Take a photo of VKontakte status. Placing photos on the wall 4 photos for the wall VK

Take a photo of VKontakte status. Placing photos on the wall 4 photos for the wall VK


The innovations of VKontakte, which were associated with showing photos on a person's personal page, made it possible to create statuses from photos. Now every registered user of VKontakte has a great opportunity - to set a photo status for himself. A photo status is a kind of 5 pictures that, placed one after the other, create one image.

Here are a few examples of various photo statuses that anyone can put on their VKontakte page:

Creating your own photo status is actually very easy.

To do this, you can use several applications that provide ready-made pictures or allow you to upload your own. If it will be difficult for you to understand these applications, we advise you to visit the site: Cool bitch statuses and use it to choose the status you like and publish it on your page.

There are two applications, they differ little from each other but provide the same opportunity:

Using these amazing apps you can also send any photo status you like to your friend.

How to make a photo status for a contact yourself

If you do not like all the images provided by the application, you can make yourself a photo status.

Upload photo status by yourself:

The easiest way to do this is using the same applications for Status Photos in contact. All you need is to press the button "Create Yourself" or "Add picture", wait until the image is loaded and select the part of the image that you would like to see in your status.

You can add pictures both from your own albums in contact, and from a computer. You can also create your own photo statuses, consisting of graphic text.

To do this, select the "Create your own text" section and enter your phrase in the provided field. You can choose the background color, text color and font size.

After creating your photo status, you will find that a new album has been automatically created in your albums, which contains the 5 pictures that you have in your status. The logic of all this is very simple: in your status are exactly the five photos that were added last. Therefore, if there is a desire create photo status without apps by yourself, you can do it in the following way:

one). Choose the image you want to see in your photo status.

2). Go to Photoshop or any other graphic editor that allows you to crop pictures.

3). Split the image into five equal parts and save as individual files in jpeg format.

4). Upload these 5 photos to a separate album in contact in such a sequence that the last part of the picture is uploaded first.

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After the latest global updates of the Vkontakte social network, many interesting features have appeared with which you can beautifully decorate your personal page. One of these possibilities is a photo status. Photo status is 5 , which are placed in the section for displaying the latest uploaded photos, thanks to their location they got their name "Photo Status". This beauty looks like this:

As you can see, it looks beautiful, with the help of a status photo you can show your uniqueness or just brag to your friends. You have probably seen the photo status of VKontakte, from your friends and want to ask "How to make a photo status VKontakte yourself?" I will now tell you everything in detail.

How to make photo status?

Pictures in status

Go to the applications, install it on your page, then this window should open in front of you.

In you can:

  • View the most popular or newest photo statuses.
  • By clicking "Add picture" you can create a photo status yourself.
  • After selecting the status, click the "Apply" button, the photo status will be loaded on your page in a couple of seconds.

The only pity is that you can not download pictures for status photos from the application.


The Photo Status application is very similar to status pictures, but it has a very interesting feature. In the application, you can write your own text, and then upload it to the photo status. To make it clear, I bring to your attention a picture.

Create a photo status with your own hands

For this we need:

  1. Select the picture you want to put in photo status.
  2. In any graphics editor, trim and divide into 5 equal pieces.
  3. Upload the last picture to the contact first, and at the end the first, in the following sequence 5-4-3-2-1.

When I created a photo status three months ago, I did everything exactly like that. If you have any questions, I'm waiting for you in the comments.

If you found this article helpful or enjoyable, don't forget to put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

In addition to avatars, the VKontakte page can be decorated with pictures that are located on the wall. Such pictures can be placed not only on your wall, but also on the pages of friends, which can serve as the best manifestation of emotions, and sometimes be more expressive action than words.

Pictures VKontakte

The most popular are pictures specially adjusted to the dimensions corresponding to the pages of VKontakte - pictures on the wall of VKontakte. You can download a collection of pictures on the wall in contact.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - cats at this link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - horses at this link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - love at this link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - teddy bears at this link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - more cool bears at the link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - nature at this link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - tigers at the link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - dogs at the link.

Download pictures on the wall VKontakte - people at the link.

Text pictures for contact

In addition to standard pictures, ASCII graphics are now fashionable - pictures, as it were, drawn with ordinary printed characters arranged in a certain order, that is, text pictures on the wall of VKontakte. An excellent collection of examples of text pictures is a program - a help file with big amount pseudo-graphic elements, sorted by subject, specially collected for drawing VKontakte. You can safely copy pseudo-pictures from there - two dozen sections of different subjects will provide you with cool images for all occasions.

Hello dear site readers.

Let's start with posting on a personal page, then we'll talk about communities, pay attention to posting from a phone, and in the end we'll learn how to quickly post materials from Instagram on VKontakte.

There are several options for such placement: on the wall, in the photo section, in the album and by setting the avatar. You may find some or all of them useful. Let's analyze each method separately.

On the wall

To attach an image to a post, click the camera icon below the text. You can post graphics without an accompanying message, but this is rarely done.

In File Explorer on your computer, select required file. Or take a picture in real time, it will appear under new entry. Click Submit. Done, new material posted on the wall.

On the page

Go to the corresponding menu item.

Click on the "Add Photos" button. Select one or more files in Explorer, open them. Now you can make some adjustments:

  • make a description
  • turn,
  • open photo editor,
  • remove if necessary.

All this is done with the help of icons on each thumbnail.

After processing is complete, we confirm our desire to publish the images on the site.

Now you can see them in your account in the appropriate section.

In the album

If you still don't know that graphics can be stored in separate folders, read the article on how to create an album in VK. If you already have ready-made catalogs, after uploading photos from hard drive you can choose not to "Publish on my page", but "Add to album".

In the window that opens, select the location where you want to move the files.

Main profile photo

Hover over the current image, a menu will pop up. Select Update Photo.

Here you can take a snapshot or upload a ready-made one from your computer. When the download is complete, confirm your choice with the "Save and Continue" button, or go back and select another option.

At the end, define an area for a small avatar that will be shown next to your messages and in the friends list of other users. Save your changes.

Adding a photo to the community

If you are a creator or administrator of a community, then posting graphic content is a mandatory part of the work of filling it. Here, as well as in a personal profile, there are several options for publishing materials: on a page, in an album, changing the main thumbnail.

And we will apply the same methods. First, go to the main menu section "Groups", "Management" and go to the community that we plan to edit.

To publish news with a picture on the wall, write the text in the "Add post" field and attach a graphic file. To do this, click on the icon depicting the camera. You can choose from the materials available on the personal page or download from a PC. When the download is complete, we send the content to the wall.

To create and fill a group album, you need to go to the "Management", "Sections" menu and add the ability to publish photos. The program offers to choose from 2 types of access - open and closed. In the first case, all members of the group can post photos, in the second, only administrators. We save the settings and move on.

Here you can upload images to the main catalog created automatically or go to the "All Photos" - "Create Album" tab.

After that, you can download the pictures saved on the hard disk. To do this, go to the album and click on "Add Photos" or drag and drop documents from a folder on your computer.

To change the "face" of the group, upload a picture to the main page.

Uploading photos to VK via phone

The pictures are often taken with a camera. mobile device. Few people carry a digital camera with them. Therefore, it makes no sense to transfer data to a computer, it is easier to post it on a social network directly from the gadget.

To post photos from your iPhone or Android mobile device, go to the official social network app. Open the menu by clicking on the three dots in the corner of the screen and click on the "Photos" link. We are interested in the "Albums" tab. Let's go there.

If necessary, create new folder, if not, add files to the existing one. To do this, click on the plus sign and then on the appropriate option: "Download from the gallery" or "Take a picture."

Similarly, you can upload photos to mobile version browser.

The official mobile program provides another interesting opportunity - to publish pictures in the history of VKontakte. To do this, open the news and at the top of the screen click on your avatar with a plus sign or on the camera.

If the program makes a request, allow it access to the camera. Then click on the big circle at the bottom of the screen and take a picture. The story will be shown to friends and subscribers during the day.

Posting images to the community

To add a photo to a group, go to it. Under the main information there should be a block "Photos". We go there, select the "Albums" tab. We open the one we want to replenish, and with the help of the plus sign in the corner we load graphic materials from the gallery or take a picture in real time.

Publishing photos through the gallery

The same result can be achieved if you go to the folder where the images are stored on the phone. Mark with "birds" the files that you want to send to VK, click on the icon at the top of the screen. It looks like the screenshot for me.

Autoposting from Instagram to VK

And finally, as I promised, a little trick for fans of Instagram and VK. Open your VKontakte profile, under the main photo, click "Edit". In the menu on the right, go to "Contacts".

At the bottom of the window we see the inscription "Integration with other services." When you click on it, it will appear social media with which you can associate a profile in VK.

I've already entered my details, so I'm being offered content transfer settings. I recommend putting a checkmark next to the inscription "Do not import (only with a hashtag)". Then not all posts will be automatically transferred from Instagram to VK, but only those where the hashtag #vk will be - for import into a pre-selected album, #vkpost - for publication on the wall.

Save the result and try new features. If something goes wrong, you can disable this feature at any time.


Today we looked at many ways to publish a photo on VKontakte. Choose the ones that are suitable and convenient for you, get a lot of likes for your posts, fill in and. Share your impressions of the information received in the comments, ask questions. And I say goodbye to you, but I know that there are many interesting meetings ahead.

Most people roughly understand how to change home page profile or add pictures to your own albums. However, when it comes to the VK wall itself, many are lost, do not understand how to attach this or that image there. There is nothing difficult in this.

Below are the instructions to be followed.

By the way, in the same way a picture is sent to a friend's feed. It can be a picture of you together, a postcard, or any photo that seems appropriate.

Attaching a photo to a page

Once an image has been added, it can be easily pinned. This is done so that new entries on the wall do not move the photo down the list. Thus, it will always be visible until you decide to unpin it.

To pin a photo, select context menu in the form of three dots in the upper corner of the record.

There you can find the “Pin” item, thanks to which any image will immediately rise to the very top of your wall. A corresponding entry will appear next to it.

In the same way, you can unpin a photo.

Initially, you need to open your images, finding all the albums there. This can be done in the "Photos" menu on the main VK page.

Select the desired album and go to it. To do this, click on the cover of this photo collection. After you get inside the folder itself, copy the link in the browser line.

With the "send" button you place it on your wall.

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