Can't Activate iPhone 4. iPhone Activation Failed - Server Unavailable or Worse? What is useful to know

Can't Activate iPhone 4. iPhone Activation Failed - Server Unavailable or Worse? What is useful to know


During the activation process, it is not uncommon for a message to appear on the device's monitor that an activation error has occurred in the iPhone 4. This is often due to the lack of service for this service, which is why the SIM card is deprived of system support.

It is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  • make sure that the phone has a suitable and working sim card, as it will be needed when the iPhone four is not activated. A card missing warning may appear if it is blocked or faulty;
  • if required by the system, you will need to use an identifier - Apple ID when visiting the system.

The order of actions when the iPhone does not want to turn on:

1 Visit the list for the overall system status. If there is no check box next to the name of the service - "activate phone with IOS", carry out this operation a little later. 2 If you need to enter a password, you should specify it. This can be a signal to enable activation lock. 3 Reboot your device. 4 If the connection will use a cellular connection, you must ensure a reliable connection to the Wi - Fi network. If this service is not available, you will need to ensure a reliable connection to the iTunes system. In this case, you need to make sure that the latest version of the program is installed on iTunes.

If the phone displays errors during the activation process, you will need to contact the mobile operator to check for possible certain problems, especially with the network, as well as with the replacement of the card. If you need to carry out a recovery procedure, you will need to use a recovery process. If you encounter errors while following the steps above, you should contact Apple Support.

Actions if the activation server is unavailable

These operations are not particularly difficult and are within the power of every person; for this, you should carefully study the instructions. But often a message pops up on the monitor about the unavailability of the activation service.

Examples of possible errors if your iPhone does not activate:

  • activation fails due to server unavailability;
  • iPhone 6, 4 is not recognized during this operation;
  • lack of SIM support;
  • iTunes cannot test your phone.

If the problem arose because of the card, you should make sure that it is intact and working. When a certain card is suspected of being functional, you will need to use another and try again. Sometimes you will need to use a different Wi - Fi connection. By the way, this is a very common mistake when Wi-Fi blocks the process of connecting to the Apple server. Then, using a wireless connection, you should try again.

The process of performing an operation by connecting the phone to a computer, while simultaneously opening the latest version of iTunes. This option is especially effective in the absence of the ability to connect to a third-party Wi-Fi network. ... A hard reset of the iPhone can also help. This will require a hard reboot. Sometimes this is enough for iPhone 4s, 4, iPhone 5s, 6 to bounce back.

If all of the above options did not lead to a positive result, you can try the following actions: hold down and hold the “home” function, with the device connected to the computer. ITunes will recognize the machine while in recovery mode. Then you should press the function - "restore".

Errors when activating various iPhones

If the iPhone 5s does not activate, make sure that the sim card is present and functional and that the Wi-Fi connection is not blocked.

If you do a factory reset and perform this operation again, an error may occur. In this regard, you should go to the Apple Online Store or call the number - 88003335173. Usually, on a given iPhone model, the problem often arises due to the presence of a beta version on IOS, which is intended specifically for developers. This is also suitable for iPhone 6. If there are errors with iPhone 4, 6, especially if they were imported from other countries, you will need to use other SIM cards, due to which the devices will accept cards from Russian mobile operators. The activation process itself will cost 500 rubles, and unlocks - up to 1000 rubles. For such phones, it is desirable to purchase abroad a package of services provided, which will include the activation procedure, unlock and the ability to download a variety of types of applications. The iPhone 4, 6, 5 activated in this way will last a long time and will bring special convenience during operation.

Activating iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, using the above recommendations, will work effectively, but provided that all actions are performed correctly and according to the instructions.

Updating firmware, factory reset, or content on iPhones with iOS 11 may result in an error such as failed activation. If the message “iPhone activation failed” appears on the screen of the device when you turn it on for the first time after updating or resetting the settings, then it is useless to repeat the operation again - only repairing the device will help. This service is provided by the OnService service center.

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IPhone activation failure: reasons and features

The described problem is typical for smartphones that have been updated to the iOS 11 operating system. In this OS, the device is activated using a UDID (unique device identifier), which is generated based on several identifiers entered in NAND, a processor and a Wi-Fi chip (serial number, processor ID , IMEI, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi MAC addresses). If at least one of these identifiers is incorrect, then iPhone iOS 11 activation fails and the device malfunctions.

The problem occurs for two reasons:

  • When replacing the NAND memory chip, the MAC addresses were spelled incorrectly;
  • Malfunction of the modem part and, as a result, the lack of IMEI.

A separate problem is the failure to activate iPhone 5s refurbished in China by assembling two boards into one. In this case, the processor and the modem part are from two different phones, as a result of which an incorrect UDID is generated.

Repair cost

IPhone 5s and Above Activation Failed: Ways to Fix

Regardless of the issue, iPhone 6, and earlier and later models, activation failures are only resolved at the hardware level. If the problem is in NAND memory, then everything is solved simply - the microcircuit is soldered, the correct Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC addresses are entered into it with the programmer (in accordance with the GSX IMEI report), and then the phone is flashed.

If iPhone activation failed due to the modem part, then the corresponding microcircuit (s) is replaced. And two-piece machines can only be repaired by replacing the entire motherboard.

The OnService service center performs all types of repairs required to fix the iPhone activation failure error on iOS 11 efficiently, quickly and at affordable prices.

Attention! When ordering two or more services, there is a significant discount (you can check with a service engineer by phone).

Occasionally, when restoring or updating the firmware or resetting iPad to factory settings, the device will fail to activate. You see a message similar to the following on the screen:

Your iPad could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting your iPad to iTunes to activate, or try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact Apple Support at

In English, this inscription may look like this:

Your iPad could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting your iPad to iTunes to activate it, or try again in a couple of minutes.

Naturally, the type of device changes in messages: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. What to do in this case? Below I give tips to help you avoid this error.

Try a different Wi-Fi network or ...

If possible, then switch to another network. Perhaps the error was in your Wi-Fi connection. If this is not possible, then try restarting the router. Typically, this changes your IP address on the network.

Plus, you can always try again to activate the activation in the same conditions, for example, after 15 minutes. After all, problems can not always be on the user's side. Perhaps it is true (judging by the message) some kind of temporary failure in the work of Apple servers.

Sometimes a banal reboot of the device and setting up again helps. A reboot can be done by simultaneously holding down the Home and Power keys. The device turns off, then you need to turn it on and try to activate it again.

Try activating iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch via iTunes

If you have a computer with iTunes installed (and 5 years ago it was even a mandatory requirement), then the device can be activated through this program. Connect the iDevice to your computer via a cord and wait until iTunes detects it. Then follow the instructions on the screen.

A special kind of error when installing a beta version

Theoretically, this error can also come out:

Activation Error. This device is not registered as part of the iPhone Developer Program ...

In this case, you need to either add the UDID to the database of some familiar developers, or make the latest official iOS firmware for your device (not beta) via iTunes!


Try flashing again in DFU mode. ...

There is a small chance that the firmware is crooked. If, after flashing, the tablet continues to not activate, the reasons must be sought either in the hardware or in deeper activation problems, for example, blocking by the previous owner. The latter problem is unlikely, but was previously encountered when the recovery procedure was incomplete. However, this only applies to tablets in the "Refurbished" category.

If you have tried all the tips and nothing helps, then write a comment with an accurate description of your specific problem (device, iOS version, where the firmware was downloaded from, what exactly is written on the screen) - I will try to help everyone.

Perhaps with this you will supplement this article with your own tips and this will help someone. Sometimes a well-written commentary is more useful to a particular person than the article itself. :)

If nothing helps at all and the iPhone / iPad activation fails and you are already desperate, then it is better to take the device to the service. I hope it will not come to this measure.

Reading time: 12 minutes

Now I will analyze the reasons why it is not possible (fails) to activate the iPhone and various errors appear during. Find your case in the text and read what to do in such a situation.

This article applies to all iPhone 11 / Xs (r) / X / 8/7/6 and Plus models on iOS 13. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support specified in the article.

What is iPhone Activation and what is it for

IPhone activation is the process of bringing the device into a working state, as a rule, after purchase. This procedure is also carried out after the iOS update. During activation, the initial (or secondary - in the case of installing a new version of the system) setting of the iPhone operating parameters takes place. In the same process, a call is made to the Apple servers, which identify the device. Internet connection requires either a Wi-Fi connection or a 3G / 4G connection.

Also, during activation, Siri, geolocation, Touch ID (Face ID) and some other parameters are configured.

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Don't know how to solve a problem in the operation of your gadget and need expert advice?

In this article we will look at why the message "iPhone is not activated. If the error persists, contact the operator ..." and what to do in this case.

What to do if iPhone can't activate

To successfully activate your iPhone, first check that your SIM card is working properly and also make sure it is inside the device. Even if Wi-Fi will be used for the Internet connection, a connection with a mobile operator is required.

Also, it cannot be ruled out that iPhone activation is not performed due to failures in Apple services. You can check that they are working normally on the page:


Among the obvious solutions to the problem, two are worth highlighting: rebooting and reconnecting to a different Wi-Fi network.

Locked iPhone

If during activation the iPhone displays a message about problems with the SIM (for example, "Invalid SIM"), then it is likely that you have a "locked" device. This means that the device is designed to work in the network of only one operator. Most often, this problem occurs when buying an iPhone in the United States.


The most preferred solution to the problem is to contact the operator. You should explain the situation, pay money for the operation and wait for a while. You can turn to the services of intermediaries who will take over all the work. It is important not to work with those people who promise to cheaply and quickly restore the iPhone - they are scammers.

Activation Lock

Starting with iOS 7, Apple gadgets have the ability to remotely control their device, in particular, blocking in case of theft. The function is called "Activation Lock". The essence of its work is to block all functions of the iPhone, access is returned only after entering the account data. Moreover, if you erase your smartphone and try to activate it, then it will not work.


Sometimes dishonest people sell locked iPhones, and the unsuspecting layman is led to deceive. In this case, it is rather difficult to restore the device's working capacity, but still there is one option. You need to write to Apple and tell you that you and thus cannot activate the device. As proof, you will need a receipt for the purchase of this iPhone. As a rule, this procedure is complicated, and more importantly, not particularly legitimate, so it is best to contact specialists who can help you with this. But it is worth remembering that if the deception is revealed, then Apple has every right to block the smartphone again.

Activation failed

Activation failure is most common on iPhones purchased from Chinese marketplaces. The sellers claim that the smartphone is officially restored, although in fact, it was far from professionals engaged in it, and the inside of the gadget consists of components of disgusting quality. That is why there is a problem with activating the device.

Activation errors

Often, the activation issue is not limited to the scenarios described above. There are also errors with code in iTunes, which are more difficult to fix. Let's consider the main ones.

Error 50

This problem is most common on older devices. After updating iTunes shows: "Error 50", due to which many users fall into a stupor. Indeed, the situation is not trivial, in connection with which different versions of the origin of this problem have appeared. Someone claims that this problem occurs due to a change in the Touch ID sensor, while others vote in favor of a broken modem.


Anyway, with such an error code, it is clear that the breakdown is related to the iPhone hardware. Therefore, you need to contact the service center.

Error 0xe8000015

This error is related to software changes in Apple software. As a result, iPhones around the world may experience activation problems.


  • First of all, check the current version of iTunes, if necessary, download the latest.
  • Check the cable, it must be original. Try using a different lightning connector.
  • Reboot your computer.
  • If you have a Windows PC, update the corresponding driver in Device Manager. It should be searched for by the name "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver".

If all else fails, then all that remains is to restore the iPhone, and all data will be erased from the device. To perform this operation, launch iTunes and connect iPhone to your computer. Then enter the smartphone into recovery mode (DFU mode).

  • For iPhone 6s and older: Hold down the Home and Power buttons.
  • For iPhone 7/7 Plus: Hold down the volume down and power buttons
  • For iPhone 8/8 Plus and X: Press and release first the Volume Up button and then the Volume Down button. Then press and hold the Power key.

After that, iTunes will offer to restore the iPhone, we agree.


Error 0xe8000013

Unfortunately, this problem has not yet been resolved. In fact, if you get an error with such a code, then your iPhone has turned into a "brick". This is due to the previously mentioned sellers from China, who are "restoring" apple technology. Therefore, we highly recommend avoiding such stores, and if the problem still happens, then contact the service center, perhaps they can fix your device.

With the release of 11 iOs, many users have faced such a problem as " IPhone Activation Failed ". First of all, owners of" refurbished "devices (they are" refs ") faced such a problem. This happens after updating to 11 iOs via iTunes, or after factory reset on an already updated device. Also, owners of iPhones that have undergone unskilled repairs may face such a problem, usually these are iPhones on which Flash memory was changed and this was done without observing all the replacement rules.

The reason for this failure is due to the fact that in version 11 of iOs, the device activation algorithm was changed. Previously, the correct serial number (which is stored in the NAND memory) and the IMEI number (which is stored in the modem) were sufficient for activation. Now, for activation, you need to match the activation base of the following numbers: Serial number + IMEI + MAC-address of Wi-Fi module + MAC-address of Bluetooth module + processor serial number. All this data is entered into the Apple database when devices roll off the assembly line and for each iPhone, iPad, this bundle is unique. If at least one of these numbers does not match those assigned to it from the factory, then iPhone won't activate and when you try to activate it will give an activation error. To fix the error, you must first figure out which of the numbers does not correspond to the database. Most often these are Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC addresses. In this case, you need to unsolder the NAND memory and correct the data. If the problem occurs on the iPhone 5s, then most likely it will not be possible to correct the situation, since in the restored 5s most often the processor is not native, which corresponds to the modem and the memory serial number.

The solution to the problem with incorrect MAC addresses in our service center is made for any model from iPhone 5s to iPhone X. This procedure takes from 1.5 to 24 hours. This time variation is due to the fact that these addresses have to be ordered from third parties that have access to Apple's databases. How the troubleshooting procedure works:

1. NAND-memory is soldered.

2. MAC addresses are ordered.

3. As soon as a response to the request for addresses arrives, they are registered on the programmer in the NAND memory of your device (or in a new one if you want to increase the volume).

4. The memory is soldered back and the device is flashed to the latest current version of iOS.

Also, the iPhone is not activated if it is blocked for the operator (for activation you need a SIM card of the operator on which it is blocked) or is in the "Himera" status (blocking devices directly by Apple itself, with which any fraudulent actions were associated or were stolen from company).

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