or disprove one of the hypotheses put forward:

Hypothesis 1

Hypothesis 2

Subject of study - interaction of adolescents and social networks.

I propose to achieve the stated goal by solving tasks:

.Study the history of the emergence of social networks.

.Determine the possible options for the behavior of the subject of social networks.

.Draw up a sociological survey program.

.Conduct research.

.Summarize, systematize the results

.To conclude.

Research methods:

1.Analysis of internet sources


.Quantitative analysis of results

.Qualitative analysis of results

1. The history of the emergence, development of the most popular social networks

Not everyone knows that the concept of "social network" appeared in 1954 and, of course, had nothing to do with the Internet, and the study of this phenomenon began in the 30s of the last century. The concept was introduced by the sociologist James Barnes: “social network” is a social structure consisting of a group of nodes that are social objects (people or organizations) and the connections between them (social relationships). In simpler terms, this is a certain group of familiar people, where the person himself is the center, and his friends are branches. There are two-way or one-way connections between all members of the network. For example, it can be a group of fellow students, in which a certain Jack is the center, and Bill and Katrin are his acquaintances (branches). Gradually, the scientific concept gained popularity, first in the developed capitalist countries, then in Eastern Europe. As society developed, we came to the information age, in which we created a lot of types of communication, which led to a leap in the development of social networks, and now this scientific concept is used everywhere.

The first social network using computer technology was email technology back in 1971, which was used by the military on the ARPA Net. Then, in 1988, the Finnish student Yarko Oikarinen invented the "IRC" technology (English Internet Relay Chat), which made it possible to communicate in real time. A landmark event was the invention of the Internet, which went public in 1991, thanks to the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee.

In 1995, Randy Konrad created Classmates.com - the first social network in the modern sense. The concept turned out to be in great demand, and this year the rapid development of social networks on the Internet begins. Today, this network is still one of the most popular in the world and has over 50 million users.

"Classmates" - Russian-language and Ukrainian-language social network, an analogue of the website Classmates.com (English), used to find classmates, classmates, former graduates and communicate with them. The site is one of the most popular resources of the Russian-language Internet, occupying, according to some sources, one of the leading places in terms of monthly coverage for the audience of Russian Internet users 14-55 years old among sites not related to search engines and among all Russian-language resources. According to the site's own statistics, as of July 2011 more than 100 million users were registered, the site traffic was 26 million users.

The company's office is located in Moscow, at Leningradsky prospect, 47, bldg. 2.

The project was launched in March 2006. The website creator, Albert Mikhailovich Popkov, who lives in London and works in the field of telecommunications, took part in the creation of similar projects in other European countries. From March to November 2006, the project existed as a hobby and was commercially mentioned only in a friendly advertising agency as a new platform for advertising. The number of users who registered on the site grew exponentially, so the founder of the project decided to create a separate legal entity.

In November 2006, the site already had 1.5 million users. By July 2007, the Odnoklassniki.ru website had doubled its audience to 3 million users. In August 2008, the 20 millionth user was registered. In July 2009, Odnoklassniki.ru ranked fifth in terms of monthly coverage for the audience of Russian Internet users aged 14-55 among all Russian-language resources. The Odnoklassniki.ru website has over 45 million registered users. According to TNS WebIndex, 56% of the audience are users aged 25-44. At the beginning of April, games in beta testing appeared on the site, developed by i-Jet

year - on February 15, the "Video" section appeared, which presents the content of the social network partner - video hosting RuTube. On April 7, it became possible to divide friends into groups. On May 31, the network introduced a single authorization, with the help of which its users will be able to use their username and password to authorize on third-party sites. On June 1, the network administration launched a new section "Music" in beta testing mode, where users can play and where they can download MP3 files.

The new top panel "Odnoklassniki.ru" is available to users. It contains links to various projects of the Mail company. RuGroup.

"In contact with" - the largest social network in Runet, the third most popular site in Ukraine and Belarus, the seventh in Kazakhstan, the 48th in the world. The resource initially positioned itself as a social network of students and graduates of Russian universities, later began to call itself "a modern, fast and aesthetic way of communication in the network." as of January 2012, the daily audience of the social network exceeds 29 million people, bypassing its main competitor in russia - “classmates”.

Two factors influenced the choice of the network name:

) its creator Pavel Durov rethought the phrase "in full contact with information", which was a jingle of the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

) among the variants of the name were searched for those that would not associate the site with certain social categories and classes. The word "Contact" was perfect for this.

"My world" is a Russian-language social network that connects actions on the user's page on the main mail.ru portals. More than 40 million profiles are registered on the My World portal, more than 300 thousand people are constantly on the site in the online status. As in other social networks, the task of the My World project is to help in finding classmates, acquaintances, colleagues, friends and relatives. Here you can communicate via private messages, give each other virtual presents, express emotions and talk about secret desires, post your photos and videos, have a personal blog and read the blogs of other members, download songs and listen to music. The motto of the "My World" project is "your friends, classmates and classmates are in contact with you"! Registration on the site my world is very simple, for this you just need to start a free mail from mail.ru.

year On May 17, the social network "Moy [email protected]" began its work. This project has combined in one place information about the user and all his content created on other Mail.ru portals. Initially, the page reflected the latest blog posts, photo albums, video albums, user actions on the project [email protected] and the guestbook. The WAP version is open. This is a scaled-down version of the original site with minimal functionality such as viewing your friends list, sending messages, viewing new friends' actions. By this moment, there are 5 million worlds on my [email protected].

The daily audience of the project is almost 1.5 million users. Moy Mir became the first social network on the Runet to support the OpenSocial standard. Now third-party developers have the ability to create applications for the social network.

The national social network “Moy [email protected]” has become a partner of the musical TV show “STS Lights a Superstar”. All users of "My [email protected]" can discuss the performances of the show participants in a specially created World and find new friends among future "stars". "Moi [email protected]" became the first social network on the Runet, which allows you to create applications not only based on Flash. Thanks to iframe support, you can now use any technology that can generate HTML (JavaScript, Silverlight, AJAX, and others). OpenSocial API is also supported.

Diary RU - All-Russian free school social network. Also used as an electronic diary. The project was launched in August 2007. According to the website's own statistics, as of January 2012, more than 15,800 schools were registered. The purpose of the website is to create a single network for schools, teachers and parents, which also contains current information about the student's studies.

The company's office is located in St. Petersburg, at Petrogradskaya emb. d. 36, lit. A, office 309/310.

The first school connected to the project is Gymnasium 56 in St. Petersburg.

year - the first Olympiads were held on the project. The 4000th school of the educational network was registered. The first virtual museum was created on the network

"Ya.ru" - a massive blogging platform and social network from Yandex. Ya.ru ranks second in the number of users and third in the average number of posts per day. There is also mobile version Ya.ru. Ya.ru offers as usual for blogs and social. function networks (the ability to publish records of different types, comment them by readers, communicate on-line and in thematic clubs), as well as the following features:

maintaining not only a text blog, but also adding photo and video materials using Yandex. Photos and Yandex. Video. Adding rss streams of friends' diaries from other blogging platforms to the "what's new" (friends feed). Configuring the import of your blog entries from other blog platforms. Creation of records of various types and sorting by them (for example, links, wishes, mood). Commenting on entries in other diaries and clubs on Ya.ru using social authorization (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Mail.ru, Google, Odnoklassniki). Score other users' posts. Creating your own wishlist with the ability to “promise” and “mark as come true” and a link to Yandex.

The ability to leave reviews about products and services, including those presented in the Yandex Market.

The indicator of the user's activity on Ya.ru is the KU level - the number of points awarded for actions on Ya.ru. For example, posting posts, commenting, changing moods, etc.

The KU level gives additional features: with 6 KU the user can call another user in the comment with 12 KU the user gets the opportunity to open his club

Twitter - a system that allows users to send short text notes (up to 140 characters) using a web interface, SMS, instant messaging or third-party client programs. A distinctive feature of Twitter is the public availability of posted messages, which makes it akin to blogs. Although the service is free, access to it via SMS can significantly increase phone bills, since each SMS sent is somehow paid according to the operator's tariffs. The main office is located in San Francisco, California. Twitter also has servers and offices in San Antonio, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.

Since its inception in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Twitter has gained popularity around the world. As of January 1, 2011, the service has over 200 million users. 100 million users are active at least once a month, of which 50 million use Twitter every day. 55% use Twitter on mobile devices, about 400 million unique visits per month are received directly by the site twitter.com. Recently, twitter has been growing very strongly in Asia, Africa, South. America (Japan, Egypt, Brazil), but over the past six months there has been a decrease in the number of users in North. America and Europe

Twitter history began in March 2006 as a research project by San Francisco based Odeo, initially for internal use. Jack Dorsey introduced the concept of individual use of SMS service to communicate with a small group. Initially, the project was conceived as an opportunity to answer the only question: "What are you doing now?" Dorsey wanted to create a kind of platform that would allow him to constantly exchange short messages with friends. Twitter messages are immediately displayed on the user's page, and can instantly be delivered to other users who are subscribed to receive them. The project's original codename was twttеr, inspired by the name of the famous photo hosting service Flickr and the five-character length of American SMS short codes. Work on the project began on March 21, 2006, when Dorsey posted the first Twitter message at 9:50 pm PST: “justsettingupmytwttr”. The first prototype of Twitter was used as an internal service for Odeo employees, and the full version was released to the public on July 15, 2006.

In October 2006, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, Dorsey and other Odeo members form ObviousCorporation and acquire Odeo and all of its assets, including Odeo.com and Twitter.com - with investors and shareholders. Twitter was spun off in April 2007.

The influence of social networks on people's lives is enormous, many do not even fully realize the scale of this phenomenon, and after all, social networks are already the most popular activity on the Internet. Today, out of the 100 most visited sites in the world, 20 are classic social networks, and another 60 are socialized to one degree or another. More than 80% of companies around the world use social networks in their work. About 78% of people trust information from social networks. Whole revolutions are even arranged through them. Social networks have become the very center of the modern Internet.

Making a hypothesis

Hypothesis 1: "Hanging" on social networks allows you to raise your spirits, helps to make new friends, expands your circle of contacts, horizons; contributes to the development of a person as a person.

Hypothesis 2: "The desire to be in" contact "is a bad habit that is taking deeper and deeper roots among adolescents; hobby for social networks leads to dependence, inhibition of human development as a person and the transfer of life's realities to the virtual world and a departure from reality.

Creating a questionnaire - questionnaire

.What social networks do you know?

.Are you registered on social networks?

.Are you a fan, active user of social networks?

.Can you say that social media communication is better than in real life?

.Is communication on such web servers a way of entertainment for you?

.Do you think that "sitting" on social networks is cool and modern?

.Do you like being on social networks in your free time?

.How much money do you lose by spending time on social networks?

.Do you spend a lot of time online?

.Is internet communication enough for you?

.Have you found friends, family, or classmates through your networks?

.You are euphoric, in a good mood when you are on social media. networks?

.Do you feel better when you go online?

.Do you get a feeling of emptiness, bad mood, irritability, when for one reason or another you are unable to go online?

.Does anyone monitor your online time?

.If so, who?

.Are you able to skip breakfast, lunch or dinner while online?

.Has anyone told you that you spend an incredible amount of time online?

.How much time would you like to spend online?

.Do you think adolescents need to regulate their online time?

.Since the time when you are carried away by the net and you do not manage to stay there for a long time, you do not fall asleep for a long time, do you have a restless sleep, do you feel anxiety?

.Do you vote for someone online?

.Do you participate in promotions, games?

.Do you create microblogs, keep online diaries?

.Do you express your opinion on different network resources? If so, which ones:

a) on their

b) created by others

.You are a "silent user" - just browsing the pages

.When registering, you use your own first and last name.

.Your age.

.What media, besides the Internet, do you prefer?

A) television B) newspapers

B) radio D) magazines

Analysis of results

Direct visit to web resources that turned out to be the most popular according to the results of the survey.

Determination of the possibilities of the positive influence of social networks on the development of a teenager

Determination of the possibilities of negative influence of social networks on the development of a teenager.

Conclusions and interpretation of results.

... Analysis of the obtained results

In my research, the respondents were all users of a personal computer with an Internet connection, aged 12 to 17 years. I conduct research using a questionnaire. With this work, I want to draw attention to this issue: to show my peers the different facets of this phenomenon.

The survey made it possible to establish that the activity of the respondents on the Internet is high.

.Most of the participants are informed about the existence of social networks. Among these networks, the first place was taken by the social network Odnoklassniki.ru, the second was VKontakte, and the third was ICQ.

.Network activity high. The largest number of respondents are registered in the networks: Odnoklassniki.ru, Vkontakte, ICQ.

.Of the 46 interviewed respondents, 28 are not only registered, but are also active users

.More than 12 would like to spend much more time online than they have the ability to do.

.This study showed that there is no serious danger of separating adolescents in the virtual world from real communication with people. Most of the respondents indicated that they have experience of communicating with their virtual friends in real life; the fact that communication in the network is clearly not enough - it is necessary to communicate by phone, "live".

.38 adolescents indicated that virtual communication rather triggers real interpersonal relationships than leads away from them.

The interviewed adolescents are involved in various social activities. The most common among them are:) Voting for someone, something. Online competitions - statuses, photos, etc. 31 people) Search - friends, acquaintances, relatives, "interesting interlocutors" of classmates.) "Silent" users - just register in the networks, view information about others - 11 people) "Initiative" users - do not hesitate to express their opinion, give marks. Expressing their opinion on the network resources - 19 respondents, and 16 speak on the resources created by other people.

14 respondents indicated that they can easily do without social networks, but at the same time, many also say that they will feel discomfort at the same time.

A significant proportion of 30 respondents use web servers uncontrollably. Only 16 are online under adult supervision:

A) control of the time spent on the network;

B) control of the content of being on the network.

Visiting such resources, I came to the conclusion that apart from entertainment they can bring little benefit to users. Giving marks from 1 to 5+, discussion of statuses, photos - for example, a quote: "... considers the status ... cool!", Rating for a photo ... It seems to me that such activities do not contribute to development, let alone socialization.

Paid services 34 teenagers. Cash 12 respondents do not lose. But few people think that visiting paid services, time spent in the network, connection speed is paid exclusively at the expense of parents.

When registering and using 33 people use their real personal data; 13 respondents use distorted information - fictitious names, other people's photos, indicate a different age.

Among those surveyed, 42 people use the Internet, identifying it as the main source of the media. And then in decreasing order of popularity: Television - 39 teenagers Magazines - 21 teenagers Newspapers - 14 teenagers Radio - 4 teenagers

The work carried out made it possible to identify several groups of users by forms of social activity (Fig. 4):

1. "Sociable" - visit social networking sites, 38 irrigated people are registered

2. "Active" - \u200b\u200bactively participate in discussions, express their opinions on special thematic platforms 35 respondents

3. “Indifferent” - not involved in socially oriented actions 8 respondents

4. "Bloggers" - conduct microblogs, blogs of 7 respondents

Analyzing the work done, the visited pages of web resources, I came to the conclusion that social networks can bring a lot of useful things. Many skeptics say that a lot of time is spent on social networks, and indeed, most of the surveyed respondents do not have enough time on the Internet, they would like to increase the time spent in "contact", but I do not consider such an activity as a waste of time. By viewing the pages, you can:

“I am for social networks. In their free time, adolescents should be on social networks, where they can communicate with their peers, relatives, receive a lot of information there, have fun and just enjoy their time! "

“In the networks you can spend your free time, chat with friends, take photos of relatives who live far away, express your point of view on any topics.”

The fascination with social media has a number of negative aspects. I believe that no virtual communication can replace a real, live conversation, even by phone. Virtual communication cannot contribute to the development of a person's communication skills. Let's take a look at the most frequently repeated correspondence: “Hello”, “How are you”, “What are you doing”. “I sit in classmates”, “I correspond” As if the Russian language had become scarce, and there are no other words.

When you become a participant in virtual communication on the network, it is not necessary to tell the truth, because there is an opportunity to embellish yourself, making yourself more successful, beautiful, etc. And the worst thing is that this image can be maintained, cultivated endlessly, but sooner or later you will have to tear yourself away from the Internet and that then - the collapse of illusions.

Despite the responses of my peers, I still believe that social media forms some kind of addiction. Communicating, observing, I noticed that some guys, at the first opportunity, tend to go online as soon as possible; both from the computer and from the phone. They are waiting, looking for any convenient minute - in the lesson under the desk, right after the call, the whole break, not

while paying attention to everything that happens around. Everyone says I have no addiction, but you just have to register, start your own page and it immediately starts: daily views, joys, resentments, i.e. teenager, leaving the realities of life in the world of virtual space.

Grishchenko Ilya

This work was performed by a 6th grade student, within the framework of the school competition of research works and creative projects of schoolchildren "I am a researcher". The research work examines the impact of social networks on the younger generation. Some believe that social networks are only beneficial, others - that harm ... It is necessary to figure out who is right.



School competition of research papers and creative projects of schoolchildren "I am a researcher"


Leader: Shutenko Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of the 1st qualification category.

Orenburg - 2013


1.2. Positive aspects of social networks.

1.3. Disadvantages of social media

1.4.1. Free cheese

1.4.2. Games

1.4.3. Telephones

1.4.4. Fake home pages

1.4.5. Friends

1.5.2. The main harmful factors when you are often at the computer and find social networks:

2.2. Research results


List of sources used:


Attachment 1

Appendix 2

  1. Introduction

Twenty first century. The age of computer technology and novelties. Our future belongs to them. What does the future hold for us? Are we going to become machines ourselves? Will "virtual reality" replace real life? Our best friends will be computers, robots? Not if we can prevent it. But how do you ask? It's very simple - we must not forget about the golden mean, about the norm. Any medicine can become poison if taken in unreasonable doses. We just haven't learned to take health safety seriously.

Why do we love to spend time at the computer and on social networks so much, how does this affect us, can we say stop to ourselves? (can we stop?) According to statistics, the number of young people on the Internet is growing faster than the number of representatives of other age groups. What makes young people leave an active lifestyle and spend hours on the Internet? What exactly attracts them to the network, what sites do they visit? I will try to find out this and much more in my work. We already cannot live without a computer, and we believe that our future belongs to it. For some, a computer is a toy, for others - an assistant, and for others - just a machine.

Scientists are still arguing about the dangers or benefits of a computer. Let's find out what are the positive and negative aspects of working with a computer on social networks.

Relevance of the problem: Socialization of a person occurs in the process of education and under the significant influence of the environment. The environment of a modern person in which education takes place has changed significantly. The Internet is the most influential right now. Currently, the situation of the influence of social networks on the younger generation has become very aggravated. Some believe that social networks are only beneficial, some - that harm ... It is necessary to figure out who is right.

Purpose of the study: consider the impact of social media on our school students and teachers.

Research objectives:

1. Identify the specific problems associated with the use of social networks.

2. Highlight ways to solve problems.

Today in Russia the unconditional 1st place in terms of monthly audience coverage is occupied by the Vkontakte network - 34.3 million active users. According to experts, the main advantage of the social network is its technical advancement. Initially, this social network was conceived as a resource for students, but over time it has grown into a huge project in which everyone is registered - from young to old.

"Classmates" – http://odnoklassniki.ru/

In second place are Odnoklassniki with an audience of 27 million accounts. While VKontakte is a public of all ages, Odnoklassniki is dominated by people who have graduated from high school or university. This social network is an opportunity for them to communicate with their former classmates or classmates with whom, perhaps, they have not seen for a long time.

"Facebook" - https://www.facebook.com/

The world's largest social facebook network, with over 800 million active participants today, is still only the third in the Russian Internet - 9.3 million people. However, since September 2010, the network has shown impressive growth rates. During the year, its Russian audience grew by 67%.

Twitter - http://twitter.com/

The number of users of the microblogging service Twitter exceeds 200 million people, while the number of Russian users, according to Yandex statistics, is more than1.85 million... person.

"My world" - http://my.mail.ru/

"My World" is a project of the Mail.Ru website. When registering mail on this site, you are immediately offered to create a page in "My World". And to do it in just one click. In addition, a kind of monopoly reigns on this social network - only soapboxes from mail.ru are allowed to register. And if there are more older people in Odnoklassniki, in My World it is mostly schoolchildren who “hang out”.

The total audience of all kinds of social networks has significantly exceeded one billion people. A significant number of users, no matter what they do on the Internet, no longer leave their account at any "VKontakte". This kind of universal social networks began to compete with a wide variety of Internet services, many of which, as recently seemed, secured a cloudless future without any hints of any serious competitors.

For example, file hosting services. The amount of multimedia content contained in the same "VKontakte" goes beyond all reasonable boundaries, there is practically everything that can come to mind. I believe that VKontakte users turn less and less to external collections of multimedia content, which means that this social network has become a direct competitor to a huge number of network services. Agree, it would be shortsighted for network owners and developers not to use this opportunity.

As a matter of fact, they are already starting. Within social networks, their own payment systems are emerging - from VKontakte it is now possible to pay for purchases in online stores, mechanisms for recommending goods and services are also developing, with the help of which users share what they like.

In general, there are more and more ways to monetize. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of titanic Facebook and the youngest billionaire on the planet, gave a very interesting speech.
It is the most popular social network in the world, so it's worth listening to. He said, among other things, that Facebook's plans are to "fill the internet by turning every website de facto into one of its pages."

The idea seems fantastic at first glance, but it is only at first glance. Facebook developers offer everyone to insert a Like button on their sites, which will allow users of the social network to share with each other the interesting things they find on these resources, naturally, through the built-in Facebook data exchange mechanisms.

By itself, the proposed preference exchange mechanism is rather trivial.

However, given the number of users of social networks, the result may be exactly what the management of the aforementioned social network would like to receive. And the desired result is not measured in money, at least not directly. The purpose of the venture is to create a comfortable enough environment for the user so that he does not see the point at all in the process of his activityleave the social network, because this gives its owners an understanding of what exactly this particular client is doing in general.

And in general, the trend is, of course, interesting. It is quite possible that soon there will be solutions for creating social networks, well, for example, within the framework of individual companies. I can easily imagine how large transnational organizations introduce a special clause into the contract, according to which their employees must carry out any activity on the Internet exclusively “from within” corporate social networks.

Toolkits of the largest mass social networks appear on every second site, and the World Wide Web is divided into zones of influence between, for example, Facebook and LinkedIn. For each user, the Internet becomes as personalized as possible, because the social network knows and remembers everything about his preferences, forming an environment around him that is most authentic to his needs.

Most citizens will like such a scheme, even though this is almost the apotheosis of perfect control over user actions. IN combined with the fact that, most likely, sooner or later, some mechanisms of mandatory user identification will appear on the Internet, the era of relative anonymity on the Web will probably end smoothly.

  1. Chapter 2. Experimental part
  1. 2.1. Research goals and objectives

Purpose of work: study the impact of social media on adolescents.

Research objectives:

  1. studying the influence of social networks on the physical and psychological health of a person;
  2. study the problem of network addiction;
  3. to conduct a sociological study on the problem of the impact of social networks on students and teachers of our school.

Object of study - students and teachers of the MOAU "Secondary School No. 71"

Subject of study - the attitude of students and teachers to the social networks of the Internet.

  1. Appendix 2

Safety rules when using social networks

  1. Exercise caution when following links you receive in messages from other users or friends. You should not thoughtlessly open all links in a row - first you need to make sure that the link sent to you leads to a safe or familiar resource.
  2. Control the information you post about yourself. Typically, attackers hack accounts on websites in the following way: they click on the "Forgot your password?" on the login page account... At the same time, to restore or set a new password, the system may offer to answer a secret question. This could be your date of birth, hometown, mother's maiden name, etc. Answers to such questions can be easily found in the information that you have published on your page in any popular social network. Therefore, when installing security questions, you need to come up with them yourself (if the site you are registering on allows it) or try not to use personal information that is easy to find on the network.
  3. Don't assume that the message you received was sent to someone you know just because it says so. Remember that hackers can hack into accounts and send out emails that look like they were sent by your friends. If you have such a suspicion, it would be better to contact the sender in an alternative way, for example, by phone, to make sure that this particular person sent you this message. It is also necessary to treat invitations to register in a particular social network.
  4. To avoid revealing your friends' email addresses, prevent social networks from scanning your email address book. When you connect to a new social network, you may be prompted to enter your email address and password to see if there are people on that network that you already have an email relationship with. Using this data, the site can send e-mail messages (for example, invitations to join this network on your behalf) to all users on your contact list. Social networks should indicate that these email addresses will be used for this given, but often they do not.
  5. Enter the address of the social network directly in the address bar of the browser or use bookmarks. By clicking on a link that you received in an email or found on a site, you may be taken to a fake site where the personal information you leave will be stolen by fraudsters.
  6. Do not add everyone on social networks. Scammers can create fake profiles to get information from you that is only available to your friends.
  7. Don't sign up on all social networks indiscriminately. Evaluate the site you plan to use and make sure you understand its privacy policy correctly. Find out if the site has control over the content posted by its users. The sites on which you provide your personal information must be taken with the same seriousness that sites where you make any purchases with a credit card require.
  8. Consider the fact that all the data you publish on a social network can be saved by someone. On most services, you can delete your account at any time, but, despite this, do not forget that almost any user can print or save on his computer photos, videos, contact information and other information you leave.
  9. Exercise caution when installing social media apps or add-ons. Many social media platforms allow you to download third-party applications that enhance your personal page. Quite often, such applications are used to steal personal data, so their use should be taken as seriously as installing programs on your computer that you can find on the Internet.
  10. Try not to visit social media from your workplace. Any social network can become a medium for the spread of viruses and other malicious or spyware, which can lead not only to the infection of your computer and the entire corporate network, but also to the loss of data that constitutes a trade secret of your company.
  11. Educate your children about the dangers that can lie in wait for them on social media. If your children use social media, tell them about the safe use of these resources.

January 29 - International Day without Internet. Someone will give up the World Wide Web, and someone, by tradition, will go to Facebook to read the news feed. "Foma" asked a number of people close to the editorial office to talk about what prompted them to refuse or, on the contrary, to actively use social networks.

Life through the eyes of friends

Archpriest Pavel Velikanov, rector of the Pyatnitsky courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad

We are free to build our relationships with social networks the way we want, and not the way we are “forced”. I am not an opponent of social networks, but at the same time I calmly spend quite a lot of time without them, I can not publish anything for weeks and do not experience any damage or a complex from this, what a nightmare, a day has passed, and I have not looked, have not written , nobody liked me. What problems?..

The first reason why there are social networks in my life is for me this is a specific cut of the current life through the eyes of my friends. Recently, I practically do not go to news sites at all, because everything interesting and significant that happens in the world will definitely be reflected in my feed, will be reflected by my friends. And if it doesn't, it means it's empty, it doesn't catch on. That is, in social networks I find news with a human face - not formal, as in news agencies, but already partly digested by those people with whom something connects me.

The second reason: social networks are the possibility of a substantive conversation on different topics, which cannot be conducted in any other way; the ability to quickly get a clear and expressed in words and emotions reaction to a particular message.

The third reason: since the circle of my friends in social networks somehow correlates with my interests, then the chance to find important information for me there is higher than than I would just wander around some open spaces of the Internet in the hope of finding what interests me.

The fourth reason. Social networks for me are an opportunity to quickly get a competent answer or advice from an area in which sometimes you don't even know who to ask. There have been situations in my life when I literally threw a question into the air - and very quickly and unexpectedly I received a high level of competence answer from the circle of my friends or just outside people. Although among those friends with whom I communicate, for example, by phone, such a person would definitely not be found. That is, social networks help me to build sometimes completely unexpected relationships.

Perhaps the most unexpected thing that happened to me thanks to social networks - there I met a real friend. Once, being in such a difficult situation, which seemed to me almost hopeless, I literally turned to my friends on Facebook with a cry for help. And through their mediation, I met a man who for me, for our family is now a very close friend, with whom we have been in very warm relations for several years.

Loseva Natalia Gennadievna, media producer, journalist

I believe that social networks are inseparable from the communication environment in which we live. Today it is impossible to maintain communication in the active information space of a metropolis if you do not use social networks: at work, for friends, at home, and so on.

For me, social networks are primarily a tool for work. One of my specialties is related to the study of the behavior of an audience that spends more and more time on social networks, using them not only for entertainment, but also quite utilitarian. Social networks are connected with another occupation: I work with children and parents who receive social services for children's recreation. Today, informing parents, working with some difficult situations - all types of communications are associated with social networks and instant messengers. It is they who become the environment and instrument of the audience closest to the everyday interests, accessible and convenient exchange of information. Therefore, for me, a social network is just a part of the information communicative space in which I exist without any specially allocated space.

When asking people for money, it's important not to be anonymous.

Vladimir Berkhin, Head of the Tradition Charitable Foundation

I have social networks in my life, because it is the main means of communication for me with people. Success in my work as a charitable foundation manager depends on how many people see the request for help and respond to it. And social networks are the only opportunity to convey something to many people at once, without involving the media or other "mouthpieces".

But in order to be heard, it is necessary that people want to read exactly what I am writing. This means that you need to regularly please your readers with something, attract their attention, in various ways to achieve trust and stable communication. And since, apart from, in fact, my personality, my life and my work, I have nothing, then I use them to attract attention.

When you ask people for money, it is important not to be anonymous, to have a certain face, such that people do not doubt that the money for which you take responsibility will reach its destination. And if so, then in social networks you have to be a living person.

People do not crave anything more than to feel a connection with other living people, to overcome loneliness. Therefore, it is quite natural to share spontaneous thoughts, react to "what everyone is discussing", upload pictures of children, complain about a bad mood and ask help questions like "who knows where you can eat deliciously in Voronezh?" ... All this is normal behavior of a normal person who trusts those around him and enjoys their trust.

Today we argued about politics, tomorrow we discussed a film, the day after tomorrow, a divorce, then sports or some kind of spiritual issue, and then I asked for help with money for a girl who needs a difficult operation. Help in such a situation is natural, as it is natural to chip in 300 rubles for a common fund in a student hostel, because we are all together and share common troubles and common joys.

And yes, in this way you can achieve absolutely amazing results. In 2014, for example, with the help of, in fact, social networks alone, we consistently collected 4 million rubles each for three women who needed a terrible operation in Switzerland. And the last, Olga Galimova, is already during the New Year holidays, when traditionally all activity on the network freezes.

It is only natural to work towards such a result. Facebook is my place of work.

In addition, it is through the networks "Facebook" or "Vkontakte" that in our time you can find a huge number of people who cannot be found otherwise. In fact, we all seem to live in the same space, where you can write to any person and expect an answer, regardless of the difference in status. Social networks in this sense are an extremely democratic thing. In ordinary life, in order to talk with Vladimir Romanovich Legoyda, I have to make an appointment. And on Facebook, he responds to comments.

What is said remains forever

Evgeny Vodolazkin, writer

For myself, I have long ago decided that the most important means of spiritual hygiene is not participating in social networks. This is by no means a general recommendation. There are people for whom social networks are a tool of their work. There are people who are generally deprived of any other opportunity to communicate, except in social networks. True, I have an "unofficial site", but I don't even know who created it. They lead it quite skillfully, but without my participation. I am grateful to unknown people for their attention to me and my texts, but I do not plan to join them.

In general, the danger of social networks, among other things, is the instant publication. This is unnatural: a person must wait for the thought to settle down, take the desired form - or even go away altogether. Such an opportunity was previously provided by technical conditions: no one could publish their statements with lightning speed. And now people, without thinking, publish all sorts of nonsense. Because of this, families, friendships, careers and so on collapse. How many cases are known when, having published something on the Internet, people later grabbed their heads. Sometimes a person, succumbing to a momentary emotion, says terrible things - and looks much worse than he really is, just because he was in a bad mood, drunk and the like. Let us recall the plane that crashed over Sochi - what terrible comments were then given in social networks by different people. These comments were subsequently removed, but nothing can be removed from the Internet. And in general: what was said remains in the noosphere.

It is also terrible that for many users of social networks, the line between private and public life has blurred. People publicly sort things out, share intimate details. I think we should all pull ourselves together.

The danger of parallel life

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, First Deputy Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church

First: once LJ (Live Journal) gave the illusion of direct, sincere communication, which quickly turned into anonymous irresponsibility. It turned out that reducing the distance between the utterance and its written fixation is a rather harmful thing. Previously, while a person had to think, write if not with a quill, then at least with a pen or type on a computer, send, publish - there was time to think: is it worth doing this at all?

Now a situation arose in social networks, similar to oral statements: first I wrote, and then I thought - was it necessary? And someone is already offended, the temptation has already occurred. These are premature decisions caused by emotion. The absence of a real interlocutor next to you, a living person whose eyes you see, reduces the holding moment, depersonalizes communication.

The distance of computer correspondence creates the illusion that I am talking directly not with a person or people, but with some rather abstract community somewhere on the other side of the screen. This is a bad temptation that few can cope with.

Second: a dangerous situation for a Christian is created - a parallel life. When the most interesting, attractive, evocative thing in my soul happens not in my family, not with my colleagues, not with those towards whom I have real social and life obligations, but with some abstract group of people. There is such an immersion in virtual life, when a person, without reading a friend's tape in the morning or in the evening, begins to feel like a smoker without a cigarette - inferior. There is a real dependence of a wide range of people on social networks.

Third: this dependence of a large number of people turns into a desire to create a certain image, an image of how one should look. Starting with photos: me and my family, me and my husband, me and my child, we are on vacation, what is on the plate, which island is visible, which ocean, which car. This is naive vanity, but it doesn't get better from it. And ending with pseudo-intellectual reasoning, the need to express an "expert assessment" about everyone and everything. Moreover, wanting to belong to a certain social and ideological group, I must speak in a certain way. Even if in fact I do not think anything about this or I think something opposite, it must correspond. Here comes the influence of the herd, the clan, in accordance with the norms of which my statements should be.

Among people of any status and well-known - this is especially noticeable on Facebook now - blatant insincerity. They write what their status implies. This is not even necessarily a lie, but the truth is present in the texts of such people by 5-10% of the overall picture of their own worldview. As a result: an official of a certain level, it does not matter - state or church, writes the corresponding texts on the relevant topics. And you can already imagine in advance what he will write on such and such an occasion and what reason he will probably ignore, because this does not fit into his status and line of behavior. And even the one who leads them himself appears in the form of a bronze statue or an information bureau, which will always tell about our victories and belittle our defeats, ignore the unpleasant news until the position of very large bosses on how this news should be covered is found out.

I see a possible application of this communication for professional communication, for obtaining scientific, educational or work information. But you don't have to be on social media for this either - you can create a newsletter. Among colleagues there is an internal community that the whole world does not need to read. Or other forms of corporate, social, family communication that are not publicly displayed.

I see a new disease in our society in social networks. This is a kind of virtual exhibitionism, turning oneself out in front of the whole world. Previously, Christians understood that their “inner man” must be protected. The holy fathers even advised not to tell too much about the flow of grace in life, because with each story that which was a living experience becomes objectified and departs from you in the narrative that you stop living. Share it only when you can really benefit the person. Do not turn yourself inside out in front of the whole world. As St. Philaret of Moscow said: "Serve everyone and be hidden from everyone."

At one time, I left all social networks and am very happy about that. I do not feel any inferiority, moreover, I have no problem in obtaining relevant information. The old wisdom said: "You do not need to read the news and watch TV - today you will be told about everything that is really important." And the fact that you learn about some kind of world cataclysm an hour and a half later will not harm you.

The ideal option for remote communication is email. Communicate in the mail! It will reach the addressee quickly, they will answer you, and only you will see it.

I'm afraid to get carried away

Pavel Kryuchkov, employee of the State Literary Museum, the magazines "New World" and "Foma", Radio Vera and much more

No tweets, contacts and classmates. No journals alive or dead.

Is it bad, good or not - I don't know. I really don't know.

Sometimes you suddenly feel like it. Sometimes I go on the subway and come up with a nickname, more fun. For example, "bbgon" is associated with B. B. King.

Well, I love all this blues and its king, and besides, for a thousand years I have been working in the Korney Chukovsky House-Museum, where the only fairy tale was written. "Bibigon", that is.

I myself was teased by Bibigon - for bragging, chatter and some courage.

You know, my wife is really jealous of only one masculine essence. To Facebook. Therefore, as the great Umka, that is, Anna Georgievna Gerasimova, said in one of her interviews, “I lustfully dream of banning Facebook”.

Something I just can't figure out in what genre I'm writing my notes now? In the genre of an explanatory note or what? Oh my God! … And after all, wonderful young priests, for example, or my colleagues-comrades from the Foma magazine and Radio Vera have all these Facebooks. And they perfectly participate in them. And I? And I - nothing. Does not work.

In a word, out of ten good friends of mine, only one is missing on social networks. Me myself - and no. Recently, a friend of mine from Novy Mir said in his hearts: “You can never be found - you have to call or write by e-mail, as in the old days. In our time, we need to somehow socialize, Pavel. " Need, Need. Or not.

I have an old friend who is younger. When we meet, we playfully play out such an old, hopeless "romance". When we say goodbye, I usually say, "Well, bye." She - to me: "and a kiss?" I told her: "I'm afraid to get carried away." Exactly.

... There was a legendary teacher of antiquity at Moscow University - the Kingdom of Heaven! - Elizaveta Petrovna Kuchborskaya. And she had such a saying: leave me my ideal life. So leave it, please. And if someone suddenly upset - forgive generously.

Of course, the biggest plus is that any social network makes it possible to contact friends, relatives and acquaintances from different cities and countries, especially when there is no opportunity to see and communicate face to face.

Also, for most people, getting to know each other on the Internet is much easier than meeting on the street. Sometimes it is enough to attract subscribers to Instagram or another social network in order to create an interesting and useful circle for communication, which may well turn from virtual to quite real.

It is more convenient to communicate through social networks when you receive a message, that is, time to think about an answer. In real life, we express the thoughts that come to mind first. It should be noted that the likelihood of finding an interesting interlocutor on the Internet is also growing, because before starting an acquaintance, each of us can revise the user's profile and find out his interests from it.

  • Firstly, anyone in the virtual space can become a victim of fraud, so we need to be vigilant.
  • Secondly, very active users can acquire addictions to social networks.
  • And finally, if we very often communicate on the Internet, then we may even forget how to talk with real people, because nothing can replace "live" communication.

Today, social networks account for ~ 40% of all communication services (after the phone). Every day the number of users of social networks increases dramatically, for example, from 2003 to 2013, the number of Internet users increased by 900%, almost everyone discovered this world, the world of multimedia and entertainment, a world in which a person does not need to worry about those problems that can surround in the real world.

A person who once discovered the Internet for himself allows his imagination to run free and unwind all over the world. But, after a virtual trip, sometimes a person begins to identify the virtual world with the real one, hindering the development of his talents and, in a buval sense, destroying his own time.

By myself, I can say that the Internet eats up time mercilessly, if you do not resist this with tough self-discipline. I have problems with this - on the one hand. On the other hand, it was the Internet that gave me the opportunity to be creative, and social networks are directly related to this. Communication by interests is a whole world in which you can learn from the interlocutors such subtleties of your creativity that no textbook will give. It depends only on us whether the Internet will become a problem or will always be a faithful friend and helper.

Unfortunately, social media cannot replace real communication. But people spend time on them that they could spend with family or friends. A person seems to be leaving real life in some kind of fictional world. And teenagers suffer the most from this scourge. After all, when you make contacts on a social network, it is not at all necessary to tell the truth about yourself. There is always an opportunity to embellish reality a little, to show yourself more beautiful, successful, cool. In real life, all these tricks very soon become noticeable and the invented halo of the hero disappears. And on a social network, you can maintain a given image almost indefinitely. Only one problem is that you can't make real friends on the network. The teenager doesn’t even know who he is talking to. Maybe all of his friends are also pretending to be someone they really are not. But you can't go online forever! You still have to communicate with real people. And the teenager does not have the appropriate skills. After all, communication also needs to be learned. This requires practice, not "virtual training" on the net. It seems to me that people who are used to communicating via the Internet are very lonely in life. Friendship with real people is very different from email. And if a person does not learn to be friends for real, he will always be alone.

Oleg, 29 years old, economist

The social network is like seeds. Gnawing is already tired, but it is impossible to quit. I myself fell for this bait. First I registered in one of the networks, just out of curiosity. You know, this is very addictive. I am an adult, I started to catch myself that I can't wait to get the opportunity to look at my page on the Internet. I was drawn to the computer much more than to my wife and son! At work, I stopped having time to do things. He came in the morning, went into the network, lo and behold, and already evening came. What he was doing all day is unclear. In general, I made a volitional decision - I deleted my page from the network. Now I'm not going there. A waste of time and nothing else. I am aware that all this online communication has not enriched me in anything. I haven't gotten smarter, I haven't gotten better. I was just wasting my life on something stupid. But, in fact, what does it matter to me what complete strangers think of me. What do I care what they look like and what they say? Why did I refuse to communicate with my relatives and friends in order to talk about anything with people whose names I do not know, only some pseudonyms. I understand perfectly well that many people need social networks to make money. The more visitors to your page, the more opportunities to earn money on the same advertising, for example. But for those who are not looking for income on the net, but for communication, it is better not to meddle there. You will not find warmth there, only you will waste time in vain.

Alla, 52, housewife

For many, social media is their only outlet. How many lonely people we have in our country - millions! They have no family, no close friends, and even few good acquaintances. Who should they communicate with? I think for such social networks can really become a source of warmth. And there is no need to deprive them of this. Just imagine how good it would be if, for example, retirees learned to use the Internet and had the opportunity to go to social networks! I think the number of lonely and unhappy people among them would immediately decrease. After all, for an elderly person to travel three bus stops to meet a friend is like going to another city for you. Maybe virtual friendship will not replace real, but such communication is better than none. And it is easier to find a person who is close in spirit and interests through the Internet - the number of users there is much greater than the regulars of the shop at the entrance. So don't resist progress. On the contrary, you need to use the opportunities that it gives.

Mikhail, 33, bank clerk

You don't have to use social media just for idle chatter. For example, my wife loves to embroider. Agree, at present, the hobby is quite rare. So, through the network, she found those who are also interested in embroidery. They exchange some schemes via the Internet, give advice to each other. I don't see anything wrong with that! And another plus of social networks is a kind of impersonality in communication. On the web, as a rule, your circle is not at all the same as in real life. Maybe, having met these people, you don't even want to talk to them - they will annoy you. And in the network - it is. And you will exchange information, and don’t spoil each other’s mood with all sorts of unpleasant little things.

Nikolay, 43 years old, entrepreneur

It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with social networks. This is just another opportunity for communication. For some reason, people always oppose the Internet to real gatherings with friends. I am registered in several social networks, and at the same time I have no fewer friends. I quite often travel abroad, meet people there and, if not for social networks, I would have lost contact with them long ago. It is expensive to call, to visit each other - you need time and money. And the time difference often interferes with live communication. Social networks give me the opportunity to stay connected with people from other cities. What's bad about it? It's just that people are not yet fully accustomed to the Internet, so they are wary of it. Remember, it was the same with mobile phones when they first appeared. My mother, I remember, wondered why a mobile phone was needed if you could talk on a regular phone. And now she cannot live without a cell phone. If she doesn't have the opportunity to contact me or her grandchildren at any time, she gets nervous. I think the same will happen with the Internet soon.

Nina, 30 years old, secretary

I don't understand people who are seriously addicted to social media. In my opinion, they are just stupid. They post their photos on the Internet, and then marvel at angry comments. And what is there to be surprised? Half of those who visit your page really find you unattractive, and the other half say nasty things, because otherwise they will not be able to sleep well. People simply assert themselves in this way - if you tell someone that his legs are crooked, his own limbs will immediately seem straighter. So it turns out that people post their photos and comments only in order to receive a stream of dirt in return. Then they get upset and themselves begin to write all sorts of rubbish to the offenders. What is all this for? Spoil your self-esteem? I am not registered in any network. I don’t want to be found by the people with whom I studied at school, and spent a long time procrastinating about how I grew old, got fat, became stupid. I will just be unpleasant to read this.

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