Create your own webmoney wallet. How to create an electronic wallet WebMoney

Create your own webmoney wallet. How to create an electronic wallet WebMoney


How to create a Webmoney wallet

In our previous article, we talked about the registration process in the Webmoney system, however, to use it, you will also need to create your own electronic wallet. It is to this wallet that you can withdraw funds, as well as pay for purchases on the Internet, mobile communications, etc. with them. In our today's article, the process of creating a Webmoney electronic wallet will be described in detail, all stages of creating a wallet will be accompanied by screenshots, so it will not be difficult for you to do the same and create your own webmoney wallet.

We will not talk for a long time about what exactly this wallet is for, and what wallets are, you can read about this in our article - registration in WebMoney. Let's move on to creating your wallet.

Webmoney to Keeper Standard

Keeper Standard System used by default for all registered users webmoney . To manage your wallets with Keeper Standard You only need to go through any browser to the official websiteWebmoney -

1) First you need to enter your personal account, for this we go to the official website and click ENTRANCE.

Specify your username, password and enter the verification code.

2) After that, you will be taken to your personal account. Here we are interested in the point WALLETS

If you have not registered any wallet yet, then you should be empty there.

3) Now click on the plus icon and a drop-down menu will open in front of you

Here we are interested in the point CREATE A WALLET

4) Now we get to the wallet creation page. In the drop-down list, you can choose which wallet you want to create.

The figure above shows how to create a wallet for the Euro.

Let's figure out exactly how to create wallets in different currencies

webmoney in rubles - select the WMR item - the equivalent of RUR

If you need to create a wallet webmoney in dollars - select the item WMZ - equivalent USD

If you need to create a wallet webmoney in euro - select the WME item - the equivalent of EUR


First you need to go to the official website of the WebMoney payment system, click the "Register" button (it is located in the upper right corner) and fill in the "Mobile phone number" field (an SMS message with a digital code will be sent to the specified number later).

The next step is filling out the questionnaire. All personal data specified by you in the questionnaire must be reliable, otherwise in the future you may have problems with withdrawing funds to a bank card.

After completing these steps, you should receive an email with a digital activation code, which you need to enter in a special field on the registration site.

After confirming your cell phone number and email address, you will be prompted to download and install WebMoney Keeper (Classic, Light or Mobile) on your computer. For the Windows operating system, the WM Keeper Classic application is considered the most convenient and functional version, so it is recommended to install it.

When you first start the installed program, a window appears in which you need to select the action "Register with WebMoney" and confirm it by pressing the "OK" button.

After checking the activation code, you will be asked to come up with a password (it must contain at least 6 characters, consist of Latin letters and numbers), which will subsequently be used each time you enter the program.

The next step is to generate a unique access key. To do this, against the background of the window that opens, you should make chaotic movements with the mouse until the generation scale is full.

After completing the key generation procedure, the payment system assigns you a personal WMID number (WM-identifier), consisting of 12 digits. Although the WMID number is not some kind of secret information and is visible to other users of the WebMoney system, it is still better to rewrite it, since this digital combination will be your login when entering the WM Keeper Classic program. After you have saved your personal WMID number in a safe place, click the "Next" button.

In the window that appears, specify another additional password that will serve as an access code to the file with your keys (this password must be different from the previously created password for entering WM Keeper). By default, the program suggests storing the keys on drive A, but if you wish, you can change this path and store the keys in a more secure place.

Hello everyone and good mood. Want to break into the world of e-commerce? Today we will walk you through the steps of how to create a WebMoney wallet. My instruction takes into account all the nuances and will teach you how to use virtual money.

WebMoney was formed in 1998. Now it is a huge electronic money settlement system with more than 30 million users in the CIS, most of them from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Suitable for various purposes from doing business to making purchases via the Internet.

In a nutshell, I'll tell you about the scheme of work in the system.

Each user is assigned a unique number - WMID. It is used for all actions with the account.

There is a system of wallets, the main ones, of course, are ruble and dollar, but there are many other currencies. Abbreviation WMR for ruble, WMZ for dollars. Wallets consist of the letter R or Z and 12 numbers.

There are levels of access to system functions, they are called certificates. The first levels are free. The first level is a pseudonym, the second is formal, then the initial and then personal, to get it, you need to provide scans of passport data to a special person - the registrar.

Why do you need an e-wallet?

If you have come to the world of online earnings, you can't go anywhere without virtual money. It's like an online wallet. For any work, for example, for completing a task on, you will be paid with electronic money.

Therefore, first of all, create web wallets, now the most popular ones are WebMoney. After that, calmly look for a job and get a well-deserved reward.

It will also allow:

  • Make online purchases in a few clicks. Let's say topping up your phone takes a few seconds.
  • Withdraw money to a plastic card (subject to the availability of the required system certificate).

Register in WM

Registering and getting a wallet is very simple, you can do it even without a passport. To do this, go to the site through your favorite browser. Click "Registration".

First, enter your valid phone number. I recommend entering the phone number that you regularly use, it will be problematic to change it.

Next, enter your personal information. Be careful when entering a security question, it will be very useful later. I advise you to uncheck the boxes offering to receive news, because there will be a lot of them. Then, if you want, you can put them in your personal profile settings. Of course, you agree to the processing of your personal data, without this you will not be able to move forward.

In the next step, you will be asked to check the data again. Next, enter the password that will be sent via SMS to the specified phone number.

Create a password to login. It is advisable not to use banal combinations of numbers. Enter the code shown in the picture to continue.

Registration completed. Check your email for a link to activate your account. Walk through it.

Receive a message that the email has been verified.

Creating a wallet

In your personal account, click on the section "Finance".

Click the blue plus sign and choose “Create wallet”.

We choose a currency. We get acquainted and accept the terms of the agreement, click "Create".

I created two main wallets - dollar and ruble. Look at the screenshot, you can give these numbers to customers in order to receive money earned on the Internet.

So far, you have a pseudonym passport, with which you can receive and send transfers within WM, replenish wallets through terminals in cash, make purchases in stores and pay utility bills. Unless a withdrawal to a plastic card is available (this requires an initial passport), but for now this is quite enough.

A little later I will tell you how to expand the functionality of WebMoney by obtaining the following certificates.

Now you can download the WebMoney Keeper application to your mobile device for the convenience of managing your personal account.


Congratulations. You have taken the first step towards making money online. Already today you can receive your first fee. Just give the customer your brand new WebMoney wallet number, complete the task with high quality and wait for the salary to be credited.

Ask your questions in the comments. All the best to you.

WebMoney is a common thing. They are well aware of why this payment system is needed, what opportunities it provides and how to ensure the safety of their data and money. For those who are just about to start working with the WebMoney service, this article will be very useful.

From this material you will learn:

  • Advantages of the WebMoney system;
  • How to create a wallet;
  • How to pay via WebMoney;
  • How to keep your payment information secure.

So, let's start our acquaintance with this payment system.

A few words about the payment system

For many network users who work with Internet money, WebMoney causes only good emotions. In fact, this payment system is the most common in the world, including in Russia and Ukraine. The number of grateful users is growing rapidly, and this is not surprising!

A wide range of services and products available for payment via WebMoney attracts more and more customers. The low interest rate for making payments and transfers pleases employers on the Internet, as well as freelancers.

Security is the calling card of the payment system. Here, the user has access to four ways to manage wallets, which will be discussed later. Various systems for protecting the entrance to the site and making payments are also provided. A one-time SMS password, an e-num protection system or password-protected electronic keys will ensure the user's money is securely stored.

Some aspects of the WebMoney payment system will be considered in more detail during the registration of the wallet.

WebMoney wallet registration

We open the main website of the WebMoney service. It looks like this - or, depending on the user's country. We go to the main page and see a brief overview of the site and the payment system, as well as some news. In the upper right corner, click on the orange "Register" button.

Note that registration in the system takes place in four steps - specifying the phone, personal data, checking the phone and assigning a password to enter. The first step is to enter a mobile phone number. Attention, use a valid cell phone number to successfully complete registration in the system. Your mobile device will receive SMS with confirmation passwords.

The second step in creating an account in WebMoney is to provide personal data. These include the user's date of birth, a valid email address, and choosing a security question and indicating the correct answer to it. Proceed further by clicking on "Continue".

Check the box if you wish to receive newsletters or information about promotions from the payment system to your email inbox or uncheck them if you do not need it. Next, you should double-check the correctness of entering all the data and proceed to the third step - confirming the phone.

It should be noted that this service is paid. A new user will have to pay for forwarding one SMS message to any of the specified numbers. If you have a smartphone and a program for reading QR codes, you can scan the code and simply click on send a message. After waiting for the delivery report, you can safely click on "Continue".

Let's move on to the last point, namely the assignment of a password. You should come up with a secure password yourself, using a variety of symbols, lowercase and uppercase letters, and numbers. The longer the password, the more secure it is. You can also use special services password generators. They will create a secure password for you with little effort on the part of the user.

Using WebMoney

After completing the registration process in this payment system, we get to the main page of the service. It looks like the screenshot below. What do we see here? The message window allows you to communicate with other system participants and receive notifications from it. At the top right, you can see your 12-digit WMID. On the left are the buttons for managing the system - cash, correspondents, you will also find there payments and the market, the possibility of borrowing money. At the very bottom of this column is the account settings button and the logout button.

What is WMID? No, this is not a wallet to which you can receive funds and transfers. This is the user's internal ID. To make it easier to understand, a WMID is similar to an ID on social networks, such as VKontakte. Using the WMID, you can add a correspondent on the corresponding page. Just enter your user ID and security code. You will see information about the owner of the WMID - add it to the list of correspondents. Now you can communicate with a person, make and receive payments.

Creating wallets

Even if you get a personal WMID, you won't be able to make payments and receive transfers to WebMoney! To do this, you need to create a wallet. How to do it? Click on the "Wallets" tab in the left column.

Now you should click on the plus next to the inscription "Finance". The system will open the wallet creation page for you. At this stage, you must select the type of wallet, otherwise - its currency. As you can see, WMR corresponds to the ruble, WMZ to the dollar, WME to the euro, and WMX to the cyber currency (Bitcoin). Select the desired currency, read the agreement, and then click the create button.

The user can create more than one wallet. Register as many currency wallets as you need. You can also create multiple wallets in the same currency to use the funds as efficiently as possible.

account settings

The process of creating wallets is completed. Now let's look at the user profile settings in detail. To enter the settings menu, press the corresponding button at the bottom of the control column. Here, the user opens the profile settings, security, the ability to install and configure access to WebMoney applications for mobile devices, as well as the ability to link the payment system with social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki,, Facebook, Yandex " and etc.).

Profile settings

In this subcategory of settings, you can edit and add user information. Here you can see the WMID, user passport, levels, phone and email, as well as settings for account management methods.

Let's talk more about certification. What is it and why should it be done? This is a digital evidence based on the provided user data. The certificate serves for the level of client identification, as well as the status of the wallet in the Yandex Money system. The more data is known about the user, the higher the certificate that he can receive. Accordingly, the best certificate provides more opportunities to its owner. Here are just some of the advantages of a formal passport over an anonymous one.

For ordinary users, there are several certificates. Anonymous, formal, initial and personal certificates open up everything they need. If a person decides to conduct business through the WebMoney system, then a certificate of a seller, service, guarantor or operator may be useful to him, in case of cooperation with the system.

A formal passport can be obtained without leaving your computer. It is enough to upload scanned documents and fill in the fields correctly. But with the initial and personal certificates, the situation is more complicated. To do this, you must visit the official office of WebMoney or one of its representatives. This information can be found on the website.

To obtain a formal certificate, you need to provide all personal information - full name, passport details, registration, as well as a postal address, upload copies of documents to the site and wait for the certificate to be issued.

Recently, you can get higher certificates without visiting representatives. Detailed instructions are provided in the help on this page -

In principle, for the main actions with the system (depositing and withdrawing funds), a formal certificate will be quite enough. When you receive it, it will be displayed in the profile settings as follows:

Ways to manage WMID

This point should be given special attention to each user. The security of their data and funds depends on which management method a person chooses. Let's consider them in more detail.

Instead of the old names, new ones came, but the methods remained the same. Immediately after registration, the user works in the system through Keeper Standard - a simplified web version of WebMoney. By choosing to manage via WinPro or WebPro Keepers, you get a full range of services and access to them. It is worth noting that WebPro connection requires a personal certificate.

WinPro is a way to manage your own WMID through a program installed on your PC. For its successful operation, you will need to download the program, upload electronic keys and create a separate password for this control method. Let's get on with this.

Click the underlined "Enable" button next to the WinPro control method. We see that in order to continue the planned actions, it is necessary to log in with confirmation. Click on the link and you will be taken to the login page.

You can confirm authorization by entering the code from the SMS received on your cell phone. It is also possible to secure your account and all actions in it through the e-num protection system. How to activate it?

Creation of e-num protection

Since it will be necessary to download the e-num application for your mobile device, we will do it right away. Consider the Android operating system as an example. We go to the Play Market and download the official application, and then launch it.

In the first window we see the button "Register now" - click on it. At the next stage, we indicate our email address (preferably the same as in WebMoney) and mobile phone number. Enter the security code and continue.

The next item is the confirmation of the mailbox. Open your mail - and you will see a letter confirming registration in the e-num system. Click on confirmation. Then we return to the application and enter the code from the incoming message to the phone in the field.

The final step will be authorization in the system. Enter your email and activation code from your account in the last window (also come in SMS). Do not delete it, you will need it if you lose access to the application. It is recommended to install a security code or pattern for the e-num application for greater security.

Linking two accounts is quite simple. Go to the security tab in your WMID settings. Then, in the e-num line, click on the connection. Enter your data in the system, confirm in the mobile application through a question-answer - and e-num will be used as protection.

We also recommend adding this security system to the "Confirmations". Thus, attackers will not be able to enter your WebMoney account, and even more so make payments without your confirmation through the mobile application.

Change of control method (continued)

The application of this security system is arranged very competently and conveniently. If at the time of going to this page your smartphone was online (Internet), then the application itself will notify you of such actions and offer to receive a number-answer. Enter it in the appropriate field and confirm the entry.

On the next page, you need to come up with a password for a new way to manage WMID. Remember that the password for the site will remain the one you specified during registration! So, we enter a new strong password and duplicate it. Click on the green button!

Key generation. These are electronic keys for managing your account in the system. They need to be downloaded as a single file, which weighs practically nothing. Attention! Proceed ONLY after successful download of the dongles.

Let's start installing the WebMoney Keper WinPro program. You can download the installation file of the Russian-language version from the link

We agree with all points, including the license agreement. Be sure to download the plugin required for correct operation (just agree in the dialog box). After the installation is complete, open the application.

When starting the program for the first time, given that the user is working with it for the first time, there is no need to specify the dongle file. They will come in handy if you need to restore access to the identifier. At this stage, it is enough to enter your personal WMID and password for this control method.

Remember an important detail: the password for the dongle file is the same as for WinPro. When reinstalling the system or trying to log in from another computer, even when re-equipping your own, the program will require electronic keys.

At the first start, an error may occur, as in the picture. Do not be afraid of possible problems. This is the usual confirmation of your actions. To do this, go to the mail and copy the registration code from the letter from the WebMoney support service. You can go to the page indicated in the description of the error directly from it or from an email.

Enter the code in the required field, and enter the captcha correctly. WMID should be filled in automatically. Press the activation button. Agree that you really want to activate Keeper on your hardware. Activation is now successfully completed!

That's all - Keeper is created. Now you can manage electronic money through the program on your PC. All the functions of the usual way and even more are now available to you, a person who until recently did not even have an account in WebMoney.

Summarize. Monetary system WebMoney is the undisputed leader among competitors. Registering an account and obtaining certificates does not take much time. Using all security measures will ensure the safety of your personal data and funds. Several control methods allow you to choose the most convenient option for you. Use WebMoney wisely and have fun!

Creating an electronic wallet in the WebMoney system will allow you to start working on the Internet. This can be compared to buying a wallet, because the money you earn needs to be put somewhere. In real life, we put them in our wallet, while working on the Internet you also need to put your salary somewhere. Next, we will take a step-by-step look at , write down your wallet number to deposit or withdraw money.

To create your wallet on the Internet you need:

1. Go to the website of the system and register on it.

2. After successful registration, start creating your own electronic wallet.

How to register on the WebMoney site

To register, you will need to have (Email) and a mobile phone at hand. The registration process will take you no more than 10 minutes, then I will describe how to register on the WebMoney site correctly.

1. On the main page in the upper right corner, click the Register button.

2. After that, a new window will appear, you will be prompted to enter a phone number, do it. You will be sent an SMS with a confirmation code. Subsequently, the system will send you passwords to confirm the transfer of money and make payments. In general, the phone number is entered for security purposes so that no one can steal or spend your money without your knowledge. Enter your number and click continue.

3. A new page will appear again, on which you need to enter your personal data. If you are going seriously and for a long time, then I recommend that you indicate all the data as in your passport. Don't worry, no one but you will be able to see or somehow know this data. At the end, you need to select a security question and give an answer to it, take it seriously, you never know the password, then this data will help you enter the site. After that click on the Continue button.

4. On the page that opens, you need to check whether you filled out the required form fields correctly, if everything is fine, click Continue, or go back and go back and correct what you need.

5. The next stage of registration is checking your Email, you have already been sent a letter with a code, you need to check your mail, copy the received code and enter it on the site in the appropriate window. Below you see an example of a letter to your email.

6. And now enter this long registration code on the WebMoney site page and click Continue.

The recently launched Birds Money project managed to shake the already established market of economic games with the withdrawal of money, where 2-3 well-known projects have been leading for a long time. The developers have provided players with ample opportunities in terms of earnings - both with investments and without them, and also generously distributed bonuses for registration, the first replenishment of the account and the activity shown. Just creating an account allows get a free bird with basic income and withdraw profit.

7. We are almost done, it remains to check the mobile phone and come up with a password. Next, we check the phone. You will receive an SMS, you do not need to send any messages, the WebMoney system itself will send you an SMS. Enter the received code in the required box and click Continue.

8. Well, that's all, come up with a good password so that no one can crack it and enter it in the window that appears. If later it seems to you that your password is too simple, you can change it as many times as you like. Click OK.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing complicated. Now you are a full member of the WebMoney system. In order to start using electronic money, you need to create a wallet or several wallets for yourself.

Just a couple of clicks and you will have your own wallet on the Internet. It will expand your opportunities, allowing you to not only earn money without leaving your home, but also spend it paying for various goods and services, including Internet access and a mobile phone. So let's get started.

1. In the menu bar, select the Wallets section, and then click on the create button, as shown in the figure below.

2. After that, you need to select the type of wallet ( , WMR, etc.) that you want to create. I will say right away that I created all the available wallets for myself at once, because you never know what currency you will need. Next, accept the terms of the agreement and click create.

3. If everything is done correctly, and it is difficult to make a mistake here, then you will see a screen like this.

Remember, the created wallets can no longer be deleted and they will remain with you forever, but, as they say, they don’t ask you to eat, so I think they won’t bother you. Beginners often ask where and. It can be seen below, under the name, wallet numbers consist of a letter and 12 numbers. For example Z250496547658 will be your dollar wallet number.

What's next? I recommend that you explore the possibilities of this payment system, because they are not limited only to storing money earned on the Internet and withdrawing it to real life, you can spend WebMoney directly on the Internet, and today you can buy almost everything for them.

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