Electronic platform etp. List of electronic trading platforms

Electronic platform etp. List of electronic trading platforms


The site “Order of the Russian Federation” was organized by the State Unitary Enterprise “Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Since 2005, it has been successfully conducting electronic auctions in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Since then, the operator ZakazRF has continuously developed and now works with all regions of Russia. It is one of eight ETPs that are licensed to place tenders to meet government needs, i.e. purchases under 44-FZ.

RF order - site features

The customer under 44-FZ may be organizations whose authorized capital is more than 51% of the state share, as well as municipal companies. A contractor can be any legal entity or individual entrepreneur that is not in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

In addition to state purchases, electronic auctions under 223-FZ are held on the ETP ZakazRF, in which state corporations take part.

The ETP ZakazRF has a user-friendly interface that will be understandable even for a user who comes to the site for the first time. The site, in addition to data on the auctions being held, contains the necessary information:

    for suppliers;

    for customers;

    information about the conducted seminars, teaching the conduct of auctions;

    about certification centers issuing digital signatures.

Advantages of ETP AGZ RT:

    user-friendly interface;

    technical support on the portal, which will resolve the issues that have arisen;

    work throughout Russia with an up-to-date trading base.

Accreditation for ZakazRF

From January 1, 2019, for participation in purchases under 44-FZ, it is not possible to be accredited separately at the site. Now the algorithm for obtaining accreditation at federal sites is different: first, the supplier needs to register in a unified information system, and accreditation at state sites is assigned to him automatically, after confirmation of registration in the EIS.

The data that the participant fills in when registering in the EIS is quite enough to apply for participation in the procurement after receiving accreditation for ZakazRF. But the personal account of the ETP has more fields for filling out information about the participant, so if you wish, you can also fill them in.

Automatic accreditation at the ZakazRF site must be completed within 1 business day after successful registration in the EIS.

Because the unified information system does not notify the user about the correctness of filling out the documents, as well as about the result of registration (successfully or not), then for verification you can use the register of accredited organizations and the unified register of participants.

Important: in order to register in the UIS, the user (head of the organization) must first authenticate in the ESIA (portal of State services). If the supplier does not have registration on this portal, then first you need to register with the ESIA.

Securing an application for the Order of the Russian Federation

To participate in trading in 44-FZ on this site, you must submit the application security. According to the new requirements of 44-FZ, it is blocked on a special account of a participant opened in one of the authorized banks. The most convenient way to deposit collateral is to use tender loan.

Official website of the ZakazRF platform: https://etp.zakazrf.ru

OOO IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without specifying the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. The platform of the ETP of the Russian Federation - the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation

ETP RF- a platform where large state-owned enterprises operate. These firms use the marketplace to conduct purchases electronically. They are necessary to:

    purchase products at competitive prices;

    carry out a variety of work;

    offer services.

This is necessary for the smooth functioning of the company. Therefore, we recommend using this system if you want to increase the turnover of the enterprise or increase the profitability of the enterprise. In order to use this platform, suppliers of goods or a customer will need to register on the ETP of the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation. It can be done in two ways:

  • 5. For ETP RF participants, there are a number of advantages:

      prompt registration on the trading floor. Just one hour is enough, and you can use the ETP for its intended purpose;

      For work in any region of our country;

      there are no subscription fees or hidden fees on the site.

    Special webinars are regularly held here that can teach how to work with this system. They must be viewed by all new users in order to correctly use such an electronic tool.

    Studying the statistical data of the ETP, it can be concluded that last year more than 200 thousand purchases were placed on the trading floor, 180 thousand suppliers and 76,000 customers were registered. These are pretty good indicators that not every platform can boast of. To get full support and assistance in the work on the tender, you can use our assistance services. If you connect a tariff for 3 months or more, we guarantee you a victory in one of the purchases.

    6. ETP RF - electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation: what opportunities it provides

      You can register participants on the ETP. Here you can submit documents for registration in electronic form. The main thing is that the paper is certified with an electronic signature. You can check the details with the site staff, they will provide advice on all issues of interest.

      In addition, the organizers of trade orders for holding trades in the form of electronic documentation form and post messages about electronic trades.

      Determination of trading participants in electronic format is carried out. You need admission and refusal of permission to participate in electronic trading. A protocol is formed in automatic mode to determine the participants for trading.

      Conducting trades on the ETP in the format of a competition, auction. Trades with a large number of lots are supported.

      Electronic bidding in an open form, proposals for the value of the debtor's property are provided. In addition, a price offer is provided and certified by an electronic signature. Data on the progress of trading on the E-Marketplace is posted. Certification of documents is carried out automatically.

      The results of the ET are summed up and the winner is identified. The auction protocol is automatically drawn up in the form of an office application according to a custom template. The protocol is approved in the form of an electronic document. It is posted on the trading floor and sent to all participants.

    Here it is possible to cancel the auction, but only if it is decided by the court. You can stop the movement of the procedure. All user pages on the RF ETP - the electronic trading platform of the Russian Federation - are worked out in detail taking into account the recommendations of professionals.

    An integration module is built into this system to automatically post information in a single federal bankruptcy register.

    7. Video instruction on the functionality of the RF ETP site

    For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement times, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!

1. ETP "ZakazRF" electronic trading platform zakazrf.ru

One of the most popular electronic trading platforms is the ZakazRF ETP. This is the platform on which the.

Site "ZakazRF"

The electronic trading platform "ZakazRF" began its activity in 2004. The platform was organized with the aim of making money on bids and auctions. Over time, this site has become one of the most successful, which continues to this day. Today it is one of the most developing federal trading platforms in the country.

The work and functionality of the platform is carried out throughout Russia. ETP cooperates with all regions, which brings huge mutual profit. The platform is licensed to organize tenders and auctions, and there are only six such sites in the country.

2. The history of the development of the "ZakazRF" site

Trading program "Order of the Russian Federation" began its existence back in the distant 2004th year. Only in those days was the site intended for the auction business. Then the platform operated in the Republic of Tatarstan. A little later, the electronic trading platform (ETP) "ZakazRF" began to expand. Trade deals were carried out throughout Russia.

The main operator of the site is the Agency for State Orders, Investment Activities and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan. In addition, this enterprise was also the operator of the official page of the Russian Federation for about 3 years, from 2007 to 2010.

Since 2010, the platform has already been open to auction trading. A year later, the EIS includes the ZakazRF electronic trading platform (ETP) and displays the platform in a separate section. This solution has significantly expanded functionality and versatility. In addition, this made it possible to post information on orders for the organization on the official website of the Russian Federation, which is provided for by the law of the Russian Federation No. 223-FZ.

2015 was distinguished by the peak of popularity for the ETP "ZakazRF". The electronic trading platform was able to conduct tender operations in accordance with 44-FZ. Everything was provided for and authorized by the government of the Russian Federation.

Today the platform is especially popular among businessmen, users and customers from all over Russia and far abroad. It is also important that both government and commercial customers can use the services of the site.

3. Characteristics of the ZakazRF platform

The customer on the platform can be different institutions. Most often these are organizations that have about 50 percent of the share of the state. In addition, customers can also be municipal firms.

In addition to tendering customers, there are also contractors. These can be legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Government agencies, companies and corporations can also participate in electronic auctions. This process is separate from regular tendered procurement.

Do you want to be accredited on the ETP "ZakazRF"

Working with us, you will receive our specialists who will be accredited in just 24 hours.

4. How does the ETP "ZakazRF" work

In order to clearly and correctly understand the principle of the electronic trading system, it is important to know some points.

    All information about customers and contractors is strictly confidential. All data of any tenderer is securely stored. The information is not disseminated or transferred to third parties.

    One of the best anti-virus protection, which is of high quality and reliability.

    Means of protection, which are confirmed by certificates and certificates. Everything is clean, transparent and, most importantly, legal.

    All information about tender activities can be copied and deleted, but with the possibility of being fully restored.

    Technical support is provided for all participants in tenders and auctions.

    The ability to fix problems very quickly and efficiently.

5. Functionality of the electronic trading platform "ZakazRF"

ETP "ZakazRF" is a multifunctional platform. The platform is capable of covering a large number of areas of financial transactions. Government or commercial purchases, the sale of property - all this is carried out using the electronic trading platform (ETP) "ZakazRF". In order for all areas of procurement to function, there are special sections.

    Exchange platform. She helps in carrying out the procedures for the turnover of various products.

    Purchasing module: there are two such modules. One of them is for customers who fall under the law of 223-FZ. Another module is for economical purchasing.

    ETP as the sale of state and municipal property. This item is in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

6. Features of the ETP "ZakazRF"

In addition, there is a catalog of goods produced by the country. Thanks to him, it is possible to distribute a stable and average cost of production. The contract specifies the initial purchase amount. You can also install a portal for small and medium businesses. The features of the ETP include advertising, as well as the rights to place it. Information about all tendering and auction activities can be found immediately after the release of high-quality advertising.

With all these advantages, "ZakazRF" does not stop there. The functionality of the service grows and develops every year. Training seminars and webinars are held, electronic signatures are issued, certified by certificates, accreditations are carried out with greater efficiency, and loans are provided.

As for the platform interface itself, it is very user-friendly. Even a beginner in web programs can easily understand the Zakaz-RF site.

7. What is ETISRT

ETISRT is an information and commodity community of the Tatarstan Republic. This service has the authority to pool resources to help customers purchase products and those who sell to sell. All products, goods, services, works - all this can be processed using ETISRT.

8. Accreditation on the ETP "ZakazRF"

In order to take part in tenders, you must pass accreditation on the server. It is important to obtain confirmation and authorization to participate in the procurement. The request is processed, and a response is received within a few days. Participation in financial auctions depends on the result of this check. During accreditation, you must provide a full package of necessary documents and put all the papers in order. If everything is clean for you, the result of the check will be comforting.

9. Statistical data of the ETP "ZakazRF"

According to statistics, ETP "ZakazRF" - an electronic trading platform - is in one of the last places for purchases. However, the organization’s drive to become better suggests that such statistics will change soon. The reliability and efficiency of the platform have already found many fans from all over the country and far beyond its borders.

10. Video instructions for working on the ETP "ZakazRF"

For a guaranteed result in tender purchases, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization belongs to small businesses, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments under government contracts, short settlement times, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under lucrative contracts with minimal competition!

Signature for bidding "Basic"
Signature for bidding "Extended"
Signature for bidding "Maximum"

Federal ETP

  • Unified electronic trading platform (UETP) - roseltorg.ru
  • Sberbank-AST - sberbank-ast.ru
  • National electronic platform - etp-ets.ru
  • All-Russian Electronic Commerce System - zakazrf.ru
  • RTS tender - rts-tender.ru
  • All-Russian universal trading platform "Russian Auction House" - lot-online.ru
  • TEK-Torg - tektorg.ru
  • ETP GPB. Section "Public Procurement" - gos.etpgpb.ru
  • Specialized ETP for closed bidding AST GOZ - astgoz.ru

Commercial ETP

  • 223ETP.ZakazRF - 223etp.zakazrf.ru
  • 223.ZAKAZRF.RU - 223.zakazrf.ru
  • BashZakaz.ru - etp.bashzakaz.ru
  • RHtorg - rhtorg.com
  • ELECTRO-TORGI.RU - electro-torgi.ru
  • Universal electronic trading platform ESTP.RU - estp.ru
  • ETPRF - etprf.ru
  • Invoice Market - i-mp.ru
  • Icetrade. Single national information resource of the Republic of Belarus - icetrade.by
  • KARTOTEKA.RU. ETP of the State Registration Bulletin - kartoteka.ru/torgi
  • PropertyTrade - propertytrade.ru
  • Group of sites OTS.RU - otc.ru
  • ONLINECONTRACT - onlinecontract.ru
  • RB2B - rb2b.ru
  • REGION-AST - region-ast.center
  • Sakhaeltorg.ru - sakhaeltorg.ru
  • SETonline - setonline.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section "Realization of property" - sale.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Section "Electronic exchange floor" - bp.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Republic of Tuva - tuva.zakazrf.ru
  • ZAKAZRF. Exchange platform of the Sakhalin Region - sakhalin.zakazrf.ru
  • Zakupki21.ru - zakupki21.ru
  • Avtodor-TP - www.etp-avtodor.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the Agroholding "Siberian Premier" - sibprime.ru
  • A-COSTA - akosta.info
  • Alfalot - alfalot.ru
  • MS-Service. Trade-purchasing system - ams.lotexpert.ru
  • Arbitat - arbitat.ru
  • Asgor - etp.asgor.su
  • Auction + (Auction plus) - etp.triniti-n.ru
  • Siberian auctions - ausib.ru
  • Far East auctions - torgidv.ru
  • Auction Competition House - a-k-d.ru
  • Auction tender center - atctrade.ru
  • Auction center - aukcioncenter.ru
  • Baikal-Tender - burzakup.ru
  • Baltic ETP - bepspb.ru
  • Bankruptcy of the Republic of Tatarstan - etp-bankrotstvo.ru
  • Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange. Section "Electronic Trading Platform" - zakupki.butb.by
  • Stock Exchange "Saint Petersburg" - spbex.ru
  • Stock Exchange "Saint Petersburg". Section "Transneft" - etp.spbex.ru
  • Verdict - vertrades.ru
  • All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform (VETP) - trading platform-vet.rf
  • Trading System "Gazneftetorg.ru" - gazneftetorg.ru
  • Automated e-procurement system of PJSC Gazprom (ASEZ) - zakupki.gazprom.ru
  • Eurasian Trading Platform - eurtp.ru
  • Unified trade aggregator (EAT, Berezka) - agregatoreat.ru
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information - bankrot.fedresurs.ru
  • EETP section "Property auctions" - sale.roseltorg.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of the city of Krasnoyarsk - torgi.admkrsk.ru
  • Crimean electronic trading platform - torgi82.ru
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System (METS) - m-ets.ru
  • META-INVEST - meta-invest.ru
  • National electronic exchange - neb24.ru
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study - goszakupki.by
  • New Information Services - nistp.ru
  • Non-core assets - non-core-assets.rf
  • NEP. Section "Property auction" - etp-torgi.ru
  • NEP. Trading in 223-FZ - 223.etp-ets.ru
  • NEP. Overhaul Bidding Section - fkr.etp-ets.ru
  • Trading system "OBORONTORG" - oborontorg.ru
  • Procurement portal of the PIK group of companies - tender.pik.ru
  • PROM-Consulting - promkonsalt.ru
  • Profit - etp-profit.ru
  • PTP-Center - ptp-center.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Bankruptcy" - bankruptcy.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Auctions" - rad.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Purchases under 223-FZ" - trade.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Collateral" - zalog.lot-online.ru
  • GLAD. Section "Privatization" - privatization.lot-online.ru
  • Region (St. Petersburg) - gloriaservice.ru
  • Region (Ufa) - etp-region.ru
  • Rosseti - etp.rosseti.ru
  • Russia Online - rus-on.ru
  • RTS tender. SME section - msp.rts-tender.ru
  • Ru-Trade (Ru-Trade24) - ru-trade24.ru
  • Universal trading platform Sberbank-AST - utp.sberbank-ast.ru
  • Sberbank-AST. Implementation of block cargo transportation by JSC "Aeroflot" - cargo-aeroflot.sberbank-ast.ru
  • NEFU - etp.s-vfu.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Network Company" etp.gridcom-rt.ru
  • Electronic trading platform of CJSC "Siberian Agrarian Group" - agro.zakupki.tomsk.ru
  • Siberian trading platform - sibtoptrade.ru
  • Electronic trading platform "Power" - torgi-sila.ru
  • Electronic trading systems SELT - bankruptcy.selt-online.ru
  • Electronic property trading system - seltim.ru
  • Trading System "Spetsstroytorg" - sstorg.ru
  • StroyTorgi - stroytorgi.ru
  • Auction 223 - torgi223.ru
  • Bargaining-i. ETP of the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange (SPIMEX) torg-i.com
  • Tender Garant - tendergarant.com
  • Tenderstandart - tenderstandart.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" - tektorg.ru
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Rosneft" - tektorg.ru/rosneft
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section of JSC "Russian Railways" - tektorg.ru/rzd
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Gazpromburenie" tektorg.ru/gazprom
  • ETP "TEK-Torg" section "Inter RAO UES" - new.tektorg.ru/interao
  • Smart purchasing. Intelligent automated system - erus.ru
  • Universal electronic trading platform of JSC "Russian Railways" (UETP Russian Railways) - etp.comita.ru
  • Uralskaya ETP (UETP) - etpu.ru
  • UMMC - zakupki.ugmk.com
  • Federation - federal1.ru
  • Procurement Automation Center - etpcaz.ru2017
  • Procurement Development Center of the Republic of Tatarstan - etpzakupki.tatar
  • Electronic systems of the Volga region - el-torg.com
  • Electronic auctions in Siberia - ea.omskzakaz.ru
  • Eltox - eltox.ru
  • Standard - zakupki.etalon-etp.ru
  • ETS24 - ets24.ru
  • Southern Electronic Trading Platform (YuETP) - torgibankrot.ru
  • YUGRA - etpugra.ru

Signature for trading "Extended" gives an additional opportunity to participate in trading on:

  • AGC Glass Russia - agc.lotexpert.ru
  • В2В Center. Group of B2B sites - b2b-center.ru
  • ELTORG - eltorg.org
  • uTender - utender.ru
  • ETS. ETP "EuroTransStroy" - tender.eurotransstroy.ru
  • United trading platform - utpl.ru
  • Manufacturer. Group of sites - fabrikant.ru
  • Implementation Center - centerr.ru
  • STORK - aistorg.ru

Signature for trading "Maximum" gives an additional opportunity to participate in trading on:

  • ETP GPB - etpgpb.ru
  • Section "Procurements of GK Gazprom" - etpgaz.gazprombank.ru
  • Section "Procurement of corporate customers and the Trade portal of small volume purchases" - etp.gpb.ru

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