Roaming beeline in russia. Roaming in Russia MTS

Roaming beeline in russia. Roaming in Russia MTS


Formally, the operators of the Russian Federation were obliged to solve the problem of long-distance roaming once and for all. In fact, it turned out that they just twisted and made tariffs more confusing and less profitable.

We tried to understand the conditions of each operator and talked about what surprises you will meet when traveling to other cities.


Inbox. As soon as you come to another city, all incoming calls from local numbers in this region are automatically free for you. And if they call you from Moscow, then be ready to pay by 5.5 RUB / min incoming call.

Please note this may even concern calls to the dachaif it is in a different region! I somehow called my parents and in half an hour they debited 165 rubles from their balance.

Packets and outgoing. The remaining minutes and sms from the package are automatically applied to all calls and messages to the numbers of the region of residence, as well as to calls and sms to MTS subscribers of any Russian region.

But if you call another operator not from the region of residence, then if you please pay 5.5 RUB / min or 2.95 RUB / SMS.

The Internet. Perhaps the mobile Internet is the only option that received pluses, not minuses after the "cancellation" of national roaming. Now, if you have 2 GB of traffic, then they will be automatically spent in any other region.

Options. MTS has two options "Home package Russia" and "Home package Russia +", when they are connected, all incoming calls become free for the duration of the options.

The first is worth 15 rub / dayand the second RUB 100 / month... And for those who do not use package tariffs, the option is suitable "Russia is at home everywhere" per 7 rub / day... When connected, all incoming calls also become free, and outgoing calls will be 3 rub / day.


Inbox... Just like with MTS, when traveling to another city, all incoming calls from numbers in this region become free for you, but incoming from other regions will cost 5 rub / min.

Packets and outgoing... The effect of minutes and SMS packages applies to calls and messages only to numbers in the region of residence. If you try to call home, you will pay 12 rub / min, and SMS will cost you 2.95 rbl.

It is interesting that subscribers of tariffs "All is mine" can make free calls to subscribers of the same tariff line.

the Internet... Also, like MTS, no restrictions are imposed on the mobile Internet from the package, and this is a big plus.

Options. Beeline has two options for intercity: "Calls within Russia" and "Calls within Russia +"... The first gives free incoming calls from all Russian numbers when you are in your home region or while traveling to another city.

Also, the option gives 100 minutes of long distance calls per month to numbers of other operators. Connection costs 30 rubles, additionally write off by 5 rub / day.

The second option, despite the "plus" in the name, in fact turns out to be much simpler: for 3 rubles / day you get free incoming calls from all numbers of other operators.


For this operator, I will not split because of this news. The fact is that since July 1, Megafon has changed long-distance conditions, so there is little point in describing the current tariffs.

Here's what will happen: calls and SMS to local numbers will consume your packages of minutes and SMS, and incoming from other cities, including home (if you are on a trip) will be considered long distance calls and will cost you about 5 rub / min... At the same time, the operator writes in the news that if there is a package for long-distance calls, the incoming fee will not be charged.

Let's see how it will be in practice, but for now it's rather vague.

Megafon has an option "All Russia", when you connect it, all outgoing calls and sms (if you do not have a package tariff) to any Russian numbers will cost 3 rubles... Subscription fee for the service - 7 rub / day.

Tele 2

Inbox. All Tele2 package tariffs have preferential terms: any incoming calls from any Russian region are free. If you have a tariff without a monthly fee, then be ready to pay by 5 rub / min with an incoming call.

Packets and outgoing... When traveling to other cities of Russia, packages of minutes and sms begin to operate on local numbers of the city in which you arrive. But a call to another region will cost 2 rub / min, smska - 3.5 rub / min.

the Internet... The Internet is simple. It operates throughout the country without any restrictions.

Options... Tele2 has an option , it will be useful for those who have a tariff without a monthly fee or without a package of included minutes. Per 3 rub / day you will receive free incoming calls from all numbers, and outgoing calls 2 rub / min, smska - 2.5 rub / min.

In fact, on the free plan, you will receive the same conditions as on the package.


Iota has a completely transparent policy on long-distance roaming. When traveling to other cities for less than 30 days, all incoming calls from any Russian numbers will be free, and minutes from the package will be spent on all outgoing calls to any Russian numbers. Mobile Internet also operates throughout Russia.

If you have been traveling for more than 30 days, then the operator apparently suspects that you are trying to cheat with tariff plans and will offer you tariffs for the local region.


I do not think that the conditions in long-distance roaming will in any way affect your desire to change operators, so I will give you some simple tips. Most likely you have one of the big three operators. If this is the case, then during a trip to another city, do not receive incoming calls unnecessarily, and when you need to call someone at home, just do it through instant messengers, the same WhatsApp, for example.

If you know that there will be many important incoming from home, then connect one of the options, which we talked about earlier. There you can discuss a lot about greed, but in fact, with options, you will spend trite less money than without them.

I also can't hold back my own irritations about roaming innovations. Yes, operators were obliged to get rid of long-distance roaming, but this was done so clumsily and inconveniently that in the end it only got worse, and ordinary subscribers suffer.

The relatively young mobile operator Yota is known not only for its tariffs with unlimited 4G Internet, but also for the pleasant cost of services when traveling around the country - it promises that the price tag for calls and the Internet will not change. But there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account by Iota subscribers in roaming in Russia.

Does Iota have roaming in Russia

Now, Iota has no roaming in Russia. The operator promises to keep the price tag of the home region while traveling around the country.

IMPORTANT! Since May 23, 2019, Iota will completely cancel roaming within the country in a number of regions! From this date you can be in a "foreign" region as much as you need and pay for communication, just like at home!

Previously, there was a restriction of only 30 days of home communication. This was due to the fact that in different parts of Russia the cost of communication services differs; otherwise, unscrupulous subscribers from regions with expensive service would use SIM cards from regions with a lower cost.
Now Yota does not have a service for changing the connection region, only, having moved to a permanent place of residence in some parts of the country, you will have to change your SIM card or use Yota services at the “regional special” tariff. But she left everything, however, the conditions are quite democratic.

Yota: how to activate roaming in Russia

No extras are required, you can safely put your device (smartphone, tablet or modem) in your bag and hit the road: the connected tariff will continue to operate on the same conditions. Such simplicity is captivating, but this does not mean that you should ignore your connection.

How long could I use SIM card Iota within Russia without roaming

The first and main point of "no roaming" - there is no time limit. Previously, the operator called a period of at least 30 days.
The fact is that the “regional” tariff was connected only when the last paid one finished its operation, but not earlier than 30 days after the subscriber left the home region.
That is, if a Yota subscriber came to another region, and his tariff was paid for 30 days and 17 days remained unused, then after 17 days, you can automatically extend the home tariff for another 30 days.
When the home package expired, the operator offered to connect packages within the "regional" tariff. The price tag of such a tariff plan is the same for everyone (except for corporate clients) and was valid throughout the country, except for the Crimean Peninsula.

Features of the Internet Iota in roaming in Russia

Traffic is provided only within your package.
There are also restrictions for a number of regions - within the paid period, 50 MB are available without limiting the transfer rate, then the speed drops to 64 Kbps. This applies to some settlements of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk and Magadan Regions, Kamchatka Territory, the Republics of Buryatia and Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin Region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. A complete list is available on the official website.

Roaming in Crimea

Today, the operator Iota still has roaming in Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol. The tariff is connected automatically as soon as you arrive in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bK-Telecom. Let's go straight to the terms of communication.

  • Incoming calls - 2.5 rub / min.
  • Calls to regions of Russia (except for Crimea) - 2.5 rubles / min.
  • On the territory of the Republic of Crimea, the call is also 2.5 rubles per minute.
  • Call to other countries - 129 rubles / min.
  • Outgoing SMS - 2.5 rubles per item.
  • MMS - 20 rubles / piece + traffic cost.
  • Mobile Internet - 2.5 rubles / MB.

As you can see, the prices are very loyal, so feel free to pack your suitcase and think only about your vacation! They have already taken care of saving Eta with its roaming in Crimea.

Roaming Yota in Chukotka

As we mentioned above, Iota roaming does not exist in Russia, with the exception of the Republic of Crimea and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

When a client moves to the territory of this district, services will be provided on the terms of the "Regional special" tariff.

Any outgoing calls on the territory of Russia, with the exception of Crimea and Sevastopol - 9.9 rubles / min. SMS with the same condition - 9.9 rubles apiece.

In terms of the Internet, when the package is connected, you will have access to 50 MB without speed limit, after which the speed drops to 64 Kbps.

Tariff "Regional"

Before the cancellation of Iota roaming in Russia, when changing the region, it was possible to activate the "Regional" tariff. At the moment, there is no such tariffication method.

For tablet and smartphone

For the tablet, the operator offered a choice of three packages of unlimited Internet:

  1. Day 100r;
  2. Month 800r;
  3. Year 6000 rub.

Everything was cheaper for a smartphone, but still more expensive than in the home region;

  • 200 minutes - 300r
  • 500 - 350 RUR
  • 800 - 600 rub.
  • 2000 - 1000r
  • 5000 - 2500r

Traffic volume:

  • 2 GB - 50r
  • 5 GB - 100 rubles
  • 10 GB - 180r
  • 15 GB - 250r
  • 30 GB - 350 rub

Today, this plan simply does not exist. An analogue to it is the Iota tariff "Regional special" and is valid only in the Chukotka Autonomous District.

Regional for modem

Since there is no tariff, all conditions for the use and price of the modem remain the same as in the home region.

The only thing worth remembering! In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, you will not be able to use Internet services via a modem.

How to insure

You don't have to leave the situation to chance, it's a good idea to find out all the details and current prices in advance. The best option would be to go to the support chat and clarify in detail: where and from which city the trip is planned, how many minutes, megabytes and days are left until the end of the package, from what date the "regional" tariff will start operating. 20 minutes of time can save you tons of time and money while traveling in Russia.

On the territory of Russia, in the MTS network, communication services are provided to subscribers in full if the account has a positive balance. Accordingly, when going on a trip to another region of our country, you do not need to activate roaming. However, in order to significantly reduce the cost of communication while traveling in Russia, you can connect some services. This will allow you to communicate with friends and family and access the Internet without restrictions throughout Russia.

Recently it became known that MTS canceled roaming in Russia. Now subscribers will be able to receive incoming calls from any region of Russia for free, and pay for outgoing calls at the price of their home region. These changes have so far affected all tariffs.

What's free when traveling in Russia?

The MTS company cares about the comfort of its clients while traveling and helps to make the trip more relaxed thanks to useful services. On the trip you can free of charge:

  • Incoming calls are free throughout Russia (if you are in the MTS network);
  • Mobile Internet - all over Russia at home;
  • Outgoing calls in the region of residence - regardless of the region where you are located, you can feel at home throughout Russia;
    outgoing long distance calls - all over Russia cost the same - 5.5 rubles / min.
  • Make a call to the MTS Contact Center. If the subscriber needs to contact the operator, he can do this at any time. It is enough to dial 0890.
  • Find out how to save money. By dialing the command * 111 * 33 # on your phone, you can go to the roaming portal and find out about the best deals.
  • Activate the "Help out" service. To call and send messages to MTS subscribers at their expense, you need to dial * 880 #.

Favorable options for calls while traveling in Russia

Many subscribers are interested in what to connect in MTS roaming so that they can stay in touch with loved ones. To make calls without additional costs, the company offers to connect one of the roaming options.

Option for roaming Home package Russia MTS (daily payment)

Smart subscribers who have activated this option spend their package of minutes and SMS to the numbers of other operators in their home region. This means that if you come from Moscow to Tver, then calls from Tver to Moscow (home) will now be intercity calls, and minutes will be spent from your package. And if you do not connect the service, then the cost of an intercity minute for operators other than MTS is 14 rubles / min.

The fee of 10 rubles is debited once a day, provided that the client sends messages or calls.

The connection and disconnection of the service is made through the command * 111 * 743 #.

Option Home package Russia plus MTS (payment per month)

If the subscriber wants to save money and receive a package of calls and SMS to the numbers of all Russian operators, which can be used when traveling across Russia, then it is better to connect the "Home package Russia" + MTS. The service costs 100 rubles per month, the fee is debited at the time of activation. This means that if you come to Tver from Moscow, then calls from Tver to any other city will now be intercity calls, and minutes will be spent from your package. And if you do not connect the service, then the cost of an intercity minute for operators other than MTS is 14 rubles / min.

The service can be activated only on tariffs "My Unlimited", "Tariff", "X", "Smart Unlimited", "Smart", "Smart nonstop", "Smart mini", "Smart light"

Connect the service

The service can be added and removed by dialing the combination * 111 * 128 #.

Service Everywhere at home Russia MTS

To make calls while traveling across Russia at a favorable cost - 3 rubles per minute to any numbers in your home region - you can activate the option "Russia is at home everywhere". The cost of the service is 5 rubles per day.

The service cannot be activated on tariffs: “My Unlimited”, “Tariff”, “X”, “Smart Unlimited”, “Smart”, “Smart nonstop”, “Smart mini”, “Smart light”, “Smart Top”, “Ultra "," Smart + "

You can add an option to your tariff and “cancel” roaming in Russia MTS 2018 through sending an SMS with the digits 528 to 111 or dialing the combination * 111 * 528 #.

Options for "profitable" Internet when traveling in Russia

Various options will also help you optimize your data roaming costs. By connecting one of them, an MTS subscriber will be able to access the Internet even outside the home region, and at the same time not spend a lot of money.

Super Bit

3 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 350 rub / month

Many MTS customers have heard about this option, and prefer to connect it in roaming. According to the terms, the subscriber is provided with 3 GB of Internet traffic free of charge per month. When they are exhausted, additional 500 MB packages are "included". The cost of one package is 75 rubles. If necessary, you can refuse additional MB and use the "Turbo buttons".

Option cost - 350 rubles / month. * 111 * 628 # is a command to activate the service on your number.

MTS mini

7 GB of Internet traffic in Russia RUB 500 / month

Subscribers of all tariff plans have access to the "Internet-Mini" option, which operates in Russia. It allows you to go online even outside your home region. MTS client receives 7 GB of Internet traffic per month for 500 rubles.

To activate the service, you need to enter the command * 111 * 160 #.

MTS maxi

15 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 800 rubles / month

"Internet-Maxi" is an option for those who like to spend time on the Internet, but want to save money. As part of the service, a subscriber for a monthly fee of 800 rubles. provided 15 GB during the day and unlimited at night. You can activate the option by dialing the command * 111 * 161 #


30 GB of Internet traffic in Russia 1200 rubles / month

MTS customers who are not used to limiting their time on the Internet will like the “Internet-VIP” option, which offers 30 GB of traffic during the day and unlimited at night. The monthly service fee of 1200 rubles is debited at the time of activation. You can add an option to your number by dialing the combination * 111 * 166 #.

The "Internet-Maxi" and "Internet-VIP" options also provide a discount on MTS TV. In the first case, customers receive a 30% discount, in the second - 50%.

Reducing your communication costs in roaming MTS in Russia is possible thanks to the options offered by the mobile operator to its customers. Taking into account your needs, you can connect services that will help you make calls or access the Internet at a bargain price. The main thing is to take care of connecting the appropriate option in advance.

A compromise was reached between the federal monopoly service and the four largest Russian operators on whether or not roaming in Russia should be canceled in 2018. In the new year, changes come into force, thanks to which subscribers will not pay for such a service.

The decision was based on a decree signed by the President and aimed at eliminating the unreasoned difference when subscribers leave the home network in tariffs for communication services and the national plan, which was approved in accordance with it. Whether or not roaming was canceled in 2018 in reality and what are the nuances - in more detail in our publication.

The task and goals of canceling roaming in Russia

The task of canceling roaming in Russia was set by the antimonopoly service as early as the previous year. The reason for this decision was the unreasonably high prices. Nevertheless, given the scale of such work, it was not possible to implement them as of December 2017. The situation changed only at the beginning of 2018. Now there is no reason for you to be charged any additional payments for calls when you leave one region to another outside your home network.

After making the appropriate decision, the FAS constantly monitors the process of refusing to pay for services for mobile subscribers. Moreover, if any non-compliance or violations are found, it is quite realistic to initiate a criminal case on violation of the Law "On Competition". Income received inappropriately will be forfeited.

Algorithm of actions of the largest mobile operators

Mobile operators have begun preparations in advance for the likely cancellation of roaming. But, despite all the voiced requirements of the antimonopoly service, such companies began to systematically raise tariffs. If we compare the prices for services with 2016, then they have grown by about one and a half times.

With regard to the implementation of decrees on the cancellation of roaming in Russia in 2018, the actions of the leading operators are as follows:

  • Beeline in December 2017 began the process of stabilizing tariffs in national roaming;
  • Megafon started the process of canceling intranet roaming on February 28, 2018;
  • MTS officially announced a reduction in tariffs for subscribers during trips across Russia;
  • Tele2 initially took a wait-and-see attitude, but as soon as the FAS voiced threats of punitive measures, the company immediately proceeded to take action.

Leading mobile operators react differently to the FAS decision, but one way or another, already in May 2018, they will still have to reconsider their tariffs and regulate the billing system.

Do not be afraid that in 2018 the rejection of roaming will provoke another wave of increase in tariffs for mobile services. After all, the balance of interests of companies and subscribers will be taken into account due to an additional increase in traffic.

Tele 2: the cost of roaming services at the moment

The cost of services depends on the region to which you are planning a trip. Some tariff plans have preferential terms. Therefore, before traveling in your personal account, be sure to familiarize yourself with the specific conditions of your tariff. In addition, you can use the short number * 107 #.

Please note: roaming from Tele2 does not need any additional steps to activate. This service is automatically activated. Subscriber's consent is not required for it. However, do not forget that you need to check your balance on your phone before traveling. To do this, dial * 105 #.

Please note: active TP Tele2 can use uniform prices for mobile services regardless of the region of registration. Incoming and outgoing calls - 5 rubles. Outgoing messages within the country - 3.50 rubles, outside - 5.50 rubles. MM costS is 6 rubles.Certain tariff plans, which include free minutes, offer subscribers unlimited roaming communication.

MTS: updated prices for mobile communications in trips to regions of Russia

Since February 2018, MTS has introduced new prices for calls, Internet and SMS at a number of tariffs outside the home region. The new conditions will help to reduce subscribers' communication costs by two to ten times. For example, the cost of incoming calls to other operators in the host region before the changes was 10.9 rubles per minute, but now it is free.

The cost of outgoing calls to all numbers in the region of residence used to be 14 rubles per minute, now the home tariff for local calls is in effect. Outgoing calls to phone numbers of other Russian operators used to be 14 rubles per minute, now - 5.50.

Megaphone: important changes

Megafon resets the price of stay for all incoming calls from the numbers of the region when traveling in Russia. Now the price of outgoing calls will not exceed 2 rubles per minute. In this case, the basic cost of the Internet will be the same as in the home region.

But the new principles of tariffs will be implemented in practice in stages, since in order to realize them, this operator will need to change about three thousand tariffs in the country. The very first changes took place in January 2018.

Those Megafon subscribers who use package tariffs have been communicating for a long time on the so-called home conditions when traveling around the country. Those subscribers who plan to keep the terms of their current plan in various trips can use the option "Be at home" until the changes take effect.

Beeline: what's new in roaming around the country?

At the moment, Beeline offers its subscribers several tariffs that allow using roaming within the country and significantly save:

  • My country - using this option, you can significantly reduce your mobile communication costs. The prices are as follows: SMS messages, incoming and outgoing calls will be 3 rubles. Connection cost - 25 rubles;
  • My long distance - the daily payment is three rubles. Calls within the network are not charged, the cost of calls to numbers of other mobile operators will be three rubles per minute. Connection cost - 30 rubles.

Outside your region, Internet use requires a separate activation. Why was this decision made by the operator? And the service was not included in the standard set of options? The reason is that not everyone uses mobile internet when traveling. Those for whom this is important can choose different payment methods depending on the length of their trip.Moreover, each of them is offered to the user four gigabytes per month.

There are two options:

  • * 115 * 051 # - using such a short number, you can connect to the Internet with a daily payment (seven rubles). This is a very good option if the trip is short and there is no need to pay for more traffic.
  • * 115 * 061 # is a good choice for those who are leaving for more than 30 days. In this case, the subscription fee will be charged for the entire month.

But if 4 gigabytes of information is not enough for you, you can use a larger volume, of course, paying a higher cost.

Important: in case of any problems in roaming, systematically control the balance on your phone. In a situation of force majeure, contact the operators directly.

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Date: 21 Feb 2018

Attention! ... Read the latest information on the link.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service asks and asks mobile operators to remove roaming, and they all resist and resist. Has MTS finally canceled roaming in Russia or not? Let's figure it out.

FAS and Roaming

First you need to understand what roaming is. Intranet roaming Is a communication and data service provided by a mobile operator outside the "home region" in the network of this operator. The home region is the region of Russia where you bought and issued a SIM card. Tariffs for mobile and data services outside the home region may differ from those in the home region and, in most cases, they are.

For many months the FAS has been trying to "convince" telecom operators that intranet roaming is a relic of the past, it should be canceled. But mobile operators are holding back, because if roaming is completely canceled, they can lose substantial money. By the way, MTS has changed the conditions of national roaming (Crimea, etc.). You can read about this.

What did MTS do? At least there are no statements about cancellation of roaming this time, and this speaks of two things: MTS did not lie in the headline, roaming has not been canceled. But let's figure out what changes await us.

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Changes from 28 February and 14 March 2018

From February 28, 2018, a number of tariff plans (including archived ones) will have a new tariffication for minutes, SMS and mobile Internet outside the home region in the MTS network (the same intranet roaming). MTS promises to cut prices from two to ten times.

Based on the news, it can be noted that the changes will affect only tariff plans "", "", "", "" and "". Extremely modest, to be honest. Anyway…

Changes to roaming conditions for "Smart", "Smart Unlimited", "My Unlimited"

From February 28, 2018 on tariffs Smart, Smart 052013, Smart 102014, Smart Unlimited 032017 and My Unlimited, the paid option of intranet roaming will be canceled. The one that was 15 rubles a day. Now packages of minutes, SMS and Internet can be used on the terms of the home region for free.

On the one hand, the news is definitely good. On the other hand, for such a description of a service with a footnote, MTS should have been fined for a long time and forced to change the description. The tariff is valid throughout Russia, but for this, please pay. It's good that it was removed altogether ...

The package of minutes will be spent on MTS Russia numbers, as well as on numbers in the region of residence. If the package of minutes ends, calls to MTS Russia numbers will remain free.

Any incoming calls from the host region are 0 rubles per minute, while other incoming calls are 5.5 rubles per minute. But this is not at all great. Especially considering that all fresh MTS tariffs even in roaming had free incoming calls! And what is this "like in the home region"? After all, at home you do not pay for incoming calls from other regions of Russia? These details should be the essence of canceling roaming! But no, alas. If you receive a call from your home region to the region of your stay, then if you please pay 5.5 rubles per minute of incoming call. Not cool, MTS!

If the package includes long-distance outgoing calls to numbers of other operators, they will be spent outside the home region. In this case, if you go on a trip to Russia, your home region ceases to be your home region - now calls to this region are considered long-distance calls. If long distance calls to numbers of other operators are not included in the package of minutes, then a minute will cost 5.5 rubles.

SMS to the numbers of the region of residence will be spent from the package of minutes.

Services "All Russia SMART" and "Everywhere at home SMART" will cease to be paid on these tariff plans, and communication charges will be made under the new conditions. Is this great? Yes, so-so, to be honest. The fact is that with the service, for example, Everywhere at home, you could really be at home everywhere, and now it turns out that you will be at home only in the region of residence. And even then, not quite "at home" (hello, paid incoming calls). Nothing is said about the service “Like at home everywhere” (without SMART), so we will assume that it will still be available on these tariff plans.

Changes in roaming conditions for "Super MTS" or "My friend"

"My friend" is the same "Super MTS", only a SIM card is issued as a gift. You can read about the “My friend” tariff.

From March 14, 2018, the conditions of intranet roaming will also change on the tariffs of the "Super MTS" and "My Friend" line.

Incoming from numbers of the region of residence is free of charge (instead of 10.9 rubles per minute). Good news! Incoming calls from numbers in the home region and other regions of Russia - 5.5 rubles per minute ("instead of 10.9 rubles per minute" - it is written in the official MTS news, but this only applies to very ancient tariffs, because new incoming ones were free!)

Outgoing calls to any numbers in the region of residence - according to the conditions of the home region (instead of 14 rubles per minute), outgoing to numbers of operators in the home region and MTS of Russia - 5.5 rubles per minute (instead of 10.9 rubles per minute), outgoing to numbers of operators other operators in other regions of Russia - 5.5 rubles per minute (instead of 14 rubles per minute).

SMS to the numbers of the region of residence - 1.95 rubles (place 3.95 rubles), SMS to other numbers in Russia - 2.95 rubles (instead of 3.95 rubles).

Also, for a whole bunch of options, money will no longer be withdrawn, and the conditions will be new. That is, the options for these tariffs will not work.

Options "Bit" and "MiniBit" will work on trips across Russia at home without any additional payments and additional connections.

And again for the old ...

MTS seems to have lowered prices, removed fees for some dubious services (15 rubles per day on Smart phones), but at the same time, for many subscribers, the need to connect roaming services will not disappear, which allow you to feel "at home" while traveling in Russia, since incoming from the home region will be paid.

And if you need such calls to be free, and calls to numbers of all mobile operators in Russia cost you 3 rubles per minute, then you need to activate the new additional option "Russia is at home everywhere". Option Description: .

There will also be offered a service for tariffs "Smart", "Smart Unlimited", "My Unlimited" - "Home package Russia". This option will allow you to receive all incoming calls for free, and calls and sms to the hole in your home region will be spent from packages. Option Description: .

And what is the result? If you want to be at home, do you need to connect additional paid options? What is this cancellation of roaming? Yes, prices have gone down, but this is only a tiny step towards cancellation. Let's see what the FAS says ...

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