Measuring radiation dosimeter in motion. What is a dosimeter and where can it come in handy? What are the dosimeters

Measuring radiation dosimeter in motion. What is a dosimeter and where can it come in handy? What are the dosimeters


DEVICES MEASURING RADIOACTIVITY (from the Latin radio - emitting a beam and activus - active) are devices designed to measure the dose of radiation or quantities associated with it.
Radioactive and X-rays are invisible when exposed to human sensory organs, but they can be detected using specialized instruments and devices based on physicochemical processes.
Human exposure to radiation is called radiation. The basis of this effect is the transfer of radiation energy to the cells of the body.
Irradiation can cause metabolic disorders, infectious complications, leukemia and malignant tumors, radiation infertility, radiation cataracts, radiation burns, and radiation sickness.
All instruments for measuring ionizing and radioactive radiation are subdivided into three categories: radiometric (radiometers), dosimetric (dosimeters), blocks and devices of electronic equipment for nuclear physics research (ionization chambers, proportional counters and Geiger-Muller counters, corona and spark counters) ...
A radiometer is a device that can measure the activity of radiation sources and determine the flux density of ionizing light particles. It consists of a glass vessel containing an aluminum spinner with horizontal arms and a gas-discharge counter. Radioactivity meters (radiometers) are divided into surface contamination radiometers and air pollution radiometers.
The radiometer was invented in 1873 by the English scientist W. Crookes, who proved that it can serve as a measuring instrument for various manifestations of radiation.
A dosimeter (or roentgenometer) is a device that measures radiation doses and dose rates. It consists of three main parts: a detector, an electronic circuit, and a recording (measuring) device.
Dosimeters are divided into stationary, portable and individual dosimetric control.
It should be borne in mind that any radiation measurements have a natural background radiation. Therefore, the dosimeter first measures the background level characteristic of a given area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain (at a sufficient distance from the alleged source of radiation), after which measurements are performed in the presence of the alleged source of radiation. The presence of a stable excess over the background level may indicate the detection of radioactivity.
The fact that the readings of the dosimeter in the apartment are 1.5 - 2 times higher than on the street is not unusual.
An ionization chamber is a device that measures all types of radiation (radiation, chemical, etc.). It can be flat, cylindrical and spherical.
Ionization chambers, depending on the purpose and design, can operate in both pulsed and current modes.
Proportional counters allow you to determine the energy of nuclear particles and study the nature of their existence. They are filled with a gas mixture of neon and argon and operate at atmospheric pressure.
The Geiger-Muller counter is a gas-discharge device that is able to detect and investigate various kinds of ionizing radiation, such as alpha and beta particles, gamma quanta, light and X-ray quanta, high energy particles in cosmic rays and accelerators. The Geiger-Müller counter was created in 1908 by scientists G. Geiger and I. Müller and is based on impact ionization, that is, on the sudden action of atoms or molecules with an electric charge in a vacuum filled with an inert gas.
The Geiger-Muller counter was widely used in nuclear technology and in the search for radioactive uranium and thorium ores.
Later, in 1912, the English scientist C. Wilson developed a laboratory device with the help of which it was possible to both observe and record the movement of radioactive charged particles at a low speed. It was called Wilson's chamber.
In 1932, the Soviet physicist P. Kapitsa and the American scientist K. Anderson, based on observations of the Wilson camera, designed a more improved device, inside which was placed a large electromagnet with a steel core, which made it possible to more accurately determine the energy of radioactive particles.
In 1959 C. Wilson also invented a camera for fixing the traces of the flight of charged radioactive particles called the "magnetic spectrograph".
All devices that measure radioactivity make it possible to warn people in time about exceeding the level of radiation and, possibly, prevent a catastrophe. These devices currently include: dosimeters and dosimeters-radiometers MS-04B "Expert"), DG-101, "Bella", DBG-01N; ionization chambers, for example, SAT-7 and SAT-8; proportional counter SI-ZB, etc.
Where to go if a high level of radiation is found?
In Moscow, you can use the following phone numbers for this:
Radiation Safety Service MosNPO "Radon" 379-78-31;
Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow, Department of Radiology 287-78-34;
Operative duty officer of the Main Department for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow 925-34-27, 229-20-20.

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To measure the level of radiation (ionizing radiation), measuring instruments are used, called dosimeters .

Depending on design and type , it can measure several types of radiation or only one of its types - alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray or neutron radiation. Dosimeters capable of measuring several types of radiation have a more complex device, rather high cost, and are mainly related to professional means measurements. For household purposes, dosimeters are usually used that measure one or two types of radiation - gamma, beta, sometimes alpha radiation. Have household dosimeters a smaller range of measured values \u200b\u200band a large measurement error, that is, household dosimeters have lower accuracy.

Dosimeters can be used to measure the level of radiation or act as warning indicators of radioactive danger. According to their functional purpose, dosimeters can be divided into groups:

  • Indicators or alarms - simple devices with low sensitivity and low accuracy, not having a digital display, but only giving a light or sound signal in case of radiation hazard.
  • Measuring instruments are instruments for measuring background radiation, having a digital or analog indicator that displays the level of radiation. The radiation level can be displayed in various units, usually μSv / h.
  • Search devices are highly sensitive measuring instruments with additional, usually remote (external) detectors. These devices are used to search for the slightest changes in radiation. Usually used for inspection by border guards and other special services.

Dosimeter device

The operation of any dosimeter is based on the same operating principles. The basic element of all dosimeters is radiation sensor . Depending on the principle of operation, radiation sensors are divided into:

  • Ionization chambers - these are sensors, the design of which consists of gas-filled chambers of various designs. The principle of operation is based on the registration of electrical disturbances arising in the gas-discharge chamber when various charged particles pass through it. They are mainly used to register beta and gamma radiation. Gas discharge sensors have a simple design and low cost. Poorly suited for alpha detection.

    The most common design of a gas discharge sensor is the Geiger-Muller counter, which is used in most household and professional dosimeters.

  • Scintillation crystals are crystals of inorganic or organic origin. The principle of operation is based on the registration of photons that are generated in a crystal if charged particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, alpha particles) pass through it. Can be used to register all types of radiation... They are mainly used in search devices, as they have high sensitivity and accuracy. They are large enough and costly.
  • Solid state semiconductor detectors - consist of crystals and semiconductor material. The principle of operation is based on a change in the electrical conductivity of a material when charged particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) pass through it. They can be used to register all types of radiation. They have little accuracy, but at the same time they are small in size and low in cost.

Geiger-Muller counter

Geiger Müller counter is a sealed glass cylinder filled with an inert gas. A thin conductive wire is stretched inside the cylinder, which is anode... A thin metal film is fixed on the walls of the flask, which is cathode.

Under normal conditions, the gas separating the cathode and anode is not conductive. When infected particles (radiation) pass through the flask, they collide with gas molecules, ionizing them. This makes the gas conductive and electricity flows between the cathode and the electrode. This moment is registered by the device. The presence of electricity between the cathode and the electrode of the sensor indicates that at the moment, particles of radioactive radiation pass through the sensor.

Geiger-Muller counter circuit:

1 - hermetically sealed glass tube; 2 - cathode (thin copper layer inside the flask); 3 - output of the cathode; 4 - anode (thin thread)

The considered design of the Geiger-Muller counter is typical. But there are other versions of the sensor, for example, with a metal bulb instead of a glass one. In this case, the principle of operation of the sensor remains the same.

Video with the principle of operation of the Geiger-Muller counter:

Which dosimeter to choose

To decide which dosimeter to choose, you need to understand which type of radiation is dangerous for a person and what it is desirable to control in everyday life.

All types of radiation are dangerous, but in the household sphere and the environment around us, you may encounter with the action of mainly three types of radiation - these are beta, gamma and alpha radiation... The greatest danger is represented by alpha radiation, since it causes the greatest damage to living tissue. But it is most difficult to register alpha radiation, because to measure it, the dosimeter must be brought close to the radiation source, since alpha radiation spreads in space over short distances within 2-3 cm. Dosimeters capable of registering alpha radiation must have a separate sensor in addition to the Geiger-Muller probe. Usually this is a special window in the dosimeter, which has a removable protective cover.

If money allows, it is better to buy able to measure three types of radiation - beta, gamma and alpha radiation.

If you do not want to spend money on buying an expensive device, you can purchase a dosimeter-radiometer that measures beta and gamma radiation. This is a good start and may help you avoid serious health problems. Such a device is perfect for measuring the general background radiation indoors and outdoors. With this dosimeter, you can check food, building materials, cars and any other household items for safety.

When choosing a dosimeter, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • type of detector used is the main parameter affecting the accuracy and functionality of the instrument. It is better if it is a gas-discharge detector, for example, a Geiger-Muller counter. Worse if it is a semiconductor detector.
  • types of measured radiation - the device can measure both one type of radiation and several types. When measuring several types of radiation, measurements can be carried out simultaneously for different types of radiation, or it will be necessary to switch from one type of radiation to another. The simplest and most common type of dosimeter is beta radiation measurement. But it is better if the dosimeter is able to measure three types of radiation - alpha, beta, gamma.
  • measurement error is a value that characterizes the accuracy of the device. The smaller the error, the higher the accuracy of the device, respectively, the better and more expensive it is. For household appliances, the error is usually ± 25% or ± 30%. For professional dosimeters, the error will already be less than ± 7%.
  • range of measured values is the maximum and minimum radiation value that the device can register. It is worth paying attention only to the lower measurement threshold, it should not be higher than 0.05 μSv / h. The maximum measurable radiation level for all dosimeters is quite high.
  • device verification - this is a mark in the dosimeter's passport that it is checked at the manufacturer's plant and complies with the technical characteristics declared in the passport and makes measurements with the specified accuracy. It is desirable that the mark about verification was in the passport. In extreme cases, there should be a mark of the Quality Control Department (technical control department) on the acceptance of the product in the product passport.

Other characteristics of the dosimeter affect its ease of use, appearance and are selected based on personal preferences.

Why buy a dosimeter?

Why you need to buy a dosimeter for household purposes, everyone decides for himself.

As information for thought, you can watch the plot of an amateur video shooting in the city of Cransodar, which is one of the safest cities in Russia in relation to the ecological situation. In a simple forest, seemingly harmless objects (7th minute of the video) emit radiation millions of times higher than the safe norm... Even for a short time in such an area, you can receive a dose that is likely to lead to extremely negative consequences for the body. Unfortunately, not always, near such objects there are "dangerous radiation" signs. It's all the fault of negligence and irresponsibility. Therefore, even walking in any place (in fact, any), a person may not even suspect that he is being exposed to powerful radiation exposure. And then wonder where the various health problems come from.

How does a personal radiation meter work?

FROM Ever since man began to use the energy contained in the atom, there is a danger for all mankind, especially in large populated and developed countries. And there is no need to go far for examples, this is the Chernobyl disaster, and the recent incident at the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima, and various accidents at enterprises working with radioactive materials, as well as radioactive waste, military tests and so on. In this regard, it becomes necessary for ordinary citizens to be able to determine the radiation situation themselves and make the right decision in case of an emergency. And here a special device can help you a lot - household radiation dosimeter ... But for its correct and correct application, it is necessary to understand the measurement techniques.

IN the first radiation appeared only in 1989, they began to be produced by the decision of the National Commission on Radiation Protection, until that moment all information on the radiation situation in a particular region was classified. The events in Chernobyl served as the impetus for making such a decision.

P the first dosimeters were manufactured on the basis of discrete logic microcircuits and an analog interface. Modern radiometers already use microprocessor technologies and use specialized controllers, as well as liquid crystal displays. However, both are based on the use, and what it is will be discussed below.

FROM a Geiger counter is a sealed chamber made of metal or glass and filled with an inert gas, usually argon or neon, and under low pressure (). The chamber contains two electrodes (anode and cathode). For most domestic dosimeters based on the SBM-20 counter, the cathode is almost the entire housing of the sensitive sensor, and the anode is just a thin wire inside it. And for counters of the Beta-1 or Beta-2 type, a multisectional system of electrodes and a more complex structure are characteristic, this allows registering a variety of types of radiation. For such counters, the thickness of the working window (the area of \u200b\u200bexposure of radiation based on alpha and beta particles) is about 12 microns. Therefore, such end-type dosimeters are able to register low-energy beta particles, and with correct measurements and high-energy alpha particles, for this, measurements should be taken no further than 1 - 2 mm from the alpha radiation source.

H to make it easier to register a radioactive particle passed through the counter, a special load resistor is included in the power supply circuit of the dosimeter, through which changes in the circuit between the cathode and anode are recorded. In order for the ionization in the chamber to stop quickly after the discharge, and to be ready to fix a new particle, there are two ways to achieve this. The first is based on stopping the voltage supply to the electrodes for a very short period of time, which inhibits further ionization; the second is based on the addition of alcohol or iodine to an inert gas, as well as a number of other materials. In this case, such an impurity, immediately after the discharge, contributes to a sharp decrease in the voltage at the cathode and anode, less than 300 volts, which also abruptly stops ionization and the counter becomes ready to register the next particle or radiation quantum. To supply high voltage to the electrodes, a special converter with a multiplier is used, which is powered by a simple 3 - 12 volt rechargeable battery, and is capable of delivering a voltage of 380 - 420 volts.

ABOUT determination of the radiation level is a physical calculation by the microelectronics of the device of all radioactive particles passing through the registration chamber, be it beta particles or gamma radiation. Counting such particles in a certain unit of time leads to the result that we can see on the display of the device.

P personal dosimeters have the following options for calculating radiation, namely sieverts per hour (Sv / h) or X-rays per hour (R / h). In practice, the data recorded in micro-roentgen and micro-Sievert (μR / h, μSv / h) are most often used, since these are the units of measurement that correspond. The normal value is considered to be a radioactive background of 0.2 μSv / h or 20 μR / h. Sieverts and X-rays are related to each other by the following ratio 1mkSv \u003d 100 mkR.

D to measure beta particles, some modern counters, such as a professional radiometer or, determine the value of beta flux by how many beta particles pass through a window of 1 square centimeter in one minute.

FROM it should be noted that the accuracy of measurements directly depends on the duration of the measurement, however, the long time for determining the radioactivity will significantly complicate the use of the device, and in the case of being in an area with an increased background radiation, there is a danger of the person making the measurement there. Therefore, many modern ones have several time modes for conducting radiation measurements. To significantly reduce the measurement time without loss of accuracy, some dosimeters use several Geiger counters at once, for example, up to 4 pieces. Largest selection of time slots in.

H to use correctly household geiger counter and dosimeter, the above is quite enough, but it is worth taking an interest in this topic, in order to be more professional in interpreting the readings and the correctness of the measurements. Although, even a complete lack of understanding of the processes, if you detect a radioactive background significantly above the norm, it should cause you anxiety, with the development of further emergency measures.

The radiation background of the environment is constantly present in human life. Daily exposure to a certain extent has a harmful effect on health in the form of a violation of the body's protective functions, the development of malignant tumors, etc. The modern world is rich in many sources of radiation, so ordinary people often ask themselves how and how to measure the level of radiation? A device for measuring radiation is called a dosimeter. Let's take a closer look at all of its capabilities.

How a radioactivity meter works

The most demanded and popular device for measuring radiation is the Geiger counter, by the name of which it becomes clear about its founder. The device was created by the German physicist Hans Geiger in 1908, together with another scientist named Ernst Rutherford. Two decades later, the physicist resumed the invention of the counter, refining it with the physicist Müller. The unit is more than a century old, but its popularity does not decline in the modern world.

The main component of the device is a sealed glass or metal cylinder filled with argon and neon. Additionally, two electrodes are added to this container. Radio emission is propagated by wave particles. When the slightest particle hits the sensor, the gas mixture begins to ionize, gas atoms are recharged and can glow from this. The whole process is controlled by the device.

The sensor records this process. To register the exact amount of radioactive components, ionization is quenched by an artificial method in a matter of seconds. The counter emits clicks when it finds radioactive particles... The radiation level can be measured in other ways. In addition to the sensor, scintillation crystals are used, which make it possible to find certain substances by characteristic radiation.

The photomultiplier tube records the number of flashes, the number of which depends on the amount of radiation dose.

Types of dosimeters

Devices for measuring radiation exposure are divided into several types, based on the conditions of their operation and purpose:

  1. Household. Such a device you can measure radiation in a domestic environment, but they have a high level of error... They help measure the overall background radiation in a building or in food, but the instruments only detect gamma waves. Some models are equipped with additional sensors for detecting alpha and beta radiation.
  2. Professional. Dosimeters have a wide range of actions, measuring radiation exposure both indoors and outdoors. The devices can detect active radionuclides found in various substances, objects, and even living tissues. The built-in sensor registers the radiation of neutrons and protons.
  3. Individual. The dosimeter registers the accumulated level of radiation exposure... Often performed as a wristwatch.
  4. Industrial. Such devices are placed directly next to radiation sources in order to regularly monitor and monitor the level of exposure.
  5. Military. The unit is used during the period of hostilities, including operation in the center of a nuclear explosion.

How radiation contamination occurs

A person can receive harmful radiation in two ways:

  1. In a nuclear explosion, the fallout of radioactive components from the explosion cloud and radiation is observed, which is due to the occurrence of spontaneous decay of isotopes under the influence of fast gamma and neutron radiation of a nuclear explosion. This negatively affects people and animals due to internal and external gamma irradiation when it enters the body of a living being through food, water or air.
  2. In case of man-made accidents (improper storage of radioactive waste, leakage in reactors, leakage from various radio sources) due to the dispersion of harmful components. By the type of accident, one can judge the nature of the infection.

Measurement of radiation at home

A device for measuring radiation and radiation is needed not only by people who are related to the peaceful atom, because it is often used at home.

The dosimeter is used to measure the level of radioactive substances in building materials or in common food. Sometimes the device checks the ground before building a building or house on it.

Basically, the household appliance is small and has a display that shows the radiation level. Such an aggregate can be both nonthreshold and threshold.

Threshold dosimeters notify with an audible signal about exceeding the permissible radioactive level pre-set by the manufacturer. This option is easier to use, and the cost is relatively lower. A non-threshold device indicates a certain radiation level, all levels are set manually by the user. A device for measuring the level of radiation of this type is intended for specialists who know which case is characterized by a particular level of exposure.

The effect of radiation on humans

Irradiation is the process of exposure of the human body to radiation through the transfer of harmful energy to cells. This effect contributes to metabolic disorders, the development of leukemia, cancer, infertility, burns, cataracts and infectious ailments with complications. The side effects of radiation affect dividing cells, so radiation is much more dangerous for children than for adults. It is forbidden for pregnant women to be under the influence of radioactive substances in order to avoid negative consequences for the unborn child.

There are four main stages of acute radiation sickness: mild (0.1-0.2 Sv), moderate (0.2-0.4 Sv), severe (0.4-0.6 Sv), and extremely severe (above 0.6 Sv). If the radiation level is less than 0.1 Sv, then this is radiation injury.

Irradiation levels

Everyone should know the radiation rate, which ranges from 0 to 0.2 MkSv / h, or from 0 to 20 mR / h
... Radiation levels are measured in Sieverts. Key exposure indicators and examples:

  • 0.22 MkSv / h is the standard dose of radiation that all humanity is exposed to in everyday life;
  • 1.00 MkSv / h - radiation is received by aircraft passengers flying from China to the United States through the North Pole;
  • 2.28 MkSv / h is the average dosage of radiation for people working in the nuclear industry;
  • 11.42 MkSv / h - under such a strong impact, the chance of contracting cancer increases;
  • 40.00 MkSv on an ongoing basis - the need to evacuate people after the Chernobyl disaster;
  • 114.14 MkSv / times - radiation sickness develops, characterized by a decrease in the level of white cells in the human blood and nausea;
  • 570.77 MkSv / time - 50% of people affected by radiation die within a month after exposure.

Dosimeter purchase parameters

Before purchasing a device, you should understand that dosimeters monitor gamma radiation, and radiometers monitor alpha and beta radiation... There are universal devices that combine both a dosimeter and a radiometer. The most popular is the household dosimeter, which is selected according to the type of displayed radiation, measurement time, type of meter, error level, cost, weight, dimensions and type of manufacture:

  1. Catching block. This element is built into the housing of the measuring device, although in some models it is located in a separate housing. It is based on a gas discharge sensor or a scintillation crystal. The first option is easy to use and low cost. The crystals are glued to photodiodes with special glue, so they are replaced at the factory.
  2. Duration of work. Basically, the measurement time is 20-40 seconds, but it will take about 5 minutes more for preparation. More expensive models read radiation levels faster.
  3. The degree of error. This parameter is very important for low backgrounds. A standard radiation meter has a margin of error of 15%. Often, when the temperature drops, the dosimeter shows unreliable information on the display, and sometimes even in two directions. If it will be used within a year, it is better to give preference to the frost-resistant type, although its price will increase by 10%. You should also pay attention to the dust- and moisture-resistant option that you can take with you everywhere without fear of its performance.

It is impossible to discern radiation without a special device, although adverse consequences after irradiation occur almost instantly. If you suspect that the background radiation may be increased, you should buy a special dosimeter... It is used to test radiation in rooms, food, various materials.

Dosimeters-radiometers are multifunctional devices that are designed to determine gamma radiation. In this case, the device detects Some models are capable of measuring neutron radiation. Dosimeters are used primarily in the nuclear industry. However, there are many household modifications on the market.

Dosimeters are also used to control the quality of raw materials and food. They are also used in medicine. Additionally, they are found in the metallurgical industry for the determination of X-rays. In order to familiarize yourself with dosimeters in more detail, you should first consider the device of the model.

Simple model device

The main element of any dosimeter is the counter. The specified component works thanks to the blocking generator. The devices also use a voltage multiplier. In some cases, it is installed as a two-pin type. Separating capacitors are most often used. Low-frequency monovibrators are used in devices.

The control units themselves are quite different in parameters. The functional part of the device depends on the manufacturer. A converter is also used in the devices. Batteries are most often installed with a small capacity. The dosimeters also have a resonator and a modulator, which are located near a compact microcontroller.

The principle of operation of the device

The principle of operation of dosimeters and radiometers is based on the distortion of the limiting frequency of gamma radiation. The X-ray particles are directly captured by the counter. Then the signal is transmitted to the blocking generator. In order for the resonator to be activated, a converter is required. The monovibrator in this case provides a high sensitivity of the device.

The resonator, in turn, is responsible for the transmission rate of the signal. The microcontroller receives data on gamma radiation through the modulator. Then they are immediately displayed on the display. The voltage is directly supplied to the microcontroller through the battery.

Reviews about "SOEKS-01M"

These dosimeters-radiometers are highly sensitive. If we talk about their design features, it is important to note that only one counter is installed on the models. The equivalent power of the presented device is as much as 0.1 microns per hour. If you believe the reviews of buyers, then the specified model determines the flux density of beta radiation quite quickly. The blocking generator in the device is used with an output winding. The energy dependence of the presented model is insignificant. The quality of the voltage multiplier deserves special attention. In this case, the operating mode is set in only 5 seconds.

Customer opinion on the SOEKS Defender model

The indicated dosimeters-radiometers are more in demand in the metallurgical industry. If you believe the reviews of consumers, then the blocking generator in the models is quite powerful. The ambient dose parameter in this case is 0.1 microns.

The beta radiation flux density is determined quickly. This model has only one detector chamber. It is also important to note the compact size of the device. In this case, the backlight is provided. The case is quite solid. This device can be used even at a temperature of -20 degrees.

Reviews about ISS-05

This compact dosimeter-radiometer deserves mostly positive reviews from consumers. However, the device still has disadvantages. First of all, it should be noted the low ambient dose rate at the level of 0.3 microns per hour. The device also suffers from reduced sensitivity. However, the advantages include a high-quality meter.

This model also uses two blocking generators. If you believe the reviews of buyers, then the display system has a fairly high quality. The operating mode turns on in the device in 4 seconds. The dosimeter-radiometer MKS-05 has an automatic restart function.

According to the documentation for the product, the capacitors of the model are of the separating type. Given this fact, the device is capable of boasting a high signal transmission rate. The board itself is installed with backlighting. An indication of the state of charge of the battery is provided in this case. If necessary, the dosimeter can be connected to a personal computer.

Features of the MKS-01SA1M model

The dosimeter-radiometer MKS-01SA1M is quite simple to use. In this case, the manufacturer provides for the backlight of the display. If you believe the opinion of consumers, the flux of beta radiation is determined quickly. Directly, the ambient dose rate is 0.1 microns per hour. The presented model uses only one blocking generator.

The meter has a fairly high sensitivity, so the specified device gives a small error. The high flux density parameter at the level of 20 ah deserves special attention. If you believe the customer reviews, the operating mode in the presented model is activated after 6 seconds. In this case, there is an indication of the units of measurement. The MKS-01SA1M dosimeter-radiometer also has the function of continuous operation.

Model "ISS Aquantum"

The dosimeter radiometer "MKS Aquantum" is quite in demand in the nuclear power industry. If you believe the reviews of experts, the presented model determines the power of the beta radiation flux with high accuracy. Its body is compact, and the device is quite simple to use.

If we talk about design features, it is important to note that there are two blocking generators in the device. Directly one-shot is used of a low-frequency type. The control unit, in turn, uses a two-channel. If you believe customer reviews, then the model has measurements. Also, this device has an automatic restart option.

Features of "Ecotest"

These household dosimeters-radiometers are in great demand lately. The model has only one blocking generator. Directly the voltage multiplier is used as a single-contact one. Thus, the battery in the device does not drain quickly. According to customer reviews, the operating mode in the presented configuration is activated in 5 seconds.

If we talk about the main parameters, then first of all, the high dose rate indicator at around 22 AH deserves attention. The range of registered gamma radiation in the device is quite wide. The model has only one counter. The resonator itself is set to a high sensitivity. The presented model is capable of determining the flux density of beta radiation. It is also important to mention that the scoreboard is highlighted.

DKS-96 model

The DKS-96 dosimeter-radiometer is distinguished by large limits of the relative measurement error. If you believe the reviews of experts, the blocking generator used by the model is of a fairly high quality. In this case, the signal is transmitted very quickly. The direct parameter of the beta radiation flux is 0.5 microns. The model has a continuous measurement function installed. The device also has a detector camera. The dose rate for the model is 21 AH.

The operating mode turns on in 4 seconds. The voltage multiplier is of single-pin type, and the battery does not discharge quickly. The device control unit is designed for two channels. The instrument can be used to determine the flux of gamma radiation. The device has an automatic restart function. The model has an indication of the state of charge of the battery. According to many consumers, the housing is very compact for the dosimeter, but the readings on the display are clearly visible.

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