What is a black list in Odnoklassniki? How to understand by a call that you are on the subscriber's black list? If you are blacklisted.

What is a black list in Odnoklassniki? How to understand by a call that you are on the subscriber's black list? If you are blacklisted.


This function was introduced by the creators of the social network so that all users can independently regulate their social circle and get rid of unnecessary people in their environment. The service is completely free, so absolutely everyone can use it, which makes the emergency even more useful. You can permanently edit your emergency by adding or removing people from it. A user whose page is in an emergency will not be able to write to you, view your materials, comment on posts and set classes. He will only see the avatar on your page. Read on our website for detailed instructions on how the page of another person.

How to find out who I am on the black list in Odnoklassniki?

There is no separate service or function in the social network itself to determine those who brought you into emergency situations. This service will not be offered to you either for money or for free. However, you can easily find out that a user sent you to an emergency if you go to his page. If, having visited the person’s profile, you saw only an avatar, and all the buttons for communication are missing (even adding to friends), this means that the person sent you to an emergency.

What does the blacklist give in Odnoklassniki?

This feature is quite useful for those who want to fine-tune and define their social circle within the OK social network. Feel free to add everyone you consider necessary to the emergency situation, you will make your stay on the Internet comfortable and calm. Hang out only with people you like. Also, this feature helps to get rid of annoying bots and advertising in private messages. With a couple of clicks you can . You will find step-by-step instructions on this on our information portal.

What does the blacklist in Odnoklassniki mean and how does it work?

PS is a list in which there are users who cannot access your personal page. You personally choose which profile to add to the emergency. After that, the person you have chosen is added to the list and can no longer contact you within the OK social network. However, he can write to you or be added as a friend from another page. Remember that you are only blocking an account. You can use the Blacklist service both from a desktop computer and from a phone / tablet through the mobile version of the site or the official application. On our portal you can read a detailed article about.

How to remove yourself from the black list in Odnoklassniki?

There is no way you can extract your page from another person's blacklist. You can only ask him for it by logging in from a new account or through a page that is on his friend list.

This is the main advantage of this feature: without the permission of the one who blocked you, you will not be able to perform any actions against this person, thus, you will not disturb him. If you were added to the emergency, then the owner of the account had a reason, or he simply decided to limit his social circle on the social network.

How to add a guest to the black list in Odnoklassniki?

To do this, you must follow the following procedure:

  • open the profile of the person who visited your profile and whom you want to block if he seems suspicious to you;
  • under the profile picture, click on the "More actions" button to open an additional menu;

Every citizen who has taken a loan more than once thought about the question: “How to check yourself in the black list of banks? Does such a list really exist? As a rule, you will not see the list itself. Banks lead black list behind the scenes. The Law "On Personal Secrets" confirms the right not to disclose such a list of clients to third parties. However, determining the likelihood that you have been blacklisted by a particular bank is quite simple.

  1. If you have at least one outstanding overdue loan, then you can discard all doubts. You are definitely inblack list. One can only hope that some new bank that has just started its work does not own such a list.
  2. Or you have already repaid the debt, but the debt on it was stretched out for a long period exceeding that set by the bank, at least 2 times. In this case, you will also add to the ominous list.
  3. If relations with the bank are approaching litigation, or even worse, already entered in the register of the FSSP, then you will have to try very hard to get a loan again. You can check whether you are in the database of enforcement proceedings using the form, which is located on the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service and is available in a free format.
  4. You can first find out your credit and history, and then it will not be difficult to draw parallels. To do this, send a request to the BKI in a free form. It is necessary to notarize it with a notary, without his confirmation the CI will not be provided, but will be asked to redo the request and send it again. It will take twice as much time and, most importantly, money. The history itself, when applying for a year for the first time, must be provided to you free of charge.
  5. If you do not remember in which bureau your CI is stored, then you can use the service of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. On the official website, you need to fill out the form, indicating your email address. You will find a questionnaire to fill out on the page "". The answer will come within 1-2 days to the specified mail.
  6. This service can be used if you know your subject code. If you forgot or do not remember, then any commercial or state bank will help you. After writing an application, you will be provided with a list of bureaus where. An important point - the service is paid.
  7. After obtaining a credit history, you can easily determine your chances of obtaining a loan. If it turned out to be "bad", do not give up. Fixing your history is difficult, but possible. Alternatively, take out a loan at high interest rates and keep track of each payment and term. Timely repayment by banks will be seen as an opportunity to capture a solvent client.
  8. A new way to find out if there are banks on the black list, request a credit history report in the service ↪ (you will need passport data and that's it)

How to check yourself in the black list of banks was last modified: September 6th, 2017 by Alexander Nevskiy

Hello dear readers! In this article, you will learn how to connect, disconnect and use the MTS blacklist, as well as how you can cheat it, that is, get through even being on it. By itself, the principle of operation of the blacklist service is quite simple: you activate a special service, using certain commands, add to the list the phone numbers of people whose calls and SMS you do not want. These people cannot reach you by phone or write you SMS.

Let's first find out how the Black List service is connected and disconnected on MTS:

Well, we figured out how to activate the service, but the question arose: what are these three versions of the service - blacklist, blacklist (parent) and blacklist (child). I have not seen such opportunities for other operators. With these modifications, the parent can know who called the child and set parameters in which only you or a limited circle of people can reach the child. As you can already understand, you can connect and disconnect these additional versions through your personal account.

How to add a phone number to the blacklist on MTS?

You can very easily add numbers to the blacklist using the special command *442# call.

It is much more convenient to manage the service from a special site:

Connecting, disconnecting and managing the black list service is quite simple, but what if you really need to get through to the subscriber, and your number is on the black list? I offer several options.

  1. Send an SMS message, in order to block SMS using the black list service, you need to additionally activate the SMS Pro service, this will not be done by every subscriber who has enabled the black list.
  2. Also send SMS, but from the official website or through.
  3. Buy a new SIM card.
  4. Call from another phone or home phone.
  5. Call to .
  6. , this option is much faster than buying a new SIM card and so that your number does not get blacklisted immediately after the call - activate the service.

What else would I do to get through to the subscriber? I think having tried all of the above options, I would somehow get through to the person I need :)

That's all, how do you like the article? Have something to add - feel free to write comments!

Sincerely, Alexander Bolshakov.

For many people, the VKontakte website is practically a second home. The creators of the social network have provided an opportunity for people to share their photos, upload videos, express their thoughts and tell news. And, of course, chat with friends in real time.

The VKontakte blacklist resembles a blacklist in. When a person does not want to communicate with someone, with one click on the phone button, he sends this person to ignore. The essence of the VKontakte blacklist is the same: all objectionable users are sent to the ban.

Why do you need a blacklist

All users are different. There are adequately educated people, there are those who definitely need to do something nasty or get nasty. In order not to spoil the nerves, a black list was invented.

Once on the ignore list, a person sees only the first and last name, as well as the user's photo. All photos, videos, records on the wall remain closed to him. He also has no right to write comments, private messages, invite to meetings. In the middle of the page of the ignoring person, the inscription "The user has restricted access to his page" is displayed.

The black list is a kind of protection against unwanted communication, spam and annoying users.

How to blacklist a person

On the main page in the menu on the left, select the line "My settings". The Black List tab will appear on the page that opens. In the line you need to enter the name of the person you want to block, or a link to his page. Click "Add to Blacklist" and you're done. The person will no longer be able to bother you.

Administrators of groups and communities can also add users to the ignore list. Under the group avatar, you need to click the "Manage Community" button. A window will open with the Black List tab. The next steps are the same.

With the "Remove from the black list" button, you can unblock the user and give him the ability to see and write again.

You can find out which of the users you are on the black list by going to their pages. Restricted access means you are being ignored. If the person is not in friends, when you try to add him, the message "You cannot add this user as a friend" will appear.

"How do I know if I'm blacklisted or not in the bank?" - a frequent request of Internet users. The answer is of interest to borrowers who are going to apply for new loans and who want to analyze their chances of approval of applications. The important points and nuances are discussed below.


Are there blacklists?

What is a bank blacklist in which customers are afraid to get? This is a list of borrowers with large debts and numerous systematic delays. Entering the so-called blacklist", you risk being rejected on subsequent attempts to contact the bank.

Some banks do make blacklists based on customer performance. If the conditions are not met, the borrower is entered into the database, and employees are wary of him, realizing that the citizen is not able to responsibly fulfill the assigned debt obligations.

If the client refuses to repay the loan, the financial institution has the right to transfer information to a collection agency. Such agencies may have their own lists.

It's important to know! The bases of banks and collection agencies are available to employees of organizations and are intended for familiarization in the performance of official duties in relation to certain persons. The citizens included in the black lists themselves do not have access to the data.

Is there a single base

unified base, which contains the data of "malicious" non-payers and dishonest borrowers, does not exist. But delays, debts and other errors of banks are entered into the credit history (CI), which is a complete description of the creditworthiness of a citizen and reflects all the operations he has performed: concluded loan and loan agreements, submitted applications (including rejected ones), delays in payments, debts.

CIs are formed and issued by credit history bureaus (CHBs), into which all information flows from creditors. But BKI does not have any database of non-payers. The information stored here is confidential and is issued upon request only to subjects, that is, to the borrowers themselves. The history may be available to another citizen - the user, but he will not receive it in full and after the fixed permission of the subject.

If the debtor has not made payments for a long time and has large debts, then the bank could sue him. And if during the trial a decision was made to collect, the case probably fell into Federal bailiff service(FSSP). And it has its own database, moreover, which is in the public domain.

Who gets blacklisted

You can get blacklisted by a bank for various reasons.:

  • existing delays. And one missed payment is a forgivable mistake. But if the delays are regular, you are probably blacklisted.
  • Bank debt. It could be formed for various reasons: missed payments, a decrease in the amount of payments. Moreover, sometimes debts are formed due to the banal carelessness of borrowers, so before you stop making payments, it is better to find out if the loan is actually closed.
  • Incidents during visits to the bank: conflicts with employees or customers, being in an inappropriate condition (for example, intoxicated).

For your information! In the presence of one or two delays, the bank issues a warning. But if missed payments are permanent, the client is blacklisted.

How to check credit history

Credit history will not let you know Are you blacklisted by the bank? But with its help, you can independently analyze the fulfillment of debt obligations and look at yourself through the eyes of creditors, assessing how conscientious and responsible a client you are.

There are several ways to contact the BCI:

  • Personally come to the branch and write an application, signing it. One appeal in the current year is free, subsequent ones are paid.
  • Use the online services provided by some bureaus.
  • Send a letter with a notarized signature.
  • Send a telegram by presenting an identity document to the telecom operator.
  • Contact partners: agent banks cooperating with the company's BCI.
  • Take advantage of services. For example, through ➥ you can get the data stored in the "National Bureau of Credit Histories". You need to fill out a form and make a payment. The report will be sent to your email and will contain everything that is useful for the borrower to know, including the results of the blacklisted passport check.

Important! There are as many as seventeen CIs in Russia, and first you need to find out in which CI is stored. You will do this with the help of the Central Catalog of Credit Histories through the website of the Central Bank. Fill out the form and get a response with a list. But to fill in, you need a code of the subject, which can be generated or found out in a bank, bureau. It is possible to apply to the CCCH without this code from the BKI, from a notary, by telegram or from a financial institution.

How to find yourself on the list of debtors through the FSSP

If you have long-standing large debts, you are probably included in the database of the Federal Bailiff Service. On the FSSP website, find all the services, among them look for the section of the data bank of judicial proceedings. Start searching for an individual by filling in the required fields to find out if you are on the black list of the bank, and if a decision has been made to collect the debt.

Can I contact the bank

Many large banks have blacklists, but such information is available only to employees and is not subject to disclosure. Moreover, even if you are present in the database, you are unlikely to be able to find out about it. But there is another way - to clear the debts to the bank.

If you entered into an agreement with the organization and issued loans, you can get information about them. And it is possible to find out the debts in different ways: request an extract from the branch, go to your personal account through online banking, use mobile banking, call the hotline or send an email.

Nuance! Even the presence of delinquencies and debts is not an indicator of being on the black list, but it automatically reduces your chances of an approval from the bank.

Finding out that you are blacklisted is almost impossible. But on the other hand, you can find out your credit history and independently assess the likelihood of approval of the application by the bank.

Video: how to find out about your debts

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