Scientists have figured out why you can't eat in front of the TV. Why you can't watch TV if you want to succeed Why you want to eat when watching TV

Scientists have figured out why you can't eat in front of the TV. Why you can't watch TV if you want to succeed Why you want to eat when watching TV


"TV and food are not helpful, never !!!"

A common picture, mommy puts the child in front of the TV or tablet, includes cartoons and, when the child is carried away by the plot, forgets that he is being fed. Mom quickly begins to shove one spoonful of porridge after another, not even paying attention to whether the child has time to chew or not? It seems that the mother's goal is not to bring up a healthy child, not to accustom to healthy eating, not to enjoy pleasant communication, but to transform the child into a kind of robot, whose task, to stare at the screen, is not to object and to absorb and absorb food.

Or another very common example: Young parents go to a cafe or restaurant, be sure to take a laptop with cartoons with them. They communicate with each other, and the child hangs in an electronic device for an hour. Another example: A cinema we go to with a bucket of popcorn, we bought a small or a large bucket, we eat it all, not noticing either its taste or volume.

Consider the digestion process.

First, the person should feel hungry. Then there is a need to find food. He goes to the kitchen and prepares dinner. During this short period, the process of preparing the gastrointestinal tract for eating is underway, i.e. the process of producing digestive enzymes. This is very important, it allows you to prevent many diseases such as: gastritis, gastroduodenitis, diseases of the pancreas, liver, etc. etc. And if the child does not see food, does not participate in its preparation, looks at a colorful screen, then neither the first nor the second stage of digestion occurs. Food immediately enters the unprepared stomach and the consequences of this process are sad.

Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop.

Another important point. Let us recall the work on the development of conditioned reflexes by the great Russian scientist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Physiologist, Nobel laureate, creator of the science of higher nervous activity.Conditioned reflex is an acquired reflex characteristic of an individual. Occurs during life. It is formed on the basis of unconditioned reflexes with the participation of unconditioned reflexes with the participation of the higher parts of the brain. For example, if a dog is allowed to sniff meat, then it secretes gastric juice (this is an unconditioned reflex), if the bell rings simultaneously with the appearance of meat, then the nervous system associates sound with food and gastric juice will be released on the bell, even if then meat is not provided. Conditioned reflexes underlie acquired behavior.As the experience gained, a system of conditioned reflex connections develops in the cerebral cortex. This system is called dynamic stereotype. It underlies habits and skills.

Now let's give an example about a dog, and the theory of I.P. Pavlova and link it to eating and watching cartoons.Giving instead of a call, in our "conditional experiment" over his child cartoonwe form a clear conditioned reflex, in which we develop a connection between the "blue screen" and food intake.As a result, a clearthe dominant linking the cartoon with food and the production of gastric juice. As a result, later, when the child grows up, he gets used to eating food with the TV. And being, even in a hotel, he wants food to be brought to his room, so that the meal is accompanied by watching TV.This is a terrible experiment on your child. ... The child's activity will be directed to the screen, and the food will only be the background.And you mummies lay the foundation for it! We ourselves develop a habit in a child, eating under the background of a TV, laptop, computer.

The next important point. Many new diagnostic methods are entering our life. A very interesting method of functional magnetic resonance therapy, which shows which areas of the brain are involved in a particular activity.And you can immediately see that when watching a cartoon, a child's brain areas are involved than those that are needed when eating food.

The peculiarity of the child's psyche is that his attention is focused on one thing, on the directly performed activity - playing, eating, watching a cartoon. It is difficult for him, due to his physiological characteristics, to grasp many tasks.

The brain is unnecessarily wasted when eating and watching TV. As a result, its activity is distracted from the digestion process.The brain is focused on receiving information, so the signal of fullness comes later and we manage to eat much more food than we need. And the digestion process takes an hour or more... As a result, overeating appears, which leads to obesity and diabetes mellitus - to metabolic disorders.

Such food becomes a habit, and we eat for a long time without understanding the taste, without thinking about how we chew food, how we swallow it while watching a movie... It has been shown that people watching the news and movies and cartoons eat faster without chewing food for a long time. The right path to "unconscious eating".And as we have already said, the digestive tract is not prepared for eating, enzymes have not been developed in sufficient quantities to process this food, then the digestion process is disrupted.

Let's also focus on the form of eating. Research has been carried out and it has been shown that in families where there is a dining room and dinner is held in a relaxed atmosphere of communication between adults and children, the families themselves become stronger and more stable. There is a continuity of experience. Children learn a lot over a kind, warm dinner. If dad does not sit, buried in the TV, without even turning with a smile to the child. And the child sees his parents very rarely, as many parents come home late and sit down with their family at a common table, only in the evening. In particular momreplaces communication with the child , its warmth just a screen with cartoons. Mission accomplished - the child is fed, but the mission of the more important is lost. The mission of communication between mom and child. A teenager will grow up who will then say: “Mom, why are you bothering me with your questions. You see, I communicate in contact with friends or watch TV. Apply faster. " Mom in a hurry puts food on, not receiving a word in return from her son or daughter. He quickly eats and runs to his room and again, behind his usual background, a working computer or telephone, you hear from behind the door. And it won't be otherwise. You yourself have created this monster.Usually this is a full teenager who does not need live communication.

And one moment. What is the child's age? There are certain requirements for the first cartoons. The picture should change slowly, the plot should be simple, uncomplicated, the duration should be minimal. (better after 3 years). It is important what information is included in the cartoons that the child is watching. Not always pleasant. Many foreign manufacturers, even the most famous trends, for example, "Tom and Jerry", lay plots with aggression and scenes where, for example, a mouse hits a cat on the head with a sledgehammer, etc. Such paintings clearly do not promote appetite and themselves carry a spiritual destructive meaning.The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to draw the line between real life and the screen. Now there are many TV channels where cartoons are shown around the clock. Sometimes inserting a very interesting advertisement that focuses on the purchase of sweets, ice cream, which also affects the child's eating behavior.


    It is important to eat correctly and competently. "Wake up with food while eating"

    We do not want to have a passive, sedentary child in the future, but on the other hand, he eats a lot and often in front of the screen.

    Bad habitautomatic food "under the TV »Is excluded by caring parents. Neither TV nor computer everwill not replace your love and the time spent near you.

    It is important to watch cartoons correctly and correctly. The parent should not be left alone in front of the TV screen. The parent must know the content of the cartoon. The parent should discuss the viewing with the child, focusing on the correct information the child needs.

If you have completely forgotten how to eat without a TV andeat unconsciously , try:

Eating while watching a movie is every family's favorite pastime. Unfortunately, this kind of leisure has a lot of negative consequences. Consider why it is better to dine in the dining room without a TV or laptop.

Why is it better to give up sitting in front of the TV

Cinema triggers a surge of emotions that are triggered by hormones. Those, in turn, provoke the viewer to eat several times more, without even noticing it.

Negative consequences:

Important! Fans of eating high-calorie foods on the couch are at risk of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.

How to train your family to eat without a screen

The first steps in solving problems are always the hardest. But by showing minimal willpower, you can achieve magical results, and even create new family traditions.

Important! The main problem of eating in front of the screen is the mechanical consumption of food.

Ways to solve the problem:

Replacing a harmful snack:

  • chopped fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • berries;
  • healthy sandwiches and preparations.

Important! Lack of television at the table means more family conversations. This entails the absence of stress, conflicts, a more favorable, trusting "climate" in the family. Everyone needs to speak up, get support, there is no need to take this time away from children and spouses.

It is difficult to give up an old habit. However, only the first 2-3 weeks will be difficult. After that, the psyche stabilizes and gets used to the new routine.

Lack of TV means less stress, more time for yourself and your family. Lack of sitting on the couch will eliminate the problem of excess weight, make you go outside. There will be time for children and ourselves.

Many people like to eat in front of the TV. However, American scientists have found that this seemingly harmless habit can lead to obesity. /website/

Scientists from the University of Illinois conducted a study in which 60 families volunteered. Video footage was used to assess the impact of food distraction.

Half of the participants in the study ate their food with the sound of a vacuum cleaner that worked in the next room for 15 minutes. The other half ate in silence. It turned out that those who dined in the presence of noise ate more sweets and drank more drinks than those who ate without extraneous sounds.

It also turned out that the participants in the first group paid less attention to their children at the table. This led to the fact that children also could not stop in time and continued to eat even after satiety.

This experiment suggests that the noise of the vacuum cleaner was a distraction while eating. Watching TV works the same way. A person who is carried away by a plot cannot stop. He eats quickly, chewing poorly. However, he may not even taste the food.

Concentrating on food will help you avoid overeating

With a leisurely meal, a person feels full after 10 minutes. And those who eat in front of the TV do not concentrate on the feeling of fullness, so they continue to eat and eat. Appetizing advertising adds fuel to the fire, which can make you want to eat an extra bite, even if the person is not hungry.

An even worse role is played by watching negative programs, such as crime news, action films or scandalous TV shows. In this case, food will charge a person with negative energy. It has been scientifically proven that food eaten in a poor psychological state will not benefit a person.

Psychologists advise the whole family to fight the habit of eating in front of the TV. During dinner, you can simply not turn it on, but talk to each other. In addition, experts recommend not teaching children to watch TV. It is best to wait until the child is very hungry. Then he will eat quickly and without any TV.

Meeting at a common table on the occasion family dinner or - a great occasion to determine how family members relate to each other and how strong their union is. Unfortunately, it is very rare these days for a husband, wife and children to have dinner together. Most often, each of them takes food out of the refrigerator by himself, heats it and eats it in front of the TV.

If a a family does not follow the routine of a common dinner, this always means that for its members a joint meal has long been no reason for pleasant communication. The common table for them became a place for clarification of relationships and quarrels. In families where everyone at home is open with each other, rejoices at the successes of loved ones and worries about their failures, the mother of the family always takes into account the taste and preferences of each member. Every day she tries to turn a common dinner into a holiday, imagining in advance a joint communication and choosing recipes for dishes that everyone will like. In this case, dinner becomes the frame of family life; during general meetings at the table, friendly and respectful relationships are built in such families.

Not so it is important with what regularity and frequency family members gather at the same table, the main thing is how they behave during these rare meetings. 50 years ago, children did not have the right to talk during a joint meal with adults. Today, as soon as the little one takes its place at the common table, it immediately becomes the object of everyone's attention. The family dinner after the birth of the child turns into a small performance, where the baby plays the main role, and the others look at him, admire him and laugh.

For baby At school age, talking at the table with parents plays an important role only if he feels coziness and comfort while eating. This is when he is not afraid to stay in a very close neighborhood with his parents: against each other, eye to eye. If, every time at the table, his parents interrogate him, raise unpleasant topics for him, ask about not done lessons, talk about problems with discipline or without enthusiasm ask the same question that annoys him: "Well, how are things at school?" then the child will not want to have dinner with his parents soon. He will try to have a bite to eat before they come home from work, and will tell them: "I don't want to have dinner yet, we'll eat a little later!"

It also happens, parents at the table, they are completely occupied with their problems, communicate with each other, not giving the child the opportunity to say a word. The child is not interested in their conversation, he wants with all his might to draw their attention to himself. If he does not succeed, he very soon finds a way to relieve the tension and silently eat at the common table. To do this, he asks his parents to turn on the TV for him or puts a tablet in front of him to eat, completely "burying" in the luminous screen and not responding to the conversations of adults. After a while, "eating while watching TV" becomes a bad habit for the child, which not only impairs digestion, but also leads to addiction.

Nutritionists forbid eating in front of a TV, computer or tablet is not at all because this is an indicator of disrespect for those who sit at the same table with you and is uncivilized, but because, being distracted by watching movies or news, a person eats much more than necessary and quickly is gaining excess weight. The results of analyzes of scientists showed that among people who regularly watch TV while eating, they are 37 percent more obese than among those who prefer not to be distracted from the meal.

A person whose attention during food chained to the screen, does not enjoy eating. Meanwhile, it is very important not to overeat and not to gain extra pounds, chew food slowly and thoroughly, and not swallow it blindly. After all, when all the attention is riveted to the screen, it is impossible to estimate by "eye" how much you have already eaten and enjoy the look of your dish.

View and taste of the dish are important factors in helping to stay slim. Those who regularly eat only home-made food have a 26 percent lower risk of obesity than those who eat lunch and dinner in canteens, cafes and restaurants. At home, you need to eat from small plates, so that psychologically the portion seems larger and the feeling of satiety comes faster. Large plates make you want to fill them to the brim and eat the food completely. This will inevitably lead to overeating.

Nutritionists advise to use different psychological techniques for losing weight. For example, buy plates in blue, black and gray, as these colors reduce appetite. This is explained by the fact that in natural products such colors are rare, so they do not cause appetite. What can not be said about the dishes of orange and red color, at a subconscious level they only whet the appetite.

Output: be careful if for someone from your home TV or computer has become the center of your table. This is a sign that things are bad in your family. The glowing screen masks the emptiness that has arisen between spouses or parents with children, and so that the habit of watching TV while eating does not lead not only to obesity, but also to the collapse of the family, make every effort to make dinner at a common table a place of calm and interesting dialogue with dear and dear to you people.

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The University of Minnesota conducted a study to find out how dangerous and / or harmful it is to eat in front of the TV. Particular attention was paid to how this process affects the health of the family and the atmosphere prevailing in it.

It turned out that if you eat in front of the TV, then the risk of health problems, incl. and mental, seriously increasing.

Who participated in the study?

The study involved 120 American families, one of which was necessarily a child aged 6 to 12 years. The scientists asked them to film 2 family meals and discuss whether they liked the food they ate.

It turned out that 43% of families (almost half) sit in front of the TV during meals. And only 31% of families turn off the “box” before the family dinner.

With this data, the researchers examined the health of all participants in the experiment. It turned out that the representatives of those families who watch TV during lunches and dinners, it is worse than the representatives of families who communicate and share news and experiences with each other at a meal, as well as discuss pressing problems.

What are the main reasons

There are two reasons for this state of affairs:

  • When a person eating food is distracted by a blue screen, they are less careful about what they put in their mouth. Because of this, he overeats and eats more unhealthy foods.
  • Talking at the dinner table acts like healing therapy. Family members share their thoughts and experiences with each other, which has a positive effect on their mental health.

Therefore, scientists recommend that all families turn off their televisions during family lunches and dinners, and communicate with each other more. After all, this is not only useful, but also pleasant, and also has a positive effect on the relationship between parents and children.

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