What information contains a single information system. "lanit" took part in the development of a mobile application for a unified information system in the field of procurement

What information contains a single information system. "lanit" took part in the development of a mobile application for a unified information system in the field of procurement


What is the portal of the Unified Information System (UIS), its functional features, goals and objectives that the UIS performs, what data can be obtained on information portal, you will learn from this article.

Where to start newcomers in the field of public procurement? From visiting the portal zakupki.gov.ru - a single information system, studying the interface, the functionality of the portal.

ENI is a database that is in the public domain, which contains reliable information about customers and suppliers involved in public procurement, a library of regulations and registers.

The history of the emergence of the EIS

The predecessor of the Unified Information System was the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet (OOS). He worked under Federal Law No. 94-FZ. From 2014 to 2016, participation in public procurement became subject to 44-FZ. The site address remained the same, but the functionality was expanded, and only from the beginning of 2016 the project of a unified information system began to work in full force. The address remained the same, the functionality and the law that guide procurement participants during bidding have changed. Information about changing the functionality when moving from the Official website to the EIS in the form of a table is posted on the portal of the unified information system in the “Documents” - “Training materials” tab.

All government customers are required to upload procurement plans, schedules with planned tender dates, application forms, draft contracts, as well as all related documentation in the EIS. It will not be difficult for experienced suppliers to study this documentation, to analyze tenders for 44-FZ, since access is open to all users of the public procurement portal. This service aims to make the public procurement process as transparent as possible. It acts as the main, main resource for organizing public procurement in the Russian Federation. First, the information is placed in the EIS, and then the tender search program performs parsing (reading information) for free. The documentation posted for bidding is constantly updated, and if there is a discrepancy between several versions of the tender documentation, the data from the EIS will be correct.

In April 2017, the UIS was transferred under the control of the Federal Treasury, and not the Ministry of Finance, as it was before.

What is the EIS portal for?

The main goal of creating the ENI is to make all public procurement efficient and transparent at every stage of the public procurement process.

Regardless of what type of tender is used to organize procurement (whether it is an electronic auction or an open/closed type electronic tender, or a request for quotations, etc.), each of its stages is open for review and control. Tracking non-target purchases, unscrupulous suppliers allows procurement analytics according to officially posted data. The high complexity of the rules for placing orders in the EIS is aimed at achieving transparency in every step of public procurement.

EIS functionality

Article 4 of Federal Law 44-FZ describes the functionality of the Unified Information System. The main functions of the EIS include:

    The UIS is a database that includes the formation of documentation, the processing of information received, as well as the storage and provision of tender documentation at the request of users. This also applies to the storage in the electronic library of legal acts, samples of filling out government contracts and other related information.

    This is a tool for controlling the spending of budgetary funds allocated by the state for the implementation of procurement.

    Possibility of electronic circulation of documentation by using an electronic digital signature (EDS).

Draw your attention to!Purchases in electronic format are possible only for open auctions held in accordance with the forty-fourth Federal Law (Article 24).

Information content of the public procurement portal

1. Personal data about a specific government customer is procurement plans, schedules in a tabular format, as well as all documentation for each stage of their implementation.

2. Reference and informative data on all participants in public procurement (customers and suppliers). This includes:


    data on accepted restrictions on access to the purchase of foreign goods and services;

    data on bank guarantees;

    registers of past government contracts;

    registers of procurement participants blacklisted;

    library of complaints, inspections and their results;

    customer reports provided for by law 44-FZ

    other information provided for by the forty-fourth law.

The benefits of EIS are clear- an automated process translated into electronic format simplifies work in the field of public procurement. The received data is processed in automatic mode, and based on them you can generate the desired report.

In addition, the UIS closely intersects with other information systems of a regional scale, which creates a single information field.

Customers are required to place notices, documentation, protocols - all tenders on the official website of the procurement of gov.ru.

The official website of public procurement is located at zakupki.gov.ru.

The portal contains all tenders and public procurement. The official website allows you to search for public procurement under 44 Federal Laws and 223 Federal Laws for free, download documentation. previous version public procurement website: old.zakupki.gov.ru. Gov.ru is the name of the domain of the Government of the Russian Federation (from the first letters of the English word government- government).

A convenient alternative to the public procurement website is the Tenderplan tender search system. Try FREE for 2 weeks

The official website Zakupki.gov.ru contains

  1. Procurement plans, schedules, information on their implementation
  2. Information on procurement, on the execution of contracts
  3. Lists of purchases from small businesses
  4. Register of contracts concluded by customers
  5. Library of standard contracts, standard conditions of contracts
  6. Register of bank guarantees
  7. Register of complaints (to the FAS), scheduled and unscheduled inspections
  8. Results of monitoring, audit and control

There is also a forum on the official website.

The main procurement portal for 44-FZ contains general sections of public procurement for 44 and 223-FZ, and separate sections for procurement plans, lists and registers for each federal law.Advanced search allows you to filter public procurement. You can choose the federal law, the registration number of the purchase, the method of conducting the purchase (tender type).

The initial purchase price can be selected in rubles and other currencies. The official website of the purchase of goru supports the search by the TIN of the customer, the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as the place of delivery of goods, work or services. In addition to keywords, exclusions from the search are possible. The “taking into account all forms of words” checkbox displays all parts of speech of the query in the search results.

Registration on the public procurement website

The public procurement portal zakupki.gov.ru contains a section for Customers and a section for Suppliers, where registers, clarifications, questions and answers are posted.

Since customers are required to post a lot of information on the official public procurement website, they need to obtain an EDS for bidding, register and gain access to Personal Area. The registration procedure for customers is determined by order of the Federal Treasury.

Customers place tenders through the EIS public procurement. The official website is a public part of the unified information system in the field of procurement. The official website of the procurement of gov.ru connects customers, procurement participants and electronic platforms.

Each public procurement contains a notice, documentation, as well as a link to an electronic platform where a supplier will be determined or an electronic auction will take place. To take part in the auction, the supplier will need to be accredited directly on the electronic platform. Sberbank has the leading trading platform, so accreditation for Sberbank-AST is the most popular.

Full access to information on the official website of the procurement of gov.ru and all ongoing tenders for suppliers is carried out without registration - it simply does not exist.

Assistance and training to work with the procurement site

The official website for the purchase of gov.ru under 44-FZ is constantly being finalized. Several times a week, changes and updates are made to it, bugs are fixed. During the scheduled maintenance, the public procurement website does not work. Such periods can be up to two days (on weekends).

During routine maintenance on the official website of public procurement, information is not available and you can only see a stub.

If you are experiencing difficulties when working with the official public procurement website, we are ready to help you. Pass

Defines the Unified Information System both as a set of information stored in databases and as a technical tool that serves to generate, process, store and use this data. It is for the latter - use - that the EIS website was developed.

In simple terms, this is a portal that collects all information on procurement under 44-FZ and 223-FZ. By visiting the site, anyone can find out what purchases are currently taking place, which ones have ended, who won and under what conditions, which of the participants was recognized as unfair and entered into the register, which of the customers was caught in violation, what is a standard contract and much more. - much more. A lot of useful and free (which is important!) Information both for any participant in public procurement (both a customer and a supplier), and for those who are just studying this area or are simply interested in the topic of state orders.

Why do you need

The main goal for which the Unified Information System was launched is to make the public procurement process transparent and accessible to everyone. And also collect in one place all the information on procurement, including:

  • what auctions are being held;
  • who is the organizer;
  • who is involved;
  • requirements and conditions;
  • terms of conclusion and execution of the contract.

Customers are required to publish here all documentation on active purchases (except those related to state secrets), as well as plans for the future. Therefore, it is from here that potential participants begin to search for orders, and soon they will be able to apply for participation.

What can be found in the EIS

The work of the EIS is regulated. It says that the One Information system must contain:

  • procurement plans and schedules;
  • information on how these plans are being implemented;
  • conditions, prohibitions, restrictions on the admission of foreign goods, as well as works and services provided by foreign contractors, plus a list of countries for which an exception has been made (national regime and its conditions);
  • information on the execution of contracts;
  • library of standard contracts;
  • register of contracts;
  • register of unscrupulous suppliers;
  • register of bank guarantees;
  • register of complaints and results on them;
  • a list of international financial organizations (IFIs) in which the Russian Federation is a member, as well as those with which international agreements have been concluded;
  • results of monitoring, audit and control in the field of procurement;
  • customer reports;
  • catalogs of goods, works, services;
  • normative legal acts;
  • data on current prices for goods, works and services that are purchased to meet state and municipal needs;
  • requests for prices for goods, works or services from customers.

What are the benefits

It is strange to talk about advantages, since the Unified Information System has no competitors. This is the only official website that brings together all public procurement. However, we can talk about the advantages that have opened up to customers and suppliers since the launch of the portal.

If we talk about the customer's side, first of all, it is worth noting that the EIS has automated many processes. The UIS maintains and stores the document flow under the state order, all data is processed automatically, and reports can be easily generated.

Suppliers will appreciate the fact that all information is placed in the EIS in a machine-readable form, which allows you to search for it even with the help of Google and Yandex. Also, the Unified Information System is connected with all trading platforms. The participant does not need to visit many sites, one is enough - the EIS, from which you can go to the ETP, where the necessary procedure will take place. And soon it will be possible to apply for participation directly from the Unified Information System.

And, of course, both parties to the public procurement process will appreciate the opportunity to quickly and free of charge find the necessary information in the Unified Information System: check the supplier or customer, receive a contract form, and much more.

Let's see what a unified information system in the field of procurement is. Roughly speaking, this is a single base from which the formation of public procurement in Russia is going on.

To get a good result and find the right contracts, you need to use it correctly and know what exactly and how to use it while working. Let's move on to basic information about the EIS: what is it for and how to use it?

2. What is an EIS

UIS stands for Unified Information System. Its official website was created for full-fledged work between the contract procurement system and the procurement of individual specializations, such as goods, services or work. In addition, it is used to create and store the collected database of past, current and future purchases.

Regarding the law, the procedure for posting information on one information system is regulated by the law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs” and a similar law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, specific types of services legal entities and many by-laws.

According to the law, an information system in the field of procurement is a set of information that is contained in documents, technological developments and other technological devices that simplify the formation, processing, storage of such information, as well as its provision using the official website of a unified information system among the Internet.

3. Official website zakupki.gov

From January 1, 2016, instead of the old site for placing orders for the supply of goods and processing documentation for the work performed and services rendered, a new structure came in Russia - a unified information system in the field of procurement.

She set herself a global goal. Namely, the design of an information system to increase transparency in the implementation of public supplies. As a result, a ready-made contract system is obtained, which works from the beginning of the creation of an order to the end of its full implementation and public disclosure.

The data that is used for processing by the information system is fully available to anyone, except for the information that is subject to a state prohibition on disclosure in advance. The information is provided completely free of charge. And each representative undertakes to issue it in full and in accordance with reliable data.

Develops and controls the concept and functional requirements for the information system of the state body - MED. The Federal Treasury, in turn, develops and operates the system, thereby controlling its correct operation and eliminating failures.

At first, the formation of the EIS in the procurement area was considered between several options:

    create it based on the old version;

    create a system from scratch.

To save money from the budget, it was decided to build a system on the basis of an existing one, but to make a number of changes in it. Another bonus of this option is that the address remains the same, and people and customers do not need to look for and also study a new place. The link to the site remained - www.zakupki.gov.ru.

Regarding part 7 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the subject and municipal organizations can change and have the right to create regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement, integrated with a single information system.

However, if there is various options placement of information on the website of the subject and the UIS, the first place is given to information posted in a single information system. Those. For suppliers, this suggests that to search for information on ongoing public procurement, both within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, the functionality of the UIS will be sufficient. However, in addition to this system, there are also paid sources that are not in vain used by almost all professionals in the field of tenders - specialized search programs and procurement databases have more convenient and informative search functionality, as well as additional features on automating processes and sending new notifications.

4. What kind of information is available in a single information system

Taking into account part 3 of article 4 of 44-FZ, the UIS should include:

    documents on planned purchases (from 02/01/2017);

    procurement schedules with temporary production indicators (from 02/01/2017);

    data on the activation of the set procurement tasks (from 01.02.2017);

    information both on contracts and restrictions, and on the reduction of low-quality goods that can already be delivered from foreign countries or are carried out by these companies that have already entered into agreements regarding the mutual compliance of requirements when forming a purchase, as well as the conditions for their use among the national regime;

    procurement and data processing information;

    information bank of contracts concluded with customers;

    a register of suppliers (contractors, executors) who treat the execution of the order in bad faith;

    library of standard contracts;

    a list of international financial organizations established in accordance with international agreements to which the Russian Federation is a party, as well as international financial organizations with which the Russian Federation has concluded international agreements;

    results of procurement monitoring, audit in the field of procurement, as well as control in the field of procurement;

    catalogs of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs;

    register of bank guarantees;

    information on the prices of goods, works, services procured in the commodity markets to meet state and municipal needs, as well as on requests for prices of goods, works, services placed by customers;

    other information and documents, the placement of which in a single information system is provided for by 44-FZ, Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities" (hereinafter 223-FZ) and adopted in accordance with them other normative legal acts.

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5. What gives the EIS

Zakupki.gov has the following functionality:

    registration and placement of information using the interaction of the EIS with various search engines, with the help of which there is no longer a need to enter the office created on the EIS;

    control of information, as well as any information blocks that are subject to distribution in the EIS, through interaction with other information systems;

    the ability to use OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 for search, however, the search filter by statistics codes is very difficult to implement;

    the embodiment of all the possibilities of the presented functionality for the Federal Company for the Improvement of Small and Medium Businesses;

    extensive functionality for control group and audit bodies;

    use of an improved, as yet unqualified, capability electronic signature for registration of electronic documents;

    submission of an application for consideration at the place of the supplier (executor, contractor) using the electronic version.

6. Benefits of the ENI

The unified information system has a fundamental difference from its predecessor - the public procurement website, this is the best possible automation of the procurement process from posting a notice to executing contracts and summing up. Absolutely all the data recorded in the system is automatically processed, and the necessary reporting is built on their foundation. The entire documentary system is placed on the site in public access.

The UIS is in close contact with other regional information systems and electronic platforms, which leads to a single information space.

A weighty argument is the fact that procurement plans and schedules will be posted in the EIS (from January 1) only in a structured (machine) form. This innovation maximizes the possibilities with standard search queries, such as in search engine Yandex or Google.

On the previous public procurement website, these documents were scanned, which did not allow suppliers and other interested citizens to search for the information they needed. This innovation allows suppliers to anticipate the demand among customers for existing goods, works or services and draw up a long-term plan for participating in purchases.

The creators also performed analytical work, thereby increasing the performance and fault tolerance of the UIS, improved search capabilities, added a constructor with various search schemes, and optimized the user page. The system interface has received a new and colorful look. The entire set of features has become available to users since January 1, 2017.

Legislative regulation of the work of the EIS

In Russian legislative document No. 44-FZ and in resolutions issued by the government of September 30, 2014 No. 996 “On the redistribution of company management between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Treasury in the formation of the UIS” and of January 23, 2015 No. 36 “On the procedure and time to implement all the possibilities of the UIS”, the requirements for the management and implementation of the idea of ​​the UIS are described in sufficient detail.

7. UIS and government order

New legislative framework, including ed. 44-FZ, stipulates the possibility of creating a unified information system, which should have a detailed informative base, including all stages of contract execution for all documents that were attributed to after they were received.

The developers of this state document, namely the EIS, stipulate that it will be a tool for collecting data in the field of public procurement. In addition, he will control mutually available data regarding procurement in various documents (for example, the correspondence of information in the schedule and in the procurement plan).

Additionally, it is planned to add other rather important information about each purchase to the EIS, such as data on the conduct and results of the procurement audit, a register of contracts, a unified register of bank guarantees, a register of "unscrupulous suppliers", a register of complaints to regulatory authorities, as well as a database of standard contracts. In addition, as conceived by the developers, the UIS will include catalogs of goods and services for state and municipal needs, as well as a "module for determining the average market price for goods and services." The possibility of selecting "public discussions" has appeared, thereby it is supposed to embody the principle of state control over procurement.

Regional and municipal authorities have the right to create their own separate information systems for public procurement, while data from other IS, in order to obtain "legal permission", must be automatically reformed into one federal UIS. Integrators need to pay attention to this, because it is possible that in a difficult time for the IT business, there will be an opportunity to get a client in this area.

As a regulator, the Ministry of Economic Development should form the requirements for the UIS.

8. Video instruction for working with the EIS

For guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of benefits: advance payments under government contracts, short time settlements, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only on profitable contracts with minimal competition!

10. Identification, authentication and authorization in a single information system of subjects of a single information system are provided by means of a single information system, including using the federal state information system "Unified Identification and Authentication System in the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form". Identification, authentication and authorization of the subjects of the unified information system in the unified information system are carried out using certificates of keys for verifying the electronic signature of the subjects of the unified information system.

11. The subjects of the unified information system registered in the unified information system, after passing the procedures of identification, authentication and authorization, receive access to the unified information system to perform functions in accordance with the powers established by the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state and municipal needs", the Federal Law "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities" and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them.

12. Subjects of the unified information system are prohibited from taking actions aimed at disrupting the process of functioning of the unified information system.

13. Technological (hardware and software) means of a unified information system should provide:

a) implementation of the functions of a unified information system;

b) round-the-clock uninterrupted operation of a unified information system, with the exception of breaks for routine and technological work, in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the integrity, stability of operation and security of public information systems, provided for by the decree

c) information interaction of a unified information system with other information systems, as well as with the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form;

d) protection of information and documents contained in a unified information system in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information protection, including the requirements for the protection of information contained in public systems, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2009 N 424 " On the peculiarities of connecting federal state information systems to information and telecommunication networks";

e) automatic format-logical verification of information and documents placed in a single information system in a structured form;

f) verification of compliance by the subjects of the unified information system with the rules for the formation of information and documents placed in the unified information system, established by federal laws and regulations adopted in accordance with them;

g) unification of the composition of technological operations for the collection, preparation, transfer, processing and display of information and documents placed in a single information system;

h) maintaining electronic logs of actions and operations containing information about the formation, placement, change, exchange and exclusion of information and documents, indicating the time of execution of actions and operations, their content and information about the subjects of a single information system that carried out such actions and operations, including in the process of information interaction of a unified information system with other information systems (hereinafter referred to as the electronic log book);

i) daily copying to a backup material carrier, providing the possibility of restoring information, documents and electronic log books in a single information system;

j) storage of backup media resulting from daily, weekly and monthly backups;

k) saving information and documents excluded from the unified information system without providing public access to them on the official website;

l) generation of extracts from electronic registers made at the request of subjects of the unified information system;

m) formation of statistical information from electronic registers at the request of subjects of a unified information system;

n) the unity of reference information in a single information system, including directories, registers and classifiers used by participants in a single information system.

14. Technological (hardware and software) means of the official website must provide:

a) round-the-clock continuous, with the exception of breaks for routine and technological work, the availability of information and documents posted on the official website for receipt, familiarization and use by users of the official website, as well as for automatic processing by other information systems in accordance with the requirements for ensuring the sustainability of functioning information systems for general use, provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 424 "On the features of connecting federal state information systems to information and telecommunication networks." If it is necessary to carry out scheduled maintenance and technological work, during which the access of users of the official website to information and documents posted on the official website will be impossible, a notice of this should be posted on home page official website at least a day before the start of the specified work. In the event of a technical problem or software resulting in the inability of users of the official site to access the official site (or its individual pages), within 2 hours after the elimination of these problems, information should be posted on the official site indicating the reasons for the impossibility of access to the official site, the date and time of termination of access, the date and time to resume access to the official website;

b) no need for users of the official website to use software that requires the conclusion of a license or other agreement with the copyright holder of such software, if it provides for the collection of fees;

c) the possibility of self-registration, identification, authentication and authorization of participants in the procurement discussion on the official website for their participation in mandatory public discussions of procurement;

d) the possibility of presenting information and documents contained in the unified information system on the official website in the form of an electronic document, as well as in other forms of information presentation;

e) the possibility for users of the official website to participate in polls and voting conducted on the official website, as well as the ability for these users to view the results of polls and voting;

f) the possibility of participation of participants in the discussion of procurement in mandatory public discussions of procurement;

g) the possibility of receiving from the official site electronic mail or other messages about changes in the sections of the official site selected by the user of the official site;

h) accounting of attendance of all pages of the official website;

i) publication on the official website of summary data on its attendance for the last 3 years;

j) monitoring the availability (operability) of the official website and the unified information system with the preservation of its results for 5 years;

k) the ability for users of the official website to search for textual information and documents posted on the official website by their details, name, fragments of text, with the exception of the ability to search for textual information in documents formed in the form of an electronic image of the document, as well as the ability to obtain the requested information and documents;

l) the ability to search and obtain information and documents posted on the official website by means of automated data collection on the Internet, including search engines;

m) the ability to determine the date and time of posting information and documents, as well as the date and time of their last change;

o) the ability to use the official website using touch screens;

o) the possibility for users of the official website to choose versions of the official website optimized for use by electronic computers with different screen diagonal sizes;

p) the possibility for users of the official website to choose special versions of the official website for persons with disabilities;

c) the ability to automatically determine the geographical location of the user of the official site by means of the official site, as well as the presentation of the information resource of the official site depending on the geographical location of the user of the official site (if the possibility of determining the territorial location is not disabled by the user of the official site);

r) the ability to scale (increase and decrease) the font and interface elements of the official site by the user of the official site.

15. The linguistic means of the unified information system and the official website should provide the participants of the unified information system with the possibility of generating and viewing information and documents in Russian in the unified information system and on the official website. Information and documents, in cases provided for by federal laws and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them, may be formed in a single information system using letters of the Latin alphabet.

16. When organizing the information interaction of a unified information system with the information systems specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules, an infrastructure can be used that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions in electronic form, as well as regional systems of interagency electronic interaction created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the provision in electronic form public services and the performance of state functions by the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the provision of municipal services and the performance of municipal functions by local governments.

17. When placing electronic documents in a single information system or exchange electronic documents in the process of interaction of a unified information system with other information systems, uniform forms of electronic documents are used. Requirements for the specified forms of electronic documents are established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the formation and placement of electronic documents in a single information system and other information systems are carried out using uniform formats of electronic documents and open formats for exchanging data based on the extensible markup language (XML), which are developed and posted on the official website of the unified information system by the Federal Treasury.

18. The unified information system carries out information interaction with the following information systems:

a) the state integrated information system for managing public finances" Electronic budget"(hereinafter referred to as the "Electronic Budget" system);

b) electronic platforms that ensure the determination of suppliers (contractors, performers) by the methods provided for by the Federal Law "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities", in electronic form (hereinafter referred to as electronic platforms);

c) regional and municipal information systems in the field of procurement (hereinafter - regional systems in the field of procurement);

d) the information system of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which maintains a register of unscrupulous suppliers (contractors), information systems of control bodies in the field of procurement, information systems of internal state (municipal) financial control bodies (hereinafter referred to as information systems of control bodies);

e) an analytical information system for ensuring the openness of the activities of federal executive bodies, posted on the Internet (www.programs.gov.ru) (hereinafter referred to as the portal of state programs);

f) information systems that ensure the formation and placement of information in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities";

g) other information systems that carry out information interaction with a single information system in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

h) information elements of the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and perform state and municipal functions.

19. During the information interaction of the unified information system with the "Electronic Budget" system, the following is carried out:

a) provision from the Electronic Budget system to the unified information system of information and documents generated by customers, authorized bodies, authorized institutions, as well as legal entities, in cases provided for in Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs", as part of the implementation of this Federal Law and the Federal Law "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities" and posted on the official website, as well as register entries of the register of contracts concluded by customers, the register of contracts, concluded by customers, information about the identification codes of banks, register entries of the register of bank guarantees;

b) provision from a single information system to the Electronic Budget system of information about complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, results of control measures, draft contracts signed by suppliers (contractors, performers), other information posted in a single information system;

c) the exchange of regulatory reference information, including the provision of information from the catalog of goods, works, services from the unified information system to the "Electronic Budget" system.

20. During the information interaction of a unified information system with electronic platforms, the following is provided:

a) provision from electronic platforms to the unified information system of information about procurement participants accredited on electronic platforms and other information and documents in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and the Federal the law "On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities" in order to place them in a single information system;

b) provision of regulatory reference information, notifications on procurement and procurement documentation in the form of an electronic document, on concluded contracts and other information and documents from the unified information system to electronic platforms in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" for the purpose of their use on electronic platforms;

c) exchange of information on the protocols for determining the supplier (contractor, performer).

of this federal law;

b) provision from the unified information system to the regional system in the field of procurement of information about complaints, scheduled and unscheduled inspections, results of control measures, draft contracts signed by suppliers (contractors, performers), other information and documents contained in the unified information system;

c) provision of normative reference information from the unified information system to the regional system in the field of procurement, including information from the catalog of goods, works, services.

22. During the information interaction of the unified information system with the portal of state programs, the provision from the unified information system to the portal of state programs of information and documents from the register of contracts concluded by customers necessary for the formation and monitoring of the implementation of state programs of the Russian Federation is ensured.

Clause 18 of these Rules, information and documents posted by him in a single information system, as well as compliance of information and documents transferred from a single information system to information systems specified in clause 18 of these Rules, information and documents posted by him in a single information system.

Operators of information systems specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules ensure the reliability and relevance of information and documents transmitted by them to a single information system.

26. The organization of information interaction between the unified information system and the information systems specified in paragraph 18 of these Rules is carried out by the Federal Treasury and operators of other information systems independently or with the involvement of organizations under their jurisdiction, or other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

27. The rules for information interaction between the unified information system and the information systems specified in subparagraphs "a" and "e" of paragraph 18 of these Rules, including, among other things, the requirements for standards and protocols for the exchange of electronic documents, are established by agreements between the Federal Treasury and customers (operators ) information systems.

The rules for information interaction between the unified information system and the information systems specified in subparagraphs "b" - "d" and "e" - "h" of paragraph 18 of these Rules, including, among other things, the requirements for standards and protocols for the exchange of electronic documents, are established by the Federal Treasury .

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